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baby_squeel's Issues

[Question] Join a subquery

First of all, that's an awesome gem and I'm super happy I found it ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ

The "parent" gem (squeel) has an ability of joining a subquery, example from their readme:

subquery = { [orderable_id, sum(quantity * unit_price).as(amount)] }
Seat.joins { [payment.outer,'seat_order_items').on { id == seat_order_items.orderable_id}.outer] }.
              select { [seat_order_items.amount, "seats.*"] }
# => SELECT "seat_order_items"."amount", seats.*
#    FROM "seats"
#    LEFT OUTER JOIN "payments" ON "payments"."id" = "seats"."payment_id"
#      SELECT "order_items"."orderable_id",
#             sum("order_items"."quantity" * "order_items"."unit_price") AS amount
#      FROM "order_items"
#      GROUP BY "order_items"."orderable_id"
#    ) seat_order_items ON "seats"."id" = "seat_order_items"."orderable_id"

I wonder if there's an ability to achieve the same thing with baby squeel?

empty hash in where.has causes bad where clause


When using a hash of filters from a where.has block, everything works fine unless that hash happens to be empty. In the case of an empty hash, it's adding a where 1=0 clause to the generated SQL query.


With squeel (working):

>> filter = {}
>> Device.where { filter }.to_sql
=> "SELECT `devices`.* FROM `devices` "

With baby_squeel (not working):

 >> filter = {}
 >> Device.where.has { filter }.to_sql
 => "SELECT `devices`.* FROM `devices` WHERE (1=0)"

Gem breaking with Rails 5.2.1

I have a join query that started breaking after upgrading to Rails 5.2.1

joins(:order).where.has { order.customer_id == }

Reordering without explicit direction doesn't work with last in Rails 4

This might be an arel bug rather than a baby_squeel bug, apologies if so!


When using Active Record 4,


appears to not be equivalent to

Foo.reordering { x }.last

but it is with Active Record 5.

Specifically, it appears that we don't get a DESC in the resulting query in AR 4:

Foo Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "foos".* FROM "foos"  ORDER BY "foos"."x" LIMIT 1

whereas we do in AR 5:

 Foo Load (0.1ms)  SELECT  "foos".* FROM "foos" ORDER BY "foos"."x" DESC LIMIT ?  [["LIMIT", 1]]

N.B. adding an explicit direction does work in both AR versions:

Foo.reorder('x ASC').last == Foo.reordering { x.asc }.last


require 'bundler/inline'

gemfile do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '= 4.2.10' # breaks
  # gem 'activerecord', '= 5.1.4' # works
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

require 'active_record'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'logger'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :foos do |t|
    t.integer :x

class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base

ActiveRecord::Base.logger =

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    one = Foo.create(x: 1)
    two = Foo.create(x: 2)

    puts "reorder"
    assert_equal one, Foo.reorder('x ASC').first
    assert_equal one, Foo.reorder('x DESC').last
    assert_equal one, Foo.reorder('x').first
    assert_equal two, Foo.reorder('x ASC').last
    assert_equal two, Foo.reorder('x DESC').first
    assert_equal two, Foo.reorder('x').last

    puts "reordering"
    assert_equal one, Foo.reordering { x.asc }.first
    assert_equal one, Foo.reordering { x.desc }.last
    assert_equal one, Foo.reordering { x }.first
    assert_equal two, Foo.reordering { x.asc }.last
    assert_equal two, Foo.reordering { x.desc }.first
    assert_equal two, Foo.reordering { x }.last # Doesn't work with AR 4

baby_squeel demands fully qualified path

Squeel was a bit more layed back when specifying a where condition. Take the following:

Owner.joins{:dogs}.where{ breed = 'mutt' }

Squeel is ok with this since breed is only on the dogs table but baby_squeel demands that the query looks like:

Owner.joins{:dogs}.where{ dogs.breed = 'mutt' }

Not that baby_squeel is incorrect, just makes changing over to baby_squeel a bit more difficult.

problems with where.has on associations

With squeel I am able to say user.posts.where {posted == 1}

With baby_squeel it looks like I have to say User.where.has {|p| (p.posted == 1) & (p.user_id = }

Is there any other way to do a query using an association relationship?

