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Telegram Desktop messaging app

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License: Other

Shell 0.17% Inno Setup 0.03% C++ 96.97% C 0.03% Objective-C 0.10% Python 0.48% Objective-C++ 0.99% Batchfile 0.10% CSS 0.18% JavaScript 0.13% CMake 0.66% VBScript 0.01% Dockerfile 0.16%
telegram telegram-desktop messenger telegram-solution multi-platform

tdesktop's People


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tdesktop's Issues

security problem

Hi, file "config" in folder "tdata" contains the login information and password for proxy in an unencrypted form. It can be very big safety problem especialy for portable version!

Search in chat history

Would"t it be great to have a bat to search in your chat (with crtl + F),just like Skype or Chrome for example.

[Feature Request] Shared Files

It'd be cool to have a quick way to see all the shared files with a contact / group. So, when you open a Contact / Group info by clicking the header, below the Participants or Settings thing, you'd see a Shared Files section.

There would be all the files that have been shared through the conversation in that section. Images, zip files, sounds... sorted from newest to oldest.

Feature Request Watch videos and audio inside the program


could you perhaps integrate a feature which allows us to watch videos / listen to audio messages inside the program ? I think there are some open source players on the internet which you can integrate in this program easily.

That would be fine.


With best regards

Daniel Ebert

Strange forward message

Some messages with just a single link look strange when forwarded.

screenshot 2014-07-13 01 54 05

Link in message is:ТестТестТест.

Also this applies to message text. Copy Message Text on first message:ТестТест… ( )

After I restart program messages look normal, but the result of Copy Message Text is the same.

Italian language file

Here's to you the Italian translation of the strings, I hope soon you'll make the app multilanguage-capable.
Please let me know if you add more strings as I'll keep them translated.
Also, I'm new to github, let me know how I can upload the file properly.

direction: "LTR";

lng_maintitle: "Telegram D";

lng_menu_contacts: "Contatti";
lng_menu_settings: "Impostazioni";
lng_menu_about: "?";

lng_open_from_tray: "Mostra Telegram";
lng_quit_from_tray: "Esci da Telegram";
lng_tray_icon_text: "Telegram è ancora in esecuzione,
puoi fare in modo che si chiuda nelle Impostazioni.

Se questa icona sparisce da qui,
puoi trascinarla di nuovo qui dalle icone nascoste.";

lng_month1: "Gennaio";
lng_month2: "Febbraio";
lng_month3: "Marzo";
lng_month4: "Aprile";
lng_month5: "Maggio";
lng_month6: "Giugno";
lng_month7: "Luglio";
lng_month8: "Agosto";
lng_month9: "Settembre";
lng_month10: "Ottobre";
lng_month11: "Novembre";
lng_month12: "Dicembre";

lng_weekday1: "Lun";
lng_weekday2: "Mar";
lng_weekday3: "Mer";
lng_weekday4: "Gio";
lng_weekday5: "Ven";
lng_weekday6: "Sab";
lng_weekday7: "Dom";

lng_month_day: "{month} {day}";

lng_cancel: "Annulla";
lng_continue: "Continua";
lng_connecting: "Connessione...";
lng_reconnecting: "Riconessione tra %1 s...";
lng_reconnecting_try_now: "Riprova ora";

lng_status_offline: "offline";
lng_status_invisible: "invisibile";
lng_status_lastseen: "ultimo accesso: {when}";
lng_status_lastseen_now: "poco fa";
lng_status_lastseen_minute: "%1 minuto fa";
lng_status_lastseen_minutes: "%1 minuti fa";
lng_status_lastseen_hour: "%1 ora fa";
lng_status_lastseen_hours: "%1 ore fa";
lng_status_lastseen_today: "oggi alle {time}";
lng_status_lastseen_yesterday: "ieri alle {time}";
lng_status_lastseen_date: "{date}";
lng_status_online: "online";

lng_chat_no_members: "Il gruppo non è accessibile";
lng_chat_members: "%1 membri";
lng_chat_members_online: "%1 membri, %2 online";

lng_server_error: "Errore del server.";
lng_flood_error: "Troppi tentativi. Riprova più tardi.";
lng_deleted: "Sconosciuto";

lng_intro1: "Questo è un client [b]desktop[/b] non ufficiale
del programma di messaggistica mobile [b]Telegram[/b].";
lng_intro2: "Vai su [a href=""][/a] per saperne di più.";
lng_start_msgs: "Inizia da qui";

