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konfig's Issues

add `default` field into `CommandLineOption`

Please add default field into CommandLineOption:

val cmdName = CommandLineOption(Key("name", stringType), "name", "name", "DefaultName", "Description of NAME")


And if use -h command it will print:

Description of NAME. Default value: DefaultName

And if not setted in configuration - use Deafult Value

Deploy to jCenter


Can you build and deploy this library to jCenter?
Thank you,

Property group with underscore in name doesn't work

import com.natpryce.konfig.*
import org.junit.Test

class KonfigUnderscoreTest {

    object db_server : PropertyGroup() {
        val port by intType
        val host by stringType

    val config = ConfigurationProperties.fromResource("")

    val port = config[db_server.port]
    val host = config[]

    fun konfig_test(){


com.natpryce.konfig.Misconfiguration: db-server.port property not found; searched:

  • db-server.port in resource

It seems to silently convert underscores to dashes somewhere.

seems to have issue with _

For some reason when I specify a name with _ in it, it converts it to -

object controlScript : PropertyGroup() {

println(config[controlScript.APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_UNIQUE_HOST_ID] )

Exception in thread "main" com.natpryce.konfig.Misconfiguration: controlScript.APPDYNAMICS-AGENT-UNIQUE-HOST-ID property not found; searched:

  • controlScript.APPDYNAMICS-AGENT-UNIQUE-HOST-ID in /Users/laipt/Desktop/petels/POC.cicd/cicd/src/main/resources/

[Suggestion] support of dynamic configuration

Currently Konfig only support static configuration. For example myproperty.value can be directly named and referenced. But say I want to generate some more dynamic elements such as

server.modules=a, b
server.modules.a.initMessage=A Init
server.modules.a.stopMessage=A Stop
server.modules.b.initMessage=B Init
server.modules.b.stopMessage=B Stop

To begin with, let's assume we have a data class to support a "Module":

data class Module(val initMessage: String, val stopMessage: String)

We also have a property group:

object server : PropertyGroup() {
    val modules by listType(stringType)
val moduleIds : List<String> = config[server.modules]

Right now we can extract a list of strings, containing (a, b), it would be interesting to actually obtain the list of modules we're after or something we can work with.

Because the modules a and b are defined dynamically, we can't pre-bake them in our PropertyGroup

Adding a special helper, we can do a bit more:

typealias Extractor<V> = (String, String, Configuration) -> V
fun <V> Configuration.get(keys: Key<List<String>>, extractor: Extractor<V>): Map<String, V> {
    return this[keys]
            .map { it to extractor(, it, this) }

This allows us to change our code a bit:

val moduleIds : List<String> = config[server.modules]
val mapModuleIdToInitMessage : Map<String, String> = config.get(server.modules){ prefix, id, config ->
  config[Key("$prefix.$id.initMessage", stringType)]

We now have a very basic map ("a" to "A Init", "b" to "B Init")

We could do the same thing to obtain the actual module object:

val moduleIds : List<String> = config[server.modules]
val mapModules : Map<String, Module> = config.get(server.modules){ prefix, id, config ->
  Module(config[Key("$prefix.$id.initMessage", stringType)], config[Key("$prefix.$id.stopMessage", stringType)])

we now have a map ("a" to ("A Init", "A Stop"), "b" to ("B Init", "B Stop")). We can extract the values if we so desire mapModules.values, etc.

While this works, I'm not very fond of having the "stopMessage" and "initMessage" extraction being done without involving the PropertyGroup, to improve that we could add a few helpers in the PropertyGroup:

object server : PropertyGroup() {
    val modules by listType(stringType)

    fun modulesInitMessage(id: String) = key("${}.$id.initMessage", stringType)
    fun modulesStopMessage(id: String) = key("${}.$id.stopMessage", stringType)

Now we can use moduleInitMessage("a") to obtain dynamically a key for the initMessage of module a.

Which means that we can slightly alter our call:

val mapModules : Map<String, Module> = config.get(server.modules){ _, id, config ->
  Module(config[server.modulesInitMessage(id)], config[server.modulesStopMessage(id)])

This feels much cleaner already.