Thank you!

[Error] When using `joining` with `on`, DSL refers the association to wrong table name or undefined table alias


Course.joining{ enrollments.on(id == enrollments.course_id) }.where.has{ enrollments.progress == 100 }

will produce the following query:

SELECT "courses".*
FROM "courses"
    INNER JOIN "enrollments" ON "courses"."id" = "enrollments"."course_id"
WHERE "enrollments_courses"."progress" = 100.0 // <-- Error here

Notice the WHERE condition, it's enrollments_courses instead of enrollments, or the table alias enrollments_courses is not defined.

On the other hand, this code generates query correctly:

Course.joining{ enrollments.on(id == enrollments.course_id) }.where(Enrollment.arel_table[:progress].eq(100.0))

The expected query is:

SELECT "courses".*
FROM "courses"
    INNER JOIN "enrollments" ON "courses"."id" = "enrollments"."course_id"
WHERE "enrollments"."progress" = 100.0

I'm using Rails version, Ruby version 2.3.3, Baby Squeel version 1.1.4.

Grouping function

In squeel you have the _ function in the DSL, which lets you convert certain native objects to a usable object in squeel. It also adds brackets around the item in the SQL.

Hard to explain, here's examples:

# Subquery in SELECT{_(Post.where{user_id ==}.select{COUNT(id)}).as('post_count')}
# => SELECT (SELECT COUNT( FROM posts WHERE posts.user_id = AS post_count FROM users

# Array IN (subquery)
User.where{_([x, y]).in({[x, y]})}
# => SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE (users.x, users.y) IN (SELECT posts.x, posts.y FROM posts)

As you can see, this is useful in certain occasions, and I cannot find a way to work around it.

You can find squeel's implementation here:

Arel Deprecation Warning with Rails 5.2


I am encountering Arel Deprecation warning with Rails 5.2. and baby_squeel 1.2.1. when using #plucking method with multiple attributes to fetch. The message is a follows:

DEPRECATION WARNING: Dangerous query method (method whose arguments are used as raw SQL) called with non-attribute argument(s): [#<struct Arel::Attributes::Attribute relation=#<Arel::Table:0x000055f549e86428 @name="teams", @type_caster=#<ActiveRecord::TypeCaster::Map:0x000055f549e86630 @types=Team(id: integer, identifier: string, phone: string, email: string, contact: string, user_comment: string, old_id: integer, mobile: string, ticket_email: string, ticket_queue: string, assigned_location: string, description: text, active: boolean, assign_permission: integer, allowed_non_methadon_team: boolean)>, @table_alias=nil>, name="id">]. Non-attribute arguments will be disallowed in Rails 6.0. This method should not be called with user-provided values, such as request parameters or model attributes. Known-safe values can be passed by wrapping them in Arel.sql().

I tried to figure out where exactly this happens, but I got stuck somewher in the DSL...


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.2.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :dogs, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name

class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works without warning' do
    Dog.all.plucking { id }

  it 'prints out deprecation warning' do
    Dog.all.plucking { [id] }


Where.has uses incorrect table alias

When using joining to join a table multiple times, baby_squeel doesn't use the correct table aliases if they're being referenced using where.has.

For example, in this test case, I have villages, people and cars. People can all have a father. I want to find all people in the village who either own a blue car, or whose father owns a blue car.

This is what I believe should work, but doesn't.

require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.0.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :villages do |t|

  create_table :people do |t|
    t.integer :village_id
    t.integer :father_id

  create_table :cars do |t|
    t.integer :owner_id
    t.string :color

class Village < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :people

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :village
  belongs_to :father, class_name: Person
  has_one :car

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :person

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    # Find all people in a village who either have a blue car, or whose fathers have a blue car
    scope = Village.create.people.joining { [
    ]}.where.has {
      (car.color == 'blue') |
      ( == 'blue')

    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT "people".* FROM "people" LEFT OUTER JOIN "cars" ON "cars"."person_id" = "people"."id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "people" "fathers_people" ON "fathers_people"."id" = "people"."father_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "cars" "cars_people" ON "cars_people"."person_id" = "fathers_people"."id" WHERE "people"."village_id" = 1 AND ("cars"."color" = 'blue' OR "cars_people"."color" = 'blue')

OP doesn't work on where.has


I need to use op function on my where clause like below:


Profile.where.has { |t| t.first_name.op('||', ' ').op('||', t.last_name).like('Annie Moore') }.explain
RuntimeError: unsupported: String
from /Users/rapide/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@bttf/gems/arel-6.0.4/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:736:in `unsupported'

Is it possible to add that functionality?

