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rchip-proposals's Introduction


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The open-source RChain project is building a decentralized, economic, censorship-resistant, public compute infrastructure and blockchain. It will host and execute programs popularly referred to as “smart contracts”. It will be trustworthy, scalable, concurrent, with proof-of-stake consensus and content delivery.

RChain Developer features project-related tutorials and documentation, project planning information, events calendar, and information for how to engage with this project.

Note on the use of this software

This code has not yet completed a security review. We strongly recommend that you do not use it in production or to transfer items of material value. We take no responsibility for any loss you may incur through the use of this code.

Use the public testnet

The RChain Cooperative maintains a public testnet running the latest version of RNode. Learn more at RChain public testnet information.



$ docker pull rchain/rnode:latest


  1. Download a .deb package from the releases page
  2. $ sudo apt install ./rnode_<VERSION>.deb, where <VERSION> is something like 0.9.18


  1. Download a .rpm package from the releases page
  2. $ sudo rpm -U ./rnode_<VERSION>.noarch.rpm, where <VERSION> is something like 0.9.18


  1. Install Homebrew by following steps at the Homebrew homepage
  2. $ brew install rchain/rchain/rnode


Docker will be used in the examples port portability reasons, but running the node as a standalone process is very similar.

To fetch the latest version of RNode from the remote Docker hub and run it (exit with C-c):

$ docker run -it -p 40400:40400 rchain/rnode:latest

# With binding of RNode data directory to the host directory $HOME/rnode 
$ docker run -v $HOME/rnode:/var/lib/rnode -it -p 40400:40400 rchain/rnode:latest

In order to use both the peer-to-peer network and REPL capabilities of the node, you need to run more than one Docker RNode on the same host, the containers need to be connected to one user-defined network bridge:

$ docker network create rnode-net

$ docker run -dit --name rnode0 --network rnode-net rchain/rnode:latest run -s

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
ef770b4d4139   rchain/rnode:latest   "bin/rnode --profile…"   23 seconds ago   Up 22 seconds             rnode0

To attach terminal to RNode logstream execute

$ docker logs -f rnode0
08:38:11.460 [main] INFO  logger - Listening for traffic on rnode://[email protected]?protocol=40400&discovery=40404

A repl instance can be invoked in a separate terminal using the following command:

$ docker run -it --rm --name rnode-repl --network rnode-net rchain/rnode:latest --grpc-host rnode0 --grpc-port 40402 repl

  ╦═╗┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┬┌┐┌  ╔╗╔┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐  ╦═╗╔═╗╔═╗╦  
  ╠╦╝│  ├─┤├─┤││││  ║║║│ │ ││├┤   ╠╦╝║╣ ╠═╝║  
  ╩╚═└─┘┴ ┴┴ ┴┴┘└┘  ╝╚╝└─┘─┴┘└─┘  ╩╚═╚═╝╩  ╩═╝
rholang $

Type @42!("Hello!") in REPL console. This command should result in (rnode0 output):


A peer node can be started with the following command (note that --bootstrap takes the listening address of rnode0):

$ docker run -it --rm --name rnode1 --network rnode-net rchain/rnode:latest run --bootstrap 'rnode://8c775b2143b731a225f039838998ef0fac34ba25@rnode0?protocol=40400&discovery=40404' --host rnode1
15:41:41.818 [INFO ] [node-runner-39      ] [coop.rchain.node.NodeRuntime ] - Starting node that will bootstrap from rnode://8c775b2143b731a225f039838998ef0fac34ba25@rnode0?protocol=40400&discovery=40404
15:57:37.021 [INFO ] [node-runner-32      ] [coop.rchain.comm.rp.Connect$ ] - Peers: 1
15:57:46.495 [INFO ] [node-runner-32      ] [c.r.c.util.comm.CommUtil$    ] - Successfully sent ApprovedBlockRequest to rnode://8c775b2143b731a225f039838998ef0fac34ba25@rnode0?protocol=40400&discovery=40404
15:57:50.463 [INFO ] [node-runner-40      ] [c.r.c.engine.Initializing    ] - Rholang state received and saved to store.
15:57:50.482 [INFO ] [node-runner-34      ] [c.r.casper.engine.Engine$    ] - Making a transition to Running state.

The above command should result in (rnode0 output):

15:57:37.021 [INFO ] [node-runner-42      ] [c.r.comm.rp.HandleMessages$  ] - Responded to protocol handshake request from rnode://e80faf589973c2c1b9b8441790d34a9a0ffdd3ce@rnode1?protocol=40400&discovery=40404
15:57:37.023 [INFO ] [node-runner-42      ] [coop.rchain.comm.rp.Connect$ ] - Peers: 1
15:57:46.530 [INFO ] [node-runner-43      ] [c.r.casper.engine.Running$   ] - ApprovedBlock sent to rnode://e80faf589973c2c1b9b8441790d34a9a0ffdd3ce@rnode1?protocol=40400&discovery=40404
15:57:48.283 [INFO ] [node-runner-43      ] [c.r.casper.engine.Running$   ] - Store items sent to rnode://e80faf589973c2c1b9b8441790d34a9a0ffdd3ce@rnode1?protocol=40400&discovery=40404

To get a full list of options rnode accepts, use the --help option:

$ docker run -it --rm rchain/rnode:latest --help

Configuration file

Most of the command line options can be specified in a configuration file.

The default location of the configuration file is the data directory. An alternative location can be specified with the command line option --config-file <path>.

The format of the configuration file is HOCON.

The defaults.conf configuration file shows all options and default values.

Example configuration file:

standalone = false

protocol-server {
  network-id = "testnet"
  port = 40400

protocol-client {
  network-id = "testnet"
  bootstrap = "rnode://[email protected]?protocol=40400&discovery=40404"

peers-discovery {
  port = 40404

api-server {
  host = ""
  port-grpc-external = 40401
  port-grpc-internal = 40402
  port-http = 40403
  port-admin-http = 40405

storage {
  data-dir = "/my-data-dir"

casper {
  shard-name = root

metrics {
  prometheus = false
  influxdb = false
  influxdb-udp = false
  zipkin = false
  sigar = false

dev-mode = false


Compile the project with:

$ sbt clean compile

# With executable and Docker image
$ sbt clean compile stage docker:publishLocal

Run the resulting binary with:

$ ./node/target/universal/stage/bin/rnode

For more detailed instructions, see the developer guide.

Caveats and filing issues


During this pre-release phase of the RChain software, there are some known issues.

Filing Issues

File issues in GitHub repository issue tracker: File a bug.


We use YourKit to profile rchain performance. YourKit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler, innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.

Licence information

To get summary of licenses being used by the RChain's dependencies, simply run sbt node/dumpLicenseReport. The report will be available under node/target/license-reports/rnode-licenses.html

rchip-proposals's People


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rchip-proposals's Issues

Regular expression string validation in Rholang


We must have the possibility to validate strings in rholang.

This is a needed feature for Dappy main network (no urgent though).

rchain-names is a name system coded in rholang, Dappy uses this name system to manage name purchases/selling/renewals, just like for the domain name system.

Right now the rholang code names.rho checks only the String type, therefore anyone is able to register names like "aaa", "aaaa123", "aBC", "a?!..", "eeꀀ€", and maybe even non-latin characters "的的的".

So we must be able to validate strings in a regexp-like way.

Note: this proposal is dedicated to string validations and not string manipulation like .toLowerCase().


Regexp validation can be very much resource intensive, so if we provide a transparent rholang -> scala bridge, it will be a very dangerous situatin, moreover we do not have an easy way to price a regexp operation.


Motivating Examples

Strings in rholang already have functions like .slice(0, 3). We cannot do a one-to-one bridge like the following "abc".test(/[a-z]/g)

So my proposition is a limited set of regexp patterns, and therefore validation capabilities much more limited than regexp, but for which a pricing mechanism is easier to setup.

"abc".test(["a-z"]) // true
"abcD".test(["a-z"]) // false
"abcD".test(["a-z", "A-Z"]) // true
"abcD8".test(["a-z", "A-Z"]) // false
"abcD8".test(["a-z", "A-Z", "0-9"]) // true
// from now the patterns that are not one of "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9" must be a litteral match
"abcD8?".test(["a-z", "A-Z", "0-9"]) // false
"abcD8?".test(["a-z", "A-Z", "0-9", "?"]) // true
// etc...

There is no way to validate that a string starts with x or ends with x. Or that a string respects a certain pattern followed by another pattern, just dead-simple string validation.


Just like every changes in rholang, this implies a "hard-fork" and that all nodes upgrade. It could be triggered at a specific block height, independently of release number.


