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ngx-bootstrap-multiselect's Introduction

Angular Multiselect Dropdown for Bootstrap CSS

Compiled for Angular 15 with Ivy enabled. If you are using an older version of Angular and are relying on the View Engine, you can use version 2.1 of this library.

Customizable multiselect dropdown in Angular(9+), TypeScript with Bootstrap css.


  • Bootstrap CSS 3 or 4
  • Font Awesome (optional)


  • Install with npm: npm install ngx-bootstrap-multiselect --save.


Import NgxBootstrapMultiselectModule into your @NgModule.

import { NgxBootstrapMultiselectModule } from 'ngx-bootstrap-multiselect';

  // ...
  imports: [
  // ...

Define options in your consuming component:

import { IMultiSelectOption } from 'ngx-bootstrap-multiselect';

export class MyClass implements OnInit {
    optionsModel: number[];
    myOptions: IMultiSelectOption[];

    ngOnInit() {
        this.myOptions = [
            { id: 1, name: 'Option 1' },
            { id: 2, name: 'Option 2' },
    onChange() {

In your template, use the component directive:

<ngx-bootstrap-multiselect [options]="myOptions" [(ngModel)]="optionsModel" (ngModelChange)="onChange()"></ngx-bootstrap-multiselect>


Import the IMultiSelectOption and IMultiSelectTexts interfaces to enable/override settings and text strings:

// Default selection
optionsModel: number[] = [1, 2];

// Settings configuration
mySettings: IMultiSelectSettings = {
    enableSearch: true,
    checkedStyle: 'fontawesome',
    buttonClasses: 'btn btn-default btn-block',
    dynamicTitleMaxItems: 3,
    displayAllSelectedText: true

// Text configuration
myTexts: IMultiSelectTexts = {
    checkAll: 'Select all',
    uncheckAll: 'Unselect all',
    checked: 'item selected',
    checkedPlural: 'items selected',
    searchPlaceholder: 'Find',
    searchEmptyResult: 'Nothing found...',
    searchNoRenderText: 'Type in search box to see results...',
    defaultTitle: 'Select',
    allSelected: 'All selected',

// Labels / Parents
myOptions: IMultiSelectOption[] = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Car brands', isLabel: true },
    { id: 2, name: 'Volvo', parentId: 1 },
    { id: 3, name: 'Honda', parentId: 1 },
    { id: 4, name: 'BMW', parentId: 1 },
    { id: 5, name: 'Colors', isLabel: true },
    { id: 6, name: 'Blue', parentId: 5 },
    { id: 7, name: 'Red', parentId: 5 },
    { id: 8, name: 'White', parentId: 5 }
<ngx-bootstrap-multiselect [options]="myOptions" [texts]="myTexts" [settings]="mySettings" [(ngModel)]="optionsModel"></ngx-bootstrap-multiselect>


Setting Description Default Value
pullRight Float the dropdown to the right false
enableSearch Enable searching the dropdown items false
checkedStyle Style of checked items one of 'checkboxes', 'glyphicon' or 'fontawesome' 'checkboxes'
buttonClasses CSS classes to apply to the trigger button 'btn btn-default'
itemClasses CSS classes to apply to items ''
containerClasses CSS classes to apply to container div 'dropdown-inline'
selectionLimit Maximum number of items that may be selected (0 = no limit) 0
minSelectionLimit Minimum number of items that may be selected 0
autoUnselect Unselect the previous selection(s) once selectionLimit is reached false
closeOnSelect If enabled, dropdown will be closed after selection false
showCheckAll Display the checkAll item to select all options false
showUncheckAll Display the uncheckAll item to unselect all options false
fixedTitle Use the default title (do not apply the dynamic title) false
dynamicTitleMaxItems The maximum number of options to display in the dynamic title 3
maxHeight The maximum height for the dropdown (including unit) '300px'
displayAllSelectedText Display the allSelected text when all options are selected false
searchRenderLimit If enableSearch=true and total amount of items more then searchRenderLimit (0 - No limit) then render items only when user typed more then or equal searchRenderAfter charachters 0
searchRenderAfter Amount of characters to trigger rendering of items 1
searchMaxLimit If more than zero will render only first N options in search results 0
searchMaxRenderedItems Used with searchMaxLimit to further limit rendering for optimization. Should be less than searchMaxLimit to take effect 0
displayAllSelectedText Display the allSelected text when all options are selected false
closeOnClickOutside Close dropdown when clicked outside true
isLazyLoad An event, onLazyLoad, triggers on scrolling to a specified distance from the bottom of the dropdown, allowing additional data to load false
loadViewDistance Distance from bottom of dropdown to trigger lazy load, in units of dropdown viewport height 1
stopScrollPropagation Scrolling the dropdown will not overflow to document false
selectAddedValues Additional lazy loaded Select All values are checked when added on scrolling false
ignoreLabels Ignore label options when counting selected options false
maintainSelectionOrderInTitle The title will show selections in the order they were selected false
focusBack Set the focus back to the input control when the dropdown closed true


