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angular-lazy-img's Issues

Bug in API

not working

Multiple lazy loaders in row not working

So i have this kind of code:

<div class="col-12 offer-box">
	<div class="offer-img tt1" lazy-img="css/images/transfery_na_lotniska.webp">
		<a href="#">
			<div class="desc-text">

				<div class="hover-text">
					<button class="see-more">więcej</button>
	<div class="desc-img">

		<a class="see-more" href="#">Zobacz więcej <i class="fa fa-angle-right"
<div class="col-12 offer-box">
	<div class="hidden-lg-down quote-text quote-left d-flex align-items-center">

	<div class="offer-img tt1" lazy-img="css/images/wynajem_autokarow.webp">
		<a href="#">
			<div class="desc-text">

				<div class="hover-text">
					<button class="see-more">więcej</button>
	<div class="desc-img">

		<a class="see-more" href="#">Zobacz więcej <i class="fa fa-angle-right"

And few more. No matter how many of them i have, it'll only show last one.

In pevious part of document i have directive with this inside:

<li class="news-list" ng-repeat="row in feed">
                                <div class="img-feed" lazy-img="{{row.image}}" style="background: no-repeat 50% / cover"></div>

and it's working 100% fine. Don't think webp format is issue here. I had all on png and wasn't working anyway.

What i noticed, that lazyimg is deployed for every corrupted image but will always show src of last one.

Does not seem to work in Firefox

Using the default settings everything works fine in Chrome, but when using Firefox, the images aren't loaded. There are no errors in the console.

Have you tested this in Firefox?

Event after image has been downloaded

I've seen this already #10

However i've noticed that the success event is triggered before the actual download. What i'm trying to do is to add an img-responsive class after the download, otherwise my gif spinner is upscaled and deformed.

$rootScope.$on('lazyImg:success', function(event, data){

Is it there any way to do this, and is this library still maintained?

So my scroll container is not $window. And am not able to implement it in particular controller

in my app.js i wrote
app.config(['lazyImgConfigProvider', function(lazyImgConfigProvider){
var scrollable = document.querySelector('#int-scroll');
offset: 100,
errorClass: 'error',
onError: function(image){},
onSuccess: function(image){},
container: angular.element(scrollable)

So I am using lazy load in listing page. But app.config runs on first load. So if I refresh the listing page(whole app on listing page),it works fine. But when i come from home page it does not work because app.config wont run again.

I want to run the code above when i reach listing controller. Please help

In Firefox the script goes unresponsive if we have around 900 images using lazyImg

I think lazyImg:refresh is being called more than it is supposed to be.

If I have around 100 images loaded using lazyImg and I navigate to a different view and then come back again to the same view. The linking of the directive is done again and so this time, when the lazyImg:refresh event is triggered, the observer ($rootScope.$on('lazyImg:refresh'...) is called 200 times, then 300 and so on.

This becomes a problem when I have around 900 images on page and so the refresh grows like 900, 1800, 2700 and so on.

I am not sure about the threshold, but I observe this unresponsiveness when I have 920 images and I navigate to/away the page more than 3 times.

Bower outdated

Please create a new tag with the latest changes (v1.1.0) :)

$ bower install --save angular-lazy-img#1.1.0
bower angular-lazy-img#1.1.0       not-cached git://
bower angular-lazy-img#1.1.0          resolve git://
bower angular-lazy-img#1.1.0     ENORESTARGET No tag found that was able to satisfy 1.1.0

Additional error details:
Available versions: 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0

angular-lazy-img not working on safari browser

I am using angular-lazy-img with angular 1.5.8. The image lazy load is working fine on chrome but not working safari.

here is the sample img tag---
< img id="list-img-id" class="list-imgs lazy list-row-img" lazy-img="{{near.coverImage}}" alt="{{near.displayName + ' ' +near.displayNameLocation}}" style="" >

here is lazyImgConfig function---

config(['lazyImgConfigProvider', function(lazyImgConfigProvider) {
setTimeout(function() {
var scrollable = document.querySelector('#hawai');
offset: 1, // how early you want to load image (default = 100)
errorClass: 'error', // in case of loading image failure what class should be added (default = null)
successClass: 'success', // in case of loading image success what class should be added (default =
onError: function(image) {}, // function fired on loading error
onSuccess: function(image) {}, // function fired on loading success
container: angular.element(scrollable) // if scrollable container is not $window then provide it here
}, 1000)


please let me know whats the issue and how can i fix it.