We must be very careful


"aa".containsLowercases() // true
"aa".containsNonAscii() // false
"aâ".containsNonAscii() // true
"aa".containsUppercases() // false
"aa".containsNumbers() // false
"aa12".containsNumbers() // true
"aa12".containsSpecialCharacters() // false
"aa12?".containsSpecialCharacters() // true

http powerbox funtion


Improve http powerbox function demoed by @tgrospic. In order to incorporate external applications without an oracle.

Motivating Examples

asset prices
process orchestration for legacy applications


Comparison Examples







Changes to RChip approval process.

Is your feature request related to a problem?

The discussion was brought up during this weeks Tech. Governance session about ways to solidify RChips that are in the works (from draft to final) and how other open source projects do it (namely Ethereum). As of right now anyone can create an RChip and it's considered automatically approved if it meets some criteria. This RChip is about quantifying that criteria with some automation tools.

Describe the solution you'd like

One solution would be to let the submission process be as is, and as issue receives a specific tag, it will be processed by a bot/tool that retreives issue body, parses it, checks if it meets certain criteria, such as:

  • Correct pronunciation.
  • Includes all the necessary fields.
  • Does not use html tags but rather github flavored markdown.

If all the criteria are met, then the RChip can receive a unique identifier and be recorded in the repository (or maybe pushed to Rchain network itself, because why not). Storing them as files also allows us to generate static pages with something like Jekyllrb to make RChips viewable outside of Github.

Ethereum Foundation also has a tool called eip_validator that goes through markdown files and makes sure they all meet certain criteria. If possible rewrite it for Node.js rather than using Ruby as a dependency.

Describe alternatives you've considered

The alternative would be to force everyone to submit pull requests with a draft but that process is too manual and would discourage participation, or we can leave everything as is and check for criteria manually.

Add rho:io:serialize fixed channel to Rholang


Contracts that return json serialized terms are easier to parse in web apps. Currently web apps need to parse Rholang expressions to access data.

Motivating Examples

new ser(`rho:io:serialize`), out(`rho:io:stdout`), ack in {
    out!(("Not serialized", {"key":"data"})) |   // Stdout serialized the map
    ser!({"key":"data"}, *ack) |                 // Serialized ther map to a json string
    for(@res <- ack) {
        out!(("Serialized", res))                // String can be returned to web apps


Add a fixed channel to Rholang and expose built in term serializer.

      .Definition[F]("rho:io:serialize", FixedChannels.SERIALIZE, 2, BodyRefs.SERIALIZE, {
        ctx: SystemProcess.Context[F] =>

Serialize is already part of the interpreter. It is just not exposed as a channel.


Prototype by is here tgrospic is here:

provide for data retention and storage payment


It has been stated that rchain will eventually delete data that has not paid for continued storage. We cannot allow tuple space to grow without bound with reads and writes that are never likely to occur. Currently there is no distinction between items in tuple space. No record is kept of when they were created or last accessed.

There is no immediate need to solve all the retention issues at this time but there is a need to insure we are creating a tuple space that will allow for a retention policy in the future.


A minimum implementation is a modification of tuple space to keep a least recently used list of tuples along with the block number.Additional future fields can be provided for.

  • this would allow purging old tuples up to some block number
  • read/writes could be refreshed to keep them.
  • each access will support the storage indirectly through the fees paid for access
  • parameters can be setable in a soft fork

at some block height least recently used tuples could be dropped . Then after each propose data can be purged for the lower block height plus one. The number of block age always kept may be constant or inflationary TBD.

In the future keeping the deployid for tuples could enable refreshing deploys.

A comprehensive solution might include a rholang extension allowing names to listen for the deletion event



Deploy propagation protocol


This proposal evolved from thinking about deploy gossip protocol and made under assumption that all validators in a shard are obliged to provide the same SLA for shard users, and users do not differentiate validators. Feel free to question this statement if not agree.

Apologies for not very fell formed idea, but I publish it to start a discussion. Any objections, best practices etc are highly appreciated.

What are the requirements for deploy gossiping/propagation and why we need it?

  1. Maximal possible decentralisation.

  2. Block finalisation depends on how many blocks of other validators are proposed on top of it. So when all blocks creation time is about the same - finalisation time is predictable. When one node hoard deploys - it introduce delay because time to create block will be big. So equal distribution of deploys across validators in a shard is good.

  3. We need (ideally) not have two conflicting deploys on two different validators at a time. In general this is about making less conflicting blocks. So we need some analytics when distributing deploys across the validator set. This is future task when we can detect conflicting deploys at compile time. But the reason here is that we need that analytics before assigning deploy to particular validator. After some discussions it was decided that with block merging implemented there will be no such thing as the conflicting blocks, conflicts will be on per deploy basis. Two blocks always can be merged, and only one of conflicting deploys will go through. Other deploys which do not cause conflicts won't be affected.

  4. Short term goal might be to make some deploy go through as fast as it possible, by sending deploy to some validator that is going to issue block soon. This is an example of analytics function, and there might be many of them aiming different optimisations.

General point - each shard is a decentralised computer, so deployer submit a code to a shard, not to particular validator, it should be abstracted from that. Shard is the entity that provides consistent Term of Service, cost policy, etc.


So the following is suggested:

  1. Currently deployer have to query for block height to supply validAfterBlockNumber, so we have a “pre-deploy“ stage where deployer have to get some information from the network before supplying the actual deploy.

  2. Let's call this stage Reception and introduce target validator (lets call it ExecutiveValidator) switch here. Let's call node that does reception Porter. Later some logic that will pass deploy not to just some random validator but to the most suitable one can be added, e.g. to produce less conflicting blocks.

  3. A piece of data that is required to do a deploy introduced - a Parole, an offer of ExecutiveValidator to receive deploy with particular deploy signature. Parole = {block-height, word}. Word is the passphrase that deployer should supply to validator to get the deploy accepted. Later we can add more fields to Parole to enable cryptographic proofs, eliminating duplicates and so on. But for now let's KISS.

  4. Deployer should issue a ParoleRequest to any shard peer (playing here role of Porter) before making deploy.

  5. When receiving ParoleRequest, Porter looks into the most recent bonds map, pick validator, forwards ParoleRequest to potential ExecutiveValidator.

  6. ExecutiveValidator responds with the Parole. PorterValidator forwards Parole to deployer.

  7. Deployer sends deploy, providing Parole to ExecutiveValidator.


Initial implementation in trusted environment should be pretty straight forward. To make it robust to malicious actors will take unknown amount of work. So the question is - is this feasible strategy to let any peer act as Porter? If we restrict only validators to be Porters? Is there any reasons why it is not feasible so we can kill it fast?

binary attachments on an enhanced DeployData message


RChain aspires to “content delivery at the scale of Facebook". One of the pain points in RCat was hex-encoding assets as rholang strings and then decoding them on chain.

Several projects involve binary assets: the encrypted ID wallet, dappy, etc.

Design Sketch

  • add a new GRPC message like DeployData, but in addition to the term string, it would have space for binary attachments; perhaps a list of them, or a map-like structure of names and byte-sequence values.
    • add an http analog, using multipart/form-data for the binary attachments (put the normal JSON DeployData stuff in one of the parts)
  • add a new name syntax for referring to these attachments from deployed code. For example:
new song1(`rho:attachment:1`) in {
  new stream in {
   contract stream(payment, ret) {

This would let the stream contract send a ByteArray to ret. The bytes of the ByteArray would come from the 1st binary attachment in the GRPC message.


Non-trivial development time. More stuff for client devs to learn (even if only to ignore it).

Requires a hard-fork.


Do nothing.

Perhaps the 2x size price for hex-encoding and the compute cost of hexToBytes not worth the bother? But that cost is ongoing, whereas the cost of this feature is mostly a one-time thing (modulo ongoing maintenance).

cc @steverosstalbot

On-chain shard configuration storage.


1. To allow seamless experience for new node joining the shard.
Casper protocol has variables that all nodes in a shard have to obey, otherwise peers can slash each other. At the moment some of them are defined on node startup with CLI option/config file. The most obvious one is --max-number-if-parents.
These parameters should be on chain, so node operator has no option aside from following on-chain configuration.

2. To increase decentralisation by extracting shard level variables from the scope of the core protocol.
Core protocol for RChain network is a set of rules all nodes in the network have to obey and is governed by RChain Cooperative. But there are variables that each shard free/can/have-to to decide on. Core protocol contracts (e.g. PoS) should only reference shard configuration.

3. To give ability for shard variables to be changed with multisig.
Each shard can have its own governance process for shard level variables, from social consensus to on-chain stake weighted voting. Multisig covers all cases.

