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patchwork's Issues

redact a message

Being able to hide a message you mistakenly posted would help enable hacking on new applications - at least it would make it safer to test them with out annoying everyone by filling their feeds with noise.

Currently, spam flags do work somewhat like this... but it's not obvious that you can do this by flagging your own message as spam.

That said, redaction shouldn't hide the message entirely - it's still there in the database, so it would be dishonest of the application to hide it completely. Opening that message directly should show it, for example.

Error: undefined symbol in sodium.node

I cloned the repo and ran npm install -d.
When I run the app I get an error. It seems to be an issue with Electron or the chloride module.
Running npm run test in both ssb-keys and chloride directories passes.
I can also require() the referenced sodium.node from a nodejs repl without error. Any idea what to do now?

$ npm start

> [email protected] start /usr/local/src/patchwork
> electron .

[28382:0814/] Running without the SUID sandbox! See for more information on developing with the sandbox on.
App threw an error when running [Error: /usr/local/src/patchwork/node_modules/ssb-keys/node_modules/chloride/build/Release/sodium.node: undefined symbol: _ZN2v87Context10GetCurrentEv]
A JavaScript error occured in the browser process
Uncaught Exception:
Error: /usr/local/src/patchwork/node_modules/ssb-keys/node_modules/chloride/build/Release/sodium.node: undefined symbol: _ZN2v87Context10GetCurrentEv
    at Error (native)
    at Object.module.(anonymous function) (ATOM_SHELL_ASAR.js:137:20)
    at Object.module.(anonymous function) [as .node] (ATOM_SHELL_ASAR.js:137:20)
    at Module.load (module.js:351:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:306:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:361:17)
    at require (module.js:380:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/src/patchwork/node_modules/ssb-keys/node_modules/chloride/lib/sodium.js:16:15)
    at Module._compile (module.js:426:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:444:10)
[28382:0814/] Failed to connect to the context.  Error: Connection refused

rework: flag/unflag

I created a new account, made a post, flagged it, then unflagged it.

But if I went back to the main feed this message was still shown as flagged.
If I restarted patchwork it is shown correctly, but not if I simply switch back to the feed view.

minimum viable app proposal

The goal here is not to create the perfect solution to apps, but just to get an app model that can bootstrap better models.

  • Each app is a single static javascript file (browserifyied by the developer, probably)
  • Each app runs as a "tab" in a webview, with a name.
  • Each user has a local appDb, mapping appname->hash.
  • Apps have permissions to access different apis. access to fs, net, internal apis, are all configurable in permsDb
  • Permission to access appDb and permsDb are in permsDb so you can have app and permission managing apps. With this, we can bootstrap better app managing mechanisms.

We don't need to figure out a sophisticated app model, with updates, etc, that is just part of the app manager app.

error upon uploading user image

Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state.

Error: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state.
at Error (native)
at draw (/home/marina/prefix/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/ui/lib/com/image-uploader.js:50:9)
at HTMLCanvasElement.onmouseup (/home/marina/prefix/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/ui/lib/com/image-uploader.js:131:5)

This was an unhandled exception.

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed

just installed patchwork. No errors from what I can tell. When I run patchwork I see:

➜  ~  patchwork
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN2v86Object3GetENS_6HandleINS_5ValueEEE
  Referenced from: /Users/Nicholas/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/chloride/build/Release/sodium.node
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN2v86Object3GetENS_6HandleINS_5ValueEEE
  Referenced from: /Users/Nicholas/.nvm/versions/node/v0.12.7/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/chloride/build/Release/sodium.node
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

rework: contualize adder button

currently the adder always defaults to a public post. But I feel it should be contextual:

  • If I am currently viewing a profile, it should probably default to a message for just that person.
  • If I am currently viewing a private discussion it should default to the people in that discussion.
  • If I am currently viewing a thread it should be a reply to that message


patchwork needs to write manifest

That enables the cli to work, otherwise i run sbot server,
and then the client works. I have been telling people to use sbot invite.accept <code>
because and that gets them on the network.

