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simcausal's Issues

Mediation Analysis with simcausal

I'd like to use simcausal for mediation analysis but wonder how this can best be done. For natural direct and indirect effects I need to simulate the crossworld counterfactual Y(a, M(a*)), - A is the binary exposure variable and M the mediator. M(a*) is the level of the mediator that it would have naturally been under the reference intervention A=a*.

I'm also particularly interested in simulating randomized interventional analogues of the natural effects in the presence of exposure-induced confounding of the relationship of M and the outcome Y. These effects require the counterfactual Y(a, G(m|a*, c)), with G(m|a*, c) denoting a random draw from the distribution of M given A=a* and non-exposure-induced confounders C=c.

What I did so far was rather intuitive. For the interventional effects, I need to draw from the distribution G(m|a*, c) - therefore I simulated data first and then specified a model (lm or glm,e.g.) for M|a, c for each counterfactual dataset a1 and a0. I used the estimated parameters for specifying G(m|a*, c), G(m|a, c) and the respective outcome variables in new nodes and simulated the counterfactual dataset again to evaluate the interventional effects. Below is a simple example for illustration:

#Simple Mediation process with an exposure-induced confounder L
#An "intuitive" approach

set seed for reproducability


M <- DAG.empty()

M <- M +
node("a", # Binary exposure variable
distr = "rbern",
prob = 0.53) +
node("c", # Confounder variable C
distr="rnorm", mean=5, sd=2)+
node("l", #Binary confounder variable L -> exposure induced
distr="rbern" ,
prob=ifelse(c>=5, 0.6-0.3a, 0.7-0.3a))+
node("m", #Mediator variable M
distr = "rnorm",
node("u.Y", #Latent variable
distr = "rnorm", mean = 0, sd = 100)+
node("y", #Outcome Variable Y
distr = "rnorm", mean = 2000-200a+10m-5am + 50l -20al+ 15c + u.Y, sd=200)
Mset <- set.DAG(M, latent.v = c("u.Y"))

specify the two interventions

a1 <- node("a", distr = "rbern", prob = 1)
Mset <- Mset + action("a1", nodes = a1)
a0 <- node("a", distr = "rbern", prob = 0)
Mset <- Mset + action("a0", nodes = a0)

counterfactual data to estimate conditional distribution M|a,c and M|a*,c

dat <- simcausal::sim(DAG = Mset, actions = c("a1", "a0"), n = 10000000, rndseed = 345)

look at counterfactual data

head(dat[["a1"]]); head(dat[["a0"]])

plotDAG(Mset, xjitter = 0.2, yjitter = 0.2,
edge_attrs = list(width = 0.5, arrow.width = 0.5, arrow.size = 0.3),
vertex_attrs = list(size = 20, label.cex = 0.8))

#Evaluate distribution M|a,c and M|a*,c

summary(m0<-lm(m~c, data=dat[["a0"]]))
sd.m0<-summary(m0)$sigma; sd.m0
coef.m0<-coefficients(m0); coef.m0

summary(m1<-lm(m~c, data=dat[["a1"]]))
coef.m1<-coefficients(m1); coef.m1
sd.m1<-summary(m1)$sigma; sd.m1

M.r<- M +
node("m.0", distr = "rnorm", mean = 13.7465169 + 0.9006255c, sd=3.828051)+ #insert values by hand
node("m.1", distr = "rnorm", mean = 10.2433650 + 0.9009554 c, sd=3.826656) +
#node("m.0", distr = "rnorm", mean = coef.m0[1]+coef.m0[2]c, sd=sd.m0)+ this syntax doesn't work
#node("m.1", distr = "rnorm", mean =coef.m1[1] + coef.m1[2]c, sd=sd.m1)+
node("y.m0", distr = "rnorm",
mean = 2000-200
m.0 + 50l -20al+ 15c + u.Y, sd=200)+
node("y.m1", distr = "rnorm",
mean = 2000-200a+10m.1-5am.1 + 50l -20al+ 15c + u.Y, sd=200)
Mset.r <- set.DAG(M.r, latent.v = c("u.Y"))

specify the two interventions

a1 <- node("a", distr = "rbern", prob = 1)
Mset.r <- Mset.r + action("a1", nodes = a1)
a0 <- node("a", distr = "rbern", prob = 0)
Mset.r <- Mset.r + action("a0", nodes = a0)


Evaluate TRUTH

#Simulate counterfactual dataset
dat <- simcausal::sim(DAG = Mset.r, actions = c("a1", "a0"), n = 10000000, rndseed = 345)