Improper casting when joined tables share common column name but different column type


If you have two tables with a common column name, but different column types, which you're joining via an association, baby_squeel improperly casts the column based on the column type of the primary table instead of the joining table. We setup two specs demonstrating the issue on our fork:


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.0.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :stations, force: true do |t|
    t.float :frequency

  create_table :shows, force: true do |t|
    t.string :frequency
    t.belongs_to :station

class Station < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :shows

class Show < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :station

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec

  describe "joining tables with matching attributes"  do
    describe "where the parent table column_type is float and the child table column_type is string" do
      describe "wheres based on the child model's attribute" do
        it 'uses the column_type of the child' do
          relation = Station.joins(:shows).where.has { shows.frequency == 'daily' }

          relation.to_sql.must_equal %{
            SELECT "stations".* FROM "stations"
            INNER JOIN "shows" ON "shows"."station_id" = "stations"."id"
            WHERE "shows"."frequency" = "daily"

      describe "wheres based on the parent model's attribute" do
        it 'uses the column_type of the parent' do
          relation = Show.joins(:station).where.has { station.frequency == 4.2 }

          relation.to_sql.must_equal %{
            SELECT "shows".* FROM "shows"
            INNER JOIN "stations" ON "stations"."id" = "shows"."station_id"
            WHERE "stations"."frequency" = 4.2


Nulls last

Post.ordering { title.asc.nulls_last }

Joining with scopes


I cannot join with scopes. As far as I know I am able to do so with Squeel.


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~>' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :dogs, force: true do |t|
    t.integer :weight

class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :double_weight, -> { select(:id).select('2 * weight AS double_weight') }

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    scope = Dog.joining { { id = } }

    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT "dogs".* FROM "dogs" INNER JOIN (SELECT "dogs"."id", 2 * weight as double_weight FROM "dogs") double_weight ON "dogs"."id" = "double_weight"."id"

This returns:
BabySqueel::NotFoundError: There is no column or association named 'double_weight' for Dog.

If I use Squeel instead:

rails _4.2.7.1_ new try
cd try
echo "gem 'squeel'" >> Gemfile
bin/rails g model Dog weight:integer
bin/rake db:migrate

Then add scope :double_weight, -> { select(:id).select('(2 * weight) AS double_weight') } into app/models/dog.rb.

Afterwards, run bin/rails c. Running
Dog.joins { { id = } } works.

Attribute #in returning an actual Arel::Attributes::Attribute


There is error when subquery is empty.


[4] pry(main)> User.where.has { | id.eq(5) }
NoMethodError: undefined method `|' for #<Arel::Nodes::In:0x007f99635f5fb0>
from (pry):6:in `block in <main>'

[2] pry(main)> User.where.has { }
  User Load (2.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" IN ()
=> #<User::ActiveRecord_Relation:0x3fccb1f90084>

Better support for EXISTS subqueries

Hello! In Squeel, I used to be able to do this.

Customer.where{NOT EXISTS PageAction.where{customer_id ==}}

Now I've had to change it to this.

Customer.where.has{NOT EXISTS PageAction.where.has{customer_id == Customer.arel_table[:id]}.arel.ast}

The arel_table bit probably only works thanks to a patch I've made against ActiveRecord though I haven't tried without. The Squeel syntax no longer works because Baby Squeel complains that customers is not a valid column or association. I wonder if there's a way for Baby Squeel to realise this is a subquery. Probably not but worth considering!

The arel.ast bit was not necessary in Squeel thanks to activerecord-hackery/squeel@1ce3601. I'm not sure if it's possible to do this in Baby Squeel due to its non-invasive approach but it would be nice. Note that arel is sufficient for finds but arel.ast is needed for counts.