We could argue that because the new get method is on config, we could forgo the entire config passing to the extractor. And potentially enforce a usage pattern by not providing the prefix either.

It could get as simple as:

data class Module(val initMessage: String, val stopMessage: String)

object server : PropertyGroup() {
    val modules by listType(stringType)

    fun modulesInitMessage(id: String) = key("${}.$id.initMessage", stringType)
    fun modulesStopMessage(id: String) = key("${}.$id.stopMessage", stringType)

val mapModules : Map<String, Module> = config.get(server.modules){
    Module(config[server.modulesInitMessage(it)], config[server.modulesStopMessage(it)])

What do you think? Is it worth supporting this?

How to write new values to config file?

Is there any way to save the changed values to the same file from which the values were loaded, so when the program is run a second time then the new values are loaded?

Create release with License

Users need a release with a license to be able to use this code in a real world project.

Will you please cut a release with the license file?

Add option to exclude underscore replacement

Is it possible to add functionality to make this magic.kt test pass? I have some properties with key name '_' underscore.


object a_group : PropertyGroup() {
val a_property by stringType

fun underscore_not_replaced_with_hyphen() {
assertThat(, equalTo("a_group.a_property"))


Document how Konfig names configuration properties and translates names,

Konfig uses "-" to separate words within property levels, and "." to separate property levels.

It translates names in the code to that naming convention. And also translates that naming convention to the naming conventions used by different configuration sources (e.g. it translates to upper-case names with underscores to look up environment variables).

Required keys

Is there any way to make Key "required"?

I want to have some of my cli arguments required and other - optional.

fr: ultra-simplified version using delegates

I think that this would be an easy feature given the great foundation in this project, and what Kotlin can do with delegates.

In my class, I'd like to have magic delegated properties that take into account everything (SystemProperties, EnvironmentVariables, command line, and default values). I think it would be possible to do so in a way that a single import is all you need:

import com.natpryce.konfig.byConfig

class MyClass {
  val speed:Double = byConfig(0.0)
  val name:String = byConfig("Larry")
  init {
    println("My name is $name because of ${::name.source}")

Optional values not supported?

Optionals (for args, environment values etc) or defaults don't seem to be supported. Am I right?

I suppose you can get around it by using try blocks but it quickly gets ugly.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when accessing configuration properties


the stacktrace is:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method kotlin.jvm.JvmClassMappingKt.getKotlinClass, parameter $receiver
    at kotlin.jvm.JvmClassMappingKt.getKotlinClass(JvmClassMapping.kt)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.PropertyGroup.outer(magic.kt:16)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.PropertyGroup.namePrefix(magic.kt:18)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.PropertyGroup.key(magic.kt:23)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.MagicKt.getValue(magic.kt:28)

I took a look at the code and there is a silent requirement for the configuration class to be inside another class:

open class PropertyGroup(private val outer: PropertyGroup? = null) : PropertyKeys() {
    private fun outer() = outer ?: javaClass.enclosingClass.kotlin.objectInstance as? PropertyGroup

If the configuration object is a top level class in a separate file, javaClass.enclosingClass is null. This is the case in all the tests, btw, that the config object is inside an other class (eg.: However it's not obvious from the that it is a requirement.

I'm wondering how to fix this - I guess it should not be necessary to require a top level class, however I might be missing something.

Either the documentation should be updated or the code :)

Consider use of `typeOf`

Kotlin 1.3.40 added typeOf to the standard library, which may simplify code. However, it is marked as "experimental". Reading the tea leaves, Kotlin plans to make this feature standard (non-experimental) at some point, so I presume there are some multi-platform issues for the present. My focus is JVM, so I'm satisfied with how typeOf works.

konfig might be simplified/improved with use of typeOf.

add `default` field into `Key`

Please add default field into Key:

    val nameKey = Key("name", stringType, "DefaultName")
    val name = config[nameKey] /// if not contains in CONFIG -> ="DefaultName"

If use -h command it will print:

Description of NAME. Default value: DefaultName

And if not setted in configuration - use Deafult Value

instead I do now:

    val connectiontimeoutKey = Key("connection.timeout", intType)
    fun getConnectionTimeout(): Int {
        return if (connectiontimeoutKey in vals) vals[connectiontimeoutKey]

but I need:

    val connectiontimeoutKey = Key("connection.timeout", intType, DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)
    fun getConnectionTimeout(): Int {
        return vals[connectiontimeoutKey]

Multi-valued properties

Nice library !