Text Item Description Default Value
checkAll The text for the "check all" option 'Check all'
uncheckAll The text for the "uncheck all" option 'Uncheck all'
checked Text for "checked" with single item selected (used in dynamic title) 'checked'
checkedPlural Text for "checked" with multiple items selected (used in dynamic title) 'checked'
searchPlaceholder Text initially displayed in search input 'Search...'
defaultTitle Title displayed in button before selection 'Select'
allSelected Text displayed when all items are selected (must be enabled in options) 'All selected'
searchEmptyResult Text displayed when no items are rendered 'Nothing found...'
searchNoRenderText Text displayed when items rendering disabled by the searchRenderLimit option 'Type in search box to see results...'

Other examples

Single select

Although this dropdown is designed for multiple selections, a common request is to only allow a single selection without requiring the user to unselect their previous selection each time. This can be accomplished by setting selectionLimit to 1 and autoUnselect to true.

  selectionLimit: 1,
  autoUnselect: true,

Lazy Loading

This Stackblitz link demonstrates an implementation of lazy loading: Lazy loading Stackblitz

If using search during lazy load, the search term must be supplied to the back end to return the appropriate number of results. Standard inline search will not work, since the front end does not know how many items to load to retrieve the desired number of matches.

If selectAddedValues is set to true for lazy loading, all values loaded to the checklist are checked when matching Select All criteria. If a search is used with Select All, each search is added to a collection to be matched against when scrolling in. If selectAddedValues is false, only presently viewed matches will check on Select All.

If a user searches countries on al and clicks Select All, all matches will be selected as they load in on scrolling. If the user clears the search box, only matches to al will select upon scrolling in all country values.

If the user then searches an and clicks Select All, all matches to an and al will select upon scrolling in. If the user then clicks Unselect All while an is the search criteria, all matches to an will clear, except those that match al, which is still stored.

Clicking Select All or Unselect All with no search criteria present will clear all previously stored searches. Any search match that is manually unchecked will remain unchecked unless matched by a new search Select All.

The implementor will be responsible for completing checks when the form is submitted. This could possibly either consist of completing the load of all lazy load checklists before submitting or sending checked items and search criteria to a back-end api to complete.

Use model driven forms with ReactiveFormsModule:

import { IMultiSelectOption } from 'ngx-bootstrap-multiselect';

export class MyClass implements OnInit {
    myOptions: IMultiSelectOption[] = [
        { id: 1, name: 'Option 1' },
        { id: 2, name: 'Option 2' },

    ngOnInit() {
        this.myForm ={
            optionsModel: [1, 2], // Default model

            .subscribe((selectedOptions) => {
                // changes
<form [formGroup]="myForm">
    <ngx-bootstrap-multiselect [options]="myOptions" formControlName="optionsModel"></ngx-bootstrap-multiselect>


Pull requests are welcome!



ngx-bootstrap-multiselect's People


chris--jones avatar codiak avatar cppleon avatar dannyhn avatar dessalines avatar doryzi avatar dustinblanchard avatar eduardovpessoa avatar ert78gb avatar ezeon avatar gregkass avatar guilhrmefp avatar gund avatar jessenic avatar jgxpert avatar jimjafar avatar kalras avatar kazzkiq avatar kevcjones avatar kevincjones avatar kukiel avatar markudevelop avatar nicholasguyett avatar ordinaryzelig avatar ortichon avatar softsimon avatar stefanlangerhebo avatar thebf avatar thecp avatar tigorc avatar


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ngx-bootstrap-multiselect's Issues

Throwing error in AoT production build

I am using Angular CLI, when I try to build app with command "ng build --prod --aot", it started throwing error.

