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groupy's Introduction

Note: If you are looking for a PyTorch implementation, please have a look at the pull requests by Jorn Peters and Adam Bielski (


GrouPy is a python library that implements group equivariant convolutional neural networks [Cohen & Welling, 2016] in Chainer and TensorFlow, and supports other numerical computations involving transformation groups.

GrouPy consists of the following modules:

  • garray: an array of transformation variables ("group elements")
  • gfunc: an array of functions on a group of transformations
  • gconv: group convolutions for use in group equivariant convolutional networks

The modules garray and gfunc are used in a quick precomputation stage and run on CPU, while gconv is used to train and test the neural network, and runs on GPU.

We have mostly worked with the Chainer implementation (see experiments) but a unit-tested tensorflow implementation is available, and the code is written so that porting to theano, torch, or other frameworks is relatively easy. Most of the complexity of the code is in a precomputation step that generates indices used for transforming the filters, and this step can be shared by every deep learning framework. The rest is a basic indexing operation.


Install scientific python stack + nosetests

$ pip install numpy scipy matplotlib nose

Install chainer with CUDNN and HDF5 or install tensorflow

Clone the latest GrouPy from github and run

$ python install

To run the tests, navigate to the groupy directory and run

$ nosetests -v

Getting Started


import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from groupy.gconv.tensorflow_gconv.splitgconv2d import gconv2d, gconv2d_util

# Construct graph
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 9, 9, 3])

gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
    h_input='Z2', h_output='D4', in_channels=3, out_channels=64, ksize=3)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=x, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
            gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)

gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
    h_input='D4', h_output='D4', in_channels=64, out_channels=64, ksize=3)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=y, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
            gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)

# Compute
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
sess = tf.Session()
y =, feed_dict={x: np.random.randn(10, 9, 9, 3)})

print y.shape  # (10, 9, 9, 512) 


from chainer import Variable
import cupy as cp
from groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv import P4ConvZ2, P4ConvP4

# Construct G-Conv layers and copy to GPU
C1 = P4ConvZ2(in_channels=3, out_channels=64, ksize=3, stride=1, pad=1).to_gpu()
C2 = P4ConvP4(in_channels=64, out_channels=64, ksize=3, stride=1, pad=1).to_gpu()

# Create 10 images with 3 channels and 9x9 pixels:
x = Variable(cp.random.randn(10, 3, 9, 9).astype('float32'))

# fprop
y = C2(C1(x))
print  # (10, 64, 4, 9, 9)


The following describes the main modules of GrouPy. For usage examples, see the various unit tests.


The garray module contains a base class GArray as well as subclasses for various groups G. A GArray represents an array (just like numpy.ndarray) that contains transformations instead of scalars. Elementwise multiplication of two GArrays results in an elementwise composition of transformations. The GArray supports most functionality of a numpy.ndarray, including indexing, broadcasting, reshaping, etc.

Each GArray subclass implements the group operation (composition) for the corresponding group, as well as the action of the given group on various spaces (e.g. a rotation acting on points in the plane).

In addition, each GArray may have multiple parameterizations, which is convenient because the composition is typically most easily implemented as a matrix multiplication, while the transformation of a function on the group (see gfunc) requires that we associate each transformation with some number of integer indices.


The gfunc module contains a base class GFuncArray as well as subclasses for various groups G. A GFuncArray is an array of functions on a group G. Like the GArray, this class mimicks the numpy.ndarray.

Additionally, a GFuncArray can be transformed by group elements stored in a GArray. The GFuncArray associates each cell in the array storing the function values with its coordinate, which is an element of the group G. When a GFuncArray is transformed, we apply the transformation to the coordinates, and do a lookup in the cells associated with the transformed coordinates, to produce the values of the transformed function.

The transformation behaviour for a function on the rotation-translation group (p4) and the rotation-flip-translation group (p4m) is shown below. This function could represent a feature map or filter in a G-CNN.


A rotating function on p4. Rotating a function on p4 amounts to rolling the 4 patches (in counterclockwise direction). "Rolling" means that each square patch moves to the next one (indicated by the red arrow), while simultaneously undergoing a 90 degree rotation. For visual clarity, the animation contains frames at multiples of 45 degrees, but it should be noted that only rotations by multiples of 90 degrees are part of the group p4.


A function on p4m, its rotation by 90 degrees, and its vertical reflection. Patches follow the red rotation arrows (while rotating) or the blue mirroring lines (while flipping).

For more details, see section 4.4 of [Cohen & Welling, 2016].

The gfunc.plot module contains code for plotting the Cayley-style graphs shown above.


