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raintale's Issues

Add caching support to Raintale

Raintale was originally built without caching support because it only issued calls to MementoEmbed. Storytellers like the video storyteller require making additional HTTP(S) requests to web archives. Caching may also help with testing.

The requests-cache library is used elsewhere in the DSA toolkit for this purpose. references non-existent hypercane_with_wooey directory

writing database information to /opt/raintale/raintale-gui/../hypercane_with_wooey/hypercane_with_wooey/settings/
/opt/raintale/raintale-gui/ line 118: /opt/raintale/raintale-gui/../hypercane_with_wooey/hypercane_with_wooey/settings/ No such file or directory

I assume that should be raintale_with_wooey not hypercane_with_wooey. There are some other references to hypercane in the script that probably don't belong:

echo "the command '$command' is required to install Hypercane; it was not detected in your PATH"



# add Hypercane scripts

Remove Wooey's Re-run and Resubmit buttons from the Raintale GUI

They are confusing to us and will likely be so for users. Until we can articulate how to use them, we should remove them.

We just need someone to remove the lines from raintale-gui/templates/jobs/job_view.html:

<button class="btn btn-primary btn-warning status-completed-toggle status-revoked-toggle status-failure-toggle" name="celery-command" value="rerun" type="submit">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat" aria-hidden="true"></span> {% trans "Re-run" %}
<button class="btn btn-warning" name="celery-command" value="resubmit" type="submit">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat" aria-hidden="true"></span> {% trans "Resubmit" %}

Add image as a story element type

Raintale already supports the link and text story element types in JSON input. An image story element type would allow users to handle images in a special way with their templates. It should not be handled that differently from text. This would just give users an additional key with which to control the look of output in templates.

A potential additional key is video. Because the user may need to other key types, this may require more thought than just adding if statements. hang due to grep without input hangs after printing:

verifying that database is empty
discovered 0 tables in the database
database is empty, continuing
writing database information to /opt/raintale/raintale-gui/../hypercane_with_wooey/hypercane_with_wooey/settings/

It appears to be stuck with this grep command reading from stdin:


Provide meaningful error message if the user provides the Twitter template for "Create Story with Template" script.

If the user provides the Twitter template for the "Create Story with Template" script, the script will fail with no useful error message currently. We have to make sure a meaningful error message is provided in such a scenario.

We can update the storyteller code to account for this.

if template_contents[0:34] == '{# RAINTALE MULTIPART TEMPLATE #}\n':
 display error message

Update celery multiprocessing options in Raintale GUI start script

The Wooey documentation states that users start it by running both Django and Celery. The commands they provide for starting Wooey are:

# celery -A your_project_name worker -c 1 --beat -l info
# python runserver

We've been trying to determine why jobs in Wooey appear to be blocking and thus only execute sequentially. The problem is with the -c 1 argument, which tells Celery to only start 1 process to process the queue. If we remove -c 1 then it will start a number of processes equal to the number of CPUs present in the system, allowing for Wooey (and Raintale) to execute more than one process at a time.

We need to remove -c 1 from the GUI startup script in

celery -A ${CELERY_PROJECT_NAME} worker -c 1 --beat -l info > celery-output.log 2>&1 &

For reference, I have already done this with Hypercane's GUI startup.

Create a "View Story" button in Raintale's GUI

A user can view their Raintale story if they know which file link to click on, but this is not friendly.

A better way would be to have a "View Story" button as @himarshaj and I have discussed. It would have to be aware of how to handle different story types, for example:

  • for Create Story From Preset, Create Story From Template, and Create Video Story this button will link to the file that was generated as part of the storytelling process
  • for Tell Story With Facebook and Tell Story With Twitter this button will link to the associated social media post

We need to figure out how Django's template engine can tell the difference. Maybe there is a control flow statement we can use that will change behavior based on the job type. A second challenge is how to read the URL from the output in the case of social media stories so we can alter the behavior of this button.

The template controlling this behavior is in raintale-gui/templates/jobs/job_view.html.

