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Add Widget framework to replace XenPorta

Builds on #20

XenPorta is not really being updated anymore and the author was always sort of odd. The Widget Framework plus some added widgets seem the most viable replacement.

I'm not sure what widgets we should go for. We need to do science to them!

Depending on how nice we can get XF + Widgets looking we may or may not need to add which is a premium plugin (I don't mind paying for it). Will see after some experimenting

Glean some inspiration from well configured Xenforos, like the one Paradox uses

They have a great looking setup where it appears like user trophies or something shows up on your mini profile (below avatar picture in thread mode). And they sure have a lot of trophies. Probably other useful addons too.

We could probably come up with a bunch of fun little extra trophies to hand out for helping in various ways. Janitor icon for helping rewrite all the things! Actually have an old note to get @mkienenb
one of those :D

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Teach Gooey GitHub

Gooey needs to learn how to interact with GitHub akin to the Jenkins CI IRC bot - creating repos and assigning people to teams :-)

Redo Wiki Page: Art

Doesnt exist yet, should contain information on doing, well, art and artsy stuff, maybe music for the game as well?

Adjust chat bridge behavior for snippets or other multi-line messages

At present the chat bridge will copy paste seemingly every individual line, like a long stacktrace posted on Slack, one by one into IRC. And Discord too but unsure if that was individual or all-in-one. That can get a bit spammy and amusingly as part of a snippet being posted a working file upload link gets posted too that contains the snippet, meaning the outright publish of the snippet is unnecessary. Example end of snippet:

[slack] g​ianluca_n: @U58SNMYAX uploaded a file:

Probably we should:

  • If a snippet is posted to Slack only bridge over the link, skip the snippet contents
  • If a post is posted - probably same thing? Haven't tried or seen it
  • If a multi-line message is posted (like an inlined snippet) only bridge maybe 3 lines then truncate, just like really long individual lines are at present

Curious if @iojw noticed any options like that while setting it up :-)

Our config file now lives in this repo here:

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Teach Gooey reminders

.tell is great but I wonder if there's also some existing script out there that allows Gooey to remind a user in x hours / first time they log on after the time period has elapsed?

If not too easy then no problem, just sounds like it would be about as handy as .tell !

Install new BB Codes addon

Builds on #20

There is a big fancy BB code plugin that adds all sorts of stuff, including a spoiler tag, LaTeX formulas, etc. We should check it out and see how it works with the WYSIWYG editor and if it clashes with anything (spoiler tags?)

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More AppFirst metrics!

I did an initial setup of on our webhost and was trying to figure out how to hook in more detailed views of Tomcat / Apache / MySQL but couldn't get any processes detected in what little time I spent on it. Will try again later unless somebody with server access can figure it out first (I can make sub-users for the dashboard access)

Ability to use Jenkins to update header/template pieces in Xenforo

To go with new module & core projects forums we need to be able to update header/template spots in Xenforo from Jenkins builds. Unsure if we can modify something directly on disk / in DB or if we should write a little Xenforo plugin for it


  • Update a module description in its thread from a changed module.txt
  • Add a module/team/role to a user's contributor intro thread
  • Place excerpt/link to Javadoc in an engine feature thread

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Find new IRC addon

Builds on #20

I'm not sure if XenHabla will work without XenPorta - we might be able to just keep it, as it seems to be fine still. Either way I imagine there are other good options we should look for

Odd bug in Xenforo for Firefox - attachment extensions are wonky

Seems a new issue after the XF 1.3 upgrade. Chrome and IE seem fine but FF pops up a file browser hard-set to a list of all our extensions - however some won't show in the file browser and there's no action to switch to a true "All Files" view

Happens to me on Win7. Got a user reporting the same elsewhere. Wonder if there's a bug fix in a newer XF.

Not high priority though, most the extensions work for some reason.

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/forum vs /forums & maybe short URLs in either case

After the forum upgrade and reconfigure of portal-like behavior the "" doesn't work as it is "" now - @small-jeeper not sure if this was something we did or just the new addon working differently :-)

In either case I suspect a quick Apache tweak could make it so both versions work. Or we could even see if we could get the /forum(s) to go away with a rewrite rule so it would simply be == forum with threads going immediately after

So ==

That second part is minor though. A quick redirect from forum to forums should be enough, really!

