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magnet's Issues

Enhancement: chaining of `DependencyScope::register()` calls.

Does it make sense to make method DependencyScope::register return this?
Then instead of having this:

DependencyScope dependencyScope = Magnet.createDependencyScope().subscope();
        dependencyScope.register(Dep1.class, dep1);
        dependencyScope.register(Dep2.class, dep2);
        dependencyScope.register(Dep3.class, dep3);
        List<FooImpl> stepFactory = implManager.get(

we would have chained calls:

List<FooImpl> stepFactory = implManager.get(
                        .register(Dep1.class, dep1)
                        .register(Dep2.class, dep2)
                        .register(Dep3.class, dep3)

Logo Proposal for magnet

Hi, I'm a graphic designer and I like to collaborate with open source projects. Do you know that the graphic image of a project is very important? thinking about it I would like to design a logo for your Project "Magnet".

I will be pleased to collaborate with you.

Classes annotated with interface magnet.Instance must have exactly one constructor

Working on a legacy code base where you slowly integrate DI, it might be helpful to allow secondary constructors to construct objects "the old way" still. Right now Magnet bails out with

error: Classes annotated with interface magnet.Instance must have exactly one constructor.

whenever a class has more than one constructor, even if the second constructor in question is private and therefor should not even be visible to Magnet.

Kotlin source generation

While Magnet itself is written in Kotlin, it outputs Java code, which is totally fine in general and perfectly interoperable with Java and Kotlin projects.
However, for Kotlin-only projects actually executing javac only once and even for very few files adds quite a bit time overhead, especially when there are many modules to compile.

It would be very cool if Magnet would get a Kotlin code generating processor so that overhead could be avoided.

ViewModel injection

So, imagine I want to inject a ViewModel and would want to follow the (Dagger) approach outlined here:

This is the factory I need to use to provide instances (in androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider):

public interface Factory {
    <T extends ViewModel> T create(@NonNull Class<T> modelClass);

What would be my options in Magnet? As far as I know there is no Map-Injection. Injecting a List<ViewModel> would be possible, but this would mean all ViewModels would have to be instantiated before I could check which is the right one. If I would somehow lazy evaluate the thing by injecting a List<Provider<ViewModel>> (don't know if this is even possible), I have the issue that at runtime the actual type the provider provides is erased, so I wouldn't be able to pick the right one.

Now obviously I could create a separate factory instance for all my ViewModels, but this looks awkward:

val scope = getScope()
val viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get( { modelClass ->
      MyViewModel(scope.getSingle<FirstDep>(), scope.getSingle<SecondDep>(), ...)

Broken factory gets generated for "inject into list" with generic classes

Magnet generates broken factory when "inject into list" is used with generic classes.

@Instance(type = OverviewRepo::class)
internal class DefaultOverviewRepo<I : Item>(
    overviewDataSource: List<OverviewDataSource<I>>
) : OverviewRepo<I> {
e: /Users/sergej/Projects/a3/a3-client-android/overview-repo/build/generated/source/kapt/debug/de/halfbit/a3/overview/repo/ error: <identifier> expected
    List<OverviewDataSource<I>> overviewDataSource = scope.getMany(OverviewDataSource<I>.class);

Version: 2.0

Class annotated with @Implementation cannot have constructor with argument of parametrised type.

If my implementation has input argument of parametrised type T like this:

@Implementation(forType = Foo.class)
public class FooImpl<T extends Number> implements Foo {

    public FooImpl(T dependency) {


then compilation of generated class MagnetFooImplFactory gets failed:

public final class MagnetFooImplFactory implements Factory<Foo> {
  public Foo create(DependencyScope dependencyScope) {
    T dependency = dependencyScope.require(T.class);
    return new FooImpl(dependency);

3.3-rc3 packaging issue

The magnet-3.3-rc3.jar has a packaging issue. It includes the file mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker (which was not present in Magnet 3.1 used previously) that makes my build fail with

Execution failed for task ':my-module:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDebugAndroidTest'.
> More than one file was found with OS independent path 'mockito-extensions/org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker'

Now when I add a packagingOptions attribute to remedy this issue (exclude or pickFirst), my tests crash, because the mockito-android MockMaker I have to use isn't configured at all any more (either because I excluded all instances of that file or because the inline mockmaker from your file's definition is picked pickFirst).