The gconv module contains group convolution layers for use in neural networks. The TensorFlow implementation is in and the Chainer implementation is in and similar files.

Implementation notes

Porting to other frameworks

To port the gconv to a new deep learning framework, we must implement two computations:

  1. Filter transformation: a simple indexing operation (see gconv.chainer_gconv.transform_filter and gconv.tensorflow_gconv.transform_filter)
  2. Planar convolution: standard convolution using the filters returned by the filter transformation step (see gconv.chainer_gconv.splitgconv2d)

For details, see [Cohen & Welling, 2016], section 7 "Efficient Implementation".

Adding new groups

The garray and gfunc modules are written to facilitate easy implementation of the group convolution for new groups. The group convolution for a new group can be implemented as follows:

  1. Subclass GArray for the new group and the corresponding stabilizer (see e.g. garray.C4_array and garray.p4_array)
  2. Subclass GFuncArray for the new group (see e.g. garray.gfunc.p4func_array)
  3. Add a function to gconv.make_gconv_indices to precompute the indices used by the group convolution GPU kernel.
  4. For the Chainer implementation, subclass gconv.chainer_gconv.splitgconv2d (see e.g. gconv.chainer_gconv.p4_conv)

These subclasses can easily be tested against the group axioms and other mathematical properties (see test_garray, test_gfuncarray, test_transform_filter, test_gconv).


  1. T.S. Cohen, M. Welling, Group Equivariant Convolutional Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2016.

groupy's People


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groupy's Issues

What's the correct way to implement a coset max-pool in Tensorflow on the output of gconv2d?

Hi Dr. Cohen - thanks so much for providing the GrouPy and gconv_experiments repos.

I was wondering about the correct way to implement a coset max-pool on the output of y in your Tensorflow example:

# Construct graph
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 9, 9, 3])

gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
    h_input='Z2', h_output='D4', in_channels=3, out_channels=64, ksize=3)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=x, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
            gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)

gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
    h_input='D4', h_output='D4', in_channels=64, out_channels=64, ksize=3)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=y, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
            gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)


print y.shape  # (10, 9, 9, 512) 

My understanding is that the last dimension, 512, comes from the output of 64 channels in the last layer multiplied by 8 (the number of output transformations: 4 rotations, each one is flipped, so 8 total for D4). I assume I'd want to implement a coset maxpool on this output, so that the dimensions are (10, 9, 9, 64) before feeding it to the next layer. (Is this assumption correct)?

I'm not very familiar with Chainer and I'm having a bit of trouble analogising the Chainer code in gconv_experiments over to Tensorflow. I'd appreciate any guidance on recreating the following lines from your paper:

"Next, we replaced each convolution by a p4-convolution
(eq. 10 and 11...and added max-pooling over rotations after the last
convolution layer.


"We took
the Z2CNN, replaced each convolution layer by a p4-
convolution (eq. 10) followed by a coset max-pooling over

Is there a distinction between max-pooling over rotations, vs coset max-pooling over rotations?

My best guess would be to do something like the following - would this be correct?

y = gconv2d(input=y, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
            gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info) # (10, 9, 9, 512)
y_reshaped = tf.reshape(y, [-1, 9, 9, 64, 8]) # break the flat 512 into 64 x 8
y_maxpooled = tf.reduce_max(y_reshaped, reduction_indices=[4]) # take max along the last dimension 

Thank you so much!

size equivariance

Hello Dr.Cohen,
your group-conv is a great job to preserve rotatation and translation equivariance. I wonder if there is any work about size equivariance, assuming the feature maps and filters stored in infinite arrays.

Replacing convs with gconvs

Hey Dr.Cohen,

Thank you for your amazing work in group convolutions/steerable convolutions. I was wondering if these gconvs can directly replace the 2d convs in models like AlexNet or GoogleNet? If yes, can pretrained weights be used? Or would we have to train the network from scratch?


ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimensions. The detected shape was (4,) + inhomogeneous part

Hi Dr Cohen
I am a newbie who just learned GCNN and I'm trying to run the test file ""but meet the title's error.The error in the title was reported when I calculated h*f. The error told me that the dimensions of self.v in the call method of GFuncArray may not match the index dimensions of inds. The shapes I printed out afterwards were as follows: inds shapes: [' Ellipsis', (4, 5, 5), (4, 5, 5), (4, 5, 5)], self.v shape: (2, 6, 4, 5, 5), I don’t understand gcnn yet How to make these two shapes match and why an error occurs? Is it because of the numpy version update? Can you please answer it for me?

How to understand GArray and GFuncArray?