I am trying to use it for a project and I need to have a list of properties of a specific type, eg:

class ServiceConfig : Configuration by systemProperties() overriding
        EnvironmentVariables() overriding fromResource("") {

    open class Node: PropertyGroup() {
        val name by stringType
        val url by uriType

    object nodes : PropertyGroup() {
        object node1 : Node()
        object node2 : Node()
        // ... (eventually this will keep on growing)

Is there some way to do this or is it planned for a future implementation?


get list of all available keys

Is it possible to be able to get a list of every possible key in a configuration? At the moment it's all gets/contains etc. For background, what we want to do is basically run a test that ensures the keys are consistent/available across all envs, as otherwise we don't know till we start the app if the config files have all the params (we had the issue recently).

Thanks :)

Load config from optional resource

It would be nice to have a function fromOptionalResource analogous to fromOptionalFile.

Currently I'm doing something like:

private fun ConfigurationProperties.Companion.fromOptionalResource(resourceName: String) =
  if (ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resourceName) != null) fromResource(resourceName)
  else EmptyConfiguration

private fun konfig(resourceName: String): Configuration = systemProperties() overriding
  EnvironmentVariables overriding

Load from resource from within a servlet

I'm trying to load resources from the classpath in a servlet application. I would expect to be able to use


or maybe

ConfigurationProperties.fromResource(, "")

But both don't work. The first uses the system classloader, instead of the servlet classloader (which makes sense), but the second variant should work. In the code I see that the class that is passed in is used like this:


For some reason this doesn't work. What does work is


Since I cannot passin the URL returned from this call, I have to resort to

val res ="")

Which isn't very elegant. Am I missing something here?

Build project

I have difficulties to build the project.

  • gradle is not the latest
  • it looks like it requires JDK 8 to build (which I do not want to install)
  • Kotlin version is very old

I ported the project to Maven in order to build it. Would you accept migration to Maven ?

Support different file formats for config

Thank you for your hard work!

I have a question about supported config file format. Will it be possible to use format other than java properties format (yml etc)?

Packages and file facades are not yet supported in Kotlin reflection


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val p = object : PropertyGroup(){
        val aa by intType

    val config = ConfigurationProperties.fromResource("test.props")

And test.props:

I get:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Packages and file facades are not yet supported in Kotlin reflection. Meanwhile please use Java reflection to inspect this class: class ConfigTestKt
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl.reportUnresolvedClass(KClassImpl.kt:170)
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl.access$reportUnresolvedClass(KClassImpl.kt:38)
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl$descriptor_$1.invoke(KClassImpl.kt:46)
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl$descriptor_$1.invoke(KClassImpl.kt:38)
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.ReflectProperties$LazySoftVal.invoke(
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl.getDescriptor(KClassImpl.kt:50)
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl$objectInstance_$1.invoke(KClassImpl.kt:136)
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.ReflectProperties$LazyVal.invoke(
    at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.KClassImpl.getObjectInstance(KClassImpl.kt:149)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.PropertyGroup.outer(magic.kt:16)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.PropertyGroup.namePrefix(magic.kt:18)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.PropertyGroup.key(magic.kt:23)
    at com.natpryce.konfig.MagicKt.getValue(magic.kt:28)
    at ConfigTestKt$main$p$1.getAa(ConfigTest.kt)
    at ConfigTestKt.main(ConfigTest.kt:12)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(

This is with Kotlin 1.0.2-release-IJ143-96.

Wrong version tag for

The version was published with this version tag: "version=" instead of "".
For example to add it to maven file it is required to use:


instead of



This project doesn't have a LICENSE.txt
It would be awesome to use your project in my code but I can't if its something like GPL.

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