4. To prepare for future sharding implementation.
All shard level logic have to be abstracted from the core protocol.

Subject of this RCHIP

  • Concrete implementation of on-chan shard configuration
  • Modification of PoS contract (core protocol) to support on-chain shard configuration
  • Procedure for deploying shard configuration to shard root on mainnet
  • Procedure for updating core protocol on mainnet


  • Current definition of core protocol: PoS contract

  • The following variables have to be extracted into shard configuration

Name Definition
shardName Name of a shard
faultToleranceThreshold Number from [-10^8; 10^8]. Actual faultToleranceThreshold is this value divided by 10^8
maxNumberOfParents Maximum number of parents allowed
maxParentDepth Maximum depth of parent allowed (see rchain/rchain#2816)
finalizationRate Finalization will be triggered when (block-height % finalizationRate) = 0
synchronyConstraintThreshold Node is allowed to create block only when % of stake in justification blocks is more then this percent of total stake in the shard
heightConstraintThreshold (experimental) Node is allowed to create block only if last finalised block is behind tip no more then this value
deployLifespan Validators will try to put deploy in a block only for next deployLifespan blocks. Enable protection from re-submitting duplicate deploys
casperVersion Version of Casper that shard is running
configVersion Version of this config
bondMaximum Max bond amount allowed in the shard
bondMinimum Min bond amount allowed in the shard
epochLength Epoch length. On epoch change the following events happen: new validators bonding, validator rotation, rewards distribution. TBD, clarification is needed
quarantineLength Quarantine length. TBD, clarification is needed
  • Shard configuration should be a rholang Map with the following keys and datatypes
    shardName: GString,
    faultToleranceThreshold: GInt,
    maxNumberOfParents: GInt,
    maxParentDepth: GInt,
    finalizationRate: GInt,
    synchronyConstraintThreshold: GString,
    heightConstraintThreshold: GInt,
    deployLifespan: GInt,
    casperVersion: GInt,
    configVersion: GInt,
    bondMinimum: GInt,
    bondMaximum: GInt,
    epochLength: GInt,
    quarantineLength: GInt
  • Values for shard configuration are decided at genesis block and can be changed by shard validators later.


  • Shard config storage in rholang
 The table below describes the required computations and their dependencies

 No. | Dependency | Computation method | Result
 1.  |            | given              | sk = a9585a0687761139ab3587a4938fb5ab9fcba675c79fefba889859674046d4a5
 2.  |            | given              | timestamp = ???
 3.  |            | lastNonce          | nonce = 9223372036854775807
 4.  | 1,         | secp256k1          | pk = 047b43d6548b72813b89ac1b9f9ca67624a8b372feedd71d4e2da036384a3e1236812227e524e6f237cde5f80dbb921cac12e6500791e9a9ed1254a745a816fe1f
 5.  | 4, 2,      | genIds             | uname = ???
 6.  | 3, 5,      | registry           | value = ???
 7.  | 6,         | protobuf           | toSign = ???
 8.  | 7, 1,      | secp256k1          | sig = ???
 9.  | 4,         | registry           | uri = ???
new shardConf, 
in {
  contract shardConf(@"get", returnCh) = {
      "casperVersion": 1,
      "configVersion": 1,
      "shardName": "root",
      "parentShardId": "/",
      "faultToleranceThreshold": -100000000,
      "finalizationRate": 1,
      "maxNumberOfParents": 1,
      "maxParentDepth": 1,
      "synchronyConstraintThreshold": 99,
      "heightConstraintThreshold": 0,
      "deployLifespan": 50,
      "bondMinimum": 1,
      "bondMaximum": 9223372036854775807,
      "epochLength": 10000,
      "quarantineLength": 50000
  } |
  // Registers signed write-only shardConf contract bundle.
    (9223372036854775807, bundle+{*shardConf}),
  • Rholang template (.rhox) example to get shard configuration. $$shardConfigContractAddress$$ is address of config map deployed to shard's Registry
new config, rl(`rho:registry:lookup`), shardConfCh in {
  rl!($$shardConfigContractAddress$$, *shardConfCh) | 
  shardConfCh!("get", config)
  • Description of the process of updating shard config.

Create debugging technical resources and best practices for developers

Currently, printing logs to stdio is being used but is not the best method to debug applications.
Some options are

  1. in the short term, provide access to observer nodes for vetted developers so they can look at logs without running local nodes - how do we extend this to a larger population beyond the 'vetted'?
  2. Increase indexing on blocks to expose more elements that users and developers are typically interested
  3. Use exploratory deploy and/or write to a deployId channel

Hard Fork 1 - bonded REVs minted twice


This RCHIP should document the error we created when preparing data for genesis block after Hard Fork 1.

During post-process verification of hard fork we discovered that total sum of REVs in wallets file is not the same as initial sum in the first genesis.
The difference was found with amount of total bonded validators which are specified in bonds.txt file and used to initialize PoS contact in genesis block.

The mistake was that we didn't take into count creation of PoS address with the balance of total validators stake so now this amount of REVs is created extra.

As part of supporting repository for export of REV balances for Hard For 1 is also validation/report for wallets file for both genesis blocks with the calculation of the error.

Links: Run report, Source


To correct the error we need to burn 6000000000000465 tinyREVs from Coop vault because now all of the staking REV is collected on Coop vault.

Decentralizing the Tuplespace

Speaking with Jim Whitescarver at the moment. He believes that other forks are working on decentralization of the Tuplespace, but that it's important to add it to the issue list here.

This is a necessary and important performance enhancement feature.

The policy around validator slashing due to software defects

Strategic Category: Growth & Reduce Risk: 8, 8

The RChain software is new and under active development. In the event a software bug in the RChain software causes a validator to be slashed, it's reasonable that some recompense be available to the validator.

Proposed Process:
The Validator submits logs to a bug report including evidence of the slash, core issue. Validator has to also provide evidence that they are running CoOp node software. If upon investigation, the outcome is that the issue is a software defect, the slashed amounts are refunded to the validator.

Slashed bond is routed to a CoOperative address, and an out of protocol process for vetting the slash for bugs is in place.
Created October 9, 2018, 6:21 PM
Governance of the Blockchain - Draft

REV price stabilization and minting for validator rewards and coop treasury

Given the success of rchain the price of REV can be expected to climb. Buy low sell high can profit the coop and stabilize the REV price and enable minting additional REV to prevent the price raising too quickly. . The price can be set to reward early adopters without becoming a scarce resource. Over time the price of the REV as a utility token can be fixed.

As the REV price stabilizes to a constant value over 10(?) years investors can trade rev for shard tokens that are in the early reward stage.


  • The clock starts when REV reaches $1(?) on coinmarketcap
  • Normal return is predetermined
  • Minting is allowed if market value exceeds normal value
  • Reward early adopters 10 fold based on 2019 dollar value
  • Becomes a stable utility coin after ten years
  • Minting enables future capitalization creating more value scalably
  • Climate of abundance rather than scarcity
  • New tokens created for new projects purchased with BYOID tokens etc. can have similar economics


Motivating Examples


Comparison Examples







Hard Fork 1

Important dates

Done Date (2021) Event Description
✔️ 02 July Specification Specification of Hard Fork process
✔️ 07 July Announcement Announcement of preparatory snapshot
✔️ 12 July Snapshot Preparatory snapshot, block 896988
✔️ 12 July Announcement Disseminate information about Preparatory Snapshot
✔️ 15 July Announcement Announcement of block height 908300 for final snapshot
✔️ 16 July
10:41 UTC
Shutdown Network shutdown at Last Finalized Block 908300
✔️ 16 July Snapshot Final snapshot, block 908300
✔️ 18 July Genesis New network operational with genesis block 908400

Links in this table points to the text file where REV balances can be checked, for Preparatory and Final Snapshot.
The balance is in raw format (revlettes), add 8 decimal places to get REV amount.

Here are the raw csv files from export process documented in Export of REV vault state RCHIP. mergeBalances.csv contains mapping between REV address and its hash which is acquired from transaction server.


Two upcoming hard forks are planned for RChain main net network. They will restart the network from fresh state with only REV vault state (balances) transferred from the old network.
The purpose of this RCHIP is to provide specification how the process of the first hard fork will be executed. Hard Fork 1 is more like a rehearsal for Hard Fork 2 which will contain many improvements and fixes. So in Hard Fork 1 are only fixes to support future block-merge release, remove inactive validators from PoS contract and a few configuration changes.