Can you direct me to a working example of this directive?

Images not loading when scrolled from bottom

I have an array of images in ng-repeat and when page loads, I scroll to the page that was previously on focus. Now, when I scroll up, The previous image does not load until I scroll till the top of that image. I tries to call the refresh event but yielded no result.
NOTE : the container directive is placed on another directive called awezoom

Not working without ng-repeat


<div class="ot-panel-block"> <div class="post-image"> <img style="position:absolute;top:10px;right:10px;" lazy-img='{{restaurante.logo}}' alt="logo {{}}" /> <img lazy-img='{{restaurante.photo1}}' src="images/restaurante/principal.png" alt="" /> </div> </div>

Only apply lazyload in last img

Lazy load images inside iframe

I have angular app, which has iframe and all images should load inside of iframe.
Same time, on load it alters image src to some default one and adds 'lazy-img' to image with image src.
Doesn't work even with $rootScope.$emit('lazyImg:refres')
Any idea how to make it work?

How to style the spinner

Hi, i would need to change the size/position of the spinner when. In a example like this:

<img src='spinner.gif' lazy-img='photo.jpeg' />

is there any way to add a class to the image while the image is being loaded, so the class would style the spinner?


position:fixed not loading

There is problem with loading images in elements with or their parents have position fixed.
I have popup which stay always below list of items. At click on one of items Im calling this 'modal', but picture don't loads.

Problem is in this condition :
if (image && lazyImgHelpers.isElementInView(image.$elem[0], options.offset, winDimensions)) { loadImage(image); images.splice(i, 1); }

When i moved loadImage(image) out of condition directive is working fine.

Cant add container of images in angular.config()

Im using ionic 1.5 (in particular <ion-content>) as container for a list of images. But when try to use lazyImgConfigProvider during angular config phase <ion-content> doesnt exist in dom.

Is there any way to config <ion-content id="my-container"> as a container for a list of lazy-loaded images?


Set container in directive

If I have an image in a second page your code doesn't work because locates for 'window' or 'container' in the main page.

... in config code...

scrollable = document.querySelector('#scrollable')
container: angular.element(scrollable)

lazyImgContainer confusing

plase note that the attribute to add to a container on a dynamic page is lazy-img-container (in kebab case) rather than the actual name lazyImgContainer (in camel case)

Even though this is convention in Angular, it still got me ;)

Use inside picture tag

I am wondering if your plugin is able to handle picture tag ?
<picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset="/webp/image.webp"> <img src="/img/image.png" alt="Logo"> </picture>

Helper to call check manually


could you provide a helper or something to trigger the image check manually?
My problem: I have an image slider which will show images in an overflow: hidden wrapper, when clicking on an arrow. But the images won't be visible unless I scroll the entire page up or down.
So it would be nice if there was a function I could call on every click on the arrow.

Result classes are not cleared

When I change lazy-image value to another value, image is loaded afresh which is intuitive.
But classes added with errorClass and successClass options are not cleared.
So at the and I could have element with both classes.
I don't know whether it is desired behaviour or a bug.

Inject the angular-lazy-img module in your application.

Hi, im using ionic 3 and angular 5. where do i put this code?

angular.module('your.module', [ 'angularLazyImg' ]);

I tried to put it after the export class AppModule in app.module.ts but there is an error and the suggestions are not helping

This is the code in my app.module.ts:

`import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicApp, IonicErrorHandler, IonicModule, Slide, Slides } from 'ionic-angular';
import { FormControl, FormGroup, Validator } from "@angular/forms";

import { MyApp } from './app.component';
import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home';
import { ListPage } from '../pages/list/list';
import { Year2018Page } from '../pages/year2018/year2018';
import { Year2017Page } from '../pages/year2017/year2017';
import { Year2016Page } from '../pages/year2016/year2016';
import { AboutPage } from "../pages/about/about";
import { March2018pdfPage } from "../pages/march2018pdf/march2018pdf";
import { ContactusPage } from '../pages/contactus/contactus';
import { LoginPage } from "../pages/login/login";
import { RegisterPage } from "../pages/register/register";
//import { SplashPage } from '../pages/splash/splash';

import { StatusBar } from '@ionic-native/status-bar';
import { SplashScreen } from '@ionic-native/splash-screen';
import { IonicImageViewerModule } from 'ionic-img-viewer';
import { February2018pdfPage } from '../pages/february2018pdf/february2018pdf';
import { January2018pdfPage } from '../pages/january2018pdf/january2018pdf';

