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Decoder.cs throw error

When received message: "40/chat,", it throws the error:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. (System.String data) (at Assets/Socket/

Get Json Error

I have an error like this

ArgumentException: JSON parse error: The document root must not follow by other values.
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson[PollingUrlAnswer] (System.String json) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/modules/JSONSerialize/JsonUtilityBindings.gen.cs:25) () (at Assets/Assets/Plugins/
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Coroutines.cs:17)

problem in reconnecting to socketio

I used this plugin ( dev branch and socket io version is 2) for connecting my game to socket io and handling Listeners and Emit.
so when I disconnect to the server my connection has closed but when i want to reconnect to the server in runtime after disconnecting , i think it cant connect to server correctly.

this is my connection script for this :

socketConnection = Socket.Connect(socketUrl);
            socketConnection.On(SystemEvents.connectError , (Exception e) => {
                Debug.Log(" Connection Error: " + e.ToString());
            socketConnection.On(SystemEvents.connect, () =>
                Debug.Log("Connected To Server");
            socketConnection.On(SystemEvents.reconnect, (int reconnectAttempt) =>
                Debug.Log("Reconnecting : " + reconnectAttempt);
            socketConnection.On(SystemEvents.disconnect, () =>
                Debug.Log("Connection is Closed");

f.e when i connect to server for the first time i have this logs

[Singleton] An instance of is needed in the scene, so '(singleton) => ws://localhost:6500/ probed~ => ws://localhost:6500/ ping~ => ws://localhost:6500/ pong~
connected to server

but when i want to connect for the seccond time in runtime i just have this => ws://localhost:6500/ probed~

and i should mention this that i test Reconnect after an initial connection failure #34 issue and it couldnt help me

please check it and help me.

Issue Solved when client get just eventName

When I emit event that is consist of just event name in my node server
Than issue occurs in client because of the parsing problem.
When I check the event using Debug.log()
It looks like ["version"] .
So I change Socket.cs code.

                    var seperateIndex = pkt.body.IndexOf(", ");

                    var seperatorLen = 2;
                    if (seperateIndex == -1) {
                        seperateIndex = pkt.body.IndexOf(',');
                        seperatorLen = 1;

                    var eventName = pkt.body.Substring(2, seperateIndex - 3);
                    if (!_handlers.ContainsKey(eventName)) {
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} event doesn't have a handler", eventName);


                    int seperateIndex = pkt.body.IndexOf(", ");
                    int seperatorLen = 2;
                    if (seperateIndex == -1) {
                        seperateIndex = pkt.body.IndexOf(',');
                        if (seperateIndex == -1) {
                            seperateIndex = pkt.body.Length - 1;
                        seperatorLen = 1;
                    string eventName = pkt.body.Substring(2, seperateIndex - 3);
                    if (!_handlers.ContainsKey(eventName)) {
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} event doesn't have a handler", eventName);
                    if (eventName.Length == pkt.body.Length - 4) {

Parsing is not working properly. (And Disconnect issues)

When I intialize a Socket I need to put JSON data in the PollingUrlAnswer class, but it does not parse correctly and I get an error. I eventually parsed the last part of the string.LastIndexOf ('}') method, but I think the code should be fixed.

Other than that, the Disconnect event does not work. Is this a bug?

Socket intitialize를 할 때 PollingUrlAnswer 클래스에 JSON 데이터를 넣어야 하는데(SocketInitializer.cs 파일의 140번째 정도의 줄) 파싱이 제대로 되지 않아 에러가 납니다. 해당 이슈에 대하여 이미 보고된 것을 봤지만 고쳐지지 않은 것 같습니다.
string.LastIndexOf('}') 메소드로 뒷부분을 잘라내서 결국 파싱을 했습니다만 코드가 고쳐져야 하지 않을까 하는 생각이 듭니다.

다른 내용이지만, Disconnect 이벤트가 동작하지 않는데 혹시 버그인가요?

Reconnect after an initial connection failure

I have a scenario where the unity client might get started before the server is ready for connections ... I would like to have the client code repeatedly attempt connection until a connection is made. I'm having problems figuring out how ... this doesn't work

socket.On(SystemEvents.connectError , (Exception e) => {
	Debug.Log(" Connection Error: " + e.ToString());
	socket = Socket.Connect(serverUrl);

I see changes in the develop branch for disconnect and reconnect ... but when I try and use Socket.Reconnect(socket) I get errors ...

JSON parse error

all samples not working because json parse exception.

here is call stack
ArgumentException: JSON parse error: The document root must not follow by other values.
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson[PollingUrlAnswer] (System.String json) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/modules/JSONSerialize/JsonUtilityBindings.gen.cs:25) () (at Assets/Plugins/
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Coroutines.cs:17)

maybe json format changed

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

This problem isn't always come but sometimes when it happened, I can't even send any data string. I can't force disconnect and reconnect to refresh the socket. The problem came from WebSocket.GetLastError(). Is anyone know how fix this?