  • Snapshot - export of REV balances on specific block height (number)
  • Hard Fork - upgrade of a blockchain network that is not compatible with the existing state
  • PoS - Proof of Stake contract used on RChain main net
  • TreeHashMap - implementation of a Map (key-value pairs) in Rholang

List of changes for Hard Fork 1

Change Type Description Reference
TreeHashMap depth
(rewards map)
PoS fix Support for block-merge
(prevent conflicts)
PoS rewards map init
Reduce quarantine length PoS config Reduce period for holding unbonded/slashed validators in active bonds map PoS quarantine length config
Remove inactive validators PoS config Remove inactive validators from bonds map, start a new network with only active validators PoS initial bonds map
Increase max bonding amount PoS config Increase maximum amount of REV for validator to stake
(1.5M REV => 5M REV)
PoS max bond config

New Main Net configuration

Config type Value Description
Shard name root1 Root shard for RChain blockchain network
Network ID mainnet1 Message identifier of the RChain network

Proof of Stake parameters

Config type Value Description
Epoch length 250,000 Number of blocks between epoch
Quarantine length 0 Number of blocks to keep validator after withdrawal
(it's zero because epoch length is already included)
Minimum bond 12,000.00000000 Minimum stake needed for bonding (REV amount)
Maximum bond 5,000,000.00000000 Maximum stake allowed for bonding (REV amount)

Bonds file used to start the new network bonds.txt.

Impact on REV holders

In short, Hard Fork will not have impact for owners of private keys for corresponding REV address, including REV on exchanges.
MultiSig REV accounts cannot be migrated and must be transferred to private key owned REV address. To our knowledge, there should be no additional MultiSig accounts other than those used in system contracts.

The impact will be on operations on the network. After Final Snapshot network will be offline for a short period for the final community validation.

The Cooperative Board established the process to transfer some of the locked RHOC tokens. Description of the adjustments is documented in the Coop Governance-Committee repository and REV balances will be published in a separate file.


The whole proces is divided in multiple steps to ensure enough time for the community to check the balance of their REV accounts and to minimize the downtime of the main net network.

Two snapshots are planned. The first Preparatory Snapshot will leave more time for community validation because network will continue working without interruption.
In the second Final Snapshot, the network will stop and exported REV balances will serve as the initial state of the REV vault for the new network.

Before Final Snapshot, RChain Cooperative will announce block height on which snapshot will be taken and published on GitHub rchain/rchain repository in the wallets_REV_BLOCK-nnnnnn.txt file for community validation.

This is also an invite to all Coop members to check their balance in specified wallets.txt file by searching for their REV address and comparing with the balance read from any available wallet.

Risks and validation

The Cooperative encourage members to check their balances and any reported irregularities will be investigated, documented and corrected.
The whole process of REV export (snapshot) and validation is documented (Export of REV vault state (REV balances)) and supporting repository (tgrospic/rnode-rev-export-hard-fork-1) enables anyone to repeat the process, not only before Hard Fork but any time in the future. The Cooperative will ensure that state before each Hard Fork is preserved and available in the future.

New network operational

REV balances exported in the Final Snapshot will serve as the basis to start the new network through Genesis ceremony. The first block will contain deploys with initial deposits from wallets.txt file published in rchain/rchain repository.

RCHIP-02: Block merging

This proposal is written from the instructions and conversations with L.G. Meredith and Mike Stay.


When Rholang executes, it's changing the state of the tuple space. These changes are written as event logs in the block.

In order to run multiple blocks in parallel and merge the state, we need a way to detect conflicting changes, apply only non-conflicting changes and mark the ones that are denied (discarded).

From Casper perspective this means using multiple parent blocks for justification. The current solution is inefficient because it's running replay for merging deploys multiple times.
When base parent (candidate for finalization) is selected, deploys from all other parents are played/replayed again on top of the base parent.

This proposal is to improve the process of block merging by detecting conflicting changes in parent blocks and instead of replaying deploys to just apply changes from event logs.
This doesn't mean we don't need to replay the block. We must replay the block to check that event logs are correct but this needs to be done only once.


In order to detect conflicts between blocks, we have to find two descendants of a finalized block that used a common name in an incompatible way. This involves walking up the dag of blocks and looking at the event logs. The proposal is to keep in memory for every block the conflict set. Conflict set include all the events of the current block and all the events in the block's ancestors, back to the latest finalized blocks.

When proposing a block that's a descendant of multiple parents, we check to see if any element of one parent's conflict set conflicts with an element of any other parent's conflict set using MergeabilityRules.scala (rules in spreadsheet). If so, we have to figure out whether they can both be run or if we have to choose just one of the deploys.

The elements of the conflict set have references to the blocks in which the channels were used. As blocks get finalized, we compute new conflict sets from old ones by taking the union of the parent conflict sets minus the uses in the newly finalized blocks.

In a situation when conflicts are detected we pick a winner deploy. That means to track two more states for a deploy, conflicted (when there are multiple options and it's not yet finalized which one wins) and denied when a different conflicting deploy won.
Deploy already have these states: waiting to be added to a block, in a block that has been sent, got some blocks in response to that block, finalized. Block data must be extended to include status of denied deploys.
[?] Other deploy statuses can be resolved locally and do not have to be explicitly written in a block.

Changes in denied deploys will not be applied to the finalized state as though the deploy never happened. Deployer should not be charged for this deploy nor validator will get rewards.


        / | \      
       /  |  \     
      /   |   \    
     /    |    \   
    B1    B2    B3 
     \   /      /  
      \ /      /   
      B4      /    
        \    /     
         \  /      

If we have this situation and we want to create block B5. Conflict set for B4 will already be calculated and will contain event logs from B1 and B2. So to calculate conflict set for B5 we need union of B3 and B4. We do this when new block is created or replayed.  
The second case is when the LFB (last finalized block) make progress, in which case we remove event logs from conflict set for the LFB and all its ancestors who were in the conflict set.  

Related activities / obstacles

Running multiple deploys in parallel should be Rholang superpower but currently it's limited because of RuntimeManager which has global lock and singleton instance of DebruijnInterpreter that has global cost state.

To address these issues RuntimeManager should be refactored.

On the RSpace level it should be investigated if there is something preventing parallel execution. HotStore must be isolated for each execution instance.

"In terms of Git operations"

It can be helpful to think about block merge similar to Git operations we are already familiar with. In the next table are assumptions or relations of RChain terms to Git terms.

RChain Git
Block Pull Request
Deploy Commit
Event log (COMMs) Changed text (lines)
Block merge Fast-forward merge / rebase
Finalized blocks Master branch
Block finalization Merging to master branch

Each block is like a pull-request trying to be merged to master branch. Master branch represents unchangeable history or a chain of finalized blocks. Blocks that have been selected with most of the stake decided by Casper consensus.

When multiple PRs are competing to be merged to master branch and they don't have conflicting commits, they can be applied to master branch in any order in the same way fast-forward merge is done with Git.

So complication is when merging blocks contain event log in which channels are used in a conflicting way. In Git terms that means commits from two different PRs are changing the same line.
How to resolve this conflict is the main point of block merging. With Git we need to provide conflict resolution which commit will win or some mixture of changes.

In block merge, when conflicting deploys are detected, one deploy will be selected as a winner and the rest will be marked as denied. Keeping track of changes (event logs) and which deploys are denied is what constitutes conflict set.

Information about denied deploys is not necessary to be stored in the merge block but is can be useful when browsing history to have this information without recreating conflict set to find out the winner.
This is not special situation when it would be useful to persist data in the block, protected by the signature. E.g. invalid blocks are also stored in dag storage to optimize calculation each time this info is necessary.
It should also be investigated if signing only block metadata (deploys signatures w/o deploys data and event logs) could give us additional benefits like quicker download and validation of block dag when node is catching up.


Mergeability rules spreadsheet

Epic ticket

Block merging - trie merge

Block merging - conflict resolution - peek

RChain light client? Merkle tree to transactions? (IBC for RChain?)

In most popular blockchains I know of, there's a light client specification - a way that a client can verify any transaction given a recent block header and a merkle proof. Does RChain supply something analagous?

zsluedem/transaction-server shows how to find REV transfers from com events in RChain blocks. Is there something analagous to a merkle proof for these transactions (or the com events that define them)?

As shown in this IBC relayer diagram, a light client for each blockchain is needed in order to relay between them. If we had an RChain light client, we could use IBC to participate in Gravity, a bridge to Ethereum.

See also cross-chain peg; e.g. to Agoric · Issue #12 · rchain-community/rstake

cc @zsluedem @tgrospic @jimscarver

The rate by which Validators can unbond

Strategic Category: Reduce Risk - 8

To reduce the risk of a bulk of validators abruptly leaving the platform, it is advisable to throttle the rate at which unbonding requests can be processed.

Please specify the rate by which validators can unbond from the platform. The rate will need to include the quantity in the numerator as well as the number of blocks in the denominator.
Created October 9, 2018, 5:31 PM
Governance of the Blockchain - Draft


To reduce the risk of 'all' validators abruptly leaving the platform, it is advisable to throttle the rate at which unbonding requests can be processed. In order to specify a rate, it is necessary to specify what unit the rate will use. There are 2 options:

The amount of staked token / count of blocks OR
The number of validators / count of blocks
Subtasks are attached. Please vote on which one should be used.
Created October 9, 2018, 5:31 PM
Governance of the Blockchain - Draft

rapid rotation of validators, staking longevity rewards and open/flexible enrollment


In order to make it easy to validate short epics, of say 100 blocks with random assignment of validators could be implemented.