lng_intro_back: "Indietro";
lng_intro_next: "Avanti";
lng_intro_finish: "Fine";

lng_phone_ph: "Il tuo numero di telefono";
lng_phone_title: "Il tuo telefono";
lng_phone_desc: "Conferma il tuo codice Paese e inserisci
il tuo numero di telefono.";
lng_phone_notreg: "Nota: se non hai ancora un account Telegram,
[b]crealo[/b] tramite il tuo dispositivo [a href=""]iOS / Android[/a] o {signup}qui »{/signup}";
lng_country_code: "Codice Paese";
lng_bad_country_code: "Codice Paese non valido";
lng_country_ph: "Cerca";
lng_country_done: "Fatto";
lng_country_none: "Paese non trovato";
lng_country_select: "Seleziona Paese";

lng_code_ph: "Il tuo codice";
lng_code_desc: "Abbiamo mandato sul tuo telefono un SMS contenente il codice
di attivazione. Inseriscilo qui.";
lng_code_call: "Telegram ti chiamerà tra %1:%2";
lng_code_calling: "Telegram ti sta chiamando...";
lng_code_called: "Telegram ha chiamato il tuo numero";

lng_bad_phone: "Numero di telefono non valido. Riprova.";
lng_bad_phone_noreg: "Numero di telefono non registrato.";
lng_bad_code: "Hai inserito un codice non valido. Riprova.";
lng_bad_name: "Inserisci il tuo nome e cognome.";
lng_bad_chat_title: "Inserisci il titolo della chat.";
lng_bad_photo: "Immagine selezionata non valida.";

lng_signup_title: "Informazioni e foto";
lng_signup_firstname: "Nome";
lng_signup_lastname: "Cognome";

lng_dlg_filter: "Cerca";
lng_dlg_new_group_name: "Nome gruppo";
lng_dlg_create_group: "Crea";

lng_settings_profile: "Profilo";
lng_settings_edit: "Modifica";
lng_settings_save: "Conferma";
lng_settings_cancel: "Annulla";
lng_settings_upload: "Imposta immagine profilo";
lng_settings_badsize: "La dimensione di questa immagine non è corretta, prova con un'altra.";
lng_settings_crop_profile: "Seleziona un'area quadrata per l'immagine del tuo profilo";
lng_settings_uploading_photo: "Caricamento foto...";

lng_settings_section_notify: "Notifiche";
lng_settings_desktop_notify: "Notifiche desktop";
lng_settings_sound_notify: "Suono";

lng_settings_section_general: "Generale";
lng_settings_auto_update: "Aggiorna automaticamente";
lng_settings_current_version: "Versione {version}";
lng_settings_check_now: "Cerca aggiornamenti";
lng_settings_update_checking: "Ricerca degli aggiornamenti...";
lng_settings_latest_installed: "E' già installata l'ultima versione";
lng_settings_downloading: "Scaricamento aggiornamento {ready} / {total} Mb...";
lng_settings_update_ready: "Nuova versione pronta";
lng_settings_update_now: "Riavvia ora";
lng_settings_update_fail: "Non è riuscita la ricerca degli aggiornamenti :(";
lng_settings_workmode_tray: "Mostra icona in area di notifica";
lng_settings_workmode_window: "Mostra icona nella barra applicazioni";
lng_settings_auto_start: "Esegui Telegram all'avvio del computer";
lng_settings_start_min: "Avvia ridotto a icona";
lng_settings_scale_label: "Dimensione caratteri";
lng_settings_scale_auto: "Auto ({cur})";

lng_settings_section_chat: "Opzioni chat";
lng_settings_replace_emojis: "Sostituisci con emoji";
lng_settings_view_emojis: "Vedi lista";
lng_settings_emoji_list: "Lista degli emoji supportati";
lng_settings_send_enter: "Invia messaggio se premuto Invio";
lng_settings_send_ctrlenter: "Invia messaggio se premuto Ctrl+Invio";
lng_settings_send_cmdenter: "Invia con Cmd+Invio";
lng_settings_cats_and_dogs: "Sfondo con immagine";

lng_download_path_dont_ask: "Non chiedere la cartella di salvataggio per ogni file";
lng_download_path_label: "Cartella file scaricati: ";
lng_download_path_temp: "cartella temporanea";
lng_download_path_clear: "Cancella tutto";
lng_download_path_header: "Cartella per i file scaricati";
lng_download_path_temp_radio: "Cartella temporanea, pulita ad ogni disconnessione o disinstallazione";
lng_download_path_dir_radio: "Cartella manuale, pulita manualmente";
lng_download_path_choose: "Cartella file scaricati";
lng_sure_clear_downloads: "Vuoi eliminare tutti i file scaricati nella cartella temporanea? La pulizia avviene anche ad ogni disconnessione o disinstallazione.";
lng_download_path_failed: "Lo scaricamento del file non è possibile. Controlla la cartella di scaricamento.