Application.Quit() not work on iOS

    protected override void RaiseOnCompletedOnDestroy() {
        if (_cancelPingPong != null) {
            _cancelPingPong = null;

        if (_onRecv != null) {
            _onRecv = null;

        if (!IsConnected)   // Note : Here should be if(IsConnected)

No ability to pass EmitEvent, ListenEvent etc. as templates to Server.of(...) method

You can do assign types to .emit(..) and .event(..) by template constructor like this:
const socketServer = new Server<ServerToClientEvents, ClientToServerEvents, InterServerEvents, SocketData>("chat");
but it's missing ability to do like this:
socketServer.of<ServerToClientEvents, ClientToServerEvents, InterServerEvents, SocketData>("/myNamespace")

Bad Request on localhost

No idea whats going on no matter what I try using the samples I just get 400 bad request. Is this now outdated?

I just updated to 1.1.1, unity3d can't connect to server.

Node.JS: 8.2.1
Node.JS 2.0.3 1.1.1 (download form github release page)
Unity3d: 2017.1.0 f3

Server side i don't change anything.
Node.JS client can connect server.
But unity3d 2017.1 + 1.1.1 can't connect to server
In this case how to find the solution?

unity3d client code:

Socket io = Socket.Connect ("");

throw two errors: => - http://localhost:7001/game got WWW error: 
UnityEngine.Debug:LogErrorFormat(String, Object[])<Update>m__2(Exception) (at Assets/Plugins/
UniRx.Operators.DoOnError:OnError(Exception) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/Do.cs:212)
UniRx.Operators.Timeout:OnError(Exception) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/Timeout.cs:110)
UniRx.Operators.FromCoroutine:OnError(Exception) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/UnityEngineBridge/Operators/FromCoroutine.cs:55)<InitCore>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at Assets/Plugins/
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

WWWErrorException: Exception of type 'UniRx.WWWErrorException' was thrown.
UniRx.InternalUtil.ThrowObserver`1[].OnError (System.Exception error) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/InternalUtil/ListObserver.cs:102)
UniRx.Operators.DoOnCompletedObservable`1+DoOnCompleted[].OnError (System.Exception error) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/Do.cs:272)
UniRx.Operators.DoOnErrorObservable`1+DoOnError[].OnError (System.Exception error) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/Do.cs:222)
UniRx.Operators.TimeoutObservable`1+Timeout[].OnError (System.Exception error) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/Operators/Timeout.cs:110)
UniRx.Operators.FromCoroutineObservable`1+FromCoroutine[].OnError (System.Exception error) (at Assets/Plugins/UniRx/Scripts/UnityEngineBridge/Operators/FromCoroutine.cs:55)<InitCore>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () (at Assets/Plugins/
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Coroutines.cs:17)

node.js client code:

const io = require('');
const socket = io('');

socket.on('connect', () => {


ArgumentException: JSON parse error: The document root must not follow by other values.

I paste code from wiki and run nodejs server and run unity client and in log this error:
ArgumentException: JSON parse error: The document root must not follow by other values.
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson (System.String json, System.Type type) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/JSONSerialize/Public/JsonUtility.bindings.cs:50)
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson[T] (System.String json) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/JSONSerialize/Public/JsonUtility.bindings.cs:33) () (at Assets/Plugins/
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Coroutines.cs:17

My Laptop:
Intel Pentium 2020m
Intel® HD Graphics for 3rd Generation Intel® Processors

disconnect client

Hi I have some questions
1.How we can disconnect the client. I want disconnect client when a user has bad internet connection.
2. Some times disconnect message received with a delay in server side. I close game and it receives after some minutes and some times I get message immediately
3. and after I upgrade to your new version I can't send any message why? I can just connect

unity webSocketInstances is not defined,ReferenceError: webSocketInstances is not defined