Consider getting short URLs to work with Artifactory

Both Jenkins and Artifactory are living as ROOT apps in their dedicated Tomcats (at least I think so, I haven't confirmed Jenkins). Apache just blindly forwards everything to the right Tomcat port.

Jenkins has a setting for its home URL that is smart enough to work with that to provide short URLs (no /jenkins after bare domain). Artifactory looks like it has the same, and had the bare domain in there too, but some links probably generated poorly and couldn't handle the lack of /artifactory.

I took out that setting (Artifactory says it is optional) and while we don't have the short URL active there anymore (everything has /artifactory - I'm sure there's a magic Apache rewrite that'll make it work, but meh) all the links I can find seem to work.

So this is really low priority :-)

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Redo Wiki Page: Home

current draft is here

Still needs further cleaning since we now have the snazzy sidebar! :D
I'd like to see a very clean and simple home page, maybe with a download button and status trackers and whatnot?

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Minor Issue with Translation Guide in Wiki

Under Manual Translation in the Wiki, the path to the flag images is slightly wrong.
It should be
engine/src/main/resources/assets/textures/ui/icons (textures)

Install new Events/Calendar addon

Builds on #20

As with XenHabla I'm not sure XenAttendo will work well without XenPorta. There are probably other good options available, need to review and figure that out

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Make Gooey listen more attentively (log irc)

So yeah, we probably should have added this a loooooooong time ago :-)

Not sure where to log to. Can probably find a way to store it to our webhost and expose it via our Apache there.

Update OAuth bindings / plugins

The login options via OAuth on the forum haven't been maintained for ages and it shows, for instance:

(bad labels)

Somebody reported one of them not working at all (Twitter?) some time ago, and there are more options available we could set up, like Steam. Wonder if there is a GitHub one yet ...

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More rating icons for Xenforo's post rating addon

Over time we've come up with a few extra ideas, likely they're scattered all over the forum so I thought leaving notes here instead would be nice. Ideas:

  • Chunk Norris (for posts of sheer awesome)
  • Wall-of-text (to make fun of my posts some more, not getting enough rainbows!)
  • Badgerbadgerbadgerbadger
  • ... more

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Upgrade to Xenforo 1.5 or later (captcha apparently broken now)

Our last upgrade was to 1.3.2 back in I think May 2014 or so. Right now seemingly user registration with a CAPTCHA active fails, tried both the Google ReCaptcha (which is a v1 now deprecated with a better v2 available - but what part of XR would update that?) and the plain old question-answer CAPTCHA as well. Either one causes a 504 Gateway Time-out on user registration with it active. Tried rebooting the web server entirely. Could be something else but disabling CAPTCHAs seem to fix it so I've done that for now but that could well lead to more spam bots so we urgently need a fix.

It may be possible to upgrade whatever anti-spam addons we use instead, but considering we're two releases behind it may be tricky getting newer addons to work.

Hire Gooey as a Greeter for guests

The Guest#### users that come by IRC occasionally through the forum chat tab have a tendency of leaving before they get an answer. I'm thinking that's usually from not realizing IRC isn't a standard IM and it can take a while before somebody notices.

I wonder if it would make sense to have Gooey greet Guest#### type users that actually say something (to weed out some random spam) with a message about waiting around for a response, checking the wiki, etc. Trick would be only serving said message once per session.

Edit: Really, we could have Gooey greet everybody until they tell him "Got it" or something. Put some of the stuff from the topic into the text Gooey sends (probably via private message - ChanServ in #jenkins does that) so we can use the topic more for ... topics at hand.