P.S. I had a fix for bind values in joins but by the time I hit the Pull Request button, you'd already pushed a fix to master! ๐Ÿ˜†

Exception on search through has_and_belongs_to_many relationship


When searching through a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship, it raises a noMethodError, undefined method 'table' for nil:NilClass. Passes this test in v1.01, but not v1.02


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.0.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :authors, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name
    t.boolean :ugly
    t.timestamps null: false

  create_table :research_papers, force: true do |t|
    t.string :title

  create_table :author_research_papers, force: true do |t|
    t.integer :author_id
    t.integer :research_paper_id


class Author < ActiveRecord::Base

class ResearchPaper < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :authors, join_table: :author_research_papers

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
    it 'wheres on a has_and_belongs_to_many association' do
      relation = ResearchPaper.joins(:authors)
      .where.has { == "Alex" }

      expect(relation).to produce_sql(<<-EOSQL)
        SELECT "research_papers".* FROM "research_papers"
        INNER JOIN "author_research_papers" ON "author_research_papers"."research_paper_id" = "research_papers"."id"
        INNER JOIN "authors" ON "authors"."id" = "author_research_papers"."author_id"
        WHERE "authors"."name" = 'Alex'

support for my{some_method}

Trying to drop in baby_squeel as a replacement for squeel to a large rails project but we make extensive use of the my{some_method} where some_method is a method in the class where we are building the query. Is there an equivalent for that within baby_squeel?


Unable to perform math operations on the result of a function


I'd like to be able to write something like Dog.selecting { (coalesce(id, 0) / 1).as('value') }, but it appears I cannot use / on a Function:

NoMethodError: undefined method `/' for #<BabySqueel::Nodes::Function:0x007fe670ca9a28>
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/bundler/gems/baby_squeel-4b2017075776/lib/baby_squeel/nodes/proxy.rb:31:in `method_missing'


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~>'
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :dogs, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name

class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    scope = Dog.selecting { (coalesce(id, 0) / 1).as('value') }

    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT coalesce("dogs"."id", 0) / 1 AS value FROM "dogs"

[Question] SubQueries capabilities


Is it possible to use baby_squeel to create subqueries similar to the ones we have on Squeel?

I cannot find any documentation on this and we are trying to move from Squeel to Baby Squeel due to several bugs related to polymorphic relations and bind values on subqueries



# Query 1
            notes_relation = Person.first.notes
            klazz_name = "Person"
            scope = Person.joins {"notes").on { (~id == notes.notable_id) & (notes.notable_type == klazz_name) }.outer }.where { notes.note != nil }
# Query 2
subquery = { [orderable_id, sum(quantity * unit_price).as(amount)] }
Seat.joins { [payment.outer,'seat_order_items').on { id == seat_order_items.orderable_id}.outer] }.
              select { [seat_order_items.amount, "seats.*"] }

Arel converts SQL literal to 0 when compared with a numeric column


Arel doesn't seem to like having baby squeel's SQL literal proxy on the right side of an operator when the left side is a numeric column (grouping the literal with the new grouping method fixes it, one of the reasons I wanted it here is because it 'fixed' a lot of similar issues on the original Squeel).

Sometimes infras case classes, which proxies don't handle well (case X when Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral then ...), and it seems like it uses to_i of the literal because it translates to '0' on the SQL.


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.0.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :dogs, force: true do |t|

class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    scope = Dog.where.has { id == sql('Fido') }

    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT `dogs`.* FROM `dogs` WHERE `dogs`.`id` = Fido

[Error] Cannot use `joining` with `alias` on PostgreSQL


I followed the joining with alias example

Course.joining{ enrollments.alias('e').on(id == enrollments.course_id) }

and received the following error:

  Course Load (2.4ms)  SELECT "courses".* FROM "courses" INNER JOIN "enrollments" "e" ON "courses"."id" = "enrollments"."course_id"
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "enrollments"
LINE 1: ... INNER JOIN "enrollments" "e" ON "courses"."id" = "enrollmen...
HINT:  Perhaps you meant to reference the table alias "e".
: SELECT "courses".* FROM "courses" INNER JOIN "enrollments" "e" ON "courses"."id" = "enrollments"."course_id"
from /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rack-mini-profiler-0.10.2/lib/patches/db/pg.rb:90:in `exec'

It looks like PostgreSQL requires that column of table inON condition must refer to that table alias if it's defined.