Support Jinja2 filters

Raintale templates are based on Jinja2 templates. With the addition of preferences, Raintale templates are no longer Jinja2 compatible, but Jinja2 filters would still be useful to users.

The differences:

  • Preferences instruct Raintale how to generate the value for a variable. Example: choosing the 3rd best sentence from the document.
  • Filters instruct Jinja2 how to alter the value of a variable after creation. Example: converting the text to uppercase.

Raintale should still support Jinja2 filters.

Preferences are handled like so:
{{ variable|prefer key=value,key2=value2 }}

Jinja2 filters could be added to the mix like so:
{{ variable|prefer key=value,key2=value2|filter1|filter2(arg1, arg2)|filter3 }}

Implement http retries with MementoEmbed

Sometimes MementoEmbed has a transient error when processing memento content. Right now Raintale crashes and instructs the user to just rerun the program if something goes wrong. It should, instead, retry n times before giving up, like the OTMT does. No module named 'psycopg2'

Following the postgres instructions after installing from RPM on a fresh CentOS install running fails with this error:

changing to /opt/raintale/raintale-gui/../raintale_with_wooey
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/raintale/raintale-virtualenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/db/backends/postgresql/", line 25, in <module>
    import psycopg2 as Database
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psycopg2'

Installing the system python38-psychopg2 package did not help. Installing it with pip inside the raintale-virtualenv resolves the error:

sudo dnf group install -y 'Development Tools'
sudo dnf install -y python38-devel postgresql-devel
sudo /opt/raintale/raintale-virtualenv/bin/pip install psycopg2

Recommend either adding this step to the section about configuring raintale for postgres or shipping psycopg2 in the package.

Finish Raintale GUI script for Create Video Story

We can finish the Create Video Story script by adapting what we've learned from the existing Create Story From Template script. Much of the structure is the same.

The storyteller class we need to use is VideoStoryTeller as found in raintale/storytellers/

Video stories do not support a template, so the code does not need to support one as input.

Create a Linux install for Raintale

This script should take into account the lessons learned from #19, #20, and #21.

Ideally, we would create an RPM install for RedHat-based systems and a DEB install for Debian-based systems, but that may be a bit too much to test for the duration of the IIPC Grant. A tarball containing the necessary files and an installation script is likely enough. To make it administrator-friendly, we could apply Makeself as well. This way the user can download a single file, execute it, and it will extract our content, execute our script, and start up the Raintale GUI.

New Preset Request: Tweets with Imagereel

This is a request for a new template to be included with Raintale.

Storyteller: Twitter

Template code is below:

{{ title }}

{% if generated_by is not none %}Story By: {{ generated_by }}{% endif %}

{% if collection_url is not none %}{{ collection_url }}{% endif %}

{{ element.surrogate.title }}

{{ element.surrogate.memento_datetime }}

{{ element.surrogate.urim }}

{{ element.surrogate.imagereel }}

Ensure Raintale GUI documentation contains details for setting it up on a production server

The Raintale GUI production environment needs more robust infrastructure than provided by our Docker installation.

By default Wooey/Django uses SQLite as a database. SQLite allows for concurrent reads, but locks and queues concurrent writes. This is great for a single user, but not so good for a system that will satisfy multiple users. Django supports changing the backend database to something else.

Based on the Wooey documentation, it will use the default database for queuing, but RabbitMQ is "a more robust system" than the default database because RabbitMQ is specially designed for this queuing.

We should at least point to documentation that helps users set this up. We could also update our installer to alter the correct Django settings files as needed by administrators.

