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cw-ics721's Issues

extending cw-ics721-bridge contract

There are good reasons being able to extend this contract. Like this one never returns an error:

pub fn ibc_packet_receive(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    msg: IbcPacketReceiveMsg,
) -> Result<IbcReceiveResponse, Never> {

Unfortunately only ContractError, but not Never, is exposed:

Use instantiate2 for INCOMING_PROXY and OUTGOING_PROXY


  • INCOMING_PROXY: Item<Option<Addr>> -> INCOMING_PROXY: Item<Addr>
  • OUTGOING_PROXY: Item<Option<Addr>> -> OUTGOING_PROXY: Item<Addr>

Requires also migration!

Currently: during instantiation None is stored, and on reply addr is stored. By changing this, we can store addr during instantiation right away.

feature request: ics721 handling custom collections

I was trying transferring a Juno NFT to Stargaze and got this error:
submessages: Error parsing into type cw721::query::ContractInfoResponse: unknown field minter, expected nameorsymbol: execute wasm contract failed [CosmWasm/[email protected]/x/wasm/keeper/keeper.go:395]

Reason is ics721 uses standard cw721, expecting ContractInfoResponse which should only contain name and symbol. But Juno collection has more than that.

command: junod query wasm contract-state smart juno1kpsy0mh58fzrl973ndvppujs9ea5xe9wggjhhg07c42l0yqk5n7st5800h '{"contract_info": {}}'


  "data": {
    "name": "Atlas",
    "symbol": "ATL",
    "minter": "juno1xw99es9dwshk4hak3g9hajkppqu4lwnahzs0lkyd6zq7amj23pjqd7pnte",
    "royalty_bps": [
    "royalty_addrs": [
    "second_admin": "juno1u8sql7kmx5pget7tavwlz6hhe3mxqn0h8yqr2xx288mk5g4xy58qd32as2"

Solution: instead of using restrictive cw_serde, we can use serde for being more lenient and ignore all unknown fields.


ics721 is pretty involved, diagrams to explain key flows and features will go a long way:

  • Basic flow sending and receiving an NFT
  • cw-ics721-bridge SubMessages flow

Serde doesn't optout None value

As discussed here, I had null values in the encoded NonFungibleTokenPacketData. We can opt-out them by #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")].

  "classId": "wasm14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s0phg4d",
  "classUri": null,
  "classData": "eyJvd25lciI6Indhc20xNHpwMzVhdzl3Y256dGxoazUycGpjbHI2enJ2bXJja3pldXJhNWMiLCJjb250cmFjdF9pbmZvIjp7ImNvZGVfaWQiOjEsImNyZWF0b3IiOiJ3YXNtMTR6cDM1YXc5d2NuenRsaGs1MnBqY2xyNnpydm1yY2t6ZXVyYTVjIiwiYWRtaW4iOm51bGwsInBpbm5lZCI6ZmFsc2UsImliY19wb3J0IjpudWxsfSwibmFtZSI6InRlc3RfbmZ0Iiwic3ltYm9sIjoiVEVTVF9ORlQiLCJudW1fdG9rZW5zIjoxfQ==",
  "tokenIds": [
  "tokenUris": [
  "tokenData": null,
  "sender": "wasm14zp35aw9wcnztlhk52pjclr6zrvmrckzeura5c",
  "receiver": "tnam1qq485cszjczr3379p4tme4u94c8q3la04gne5ft3",
  "memo": null
@@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ pub struct NonFungibleTokenPacketData {
     pub class_id: ClassId,
     /// Optional URL that points to metadata about the
     /// collection. Must be non-empty if provided.
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
     pub class_uri: Option<String>,
     /// Optional base64 encoded field which contains on-chain metadata
     /// about the NFT class. Must be non-empty if provided.
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
     pub class_data: Option<Binary>,
     /// Uniquely identifies the tokens in the NFT collection being
     /// transfered. This MUST be non-empty.
@@ -25,11 +27,13 @@ pub struct NonFungibleTokenPacketData {
     /// transfered. `tokenUris[N]` should hold the metadata for
     /// `tokenIds[N]` and both lists should have the same if
     /// provided. Must be non-empty if provided.
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
     pub token_uris: Option<Vec<String>>,
     /// Optional base64 encoded metadata for the tokens being
     /// transfered. `tokenData[N]` should hold metadata for
     /// `tokenIds[N]` and both lists should have the same length if
     /// provided. Must be non-empty if provided.
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
     pub token_data: Option<Vec<Binary>>,

     /// The address sending the tokens on the sending chain.
@@ -38,6 +42,7 @@ pub struct NonFungibleTokenPacketData {
     /// chain.
     pub receiver: String,
     /// Memo to add custom string to the msg
+    #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
     pub memo: Option<String>,

eyeball (collection) might be compromised by proxy

This seems to be critical where info.sender is set provided by proxy:

fn execute_receive_proxy_nft( ... ) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    if PROXY
        .map_or(true, |proxy| info.sender != proxy)
        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});
    let mut info = info;
    info.sender = deps.api.addr_validate(&eyeball)?;
    let cw721::Cw721ReceiveMsg {
    } = msg;
    receive_nft(deps, info, TokenId::new(token_id), sender, msg)

So it would be possible having an exploited proxy contract and providing any random collection which will then be transferred to another chain.