Could you please re-package without that file?

Many thanks!

Implement scope visitor

Create scope visitor capable of visiting all scope instances and sub-scopes recursively.

  • Visitor must be configurable to visit either instances, or sub-scopes, or both.
  • Visitor must be able to stop visiting next instance or scope after exiting from previous visit function.


So I guess this came up before, but anyways :) I want to be able to inject generic implementations and right now Magnet hinders me to do that because of some class name validation issue:

const val RATINGS_STORAGE = "ratings-storage"

data class RatingsModel(...)

interface ModelStore<T> {
    fun load(): T?
    fun save(data: T)

@Instance(type = ModelStore::class, classifier = RATINGS_STORAGE)
fun provideRatingsModelStore(): ModelStore<RatingsModel> {
    return /* create the store for the RatingsModel */ 

@Instance(type = RatingsManager::class)
class RatingsManager internal constructor(
    @Classifier(RATINGS_STORAGE) private val store: ModelStore<RatingsData>
) {

This fails with

error: Method must return instance of as declared by interface magnet.Instance
    public static final<RatingsData> provideRatingsModelStore()

Now I thought maybe I could outsmart the validation and use

fun provideRatingsModelStore(): ModelStore<*> { ... }

but this didn't work either. And naturally, Kotlin doesn't let me use the plain ModelStore type without any generic arguments, as I could do with Java:

public class StaticProvision {
    @Instance(type = ModelStore.class, classifier = RATINGS_STORAGE)
    static ModelStore provideRatingsModelStore() {
        return /* create the store for the RatingsModel */;

This version of course compiles just fine.

What are my options here (beside starting to write Java code again :))?

Logo offer for magnet

Hi sir. I'm graphic designer. I have studied your work and I think a new design will make you more visible. I would like to offer logo. I can give you all the formats of the design free. If you want I send you PR or a change please specify.

Please choose what you like.


Best Regards
Famil Qasimov

Avoid " uses unchecked or unsafe operations" warning

interface OverviewDataSource<I : Item> {
    fun getNextPage(path: String, nextPageToken: String?): Single<Page<I>>
  public OverviewRepo create(Scope scope) {
    OverviewDataSource overviewDataSource = scope.getSingle(OverviewDataSource.class, "web-data-source");
    return new DefaultOverviewRepo(overviewDataSource);

leads to the following warning at compilation

Note: /Projects/a3/a3-client-android/overview-repo/build/generated/source/kapt/debug/de/halfbit/a3/overview/repo/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

Version: 2.0-RC6

Lazy injection in Kotlin

I tried to use the new Lazy injection today and stumbled upon a code generation issue, where unless I annotate all Lazy injections with @JvmSuppressWildcards, Magnet will create invalid, non-compiling Java code like this:

Lazy<? extends List<? extends Bar>> things = new SingleLazy(scope, ? extends List<? extends Bar>.class, "");

for a usage like this:

@Instance(type = Foo::class)
class Foo(bars: Lazy<List<Bar>>) { ... }

So yes, using bars: Lazy<@JvmSuppressWildcards List<Bar>> can be used as a workaround, but I think since you got plain bars: List<Bar> working as well, you could eventually do something about that :)

SelectorAttributeParser is treating nots as delimiters

In SelectorAttributeParser the delimiter is defined as follows:

private val DELIMITER = Regex("[?!\s|.]+")

This unfortunately matches on ! which means it won't even compile a selector using != or !in as it sees too many values in the string and even if it did compile it would not properly handle the nots since it would no longer have the !.

Unsupported KotlinClassMetadata of type null after update to Kotlin 1.5.20

After Kotlin version was updated from 1.4.32 to 1.5.20 in an Android project, the Magnet throws an exception during Gradle build (that occurs in Magnet-generated class):

.../build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/main/.../.../.../.../.... . java:9 error:Unexpected compilation error, please file the bug at: Message:
Unsupported KotlinClassMetadata of type null
public class ..... 

(irrelevant info was replaced with dots (...))