Puoi cambiare la cartella dei file scaricati nelle Impostazioni.";
lng_download_path_settings: "Vai alle Impostazioni";
lng_download_finish_failed: "Lo scaricamento del file si è interrotto.

Vuoi riprovare?";
lng_download_path_clearing: "Pulizia...";
lng_download_path_cleared: "Pulizia terminata!";
lng_download_path_clear_failed: "Pulizia fallita :(";

lng_settings_section_advanced: "Avanzate";
lng_connection_type: "Tipo connessione:";
lng_connection_auto_connecting: "Automatica (connessione..)";
lng_connection_auto: "Automatica ({type} in uso)";
lng_connection_http_proxy: "HTTP con proxy";
lng_connection_tcp_proxy: "TCP con proxy";
lng_connection_header: "Tipo connessione";
lng_connection_auto_rb: "Auto (TCP se disponibile o HTTP)";
lng_connection_http_proxy_rb: "HTTP con http-proxy manuale";
lng_connection_tcp_proxy_rb: "TCP con socks5-proxy manuale";
lng_connection_host_ph: "Server";
lng_connection_port_ph: "Porta";
lng_connection_user_ph: "Utente";
lng_connection_password_ph: "Password";
lng_connection_save: "Salva";
lng_settings_reset: "Ripristina le sessioni";
lng_settings_reset_done: "Ripristino sessioni completato";
lng_settings_logout: "Esci";

lng_settings_need_restart: "Devi riavviare Telegram per applicare
alcune delle impostazioni. Riavvia adesso?";
lng_settings_restart_now: "Riavvia";
lng_settings_restart_later: "Più tardi";

lng_profile_settings_section: "Impotazioni";
lng_profile_participants_section: "Partecipanti";
lng_profile_info: "Info contatto";
lng_profile_group_info: "Info gruppo";
lng_profile_add_contact: "Aggiungi Contatto";
lng_profile_edit_contact: "Modifica";
lng_profile_edit_group: "Modifica";
lng_profile_phone: "Telefono: {phone}";
lng_profile_enable_notifications: "Notifiche";
lng_profile_clear_history: "Pulisci vecchi messaggi";
lng_profile_send_message: "Invia messaggio";
lng_profile_share_contact: "Condividi contatto";
lng_profile_delete_contact: "Cancella";
lng_profile_set_group_photo: "Imposta foto";
lng_profile_add_participant: "Aggiungi membro";
lng_profile_delete_and_exit: "Esci dal gruppo";
lng_profile_kick: "Espelli";
lng_profile_sure_kick: "Espelli {user} dal gruppo?";
lng_profile_loading: "Caricamento...";

lng_participant_filter: "Cerca";
lng_participant_invite: "Invita";
lng_create_new_group: "Nuovo Gruppo";
lng_create_group_next: "Prossimo";
lng_create_group_title: "Nuovo Gruppo";

lng_sure_delete_contact: "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare {contact} dalla tua lista contatti?";
lng_sure_delete_history: "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare tutti i vecchi messaggi con {contact}?

L'azione è irreversibile.";

lng_sure_delete_and_exit: "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare tutti i vecchi messaggi e uscire dal gruppo «{group}»?

L'azione è irreversibile.";

lng_sure_enable_debug: "Vuoi abilitare la modalità DEBUG?

Verranno mostrati tutti gli eventi di rete.";

lng_message_empty: "(vuoto)";

lng_action_add_user: "{from} ha aggiunto {user}";
lng_action_kick_user: "{from} ha espulso {user}";
lng_action_user_left: "{from} ha lasciato il gruppo";
lng_action_user_joined: "{from} è entrato nel gruppo";
lng_action_user_photo: "{from} ha aggiunto una nuova immagine del profilo";
lng_action_user_registered: "{from} è entrato in Telegram";
lng_action_removed_photo: "{from} ha rimosso l'immagine del gruppo";
lng_action_changed_photo: "{from} ha cambiato l'immagine del gruppo";
lng_action_changed_title: "{from} ha cambiato il nome del gruppo in «{title}»";
lng_action_created_chat: "{from} ha creato il gruppo «{title}»";
lng_action_checked_in: "{from} è entrato";