Support for mobile devices?

Sorry to ask a question founded in ignorance, but can patchwork be run on mobile devices? If not why not? Any long term plans for this? What sub-project(s) would need work?

Selecting an avatar image fails with CSP error

[70184:0813/220710:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Refused to load the image '...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' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' http://localhost:7777 http://localhost:7778". Note that 'img-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
", source: file:///Users/feross/code/patchwork/node_modules/ssb-patchwork-ui/main.html#/setup (0)

Kaboom with a webcam capture

Cannot read property 'width' of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of undefined
    at checkFrames (file:///Users/aredridel/Downloads/
    at new toWebM (file:///Users/aredridel/Downloads/
    at WhammyVideo.window.Whammy.WhammyVideo.compile (file:///Users/aredridel/Downloads/
    at stopRecording (/Users/aredridel/Downloads/
    at HTMLDocument.onmouseup (/Users/aredridel/Downloads/

This was an unhandled exception.

Tracking relationships with Pubs

I'd like to keep a registry of pubs that the user has joined. Why:

  • When the user publishes new data, we could prioritize syncing with the users' joined pubs, to ensure quick delivery.
  • If the users' joined pubs are not reachable, we can alert the user.
  • If the user hasn't joined any pubs yet, we can give instructions to do so.

The registry could be updated when an invite is successfully used.

@dominictarr you have any objections to this? Do you think this registry should live in the invites plugin, or in PW?

Unexpected Error: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

Appeared after clicking "Flag this post > Spam"

TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
    at /home/cryptix/patchwork/ui/lib/com/message.js:197:52
    at Object._requests.(anonymous function) (/home/cryptix/patchwork/node_modules/packet-stream/index.js:37:5)
    at PacketStream._onrequest (/home/cryptix/patchwork/node_modules/packet-stream/index.js:139:26)
    at PacketStream.write (/home/cryptix/patchwork/node_modules/packet-stream/index.js:122:41)
    at /home/cryptix/patchwork/node_modules/muxrpc/pull-weird.js:55:15
    at /home/cryptix/patchwork/node_modules/muxrpc/node_modules/pull-stream/sinks.js:15:33
    at /home/cryptix/patchwork/node_modules/pull-stream/throughs.js:97:9
    at EventEmitter.onincoming (/home/cryptix/patchwork/node_modules/pull-ipc/index.js:54:7)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:169:7)

This was an unhandled exception.

Ps: I tried it because I posted a dead link but I'm not sure what I would actually trigger..

pubs can appear twice in network view


this is not right. if you query the gossip.peers api you get this:

    "port": 8008,
    "key": "@J+0DGLgRn8H5tVLCcRUfN7NfUcTGEZKqML3krEOJjDY=.ed25519",
    "host": "localhost",
    "announcers": [
    "time": {
      "connect": 0,
      "attempt": 1438966681043
    "connected": true
    "host": "",
    "port": 8008,
    "key": "@J+0DGLgRn8H5tVLCcRUfN7NfUcTGEZKqML3krEOJjDY=.ed25519",
    "announcers": [
    "time": {
      "connect": 1438966696787,
      "attempt": 1438966696603
    "connected": true,
    "id": "@J+0DGLgRn8H5tVLCcRUfN7NfUcTGEZKqML3krEOJjDY=.ed25519",
    "failure": 0

seems like duplicated functionality and it should just consult the peers api.

timestamp error

both sbot and patchwork has this error occur when initialize

Uncaught Exception:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'timestamp' of undefined
    at /home/myf/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/plugins/blobs.js:235:51
    at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/home/myf/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/muxrpc-validation/index.js:79:23)
    at EventEmitter.hooked [as get] (/home/myf/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/hoox/index.js:10:15)
    at /home/myf/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/plugins/blobs.js:233:20
    at /home/myf/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/multiblob/index.js:77:15
    at continuation (/home/myf/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/continuable-list/index.js:24:25)
    at /home/myf/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/multiblob/index.js:56:9
    at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:82:15)

undefined symbol, non starter

I upgraded node to [email protected] (no version manager) and still get this error. I was able to get past it once, but on restart it came back, and since then can't defeat the bug.

