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openvr-advancedsettings's Issues

Allow changing of audio output device

I don't always start SteamVR with my headphones in as I don't have dedicated headphones which causes SteamVR to reset what audio output I've chosen. It'd be great to have the option to change it with the headset on using this app.

AMD strikes again

New update to AMD 16.11.4 drivers and breaks Advanced settings again. :(

[INFO ] 2016-11-25 17:32:36: Starting Application.
[INFO ] 2016-11-25 17:32:36: Settings File: C:/Users/01/AppData/Roaming/matzman666/OpenVRAdvancedSettings.ini
[INFO ] 2016-11-25 17:32:36: VR Runtime Path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/
[FATAL] 2016-11-25 17:32:45: CRASH HANDLED; Application has crashed due to [SIGILL] signal

changed to NVIDIA and no issues.

Bind grip button to back

In the Steam VR menus squeezing the grip button is the same as clicking the top left back button in the UI. Could you please add the same binding to OpenVR AdvancedSettings?

[Request] Ability to Rebind Input


It would be great to have a way to bind additional keys to controller buttons, or rebind the HMD button to do something else more useful.

For example, I have keybinds such as Ctrl + Right Arrow to change to the next song and Ctrl + P to pause music. If I could rebind the HMD system button to Ctrl + P to pause music or the left controller's menu button to Ctrl + Right Arrow, it would be SUPER super handy to not have to lift up the HMD and walk to my keyboard every 5 seconds I want to change songs :-P

What do you think ?

UI scale problem for those of us with 4k monitors

The entire interface inside the Vive seems to be scaled larger when the user's monitor resolution is set to 4k. The AdvancedSettings interface simply does not fit into the VR Dashboard screen. Text and sliders are cut off, and some buttons seem to be inaccessible. I haven't figured out how to save chaperone profiles, and I'm pretty sure it's just that I can't see a save button on the bottom of the interface...

Multiple reddit users had this problem as discussed in this thread:

I'll try to add screenshots if you'd like after finals end on Tuesday.

AMD support

Advanced Settings works on my Nvidia 960
However my AMD 390x it does not draw the window.

Windows DPI Scaling distorts OpenVR-AdvancedSettings GUI in HMD display

My main monitor has increased DPI scaling (4K) to 150% (144 DPI I think), and my secondary monitor at 125%. When viewing the AdvancedSettings GUI some text is truncated, the sliders are off, and it's generally difficult to use. Some buttons are not clickable under the audio section.

Changing application compatibility to disable DPI scaling does not work.

I believe this could have something to do with QT's high DPI features:


Example for audio section

My workaround was to set environment variable QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 to forgo QT from trying to scale fonts, pixels, and elements. This worked extremely well.

D:\Temp\OpenVR-AdvancedSettings>taskkill /f /im AdvancedSettings.exe
D:\Temp\OpenVR-AdvancedSettings>**set QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1**

After the workaround:

Black smear fix toggle

It would be great to have a toggle for turning off the black smear fix for when you play dark games and want pure blacks instead of the grey mess we have now

Crash when exiting SteamVR

Openvr advanced settings crashes when I exit SteamVR.

  App name:	AdvancedSettings.exe
  App timestamp:	581392b3
  Name of the module with error:	ucrtbase.DLL
  Version of the module with error:	10.0.10240.16390
  Timestamp of the module with error:	55a5b718
  Exception code:	40000015
  Exception offset:	0000000000065a5f
  OS version:	6.1.7601.
  Language code:	1049
  Additional settings 1:	a4bf
  Additional settings 2:	a4bfa07a344ea50d115478ccbfb207eb
  Additional settings 3:	03e4
  Additional settings 4:	03e4e7f3e6fee07c5638034b206fb04b


How can I completely uninstall the advanced settings? I tried uninstall steam vr completely, and also looked for a folder with advanced settings elsewhere, but couldn't get it completely gone. I like the idea of the overlay, but its causing major issues with my games. The overlay flickers constantly. It wont load some of my games now and the ones it does flicker. It also lags horribly when I open up the settings. Prior to installing advanced settings I had none of these issues. Please help

OpenVR Advance Settings causes audio issues now with normal Vive games

I installed it to use with Revive touch games. Currently, you have no way to change the microphone in your settings. It disregards what's set in SteamVR settings and so you have to change it in Windows Sound Options to match what it sees in OpenVR Advanced Settings to get the microphone working in Revive games. I understand that,

But, what is really a pain is that I constantly have to change all my settings back in Windows Sound Options, then in SteamVR settings and sometimes even need to reboot when I go back to play a normal Vive game. If not, my voice is distorted sounding to other players in normal Vive games.