Hello Dr.Cohen, this is another question.
I didn't catch the meaning of GArray and GFuncArray:
A GFuncArray is an array of functions on a group G.
A GArray represents an array that contains transformations instead of scalars.
Can you explain them more clearly?

How to generate your code to VGG16 architecture?

Hi Dr. Cohen,

Thank you for releasing GrouPy.

I'd like to build an architecture that is similar to VGG16. If we ignore the computational cost without reducing the number of filters. Can I achieve p4m properties by simply inserting the following layers right after vgg5_3, please? (we retain all of CNN layers in VGG16)

gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
h_input='Z2', h_output='D4', in_channels=3, out_channels=64, ksize=3)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=x, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)

gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
h_input='D4', h_output='D4', in_channels=64, out_channels=64, ksize=3)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=y, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)

Or, can i say that I can achieve p4m by training dense layers and above layers and then fine-tuning the whole networks?
After training, can i say they have properties, such as symmetry and orthogonal?
Suppose that we obtain a feature in size of (batch_size, height, width, channel*8), can we achieve transformation-invariant feature by reducing it into (batch_size, height, width, channel). If we can, which is better between reduce_mean and reduce_max?


Can't install GrouPy successfully

Hey Dr.Cohen,
Thank you for your creative work in group convolutions.I get some trouble when I install Groupy according to

After installing chainer with cupy and tensorflow-gpu, I run "chainer.backends.cuda.available" and "chainer.backends.cuda.cudnn_enabled", they all return True. However, when I run "nosetests -v", it shows as below.
Failure: CompileException (/tmp/tmpezKDyD/ error: a value of type "const ptrdiff_t *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const int *"
/tmp/tmpezKDyD/ error: a value of type "const ptrdiff_t *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const int *"

I just skiped it and run the examples in the "Getting Started". The tensorflow example can run without any error, but the chainer example has some wrong as shown below.
File "/data/mbqiu/anaconda3/envs/gconv-python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/groupy/gconv/chainer_gconv/", line 8, in from groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv.kernels.integer_indexing_cuda_kernel import grad_index_group_func_kernel
ImportError: No module named kernels.integer_indexing_cuda_kernel.

I checked carefully and found that the two subdirectories--kernels and pooling--is lost from gconv/chainer_gconv/.

my version is ubuntu==16.04, cuda==8.0, chainer==4.5.0, cupy-cuda80==4.5.0, tensorflow-gpu=1.4.0.
What's wrong?

Group equivariant pooling


I have a question regarding the implementation of equivariant pooling. I found in your experiments the usage of function <plane_group_spatial_max_pooling> imported from <groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv.pooling.plane_group_spatial_max_pooling>. In this implementation, the rotation axis and channel axis are fold together, perform 2d spatial pooling and then unfold. I have used the same implementation in Pytorch and tested if my P4CNN using pooling is equivariant using the code below. I found that when I add <plane_group_spatial_max_pooling> after each GConv, the network is not equivariant and the test <test_p4_net_equivariance> fails. However, when I am not using <plane_group_spatial_max_pooling>, the GCNN is equivariant and the test <test_p4_net_equivariance> pass. I don't understand if the pooling layer implemented like this is equivariant or not, or I am testing wrong the equivariance of the network. Can you help me please?

def test_p4_net_equivariance():
    from groupy.gfunc import Z2FuncArray, P4FuncArray
    import groupy.garray.C4_array as c4a

    im = np.random.randn(1, 1, 96, 96).astype('float32')
            P4ConvZ2(in_channels=1, out_channels=2, kernel_size=3),
            P4ConvP4(in_channels=2, out_channels=3, kernel_size=3)

def check_equivariance(im, layers, input_array, output_array, point_group):
    # Transform the image
    f = input_array(im)
    g = point_group.rand()
    gf = g * f
    im1 = gf.v
    # Apply layers to both images
    im = Variable(torch.Tensor(im))
    im1 = Variable(torch.Tensor(im1))

    fmap = im
    fmap1 = im1
    for layer in layers:
        fmap = layer(fmap)
        fmap = plane_group_spatial_max_pooling(fmap, ksize=2, stride=1)
        fmap1 = layer(fmap1)
        fmap1 = plane_group_spatial_max_pooling(fmap1, ksize=2, stride=1)

    # Transform the computed feature maps
    fmap1_garray = output_array(
    r_fmap1_data = (g.inv() * fmap1_garray).v

    fmap_data =
    assert np.allclose(fmap_data, r_fmap1_data, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-3)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Is G-Pooling included in this implementation?