A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
Uncaught Exception:
Error: /home/johnny/.npm/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/ssb-keys/node_modules/chloride/build/Release/sodium.node: undefined symbol: _ZN2v87Context10GetCurrentEv
    at Error (native)
    at Object.module.(anonymous function) (ATOM_SHELL_ASAR.js:137:20)
    at Object.module.(anonymous function) [as .node] (ATOM_SHELL_ASAR.js:137:20)
    at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
    at require (module.js:384:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/johnny/.npm/lib/node_modules/ssb-patchwork/node_modules/ssb-keys/node_modules/chloride/lib/sodium.js:16:15)
    at Module._compile (module.js:434:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:452:10)

need a way to get the id of a comment

there is currently no way to get the id of a comment. this is useful when demoing ssb and explaining how it all works, but it is also important if you want to refer to another comment later, or look it up with the CLI.

Subwindows, splitwindows, tabs

Viewing replies required a page navigation to the thread's page. This was tedious. It made it hard to monitor threads.

The latest build experiments with the subwindow component (it was already built). Here's what it looks like:

screen shot 2015-08-14 at 4 28 43 pm

  • Clicking a message opens its thread in a subwindow.
  • The inbox page also opens in a subwindow. (pictured here.)
  • The feed and subwindows update in realtime.

The idea is that you can open threads in subwindows to watch for replies.

Tracking multiple conversations at once

Because of #32 , I found myself wanting to keep track of conversations separately. The mechanic I reached for was to open a new tab (not possible as far as I can tell?), but the problem I was trying to solve is tracking multiple conversations at once.

Charity-funding adspace

From an article about AirBnB's recent Prop F adverts:

SF resident Martha Kenney posted to her Facebook page: “Dear Airbnb, I’m happy to hear that you paid your taxes this year. I did too! Isn’t it awesome?” She crunched the numbers, and found the $12 million would only pay $0.78 to library employees per day – and that’s if the taxes only went to libraries.
“However, had you donated that $8 million you spent fighting Proposition F directly to the public libraries you love so much, that could have made a bigger difference,” she wrote.


That would be cool. An ad space where, to buy time, you make charitable donations.

rework: user blocking

This doesn't work with the ui rework because the message type has changed and the backend handles another message type.

Running on Linux

I would like to try patchwork. Any tips on how to get it to run on Linux?

I did npm install. When I try to run npm run build:nix I get the following output:
thomas@sting:~/repositories/patchwork$ npm run build:nix

[email protected] build:nix /home/thomas/repositories/patchwork
electron-packager ./ scuttlebot --out=dist/linux --platform=linux --arch=x64 --ignore=node_modules/electron* --version=0.28.3 --icon=assets/osx/scuttlebot.icns

Packaging app for platform linux x64 using electron v0.28.3
[ { [Error: ENOENT, stat '/home/thomas/repositories/patchwork/dist/osx/ Framework.framework/Libraries/Libraries']
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
path: '/home/thomas/repositories/patchwork/dist/osx/ Framework.framework/Libraries/Libraries' },
{ [Error: ENOENT, stat '/home/thomas/repositories/patchwork/dist/osx/ Framework.framework/Versions/Current/Libraries/Libraries']
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
path: '/home/thomas/repositories/patchwork/dist/osx/ Framework.framework/Versions/Current/Libraries/Libraries' },
{ [Error: ENOENT, stat '/home/thomas/repositories/patchwork/dist/osx/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/Libraries']
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
path: '/home/thomas/repositories/patchwork/dist/osx/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/Libraries' } ] undefined