All validators available for validating would be eligible for rewards independent of whether they are selected for participating in the consensus.. Nodes not validating would operate read only and confirm finalized blocks determined by a small subset of the available validators.

Rewards would be higher for stake held longer to provide incentives for longer staking periods.

Motivating Examples


Comparison Examples







Prepaid rholang execution PRE

There is a need for having unknown users, that have never interacted with RChain / the blockchain, being able to deploy. Four propositions/way ofhow to do this have been discussed. Two of them are ready, and can be done with existing rnode.

1 - (ready) Prepaid with public keys list

The dapp develoepr knows the public keys:

Then just send REV to each public key


  • you have to monitor the money left for each, and eventually refill individually
  • can be abused, a malicious public key can do a REV transaction and get around initial dapp


  • no need to change existing rnode/rholang

2 - (ready) Delayed deploy

(1) The user

  • create an account to centralized service
  • create a signed deploy (metamask, dappy, else)

(2) centralized authentication (email, captcha)

(3) dapp developer fills the account with REV + deploys the deploy signed by user

pros: impossible DDOS, already possible
cons: more complicated than onchain authentication

3 - Specific rholang execution, for specific process/rholang (SRE)

The dapp developers expresses his agreement to paying for a given rholang execution after having done the proper verification (rholang)

match (*x == "valid", *process) {
  (true, { "key": "value" }) => {
    if (*registeredUsers < 100) {
      registeredUsersCh!(*registeredUsers + 1) |

      // here dapp developer can send REV to deployed if he wants to
          limit: 2000 (phlo or dust ?),
          allowVault: true/false
  _ => {


  • risk for DDOS


  • no need to know public key in advance
  • only a precise operation/rholang/deploy is permitted
  • no incentive for hackers, no REV

4 - Pay after

a deployer starts with negative balance, the deploy is recorded / the change is saved ONLY IF the balance becomes positive or 0 at the end of the deploy

String explode


Rholang currently does not support string-level operations. It is desirable to include a simple delimiter-based parsing of string data
Rholang is better with string primitives

Motivating Examples

Hierarchical naming cannot be supported using strings
@TheoXD A string such as /my/file/goes/here cannot be understood using the delimiter /
@fabcotech A string such as cannot be understood using the delimiter .

@tgrospic Code available at

Add string functions


develops expect standard string functions including converting other types toString()

Motivating Examples


  • S.length is the length of the string in characters;
  • S.substring(i) returns the part of the string starting at index i.
  • S.substring(i,j) returns the part of the string starting at index i and going up to index j-1. You can write S.slice(i,j) instead.
  • S.contains(T) returns true if T is a substring of S;
  • S.indexOf(T) returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring T in S (or -1);
  • S.indexOf(T, i) returns the index of the first occurrence after index i of the substring T in S (or -1);
  • S.toLowerCase and S.toUpperCase return a copy of the string with all characters converted to lower or upper case;
  • S.capitalize returns a new string with the first letter only converted to upper case;
  • S.reverse returns the string backwards;
  • S.isEmpty is the same as S.length == 0;
  • S.nonEmpty is the same as S.length != 0;
  • S.startsWith(T) returns true if S starts with T;
  • S.endsWith(T) returns true if S ends with T;
  • S.replace(c1, c2) returns a new string with all characters c1 replaced by c2;
  • S.replace(T1, T2) returns a new string with all occurrences of the substring T1 replaced by T2;
  • S.trim returns a copy of the string with white space at both ends removed;
  • S.format(arguments) returns a string where the percent-placeholders in S have been replaced by the arguments (see example below);
  • S.split(T) splits the string into pieces and returns an array with the pieces. T is a regular expression (not explained here). To split around white space, use S.split("s+").

Please check the ones we already have. This is a good first issue for someone.

Comparison Examples

I struggled to concatenate a number and a string ultimately discovering it is impossible in rholag. Nothing should be impossible in rholang.







registry insert without bundle+ is a footgun; add insertBundled

Calling insertArbitrary without bundle+ around the arg is a huge hazzard.

Please add insertBundled (by any name) that does the bundle for the caller.

Then hide the documentation to insertArbitrary or something :)

I suppose something analogous for insertSigned is in order.

Soft-fork Mechanism

RChain blessed contract upgrades (i.e. soft-fork mechanism)

Contract standard

  • all contract state elements must have an accompanying extraction method
    • e.g. the Registry contract uses TreeHashMap to store contract uris, we will need to make this uri map available for peeks
  • must take old state elements as arguments and initialize corresponding new state elements with them
    • e.g. when updating the Registry, we need to take the current uri map and make it available in the updated Registry
  • for a given contract, all methods should have the same unforgeable name and be differentiated by a string in the first arg
    • e.g. instead of having one method with unforgeable name a and one with unforgeable name b, we make them contract unf(@"a", ...) = {...} and contract unf(@"b", ...) = {...}, respectively, for some fixed unforgeable name unf
    • this will give us the ability to dispatch all method calls through unf
  • must provide api (client method names and number of args)
    • e.g. when updating the Registry, we must ensure that every method used on the Rev vault map in other contracts is also available in the new contract
    • this will give us a soft guarantee that the new contract is backwards-compatible

Dynamic dispatch

Each system (blessed) contract will exist as data on a fixed location channel corresponding to the contract. E.g. if C is a blessed contract, then we add a level of indirection through dynamic dispatch by

contract C(arg1, ..., argN) = {
  for (realC <<- cLocation) {
    realC!(arg1, ..., argN)

The cLoction channel will be accessible only through a multisig contract in the registry which the coop will have keys to. This indirection buys us the flexibility to update a contract by simply extracting all state elements from the old contract, initializing the new contract's state elements with them, and updating the data stored on the location channel through a quorum of multisig public key agreements.

In the registry uri map, instead of directly mapping a blessed contract's shorthand to the contract's uri, we map the shorthand to a dispatcher contract which gets the data from the corresponding location channel and calls that contract with the supplied arguments. E.g. if C is a blessed contract, then it will have an accompanying dispatcher contract to dispatch calls

contract C(arg1, ..., argN) = { ... } |
cLocation!(*C) |
contract cDispatcher(arg1, ..., argN) = {
  for (realC <<- cLocation) {
    realC!(arg1, ..., argN)

Previously, when we added this contract to the registry, we simply did an insertSigned with bundle+{*C}. Now, we will do an insertSigned with bundle+{*cDispatcher}. Hence, the registry uri map will contain the key rho:registry:c (for example) and value (max_int, bundle+{*cDispatcher}).

Requiring all methods in a blessed contract to be of the form

contract contractName(@"methodName", arg1, ..., argN) = {...}

for a fixed unforgeable name contractName, will make it so that we only need to manage contractName. All method calls will be dispatched in the same way.

Location channels

The channels which serve as a protected store for blessed contract data will be generated as unforgeable names in the original instance of the corresponding contract. In this original instance, the location channels will be passed to the multisig contract for further management via insertBlessed. Calling insertBlessed simply updates the blessedContractLocationMap which the multisig controls. There is one insertBlessed consume for each blessed contract to prevent any other contracts from being added.


The multisig contract is declared in the registry and gives privileged access to propose, agree, and update methods. This contract is used to manage the data stored on the blessed contract location channels. The methods

  • propose: allows any of the privileged public keys to propose new data (con, meth) to store on a blessed contract location channel (i.e. an update) where con is the unforgeable name of the new contract and meth is the unforgeable name for the new contract's methods
    • propose(@pubKey, @uri, @con, @meth, @sig, ret)
  • agree: allows the privileged public keys to "agree" with a proposal
    • agree(@pubKey, @uri, @con, @meth, @sig, ret)
  • update: once there is a quorum of privileged keys agreeing on a proposal, this method will update the data on the corresponding location channel
    • update(@uri, ret)