Verify badges intact after upgrade + add Spec Ops

Builds on #20

Need to verify the templates that power the custom badges after upgrading Xenforo

The templates are hiding in the admin panel under Appearance - Styles - Flexile Green - Templates (marked in red or yellow)

The badges are under XF's custom_images/badges directory

I've added the updated Spec Ops badge in the XF install dir (spec-ops2.png), we should probably tidy up the badges dir and templates a bit while we're add it. Spout group can stay just for historical reference but doesn't need its badge anymore, just need a new Spec Ops group and associate that with the new badge

Unsure if the style/template availability would be impacted by use of the Widget Framework in #23

Enhance Gooey's role / GitHub setup

This is a more interesting / useful one in the batch of stuff here for @simplyianm :-)

Right now Gooey just creates repos in the "Terasology" organization

Enhance to where each repo is created along with a GitHub team of the same name with pull + push as well as a Gooey role associated with that repo/team

Anybody granted role "x" that is also a repo/team gets added to the team on GitHub so they get pull/push. They also get rights with Gooey to add others to that role (and thus team).

Can extend the "create repo" command to something like "Gooey: create repo [repo] for user [user]" - automatically adds the user to the team for the newly created repo

For users where IRC and GitHub names differ can extend the command further, like "Gooey: create repo [repo] for user [user] who is [github user] on GitHub"

We might want to have Gooey then tell said user to be sure they register their name on Freenode lest some joker renames to where Gooey will happily let them add other GitHub users to the repo then said joker on GitHub can blank it out - but that seems like a lot of effort for trolling (and the original user(s) will have backups locally). Also reason for not granting "admin" for repo teams (could outright delete or transfer repos).

Anybody added to a repo team should also be added to a general "Contributors" team like for MovingBlocks that just gives "pull" rights to every repo so people can submit PRs. If that's even needed. If needed each new repo would also need to be added to said mega-team ..

So example full command

"Gooey: create repo AwesomeJSmodding for AlbireoX who is simplyianm on GitHub"


  • Creates repo AwesomeJSmodding
  • Creates team AwesomeJSmodding
  • Adds simplyianm to team AwesomeJSmodding
  • Adds simplyianm to team Contributors
  • Adds AwesomeJSmodding repo to team AwesomeJSmodding
  • Adds AwesomeJSmodding repo to team Contributors
  • Adds role AwesomeJSmodding to Gooey's memory of user AlbireoX

Next up after that we can probably come up with some template files to also dump into said fresh repo - but need to prepare those first ;-)

Some reference (Jenkins CI IRC bot):

Upgrade Xenforo to base 1.3 + minimal addons

Edited to be up to date / more itemized with companion issues: Xenforo is at 1.3.2 now and XenPorta sadly more and more broken with a dubious future. @small-jeeper attempted one go at the upgrade and it went fine - other than XenPorta.

So instead I think we should try to apply the upgrade to the test server and exclude some of the addons to start with and see if we can stabilize there, then start adding new addons. Lists below - installers for updates available on the webhost in the usual admin's home dir:

Basic addons to keep after upgrading core XF:

Discontinued / removed:

Things to review after upgrade (stuff that might break):

  • Event type threads under Announcements
  • Tab pages (some have content although admittedly not a lot)
  • Convos (especially with a step needed during upgrade - see the convo link above)
  • Old spoilers might break ? Not a big deal if they spill out, but we should check that they don't get garbled somehow
  • Verify that the donation data transfers OK

More details at

Create Jenkins job for repo via Gooey

This is separate from #12 as it is a security risk and needs to be locked down to only admin users. It also shouldn't be needed until a new module is actually complete enough to get built.

Allow admins to ask Gooey to create a Jenkins job based on some template for a module repo in the Terasology organization that is ready for its first build

This item won't be doable until:

  1. We actually have modules split out into individual repos
  2. Jenkins knows how to build modules and we prep a template job to clone
  3. We have some sort of template files in module repos that allow for functional and sensible (version tagged?) module builds

New XF WYSIWIG editor does not play nice with user tagging

I've noticed that the user tagging auto-complete function is not working after the XF upgrade, which brought us a newer looking WYSIWYG editor. Not sure if the tagging addon hasn't been updated to work with the new editor or if a little tweak is needed somewhere to "direct" the auto-complete popup to the right page element (below lower left corner of edit box)

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