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authorization-panel's Issues

Handle User-Focused Client Constraining Access Control via the ACL

This proposal details handling User-Focused Client Constraining Access Control via the ACL. Under this proposal, a fifth access control mode, acl:Clients would be added in addition to the standard ones, acl:Read, acl:Write, acl:Append, and acl:Control.

If a user has acl:Clients access, they are able to change the clients that can access a certain resource. The information on what clients can access the resource are stored in another file (let's say resource.clients.acl).

For example, let's say you wanted to control access to resource.ttl, then you might have the following metadata files:


    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:agent <>;
    acl:accessTo </resource.ttl>;
    acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write, acl:Control, acl:Clients.

In this case, only I can control the clients that can access this resource.


    a acl:ClientAuthorization;
    acl:agent <>;
    acl:accessTo </resource.ttl>;
    acl:mode acl:Read

In this case, only "CoolApp" can have read access to my resource.

But, let's say I wanted to let everyone decide the apps that can have access. I can just set the acl to say:


    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:agentClass foaf:Agent;
    acl:accessTo </resource.ttl>;
    acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Clients.

If I am an app user, I would depend on my Authorization Agent to update the client acls for the app I'm using.


  • Works in the already established ACL system so it's less confusing to understand
  • Given we are going with the route of having an authorization agent, it works in that model
  • Still functions under the same trust model as "Resource Server Enforcement" described here (#53)

Possible Drawbacks

  • Offloads complexity to the Authorization Agent
  • The app would need to communicate with the Authorization Agent instead of a server to request additional access. The mechanism for such communication has not yet been created.
  • We may want to consider more granular access control like acl:ClientAppend and acl:ClientWrite so that you can allow public users to only add to the apps that can access a resource. This would add complexity to the ACL system.

Policy ontology to allow automated access control decisions

Solid apps are build to follow links from one server to another to fetch data. As an example see the wiki page showing what connections would be needed to write a friend of a friend address book starting from Tim Berners-Lee's WebID, and illustrated below:

Tim's Friends of Friends

There is thus a danger that in a short time the user be bombarded with 100s of popups asking her what identity she wishes to use on each web site - potentially even on each resource requested. This would quickly lead to apps being unusable, or to popup fatigue, training the user to always click yes, and so for those popups to become essentially meaningless. (This is a criticism of GDPR induced popups).

The user should be able to choose and edit reasonable policies for when to be asked for an authentication decision, and when to allow the Authentication Agent to make that decision on its behalf. This could be very useful initially for a Launcher App, and indeed longer term for browsers themselves.

Are there ontologies that we can already use to do this?

Consider the advantages of wACLs being readable by apps

In order for an App to be able to decide what form of credential it needs to present in order to authenticate to a resource it needs to be able to read the wACL rules. Currently a user may have a number of WebIDs or OpenIds to authenticate with. In the future this may extend to any number of Verifiable Credentials as developed by the Verifiable Claims WG at W3C. Choosing which credential to present is only possible in a distributed environment if the client can see which claims would succeed.

The client may want to know

  • if any of the identifiers it has is listed as member of a group
  • if any of the credentials it has, allow it to prove that it fits the description a class of users that are allowed access
  • or it may want to do something to become a member of the group that has access - such as signing up to a group (which may be on a different server)
  • if it just is not worth bothering to access the resource

Otherwise the only strategy is that the client try out each of its Credentials randomly, thereby giving away all information it has and potentially linking all those credentials together.

For those concerned about leakage of information of wACLs:

  • There are many cases where publicity of ACLs is not a problem:
    • Stores will quite readily and publicly say that certain items can only be purchased on proof of belonging to a certain age group.
    • Airlines, credit cards, ans others like to provide gold, titanium and other memberships and are happy to advertise the advantages as loudly as possible to all that they think may be moved to subscribe to the offer
    • Cinemas make clear that one can only enter after payment, a feature that would be very useful for a Hyper Music Browser
  • There are cases where ACLs may be sensitive, in which case they can further be protected by another ACL. The first ACL would for example only be visible according to the second for anyone able to prove they are a US citizen. Proving one's US citizenship would allow a US citizen to see that the resource is protected only for people able to prove they have a certain rank in the army. One can imagine more complex schemes.
  • It is possible to continue not show anything as now, but that makes it difficult to provide a fluid experience for the user.

Access Control should be the responsibility of BOTH the Resource Server and the Identity Provider, depending on the situation

This is documenting an issue we discussed during today's panel meeting that I think should be highlighted.

Currently, access control is handled by the resource server by the acls. The trusted apps system currently uses the WebID to store apps access control. This is a poor implementation, but philosophically it could work.

The major insight is that "trusted apps" essentially is associating access control with the identity rather than the resource. For this use case, it makes sense to associate access control with an identity because it is essentially the user saying that an app that has been given permission to represent the identity is limited (it has nothing to do with the resource)

Access control could either exist within a token generated by the identity provider or could be in a special RDF document created by the identity provider.

I would also suggest that the identity provider should issue access control rules that look very similar to acls because we do not want to have multiple access control languages.

revoking app authorizations

I haven't seen yet conversations about revoking authorizations person grants for specific app. I think we should consider full flow which includes both granting, expanding grants as needed, making them more restrictive as needed and revoking all together.
Having app authorizations scattered across lots of different resource servers would require that person has at least some index where all those authorizations get tracked. Otherwise I don't see clear way to manage them so also revoke them.
I'll think of some use cases that include revoking app authorizations.