One solution is checking, whether sender is owner of NFT by querying all_nft_info, instead of nft_info here:

Fail safely if opposite side of channel initiates a close

testing seems to reveal that it is possible for the other side of a channel to close in such a way that we can not stop:

we should likely fail gracefully in this case and give an admin the ability to unlock distressed NFTs in that channel. we can give the admin the ability to do this on a per-channel basis so that this may only be done for channels we know to be closed.

Add accounting for locked tokens

SG-721 has to account for locked tokens, preventing them from being transferred.

  1. Store a map of locked token ids
  2. Override send and transfer to disallow working for locked tokens

proper contract error on cw721 instantiation

Currently only success case is handled:

In case ics721 contract is instantiated with wrong CW721_CODE_ID, during transfer this ack fail is returned:

{"error":"codespace: wasm, code: 4"}

SDK error with code 4 means unauthorized.

In additional pls also have a look here:

    let proxy_instantiate = msg
        .map(|m| m.into_wasm_msg(env.contract.address))
        .map(|wasm| SubMsg::reply_on_success(wasm, INSTANTIATE_PROXY_REPLY_ID))
        .map_or(vec![], |s| vec![s]);

Does metadata transfer?

Is metadata transfer supported? I tried transferring token IDs (1, 2, 3) from stars1vujhvlfy7kzjewwuedhn0gsk5nem6y6rzk5xfr275k7nvyv54jlqm27e9s to Sei but their metadata got lost when they reached Sei. Here are the addresses created by Sei bridge:
1 - sei1vx654yrv3fzm0p5hmzmacnwx3th2gtaxzkvxc8susnmyvuc8v33s4jtl64
2 - sei1c27u39gakrjr96g2yvr2w9d9rtds2gan2cl4gcex9m2fakcy04rqse0tzv
3 - sei10u2ztpjuus9sv5vyu4hj0gaq5xvuxepuv0wtc5dv4yxjh4sn24nqlyp42n

Governance Sudo Methods?

Context: #22 (comment)

@jhernandezb wrote:

should we have a governance sudo method that can restore closed channels ? This will happen more than you think currently for ics20 a proposal is submitted on chain to replace a closed channel for a valid one.

Reason: Channel trust period very low and failing to update light client states during this period can lead to clients to be expired.

Edit: nvm I think this is at the light client level but should be tested

We may want some governance sudo methods for such things as restoring closed channels or performing certain admin functions for managing this contract. Though perhaps, current Cosmos SDK governance around IBC is good enough.

This issue is to make sure we have a discussion around this, and at the very least test edge cases like closed channels.

ICS721 spec seems not matched with example implementation


Spec seems saying camel case, but all cosmos ibc specs are saying like this but using snake case. Please refer below example.

interface NonFungibleTokenPacketData {
  classId: string
  classUri: string
  classData: string
  tokenIds: string[]
  tokenUris: string[]
  tokenData: string[]
  sender: string
  receiver: string
  memo: string

Cosmos implementation is using snake case

message NonFungibleTokenPacketData {
  // the class_id of class to be transferred
  string class_id = 1;
  // the class_uri of class to be transferred
  string class_uri = 2;
  // the class_data of class to be transferred
  string class_data = 3;
  // the non fungible tokens to be transferred
  repeated string token_ids = 4;
  // the non fungible tokens's uri to be transferred
  repeated string token_uris = 5;
  // the non fungible tokens's data to be transferred
  repeated string token_data = 6;
  // the sender address
  string sender = 7;
  // the recipient address on the destination chain
  string receiver = 8;
  // optional memo
  string memo = 9;

cw-ics721 is using camel case

#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]


ibc-fee spec is saying

interface Acknowledgement {
    appAcknowledgement: []byte
    forwardRelayerAddress: string
    underlyingAppSuccess: boolean

but, actual implementation is using snake case

message IncentivizedAcknowledgement {
  // the underlying app acknowledgement bytes
  bytes app_acknowledgement = 1;
  // the relayer address which submits the recv packet message
  string forward_relayer_address = 2;
  // success flag of the base application callback
  bool underlying_app_success = 3;

Add deployment scripts

Makefile (or cargo-make) and scripts for:

  • Deploying contracts to testnets
  • Deploying proxy
  • Configuration + setup
  • Schema generation
  • Typescript types generation with ts-codgen

Entry Incentives and Exit Taxes

We'd like to be able to incentivize NFT's entering Stargaze, and require a tax for NFTs exiting Stargaze.

