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pixi-essentials's Issues

Transformer and pixi7 doesn't work if bundled with webpack

Transformer imports @pixi/interaction, but it was deprecated (as i understand) for pixi 7. At least i cant find version for pixi 7. That line broke all mouse behaviour. Looks like interactive = false, but it's not true.

I did monkey-patch for 3.0.1, just remove require('@pixi/interaction') from assembled js file. And all will works fine.

codepen works well on 3.0.1 and 7.2.4 pixi, because that code (header from transformer.js) in reality doesn't do require('@pixi/interaction') in browser.

(function (global, factory) {
    typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@pixi/interaction'), require('@pixi/display'), require('@pixi/math'), require('@pixi-essentials/bounds'), require('@pixi-essentials/object-pool'), require('@pixi/graphics')) :
      typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@pixi/interaction', '@pixi/display', '@pixi/math', '@pixi-essentials/bounds', '@pixi-essentials/object-pool', '@pixi/graphics'], factory) :
        (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global._pixi_essentials_transformer = {}, null, global.PIXI, global.PIXI, global.PIXI, global.PIXI, global.PIXI));
  }(this, (function (exports, interaction, display, math, bounds, objectPool, graphics) { 'use strict'; })));

As fix:
Is it okay to just drop @pixi/interaction import?


MSDF Text feature request

Hey @SukantPal, what's up?
Do you have plans to implement support for multi-channel signed distance field text?
Using atlas bitmap and atlas's layout data (e.g. json) from this generator.
Other repositories that have implemented this for pixi seem to be out of date.

Types not included

When importing the library using

import { Transformer } from "@pixi-essentials/transformer";

I get the following error:

Could not find a declaration file for module '@pixi-essentials/transformer'

Browsing to @pixi-essentials/transformer directory (inside node_modules) I see that indeed @types directory is missing.

Can't get pointer events to work

Whatever I try, I can't get pointer events to work when adding an SVGScene to the stage. Whatever else I add to the stage works interactively fine and also the stage itself fires events just fine, but for some reason not the SVG Scene. Interactive of the scene is set to true tho (also tried buttonMode just to be sure)

I tried several event types, like pointerup, tap and click. Also tried both .on() and .addListener() on both the SVGScene object (which is extended from DisplayObject) as well as the svgScene.root just to be sure.

Also created a complete fresh project with only pixi in it, just a stage and only the SVGScene added to it. But nothing seems to work.

According to the docs the events should be supported, so I don't get this.

Is there anything we should know, other than settings interactive to true, to make interactivity with pointers work?

[Question] How to trigger re-render (when filter changes)?

I've set a displacementfilter on an SVGScene. When changing the displacement texture on a tick the SVGScene needs to update, but doesn't do that. I've tried setting _transformDirty = true; of the scene on each tick but it doesn't update the rendering.

How can we update the effect of filter(s) on the SVGScene?

Thanks in advance!

Transformer can't move with pixijs v7.2.x


<title>CodePen - Inside PixiJS: @pixi-essentials/transformer</title> <script src=''></script> <script src='[email protected]/dist/graphics-extras.min.js'></script> <script src='[email protected]/dist/pixi-object-pool.js'></script> <script src='[email protected]/dist/bounds.js'></script> <script src='[email protected]/dist/transformer.js'></script> <script src="./script.js" type="module"></script> `

`const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: 1024,
height: 1024,
autoDensity: true,
resolution: window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
view: document.getElementById("pen-canvas"),
backgroundColor: 0xffffff,
antialias: true
app.stage.sortableChildren = true;

const transformer = app.stage.addChild(new PIXI.Transformer({
rotateEnabled: true,
skewEnabled: true,
boxRotationEnabled: true,
group: [],
stage: app.stage,
wireframeStyle: {
thickness: 1,
color: 0xff0000

const circle = new PIXI.Graphics();
circle.beginFill(0xfedbac + 0x1f)
.drawCircle(0, 0, 100)
circle.pivot.set(50, 100);
circle.position.set(300, 300);

const star = new PIXI.Graphics();
star.beginFill(0xfedbac + 0x1f)
.drawStar(0, 0, 8, 100)
star.position.set(800, 500);
star.pivot.set(50, 100);

const starText = star.addChild(new PIXI.Text("Hello world!", {
fontSize: 12
starText.x = -30;

const container = new PIXI.Container();
container.eventMode = 'static';
container.interactive = true;
container.on('pointerdown', onClick);

function onClick(event) {
console.log("clicked:" +;
if ( > 0) {
let oldTarget =;
oldTarget.interactive = true;
transformer.zIndex =; = false;

In index.html
change line 11

<script src=''></script>


<script src=''></script>

Changed this line, the object can be dragged normally

Please add original svg element's IDs as name to children so we can use getChildByName()! (see code)

First of all; thanks a lot for this great project! It's so nice to be able to use SVG inside pixi while keeping it sharp while zooming!