exception thrown: ReferenceError: webSocketInstances is not defined,ReferenceError: webSocketInstances is not defined
at SocketCreate (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:66:17)
at _SocketCreate (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :2834:40)
at Array._SocketCreate__wrapper (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4574286:10)
at Object.ftCall_ii [as dynCall_ii] (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6706:46)
at invoke_ii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6693:31)
at _WebSocketWrapper_SocketCreate_m903007767 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :3435391:8)
at Array.asm._WebSocketWrapper_SocketCreate_m903007767 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4249361:57)
at Object.ftCall_iiii [as dynCall_iiii] (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6910:48)
at invoke_iiii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6897:33)
at _WebSocketWrapper_ConnectInternal_m3637984849 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :3829692:7)
at Array.asm._WebSocketWrapper_ConnectInternal_m3637984849 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4522643:61)
at Object.ftCall_viii [as dynCall_viii] (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6502:48)
at invoke_viii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6489:26)
at _WebSocketWrapper_Connect_m829512760 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :3299268:5)
at Array.asm._WebSocketWrapper_Connect_m829512760 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4440089:52)
at Object.ftCall_vii [as dynCall_vii] (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :5958:47)
at invoke_vii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :5945:25)
at Array._U3CInitCoreU3Ec__Iterator0_MoveNext_m2591192826 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :259158:18)
at mftCall_iii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4191259:100)
at __ZN21InterfaceFuncInvoker0IbE6InvokeEjP11Il2CppClassP12Il2CppObject (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :3293660:9)
at Array.asm.__ZN21InterfaceFuncInvoker0IbE6InvokeEjP11Il2CppClassP12Il2CppObject (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4253837:84)
at Object.ftCall_iiii [as dynCall_iiii] (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6910:48)
at invoke_iiii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6897:33)
at Array._SetupCoroutine_InvokeMoveNext_m2975616245 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :2668840:10)
at mftCall_viiii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4165159:39)
at _Z53RuntimeInvoker_Void_t1841601450_Il2CppObject_IntPtr_tPK10MethodInfoPvPS2 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4125827:2)
at Array.asm._Z53RuntimeInvoker_Void_t1841601450_Il2CppObject_IntPtr_tPK10MethodInfoPvPS2 (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4523999:94)
at Object.ftCall_iiii [as dynCall_iiii] (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6910:48)
at invoke_iiii (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :6897:33)
at __ZN6il2cpp2vm7Runtime6InvokeEPK10MethodInfoPvPS5_PP15Il2CppException (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :3939572:8)
at _il2cpp_runtime_invoke (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4161323:9)
at asm._il2cpp_runtime_invoke (eval at loadDynamicLibrary (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:781:19), :4341179:38)
at _il2cpp_runtime_invoke (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:11640:42)
at __Z23scripting_method_invoke18ScriptingMethodPtr18ScriptingObjectPtrR18ScriptingArgumentsP21ScriptingExceptionPtrb (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2517991:8)
at __ZN19ScriptingInvocation6InvokeEP21ScriptingExceptionPtrb (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:1790861:7)
at __ZN9Coroutine14InvokeMoveNextEP21ScriptingExceptionPtr (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2039567:2)
at __ZN9Coroutine3RunEPb (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2235390:7)
at __ZN9Coroutine17ContinueCoroutineEP6ObjectPv (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2611278:8)
at mftCall_iii (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2662614:98)
at __ZN18DelayedCallManager6UpdateEi (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:1040236:33)
at mftCall_vii (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2664628:37)
at __ZZ23InitPlayerLoopCallbacksvEN44UpdateScriptRunDelayedDynamicFrameRatestruct7ForwardEv (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2665861:2)
at mftCall_v (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:2699014:35)
at __Z10PlayerLoopv (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:771322:14)
at __ZL8MainLoopv (blob:http://localhost/2faeed81-e8d1-4561-88a1-e55ddd8cf2c1:1992203:3)
at Array.UnityLoader.873d35c852dfa40f9f7c2e481511bec7.asm.__ZL8MainLoopv (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:197895:29)
at Object.ftCall_v [as dynCall_v] (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:29779:28)
at browserIterationFunc (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:3089:23)
at Object.runIter (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:3192:5)
at Browser_mainLoop_runner (blob:http://localhost/71106806-6a35-4454-ad6b-5c83fb187a2d:3127:20)

run problem:JSON parse error

I tried to run the connection Demo, then meet a problem:
ArgumentException: JSON parse error: The document root must not follow by other values.

the json data revived like this: {"sid":"eADGfUhZX4r8EixPAAAB","upgrades":["websocket"],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}2:40

so I change the code in class SocketInitializer from:
var textIndex = www.text.IndexOf('{'); if (textIndex != -1) { var json = www.text.Substring(textIndex); var answer = JsonUtility.FromJson<PollingUrlAnswer>(json); _urlQueries.Add("sid", answer.sid); }

var textIndex = www.text.IndexOf('{'); if (textIndex != -1) { int lastIndex = www.text.LastIndexOf('}'); int length = lastIndex - textIndex + 1; var json = www.text.Substring(textIndex, length); var answer = JsonUtility.FromJson<PollingUrlAnswer>(json); _urlQueries.Add("sid", answer.sid); }

then the problem has been solved

Event body wrong parsed

When the event data contains ", " the parse fails. Because is looking for ", " to split it and get eventName and evenData.

If I set on Socket.cs in line 322

pkt.body = "["gameFinished",{"message":"Good job!, play in the new tournament"}]";

Will cause Warning message: gameFinished",{"message":"Good job event doesn't have a handler, because is taking gameFinished",{"message":"Good job as the eventName

Most robust way to separate even name and data should be implemented.

Is not support HTTPS?

ArgumentException: Unsupported protocol: https
not support https??

https는 지원하지 않는 건가요?
그리고 이건 추가적인 질문인데, AWS의 로드 밸런서를 통과하게 되면 타임아웃 에러가 계속 납니다.

Emit Issues

How can we Emit outside Start()? I try all of the ways to emit in other methods but it's not working
could you please give me an example
this is the way I use socket

static Socket socket;
void Start()
socket = Socket.Connect(_networkUrl);

public void JoinToGame()
socket.Emit("joinToGame", RequestForGame(DB._myId, _myRoom).ToString());

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