When I say I sometimes need to reboot it's because if I don't, sometimes the Vive microphone doesn't show back up in SteamVR settings.

Will you be fixing this to read the audio settings that are already in SteamVR so we don't need to change Windows Sound Options? And/or can you add the ability to change the microphone in OpenVR Advanced Settings? This would solve a lot of problems.

State of checkboxes is confusing.

Many people in /r/vive report that they set the opposite option than they wanted because the "dot" in the box when enabled makes it look like an empty box. The shape should be changed, for example to an X, a tick or a square of a different color than the background.

Supersampling causing crashes

Hello! Bigscreen developer here.

This has become a very popular method of supersampling for SteamVR and VR apps. However, apps like Bigscreen (made with Unity) have our own supersampling settings within the app (renderScale in Unity). Our default is 1.75X.

People that set supersampling in Advanced Settings are now crashing within seconds or minutes.

I'd love to discuss some potential solutions.

I think if users are setting their own supersampling settings in Advanced Settings, we should use that as an override and not supersample in Bigscreen. How should I detect when this occurs?

AdvancedSettings Crashes or something

Whenever i have advanced settings installed, after like 10 or so minutes, my screen goes grey (same color as when you lose tracking or whatever) for a few seconds, and then the floor height usually changes a bit and then the advanced settings button disappears. If i restart steamvr, the button appears again but the same thing happens. This never happens when i do not have it installed.

UI messed up on high DPI system

When I open the OpenVR-AdvancedSettings UI, all the fonts are huge, too large for the spaces they are in and drawing on top of each other.

I suspect this is because my desktop is in high DPI mode (200% scaling, 24" 4k screen), and the font sizes are being increased due to that somehow. It doesn't affect the normal parts of the SteamVR dashboard (or anything else that I've noticed in the HMD).

Unfortunately, screenshots are broken in the current SteamVR beta so I am not sure if there is a good way to make a screenshot, if they can be made of the dashboard in the first place. If there is a way, and it would be useful, please let me know and I'll do it.

If there's anything you'd like me to try, confirm or check, please let me know. I'm a Windows desktop software developer so I don't know much about VR but I'm happy to do technical stuff if needed.

Supersampling slider doesn't work after SteamVR beta 2016-10-25 update

Based on the comment by aaron.leiby on the update announcement page, there are now two supersampling-related parameters:

The existing renderTargetMultiplier still applies the same as it always had for games.

However, it was also getting applied to the compositor's internal textures used render the dashboard, etc. which made it pretty easy to cause the compositor to drop frames if you set this too high, so I split the compositor's renderTargetMultiplier out separately so it can be set independently. The global setting still remains under the "steamvr" section, while the compositor specific value can be overridden in the "compositor" section.

This seems to cause the supersampling slider to have no effect.

Problem Compiling

After editting the .pro file to fix my issue with the openvr.lib file not working I'm down to one error.

AudioManagerWindows.obj is created but throwing an error. I get the same issue when building the microphone control code too.

AudioManagerWindows.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_CoCreateInstance referenced in function "private: struct IMMDeviceEnumerator * __cdecl advsettings::AudioManagerWindows::getAudioDeviceEnumerator(void)" (?getAudioDeviceEnumerator@AudioManagerWindows@advsettings@@AEAAPEAUIMMDeviceEnumerator@@xz)

Windows 10 Home, QT 5.7, VC2015 64bit compiler.

Save separate profiles

Are you planning to add the ability where you can save and load different settings profiles?

For example, some revive touch games require different aim adjustments for guns. It would be great to save a profile for each game that I could just choose from a drop down and load it.

Another wish list option would be to export profiles and load them so they can be shared with other users.