Proof of Concept

// -----------------------------------------
// --- Blessed Contract Update Mechanism ---
// -----------------------------------------
  a, b,                   // a few blessed contracts
  aDispatcher,            // a's dispatcher contract
  newA,                   // an update for contract a
in {
  match Set("A", "B", "C") {
    pubKeys => {
      // blessedContractLocMap: uri-shorthand -> location
      blessedContractLocMapCh!({}) |
      // initialize blessed contract `a` data
      for (@uri, loc, @data, @sig, ack <- insertBlessed;
           @blessedContractLocMap      <- blessedContractLocMapCh) {
        // link uri with location channel
        blessedContractLocMapCh!(blessedContractLocMap.set(uri, *loc)) |
        // store contract data on location channel
        loc!(data) |
      } |
      // initialize blessed contract `b` data
      for (@uri, loc, @data, @sig, ack <- insertBlessed;
           @blessedContractLocMap      <- blessedContractLocMapCh) {
        // link uri with location channel
        blessedContractLocMapCh!(blessedContractLocMap.set(uri, *loc)) |
        // store contract data on location channel
        loc!(data) |
      } |
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // MultiSig enables similiar functionality to a multisig vault. 
      // pubKeys = set of public keys which have the privilege to propose and approve upgrades
      // quorumSize = number of pubKeys member approvals needed to upgrade a contract's data
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      MultiSig!(pubKeys, 2, *msMethodsRet, *msRet) |
      contract MultiSig(@pubKeys, @quorumSize, methodsRet, msRet) = {
          multisig,       // MultiSig contract's method entry point
          agreementMapCh, // channel on which the agreement map is stored
          proposeMapCh    // channel on which the propose map is stored
        in {
          // Initialize agreement map
          // (uri, contractData, methodData) -> agreement set
          agreementMapCh!({}) |
          // Initialize propose map
          // uri -> (contractData, methodData)
          proposeMapCh!({}) |
          // -------
          // Propose
          // --------------------------------
          // Privileged public keys, i.e. members of `pubKeys`, can propose contract updates.
          // There is only one proposal per uri possible at a time.
          contract multisig(@"propose", @pubKey, @uri, @con, @meth, @sig, ret) = {
            // TODO verify sig of (uri, con, meth)
            if (pubKeys.contains(pubKey)) {
              // `pubKey` has the privilege to propose updates
              for (@bcMap <<- blessedContractLocMapCh) {
                if (bcMap.contains(uri)) {
                  // `uri` belongs to a blessed contract
                  match (uri, con, meth) {
                    key => {
                      for (@proposeMap <- proposeMapCh) {
                        if (not proposeMap.contains(uri)) {
                          // the update proposal is unique
                          proposeMapCh!(proposeMap.set(uri, (con, meth))) |
                          for (@agreeMap <- agreementMapCh) {
                            // the proposer is the first to agree with a proposal
                            agreementMapCh!(agreeMap.set(key, Set(pubKey))) |
                            ret!((true, uri, con, meth))
                        } else {
                          // an update has already been proposed for this uri
                          proposeMapCh!(proposeMap) |
                          ret!((false, "location already exists"))
                } else {
                  // `uri` does not belong to a blessed contract
                  ret!((false, "uri does not exist"))
            } else {
              // `pubKey` does not have the privilege to propose updates
              ret!((false, "invalid public key"))
          } |
          // -----
          // Agree
          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          // Privileged public keys can agree with update proposals.
          // Manages the `agreementMap`: (uri, contractData, methodData) -> set of agreeing pubKeys
          // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          contract multisig(@"agree", @pubKey, @uri, @con, @meth, @sig, ret) = {
            match (uri, con, meth) {
              agreeTruple => {
                if (pubKeys.contains(pubKey)) {
                  // TODO verify sig of (uri, con, meth)
                  for (@map <- agreementMapCh) {
                    match map.getOrElse(agreeTruple, Set()).add(pubKey) {
                      agreeing => {
                        agreementMapCh!(map.set(agreeTruple, agreeing)) |
                        ret!((true, uri, con, meth, agreeing))
                } else {
                  // pubKey is not in pubKeys
                  ret!((false, "invalid public key"))
          } |
          // ------
          // Update
          // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          // if there is a quorum of privileged public keys agreeing on the update for `uri`
          // then this method updates the contract data and manages the internal maps accordingly
          // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          contract multisig(@"update", @uri, ret) = {
            for (@proposeMap <- proposeMapCh) {
              if (proposeMap.contains(uri)) {
                for (@blessedContractLocMap <<- blessedContractLocMapCh) {
                  match (blessedContractLocMap.get(uri), proposeMap.get(uri)) {
                    (loc, (con, meth)) => {
                      for (@agreementMap <- agreementMapCh) {
                        if (agreementMap.getOrElse((uri, con, meth), Set()).size() >= quorumSize) {
                          // sufficiently many keys agree to update
                          // consume data on location channel in order to replace contract data
                          for (oldData <- @loc) {
                            new tmp, newARet in {
                              oldData!("extractState", *tmp) |
                              for (@oldState <- tmp) {
                                // launch new contract instance with initial state extracted from the old instance
                                @con!(oldState, *newARet) |
                                // manage agreement and propose maps
                                agreementMapCh!(agreementMap.delete((uri, con, meth))) |
                                proposeMapCh!(proposeMap.delete(uri)) |
                                // write new method entry point to location channel
                                @loc!(meth) |
                                ret!((true, *newARet))
                        } else {
                          agreementMapCh!(agreementMap) |
                          proposeMapCh!(proposeMap) |
                          ret!((false, "quorum does not exist"))
              } else {
                proposeMapCh!(proposeMap) |
                ret!((false, "invalid proposal uri"))
          } |
          // Read
          // --------------------------------------------
          // Returns a map containing the current maps:
          // "blessed"   - blessed contract location map
          // "agreement" - agreement map
          // "propose"   - proposals map
          // --------------------------------------------
          contract multisig(@"read", ret) = {
            for (@agreementMap <<- agreementMapCh;
                 @blessedMap   <<- blessedContractLocMapCh;
                 @proposeMap   <<- proposeMapCh) {
              ret!({ "blessed" : blessedMap, "agreement" : agreementMap, "proposals" : proposeMap })
          } |
        } |
        msRet!((bundle+{*MultiSig}, { "pubKeys" : pubKeys, "quorumSize" : quorumSize }))
      } |
      // a blessed contract in the registry which will not updated in this example
      b!() |
      contract b() = {
        new bMethod, bLoc, ack in {
          insertBlessed!(`rho:registry:b`, *bLoc, bundle+{*bMethod}, Nil, *ack)
          // insert arbitray contract code...
      } |
      // a blessed contract in the registry which we intend to update
      contract a(@val1, @val2, ret) = {
        new aMethod, aDispatcher, aLoc, state1, state2 in {
          // original instantiation of contract data
          state1!(val1) |
          state2!(val2) |
          contract aMethod(@"set1", @val, ack) = {
            for (_ <- state1) {
              state1!(val) |
          } |
          contract aMethod(@"set2", @val, ack) = {
            for (_ <- state2) {
              state2!(val) |
          } |
          contract aMethod(@"read", ret) = {
            for (@val1 <<- state1; @val2 <<- state2) {
              ret!((val1, val2))
          } |
          contract aMethod(@"extractState", ret) = {
            for (@st1 <<- state1; @st2 <<- state2) {
              ret!((st1, st2))
          } |
          // Dispatcher contract for `a`
          contract aDispatcher(@arg1, @arg2) = {
            for (realA <<- aLoc) {
              realA!(arg1, arg2)
          } |
          contract aDispatcher(@arg1, @arg2, @arg3) = {
            for (realA <<- aLoc) {
              realA!(arg1, arg2, arg3)
          } |
          // initialize original contract data
          new ack in {
            insertBlessed!(`rho:registry:a`, *aLoc, bundle+{*aMethod}, Nil, *ack) |
            for (<- ack) {
      } |
      // updated contract to replace the old one
      // - contract updates do not get a location or dispatcher
      // - location and dispatcher are created in the original contract instance
      contract newA(@oldState, ret) = {
        new state1, state2 in {
          // initialize new state channel with old state
          state1!(oldState.nth(0)) |
          state2!(oldState.nth(1)) |
          contract newAMethod(@"set1", @val, ack) = {
            for (_ <- state1) {
              state1!(val) |
          } |
          contract newAMethod(@"set2", @val, ack) = {
            for (_ <- state2) {
              state2!(val) |
          } |
          contract newAMethod(@"modify", ack) = {
            for (_ <- state1; _ <- state2) {
              state1!("new state 1") |
              state2!("new state 2") |
          } |
          contract newAMethod(@"read", ret) = {
            for (@val1 <<- state1; @val2 <<- state2) {
              ret!((val1, val2))
          } |
          contract newAMethod(@"extractState", ret) = {
            for (@val1 <<- state1; @val2 <<- state2) {
              ret!((val1, val2))
          } |
          // upon successful multisig operations, the data on `aLoc` is replaced with bundle+*{newAMethod}
      } |
      // Scenario
      // --------------------------------------------------------------
      // 1. The pubKeys member "A" will propose an update: bundle+{*newA}, bundle+{*newAMethod}, to contract `a`.
      // 2. Then the pubKeys member "B" will agree with the proposal.
      // 3. Then some "Rando" proposer makes a proposal and it is rejected.
      // 4. Then `a` is updated to the data originally proposed by "A".
      // --------------------------------------------------------------
      in {
        // instantiate original `a` contract
        // this would happen during the creation of the genesis block
        // or during an update
        a!("old state 1", "old state 2", *aCh) |
        for (_ <<- aCh) {
          for (@oldBcMap <<- blessedContractLocMapCh) {
            // get the MultiSig method entry point
            for (ms <- msMethodsRet) {
              new ret, ret1, tmp in {
                match (`rho:registry:a`, bundle+{*newA}, bundle+{*newAMethod}) {
                  (uri, newContractData, newMethodData) => {
                    // "A" proposes an update for `a`
                    ms!("propose", "A", uri, newContractData, newMethodData, Nil, *ret) |
                    for (@(true, _, _, _) <- ret) {
                      ms!("read", *ret1) |
                      for (@m <- ret1) {
                        match m.get("agreement") {
                          am => {
                            // Only "A" has made a proposal and hence only "A" has agreed on any proposal
                            stdout!(("proposal implies agreement", am.get((uri, newContractData, newMethodData)) == Set("A")))
                      } |
                      // "B" agrees with the proposal
                      ms!("agree", "B", uri, newContractData, newMethodData, Nil, *ret) |
                      for (@(true, _, _, _, _) <- ret) {
                        new oldMapsCh, newMapsCh in {
                          ms!("read", *oldMapsCh) |
                          for (@oldMaps <- oldMapsCh) {
                            // just for fun: some rando tries to propose an update for `a`
                            ms!("propose", "Rando", uri, bundle+{*randoContract}, bundle+{*randoMethod}, Nil, *ret) |
                            for (@(false, _) <- ret) {
                              // "A" attempts to agree with their own proposal.
                              // This vote is not counted again; "A" voted for the proposal by proposing it.
                              ms!("agree", "A", uri, newContractData, newMethodData, Nil, *ret) |
                              for (_ <- ret) {
                                ms!("read", *newMapsCh) |
                                for (@newMaps <- newMapsCh) {
                                  // check that invalid proposals and agreements do not the corresponding maps
                                  stdout!(("invlaid proposer does not change the proposal map", oldMaps.getOrElse("proposals", 0) == newMaps.getOrElse("proposals", 1))) |
                                  stdout!(("pubKeys cannot agree more than once with a proposal", oldMaps.getOrElse("agreement", 0) == newMaps.getOrElse("agreement", 1)))
                                } |
                                // both "A" and "B" have agreed to update `a`, quorumSize = 2
                                // so we can update `a`
                                ms!("update", `rho:registry:a`, *ret) |
                                for (_ <- ret) {
                                  for (@bcMap <<- blessedContractLocMapCh) {
                                    // get updated contract's method data
                                    for (newMeth <<- @{bcMap.get(`rho:registry:a`)}) {
                                      // contract data is correctly updated
                                      stdout!(("after update new data is stored on location channel", *newMeth == {bundle+{*newAMethod}})) |
                                      // no contract locations should be changed during the update
                                      stdout!(("blessed location map is unchanged", oldBcMap == bcMap)) |
                                      // the proposal and agreement maps should be empty after the update
                                      ms!("read", *ret) |
                                      for (@m <- ret) {
                                        stdout!(("multisig maps should be empty", m.get("proposals") == {} and m.get("agreement") == {}))
                                      } |
                                      // check that the new contract's state is correctly initialized
                                      // and apply a method which was not available in the old contract
                                      newMeth!("read", *tmp) |
                                      for (@v <- tmp) {
                                        stdout!(("correct initial state", v == ("old state 1", "old state 2"))) |
                                        // since the contract's data has been updated,
                                        // we can call a method that's only available in the new contract
                                        newMeth!("modify", *tmp) |
                                        for (<- tmp) {
                                          newMeth!("read", *tmp) |
                                          for (@v <- tmp) {
                                            stdout!(("correct new state", v == ("new state 1", "new state 2")))