Identifiers for applications

I think whatever flows we come up with for granting / changing / revoking authorizations for applications we need clear way to identify those applications. We most likely will represent those authorizations using RDF so we will need to have IRI denoting an application.

This issue may overlap to some degree with authentication panel, for example if we want to require that OP includes application redirect_uri in the token and it gets used to identify the application.

We may also need to address to what degree we can rely on Origin header whenever available.

Person should have a way to define preffered app authorization manager (also an app)

Managing app authorizations in many cases will require UI, preferably person can specify preferred app authorization management application as application with special role to manage authorizations for other applications. Applications which want to request authorizations would need a way to discover it and probably redirect user to approve / disapprove / partially approve.

Use case: discussion boards

I think approach proposed in Privilege Request Protocol where each RS provides its own authorizations management UI leads to poor UX and may only stay required in some more restrictive deployments where RS admins needs higher level of control.

HTTP 403 - does the user or the application lack required access mode?

AFAIK currently client receiving HTTP 403 response doesn't have a way to tell the difference between the user missing required access mode or just the app missing required access mode. That difference usually will impact next steps in the interaction:

  • App needs to ask user for granting it missing access mode.


  • User needs to ask resource owner for granting her missing access mode.

In separate issue I will propose new role of user's proxy which among other issues may also help with addressing this one.

Allow apps to request permissions, and explain why

As part of building the React SDK application, we recently added a "tic tac toe" game. The idea isn't that Solid now supports TTT, but rather to demonstrate to developers the best way to create a game that sends notifications, creates it's own data files, shares the data files in a collaborative way, and so on.

Because of this, the SDK application requires specific permissions. We create game files, then update the permissions for others to edit. We also create an inbox and change the permissions there so anyone can push notifications into it. For this reason, the app (and likely MANY apps) need Control permissions. However, this is not part of the default set of checkboxes when granting permissions, and additionally many people when using our test servers and deployed application at had already visited previous versions, meaning they'd already granted now out-of-date permissions via the handy popup.

For this reason, we think it would be a nice addition to have the following features:

  • Ability to request certain permissions for my application and override the default checkboxes. My app knows it needs Control permission but currently doesn't have a nice way to indicate this.
  • Ability to pass over a string for each permission, so we can explain what we're using the permission for. Informing the user why the app needs Control for example.
  • Ability to re-request the popup, for example if the user attempts to do something requiring a missing permission.

That last one came up during testing, as some users (I believe Vincent and Michiel) had run the app prior to Control permissions being required, and couldn't receive notifications as Everyone was not set to the proper permission on the inbox. But they had no way of knowing it, so it just failed silently. Ideally, we could show the popup again saying "Hey you tried to do something that requires Control permission but you didn't give this app permissions, change it?"

Clarify purpose of this panel

Creating this issue to document and align on the purpose of this panel, per the discussion in the panel meeting on June 10th. Here's a very cursory approach at a stated purpose to iterate on:

The purpose of this panel is to produce candidate proposals to the solid ecosystem of specifications that satisfy use cases and requirements related to authorizing access to data in a Solid pod.

input from Michiel

user uses browser to visit a web app
web app redirects the user to log in to IDP/auth-server and get a bearer token (could be repeated for JIT auth)
IDP/auth-server redirects the user back to the web app
web app uses the bearer token to access some storage server?

  1. which resources does the web app get read/write/append/control access to?
  2. how does the web app tell the IDP/auth-server which access scopes they request?
  3. how does the user tell the IDP/auth-server about their decision?
  4. how does the IDP/auth-server communicate the user's decision to the storage server?

I (Michiel) think about 4., the best way to do that would have to be some way represented inside the bearer token, right?

  1. is a UX problem, and very difficult.

  2. is related to 3. but additionally needs some standardization

    • currently we only say read/write/append/control all or nothing. other dimensions could be per document (but should the user understand file paths? and is that safe?), or type of document / domain, or context of the data

extra constraints

In the 14 August 2019 meeting Michael Thornburgh seemed to be working with a number of constraints that should be made explicit so that they can be addressed. The ones I remember were:

  1. not all ACLs should be public:
    If I want to tell the server to limit which apps of mine can access a server I may not want everyone to know about which apps I am using. So that part of the acl should be protected
  2. One may want access control to work across pods.
    I don't quite understand the use case here, but perhaps it has to do with my wanting to limit what apps I can use on other servers?
  3. There is the question that one may or may not want to reveal to an app where the resources of a certain type are that it is requesting access to.

If any other extra constraints pop up please add them here.
We should find a place to place these to make it explicit.

Why should I trust an app?

We're discussing a lot about the technical management of access control, but there's much more to it in the social space. I'm fortunate enough to have kids who trust me enough to ask me whether they can install a certain app on their mobiles and tablets. Although I'm not revealing that to them, the usual answer is "I have no idea". I have very little to go on in terms of deciding whether an app is trustworthy. It is just a bunch of heuristics, and funnily, the kids develop their own heuristics too.

I think this highlights a much bigger problem than the technical ones, we have to enable people to make much more informed decisions about access control on the open Web for Solid to be useful beyond tight, social groups. If not, Solid is likely to also just accommodate a small number of large players, or be a place where social engineering is rampant to extract private information.

Thoughts on capabilities/identity based access control

I wanted to flesh out a few thoughts around capabilities/identity-based access control that we've been discussing.

The concept

Conceptually, we would be using both capabilities based and identity-based access control.

Identity-based access control is the kind that we're all used to in Solid. A user has an identity and the resource owner can grant access to various identities or identity groups.