I want to change properties of a child inside the SVG Scene, like its fillColor. I found out how to do that, but having a huge SVG how can we find the right child by its ID as set in the SVG Elements ID attribute? I've searched through the properties of for example the SVGPathNode class, but so far I couldn't find anything that tells the actual ID/name of the child.

So my question is: where is the ID stored inside a child and/or how to find a child by it's original element's ID?

Thanks in advance!

Unexpected rendering of stroke-linejoin="round": rendered flat instead of round

To my surprise the rendering of rounded linejoins are different when using pixi-essentials compared to the original design file and compared to the SVG file rendered in the browsers.

So I took a look at this a little closer and did some tests to find out that stroke-linejoin isn't rounded if stroke-miterlimit is below 2 (in this test). This isn't an issue when using the svg in the browser and also in the used vector editor (Affinity Designer) it's shown as a rounded corner as expected. So it seems like pixi-essentials' render isn't rendering linejoins as supposed to.

Please take a look at the following example on codepen: the image above is the pixi renderer, the image below is the svg directly shown inside the document. As you can see in the essentials output the rounded join is gone, while it's rendered fine in svg:

When either removing the stroke-miterlimit="1.5" from the <svg> or changing it to stroke-miterlimit="2" the corner is rounded, but this obviously shouldn't be necesary and work with intended values.

According to mdn the stroke-miterlimit could make the line join to fall back to bevel, but only when exceeded (so higher than a certain value), not when lower than the limit. So perhaps this is build in pixi-essentials the reversed way now?
I would expect for the rest the miterlimit value should be ignored when below that value and have no influence. :


Svg rendering:

Pixi-essentials rendering:

No license file

There doesnt seem to be a license file available in the project. Can you clarify the license please and maybe add a MIT license file (according to setting in package.json)?

Shape distorted and fill flipped when shape with hole start on first or ends on last pixel of svg

See svg's below. When having a rectangle reaching full svg bounds and subtract a circle from it and save that to svg the fill will be flipped when loaded with pixi-essentials/svg. This is not the case when the rectangle is just 1 pixel away from the svg bounds.
That last thing we obviously don't want. We want to cover the bounds of the svg.

svg with issue in editor (screenshot):

svg with issue in pixi-essentials (screenshot):

svg without issue (borders have padding from svg bounds) in editor (screenshot):

svg without issue (borders have padding from svg bounds) in pixi-essentials (screenshot):

svg file with issue (downloadable):

svg where issue is not there because the shape has a padding on each side (downloadable):

pixi-essentials/svg version: 1.1.5

[Feature][Transformer] Ability to hook into transformer operations

Hi again!
I will refer to movement/scale/rotation/skew as operations for brevity.

As of right now, the Transformer handles all inputs and operations by itself, but it would be nice to be able to handle some more interesting cases. Here are the main options i'm missing, forgive me if they are already present and I simply did not find them.

  1. Getting the group transformations.
    As far as I can tell right now Transformer handles all the input and directly applies the operation to the group members, it would be useful to have a way to get the applied transformations.
  2. Setting the group transformations.
    Since Transformer applies its changes directly to the target objects, it does not expose a way to easily set any parameter from the outside.
    This could be very useful in cases in which thanks to (1) we save somewhere the operations we performed to a group and then retrieve and set those same operations to a new Transformer, without having wokny wireframes.
  3. Being able to hook inside the transform process.

It would be very useful to have a callback after the changes are computed but before the actual transform is performed, to be able to handle some more interesting logic.

Some use cases that would be enabled are:

  • Being able to add some constraints to the operations, for example forcing the group to be inside some bounds.
  • Being able to smooth out the interaction, say with a library like React Spring.
  • Being able to have movement and scaling snapping, as right now only rotation and skew are enabled.

Ideally, one such callback would take as input the delta of the current frame and the delta since the beginning of the event and be able to make any change to the operation.
Please excuse the very crude example.

interface IScale {
    x: number
    y: number

interface IDelta {
    x: number
    y: number
    scale: IScale
    angle: number

interface IChangeCallback {
    operation: string
    frame: IDelta
    total: IDelta

type IChangeCallbackFunc = (IChangeCallback) => IChangeCallback;

Let me know what you think about it

SVG not rendering correctly

I have a simple SVG with parts missing. Can you help?