Revive Settings Not Working Correctly

I have Revive 1.4 installed, however the Revive tab is grayed out by default.

"Forcing" the Revive tab enables the tab, but the Revive grip settings do not actually change the grip behavior. How can we properly install Revive in order to get Advanced Settings to properly interact with it? It is installed in its default location in \program files.

How To Use OpenVR Without Motion Controllers?

Is there anyway to use OpenVR without motion controllers?

I'm using an OSVR HDK. It doesn't come with motion controllers. I have a steam controllers, xbox 360 controller and then the good old mouse and keyboard and none of those seem to work :/

I also can't seem to find a way to use the program outside of SteamVR, so I can at least set things up outside of the HMD.

EDIT: Just found the "startdesktopmode" file :D

Hotkey for rotating playspace

I have a DK2 and the option for rotating the playspace looks very useful (still need to check it in action). Would it be possible to have a hotkey on the controllers (I understand that there is no option for a leyboard key) that rotates the playspace?
Edit: The rotation of the playspace works exactly as intended, so a hotkey would really be a great fix...

UI Not appearing

Thanks for putting together this application!

I have an issue though where I click on the advanced settings button and no UI pops up. Do you know what could be causing this?

Allow changing the audio input (micrphone) device

Sometimes I need to switch between my headphones mic and my vive mic once in VR and it would be so much easier if I could do this within OpenVR Advanced Settings.

The primary reason for this is that I use Voice Attack with some games (like Elite Dangerous), but the vive mic does not work reliably with Voice Attack, so I wear my headphones and use that mic in those, usually seated, situations. However, when playing multiplayer standing games I want to use the mic in the vive as it works acceptably for people to understand me.

No more advanced settings menu in SteamVR in UI

I tried 2.0 and for a couple sessions, I had the advanced settings option to the right of Steam, Desktop and Vive. It stopped showing. I saw that 2.1 was released so I shut down SteamVR and Steam, deleted the old folder, downloaded the new .7z, unpacked and ran AdvancedSettings.exe (when it was working, this made the new menu item appear).

I also tried the restartvrserver.bat and as far as I can tell, it has no effect. I'm hoping this behavior sheds some light on what's going on.

Am I missing something? Does it matter where the app is run from (another drive, particular folder, etc..)?

Revive settings tab

I've got a bunch of OpenVR settings for Revive that I need to make an option panel for. But I don't really want to add an option panel to the Revive Dashboard.

So how about we do a collaboration? Could you add a tab for Revive in the OpenVR Advanced Settings?

You can use the OpenVR Applications API to detect whether Revive is installed (the appkey is revive.dashboard.overlay) and only show the tab to users who have Revive installed.

If you're interested, I can compile a list of settings for Revive and we can discuss how we can go about collaborating on this.

restartvrserver.bat doesn't work for me

The restart feature doesn't work for me because it's a batch file with a hardcoded path to steamvr that is not correct on my system:

start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\bin\win32\vrmonitor.exe"

The drive is wrong and also my directory is called "OpenVR" where you call out "SteamVR". Not sure why.

I can change this batch file to make it work but you need something like this:

QSettings settings("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\Steam", QSettings::NativeFormat); QString sourcemods_path = settings.value( "SteamPath", "" ).toString(); if (!sourcemods_path.isEmpty()) { sourcemods_path += "\steamapps\common\OpenVR\tools\bin\win32\"; }

Add an FPS counter

Currently when tweaking graphics settings of a game I have two options to check whether I've been too far and am hitting reprojection or not:

  1. Enable the Steam Performance overlay but it's a pain to enable/disable and doesn't tell me exactly by how far I'm off mark (excepted through the number of red marks but that's approximative)
  2. Check the Statistics tab of Advanced Settings to see if "Retroprojected frames" is incrementing or not, but then I constantly have to open/close the SteamVR overlay to see and opening it sometimes gives false positives as the game is "in pause" in the back and this may not be representative of actual gameplay performances

I think it would be beneficial if Advanced Settings had a checkbox to enable the ability to display an FPS counter in the HMD (not in the overlay). Could be anywhere: on one of the controllers, somewhere in view, etc. I think it would make tweaking game options and SS settings far more accurate and easy. What do you think?