Capabilities based access control would be employed to allow a user using an app to control what that app can access across all possible resource servers. This is different from the way we currently control apps which is dictated by the resource owner, not the user using the app. Thus, it is the responsibility of the identity server to keep track of the capabilities a user has granted an app.

Modifications to acls

It would be fantastic to have as much overlap as possible between the rule system for both the identity-based access control. So, I propose using the .acl system for both.

Under the capabilities based access control model, all acls would have the app's WebID as the agent.

There would also be additions to ACL capabilities that would allow them to function holistically across the Solidverse. Acls would include shape and tag systems that wouldn't constrain it to talking about a specific resource. They could also depend less on the container hierarchy by including a ACL:parent predicate that would allow an ACL file to point to its parent acl that could be located anywhere.

How it works

Below is a sequence diagram detailing how capabilities and identity can work together via the Resource Server Enforcement technique (discussed below). This is not the only way it could work, but it serves as an example:

Secure Environment(1)

Launcher App vs Resource Server Enforcement vs User Proxy

There are three competing ideas on what entity would enforce the capabilities based rules.

Launcher App

Under the Launcher App technique, all requests from a solid-compatible application would need to go through a special launcher app to get to a Pod. Instead of Solid apps authenticating with a server, they authenticate with the launcher app and the launcher app has god access to represent a user's identity throughout the Solidverse.

The app will communicate the kind of data to which it desires access to the launcher app, and when performing a request, the launcher app will check to ensure that the request is only for data to which it has been granted.

Alternatively, instead of ensuring that the request is valid before making it, it could filter out any data from a result to which the app does not have access before returning it to the user.


  • Only depends on the client
  • It might be more customizable for users
  • No concern over resource servers knowing too much about the granted capabilities
  • No need to involve the identity provider in creating rules


  • Does not work for offline/bot use cases
  • Requires a launcher app implementation for every possible platform

Resource Server Enforcement

Under the resource server enforcement technique, the resource server is responsible for enforcing the capabilities.

When a resource server receives a request it would first authorize a request based on its local identity-based access control rules, then authorize a request based on the capabilities-based access control rules it received in the token. Only if both authorizations pass will it return the requested data.

In order to avoid data leakage by sharing capabilities that might not concern a specific resource server, the identity provider would issue a new token for each resource server with only the rules that apply to it.


  • Implementable for any kind of client
  • Can resolve shape restrictions locally


  • Requires complicated rule parsing to ensure data isn't leaked to unwanted resource servers
  • Requires more round trips to the IDP
  • There is no technical way to make a resource server enforce these rules

User Proxy

Under the user proxy technique, all requests for a solid app would be routed through the user's identity provider which acts as a proxy to the Solidverse.

Similar to the launcher app technique, each solid app would register its rules with the IDP proxy. The proxy itself has god access to the user's identity and would reject or filter any requests from the app that don't fall in line with its predefined rules.


  • Works when a user isn't present and could be deployed on local networks
  • No concern over resource servers knowing too much about the granted capabilities


  • Might be too overwhelming for the IDP to serve as a proxy

Distinct aspects of Trusted App replacements

This issue follows up on my comment in #61 (comment) as well as discussion during today's call.

Currently we have to separate Pull requests:

I believe both of them have at least a notion of addressing four distinct aspects. I'm going to elaborate on each of them below:

Client constraints model

#61 has TBD App Constraints section. Still based on discussions during the calls I can see that those constraints could rely on shapes, locations and access mode.

#62 proposes combination of tag and *access mode.

I believe this aspects stays independent from all the following aspects and we can consider client constraints aspect independently. I also see no reason to consider tags and shapes as mutually exclusive (either-or). I think they can act as complementary ways for constraining clients.

Discussed constraints eventually get materialized

#61 has it TBD but again based on prior discussions I would expect it to include what we call Capability Credential

#62 discusses it as App Authorization Document

I see them playing the same role in for discussing next three aspects I will just refer to those materialized client constraints as Client Authorization.

Creating Client Authorization

#61 again TBD and again based on prior conversations I assume it would suggest OP presenting consent screen to the user during interactive OAuth2 flow. Based on that consent screen it would create Client Authorization, based on it it would issue short lived Capability Credentials.

#62 to my understanding leaves it out of scope suggesting some possible ways of doing it

I see this aspect open for independent consideration and not tightly coupled with other aspects discussed in this issue.

Client presenting Client Authorization to Resource Server in request

#61 would most likely follow approach from solid/authentication-panel#42 and use DPoP as Verifiable Presentation of Capability Credential. With possibility of passing Capability Credential by reference (Capability URL) which could involve Cryptographic Hyperlinks

#62 has section Associating App Authorizations with Requests suggesting either app_authorizations claim in PoP token or HTTP Link header in request with rel=

Both approaches seem to rely on expiration of token / capability credential to influence caching by RS. Except option of using HTTP Link header.

Once again, we can discuss this aspect independently from all the other aspects.

Resource Server verifies Client Authorization

I've already created distinct issue for that: Client Capabilities: Verifiable Credential Proofs vs. Special discoverable prefix in storage #60

I will not duplicate it here, just mention that I see it as distinct aspect which we can discuss independently as well.

think of a good relation id for privilege-request-protocol's x-permission-request link

currently uses x-permission-request as a placeholder for the link relation type for the privilege request endpoint URI.

let's think of a good link relation type. i believe this should be an Extention Relation Type URI rather than a simple registered relation name, so that coordination with the IANA won't be necessary (also they require a stable specification document to reference). perhaps something in @prefix solid: <>?

there's already solid:loginEndpoint and solid:logoutEndpoint. perhaps

  • your suggestion here

ODRL in Solid

I'm keeping coming back to the ODRL Information Model: .

