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teampass's Issues

Do not ask for DB credentials during upgrade

There is no need to ask for DB credentials during an upgrade since it has access to the filled settings.php.
This is a hassle and should probably be removed from the upgrade process.

Unable to edit item

We are unable to edit our items with TPM 2.12 on both Firefox and Chrome. The latter one actually crashes, the others keep on loading but are never showing the edit modal.

JSON Error

We recently upgraded out test instance of cpassman to TeamPass 2.1.2

After the upgrade everything appears to be working as usual until we attempted to search around with the binoculars from within the Chrome 16 application.

JSON errors display in the form of a popup box. I'd attach a screenshot if I could...

The error says:

DataTables warning: JSON data from the server could not be parsed. This is caused by a JSON formatting error.

In the past we have seen this error, it is typically due to formatting in the database regarding the items that it is trying to parse and I believe that this is the root case.

I'll search for some passwords by typing "te" and that will be enough for it to throw this error.

I can search for other objects in the database with no problems.

If there is any further information I can provide you regarding the formatting of the objects in the database please let me know.

Again, please note that this was NOT a problem when using the last version of cpassman.

Share password with rôle.

I have a question it's not an issue but maybe an amelioration of teampass.
Will it be possible to share passwords with a role rather than a person? For if there are several that can become complicated. Or give this possibility to set up parameters and then another group to share: like "teampass group".


Apache 'Directory index forbidden' errors

I have noticed a number of errors logged when apache is set to -Indexes. Here is an entry from the error log.

[Tue Feb 07 22:17:27 2012] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /path/to/teampass/includes/images/, referer:

It looks like it is coming from line 318 in the items.php file. It has '' on that line. Should there be a specific image you are loading there instead of the entire directory?

Feature Request: user encypted salts

As mentioned in:
(A follow up of:

Ever worked with LUKS / disk encryption ( The salt used for the disk encryption is encrypted with a password. Several passwords can coexist. A copy of the (different) encrypted salts is saved in the header.

If you limit user / password creation to one user (eg. admin), all users can have their own encrypted salt with their password. The salt is the same one used for encrypting keys in de database that are used by the team. Changing a user password can only be done by the user itself or the admin (an new version of the encrypted salt has to be created). Creating a new salt will result in generating new passwords for all users (and reencrypting the contents in the database).

Password reset box stays open when you click "Send"

TeamPass 2.1.2

Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS LAMP Stack from standard 10.0.4 repositories.

Firefox browser.

If I click the "Forgot you password?" link on the login page I get the reset box and can enter an email and username. However when I click send the box stays open giving no indication that the reset email has been sent.

The actual process is working and I receive a reset email shortly afterwards, however this is confusing for users.

Number of items in password list/dynamic load

Can we get a setting to specify how many items are loaded in the password list by default? I find it frustrating to have to scroll down and pause while the rest of the list is loaded.

Automatic role to folder association

You have 3 users (basic users not managers or admins): User1, User2 and User3
You have 3 roles: Role1, Role2 and Role3
You have 3 folders at root level Folder1, Folder2 and Folder3.
You have the fallowing role to user settings settings:
User1 : Role1 & Role2
User2 : Role2 & Role3
User 3: Role 3
You have the fallowing directory to role setting:
Folder1: permitted to Role1, forbidden for Role2 & Role3
Folder2: permitted to Role2, forbidden for Role1 & Role3
Folder3: permitted to Role3, forbidden for Role1 & Role2

User1 creates a sub-folder named Folder1.1 in Folder1. As a result Folder1.1 will be automatically associated to both Role1 & Role2 (Folder1.1: permitted to Role1& Role2, forbidden for Role3)
At this point User2 will have access to Folder1.1 so he creates a sub-folder to Folder1.1 named Folder1.1.1. As a result Folder1.1.1 will be automatically associated to all 3 roles Role1,Role2 & Role3 (Folder1.1.1: permitted to Role1, Role2 & Role3, forbidden for non). So folder 1.1.1 will be accessible for all 3 users.

Taking in consideration that the users are simple users (not managers or admins) they wont even be able remove the permission from there newly created folders, further more, they probably wont even know that other users have access to there folders.

Do you consider this operation normal?

I recommend that the newly created folders should inherit the only the folder association of its parent folder.

Safari does not display password list - 2.1.2


sits and spins indefinitely

Activity montitor in safari shows

All the images are 0 bytes of ? loaded

CKeditor.js is 355.1 KB of ?

Everything else seem to load.