Update Raintale GUI installer to support newest version of Django

Wooey does not currently support Django 3.2.5 and the Raintale GUI installer downgrades Django to 3.1.8 so that our system will work. The author of Wooey assures me that a fix will be included in the next Wooey version. Once that version is available, we need to remove the lines downgrading Django from our installer.

if [ $INSTALL_ALL -eq 0 ]; then
echo "installing specific Django version"
pip install Django==3.1.8 # see
pip freeze | grep Django==3.1.8 > /dev/null
if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Django already installed, skipping install of Django"
echo "installing specific Django version"
pip install Django==3.1.8 # see

postgres support: raintale-celery.service missing EnvironmentFile=/etc/raintale.conf

After enabling postgres support according to the documentation jobs get stuck with status "Waiting" and raintale-celery service logs the following error:

Nov 16 07:52:32 localhost.localdomain celery[71877]: psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "raintale"

Fixed by adding this line to [Service] section in /etc/systemd/system/raintale-celery.service:


and then restarting with:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart raintale-celery

Optionally allow the Raintale GUI to require user authentication for all users after install

As identified by @ato, an organization may only wish to accept Raintale templates from trusted individuals.

This will require two actions:

  1. when completing the documentation for the Raintale GUI, we will have to provide at least a link to instructions for creating a superuser and adding users via the Django administrator interface
  2. we will need to disable the Registration link on the main page if a user requests it during or after installation

Addressing #1 will not be accomplished until we complete the Raintale GUI documentation.

Addressing #2 requires that an installer disable the /accounts/register/ endpoint with the following steps.

After reviewing Wooey's source code and testing locally, I've determined that the installer can disable that by setting WOOEY_REGISTER_URL to None. inside settings/

Finally, to ensure that only authenticated users are allowed to execute Raintale scripts, the installer will set WOOEY_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS from settings/ to False.

So, to summarize, should:

  • accept a flag indicating that the user wishes to install the system without registration
  • if that flag is set, it will set WOOEY_REGISTER_URL to None inside settings/
  • if that flag is set, it will set WOOEY_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS to False inside settings/

Remove Raintale GUI's Download button

Wooey has a confusing setup with respect to Downloads. We will be implementing a "View Story" button in #26 which will make the existing Download button redundant. We should remove the Download button so that it does not confuse users.

The code to do so is here:

<div class="btn-group status-completed-toggle">
<a href="{{ job_info.archives.0.url }}" role="button" class="btn btn-primary">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span> {% trans "Download" %}
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="caret"></span>
<span class="sr-only">{% trans "Toggle Dropdown" %}</span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
{% for archive in job_info.archives %}
<li><a href="{{ archive.url }}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-compressed"></span> {% if archive.url|endswith:"zip" %}.zip{% else %}.tar.gz{% endif %}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

Write Documentation for Raintale WUI

The Raintale WUI needs to be documented once completed. The documentation should include screenshots and descriptions of how to use Raintale as well as how to install the system. calls ` migrate` with placeholder db config creates a file /etc/raintale.conf containing the database details supplied by the command-line and password prompt. It then adds a section to that references these as environment variables. However it never actually sets these as environment variables when calling migrate, so the placeholder values like "raintale_password" are used instead of the values entered by the user. The migrate command therefore fails with:

psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "raintale"

I worked around this by adding this to before the migrate command:

source "${raintale_conf}"

For Raintale GUI, remove user option to specify output filename

Per feedback from @ato, if we allow users to specify an output file, they could abuse the server and overwrite existing system files. We really do not need to provide this option. To avoid this security issue, we should do two things for all Raintale scripts that have output files:

  1. remove the option of specifying an output filename from all GUI scripts - this addresses the security concern
  2. make the default output filename output.dat or story-file.dat with an appropriate extension - I'm leaning toward story-file.dat or story.dat or something like that -- just make sure it is descriptive and matches the work done in #26

This should not affect stories that use social media because there is no output filename.

Systemd service definition for Raintale

Our existing and scripts work well for Docker deployment, but, as noted by @ato, we need something more robust for general server installation.

@ato has provided a Gist here that provides this capability:

We need to include these as separate files in the raintale/raintale-gui/ folder to be included in a future installer. Several people, including Olga from the IIPC, have asked that we attempt to make services like the Raintale GUI easier to install, and @ato's systemd work goes a long way to making this happen.

We will have to independently test this on another systemd-capable machine as well.

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