I'm logging this so that we can evaluate ODRL's fit for Solid. Or something pertaining to policies.

This is an important piece of the ecosystem puzzle as we go forward.

It'd be ideal to coordinate with the Data Interoperability Panel:

See also:

Deny/block access functionality

As far as I understand the spec, we can allow agents access by WebID or grouping, but there is no explicit deny. I think that may be a useful feature. If I want to block a certain person from a resource by WebID, while it is publicly readable, that should be possible, and that seems to be the only use case for a deny. If I'm not using public access, then I can always create a group without that person's WebID (albeit that could end up polluting the list of groups). An explicit deny could work along with group access, as in "Colleagues" except John, where I want John to not see this particular resource but I don't want to remove him from the group either.

Create a Generalizable baseline for interop

Hair-Brained Scheme for Data Interop

The Problem

  • A few different ways to do discovery and access control are proposed
    • By Filesystem organization (.acl)
    • By Shex Shape
    • By Shacl Shape
    • By Tags
    • Even more could be proposed
  • Each of these techniques covers a certain use case but doesn't encapsulate every use case
  • Therefore, we either
    • Choose a small subset of these solutions, limiting the use cases for discovery and access control that are achievable
    • Decide to implement all of them and more, adding implementation overhead to all resource servers
    • Allow resource servers to choose what kind of system they use for discovery, offloading the complexity on the client
    • Something else 😏

Solution Summary

  • There should be one general way to define access control and discovery that MUST be implemented by all servers
  • All other possible techniques for data discovery and access control should be implementable in this general solution
  • The efficiency of UI friendliness of this general solution does not matter.
  • Servers can choose to opt in to implement as many additional interop standards (shex, acl, etc) as long as they can be reduced to the general standard.
  • If a client uses an interop standard that the server doesn't understand (for example Shex), the client will be able to reduce its request to the general standard as a failsafe.

Implementation Summary

  • SPQARQL CONSTRUCT queries can describe almost any kind of access control/discovery standard conceivable.
    • A CONSTRUCT query is a way of building a sub-graph given a graph
    • While it may be verbose and inefficient, you'll be able to translate most concepts for interop into a CONSTRUCT query
    • One drawback: not ALL use cases are satisfied as SPARQL is not a Turing complete query language
      • This may be positive because if it were Turing complete, it would be possible to build malicious queries
  • Solid resources should now be considered as Graphs
    • Each triple in Solid should instead be a quad. The graph portion of the quad should be the resource in which a triple is located
    • Containers are also graphs
    • If a graph contains another graph, it is considered a part of the parent graph. So, if queried, results will be the aggregate of all sub-graphs
  • Each graph is mapped to associated metadata.
    • Metadata includes (but is not limited to) the access control rules of a certain graph, and a pointer to the parent graph (if any)
    • Access control rules are at least represented by CONSTRUCT queries but may include other information about other access control standards
    • If there is no access control rule, the server will defer to the graph parent.
  • Each auth token maps access control rules
    • Access control rules are stored with the token creator (Auth server) and are accessible via an unguessable URL.
    • Access control rules are at least represented by CONSTRUCT queries but may include other information about other access control standards
    • These access control rules restrict what a token holder is allowed to access
  • Every request is restricted by the CONSTRUCT queries involved
    • An app requests with its constrained token to a URL (this URL is either a resource or container)
    • The token contains a CONSTRUCT query detailing a set of all triples to which token is allowed to access (represented at A)
    • The server constructs a set of all triples that the user's webid has been granted to as defined by the CONSTRUCT queries in the resource metadata (Represented as R)
      • First, it creates a set of triples of all allowed triples defined by its children's CONSTRUCT queries
      • Then it successively applies the CONSTRUCT queries of its parents
    • The server gathers all triples a request would involve (Represented as T).
    • If ART, the server rejects, else it executes the query and returns
    • This technique has discover built-in as a server only needs to make a query to a pod root to discover whatever it wants on the pod while still being constrained by its token.

Client Capabilities: Verifiable Credential Proofs vs. Special discoverable prefix in storage

From #59

@zenomt: a document with a URI in an approved (according to the user's profile) location is just as good as a credential signed by an approved (according to the user's profile) issuer, but with no extra cryptography required (and it's a lot simpler).

If DPoP mechanism and verifiable credentials proof use the same crypto, relying on VC proofs doesn't seem like additional implementation complexity. I actually consider it simpler than having some magic location in the storage which can't be listed etc. Anyways I think we can consider separately how capabilities presented by the client can be verified

EDIT: reference to @zenomt's proposal: #48

The URI for the App Authorization document MUST be in (at a sub-path of) an acl:appAuthorizations in the user's profile (otherwise the resource server MUST ignore it):

Distinct authorizations for instances of the same client running on different devices

User could grant authorization (assuming client has redirect_url)

  • For this specific client instance running on this specific device
  • For any instance of client with this redirect_url no matter of the device

Authorization Server would not need to identify device directly, it just need to keep track of different instances of the same client which run on different devices.

Relates to: Client ID per Client Instance or per Client Software

Prioritize formalization of WebACL specification

Of course we'd like a complete formalization of the current WebACL specification (, but very specifically we need practical answers for the following questions:

  • - A formal description of the inheritance algorithm with respect to acl:default, and whether permissions are cumulative or not.
  • - Whether acl:origin is even effective at addressing the security concerns that it is designed to address (and how it is actually supposed to be implemented).
  • - What to do with ACL documents that are semantically ambiguous (i.e. is there a shape for Authorization statements?)
  • - What to do with incomplete ACL statements? i.e. Default=DENY or Default=Skip?