Many errors on file french.php

Here s many error on file includes/languages/french.php on line 283 :

  • $txt['index_change_pw'] = "Change your password";

(line 282 allready exist and is a good line :

$txt['index_change_pw'] = "Changer votre mot de passe de connexion";)

On line 304

  • $txt['index_welcome'] = "Bienvenu";
  • $txt['index_welcome'] = "Bienvenue";

On line 440 :

-$txt['settings_printing'] = "Autoriser l'impression PDF des éléments";
-$txt['settings_printing_tip'] = "Quand activé, un bouton sera rajouté sur la page d'accueil permettant à l'utilisateur d'imprimer un listing PDF des éléments auxquels il a accès. Attention, cette liste laisse apparaitre les mots de passe sans cryptage.";

+$txt['settings_printing'] = "Autoriser l'impression PDF des éléments";
+$txt['settings_printing_tip'] = "Quand activé, un bouton sera rajouté sur la page d'accueil permettant à l'utilisateur d'imprimer un listing PDF des éléments auxquels il a accès. Attention, cette liste laisse apparaitre les mots de passe sans cryptage.";

When a double quote "" appear, you may be delete.

And at 5 step on upgrade or installation : it's settings.php has created and no Setting.php has created.

I hope to help you.

Tags search


Since my upgrade on 2.1.1, I'm unable to display tags in the search area. Only two characters are displayed. In the password entry, I have two words.

Is it a bug ?

Folder management impractical

The current folder management feature is very impractical and caused me to mess up my tree beyond repair and had to restore a backup.

If you are in a folder and click edit, why do you have to enter a new name and select the folder position again? same thing with delete, why do you have to select the folder and is the current one not selected by default?

Upgrade to 2.1.2

I just upgraded from 2.0 to 2.1.2, and for some reason e-mail notifications aren't working for me at all. Any idea how I can debug the issue to see what the problem is?

Mouseover Translation on Password page

[Chrome on Win2K8R2]
When looking at a password entry the mouseover for the blue arrow next to the URL URL shows the ?french? translation "Ouvrir la page" not the selected language of english "Open the page".

Hacking attempt

Since we upgraded to Teampass 2.0 we're seeing this message quite regularly.
It looks like this happens if you used TP before, and your session expired/timed out.

Refreshing the page works just fine and leads you to the login page.

Right problems on rôles and directory.

is it normal that managers can change the assignment of roles to directories? Personally I think that only the administrator can do it. Thank's for reply.

Ldap problem (next)

Bonjour Nils,

J'écris en francais car c'est mieux pour moi je traduirai si ça intéresse. (comme c'est toi qui traduit en français je me permet d'écrire en français)
Je reviens vers toi pour mon problème d'authentification Ldap, je pense que c'est aussi important pour toi car ma société à plus de 1800 personnes et c'est une entreprise publique. Donc cela peut être intéressant pour ton developpement.
Si tu pouvais me donner le fichiers à changer pour ldap à par /libraries/ldap.../ pour que je puisse faire des tests ça pourrait intéresser du monde je pense. Nous avons choisi ton produit car devenu libre par rapport à d'autres applis similaires.
Merci d'avance de ta réponse si tu ne souhaite pas que nous échangions via github fais le moi savoir. Si tu souhaites également que tous le monde profite de notre échange fais le moi savoir également je traduirai en anglais.
Merci de ta patience et de ton dévouement pour le libre. Plus personnellement je suis dans la même perspective que la tienne.
Best regards. ;)

Upgrade cPassMan 1.82 to TeamPass fails

I followed:

I restored a MySQL-dump of cPassMan 1.82 onto a new server and copied settings.php (and updated it with the new credentials).

The upgrade 'stops' at step two where the launch button seems do to nothing. I'm not sure to which version of TeamPass I'm updating to (master branch).

Please advise what steps to take to get from cPassMan 1.82 to some version of TeamPass. If I need to run custom scripts (sql) that's fine.

Ldap/Ou configuration

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. configurer authentication ldap
  2. suffix : @domain.tld
  3. base dn : cn=Users,ou=teampass,dc=domain,dc=tld
  4. domain controller ldap : serveur.domain.tld

Désolé je transmet mon problème en francais et j'essaye de le traduire en anglais.

Même si la fonction : "Base dn de votre domaine LDAP" n'est pas remplie ça fonctionne quand même.
Je souhaiterai pouvoir limiter les user à une OU par exemple :

Base dn : cn=Users,ou=teampass,dc=serveur,dc=tld

Mais cela ne fonctionne pas, tous les users peuvent se connecter ce qui est génant.