npm ERR! Linux 4.1.0-1-amd64
npm ERR! argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "run" "build:nix"
npm ERR! node v0.12.7
npm ERR! npm v2.11.3
npm ERR! [email protected] build:nix: electron-packager ./ scuttlebot --out=dist/linux --platform=linux --arch=x64 --ignore=node_modules/electron* --version=0.28.3 --icon=assets/osx/scuttlebot.icns
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] build:nix script 'electron-packager ./ scuttlebot --out=dist/linux --platform=linux --arch=x64 --ignore=node_modules/electron* --version=0.28.3 --icon=assets/osx/scuttlebot.icns'.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the ssb-patchwork package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! electron-packager ./ scuttlebot --out=dist/linux --platform=linux --arch=x64 --ignore=node_modules/electron* --version=0.28.3 --icon=assets/osx/scuttlebot.icns
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls ssb-patchwork
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/thomas/repositories/patchwork/npm-debug.log

Any tips?

When trying to sign up for patchwork for the first time

iojs v2.5.0
npm 2.13.2

message has invalid properties

Error: message has invalid properties
    at Object.exports.isInvalidShape (/Users/bret/repos/patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/ssb-feed/util.js:105:12)
    at validate (/Users/bret/repos/patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/ssb-feed/validator.js:69:14)
    at /Users/bret/repos/patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/ssb-feed/validator.js:50:7
    at /Users/bret/repos/patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/secure-scuttlebutt/index.js:317:22
    at /Users/bret/repos/patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/secure-scuttlebutt/node_modules/level-sublevel/shell.js:101:15
    at /Users/bret/repos/patchwork/node_modules/scuttlebot/node_modules/secure-scuttlebutt/node_modules/level-sublevel/nut.js:120:19

This error occurred while trying to post a new profile in setup.

user onboarding goes to 404 page: news

@mmckegg installed patchwork, entered the invite code, and then was shown a 404 page.
in the location bar it said "news".
hitting the home button works, but why did it take the user to "news"

RPC bugs between main thread and ui thread

I'm seeing some bugs in patchwork-ui's RPC connection with patchwork's main thread. How it manifests:

  1. On the message page, replies will sometimes fail to auto-insert. It tends to be the first new reply since page-load, but this is inconsistent. This means createLogStream({ live: true }) is sometimes failing to emit. The {sync: true} message will emit, then the new reply will not.
  2. Sometimes, a page's feed will fail to load, and the page has to be refreshed.
  3. At random, patchwork-ui will error, saying it received a message for an inactive request or stream. The sequence number, when this occurs, is usually higher than the most recent sequence number.

Patchwork's RPC code: main thread and ui thread. I put logs in both ends and found that, when the reply auto-insert message fails to emit, it fails to emit on the server-side (at this point). This suggests that the issue is not within the messaging channel. It may be a bug with how I've setup the RPC in the main thread, or a bug in muxrpc/packet-stream.

Sidenote: There are currently 2 kinds of refresh in patchwork: soft, which reloads the current view, and hard, which reloads the entire ui thread. The in-ui refresh button does a soft reload, while ctrl/cmd+r does a hard reload. When a hard reload occurs, resetRpc is called (code here). I was suspicious that a bug in resetRpc could be causing the issue, but found that was not the case. The issues occur on a fresh load, with no hard refreshes having occurred.

@dominictarr Can you review the RPC code in patchwork and patchwork-ui to see if there are any visible bugs? If it looks correct, I'll dig into muxrpc and packetstream to see if the issue is there.

Opening a PDF triggers security warning

When you open a PDF, it will be saved into a directory, and then you get this message:

Security Error This page attempted to navigate out of its sandbox through explicit circumvention. Do not trust it!