Multiple on conditions

I need to write something like this:

Assignment.joining{student_assignments.outer.on(student_assignments.assignment_id == id).
  on(student && student_assignments.student_id ==}

where the first on is the normal association condition, and the second on is an optional condition, which should be added only when local variable student is defined.

It almost works but not quite. If student is nil then the first on condition is generated as expected. If student is defined, then the second on condition replaces the first one rather than being added to it. I tried to write both conditions in a single on like:

Assignment.joining{student_assignments.outer.on((student_assignments.assignment_id == id) & 
  (student && student_assignments.student_id ==}

and then it works fine when student is defined, but I get an error about an 'Unsupported argument type: NilClass' when student is nil (not surprisingly). Is there a way to make it work? Thanks.

Reference parent columns from subquery


Is there a way to reference tables from outer scopes inside subquery?


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.0.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :accounts, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name
  create_table :songs, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name
  create_table :account_songs, force: true do |t|
    t.integer :account_id
    t.integer :song_id
  create_table :playlists, force: true do |t|
    t.integer :account_id
    t.integer :song_id

class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :account_songs, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :song
  has_many :accounts, :through => :account_songs
  has_many :playlists, :dependent => :nullify

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :account_songs, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :account
  has_many :songs, :through => :account_songs
  has_many :playlists, :dependent => :nullify

class AccountSong < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :account, :inverse_of => :account_songs
  belongs_to :song, :inverse_of => :account_songs

class Playlist < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :account
  belongs_to :song

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    # global scope
    scope = AccountSong.all
    # filters defined down the road, in filtering classes, in this case: was this song already played:
    # `account_songs` here is coming from the global scope
    subquery = Playlist.where.has { |t| (t.account_id = t.account_songs.account_id) & (t.song_id == t.account_songs.song_id) }
    scope = scope.where.has { exists(subquery) }

    # result after applying all filters
    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT "account_songs".* FROM "account_songs"
        SELECT "playlists".* FROM "playlists"
        WHERE "playlists"."account_id" = "account_songs"."account_id"
          AND "playlists"."song_id" = "account_songs"."song_id"

Here, account_songs is undefined when creating subquery.

EDIT: Fixed singular table names to be plural again.

Ordering function cannot be used with 'as'

I'm migrating from squeel to baby-squeel and found a case which worked fine in squeel but not in baby-squeel. selecting an virtual column with as syntax cannot be used for ordering.


SomeTable.selecting { ['*', (some_date < 8.days.ago).as('long_standing')] }.ordering { [title.desc, long_standing.desc] }

This works in squeel: { ['*', (some_date < 8.days.ago).as(long_standing)] }.order { [title.desc, `long_standing`.desc] }

This produces:

There is no column or association named 'long_standing' for SomeTable

Would be great to have this feature :-)

Intelligent Update queries

It would be great to have the DSL available in UPDATE queries, so I can assign SQL values to fields.

Something like:

# Inherit all venue's cities and countries from their owners
Venue.joining { owner }.updating { { city:, country: } }

# or (less "nice" alternative IMO)
Venue.joining { owner }.updating { [city(, country( }

Query is not consistent -- sometimes get an error if I change the parameter


Please explain this issue you're encountering to the best of your ability.


[47] pry(#<BotResponse>)> e = Event.where.has {(keyword == 'daily_check') & (recurring == 'true') & (time_of_day == '8am')}
=> [#<Event:0x00000003f3eca8
  id: 15,
  bot_client_id: "aiaas-1409611358153-user-0147",
  keyword: "daily_check",
  topic: nil,
  status: "active",
  channel: "telegram",
  created_date: 2017-05-08 00:24:32 UTC,
  tickle_expression: "daily",
  time_of_day: "8am",
  next_occurrence: 2017-05-14 15:00:00 UTC,
  time_zone: nil,
  recurring: true>]
[48] pry(#<BotResponse>)> e.count
=> 1