When I try to put configuration of ldap authentication, if i want just only user in one specified unit organisation will be connected on teampass, that doesnt work. I dont know how to do ? If you know it's fun !!
Thanks for your reply.

Do not load passwords until asked

It appears that TP is retrieving all passwords in the folder, which makes it very slow if you have many entries.

For lists is should only load names, more details when selected and the actual password when requested.

Password change window not closing

If an admin changes a user password then it does not say its saved or closes the window. it remains open, but does change the password

Default language


This is not critical at all but even if we set the default language, the language by default remains US english. Some annoying people find that disturbing ;). Thanks for your time.

Items page loading wrong imgs

Firebug shows it tries to load /includes/images/ twice but it is missing an actual file which leads to it getting g a 403.

TeamPass versions / releases.

I think it is best to open a separate issue for this. I am not a die hard developer, so this issue might be misplaced.

I really like to know what your idea is of a version/release of TeamPass. At the moment you ask users to checkout the 'master branch' (which in my opinion is the same like a trunk in SVN or head in CVS). If you would ask me today and next week which version of TeamPass I downloaded, I really can't tell. Files separately change in this master branch (like: #16), so one can not speak of a TeamPass version. (reference: How not to release software, O,Reilly, PDF page 57 :

Since I want to use TeamPass in our company, we need some stability in the form of a stable version / release.

I really like to hear your opinion.

Problem after upgrade

After the update I always carried the message: It is recommended to update your installation of TeamPass. click HERE

Missing item in teampass versions coming from cpassman

I discover that when I login into the teampass, in folder in the folder's tree figures, for example 10 items but when accessed this folder only 9 where listed. Also the items are not in the same column (this maybe is the browser, I've not tested it yet).
The main issue is present in version 2.1.1 with patch, 2.1.3, 2.1.4 and 2.2 version.


Mail problem in class.phpmailer.php


The same problème of port in class.phpmailer.php the port is 26 and not 25 !
Of course it's impossible to change the password user by smtp send.


mysql root user can grant access to any non-personal password to any user

By adding the user number to the restricted_to column of the teampass_items table, a mysql user with access would be able to grant access to any user to any password not in a personal folder (it doesn't seem to allow the personal item to be seen, regardless of the entry in this column).

Ideally, the only access for passwords would be by the party entering them (or their manager) to grant access, not a system user.

The port smtp was changed


I see the port of smtp server was changed in class.phpmailer.php, the number are 26 !!
Because when i try to send mail for change my password, doesnt work !!


Upgrade 2.0 -> 2.1.1 not working

I've tried upgrading our install, but it fails quite soon in the process in step 2 (which is not necessary, see #4). After clicking "Launch" nothing happens in the interface. Firebug says:

gauge.modify($("pbar"),{values:[0.50,1]});document.getElementById("but_next").disabled = "disabled";
Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Looks like the username var is not properly set. If I bypass this check using the Webdeveloper Toolbar it fails during the actual database changes.

Upgrade from 1.61 to 2.1


I'm trying to do an upgrade from 1.61 Cpassman using the master branch, the upgrade process goes whitout error but after the upgrade I'm unable to login with my account(which is admin) or the basic admin account. It says i got bad password, the database before upgrade is in coalition latin1_swedish_ci, after the upgrade it is utf-8_general_ci and i kept the same encryption key.

What is the problem? Should i do an incremental upgrade? If so where can i get the 1.8 or 2.0 sources?

Thanks for your help.

The SALT KEY is too long!

The users get the following message:
"The SALT KEY is too long! Please don't use the tool until an Admin has modified the salt key. In settings.php file, SALT should not be longer than 32 characters."
But the "admin" user doesn't get this message.

The salt key in settings.php is 31 characters long so this shouldn't be a problem.

Users are authenticated against AD and Teampass is version 2.1.2(2.1.3 according to the changelog)

Adding a new item with a label name already used

We have multiple folders for our passwords. If we create a new item with a label name that has already been used elsewhere, then we get a message that the "item already exists". A workaround is to create the item with a unique name, and then rename it to whatever you want.

'Restricted to' visible to everyone

The "Restricted to" field is only known for those in the list. People not in the restricted list are not allowed to know who are in this list.

It would be nice to select whether this field is visible to everyone in the global settings.

No way to delete users

TeamPass 2.1.2

Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS LAMP Stack from standard 10.0.4 repositories

Firefox browser

Since upgrading to Teampass v2.1.2 (and on a clean test installation) there no longer seems to be a way to delete a user from the Users management page. or anywhere else I have looked. Is this by design?