This is how it should look

This is how it looks in pixi

Thanks :)

Upgrade path to Pixi.js v7?


My team is using the texture-allocator package and see that it is pulling in pixi.js v6. Is there any kind of planned upgrade path to update the pixi-essentials modules to v7-compatible releases?

Problem when transformer group has objects those have different parents

First of all thanks for that great tool.

I am using tool to manipulate object transform in my scene for deeply nested objects. If group includes objects those have different parents, objects transform in their local space but tool manipulate them using its own local space calculation I think.

To clearify the issue you can check this demo

Just set parent of star object to circle instead of app.stage and then try to move them

The index.d.ts for the svg has an error

There is a Typescript definition error in the index.d.ts file

[ng] Error: node_modules/@pixi-essentials/svg/index.d.ts:396:9 - error TS2611: 'currentPath' is defined as a property in class 'SVGGraphicsNode', but is overridden here in 'SVGPathNode' as an accessor.
[ng] 396 get currentPath(): any;

// @ts-ignore
get currentPath(): any;

Transformer doesn't work properly on mobile

Hi! As the title says, the transformer scale/rotate/skew actions don't work properly on mobile.
I've tested both the provided pen examples

Standard usage:
Usage with @pixi-essentials/react-bindings:

and made a little test of my use case here

On mobile the translation works fine, but I cannot scale or rotate the box, dragging any of the handles just moves the whole box or in some cases scales only along one axis, despite having set lockAspectRatio to true.

This behaviour can be observed also using a normal browser with the responsive developer tools.

SVG can´t display dashed image

There is a bug in the svg.js and files where it is passing a null element as shape:
line 1277:

                // @ts-expect-error
                    points: contour,
                    holes: [],
                    shape: null,

probability this can fix it:

                // @ts-expect-error
                    points: null,
                    holes: [],
                    shape: { points: contour, type: SHAPES.PATH },

sample svg file:

<svg viewBox = "0 0 540 360" version= "1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="none" stroke-width="none" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-miterlimit="10" font-family="none" font-weight="none" font-size="none" text-anchor="none" style="mix-blend-mode: normal"><path d="M126.23808,121.88715l6.99691,-2.99723l12.6611,-4.66235l16.99251,-6.6605l20.6576,-9.99075l23.65619,-11.32285l24.32263,-8.99167l23.32306,-6.32747l21.9903,-3.99631l10.66199,-1.66512l20.65756,-2.6642l28.65405,-1.99815l33.98502,0.66605l12.32788,2.33117l6.99695,2.33118l2.99865,1.66513l5.33103,3.33025l5.99734,4.99537l6.6637,6.32747l6.99695,10.98982l1.66598,4.66236l3.33182,15.65217l0.66638,12.98797l-0.33313,16.65125l-0.33325,8.99167l-5.66418,26.97504l-7.66324,18.31636l-8.66285,16.31824l-8.66293,12.98797l-7.66324,9.3247l-6.99695,7.32655l-18.65844,12.65498l-11.99472,4.66236l-14.32703,3.3302l-14.32703,2.33117l-12.32788,1.66516l-11.66153,0.99906l-11.6615,0.66604h-14.32705l-12.32788,-1.6651l-7.33008,-3.33026l-3.33191,-2.33117l-6.33054,-10.3238l-2.3323,-10.65679l-0.33319,-13.65401l3.66504,-24.31084v-4.99538l-0.33319,-3.33026l-0.66636,-2.33116l-0.99954,-1.66513l-16.65936,1.33211l-9.99555,3.99629l-27.98767,16.9843l-12.32794,8.65863l-19.32483,12.98798l-9.32922,5.66142l-7.99648,4.99538l-7.99647,5.32838l-7.33011,4.32933l-2.99867,1.99815l-9.66242,3.99631l-9.32922,2.66419h-9.66242l-5.66416,-0.99903l-4.66462,-1.99817l-7.66328,-5.32843l-5.99736,-6.66047l-2.6655,-3.99633l-1.66592,-3.33021l-1.66593,-5.99449l-0.33319,-7.99257l5.331,-24.64386l5.33096,-14.32009l1.66594,-3.66325l1.66594,-3.66328l7.66328,-9.65775l3.66506,-3.99629l1.99913,-1.66512l40.64874,-43.95929l0.99957,-0.33303z" stroke="#a0a0a0" stroke-width="1.6875" stroke-dasharray="6.75,25.3125" stroke-dashoffset="0"/></g></svg>

Transformer v3.0.1 seems broken

The controls are being displayed but I cannot interact with them, even on hover the cursor wouldn't change. I tried it with all kinds of settings. The same code works perfectly with v3.0.0

Unable to compile project using this lib because it's not passing Typescript 4 checks

There is an issue in the lib that, after doing some research on Typescript, wasn't an issue with Typescript 3 compiler, but is with Typescript 4 (


I'm working in Javascript myself, but the document builder I use to build documents for projects is using Typescript 4. Which is now stopping at the issue making the project build to fail because of this issue in the lib.
For now I downgraded the project to use the old Typescript 3, but that's obviously not the preferred solution.