Extra comm events are required to interact with the affected contracts.

Parser/interpreter access within rholang


Users need to be able to see the rholang code they are executing, even when the rholang contract has already been stored on-chain. In support of this, the rholang source code can be stored alongside the actual contract. This leaves a security hole, since the rholang source code can be maliciously different from the stored contract.
Access to the interpreter/parser would allow execution to validate the stored rholang code against the stored contract to resolve malicious activity.


I would like to be able to do something like

new interpreter(`rho:rholang:interpreter`), someBugger(`someBugger`), compare, theSame in {
  for (@bugger <- "new i in for () { i!(\"blah\") }") {
    interpreter!(bugger, *compare) |
    compare!(*someBugger, *theSame) |
    match theSame {
      true => { blah | blah | blah }
      false => { blah | blah | blah }

Where someBugger is a previously stored contract.

assetStore - a multi token standard

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

The RChain platform needs to develop a multi-token standard.

Describe alternatives you've considered

ERC 1155 is an example of an existing multi-token standard.

Additional context

The naming convention for the RCHIP multi-token standard presents a problem. One thought is to use the 1155 number scheme so users can quickly identify and relate to the standard. This is helpful from a marketing point of view. However, the RChain standard, once created, will be vastly different from ERC 1155. One possibility is to simply call the RChain standard "assetStore".

BigInt and Float support


Data limitations create bugs. Without BigInt we are forever plagued by overflow and underflow errors. One may blow up the world. without these types we are unable to marshal objects of those types faithfully using inter blockchain protocol.

Motivating Examples

@dckc pointed out these issues and how agoric contracts convert easily to rholang and there is a lot there we can use ERTP, IBC, CapTP, etc. However when BigInts and Float are used we will introduce bugs as already happened with the POS contract and again recently. See video.


BigInt requires virtually a global change in the rnode source of Int to BigInt.

Adding floating point operations and constants is faily mechanical and requires an update to the rholang spec.





transparent proxy support


Proxy channels are valuable to control access to a capability such as ont time capabilities, revocable capabilities, remote channels (#45), decorator patterns, etc. Currently when we do not know how many arguments might be sent to a proxy we must implement a contract for every possible number of arguments. Unless we limit the number of arguments in a send the proxy will fail if the channel receives a message with too many arguments.

The proposal is that arg... binds the name arg to a tuple and arg... in a send sends the arguments in the tuple.

contract proxy(tuple...) = {

Motivating Examples

Currently a simple rholang proxy is awkward and inefficient. It requires a contract for each of the possible number of arguments

contract proxy(one) { channel!(one) } |
contract proxy(one, two) { channel!(one, two) } |
contract proxy(one, two, three) { channel!(one, two, three) } |


Match can allow simplified control of proxy alternatives. e.g.

match tuple {
  (one,two) => { proxy!(one, two) }
  * => { proxy!(tuple...) } 

Comparison Examples







Export of REV vault state (REV balances)


The purpose of this RCHIP is to specify the export process from on-chain REV vault contract to get the full list of REV balances. This export is needed for two planned hard forks: Hard Fork 1 and [Hard Fork 2] (not published yet).


REV vault contract keeps the record of all REV addresses and their current balance. It uses implementation of TreeHashMap with keys as hashed REV addresses and vaults as values.

Traversing of all records in REV vault is implemented in Scala to achieve much better speed than directly in Rholang. The main code is in RhoTrieTraverser and executable entry point is in StateBalanceMain with hard coded unforgeable name of vault map (TreeHashMap) where REV vaults are stored in REV vault contract.


Validation of the whole export process can be done with the prepared scripts and configurations in repository tgrospic/rnode-rev-export-hard-fork-1.

The process has two steps:

  1. Download Last Finalized State (LFS) of the network on which snapshot (export of REV balances) for Hard Fork 1 is created.
  2. Run state-balance-main command to export REV balances in csv format.

Because exported csv file contain hashed REV addresses we are using data from transaction server to read mapping between hash value and REV address. Because this file can be validated by it own and export requires replay of all blocks as input to transaction server, this file will be provided as part of the specification.

More information can be found in the PR#3411 where is the source code for the export process.

Rholang Library Management


The intention of this issue is to come up with a solution or a plan for a rholang developer to get meta information of the continuation(library) in the chain and make sure they are executing continuation(library) which are safe.

The proposal is for whom

  1. rholang library developer
  2. dapp developer (actually a little bit duplicate of 1)
  3. third party package management software development

The general case to solve

To make the situation more concrete, I would like to imagine a case and let everyone to provide some feedback.

Supposed that. Alice writes a library to calculate the Fibonacci number and wants to publish the library to every other developer to use. Alice deploys her rholang code to the chain and put that continuation in a registry rho:id:z3kotpcwux8ekqb85sdnmj9kj3mwyc1wpoqa1jwc1zcoqc9ptrn9ti and then Alice tells Bob that she publishes a new library.
Now Bob wants to use this library and the problems come out.