If these areas are not sufficiently important for others on this panel, then we'll just suggest answers ourselves (to have them at least recorded), and then implement our system accordingly.

Allow people to remove their own access

I was made aware of a bug with Google Drive by Jessica Lord on Twitter, namely that people cannot remove their own access to a folder. It doesn't solve the underlying issue (her abusive ex is actively putting photos in the folder), but she's not even able to remove her own access to the folder.

As I understand the spec today, that is also going to be a problem with WAC. I think this is something we should solve, and hope that by raising this issue we can find some good solutions.

thinking Authorization and Authentication together

This issue is to highlight aspects where interaction between issues from the Authorization Panel and Authentication Panel come together, and where looking at them together makes issues visible that would not be apparent separately.

A solid client differs from normal web2.0 app in that it is likely to be fetching data from all over the web by following links, in order to build a display for the user. To build a single display the client may therefore need to authenticate to a number of different resources located potentially on many different servers.

If we look at just one authentication event:

  1. The client may have many different credentials at its disposal: a WebID, a WebKey, a verifiable claim of some property (eg: user is over 21, user has a drivers licence, user is member of a football club, user has a BA, user is a doctor, ).
  2. The server may
    • propose different ways to allow authentication: using a WebID, using OpenID, HTTP Basic Auth,...
    • specify different groups of agents that are allowed access (the client may belong to some groups but not to others, some may have read access others also write access, ...)

Because of privacy and efficiency concerns it would not do to have the client try out every single credential/identity it can. What it should be able to do is on a 401, look at the access control rules and the HTTP header telling it which methods of authentication are allowed, and work out what credentials it may need before authenticating, ordering them according some metric such as privacy. Even if the client has none of the needed credentials it could at least work out from the wACL what it would need to do to be able to interact with the resource -- perhaps become member of a club, or a friend of someone, ... It may even want to ask for a wACL change, say if the client knows it should have access.

This interaction between client and server indicates that there are very good reasons and use cases for many wACLs to be public. (note: it is not an argument to require them all to be public). Since there are also reasons for some ACLs to be protected, there must be a way to separate wACLs into public and protected parts, by say including one ACLs (through a link) into another.

It should be possible for the user of the app then to set policies about when to automatically authenticate, when to warn the user, or even to ask the user for information.

user attended and unattended access

Capturing something from the chat to have better track on this conversation:

@zenomt: the big difference i think with OIDC/POP is that the app public key (the "confirmation key") is bound up with the id_token and can only be used as long as the id_token is valid. Best Current Practice is for the validity period of id_tokens and access tokens to be on the short side (minutes-to-hours) rather than the days-to-weeks as currently issued by NSS. the user's (trusted) OpenID Provider serves as the periodic uncacheable validator of whatever public key is being used to demonstrate identity. the default thing that happens if i close my browser or turn off my terminal is that anyone who could be acting as me+app will eventually (and soon) not be able to do that anymore, whereas positive action would need to be taken to revoke any currently-valid public keys in (or linked to) my profile.
i have a shortcut in my browser's bookmark bar to immediately log me out of all sessions everywhere (across all browsers and devices) in my OpenID Provider with a single click, just in case i'm worried about any sessions running on a forgotten terminal somewhere. and i can view all current sessions and issued id_tokens in my OP, including to what IP addresses and redirect_uris they were issued.
my OP doesn't issue refresh tokens, and i'm not planning on adding that functionality because there's never a situation where i want something to be "me" when i'm not there.
if an automatic agent wants to do stuff for me, it can have its own webid, and then the problem just becomes one of permission.

Approach above sounds to me like focusing only on user attended use cases. Practically all remote clients running somewhere in the cloud will require unattended access. In addition Service Workers and proposed Background Sync may result in local clients running on device in web browser also using unattended access.

Proposal: Replace Trusted Apps with combined authorization

I believe there's already been a proposal to move trusted apps from the profile to the individual .acl files. Though, I think "trusted apps" are too use-case specific.

It should be possible for any entity (app, human, or bot) to share the same kind of control flow.

A .acl should include an ontology to represent the following cases

  • The resource can be accessed if a specific person (or group) is authorized (represented by the #owner triple in the example below)
  • The resource can be accessed only if all people (or groups) from a list combined are authorized (represented by the #app triple in the example below)

This case will allow for flexible application access control. For example, if I wanted an app to have read access to my private folder, the .acl would look like this:

# ACL resource for the private folder
@prefix acl: <>.

# The owner has all permissions
    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:agent <https://jackson.localhost:8443/profile/card#me>;
    acl:accessTo <./>;
    acl:defaultForNew <./>;
    acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write, acl:Control.

    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:combinedAgent [
       acl:agent <https://jackson.localhost:8443/profile/card#me>;
       acl:agent <https://coolapp.example/profile#me>
    acl:accessTo <./>;
    acl:defaultForNew <./>;
    acl:mode acl:Read, acl:Write.

Notice the acl:combinedAgent predicate. This refers to a list of agents (it could also be a list of lists of agents). This authorization would only qualify if a request was made with a token that represents both jackson.localhost:8443/profile/card#me (my webid) AND coolapp.example/profile#me (the app's webID)

The main benefit of this over PoP tokens is it is not simply constrained to apps and can be applied to anything with a WebID

It should be noted that this would also require a new kind of token that can represent consent from any number of parties.

Launcher App: How does it work with Bots?

Given the launcher app must be on the same devices as the application, how would it be offload an identity to a bot on a server? I would like to be able to get some kind of constrained credential that could be used by some code on a device I don't trust.