lng_forwarded_from: "Inoltrato da ";

lng_attach_failed: "Fallito";
lng_attach_file: "File";
lng_attach_photo: "Immagine";

lng_media_open_with: "Apri con";
lng_media_download: "Scarica";
lng_media_cancel: "Annulla";
lng_media_video: "Video";
lng_media_audio: "Audio";

lng_in_dlg_photo: "Immagine";
lng_in_dlg_video: "Video";
lng_in_dlg_geo: "Mappa";
lng_in_dlg_contact: "Contatto";
lng_in_dlg_audio: "Audio";
lng_in_dlg_document: "File";

lng_send_button: "Invia";
lng_message_ph: "Scrivi un messaggio...";
lng_empty_history: "";
lng_willbe_history: "Seleziona la chat per iniziare a mandare messaggi";
lng_message_with_from: "[c]{from}:[/c] {message}";
lng_from_you: "Tu";

lng_typing: "sta scrivendo";
lng_user_typing: "{user} sta scrivendo";
lng_users_typing: "{user1} e {user2} stanno scrivendo";
lng_many_typing: "{n} stanno scrivendo";
lng_unread_bar: "%1 messaggi non letti";

lng_maps_point: "Posizione";
lng_save_photo: "Salva immagine";
lng_save_video: "Salva video";
lng_save_audio: "Salva audio";
lng_save_document: "Salva documento";
lng_save_downloaded: "{ready} / {total} {mb}";
lng_duration_and_size: "{duration}, {size}";
lng_choose_images: "Scegli immagini";

lng_context_open_link: "Apri Link";
lng_context_copy_link: "Copia Link";
lng_context_open_email: "Scrivi a questo indirizzo";
lng_context_copy_email: "Copia indirizzo email";
lng_context_open_image: "Apri Immagine";
lng_context_save_image: "Salva Immagine con nome...";
lng_context_forward_image: "Inoltra Immagine";
lng_context_delete_image: "Cancella Immagine";
lng_context_copy_image: "Copia Immagine";
lng_context_close_image: "Chiudi Immagine";
lng_context_cancel_download: "Annulla Scaricamento";
lng_context_show_in_folder: "Mostra nella cartella";
lng_context_show_in_finder: "Mostra nel Finder";
lng_context_open_video: "Apri Video";
lng_context_save_video: "Salva Video con nome...";
lng_context_open_audio: "Apri Audio";
lng_context_save_audio: "Salva Audio con nome...";
lng_context_open_document: "Apri File";
lng_context_save_document: "Salva File con nome...";
lng_context_copy_text: "Copia Messaggio";
lng_context_forward_msg: "Inoltra Messaggio";
lng_context_delete_msg: "Cancella Messaggio";
lng_context_cancel_upload: "Annulla Caricamento";
lng_context_copy_selected: "Copia Selezione";
lng_context_forward_selected: "Inoltra Selezione";
lng_context_delete_selected: "Cancella Selezione";
lng_context_clear_selection: "Pulisci Selezione";
lng_really_send_image: "Vuoi inviare questa immagine?";

lng_forward_choose: "Scegli destinatario...";
lng_forward_confirm: "Inoltra a {recipient}?";
lng_forward_share_contact: "Condividi il contatto con {recipient}?";
lng_forward: "Inoltra";

lng_contact_phone: "Telefono";
lng_enter_contact_data: "Nuovo contatto";
lng_edit_group_title: "Modifica nome gruppo";
lng_edit_contact_title: "Modifica nome contatto";
lng_edit_self_title: "Modifica il tuo nome";
lng_confirm_contact_data: "Nuovo Contatto";
lng_add_contact: "Crea";
lng_add_contact_button: "Aggiungi contatto";
lng_contacts_header: "Contatti";
lng_contact_not_joined: "Purtroppo {name} non è ancora entrato in Telegram, ma puoi mandargli un invito.