Determine placement of instances

Up until recently we stumbled - only by accident - on the issue that certain instances that should be scoped rather narrowly "leak" to the root scope if they do not depend on things that are explicitely provided by the child scope. This is bad for two reasons:

  1. The root scope gets too large and includes many stateless instances that could have been removed in the meantime, because they're not actually used anymore.
  2. In case an instance holds state that is specific for a child scope, this state, together with it's instance holding a reference to it, will not be removed when the child scope is removed.

Now I could think of several possibilities how to "fix" this problem:

  1. Eventually annotate all those child instances with scoping = Scoping.DIRECT. By "all" I mean of course the root nodes of the specific sub scope tree, but since it's not always clear what the root nodes are (especially if new dependencies are added), it's probably safer to scope everything that should not be global / land in the root scope with Scoping.DIRECT.
  2. Have a single thing that is explicitely bound to the particular child scope and inject this in every other instance (even if it is unused), just as a "handle" to identify this particular instance.
  3. Have a way to debug-print the contents of the scopes so that one sees exactly what instance lives where and apply the particular scoping parameters wisely.

I feel right now a little "blind" and would really like to have option 3, but the Scope interface does not provide this information, one would have to use reflection to access MagnetScope and it's parent, childrenScopes and instanceManager properties and then again look into MagnetInstanceManager to see what is recorded in the particular instance.

How would you handle this particular issue?

Processor fails to generate Factory when custom scope name is used

package app;

import magnet.Instance;
import magnet.Scope;

@Instance(type = UnderTest.class)
public class UnderTest {
    public UnderTest(Scope parentScope) {

generates Factory, which fails with the following error message:

java.lang.AssertionError: Compilation produced the following errors:
/SOURCE_OUTPUT/app/ error: cannot find symbol
    return new UnderTest(parentScope);
  symbol:   variable parentScope
  location: class app.UnderTestMagnetFactory

Version: 3.1-beta1

Lazy construction

From time to time you come across use cases where you only need to instantiate objects when a certain condition is entered. Dagger supports this with Lazy<Type> injections or even by allowing Provider<Type>s to be injected, in case not a single, but multiple, state-holding instances are needed.

How would such a thing be possible in Magnet? At first I thought custom Factories could be used for this, but then I realized you'd only ever inject what the factory provides and not the factory itself.

Any ideas? :)

@Classifier not applicable on factory methods

Version: 1.0-rc1

const val APPLICATION = "application" // exists in different module

@Instance(type = FitnessTrackerManager::class)
fun createFitnessTrackerManager(@Classifier(APPLICATION) context: Context): FitnessTrackerManager = // ...

generates the following code

public final class FitnessTrackerManagerKt {
    @magnet.Instance(type =
    public static final createFitnessTrackerManager(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull()
    android.content.Context context) {
        return null;

which fails to compile with

e: path/to/ error: annotation @Classifier is missing a default value for the element 'value'

Magnet for Kotlin 1.8.

Will magnet support Kotlin 1.8?
After first tests I get in logs Unexoected compilation error with message: Unsupported KotlinClassMetadata of type null.

`@Instance(types)` must accept a classifier per type

When declaring

    types = [Foo::class, Bar::class],
    classifier = "foo"
internal class FooBar(): Foo, Bar {}

all types use shared classifier value. Expected behavior: classifier should be declarable per type.

A solution could be to remove types from the Instance annotation and apply a new InstanceAlias annotation for each new instance type as following:

@Instance(type = Foo::class, classifier = "foo")
@InstanceAlias(type = Bar::class, classifier = "bar")
internal class FooBar(): Foo, Bar {}

Jacoco coverage

Magnet generates a couple of classes that count towards Jacoco's method and instruction coverage. Now it's possible to ignore those based on wildcards (e.g. *MagnetIndexer, *MagnetFactory), even nicer however would be if the types itself would be annotated as generated code, so they would be automatically ignored.