ERROR in Error encountered resolving symbol values statically. Calling function 'makeDecorator',
function calls are not supported. Consider replacing the function or lambda with a reference to a
n exported function, resolving symbol Injectable in /home/spaneos/Videos/ng2aot/node_modules/angu
lar-2-dropdown-multiselect/node_modules/@angular/core/src/di/metadata.d.ts, resolving symbol Opaq
in /home/spaneos/Videos/ng2aot/node_modules/angular-2-dropdown-multiselect/node_modules/@
angular/core/src/di/opaque_token.d.ts, resolving symbol OpaqueToken
in /home/spaneos/Videos/ng2ao

ERROR in ./src/main.ts
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './$$_gendir/app/app.module.ngfactory' in '/home/spaneos/V
@ ./src/main.ts 4:0-74
@ multi main

Please help me on this. We are going to production in next week.


Getting an exception error:

Uncaught (in promise): Template parse errors:
Can't bind to 'ngFormControl' since it isn't a known native property ("" class="form-control" placeholder="{{ texts.searchPlaceholder }}" aria-describedby="sizing-addon3" [ERROR ->][ngFormControl]="search">
<span class="input-group-btn" *ngIf="searchFilterTe"): MultiselectDropdown@7:141

Switched libraries to use @angular/core and @angular/common but I don't think that would be the issue.

Pre-filled [(ngModel)] throws an error - Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined

When I pre-fill [(ngModel)] for example like this constructor () {this.selectedOptions = [1,2];},
I am getting this error - Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined, screenshoot -
Here is how my template and class are looking like this:

// I tried public
private selectedOptions:number[];
  constructor () {
    this.selectedOptions = [1,2];
 <ss-multiselect-dropdown [options]="clients" [settings]="{enableSearch: true}"
                                             [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}"

I would be grateful if you help me .

Single select toggle


It would be nice when its single select and you can toggle between each item without having to click on it first to uncheck it.

Contribution Guidelines

Hi @softsimon,

I'm expecting to need this plugin for a work project. Consequently, I want to make sure I can help keep this up-to-date and functioning optimally.

What would work best for you if I wanted to be a regular contributor to this project?

Emulate single option select?

Is there an easy way to emulate just being able to select one option at a time? I have set the selectionLimit:1, and closeOnSelect: true, which works, but when selecting a different option, it forces you to first deselect whichever one is currently selected before you can select a new option.

Can I get around this so that clicking on a new (unselected) option automatically deselects other selected options in a single click (ie. standard single selection behaviour)?

dynamicTitleMaxItems not working as expected


My select settings:

    private brandSelectSettings: IMultiSelectSettings = {
    pullRight: false,
    enableSearch: true,
    checkedStyle: 'checkboxes',
    buttonClasses: 'btn btn-info',
    selectionLimit: 0,
    closeOnSelect: false,
    showCheckAll: false,
    showUncheckAll: true,
    dynamicTitleMaxItems: 1,
    maxHeight: '300px',

And i set them on select like this:

<ss-multiselect-dropdown [options]="brands" [(ngModel)]="model.selectedBrands" [options]="brandSelectSettings" [texts]="multiSelectTexts" (ngModelChange)="onBrandSelect($event)" [hidden] = "brandSelectionHidden"> </ss-multiselect-dropdown>

As you can see on my settings, dynamicTitleMaxItems is set to 1. It's still working like it's been set to 4.

Full example

Can you post a project where you list this component as a dependency and use it in the project? I followed the instructions and it seems like a lot of stuff is missing to allow npm etc to index things right. I can't use the module without specifying the full relative path to your ts file. Once I do get it running I get a lot of errors. A example project that uses your component would be awesome!

Can't import MultiselectDropdownModule in ngModule

I am unable to import MultiselectDropdownModule in ngModule.
I install it in npm through this
npm install angular2-dropdown-multiselect --save-dev
and unable to import using this
import {MultiselectDropdownModule} from "angular-2-dropdown-multiselect"; or
import {MultiselectDropdownModule} from "angular-2-dropdown-multiselect/multiselect-dropdown";
I am using angular 2.0.0

event for onDropdownClose?

Is there any chance I'm missing something? I would like to call a function after finishing selecting all that I want and the dropdown closes or hides. Does this exist?


onAdded and OnRemoved events

First of all, thanks for the module!

It would be nice to have onAdded and onRemoved events that fires the id of an element when it is selected or unselected .