Ti avviseremo quando uno dei tuoi contatti entra in Telegram.";
lng_try_other_contact: "Prova un altro";
lng_contacts_done: "Annulla";

lng_drag_images_here: "Trascina le immagini qui";
lng_drag_photos_here: "Trascina le foto qui";
lng_drag_files_here: "Trascina i file qui";

lng_drag_to_send_quick: "per inviare velocemente";
lng_drag_to_send_no_compression: "per inviare senza compressione";
lng_drag_to_send_documents: "per inviare come documenti";

lng_selected_clear: "Annulla";
lng_selected_delete: "Cancella";
lng_selected_forward: "Inoltra";
lng_selected_count_1: "%1 messaggio";
lng_selected_count_5: "%1 messaggi";
lng_selected_cancel_sure_this: "Vuoi annullare il caricamento?";
lng_selected_delete_sure_this: "Vuoi cancellare questo messaggio?";
lng_selected_delete_sure_1: "Vuoi cancellare %1 messaggio?";
lng_selected_delete_sure_5: "Vuoi cancellare %1 messaggi?";
lng_selected_delete_confirm: "Cancella";

lng_emoji_no_recent: "Gli emoji più recenti saranno qui";

lng_about_version: "Versione {version}";
lng_about_text: "Applicazione gratuita non ufficiale basata su [a href=""]MTProto[/a] e
[a href=""]Telegram API[/a] per aumentare velocità e sicurezza

Questo software utilizza la licenza [a href=""]GNU GPL[/a] versione 3,
i sorgenti sono disponibili su [a href=""]GitHub[/a].";
lng_about_done: "Chiudi";

// Mac specific

lng_mac_choose_app: "Scegli Applicazione";
lng_mac_choose_text: "Scegli un'applicazione per aprire il file "{file}".";
lng_mac_enable_filter: "Abilita:";
lng_mac_recommended_apps: "Applicazioni Consigliate";
lng_mac_all_apps: "Tutte le applicazioni";
lng_mac_always_open_with: "Utilizza sempre";
lng_mac_this_app_can_open: "Questa applicazione può aprire "{file}".";
lng_mac_not_known_app: "Non è certo che questa applicazione possa aprire "{file}".";

// Keys finished

visual bug dual monitor fullscreen telegram

I have noticed that when I have telegram desktop client maximized open on my 2nd monitor, a little white edge appears on the top left of the app, on my main monitor (see screenshot).

EULA violation: Segoe UI font

On what legal basis do you redistribute Segoe UI fonts?

As far as I know, Microsoft doesn't allow redistribution of those:

Q What can I do with the fonts supplied with Microsoft products?

A The fonts are governed by the same restrictions as the products they are supplied with. You are not allowed to copy, redistribute or reverse engineer the font files. For full details see the license agreement supplied with the product.

Transparent Windows

Can it add a function which allow to adjust the opacity of the windows.
It would be so great if it works

[Feature request] Send files via context menu

It would be great if you add an entry to the systems context menu and if I right click to a file, I can select "Send with Telegram", then Telegram opens and I can select the contact which I want to send the file.

Reconnect after resume from standby

after resuming from standby telegram doesn't reconnect and the log file get flooded by this kind of error

Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code 17) for msg_id = 6020673428624393328, seq_no = 1174 (logs : 0)
MTP Info: forced setting client unixtime to 1401797041 (types.cpp : 93)
Message Info: unixtime updated, now 1401797041, resending in container.. (mtpConnection.cpp : 1727)
Message Info: resending container from haveSent, msgId 6020673428624393328 (mtpSession.cpp : 292)

Looking at the code I see that since the error code is 17 it doesn't try to reconnect.
Also this only happen when resuming from standby, it works fine if I lose the connection in any other way

Fix minor artifacts that appear when using Telegram under Wine

Since the app works pretty fair under Wine, it might be worth it to give a try to fix those minor problems with the outer black borders around the Window.

I disabled Wine option to draw the window border of the system, so that only the blue border from Telegram.exe would be there. However, when the window is not maximized, a black border like the one shown in the screenshot appears. It seems to be used to resize the window.


On the other side, when the window is maximized, sometimes it works perfectly, but after switching from one window to another and then coming back to Telegram, some part of the window would vanish and show what it's beneath the window. The size of the missing window is undetermined, sometimes it would be just a little frame, other times it would take a 1/3 or a 1/4 of the window.


To fix that (temporarily) one can go to Settings and untick and tick "Show taskbar icon", then everything goes back to normal until switching between windows again.

[feature request] voice recording

It's my favourite feature of pocket Telegram, my friends and I always use it for sending short voice reports/messages. Will it be implemented in desktop app?

Unable to connect (behind proxy)

Since version 0.4.16, Telegram is unable to login (behind proxy):

Error log excerpt:
[2014.06.02 17:31:39] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code 17) for msg_id = 6020262313430099340, seq_no = 8
[2014.06.02 17:31:40] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code 17) for msg_id = 6020262315790898108, seq_no = 8
[2014.06.02 17:31:40] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code 17) for msg_id = 6020262318205823784, seq_no = 8
[2014.06.02 17:31:41] Message Info: bad message notification received (error_code 17) for msg_id = 6020262320518280908, seq_no = 8

[feature request] text searchs or/and logs

It's impossible right now to search anything in chat. Even ctrl+F doesn't work (usually the search shortcut)

Could it be possible if you add that feature? Or at least... mantain a copy of the text log inside a folder specified in options. This way at least we can search text using any text editor on the log file.