Feature request: Button to swap left and right controllers (I can't find anywhere else to ask)

I was wondering if it would be possible to add a "controller swap" feature that would swap the left and right controllers at the click of a button. Some games reverse the left and right consistently. For those of us who play with the safety straps on, this makes swapping the controllers a real annoyance, especially when it has to be done multiple times during a gaming session.

I see that there is an OpenVR input simulator that might be able to accomplish this, but I have no way to look now. Also, I feel like I could probably screw up more with that program than I would fix :)

Anyway, I think a button to swap controllers, like the one to flip the playspace, would be an excellent addition.

Thanks for listening.

Feature Request: Controller Offset in OpenVR Games

Hello matzmann666,

just wanted to throw out a wishful feature request, not sure if it can be implemented: having the same offset controls like with the Revive tab, but only for OpenVR games as well. This would allow custom controllers, gun rigs and more to work better. Just from looking at the Rockband VR threads the offsetting via Revive works great and maybe the same could be done with OpenVR games.

If not, no biggie :)

Enhancement : Audible Cable Status Warning for set number of twists

It would be nice to be able to set an audible warning when the cable has wound a set number of times. The audio would also help indicate CCW or CW.
The counter is a life saver - apparently I only know how to spin in one direction... so in a long action game I can get things pretty twisted.
Thanks... great utility!

Auto-enable "Knock Knock"

I'd like an option that enables "Knock Knock" every time I launch OpenVR. Currently with having to manually enable it each time I launch isn't ideal for my use case.

Add a full Windows Volume Mixer (Suggestion)

Any chance of adding a full Windows Volume Mixer to OpenVR Advanced Settings?

I mirror my audio from my PC to my VIVE and I often find sometimes I need to turn specific programs down by going to the desktop view, then try and open volume mixer and it's very difficult and awkward as it stands.

Desktop Crashing Steam

I have a GTX 1080, i7-7700K, 16gb DDR4 3200, & win10 pro 64-bit.

I seem to be running into the problem after I click on the Desktop button in the overlay ... if Advanced Settings (OVR) is running in SteamVR, clicking Desktop renders the Steam UI unusable and also doesn't actually bring up my Desktop to click around in... Without Advanced Settings running in SteamVR, Desktop and Steam both function fine.

I am still running into the same issues when trying to click on the "Desktop" button in the system button overlay (I hope that makes sense....). I load up SteamVR which autostarts OpenVR-AdvancedSettings v2.3. When I try to click on Desktop... everything outside of AdvancedSettings completely stops working.

The only times I have successfully used the Desktop in VR is without the mod loaded. Every other time, it ends up making Steam hang. SteamVR is sort of functional if you have a game going on in the background you can still press the system button and get back into the game you were playing and continue, but if you try to use Steam or anything else at all, no dice. If you don't have a game loaded up and ready to play, no dice. When I take my headset off to figure out what's going on using my mouse and keyboard, Steam is non-responsive and clicking anywhere on the Steam window prompts me to wait for it to respond or close the application. It has never come back if I click wait to respond, and always eventually forces me to exit steam.

2.2 install crash.

Installing then running AdvancedSettings.exe results in nothing. The advanced settings option does not appear in Steam.

Logs are showing an application crash. I get this with both the installed and standalone versions when running AdvancedSettings.exe.


I am installing with SteamVR running as per the instructions.
I have tried with both the current SteamVR and the beta version.

OpenVRAdvancedSettings 2.1 standalone installs and runs correctly.

SuperSampling of Compositor(SteamVR)

First thank you for the amazing job.
I had a problem with the SS on the Compositor it get set to 0.1 and I don't know how.
There is another guy that got the same problem.
Also would be very nice if you change the way a option is showed on or off because a lot of people are getting confused with the currently way.
Here a topic on Reddit where you can check what I said.
Post on Reddit

Gamepad support


I'm trying to use this with my Xbox 360 gamepad and it is not responding to any button. Is this a bug or only Vive controls are supported?