[49] pry(#<BotResponse>)> e = Event.where.has {(bot_client_id == 'daily_check') & (recurring == 'true') & (time_of_day == '8am')}
=> #<Event::ActiveRecord_Relation:0x1ec6034>
[50] pry(#<BotResponse>)> e.count
RuntimeError: unsupported: FalseClass
from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/gems/arel-6.0.4/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:736:in `unsupported'

I'm not sure why there should be a difference:

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
	  unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.include? 'events'
	    create_table :events do |table|

	    	table.column :bot_client_id, 			:string

	    	table.column :keyword, 					:string
	    	table.column :topic, 					:string
	    	table.column :status, 					:string
	    	table.column :channel, 					:string

	    	table.column :created_date,             :datetime
	      	table.column :tickle_expression,        :string
	      	table.column :time_of_day,              :string
	      	table.column :next_occurrence,			:datetime
	      	table.column :time_zone,				:string
	      	table.column :recurring,				:boolean


Ignoring multiple joins

Squeel allowed for stuff like this:

scope = scope.joins{dog}.where{ = my{name}} if name.present?
scope = scope.joins{dog}.where{dog.breed = my{breed}} if breed.present?

In the above example, if name and breed is present, dog will be joined twice. Squeel just ignores the second join of dog while baby_squeel raises an error.

Accessing the model table on associations

I have a model called Asset, which has an association that was expressed in squeel like:

has_many :using_problems,
    -> {where{assets.asset_locator =~ concat('%', ~problem_file)}},
    source: :problems

When I try something similar in baby_squeel, it complains:

BabySqueel::NotFoundError (There is no function or column or association named 'assets' for Problem.):

Is there any other way I can reference the model table in an association in baby_squeel? Thanks.

Support `.nil?` in DSL

Right now, in order to check if something IS NULL, I have to use field == nil in the DSL. Wouldn't it be more ruby-esque to be able to say field.nil? instead?

Rails 5.2 support

It looks like baby_squeel isn't working with joins in rails 5.2.0.beta2.

Where.has for polymorphic fields


Where.has does not work as smart as Arel with polymorphic fields. I've build a simplified case to demonstrate this. It seems something is simplified before it gets transported to Arel, as Arel itself does support these cases. For a workaround I use Arel directly, but the BabySqueel code is soo much nicer :)

I tried to create changes in BabySqueel to support it, but I did not succeed to find the place to intercept this behaviour.

Notice: Arel also does understand the case where the polymorphic relation test is a relation itself, like Dropping.where(animal: dogs). dogs is a relationship.

With some pointers how to solve it I can also contribute to this gem and create a pull request.


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.0.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :dogs, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name

  create_table :droppings, force: true do |t|
    t.string :animal_type
    t.integer :animal_id

class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base

class Dropping < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :animal, polymorphic: true

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    localtext = 'Fido'
    scope = Dog.where.has { name == localtext }

    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT "dogs".* FROM "dogs" WHERE "dogs"."name" = 'Fido'

  it 'works with Arel' do
    dog = Dog.create(name: 'Fido')

    scope = Dropping.where(animal: dog)

    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT "droppings".* FROM "droppings" WHERE "droppings"."animal_type" = 'Dog' AND "droppings"."animal_id" = #{}

  it 'works for babysqueel polymorphic' do
    dog = Dog.create(name: 'Fido')

    scope = Dropping.where.has{animal == dog}

    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT "droppings".* FROM "droppings" WHERE "droppings"."animal_type" = 'Dog' AND "droppings"."animal_id" = #{}


BabySqueelTest#test_0003_works for babysqueel polymorphic:
ArgumentError: Unsupported argument type: false (FalseClass)
    /Users/hlogmans/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/activerecord-5.0.1/lib/active_record/relation/where_clause_factory.rb:27:in `build'
    /Users/hlogmans/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/activerecord-5.0.1/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb:632:in `where!'
    /Users/hlogmans/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/bundler/gems/baby_squeel-31e364f6644d/lib/baby_squeel/active_record/where_chain.rb:9:in `has'
    test.rb:55:in `block in <class:BabySqueelTest>'

Empty selecting doesn't combine with other selecting

For any model I try, a query like:




fails with an error:

Arel::Visitors::UnsupportedVisitError: Unsupported argument type: NilClass. Construct an Arel node instead.