Right now I maintain an extra copy of the list of selected id's to compare a new list of id's against each time an element is added/removed to find out which element has been added or removed. This is a bit of a nuisance.

ids should be any type

In html, the <option value="id">text</option>, the ID is text, but the IMultiSelectOption enforces a numeric id. This would require me to basically make another mapping from those options to values, since I need string values for my options.

selectionLimit = 1 and checkboxes

if you set selectionLimit to 1 and checkedStyle to 'checkboxes' you still can select multiple checkboxes even though the model gets only one value assigned. It's probably not what one want. I got around this by adding another option to the checkedStyle entry:

checkedStyle?: 'checkboxes' | 'glyphicon' | 'radio';

and in the template

                    <input *ngIf="settings.checkedStyle == 'radio'" name="radioitem" type="radio" [checked]="isSelected(option)" />

and in setSelected

        if (this.settings.checkedStyle == 'radio') {
            this.model = [];

Getting 404 Error

after following the Usage given in GiT i am Getting 404 Error like below not sure what i missed.

screen shot 2016-12-15 at 3 15 38 pm

Ability to perform form validation

So, I have got this piece fitting and working exactly as expected in my project with code below.

I also want to perform a validation to check if atleast one option is selected from the dropdown.

Using template driven form, I got the validation also working by adding 'required' attribute and reference variable (#market) binding to ngModel .


  /* Multi Select Dropdown settings*/
  private multiSelectDropDownSettings: IMultiSelectSettings = {
    pullRight: true,
    enableSearch: false,
    showCheckAll: true,
    showUncheckAll: true,
    dynamicTitleMaxItems: 1

  private multiSelectDropDownTexts: IMultiSelectTexts = {
    checkAll: 'Check all',
    uncheckAll: 'Clear',
    checked: 'checked',
    checkedPlural: 'checked',
    searchPlaceholder: 'Search..',
    defaultTitle: 'Select',

  /* Options for dropdown */
  markets: Market[] = [
    {id: 1, name: "Denmark"},
    {id: 2, name: "France"},
    {id: 3, name: "Germany"},
    {id: 4, name: "Greece"}

<form #pixelform="ngForm" novalidate (ngSubmit)="showParameters(pixelform, pixelform.valid)">
	<div class="form-group">
		<label for="name">Pixel Name</label>
		<input type="text" class="form-control" required id="name" name="name" #name="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="">
		<small [hidden]="name.valid || (name.pristine && !pixelform.submitted)" class="text-danger">
			Name is required.
	<div class="form-group">
		<label for="market">Market</label>
		<ss-multiselect-dropdown  id="market" required name="market" [settings]="multiSelectDropDownSettings" [texts]="multiSelectDropDownTexts" [options]="markets" #market="ngModel" [(ngModel)]=""></ss-multiselect-dropdown>
		<small [hidden]="market.valid || (market.pristine && !pixelform.submitted)" class="text-danger">
			Market must be selected.
	<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" [disabled]="!pixelform.form.valid">Submit</button>

But when I uncheck all the selections, angular doesn't update the 'ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid' classes on <ss-multiselect-dropdown> and Submit button is not disabled.

Can you please check what's missing in my code or if the approach is wrong ?

Instructions are not clear

Tried to follow instructions but not able to get it to work. Took angular quick start project and added the dependency as npm package but when the import statement gives TypeScript error saying can't find module.

Showing Error on console : Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'ss-multiselect-dropdown'.

screenshot from 2017-01-05 18 29 17

I am using this package in my project. But i am finding an error 'Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'ss-multiselect-dropdown'.

Process which i have done is:>

import {MultiselectDropdownModule} from 'angular-2-dropdown-multiselect/src/multiselect-dropdown';
imports: [ BrowserModule, AppRoutingModule, ChartModule, DatepickerModule,MultiSelectModule,MultiselectDropdownModule ],

  1. Systemjs.config

(function (global) {
paths: {
// paths serve as alias
'npm:': 'node_modules/'
// map tells the System loader where to look for things
map: {
packages: {
// add packages here

  1. header.component

import { Component,Input } from '@angular/core';
import {IMultiSelectOption} from 'angular-2-dropdown-multiselect/src/multiselect-dropdown';

selector: 'header',
templateUrl: 'header.component.html'
export class HeaderComponent{

private selectedOptions: number[];
private myOptions: IMultiSelectOption[] = [
{ id: 1, name: 'Option 1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Option 2' },
constructor(private contextService: ContextService){

  1. header(html):
  • Version Details:

    ubuntu 14.04

    [email protected] extraneous

    node.js v7.3.0

    npm 3.10.10

    Can you please provide any demo example of this package implementation ?