Security error prevents webcam loading

When I click the webcam icon, the webcam media area is empty, and an error appears in the console:

Refused to load media from 'blob:file%3A///31acfe39-df1a-45d8-bfb7-92556a0a6b82' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' http://localhost:7777 http://localhost:7778". Note that 'media-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.

When I then click the webcam media area, the following message is logged on the console, followed by the same error as before:

Webm video encoded: 321 bytes

Debian testing amd64, Node v4.2.1, patchwork 4fb5789

invalid invite code

still getting invalid invite code, am telling people to use scuttlebot cli directly, which works.

quirks encounter running patchwork

  1. switching between text and video creates multiple textareas
  2. ctrl-l should select the location bar (firefox shortcut)
  3. alt-left/alt-right should move forward/backwards in history
  4. control-enter should post whatever form you are in
  5. need to add a pub server is not obvious, should be an obvious helper if you arn't on a pub yet.

Expand the number of petnames which are used in mentions

We noticed a message by max to mix included "@mixmix," but it didnt register as a mention in the system. That's because max doesn't follow mix, and mentions are currently only recognized for people you follow. But, since max sees mix from FoaF, he expects to be able to mention him.

So, he should be able to!

tried to flag a post as abuse, got this error.

Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
    at /home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/ui/lib/com/message.js:192:52
    at Object._requests.(anonymous function) (/home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/node_modules/packet-stream/index.js:37:5)
    at PacketStream._onrequest (/home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/node_modules/packet-stream/index.js:139:26)
    at PacketStream.write (/home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/node_modules/packet-stream/index.js:122:41)
    at /home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/node_modules/muxrpc/pull-weird.js:55:15
    at /home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/node_modules/muxrpc/node_modules/pull-stream/sinks.js:15:33
    at /home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/node_modules/pull-stream/throughs.js:97:9
    at EventEmitter.onincoming (/home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/node_modules/pull-ipc/index.js:54:7)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:169:7)

This was an unhandled exception.

max flaged my message as spam, and so I tried to flag that as abuse


Windowing bugs

There are some bugs that only manifest in the built version of OSX.

  1. It was reported that the main window doesnt always create on first run (?)
  2. I've experienced that the app doesnt close when all windows are destroyed

rework: missing "back" functionality

I'm not saying it needs to be a back button, but eg, if you open an image to view it, you can't easily go back to where you were. Clicking on feed again takes you to the top of the feed.

recording a gif does not show what you captured

this is probably a symptom of a larger issue with recording an animated gif, but the UI changed to show a box, but that box was empty. I suspect the footage being captured will be shown there? Also, the resulting gif seems broken: %xFjj3lZ1Oynxj+X4BLpirZFY5ZDEBbnrdoONACscVik=.sha256

rework: location bar

Used the location bar to get a handle on a secific message. Sometimes I use this because I want to view that message via the CLI, but othertimes I link to a message. In the new UI there is no way to grab the id for a message, so I can't refer to a message directly.

hangs at the initial spinner

I tried building this but did get past this:


> ./dist/linux/scuttlebot-linux/scuttlebot 
[14759:0807/] Running without the SUID sandbox! See for more information on developing with the sandbox on.
[14788:0807/] Renderer process started
[14759:0807/] Invalid accelerator token: command
...many of these lines...
[14759:0807/] Invalid accelerator token: command
[14776:0807/] [GroupMarkerNotSet(!:D0A2C717D83F0000]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glTexStorage2DEXT: <- error from previous GL command
[14759:0807/154249:INFO:CONSOLE(26)] "got manifest", source: /home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/dist/linux/scuttlebot-linux/resources/default_app/node_modules/ssb-patchwork-ui/lib/muxrpc-ipc.js (26)
Log history read...
Indexes generated
[14759:0807/154249:INFO:CONSOLE(15)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'createEventStream' of undefined", source: file:///home/dominic/c/ssb/patchwork/dist/linux/scuttlebot-linux/resources/default_app/node_modules/ssb-patchwork-ui/main.js (15)

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