This happens when the tests in the first selecting are conditioned by an expression that happens to be false. I don't see how I can construct an Arel node in this case. Each of the two selecting works fine by itself. Similar expressions work fine with other constructs like where.has and joining, and select also works fine in squeel. So I'm hoping it's just a bug. Thanks.

Sifters don't work on on-the-fly tables


BabySqueel[:table] returns an object that does not respond to sift.

Now that I'm writing this, I realize it makes some sense, BabySqueel doesn't know anything about which model belongs to a table. However, would it be possible to add a model's sifter to a BabySqueel-initiated table object?


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~> 5.0.0' # which Active Record version?
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :dogs, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name

  create_table :people, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name
    t.integer :age
    t.string :dog_name

class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  sifter(:female) { %w(angela brittany carol) }

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'does not raise an exception' do
    people = BabySqueel[:people]
    # Find all dogs that have a female adult boss
    scope = Dog.joining { people.on(people.dog_name == name) }.where.has { people.sift(:female) & (people.age >= 18) }

	# FIXME: This SQL may be off, the point is whether or not it raises an exception. I'm not an expert with minitest.
    scope.to_sql.must_equal %{
      SELECT "dogs".* FROM "dogs"
        INNER JOIN "people" ON "people"."dog_name" = "dogs"."name"
        WHERE "people"."name" IN ('angela', 'brittany', 'carol')
          AND "people"."age" >= 18;

Help converting a function from non-baby squeel

I'm tired of battling squeel and was happy to find this! But I'm completely stumped on converting this function into baby_squeel.

In my model, I have this function (it uses some postgis stuff from the rgeo gem)

# latlon is a column on this model and addressable is something I'm going to pass into it
def self.contains(addressable)
  where{st_intersects(:latlon, addressable)}

I was hoping to just change where to where.has but that didn't seem to work. Thanks in advance for any help on this!

I'm running rails 4.2.7

Request for "all" in where.has { ... }


Request feature that we can use all and none in where.has query


Author.where.has { |a| some_condition ? ( == x) : all }
#=> if "some_condition" is true, query equal x, or return all authors

Post.where.has { |po| conds = none
  conds |= ( == x) if some_condition
  conds |= (po.author_id) if some_filter
  conds &= none if some_bad_things
#=> more complicated, but this is useful when building complicate query

I know Rails 5 has powerful .or query, but if we can use baby_squeel to build it, that will be awesome
(And Rails 4 doesn't has .or ๐Ÿ˜ข )

Nested joins


I'm trying to migrate from Squeel using a query that looks like this:

Foo.joining { bar.things }.
  where.has { [1, 2] }.
  joining { bar }.where.has { bar.baz == true }

Somehow, Baby Squeel generates a query where the baz column is on the things table, rather than on the bars table.

Migration from the Squeel Community

I am here after going through this thread: activerecord-hackery/squeel#412

I'm sure I'm not the only one maintaining an app that relied on Squeel for a long time and is now trying to upgrade to Rails 5, seeing Baby Squeel as the only option going forward. Would it be possible to get a chunk in the README to help us flag up what changes we will need to make to an application to switch from Squeel to Baby Squeel integration?

Happy to have a dialogue here on this, hope my issue makes sense. Thanks!

Join by adding conditions instead of replacing them

Feature request: In an ORM I used to use in my former life, there was an alternative to .on for joins that was called .with. Basically, what it did was take the original join conditions, and add another condition to it using AND. I found this to be extremely helpful, as part of the reasons why you use an ORM is that you don't have to bother with join conditions, and most of the time when you want to override them, it's because you want to restrict them by adding something to the original conditions.