    Not able to customize 'CheckAll' option

    Option for customization 'CheckAll' and 'UncheckAll' is missing:

    1. There is no possibility to change type of selected icon - 'checkboxes' | 'glyphicon'. This part is missing in template.
    2. There is no possibility to change displayed text when all items are selected.

    Dropdown menu is not closing on IE

    Dropdown menu is not closed on IE after clicking outside.
    Even the demo link is not working on IE (
    Observed some error as below

    Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'keys'
    Error loading
          [functions]: ,
          __proto__: { },
          description: "undefined",
          message: "Object doesn't support property or method 'keys'
    	Error loading",
          name: "Error",
          number: NaN,
          stack: "TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'keys'
       at Anonymous function (
       at Anonymous function (
       at i (
       at s (
       at Anonymous function (
       at Anonymous function (
       at i (
       at s (
       at Anonymous function (
       at Anonymous function ("

    Failed to load multiselect-dropdown.html

    I'm using SystemJS as module loader and configured it as following:

    (function (global) {
        paths: {
          'npm:': "node_modules/"
        map: {
          // ...
          'angular-2-dropdown-multiselect': "npm:angular-2-dropdown-multiselect/src/multiselect-dropdown.js",

    After 0.3.4 release, an html template was extracted into a separate file and that broke my setup. Now I'm getting a nasty error:

    Unhandled Promise rejection: Failed to load multiselect-dropdown.html ;
    Zone: <root> ; 
    Task: Promise.then ; 
    Value: Failed to load multiselect-dropdown.html

    I tried to fix it with another line in map section of SystemJS config:

    'multiselect-dropdown.html': "npm:angular-2-dropdown-multiselect/src/multiselect-dropdown.html"

    but it didn't help.

    Could you, please, suggest a solution or guide me to a more appropriate way of including your library?

    What options available for "checkedStyle"?

    private mySettings: IMultiSelectSettings = {
        pullRight: false,
        enableSearch: false,
        checkedStyle: 'checkboxes', <====== what options available here?
        buttonClasses: 'btn btn-default',
        selectionLimit: 0,
        closeOnSelect: false,
        showCheckAll: false,
        showUncheckAll: false,
        dynamicTitleMaxItems: 3,
        maxHeight: '300px',

    Model based Forms throw error in ngDoCheck

    There seems to be an issue when using a Model approach to Forms rather than using the Template based approach.

    I'm using it like so in Angular2 RC6 using angular-cli:

    <ss-multiselect-dropdown [options]="myOptions" [formControl]="form.controls['myControl']" (change)="onChange($event)"></ss-multiselect-dropdown>

    And its giving me the following error:

    EXCEPTION: Error in http://localhost:4200/app/features/some/some.template.html:122:57 caused by: Error trying to diff ''
    ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: Error trying to diff ''
    Error: Error trying to diff ''
        at DefaultIterableDiffer.diff (core.umd.js:6396)
        at MultiselectDropdown.ngDoCheck (multiselect-dropdown.ts:176)
        at DebugAppView._View_SomeComponent0.detectChangesInternal (SomeComponent.ngfactory.js:2200)
        at DebugAppView.AppView.detectChanges (core.umd.js:12061)
        at DebugAppView.detectChanges (core.umd.js:12166)
        at DebugAppView.AppView.detectViewChildrenChanges (core.umd.js:12087)
        at DebugAppView._View_SomeComponent_Host0.detectChangesInternal (SomeComponent_Host.ngfactory.js:31)
        at DebugAppView.AppView.detectChanges (core.umd.js:12061)
        at DebugAppView.detectChanges (core.umd.js:12166)
        at DebugAppView.AppView.detectContentChildrenChanges (core.umd.js:12079)
    DebugContext {_view: _View_SomeComponent0, _nodeIndex: 178, _tplRow: 122, _tplCol: 57}
    Uncaught Error: Error in http://localhost:4200/app/features/some/some.template.html:122:57 caused by: Error trying to diff ''

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    1 selection

    Is there a way to add 1 line selection without checkbox? (I wish to use your project for my entire web)
    I tried to overcome by limit the selection to "1"
    but there is a bug, you can select more than 1, and it will not select the your new selection and remove old selection

    Unable to make appear check boxes

    So I've got this defined, since I want only one selection of an element. If one is already selected and another one is chosen I'd like to change it to that one but seems I can't. Therefore I want to show the check icon for feedback for the user. But it seems it doesn't work.