Newer Jacoco versions just need to find a class or runtime annotation that contains the string Generated in it's simple name to recognize ignorable types and go ahead. We have this here in our code base (Kotlin):

@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.CONSTRUCTOR)
@Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY) // this is translated to `RetentionPolicy.CLASS` in
annotation class Generated

No stetho-enabled processes running - with Magnet 3.6-rc1

When I execute ./dumpapp magnet scope I see in console:
No stetho-enabled processes running

I checked also with with magnet version 3.6-rc1 and 3.5 version for de.halfbit:magnetx-app-stetho-scope:3.5" and this combination works.

magnet : '3.6-rc1',

 magnet               : [
                kotlin      : "de.halfbit:magnet-kotlin:$versions.magnet",
                processor   : "de.halfbit:magnet-processor:$versions.magnet",
                appExtension: "de.halfbit:magnetx-app:$versions.magnet",
                appStetho   : "de.halfbit:magnetx-app-stetho-scope:3.5"

Type binding

Android scope hierarchy

Below is an example of the scope hierarchy, properly reflecting lifecycle of Android components, including ViewModels:

                    \    ViewModelScope(fragment)
                     \    /
                        \  ViewModelScope(fragment)
                         \  /

By modelling scopes like this, we ensure that:

  • Lifespan of any parent scope is bigger than the lifespan of any of its children scopes
  • Proper bottom-up dependencies ensure no instance and memory leaking (e.g. Fragment instance injected into ViewModel scope)
  • Scopes gets destroyed when their "host" components are destroyed

Type binding

This kind of hierarchy is hard to maintain with Magnet because there is no way to declare, that ViewModel instances must reside within the required scopes, not below or above them. This problem should be solved by "type binding" feature described below.

Let's declare view model scope to see how type binding can be applied. For defining ViewModelScope(activity) and ActivityScope following syntax can be used:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    val scope = appScope
        .getOrCreateSubscope(this) {
        .createSubscope {

getOrCreateSubscope(activity: Activity) is an extension function (doesn't exist yet, will be a part of one of extension modules) capable of either getting the scope from already existing ViewModel associated with the given activity instance, or creating a new one. Same approach is applied for getting/creating fragment scope.

bind<CatalogViewModel> is a type binding function - actual topic of this proposal. It supposes to be another method in Scope interface. In contrast to already existing bind(catalogViewModel) method, <T> bind(Class<T>) does not bind an instance of type T to the scope, but rather binds the type itself to the scope, meaning whenever an instance of this type needs to be instantiated, Magnet will ensure that it's allocated in exactly that scope. If while instantiating, some dependencies cannot be satisfied (e.g. they lie down the scope dependency tree), Magnet will fails with a runtime error.

Proposed scoping of bound types is unlimited Scoping.TOPMOST. Besides ViewModel case, type binding can be applied to any other type and it will work in exactly the same way.

By adding type binding we can drastically simplify injection of ViewModels with Magnet:
a) ViewModels won't require any custom factories
b) ViewModels will be seen in scope dumps
c) ViewModels could potentially have dependencies to other ViewModels
d) ViewModel scopes (and other instances created there) will be destroyed together with the ViewModel itself.
e) ViewModels can be simple interface/class types without any dependency onto androidx specific ViewModel types.

@realdadfish What do you think?

Injection overrides

Going down the rabbit hole to provide easy testing of Android Activitys and Fragments (see I found myself in the pity position that I cannot override Magnet's use of an annotated factory to create an instance.

While the factory should be used when no specific instance is bound in the scope, I want to be able to explicitly bind a specific (mocked) instance into a scope for testing purposes:

val rootScope = Magnet.createRootScope()
rootScope.bind(, mock<MyViewModel>())

At first I thought this could not work because I annotated the implementation itself:

    type = MyViewModel::class,
    factory = ViewModelFactory::class,
    scoping = Scoping.UNSCOPED
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { ... }

so I extracted it like so:

// Jetpack's ViewModel of course has no interface :(
abstract class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { ... }

    type = MyViewModel::class,
    factory = ViewModelFactory::class,
    scoping = Scoping.UNSCOPED
class MyViewModelImpl : MyViewModel() { ... }

but still, Magnet would again use the annotated factory to create an instance of the object, instead of just using the one that I supplied to it.

How can I make Magnet accept my mocked instance?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Single instance requested, while many instances are stored

Sometimes when starting an android application, it gets such an error.
Any idea what this could be caused by?

Here part of Stacktrace:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Single instance requested, while many instances are stored: {class com.example.ServerTimeProviderServerTimeUpdaterMagnetFactory=magnet.internal.InstanceBucket$InjectedInstance@ddea8f8}
        at magnet.internal.InstanceBucket.getSingleInstance(
        at magnet.internal.MagnetScope.findOrInjectOptional(
        at magnet.internal.MagnetScope.getSingle(

Cannot verify type declaration

So i'm getting this error, i've already tried to remove all build folders and so on, but it didn't help.