Entry Inventives


  1. A subDAO controls what collections should be incentivized.
  2. If a NFT from an incentivized collections enters Stargaze, an entry incentives contract sends funds to the NFT receiver.

Exit Incentives


First, funds are deposited with the exit tax module. Then, the NFT is transferred via the exit contract which serves as a proxy for the ICS-721 contract. The module being a proxy means that it is the only module allowed to perform NFT transfers, thus making the exit tax required. The two messages needed can be abstracted by a frontend which sends both messages in one transaction.

In this flowchart, the exit tax is paid even if the NFT transfer fails (ACK-FAIL, or timeout is returned). We could easily extend this so that the exit proxy receives a transfer completion callback (which we'll add as part of integrating with outposts), and thus allow refunding the exit tax if the transfer fails.


In order for this system to be safe:

  1. The exit tax must be larger than the entry inventive to prevent looping.
  2. The entry tax must be limited to an allow-list of NFT collections, as otherwise a permissionless chain could instantiate and transfer infinite NFTs to drain the entry incentives.

In case regular (non-mintable) cw721 is used, transfer should cause ACK fail

Normally ICS721 must be instantiated with cw721-base code id:

pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    /// Code ID of cw721-ics contract. A new cw721-ics will be
    /// instantiated for each new IBCd NFT classID.
    /// NOTE: this _must_ correspond to the cw721-base contract. Using
    /// a regular cw721 may cause the ICS 721 interface implemented by
    /// this contract to stop working, and IBCd away NFTs to be
    /// unreturnable as cw721 does not have a mint method in the spec.
    pub cw721_base_code_id: u64,

In case a non-cw721 contract is passed - which has no mint message - transfer should cause ACK fail and rollback transfer, so that NFT is returned to sender on other chain.

name and symbol

Instead of class id being stored in name and symbol, it's actual name and symbol from source chain should be transferred, when creating new collection.

Unfortunately name can't easily be changed. Reason is here:

Basically ICS721 does a sub msg for instantiating cw721 contract (aka collection) on target chain. Once done, on reply, it needs to store ClassId and collection address in a map. The only way of getting class id is storing it somewhere in cw721 - in this case in name.

So what I can at least do, is setting symbol from source source.
A possible solutions is storing name and class id into name with this syntax: name: name_from_source_collection (classID).

This way I could extract ClassId from name.

TBD: instantiate2

feature request: handling onchain metadata

This hasnt been considered yet for ICS721 version one, but for upcoming release.

Standard cw721 is designed by having onchain metadatat called extension here:

pub struct NftInfoResponse<T> {
    /// Universal resource identifier for this NFT
    /// Should point to a JSON file that conforms to the ERC721
    /// Metadata JSON Schema
    pub token_uri: Option<String>,
    /// You can add any custom metadata here when you extend cw721-base
    pub extension: T,

ICS721 allows optional token metadata (token_data) to be transferred as binary. So on receival we just need to unwrap and check whether it matchs with NftInfoResponse struct. If so we can store onchain metadata.

Currently, ICS721 stores cw721-base code id, here we need another code id for cw721-metadata-onchain. Then we're good to go.

Ibc3 feature failing tests

In the ibc3 feature, the new method now accepts 2 arguments, with the relayer addr as the 2nd.

Not sure what it means yet, but I think its need to be looked into.

Questions about NonFungiblePacketData

I'm working on ICS-721 implementation in ibc-rs. I face two issues with decoding NonFungiblePacketData.

First, NonFungiblePacketData has Optional for some members. It causes null value in the packet data. Is it expected?


In go implementation, the packet data doesn't have an Optional field.
Because ibc-rs reuses this definition, the decoding packet data failed.
When adding #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] to the optional members, no null appeared.

Second, shouldn't the data structure compatible with ICS-721 spec? Decoding the above classData in the packet from the contract:

  "owner": "wasm1ejs8u53du38wy2ukrpf00nv9r7539w9e6ryfn3",
  "contract_info": {
    "code_id": 1,
    "creator": "wasm1ejs8u53du38wy2ukrpf00nv9r7539w9e6ryfn3",
    "admin": null,
    "pinned": false,
    "ibc_port": null
  "name": "test_nft",
  "symbol": "TEST_NFT",
  "num_tokens": 1

ICS-721 spec says:

Both tokenData entries and classData MUST be Base64 encoded strings which SHOULD have the following JSON structure:

  "key1" : { "value":"...", "mime":"..." },
  "key2" : { "value":"...", "mime":"..." },

Please correct me if I misinterpret it. Thanks!

"pass-through on back transfer"

We have logic for checking on receive whether NonFungibleTokenPacketData is a back transfer. If we move this to a helper, we could extend proxies for checking and always allow backtransfer and skip WL checks.

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