    Below is how I detailed it. Please let me know if I'm missing something or it actually doesn't work.

    private myOptions: IMultiSelectOption[] = [
        { id: 1, name: 'C++' },
        { id: 2, name: 'Java' },

    private mySettings: IMultiSelectSettings = {

        selectionLimit: 1,
        closeOnSelect: true,
        checkedStyle: 'checkboxes'
    private myTexts: IMultiSelectTexts = {
        checked: 'checked',
        defaultTitle: 'Programming Languages'

    called as:
    <ss-multiselect-dropdown [options]="myOptions" [settings]="mySettings" [texts]="myTexts" [(ngModel)]="selectedOptions" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)"></ss-multiselect-dropdown>

    Support for Keyboard shortcuts to improve user experience

    Please add support for Keyboard shortcuts to improve user experience when filling forms.

    For example lets take an example of a form with three inputs where 2nd input is angular-2-dropdown-multiselect.

    When user press Tab key while focus is on angular-2-dropdown-multiselect, the focus should be set on the next input i.e. 3rd form field in this case.

    Pressing Shift + Tab key from angular-2-dropdown-multiselect should set focus on previous input i.e. angular-2-dropdown-multiselect i.e. 1st form field in this case.

    When the angular-2-dropdown-multiselect is open, allow scrolling of options through Up and Down arrow keys. Pressing Spacebar should check the focused option. Pressing Enter Key cloud select the option and close the Dropdown.

    When the angular-2-dropdown-multiselect is open, pressing Esc Key should close the Select list, while keeping focus on the Select list (so that when the user press Enter key it should open the select list again).

    When the angular-2-dropdown-multiselect is Open, pressing Tab or Shift + Tab key should close the select list and focus should be switched to the next input of the form (or previous input in case of Shift + Tab).

    When filters are enabled opening the angular-2-dropdown-multiselect should set focus on the search field. Pressing Tab key on Search field, should set focus on options list (where user can use Up/Down arrow keys to navigate between options), whereas Esc Key should clear the the search text so that user can enter new search term. When the search field is empty pressing Esc key could close the select list.

    support for bootstrap 4

    enchancment request:
    I am using bootstrap 4, and only checkbox are working + it does not look good

    Not emitting as object

    what changes should i need such that it emits entire object that i have selected and is there is no property to pre select an option by default?

    Typescript error: Property 'assign' does not exist on type 'ObjectConstructor' for Line 146 and Line 147

    Line 146: this.settings = Object.assign(this.defaultSettings, this.settings);
    Line 147: this.texts = Object.assign(this.defaultTexts, this.texts);

    I added these lines to fix it on my end.
    //Reference: microsoft/TypeScript#3889
    interface ObjectCtor extends ObjectConstructor {
    assign(target: any, ...sources: any[]): any;
    declare var Object: ObjectCtor;

    Typescript Version:
    Not sure if the latest typescript would've fixed my issue :)

    build issue with JSPM

    I am currently using JSPM w/ angular 2.4.4

    Getting this error during runtime.

    Error: Module http://localhost:3000/jspm_packages/npm/[email protected]/src/multiselect-dropdown.js interpreted as cjs module format, but called System.register


      "name": "ng2-seed",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "scripts": {
        "clean": "gulp clean",
        "compile-prod": "gulp compile --env prod",
        "compile-dev": "gulp compile --env dev",
        "compile-aot": "gulp compile:aot --env aot",
        "serve-fe": "gulp"
      "jspm": {
        "dependencies": {
          "@angular/common": "npm:@angular/common@~2.4.3",
          "@angular/compiler": "npm:@angular/compiler@~2.4.3",
          "@angular/core": "npm:@angular/core@~2.4.3",
          "@angular/forms": "npm:@angular/forms@~2.4.3",
          "@angular/http": "npm:@angular/http@~2.4.3",
          "@angular/platform-browser": "npm:@angular/platform-browser@~2.4.3",
          "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "npm:@angular/platform-browser-dynamic@~2.4.3",
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    Any help would be great!

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