#Evaluate true randomized interventional analogue for the direct effect

Mset.r <- set.targetE(Mset.r, outcome = "y.m0", param = "a1")
y_r.m0_a1<, data = dat)$res ; y_r.m0_a1

Mset.r <- set.targetE(Mset.r, outcome = "y.m0", param = "a0")
y_r.m0_a0<, data = dat)$res; y_r.m0_a0
RIA.NDE<-y_r.m0_a1-y_r.m0_a0; RIA.NDE

#Evaluate true randomized interventional analogue for the indirect effect

Mset.r <- set.targetE(Mset.r, outcome = "y.m1", param = "a1")
y_r.m1_a1<, data = dat)$res; y_r.m1_a1

RIA.NIE<-y_r.m1_a1-y_r.m0_a1; RIA.NIE

#Evaluate randomized interventional analogue for total effect:

I'm not quite sure, if this code is ok or if there are more efficient solutions?
Thanks a lot for suggestions!

fix dependency for rmvnorm

There is an attempt to load mvtnorm namespace in examples -


As mvtnorm is suggested dependency, it should not be required to run examples according to R-exts. This can be conditionally escaped with requireNamespace.
It is possible there are other cases of that issue in other examples, this one was to first that fails.

> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # EXAMPLE 7: Multivariate random variables
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> require("mvtnorm")
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE,  :
  there is no package called ‘mvtnorm’
> D <- DAG.empty()
> # 3 dimensional normal (uncorrelated), using rmvnorm function from rmvnorm package:
> D <- D +
+   node(c("X1","X2","X3"), distr = "rmvnorm", mean = c(0,1,2))
Error in node(c("X1", "X2", "X3"), distr = "rmvnorm", mean = c(0, 1, 2)) : 
  rmvnorm: this node distribution function could not be located
Execution halted

Defining an deterministic action

I am trying to specify an action that assigns a value of "abar" to E[t] while a time-varying covariate C[t-1] is 1, and 0 otherwise. The DAG is defined as follows:

S1.E.1 <-substitute(plogis(-0.30 + 1.00*W1 + 0.08*W2))
S1.E   <-substitute(plogis(-0.30 + 1*E[t-1]))
S1.D.1 <-substitute(plogis(-2.50 - 0.10*W1 + 0.20*W2 + 0.07*E[t]))
S1.D   <-substitute(plogis(-2.50 - 0.10*W1 + 0.20*W2 + 0.07*E[t]))
S1.Y.1 <-substitute(plogis(-2.50 - 0.50*W1 + 0.50*W2 + 0.10*E[t] + 1.00*S + 0.20*S*E[t]))
S1.Y   <-substitute(plogis(-2.50 - 0.05*W1 - 0.25*W2 + 0.30*E[t] + 0.10*Ebar[t-1] + 2.00*H[t-1] + 2.00*S + 0.20*S*Ebar[t-1]))
S1.H.1 <-substitute(plogis(-3.00 + 0.10*W1 + 0.50*W2 + 2.00*S + 0.25*S*E[t]))
S1.H   <-substitute(plogis(-3.00 + 0.10*W1 + 0.50*W2 + 2.00*S + 0.25*S*E[t] + 0.50*Ebar[t-1]))
S1.C.1 <-substitute(plogis( 4.00 - 0.05*W1 - 0.25*W2)) #staying at work
S1.C   <-S1.C.1
D1 <- DAG.empty() +
  node("S",      distr = "rconst", const = 0)+
  node("TTH",    distr = "runif",  min = -2, max = 10)+
  node("", distr = "rconst", const = floor(TTH))+
  node("W1",     distr = "rbern",  prob  = 0.20) +
  node("W2",     distr = "rbern",  prob  = 0.20) +

  node("E",      t=1,       distr = "rbern",  prob=.(S1.E.1))+
  node("D",      t=1,       distr = "rbern",  prob=.(S1.D.1),EFU=TRUE)+
  node("Y",      t=1,       distr = "rbern",  prob=.(S1.Y.1), EFU=TRUE)+
  node("Ebar",   t=1,       distr = "rconst", const=E[1])+
  node("H",      t=1,       distr = "rbern",  prob=.(S1.H.1))+
  node("C",      t=1,       distr = "rbern",  prob=.(S1.C.1))+

  node("E",      t=2:tmax,  distr="rbern",    prob=ifelse(C[t-1]==0,0,.(S1.E)))+
  node("D",      t=2:tmax,  distr="rbern",    prob=.(S1.D), EFU=TRUE)+
  node("Y",      t=2:tmax,  distr="rbern",    prob=.(S1.Y), EFU=TRUE)+ 
  node("Ebar",   t=2:tmax,  distr="rconst",   const=sum(E[1:t])) + 
  node("H",      t=2:tmax,  distr="rbern",    prob=ifelse(H[t-1]==1,1,.(S1.H)))+
  node("C",      t=2:tmax,  distr="rbern",    prob=ifelse(C[t-1]==0,0,.(S1.C)))
RCDAG1 <- set.DAG(D1)