//import { InAppBrowser } from '@ionic-native/in-app-browser';
//import { DocumentViewer } from '@ionic-native/document-viewer';

declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: [IonicApp],
entryComponents: [
providers: [
{provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: IonicErrorHandler},
export class AppModule {}`

Stop loading all images in hidden div

If I have two divs, one for view1 and another for view2 with "ng-show" and "ng-click" to toggle betwen them, if I set lazy-img tag on both, it will load all of the images from the second invisible div. If it entirely comment out that div it will only load the first 12 images as it should correctly. I checked the source of the hidden div (view2) and all of the img tags had the "src" attribute appended.

Is there anyway around this?

filter search

Hi, I really like the angular-lazy!

One problem, if I've a ngRepeat and use the search:

When the filter execute the search, the image still not loaded until I scroll the page.

Any idea if this is fixable ?

OnError and OnSuccess - parameter

In documentation in configuration section we have information about onError and onSuccess function which should receive image paramater. But I cannot find description of the parameter in documentation.

  angular.module('your.module', [
  ]).config(['lazyImgConfigProvider', function(lazyImgConfigProvider){
    var scrollable = document.querySelector('#scrollable');
      offset: 100, // how early you want to load image (default = 100)
      errorClass: 'error', // in case of loading image failure what class should be added (default = null)
      successClass: 'success', // in case of loading image success what class should be added (default = null)
      onError: function(image){}, // function fired on loading error
      onSuccess: function(image){}, // function fired on loading success
      container: angular.element(scrollable) // if scrollable container is not $window then provide it here

Kickoff on demand please..

Could we implement a method to kickoff your utility when we decide? Reason i ask is i have callbacks and stuff going on that takes a few before the page renders with the controls your program is expecting and therefore your control didn't work. I had to rig it with this code which i know is not the best method but at least it's working. Also, having the config try and load the element doesn't work for obvious reasons and this looked like issue #4 but after implementing the directive it didn't appear to do anything.

 angular.module('angularLazyImg').factory('LazyImgMagic', [
 '$window', '$rootScope', 'lazyImgConfig', 'lazyImgHelpers',
 function($window, $rootScope, lazyImgConfig, lazyImgHelpers){
 'use strict';

var winDimensions, $win, images, isListening, options;
var checkImagesT, saveWinOffsetT, containers;

images = [];
isListening = false;
options = lazyImgConfig.getOptions();
$win = angular.element($window);
winDimensions = lazyImgHelpers.getWinDimensions();
saveWinOffsetT = lazyImgHelpers.throttle(function(){
  winDimensions = lazyImgHelpers.getWinDimensions();
}, 60);
// ***********  H E R E    I  S    T  H  E    N  E  W    C  O  D  E
function keepchecking(){
  var thescroll = document.querySelector('size-sensitive-div#scrollable');
  var whatever = angular.element(thescroll);
  containers = [whatever || $win];
  if(containers[0].context === undefined){
    }, 200);  

//containers = [options.container || $win];

Events ?

On ie9 i have container which have other divs which have images - they all have to has same height - im using here matchHeight. What i want some event/directive or something which will occure when image is loaded and it can execute my function, but not this onSuccess function cuz i dont need it on every page to be executed.

Should be better to load images that are “in view” and “visible”?

I have the following scenario: a page with thousands of images distributed in tenths of nested <li>s. By default, these <li>s are hidden, but “in view” because its parent element (<ul>) is.

I think instead of only loading images that are “in view” we should also constraint to those that are “visible”.

What do you think?

md-tabs and lazy-img


I am developing an admin panel with Angular Material ( and lazy-img is not working correctly with md-tabs. It only shows the images from first tab.

make it work with filters

The plugin works fine except it doesn't work well with filters.
I'm not sure if it's possible


<li ng-repeat="product in products | filter:category">
    <img lazy-img="{{ product.mainImg }}" />

when state go back,image don't show

i'm use ionic, when go back to list page like use code $ionicHistory.goBack();,all of the images don't show。i must to scroll the page, then the images will show,please help me.

my list page code:

<div class="cover" lazy-img="{{item.coverImg | img}}"></div>

the item is dynamic data of ajax request.

use $rootScope.$emit('lazyImg:refresh'); not work!!!

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