Could this issue either be solved? And could you perhaps please upgrade to Typescript 4 to have the latest checks in place? That would be awesome!

SVG - PaintServer: add gradientTransform support

Currently, the PaintServer is using the gradients package, which seems fine but it ignores all Transform Properties in the "gradientTransform" attribute.

I have tried to fix this on my own to first apply the transform matrix to my coordinates before submitting the SVG to the SVGScene, but I'm not a mathematician, and it's only near perfect but not close enough for one on one comparison with the browser, maybe this is another problem with my SVG but "gradientTransform" is still missing anyway

Unable to interact with svgScene object after adding it to the scene

I've tried multiple ways (such as attaching events, defining hitArea, trying hitTest and so...) to add interactivity to SVGScene output after loading it using @pixi-essentials/svg library but the events are never triggered.

How do we add interaction to the svg after loading it?

import { SVGScene } from '@pixi-essentials/svg';

//load svg from url
const svgMarkup = await fetch("<svg_url>").then((data) => data.json());
const svgDOM = new DOMParser().parseFromString(svgMarkup, "image/svg+xml");
const svgEl = svgDOM.documentElement;

//add svg to our scene - added event gets called 
let svg = new SVGScene(svgEl);
svg.on('added', function(){ 
  console.log('svg added'); 

//svg interactions - NOTE: Click/Mouse events are not triggered
svg.interactive = true;
svg.buttonMode = true;
svg.on('click', function(){
  console.log('svg clicked');
svg.on('mouseenter', function(){
  console.log('svg mouseentered');

Dynamic FillStyle and LineStyle


Thanks for the module. Its exactly what I needed. Was wondering if there is a way to dynamically set the fill and line style outside of the actual SVG. I've tried updating SVGStage.root.children[0].fill with no luck. Would like to avoid having to use a filter if possible.


Cannot render svg correctly

Update: I dig into it a little bit and found that the GraphicsData parsed by SVGScene will contain several points which is NaN, which is likely the reason that makes the filling wrong



The background color and the rotation angle can be safely ignored, the main issue lands on the incorrectness of filling the red color

Source SVG:

Running an error, what is the reason?

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (2429:42)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {
| const lastCommand = commands[i - 1];
| const lastCp2 = { ...(lastCommand.cp2 || lastCommand.cp) };
| if (commands[i - 1].relative)

[SVG] Cannot export the SVGScene into image

We are trying to export the canvas to png using add.renderer.generateTexture and app.renderer.extract, but the svg object isn't showing in the image.

After digging into the source code and found out this line is causing the issue

this._cull.cull(renderer.renderTexture.sourceFrame, true);

By removing this line, the svg object now can export as expected

- this._cull.cull(renderer.renderTexture.sourceFrame, true);

Although the app works fine without this line, we are not sure wether if there's side effect or not.

[Transformer][Feature] Attach event handlers to Transformer's internal onPointer callbacks

Hello. I'm making a box selection system and found that the e.stopPropagation() from the transformer prevents my callback to be run, so I modified the transformer to accept "attached callbacks" and run them on each of its internal callbacks.

Something like

this._attachedHandlers = {
  'pointerdown': [],
  'pointermove': [],
  'pointerup': [(e) => console.log('pointerUp')]

onPointerUp(e) { 
  this._attachedHandlers['pointerup'].forEach(callback => callback(e));

Would it be a welcome addition? If so I could make a pull request once I'm done with it (properly typed and function-wrapped obviously).

[Transformer] Event for when transforming?

Hey! Is there an event I can hook into to know when the transformer updates the properties (for example x or y)?
I need to update an input field where I show the current value and I'm not sure how I would do it.

Something like transformer.on('transform', () => ...) maybe?

Not sure if #64 is related?

EDIT: Okay there is the transformchange event I've overlooked, sorry! Now I only need to figure out how I can transform the matrix to the specific properties like x, y or rotation.

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