Play Space Setting seems to be set to permanent position in odd location

This is a fantastic add-on. Thanks for making it. It appears when I start up the play space has shifted to be outside of the chaperone area in the opposite direction I shifted it during an earlier session. The values are showing all zero's yet the play space is shifted. I love this feature because it allows me to use one game that doesn't work well in my L shaped area. It would be fantastic if you could make this a profile save option so I could shift back and forth quickly.

Settings don't seem to save and Audio settings issue

Just installed it and it works great. If I create a new profile for each game and then hit apply after making my settings I see that it updates the settings globally across all profiles. Does OpenVR-AdvanceSettings support the ability to save a profile for each game or am I just doing something wrong?

Also, when you normally look at Steam VR settings you can choose your recording device for Steam VR when playing and then the device you want enabled when you exit Steam VR. The only recording device it shows in OpenVR-AdvanceSettings is my device that I have set to enable after exiting VR. It's set correctly in Steam VR settings though. How do I select a different recording device in OpenVR-AdvanceSettings?

Finally, as long as I have OpenVR-AdvanceSettings enabled as a dashboard overlay I'm assuming whatever changes I make override SteamVR's settings, correct? Thus the audio issue explained above. If I want to temporarily disable OpenVR-AdvanceSettings completely do I simply uncheck the dashboard overlay? If not, how would I uninstall it?


Add "ToggleDelay" Option to Revive Menu

Hey Matzman666!

Is it possible to add this option to the OpenVR Advanced Settings? I want to change this value depending on the game and right now going to the steamvr.vrsettings file to manually change it every time when loading up a game is kind of cumbersome.

error "another instance is already running"

It has always worked perfectly without any error.
But since today, after a reboot of my pc, I receive the error in the title.

Anything I can do? When I click OK, it just comes back after about 7 seconds.
Autostart is selected (a black square means selected, right? I always forget)

thanks for the support!

Bug: App will not run if empty card reader is present on the system

I noticed that if I had my Kingston USB3 SD/microSD card reader attached to my system the error below would occur and the application would not run. It complains about there being no disk in the drive that is one of the card slots. Simply removing the device from my system lets me run this no problem.


Cannot edit/navigate options on OpenVr Dashboard.


I can view the openVr settings on the steamVR dashboard, but cannot navigate/change the settings.

If i use the desktop version then i can on the desktop.

Running with GTX 1080, SteamVR version 1486514237 Dated Feb 8th, 2017


OpenVR Advanced Settings v2.1 grafic bug, need help


Hi, how can I fix this? After working for maybe 3 or 4 gaming sessions the overlay stopped working as usual. I can press all the buttons and sliders, but obvioiusly I don't see any text... It is a screenshot of the Desktop window, but the VR overlay looks the same. I've tried reinstalling several times without success. It's the newest version.
I've deleted the folder and deleted an .ini in the appdata folder of my w10 user account. I've also been paying attention to my task manager so there is no "old" AdvancedSettings.exe running when I start SteamVR.
Specs: i7 6700k, R9 290x

thanks for your work!

Linux support

Now that SteamVR is officially on Linux, it would be nice to have this on Linux.

There are currently some things wrong for this:

  • The audio manager is using the windows API
  • The keyboard input is using the windows API
  • There's a qt.conf that breaks qt on Linux
  • the res directory seems to be in the wrong place

I've made a quick and dirty build with just ripping out the audio manager, commenting out the keyboard input, deleting qt.conf and adding a symlink for the res directory:

Now I can successfully run it with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/SteamVR/tools/bin/linux64/ bin/win64/AdvancedSettings and it actually shows up in the vr dashboard.

The only problem that remains is that the Y axis seems to be inverted, i.e. when I try to select a button on the bottom, a button on the top will be focused and when I move the controller upwards, the button focus goes downwards.

Render Target multiplier and/or Application Super sampling

This may be a dumb question I am sorry. But cannot seem to get a straight answer.

Is there a difference between changing the supersampling value in advanced settings and changing the multiplier value steamvr settings? Are changes made cumulative, or even multiplicative and therefore a much more substantial performance hit or are these setting different in some way.

Say I set steamvr multiplier to 2.0 and set the supersampling to 2.0 will it be rendering the visual at 4 times native?

I may be completely misunderstanding what is going on here.

Again, sorry if this is a dumb question.

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