User controlled Authorization App and App launcher proposal

A requirement for Solid apps is that each App (even from a remote origin) needs to make authenticated requests for a user to resources on the Web. The problem is that if any such App must authenticate to a resource by signing headers in the case of HTTP-Sig or passing signed tokens with OAuth, those private keys or tokens can be shared by the App with other origins, which makes the authenticated user quite vague: is it the user, the App, the Origin or a friend of the Origin that is authenticating (see discussion)?

The proposal here is to allow a user to select an Authentication App whose JS is placed on an Origin it fully trusts, to deal with Apps, generate keys for them, and provide an authentication service in browser for those apps using Window.postMessage or something similar (see Information Security Stack Exchange Question: Can JavaScript from Different Origins Communicate Securely?). Given that the Auth App is also the one used to launch those apps, it will know which apps it is signing auth requests for, allowing us to solve the problem of Identifiers for Applications too.

The user can link from his WebID Profile to the trusted Authentication App like this:

<#me> :authenticationApp </safe/authentication> . 

With the potentially protected </safe/authentication> file

<#> a SecureLauncherApp;
   :launchSrc <AppLaunchner.html>;
   :appCollection <myApps/> .

And the Authentication App can keep track of all the Apps that the user likes to use, each App
keeping info about the app, browser environment, date used, public keys, ... with something like the following, any restrictions about what it is able to do,...

</app/calendar#FirefoxOnLinux> a :App;
   :appLaunch <>;
   :browser "...";
   :logo </app/calendar/cal.jpg>;
   :accessLog </secure/calendar/logs/>;
   cert:key [ ... ] . 

The process here is the following. Alice is behind the computer, and it is hers.

  1. the App Launcher is loaded from the Alice's Origin (her Pod/Freedom Box), and displays all the apps that it can find in the user's profile following the links above (illustrated in the computer as
    the app to the left of the screen)
  2. Alice launches one of her Apps, which opens in another frame, window, or whatever is right. (In the depiction we see a Calendar App to the right of the computer)
  3. the Calendar App wants to download a resource that requires authentication from Alice's friend Bob's Freedom Box.

We then have the following exchange (numbers fit illustration below)

  1. The Calendar App requests a signature of some content (headers in the case of HTTP-Sig) from the App Launcher running in another window using Window.postMessage
  2. The App Launcher finds the private key for the Calendar App that it stored in its local storage, and signs the request.
  3. The Calendar App makes the requests with the signed token (http headers, or whatever) to Bob's server.


This could fulfill many roles, of which:

  • keeping track of each app a user likes, with preferences and rights for that app (can the app write to any resource or only limited resources). This would allow it to be clear which app is speaking for the user, and indeed allow identification of apps via this launch url.
  • showing the user a panel of his all his apps, and allowing the user to launch them, without restriction as to which origins they are located on.
  • creating public/private keys securely for each app using eg. JS Crypto's Generate Key
  • doing all the authentication for these launched apps for any origin using Window.postMessage.
  • the App could furthermore keep a log of all authorizations made to allow the user to see what each app was up to.

There may be better methods than Window.postMessage to do this. Ideally all authenticated requests could go through a browser based HTTP proxy (perhaps using Service Workers?) controlled by the App launcher. This would further enable

  • A way to completely limit the visibility of OAuth tokens to the trusted OAuth app.
  • The Auth App to work with a HTTP proxy.
  • The Auth App to restrict where an App can write to, so if a user wants to try an app as a display app, but does not trust it to write yet, the Auth App can do this
  • Move all the Authentication logic into one App that can specialise in doing this very well, and so relieve all other apps from having to implement these correctly, and give a consistent authentication UI
  • a place to set authentication policies, which the Auth App can then use to reduce the need to ask the user if she wants to authenticate to each origin.
  • select the best ID or Credential to use for each resource given the ACLs published by the resource following the principle of least privilege,

Can this be done with current browser technology?

Note: This extends @elf-pavlik's notion of an App Authorization manager, by specifying a method for the App to actually do the authentication for other apps (using either postMessage) - and proposing to find potentially better ones (eg. ServiceWorkers?)

Launcher App: Is there too much implementation overhead?

As I currently understand it, the launcher app would require me to have a compatible application for every device I use (browser, desktop, android, ios, smart TV etc). Is this true? Is that too much implementation overhead?

Proposal: scope tags in WAC for fine-grain user control of app privilege

This proposal is to replace the "trusted apps" mechanism, and to augment the acl:origin mechanism in WAC, to allow resource owners to control the access different of their apps have to their different resources, by introducing the notions of

  1. access scopes (identified by tag patterns) for access modes for resources; and
  2. a mapping from apps to tag patterns.

The proposal allows each user to have independent mappings of apps to tag patterns, provided the resource server is configured to enforce the visiting users' app access preferences.

If this proposal resonates with folks, I'll prepare a more formal specification as a PR.