Task :networking:kaptDebugKotlin

/Users/xxx/Documents/xx/bonus/networking/build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/debug/xx/xxx/ma/abp/networking/ error: Unexpected compilation error, please file the bug at Message: Cannot verify type declaration.
    public static final CsrfTokenRepository providesCsrfTokenRepository(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull()

This is really strange because another very similar class works just fine:

    @magnet.Instance(type =
    public static final provideConnectionJwtTokenRepository(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull()
    android.content.Context context) {
        return null;

This on the other hand doesnt work:

     @magnet.Instance(type = CsrfTokenRepository.class)
     public static final CsrfTokenRepository providesCsrfTokenRepository(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull()
     android.content.Context context) {
         return null;

Provide SavedStateRegistryOwner in a magnet.Factory interface

in future we'd like to replace current usage of SaveInstanceState with SavedStateHandle.
To do it we'd need to change ViewModelProvider.Factory to AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(SavedStateRegistryOwner, Bundle) as mentioned in Android docu:

When providing a custom ViewModelProvider.Factory instance, you can enable usage of SavedStateHandle by extending AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory.

As far as I understand to achieve this we'd need to get an additional SavedStateRegistryOwner parameter from magnet.Factory. See example code below.

class ViewModelFactory<T : ViewModel> : Factory<T> {
    override fun create(
        scope: Scope,
        type: Class<T>,
        classifier: String,
        scoping: Scoping,
        instantiator: Factory.Instantiator<T>,
        // As per the SavedStateRegistryOwner documentation, both Fragment, and AppCompatActivity implement SavedStateRegistryOwner
        owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner
    ): T {
        val key = scope.getOptional(, VIEW_MODEL_KEY)
        if (key != null && scoping != Scoping.UNSCOPED) {
            error("ViewModel '$type' with key '$key' must be declared with Scoping.UNSCOPED")
        val androidViewModelFactory = AndroidViewModelFactory(scope, instantiator, owner)

    private class AndroidViewModelFactory<T>(
        private var scope: Scope,
        private var instantiator: Factory.Instantiator<T>,
            private var owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner ,
        private var defaultArgs: Bundle? = null
    ) : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(owner, defaultArgs) {

        override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(key: String, modelClass: Class<T>, handle: SavedStateHandle): T {
            TODO("Not yet implemented")

Wrong placement of instances when "getMany" and "sibling types" are used

Version: 3.3-rc5


Scopes: scopeA { Bound1 } <- scopeB { Bound3 }

Dep1 -> [Bound1, Dep2]
Dep2 (w/ sibling Dep2Sibling) -> many(Dep3)`
Dep3 -> Bound3`




scopeA { Bound1 }
scopeB { Dep1, Dep2, Dep2Sibling, Dep3, Bound3 }


scopeA { Bound1, Dep1 }
scopeB { Dep2, Dep2Sibling, Dep3, Bound3 }


The AppExtension from magnetx-app should pull in dependencies for application startup, even across (library) modules. So I followed the example app's implementation closely and added in my base (actually core) module the said base application class. Then, in the main app module and a library module, I added two classes, similar to this:

    type = AppExtension::class,
    scoping = Scoping.UNSCOPED
internal class AppInitializer(private val application: Application) : AppExtension { ... }


    type = AppExtension::class,
    scoping = Scoping.UNSCOPED
internal class FeatureInitializer(private val application: Application) : AppExtension { ... }

Now, I see that Magnet creates a Factory class annotated with @FactoryIndex (in package magnet.index) in both cases, but at runtime neither of both instances is injected into the AppExtension.Delegate. What am I doing wrong? How is this supposed to work?

Implementation must actually implement interface mentioned in `forType`

@Implementation(forType = TypeA.class)
TypeAImpl implements TypeB { }

Current behavior. Factory gets generated, but it does not compile because TypeAImpl does not actually implement TypeA interface.

Expected behavior. Magnet should not allow such configuration and gracefully fail with a clear error message.

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