Fully-steerable CNNs

Grouped equivariant CNNs are just one example of fully steerable CNNs - is this framework easily extensible to continuous fully steerable CNN representations?

(we met at ICLR a month ago and this seemed like the easiest way to start a conversation)

ERROR: Failure: TypeError (Argument 'source' has incorrect type (expected unicode, got str))

Hi I encounter a problem with this after setting up the environment.
I wonder if you can offer an suggestion. Thank you in advance.

CuPy (cupy) version 6.0.0 may not be compatible with this version of Chainer.
Please consider installing the supported version by running:
$ pip install 'cupy>=6.3.0,<7.0.0'

See the following page for more details:

requirement=requirement, help=help))
groupy.garray.test_garray.test_p4_array ... ok
groupy.garray.test_garray.test_p4m_array ... ok
groupy.garray.test_garray.test_z2_array ... ok
groupy.garray.test_garray.test_c4_array ... ok
groupy.garray.test_garray.test_d4_array ... ok
Failure: TypeError (Argument 'source' has incorrect type (expected unicode, got str)) ... ERROR
groupy.gfunc.test_gfuncarray.test_p4_func ... /home/shenzy/lsd_temp_file/GrouPy/groupy/gfunc/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use arr[tuple(seq)] instead of arr[seq]. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, arr[np.array(seq)], which will result either in an error or a different result.
vi = self.v[inds]
/home/shenzy/lsd_temp_file/GrouPy/groupy/garray/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use arr[tuple(seq)] instead of arr[seq]. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, arr[np.array(seq)], which will result either in an error or a different result.
return self.factory([key], p=self.p)
groupy.gfunc.test_gfuncarray.test_p4m_func ... ok
groupy.gfunc.test_gfuncarray.test_z2_func ... ok

ERROR: Failure: TypeError (Argument 'source' has incorrect type (expected unicode, got str))

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/shenzy/anaconda3/envs/gconv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 418, in loadTestsFromName
addr.filename, addr.module)
File "/home/shenzy/anaconda3/envs/gconv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 47, in importFromPath
return self.importFromDir(dir_path, fqname)
File "/home/shenzy/anaconda3/envs/gconv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/", line 94, in importFromDir
mod = load_module(part_fqname, fh, filename, desc)
File "/home/shenzy/lsd_temp_file/GrouPy/groupy/gconv/chainer_gconv/", line 2, in
from groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv.p4_conv import P4ConvZ2, P4ConvP4
File "/home/shenzy/lsd_temp_file/GrouPy/groupy/gconv/chainer_gconv/", line 1, in
from groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv.splitgconv2d import SplitGConv2D
File "/home/shenzy/lsd_temp_file/GrouPy/groupy/gconv/chainer_gconv/", line 10, in
from groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv.transform_filter import TransformGFilter
File "/home/shenzy/lsd_temp_file/GrouPy/groupy/gconv/chainer_gconv/", line 8, in
from groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv.kernels.integer_indexing_cuda_kernel import grad_index_group_func_kernel
File "/home/shenzy/lsd_temp_file/GrouPy/groupy/gconv/chainer_gconv/kernels/", line 61, in
_index_group_func_kernel32 = compile_with_cache(_index_group_func_str.format('float')).get_function('indexing_kernel')
TypeError: Argument 'source' has incorrect type (expected unicode, got str)

Ran 9 tests in 1.018s

can't install GrouPy successfully

I get some trouble when I install Groupy according to

After installing chainer with cupy and tensorflow-gpu, I run "chainer.backends.cuda.available" and "chainer.backends.cuda.cudnn_enabled", they all return True. However, when I run "nosetests -v", it shows as below.
Failure: CompileException (/tmp/tmpezKDyD/ error: a value of type "const ptrdiff_t *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const int *"
/tmp/tmpezKDyD/ error: a value of type "const ptrdiff_t *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const int *"

I just skiped it and run the examples in the "Getting Started". The tensorflow example can run without any error, but the chainer example has some wrong as shown belowed.
File "/data/mbqiu/anaconda3/envs/gconv-python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/groupy/gconv/chainer_gconv/", line 8, in
from groupy.gconv.chainer_gconv.kernels.integer_indexing_cuda_kernel import grad_index_group_func_kernel
ImportError: No module named kernels.integer_indexing_cuda_kernel

I checked carefully and found that the two subdirectories--kernels and pooling--is lost from gconv/chainer_gconv/.

my version is ubuntu==16.04, cuda==8.0, chainer==4.5.0, cupy-cuda80==4.5.0, tensorflow-gpu=1.4.0.

What's wrong?