  • access control to resources belongs to the resource owner/controller
  • access control is interpreted and enforced by the resource server
  • a user should be able to use whatever app she wishes to access resources
  • a (determined) user can lie to a resource server about the identity of the app she's using
    • corollary: a resource server can't force a (determined) user to use (or to not use) any particular app
  • an app can't lie about its identity (specifically, it can't impersonate another app) without the help and approval of the user and her software agents (including her trusted web browser and/or trusted identity provider), or without the collusion (or malfunction) of the app being impersonated
  • a resource owner/controller might wish to allow her own access for some classes of resources only to a subset of apps she uses, and to allow different apps access to different classes of resources
  • a resource owner/controller might wish to allow other users to make independent choices of what apps are allowed access to different classes of resources (the classes assigned by the resource owner)
  • the classifications of resources on one server by an owner are independent of classifications by other owners on other servers
  • an app the user is using, by default, shouldn't be able to discover what other apps the user uses, nor what resource servers she accesses with those other apps
  • a resource server, by default, shouldn't be able to discover what apps the user uses, other than those she uses to access that server, nor what other resource servers she accesses


Note: acl:app is similar to acl:origin, only allowing finer-grained app identification (for example, with an OAuth2 redirect_uri), and allowing matching by prefix instead of exact match (so that acl:app "https://app.example/oauth/" matches an app-id of https://app.example/oauth/code). Other new terms in acl: used here are assumed for now to be obvious from context.

The resource owner/controller can specify one or more tag patterns in an acl:Authorization instead of an acl:origin or acl:app. Tag patterns can include wildcards (* and ? characters) and use traditional shell globbing rules to match. Example ACL:

# ACL for a container of chat messages, allowing
# read for all authenticated users who are using
# an app with a tag pattern that matches "Chat.Read" or "Photos.*".

@prefix acl: <> .

    a acl:Authorization;
    acl:mode acl:Read;
    acl:agentClass acl:AuthenticatedAgent;
    acl:accessTo <./>;

    # apps the user has tagged "Chat.Read" or "Chat.*" or "*.Read" or
    # "*" will be allowed.
    acl:tag "Chat.Read";

    # alternatively, apps the user has tagged "Photos.Anything" or "Photos.*"
    # or "*" will also be allowed.
    acl:tag "Photos.*";

    acl:default <./> .

If any of the tag patterns that the user has assigned to the app that she's using matches any of the tag patterns in the acl:Authorization, then it's as if there was an acl:app match. Note that there is no global vocabulary of tags/scopes; tags are arbitrary, and what tags to assign to authorizations is entirely at the discretion of a resource owner. Tags SHOULD have the same meaning at least across resources in the same origin and realm.

The user associates tag patterns for the combination of an app, resource server origin, and security realm (the name of the protection space; that is, the realm authentication parameter of the WWW-Authenticate HTTP response header) in an App Authorization document. Tag patterns here can also include wildcards (* and ?) and use the same globbing as tags in ACLs. Here is an example App Authorization document assigning tag patterns Books.Read and Chat.* to app https://app.example/oauth/code when accessing server https://mike.example's realm /auth/:

# this is world-readable but has an unguessable URI like
#     <https://mike.example/wac/app-auth/b6d88441302c07700743b8d793ae2a8a.ttl#it>
# in a non-listable container.

@prefix acl: <> .

    a acl:AppAuthorization;
    acl:resourceServer [
        acl:origin <https://mike.example>;
        acl:realm "/auth/"
    acl:app "https://app.example/oauth/code";
    acl:tag "Books.Read", "Chat.*" .

The URI for the App Authorization document MUST be in (at a sub-path of) an acl:appAuthorizations in the user's profile (otherwise the resource server MUST ignore it):

# this is the user's profile document
<#me> acl:appAuthorizations </wac/app-auth/> .

This container/directory SHOULD be configured to allow read of App Authorization documents by anyone and any origin; however, to protect the user's privacy (specifically, what apps the user uses and what resource servers the user accesses with those apps) including from other apps the user uses, listing the container's contents should be restricted to only the user, and then to only the user's trusted authorization management app.

The method by which an app discovers its App Authorization URIs is to be determined. I envision that each app will have an App Authorizations index file, generated and maintained by the user's trusted authorization management app, stored in a non-listable container, with a URI derived from the app's identifier, and readable only by the user and only when using that app, mapping between App Authorization URIs and resource servers, for example:

# App Authorizations index file for app "https://app.example/oauth/code".
@prefix acl: <> .

    acl:resourceServer [ acl:origin <https://mike.example>; acl:realm "/auth/" ] .

    acl:resourceServer [ acl:origin <https://other.example>; acl:realm "Other Server" ] .

The non-listable container for App Authorization index files SHOULD return identical HTTP 403 responses both for accesses to non-existent index files and for accesses to existing index files which are not for the user∙app requesting it, so that an adversary (other user or other app) can't probe for index files to discover what apps the user might use.

The method by which the tag vocabulary being used by a server is communicated to the user or to the user's trusted authorization management app is to be determined. I envision that a method could integrate with the HTTP Privilege Request Protocol.

To associate tags with a Bearer access token, the app sets the app_authorizations key in the proof-token/POPToken to be the URI of the App Authorization appropriate for this server∙realm. The server verifies the App Authorization URI as being in one of the user's acl:appAuthorizations containers, and (re)loads/revalidates this document at least as often as the user's profile document. The server applies any tag patterns in this document that are for this server∙realm and the app being used, to match against tags in acl:Authorizations for which the user would otherwise be permitted.

User designating multiple OPs to issue capability credentials

In our recent discussions about giving OP responsibility of issuing capability credentials to clients, based on permissions granted by user on consent screen, we seem to assume user using single OP.

I think we should take into consideration scenarios where user designates multiple OPs to issue capability credentials.

@zenomt suggested that OP could store results of user granting permission on consent screen to solid storage provided by the user. In that case user could use shared storage across multiple OPs and all of them should be able to issue exactly the same capability credentials.