Basically, it works like this:

# Implicitly follows schema
A.joining { b }
# SELECT * FROM a INNER JOIN b ON b.a_id =

# Explicitly, it'd look like this:
A.joining { b.on(b.a_id == id) }
# SELECT * FROM a INNER JOIN b ON b.a_id =

# Now, adding a condition
A.joining { b.on((b.a_id == id) & ( == true)) }
# SELECT * FROM a INNER JOIN b ON b.a_id = AND == true

# My suggestion:
A.joining { b.with( == true) }
# SELECT * FROM a INNER JOIN b ON b.a_id = AND == true

Especially if your models are named MerchantIdentityOperatorExtension instead of A, this can save you a lot of code that would be the same in > 90% of the usages of .on

Aliases don't work in 'on' and 'select' conditions

You have an example showing use of an alias in a join:

Post.joining { author.alias('a').on(( == author_id) | ( == title)) }

but an alias is useful if you can use it in conditions, like:

Post.joining { author.alias('a').on(( == author_id) | ( == title)) }

Does this work for you? I'm trying something similar and I'm getting an error about no column a. I also tried something like:

Post.joining { author.alias('a').on((sql('a').id == author_id) | (sql('a').name == title)) }

but that doesn't work either, it complains about undefined method for id. Is there a way to make this work? Thanks.

Converting having

Not sure how to convert this clause from squeel:

having{`completion`.op(compl_string == 'complete' ? '=' : '<', 1.0)}

where 'compl_string is a local variable. Just replacing having with when_having and ticks with quotes doesn't work. Thanks.

Missing constructs

I'm trying to translate from squeel, I couldn't find the equivalent of a few constructs: reorder, preload, includes, eager_load. Have they been implemented? Thanks.

Unable to use floating point values in math expressions


I'd like to be able to write something like Dog.selecting { (coalesce(id, 0) / 42.42).as('value') }, but it appears I cannot use floating point numbers:

RuntimeError: unsupported: Float
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:735:in `unsupported'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/reduce.rb:13:in `visit'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:756:in `visit_Arel_Nodes_InfixOperation'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/reduce.rb:13:in `visit'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:699:in `visit_Arel_Nodes_As'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/reduce.rb:13:in `visit'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:241:in `block in visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:240:in `each'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:240:in `each_with_index'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:240:in `visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:210:in `block in visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:209:in `each'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:209:in `inject'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb:209:in `visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/sqlite.rb:13:in `visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/reduce.rb:13:in `visit'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/arel-6.0.3/lib/arel/visitors/reduce.rb:7:in `accept'
    ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/activerecord- `to_sql'

I note that the stacktrace doesn't mention baby_squeel at all, so it's possible that this issue is outside of the scope of this library?


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord', '~>'
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', github: 'rzane/baby_squeel'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :dogs, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name

class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    scope = Dog.selecting { (coalesce(id, 0) / 42.42).as('value') }

'as' keyword is not working anymore in some cases since release 1.0


There is a regression in version 1.0 with as in some cases (see reproduction part). Thanks for taking a look into this.


require 'bundler/inline'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'

gemfile true do
  source ''
  gem 'activerecord'
  gem 'sqlite3'
  gem 'baby_squeel', '>= 1' # '< 1' works

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlite3', database: ':memory:')

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :users, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name
    t.timestamps null: false

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

class BabySqueelTest < Minitest::Spec
  it 'works' do
    User.selecting { (created_at +'some_val') } # works
    User.selecting { (created_at =='some_val') } # don't work with 1.x, works with 0.3.1
    User.selecting { (created_at <'some_val') } # don't work with 1.x, works with 0.3.1

subquery not_in returns NULL


When I use "not_in" the sql result is NULL. But if I use only "in", the result works fine


.where.has{ 162)    }


SELECT "table1".* FROM "table1" INNER JOIN "table2" ON "table2"."table1_id" = "table1"."id"
WHERE  "table1"."id" IN (SELECT "table3"."table1_id" FROM "table3" WHERE  "table3"."table3_id" = 162)

But when I use not_in

.where.has{  id.not_in 162)    }


SELECT "table1".* FROM "table1" INNER JOIN "table2" ON "table2"."table1_id" = "table1"."id"
WHERE "table1"."id" NOT IN (NULL)

Migration from squeel

# Using squeel
City.where { }.to_sql
=> "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities`  WHERE `cities`.`state_id` IN (SELECT `states`.`id` FROM `states`)"

# Using baby_squeel
City.where { }.to_sql
=> "SELECT `cities`.* FROM `cities` WHERE `cities`.`state_id` IN (SELECT `states`.* FROM `states`)"

I have this kind of problem spread throughout my application, i am migrating and also using the compatibility mode .

Is there a way to get this same behavior back?

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