I tried to generate an observed dataset as follows:

K <- 10
act_dynAD0 <-c(
  node("E", t = 1:K, distr = "rconst", const = ifelse(t==1,abar,ifelse(C[t-1]==1, abar, 0))),
  node("D", t = 1:K, distr = "rconst", const = 0)) 
DynDact   <-  RCDAG1 + action("DynE0D0", nodes = act_dynAD0, abar = 0) + action("DynE1D0", nodes = act_dynAD0, abar = 1)
dt    <-  sim(DynDact,actions = c("DynE0D0","DynE1D0"), n = 1000, rndseed = 4)

And obtained the following warning:

Warning messages:
1: In rbinom(n = n, prob = prob, size = 1) : NAs produced
2: In rbinom(n = n, prob = prob, size = 1) : NAs produced
3: In rbinom(n = n, prob = prob, size = 1) : NAs produced
4: In rbinom(n = n, prob = prob, size = 1) : NAs produced
5: In rbinom(n = n, prob = prob, size = 1) : NAs produced

Many of the E[t] columns contain NAs. Would appreciate your help in resolving this.

Gaussian var affecting categorical var


I want to have a Gaussian variable affecting a categorical variable. I tried this which seems to work

C <- rnorm(3,0,2) # or even rnorm(1,0,2)
rcat.b1(250, softmax(C * c(0.5, 0.25, 0.25)))

But running the below only gets me category 4, while there are only three categories?

logsumexp <- function (x) {
  y = max(x)
  y + log(sum(exp(x - y)))

softmax <- function (x) {
  exp(x - logsumexp(x))

D <- DAG.empty()
N <- 250

D <- D +
  # Confounder with Gaussian distribution
      distr = "rnorm",
      mean = 0,
      sd = 2) +

  # Set BA to categorical (c=3).
  # Make sure it starts at 1, to ensure sane priors later.
  # Let C be a causal effect on BA.
    distr = "rcat.b1",
    probs = softmax(C * c(0.5, 0.25, 0.25)))

Dset <- set.DAG(D, vecfun = c("softmax"))
d <- sim(Dset, n = N)
r$> head(d)
  ID          C BA
1  1 -1.3004380  4
2  2  3.4434901  4
3  3 -1.7159391  4
4  4  3.7295937  4
5  5 -1.7967269  4
6  6 -0.8985413  4

Have I misunderstood something? :)

Default values for non-existing time-points

Allow non-existing time-point references to default to some value, for example, instead of doing this

node("TI", t=0:7, distr="rbern", prob=plogis(-5 - 0.3*CVD + 0.5*A1C[t] + 1.5*{if (t==0) {0} else {TI[t-1]}}))

write just this, with TI[t-1] at t=0 defaulting to 0:

node("TI", t=0:7, distr="rbern", prob=plogis(-5 - 0.3*CVD + 0.5*A1C[t] + 1.5*TI[t-1]))

Performing intervention in ver. 0.5.0

I am trying to perform a deterministic intervention on a DAG.

D <- DAG.empty()

D <- D +
  node("U1", distr="runif"

D <- D +
  node("U2", distr="runif"

D <- D +
  node("UA", distr="runif"

D <- D +
  node("UY", distr="runif"

D <- D +
  node("W1", distr="rconst",
       const = as.numeric(U1 < 0.5))

D <- D +
  node("W2", distr="rconst",
       const = as.numeric(U2 < 0.5))

D <- D +
  node("A", distr="rconst",
       const = as.numeric(UA < expit(-0.5 + W1 - 1.5 * W2)) )

D <- D +
  node("Y", distr="rconst",
       const = as.numeric(UY < expit(-0.75 + W1 - 2 * W2 + 2.5 * A + A*W1)),
       EFU = TRUE)

setDl2 <- set.DAG(D)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
plotDAG(setDl2, xjitter = 0.32, yjitter = 0.03,
        edge_attrs = list(width = 0.5, arrow.width = 0.4, arrow.size = 0.8),
        vertex_attrs = list(size = 19, label.cex = 1.5))
title(main = "SCM graph")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# intervention
actN_A <- node("A",distr="rconst", const = theta)

D_act <- D + action("A_th0", nodes=actN_A, theta=0)
D_act <- D_act + action("A_th1", nodes=actN_A, theta=1)
D_act <- D_act + action("A_no_intervene", nodes=node("A", distr="rconst", const = as.numeric(UA < expit(-0.5 + W1 - 1.5 * W2)) )) <- simfull(A(D_act), n=1e5 , rndseed = 252)

The D_act assignment fails to run under 0.5.0 while suceeds under 0.4.0. Could you please take a look when you have time?