Thank you!

[Feature Request] Translation in German


I'd like to translate your program in German. It would be cool, if I could do this. You should only say to me how I can do this or create a project on a translation site.
Thanks for an answer


Linux Support?

tdesktop is going to support Linux? (At least Ubuntu). Many people are expecting to see a Telegram App for Linux which is not a console.


Tabbed interface for settings?

Noticed that settings is now getting quite busy in terms of the options.
Why not place items in a tab layout or make better use of the space by adding a column layout?

Telegram is closed from time to time

I'm running into an issue with Telegram. From time to time I check for the icon in het notification bar and notice it's missing; Telegram is completely closed.
I don't know why this is happening for me, maybe it's got something to do with using the standby mode in Windows?
I recently re-installed my laptop and the problem is still there.

Telegram close itself

when I lock my Computer (Windows 8.1) and come back to my computer after 30 minutes, telegram is closed.

Registration not supported

When I initially installed tdesktop (few months ago) I wasn't able to register a new number. It required me to borrow my sister's phone to plug in my SIM and install telegram there, only to see that I get a confirmation SMS with some code in the end. This can surely be done by the desktop version too.

If you're worried about spam, it's fine to add a captcha. If the API doesn't support this, then ... well, they better do.

add language selection

please integrate the possibility to choose language for the ui. I will deliver the german translation if needed.

[Feature request ] Inline gif handling

Hello! First, thank you for taking the time to create and maintain this client - I really enjoy using it.

One feature I would absolutely love to see is HipChat-style inline gif animation for attached photos. Likewise, if a URL for an image is posted (so a URL ending in jpg, png, gif, etc), auto-display that image inline. Perhaps the existing "Delete message" functionality could be employed to allow the user to hide/delete the image if they find it offensive.

I'd love to assist, but I'm a Python / C# guy and after tinkering for a while I couldn't make it happen. Thanks!

Older messages are marked as read if newer message is deleted

I think I found a bug.
If I delete a message all prior messages are marked as read.

For example: I have four messages, all unread (only one tick):

Now, I delete number three.

Now, messages one and two are marked as read:

If I restart tdesktop the state is correct (unread) again.

Wide messages with no white space

Messages too wide for one line in the chat that do not contain white-space characters such as a space or a tab will break up at slashes or dashes but the box containing the text will keep maximum width.


Secret chat

Are you going to add this feature? Thanks :)

Images take too long to load

Images currently appear as a low-resolution thumbnail and only become high-quality when they're viewed. But it takes a long time for this to happen, and it makes no sense on a desktop app.

The solution is to simply load all images as they are received :)

~ is gone

With the latest update, the tilde (the wavy character) is gone.
It has been replaced by a dash?

Hidden group

Can't start a conversation on a text-cleaned (with another device) group because it doesn't show on the left panel.

[bug] Telegram does not auto-update after resuming VM

Steps to reproduce:

  • Install Telegram Desktop in a VM (I reproduced it with VMware Workstation and Parallels Desktop)
  • Start Telegram and log in, maybe send/receive some test messages
  • Suspend the VM
  • Wait as long as it takes to time out a tcp connection (3 minutes was sufficient for me)
  • Resume the VM

Experienced behavior:
Telegram does not receive any messages. Messages you send are not received by others as well. When I exit Telegram (not just closing the window) and restart it, the pending messages are lost. When I restart Telegram, it works normally again.

Expected behavior:
Telegram should, aber a reasonable amount of time (<1 minute) to operate normally again, without the requirement to restart. Message should not get lost.
Alternatively, I would be glad to have some measure to restart or force-reconnect Telegram in an easy mannner.

I am happy to assist you in reproducing the issue. Thank you very much in advance for any help!

[feature request] Global Notification Switch


is there a possibility to turn off the notification on the phone, while using the desktop client (and maybe vice versa).
Either the Dekstop Client automatically detects, that the phone isn't used at the moment, or the user itself has to disable other notification.


shift in images

See for example:
It appears only when sending image through a clipboard.

Command line used

It would be interesting to use the app by command line, like there is for windows.
At least send a message

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