Transformed filters count towards learnable parameters

I'm puzzled by the number of trainable parameters in networks using gconv2d.

The script below creates a network using gconv2ds from Z2 to C4 to C4 and counts the number of learnable parameters in the network.

For the groups C4 and D4, the result is S times larger different than what I expected, where S is the number of non-translation transformations, i.e. roto-flips (so S=4 for C4 and S=8 for D4).

Specifically, I'd expect there to be the same number of learnable parameters in a gconv2d layer as in a a normal 2D conv layer (namely n_feat_maps_in*n_feat_maps_out*kernel_size**2, when both have no biases, as is the case for this repository).

So, for C4, the number of parameters I would expect to be learnable in the example below would be 135 + 315, when it turns out to instead be 135 + 315*4. Similarly for D4, we get 135 + 315*8.

I understand how the total number of parameters should be 135 + 315*4 for C4 and 135 + 315*8 for D4, since the filters are practically speaking different (in that they have been roto-flipped).
However, I don't think that they should all be individually learnable (since the roto-flip transformations are not learnable), and I'm worried that there may be a problem in the implementation.
It could also very well be that I have misunderstood something fundamental, but isn't the whole point of gconvs related to a group G that they are equivariant to the transformations in G without an increase in the number of trainable parameters?

Finally, the test for equivariance at the end of the below script also fails. Is this related, or am I testing the wrong thing?

For the record, I'm finding the same when using the keras_gcnn Keras implementation, i.e., I get the same (and higher than expected) number of trainable parameters when using the model.summary() method of Keras.

Thank you for your time, and for this awesome work!

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from groupy.gconv.tensorflow_gconv.splitgconv2d import gconv2d, gconv2d_util

# Model parameters
kernel_size = 3

n_feat_maps_0 = 3
n_feat_maps_1 = 5
n_feat_maps_2 = 7

group_0 = 'Z2'
group_1 = 'C4'
group_2 = 'C4' # Not currently implemented for C4 --> D4

# Construct graph
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 9, 9, n_feat_maps_0])

# Z2 --> C4 convolution
gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
    h_input=group_0, h_output=group_1, in_channels=n_feat_maps_0, out_channels=n_feat_maps_1, ksize=kernel_size)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=x, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
            gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)

# C4 --> C4 convolution
gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info, w_shape = gconv2d_util(
    h_input=group_1, h_output=group_2, in_channels=n_feat_maps_1, out_channels=n_feat_maps_2, ksize=kernel_size)
w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(w_shape, stddev=1.))
y = gconv2d(input=y, filter=w, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME',
            gconv_indices=gconv_indices, gconv_shape_info=gconv_shape_info)

# Compute
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
sess = tf.Session()
output =, feed_dict={x: np.random.randn(10, 9, 9, 3)})

print(output.shape)  # (10, 9, 9, 28)

# Count the number of trainable parameters
print(np.sum([ for v in tf.trainable_variables()])) # 1395 (135 + 315*4)

# Test equivariance by comparing outputs for rotated versions of same datapoint
datapoint = np.random.randn(9, 9, 3)
input = np.stack([datapoint, np.rot90(datapoint)])
output =, feed_dict={x: input})
print(np.allclose(output[0], np.rot90(output[1]))) # False


Question about the merge dimension of input channel and groups

Thank you for giving a fascinating tutorial in NeurIPS 2020 about equivariance, I am very interested and new in this field. After reading your paper, I have a question about the merging of the dimension of the input channel and groups. If we rotate the whole original image, in my understanding, the equivariant transformation is to permute the order in the group-dimension in the second feature representations (ignoring the translation). But if you merge this dimension into input-channels, how to keep the permutation equivariance in the following features? In short, for example, what is the operation for the last feature representations equivariant to the rotation for the whole original image.

Python version

Hi! I was wondering if the Tensorflow code was written for Python 2.7 or Python 3.
Currently, running the sample code I got no error with Python 2.7, but "ValueError: ("Size of label '%s' for operand %d does not match previous terms.", 'G', 1)" when running on Python3.

Thank you!

The axes of the output of function gconv2d are inconsistent with the axes of its input

Hello @tscohen

I'm trying to use the tensorflow API in your GrouPy lib. And I faced some problem. Then I find in GrouPy/groupy/gconv/tensorflow_gconv/ that the axes of returned tensor are (batch, out channels, height, width). And I notice that the input axes are (batch, height, width, in channels).

However, in your tensorflow sample code, you simply feed the the output of the previous conv layer into the next conv layer without any reshape. Does it make sense ?

Thanks a lot!

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