Error in rcategor and for large numbers of groups

I'd like to use rcategor (or to assign individuals to a large number of categories, but the following example illustrates an error:

D <- DAG.empty()
D1 <- D + node('group',
              distr = '',
              probs = rep(1/50, 50)) 
D2 <- D + node('group',
               distr = '',
               probs = rep(1/55, 55)) 
D1 <- set.DAG(D1)
D2 <- set.DAG(D2)

D1 is fine. D2, however, presents the following error:

I'm just starting to play with the package. It's great so far!

#Simulating from a fixed network

The current simulation seems to only allow us to fix the hyper parameters of the network and whenever we simulate, it will first generate a new network and then simulate the covariates.

However, we want to be able to simulate from a fixed network. I.E at most simulate our network according to hyper parameters once, then fix such network, and simulate many different realizations of the covariates and outcomes.

So, I add such functionality by changing the simFromDAG function.

Understanding Non-standard evaluation in 0.5.1

The updates in v0.5.1 break my code, and I trying to understand why. I'm simulating a space-time structure, so I have two indexes s and t. simcausal understands a single dimension, so I map s and t to a single dimension via the function tFUN.

For each node in the DAG, I have a dataset of parameters that I lookup for s, t.

Here's a short example:

for(t in t_start:TT ){ # Per month
    for(s in s_start:SS ){ # Per location

      tpos  <- tFUN(s, t, SS)
      ## Initial month values ##

      if(s == 1 & t == 0){
       D <- D + node('L1',
               distr = 'rnorm',
               mean  = .(lookup_parameter(pp, node = 'L1', s = s, t = t, variable = '(Intercept)') ),
               sd    = .(lookup_parameter(pp, node = 'L1', s = s, t = t, variable = 'mse') ),
               t     = tpos)

lookup_parameter basically uses [ to pick off the correct element in the dataset.

With the new updates, the values for s and t getting passed to lookup_parameter are not what I expected, and I get a One of the distribution parameters evaluated to non-standard vector error. t is the value I'd expect from simcausal rather then the value from the loop. s is a mystery altogether. The other arguments (node and variable pass to lookup_parameter correctly).

I think for my purposes (I'm trying to wrap up this study), I should just roll back to v0.5.0. I figured I would bring this up, in case there is something obvious I'm missing.


cannot find function 'melt'

I've run into the issue a few times, where when I call simobs get a cannot find function 'melt' error. When I run library(data.table), the issue goes away. I have not pinpointed if I have other libraries load that may cause the conflict, but I think changing melt to data.table::melt on line 749 of simulation.R may fix the issue. Though I see that data.table::melt has been commented out.

using as.integer() in node formulas prints to the terminal:

using as.integer() in node formulas prints it to the terminal:

D <- DAG.empty()
D <- D +
         node("Trexp", distr = "rexp", rate = 1) +
         node("Cweib", distr = "rweibull", shape = 0.5, scale = 1) +
         node("T", distr = "rconst", const = as.integer(Trexp*100))
setD <- set.DAG(D)
dat <- sim(setD, n=100)

Evaluation of categorical by variable name

THIS no longer works, because the dimensions of catprob.W0 and catprob.W1 (1 row) do not match the dims of W (n rows)

  D <- DAG.empty()
  D <- D + node("W", distr = "rbern", prob = 0.3)
  catprob.W0 <- cbind(0.7,0.1,0.2)
  catprob.W1 <- cbind(0.2,0.1,0.7)
  D <- D + node("Cat3", distr = "", probs = (W==0)*.(catprob.W0) + (W==1)*.(catprob.W1))
  checkException(Dset2 <- set.DAG(D))

This works however, because simcausal gets a chance to parse c(0.7,0.1,0.2) into a matrix with appropriate number of rows:

  D <- DAG.empty()
  D <- D + node("W", distr = "rbern", prob = 0.3)
  catprob.W0 <- cbind(0.7,0.1,0.2)
  catprob.W1 <- cbind(0.2,0.1,0.7)
  D <- D + node("Cat3", distr = "", probs = (W==0)*c(0.7,0.1,0.2) + (W==1)*c(0.2,0.1,0.7))
  Dset2 <- set.DAG(D)

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