I think it also plays role in case of self-issued OIDC solid/solid-oidc#91 since OP doesn't only care about user's WebID but also permissions they granted to clients.

input from Michael

typical use case: the Pod's owner cares about what apps can access various locations in their Pod as the owner, and doesn't care about apps used by visitors (especially because visitors can lie).

any indication by an IdP (example: OpenID Provider) or in the user's profile about trust or desired permission limits would be at the discretion of the Resource Server (RS) to honor anyway. an IdP doesn't have standing to govern permissions in an unassociated RS. an enumeration of trusted applications and permissions in the user's profile would need to be publicly accessible in order to be used at an unassociated RS (unacceptable for privacy and security), and the current acl:trustedApp scheme doesn't solve the "access for just my chats" use case.

i propose the following:

  1. client attempts authenticated (webid + appid) access to a resource
  2. 403 Forbidden response
    • if appropriate, include request-permission URI (new link rel= or new header)
    • "appropriate" depends on resource server policy
      • maybe only when webid is the owner
      • maybe for special webids
      • maybe for anybody
    • request-permission URI includes enough information to recover webid, appid, method, and relevant portion of original URI (examples: stateless signed direct encoding, opaque key to DB record)
    • request-permission URI SHOULD only be valid for a limited time
  3. to request permission, POST to request-permission URI
    • auth probably not needed, but requires more thought
    • if auth is needed, URI SHOULD be in the same protection space as original URI if possible so auth credentials can be reused
  4. response to request-permission can include a link to a management UI if available
    • depending on RS policy, who's requesting, etc.
  5. if desired, app redirects user's trusted browser to management UI in Resource Server
    • not in a frame
    • include a redirect_uri&state back to app
  6. user interacts with management UI in RS to process permission request(s)
    • requires first-party (example: cookie) login
    • SHOULD NOT "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
    • SHOULD use anti-XSRF
    • SHOULD use frame-busting
    • when done, can 302 redirect back to app

alternatively, user can log into RS UI in the future to review and approve pending permission requests.

  • depending on RS policy, might be needed for third party (non-owner) requests

the notion of "permission" and the operation of the UI is entirely up to the RS. the functionality the user expects is that, if the necessary access is granted, the original request will not be 403 Forbidden if repeated.

for WAC, adding an app/origin analog of acl:agentGroup (such as acl:appGroup or acl:originGroup) may be helpful. the RS can have UI and/or APIs for managing internal app groups so they can be hidden from outside access (to preserve privacy).

app groups could allow the owner to define arbitrary roles/scopes for apps, such as "chat", "photos", "music", etc., as coarse or as fine as desired.

for app groups, the RS can use heuristics or configuration to determine what groups/roles/scopes might be needed to satisfy the original request and likely related requests. those could be highlighted among all possible scopes, or only those could be presented (using a new challenge if additional scopes are required later by that app).

Allow non-owners to access a shared resource with a web app of their own choice

Suppose Alice has a resource on her pod, and gives Bob read access to it. Bob wants to use a web app to view the resource. This is currently allowed if:

  • there is an ACL rule granting read access for that path, Bob's webid, and the app's origin, or:
  • with, Alice (who has control access to the resource has listed the app's origin as an acl:trustedApp in her profile
  • Bob gets acl:control access to the resource, meaning the acl:trustedApps in his profile also get whitelisted (but this option doesn't really count, since the premise was that Bob was only getting read access)

This means that Alice can only whitelist specific app origins for Bob to use, and she does not have a way to give Bob read access to the resource without making any restrictions on web app origin.

One possible way to service this use case would be to allow ACL rules to have acl:origin "*", meaning that Bob is free to choose which web app he prefers, even if it's one that Alice has never heard of yet.

Another option might be to also check Bob's profile for trusted apps when a web app tries to read the resource on Bob's behalf.

Without this feature, sharing a resource could feel like how sharing an office document worked in the 90's: you could only view the documents you receive if you used the same app as the sender, if you used a different app, you had to email back and forth asking them to export/convert the document.

Resetting or rolling back ACLs - need formalization of storage controller?

It's not too uncommon that apps or developers corrupt ACLs. To mitigate this it would be nice if Pod owners can reset or roll back ACLs to an uncorrupted state.

I know this feature requires multiple components, such as the server being able to store changes to ACLs, but I wanted to highlight the problem that if an ACL is corrupted, how do the server know who can reset or rollback the ACL?

A strategy might be to look at the parent ACL and allow WebIDs who have control access there to trigger some sort of reset or rollback. This won't work for the root ACL though.

Another strategy might to enforce that ACLs never get corrupted, but I suspect this can be difficult to enforce, and this validation might introduce other problems.

I might be going about this the wrong way, but thought it prudent to create an issue on this to hear what the panels think about this.

This issue might also be related to the issues "Should it be possible to find owner of storage via resources?" and "Discoverability of root and controllers of Pods - some thoughts".

new role: User's Proxy

Having unknown number of Resource Server to honor user defined access rules for all the applications they use can introduce various challenges. Among them all the Resource Servers need a way to:

  • Identify application user uses #30
  • Discover user defined access applying to that application
  • Access those user defined and app specif access rules #7

Moving all that responsibility to a single User's Proxy, which the user can choose, may simplify all the above. When application interacts with all the Resource Servers via user's proxy, all those Resource Servers only need to identify the user (not the application) and check if the user has required access mode to requested resource. User's proxy would have responsibility of applying app specific authorizations defined by the user. This would also partially address #34 since Resource Server would only respond with HTTP 403 to User's Proxy if user doesn't have required access mode. User's Proxy, which has full access to all the app specific authorizations, would detect missing app access mode without even making request to the Resource Server. User's Proxy would most likely have access to all the app authorizations managed with specialized app discussed in #29

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