  1. how can Bob be sure that the codes are safe enough and don't steal money from Bob
  2. where can Bob get information if Alice doesn't tell Bob where the continuation lives


Looking forward to the discussions

We can absorb some of the ways how other languages do like npm, pypi and etc. but more like an on-chain solution.

  1. Registry the metadata of the library on chain (which users can get source deploy code in the chain)
  2. Provide a centralized rholang name to get the lib from chain
  3. Provide a more friendly syntax for importing a library(actually this doesn't belong here )

rholang 1.1 -> 1.0 dev tool a la babel

We have a rholang 1.1 implementation in the form of a source-to-source translation to rholang 1.0. Getting this integrated into validator nodes on mainnet involves lots of coordination that will understandably take time, but meanwhile, much like JavaScript developers use babel to translate new features to syntax understood by deployed browsers, we should expose the rholang 1.1 to 1.0 translator as tool so that developers can write rholang 1.1 and translate it rholang 1.0 automatically for deployment.

We could, for example, integrate that with the Rholang Playground - RChain.


Create a standard procedure for external development

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

The RChip should outline a template or framework for RChain community members to follow who wish to do development work.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

The community member rileyge#0339 would like to develop an .net SDK for RChain

What RChain needs?
Get a degree of scope
Make a requirement list
Based on work with Algorand?
In the future have other .net work
Bridge with Microsoft
Bridge to Azure etc.

Implementing A Breaking Change Release

**Summary: **

SysOps runbook procedure for a breaking change release.


Breaking change release is a release that is not backwards compatible. Should these procedures apply at the root shard level only or all shards? Protocol (data structures and/or API call parameters) breaking changes vs. specific implementation breaking change (scala vs java vs rust) ? Note that multiple language nodes can run in the same shard .. it might improve security and resilience.


All bonded node validators must participate in a breaking change release implementation to migrate from the old network to the new network at the block height announced by the Tech Governance team (with inputs from dev team).

    1. Breaking change release can be submitted by:
    1. RChain core developers??
    1. Proposers??
  1. Editorial, approval & communication
    3. Editorial - review and edit submitted release request.
    4. Approval - review edited release request
    5. Communication
    1. Announcement procedure
    1. Atlassian release notes
    2. Social media
    1. website
    2. Discord - development channel on RChain pub
    3. Telegram - RChain community
    4. Weekly community debrief
    5. RChain YouTube channel
    6. List breaking change release in registry.
    2. Release number
    3. Change classification
    3. Soft update
    4. Breaking change
    5. Hard fork
    4. Implementation date
  2. Validator identification - identify which validators are involved in the breaking change release implementation.
  3. (Third item - help me here Tomislav, see log: tech governance is needed)
  4. Metrics
    8. **Block height start **- the block number at which validators must begin to implement a breaking change release.
    5. The recommendation is to treat validators that have not upgraded, as dead nodes until they upgrade
    6. How do we ensure that this doesn’t lead to a network security issue because most validators have not upgraded to the new release at the specified block height?
    9. Block grace period - the number of blocks within which validators must implement a breaking change release before being penalized (slashed?)
    10. Block height slash - the block number at which validators will be penalized for not completing a breaking change release implementation.
    7. (Incomplete implementation penalty - Slashing?)
  5. Issue tree or stream??
  6. New feature not being supported by existing validators will cause them to be slashed
    11. Have some block number where everyone has to update by a specific time
    8. Validators do not upgrade their block will be orphaned
    9. As a result validator will fork itself
    12. Possible resolution - is to have version number field in block. When a node receives a higher version block, it can simply pass on the block to other validators without doing anything with it.
    10. Incorporate into the version numbering scheme, semantics about whether the new version features break or cause slashing etc or not..
    11. Breaking/slashing causing changes should mostly be combined together into a single release, so validators have time to react and upgrade
    12. Have minimum feature set that should be support by validators for example Rholang 1.0.1
    6. Without upgrade say all features in Rholang will be breaking
    7. Example: 0.9.25.x / supports Rholang 1.0.1
    13. Casper -

how to make a contract that executes on receipt of REV?

As far as I can tell, the current RevVault contract makes this impossible.

I hope to evolve this into a proposal to make it possible, as discussed last night with @leithaus .

It would be more straightforward if we could withdraw and deposit purses from rholang as well as do signed transfers

remote channels and deploys for cross-shard interaction


In order for networks to be fully connected networks acting as a single network, any part of any of the connected network must be reachable from any other. The success of WWW is in part due to being able to use url's to anywhere on the web anywhere. There are good arguments that rchain networks should be fully connected with homogeneous access to resources. Programming concepts does not require knowledge of the location of the parameters if it is to be reusable as a concept such that it needs to be programmed only once, it must work no matter where on the network the resources it references are located.. Rholang is perfect for doing decentralized computing across shards given access to remote channels.

In order to be fully connected remote names need to be supported transparently as do remote deploys.

A remote deploy would need to translate local names to remote names and the receiving shard would translate remote name pointing to it to local mames.

In order to deploy remotely, the rev account deploying remotely must own the rev of the receiving shard on that shard or be allowed sponsored access.

A capability transport (capTP) protocol may be used to implement security across shards..

The results of remote deploys need to be cached in tuple space such that the result of the deploy will be the same for every validator the same remote deploy without redundant execution on the remote shard. A means of inquiring the finalization status of the remote block containing the deploy ought be provided for critical transactions.

Remote names may be implemented as proxy channels transparently forwarding the entire message, e.g. (first, to the remote deploy process., Rchain needs proxy channel monitor support for many reifications, e.g. decorator patterns, revocable capabilities and tokenization. Using proxies enables all the sharding logic being used to be in rholang and thus customizable per shard..

Names and even whole processes could be migrated across shards to minimise cross shard access in an evolutionary manner.

Motivating Examples

In the EIES effort including Jim, Rao, kunj, GSJ and w2vy a decentralized object store was developed supporting remote objects transparently across the network of user agents and group agents which successfully supported the virtual classroom and other group system research at NJIT. Unfortunately we have been unable to get it open sourced. However Rchain provides layer one security our system never had. A number of us are here because we see rchain as a potential platform for developing agents for users and groups scalably as we have done before. However reviewing the documentation available on rchain sharding we have not found a design including the transparent decentralization we had on EIES2 at NJIT where the programmer was not required to know the location of any the objects it uses at run time. Without that capability developing a coherent networked system can be a nightmare.


Comparison Examples





Programmers being unaware of which names it accesses are remote could lead to a excess of network traffic. They need to be aware that not considering what is likely to be remote could be expensive.



09:51:05 From Rao Bhamidipati to Everyone : @ian could you please give me recording permission ?
10:47:23 From Tomislav Grospić to Everyone :
11:00:59 From Tomislav Grospić to Everyone : Obsolete
11:01:08 From Tomislav Grospić to Everyone :
11:01:14 From Tomislav Grospić to Everyone :
11:02:25 From Tomislav Grospić to Everyone : ETH cross shards

Higher-order Smart Contracts across Chains - Mark Miller

dan's saturday RChain Rgov/smart contract call - dan's wisdom, ocap, capTP, erights and cross chain transactions

(RNExt-01) - Event processing framework

  1. RChip -11 ? or is this RExt-01 or RNExt-01? - Need event processing framework - subscribers are notified when an event happens. Should this be a language feature rather than having to look inside the block (as in current)? The kind of events to be implemented to be determined. dApps would like to be notified of changes in some values. A way to implement this in your contract already exists?
    1. Theo: new myevent('rho:io:event') in { myevent!("stuff happened") }
      1. #Event + <read only uri> + ("stuff happened") -> events.log
    2. Since this is outside rnode code, may be should be outside Rchip process?
    3. Make read only node reactive or enable publish/subscribe ?
    4. Why can’t we do this - isn’t event similar to stdout that we already have? Perhaps mimic stdout code to enable event generation - Can first byte be checked to see if it’s subscribed to and instead of printing, send that value over to subscribers. Some event bus needs to be implemented.
    5. Need enablement on websockets
    6. Perhaps this should be an extension and not part of core rnode - will enable development of extension market

Specify the unit by which Validators may unbond

Strategic Category: Reduce Risk - 3

To reduce the risk of 'all' validators abruptly leaving the platform, it is advisable to throttle the rate at which unbonding requests can be processed. In order to specify a rate, it is necessary to specify what unit the rate will use. There are 2 options:

  • The amount of staked token / count of blocks OR
  • The number of validators / count of blocks

Subtasks are attached. Please vote on which one should be used.
Created October 9, 2018, 5:31 PM
Governance of the Blockchain - Draft

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