No mouseovers for some icons

[Chrome on win2k8 r2]
When looking at a password page while being logged on as an admin, there is a list of icons on the right from top to bottom.

From the bottom, the 1st, 3rd, and 4th do not seem to have mouseover hints.

Unable to duplicate password


I'm trying, with the 2.1.2 version of the tool, to duplicate some password and in the end having a template management.

But, even when if my users are manager, they can't copy password because the can't select a destination, the directories are in grey.

It works fine with admin right ?

whare are the good rights ? Is it a bug ?

Password containing \ (backslash) + copy to clipboard

When copying a password to clipboard using the button provided for this action, causes an issue if this password contains a backslash (), namely the backslash is then copied to the clipboard as ]
however i believe a backslash should normally be \ considering normal html entities?

Restore Backup Fails

TeamPass 2.1.2

Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS, LAMP stack is from standard 10.0.4 repositories.

Attempting to restore a backup fails. Here's how to recreate this issue:

  1. Make a manual backup. Set an encryption key and receive a file called: db-backup-1329342160.sql
  2. Either
    i) Wait a few weeks and make sure that you have used the
    ii) Manually clear the file called db-backup-1329342160.sql out of the /files/ directory

Then try and restore this backup.

You will get logged out and have to log back in, but the database will not have been restored.

Instead if you look at the apache2 error log you will see:

[Wed Feb 15 22:05:20 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: _SESSION in /var/www/teampass/includes/libraries/uploadify/uploadify.php on line 39
[Wed Feb 15 22:05:20 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid in /var/www/teampass/includes/libraries/uploadify/uploadify.php on line 39
[Wed Feb 15 22:05:20 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: post_id in /var/www/teampass/includes/libraries/uploadify/uploadify.php on line 96
[Wed Feb 15 22:05:20 2012] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: type in /var/www/teampass/includes/libraries/uploadify/uploadify.php on line 106
[Wed Feb 15 22:05:26 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  file(../files/db-backup-1329342160.sql): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/teampass/sources/admin.queries.php on line 267, referer:
[Wed Feb 15 22:05:26 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  unlink(../files/db-backup-1329342160.sql): No such file or directory in /var/www/teampass/sources/admin.queries.php on line 270, referer:
[Wed Feb 15 22:05:26 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /var/www/teampass/sources/admin.queries.php on line 275, referer:

Also, looking the /files/ directory reveals:

hwwadm@teampass:/var/www/teampass/files$ ls -alh
total 32K
drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4.0K 2012-02-15 22:05 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 www-data www-data 4.0K 2012-01-16 09:34 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data  18K 2012-02-15 22:05 28846fa3caa2e17ac0faa7924c8b5dd8
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data    1 2012-01-16 09:34 empty_file.txt

Examining the file 28846fa3caa2e17ac0faa7924c8b5dd8 confirms that it is the .sql file that we just uploaded; db-backup-1329342160.sql

If I rename the file 28846fa3caa2e17ac0faa7924c8b5dd8 to db-backup-1329342160.sql and then re try restoring the file db-backup-1329342160.sql the restore works, and it even deleted the file db-backup-1329342160.sql from the files directory when it's finished.

However if I go and look in /files/ again. i can see that there is another randomly named file left over from the 2nd attempted restore.

I think that this issue may have slipped through testing as if you don't ever use the Purge Old Files option, the original .sql backup files remain in the files directory and are sitting there with the correct name when you come to do a restoration.

turkish.php language file line 308 syntax error

there is a syntax error in line 308 in file includes/language/turkish.php. a parse error is logged in apache.

faulty line : $txt['item_copy_to_folder'] = ""Please select a folder in which the item has to be copied.";

corrected line : $txt['item_copy_to_folder'] = "Please select a folder in which the item has to be copied.";

Get rid of globals

There are two things wrong with this:

  • You should not rely on globals
  • The settings.php page should not be used for stuff like this, this file should only contain your local configuration.

Upgrade folder path


I'm trying to upgrade a 2.0 with 2.1.1

But in the installer at the second page, in the path folder area, I'm unable to specify a different path to specify the path of my production's team pass folder.

Here what I've done :

  • Upload teampass 2.1.1 to /var/www/teampass21, my production site is in /var/www/teampass
  • I open the following url : http://ipofmyserver/teampass21/install/upgrade.php
  • On the second page, I want to specify the path /var/www/teampass, but automatically, /var/www/teampass21 appears, so I can't launch the check.

Am I doing the upgrade the bad way ? or is it a bug ?

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