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pskoans's Issues

Conditionals - logic error

It "can be used to select a value for a variable"
Get-Thing returns the length.
$Result = if ($Thing.Length -gt 5)
That's the Length of the Length.
"$Thing is less than 5" seems to refer to the first order length.

50 is less than 5 seems strange.
I'd alter the conditional if ($Thing -gt 5)
Ty @dizzi90

Issue with the AboutArrays.Koans.ps1 file

Describe "Koan Bug, Issue, or Help Request"

I noticed that the last test 'does not throw exceptions with invalid indexes' in the Foundations\AboutArrays.Koans.ps1 file passes without any user modifications.

Context "The Problematic Assertions"

It 'does not throw exceptions with invalid indexes' {
$Array = 1, 2, 3, 4
# It allows negative indexes, but what about indexes out of range?
__ | Should -Be $Array[4]
# What about undefined negative indexes?
__ | Should -Be $Array[-10]

Both sides of the Pipeline are $null. The left side has the alias named __, and that calls the function Get-Blank that returns $null. On the right side the Should -Be values are outside of the range of the array, and that also returns $null.

Context "Your Attempts"

I had attempted to change the __ to 0, which now fails and the following is displayed when running Measure-Karma.

The answers you seek...

Expected $null, but got 0.

    Please meditate on the following code:

[It] does not throw exceptions with invalid indexes
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\Username\PSKoans\Foundations\AboutArrays.Koans.ps1: line 99
99:         0 | Should -Be $Array[4]

Context "Additional Information"

I'm running the following versions:
PSversion: 5.1.17763.134
pskoans: 0.42.2
pester: 4.6.0


Describe the koan you'd like to see
Hashtables, like most non-primitive types, are reference types. The use and effect of .Clone should be introduced.

Outline the scope you think would be most helpful and conducive to the koan format

Additional context

Hashtables and [Ordered]

The partial answers are only reliable if the hashtable is ordered. Keys are stored in hash order, not entered order.

        It 'allows you to retrieve a list of keys or values' {
            $Hashtable = @{One = 1; Two = 2; Three = 3; Four = 4}

            $Hashtable.Keys | Should -Be @('__', '__', '__', '__')
            $Hashtable.Values | Should -Be @( , , , 4)

        It 'allows you to remove keys' {
            $Hashtable = @{
                One   = 1
                Two   = 2
                Three = 3
                Four  = 4


            $Hashtable.Count | Should -Be __
            $Hashtable.Keys | Should -Be @('__', '__', 'Four')
            $Hashtable.Values | Should -Be @( , , 4)

Recommend introducing (with another Koan) and adding [Ordered].

AboutFunctionsAndScriptBlocks koans Issues

Add-Numbers -Number2 8 -Number1 12 | Should -Be 20

Add a comment explaining that values passed to parameters are passed to the parameter variables within the function for that run of the function.

$Script # Try appending .Invoke() to this line to cause the original block to be executed

Change the comment to more clearly indicate exactly where in the line to place the .Invoke() call

Add actual Pester tests for module functions

Minus any that aren't... really... testable -- e.g., the standard output for the rake function is all Write-Host and shouldn't do anything.
Perhaps that should be Mocked to just do nothing unless params are supplied? I'm not sure. Or at least the Write-MeditationPrompt should be mocked, anyway.
Anyway, need to figure all that stuff out to make sure the core module bits and pieces work properly!

AboutPSProviders Aliases fails itself

Line 38 on the AboutPSProviders koan tests how many aliases exist... and then Line 51 creates a new one, which buggers the count you probably did to complete line 38. This could be fixed by adding a line at the top of the file to remove the alias that gets created if it exists.

AboutStrings is not cross-platform

Describe "Koan Bug, Issue, or Help Request"

The Evaluated Strings context in Foundations/AboutStrings.Koans.ps1 calls Get-Item 'C:\Windows' which will always fail on non-Windows machine.

Context "The Problematic Assertions"

Evaluated Strings context:

        It 'can do a simple expansion' {
            $Windows = Get-Item 'C:\Windows' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
            '__' | Should -Be "The windows directory is located here: $Windows"

Context "Your Attempts"

There are few ways this could be fixed. If you prefer to use Get-Item without a variable, you could use something like Get-Item '.'. Or if you don't mind variables you could use something like Get-Item $env:HOME. Or you could something less platform specific like

        It 'can do a simple expansion' {
            $DayOfWeek = Get-Date | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DayOfWeek
            '__' | Should -Be "The day of the week today is $DayofWeek"

clarification in

Great project!

Trying to follow but hit some hurdles

  1. Clone the Repo
    currently it states:
git clone the repository into your desired directory, or download and extract the repository as a .zip file into a directory of your choice

guess it actually meant:

git clone the repository into your desired directory, or download the repository as a .zip file and extract  into a directory of your choice
  1. run Measure-Karma fails for me, did I make an error?
PS C:\Users\user> Install-Module PSKoans -Scope CurrentUser
PS C:\Users\user> Measure-Karma
Measure-Karma : The term 'Measure-Karma' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

-  PSKoans 0.39.6.

-  $psversiontable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      6.0.3
PSEdition                      Core
GitCommitId                    v6.0.3
OS                             Microsoft Windows 10.0.17134
Platform                       Win32NT
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3
WSManStackVersion              3.0

AboutAssignmentAndArithmetic Arrays Example

AboutAssignmentAndArithmetic L75

[int[]]@(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) + '17' | Should -Be @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17)

I'm not sure this example teaches the intended lesson. By appending '17' to the end of the array declaration like that, PowerShell just writes the 1..5 out, and then appends '17' to the output. It does the same thing with strings that can't be coerced to an integer, although the comment on the line before indicates that the value is being converted.

[int[]]@(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) + '17' | gm returns member information for both integers and strings, indicating both types of values are written to the pipeline.

At first I thought this was occurring because no type coercion was being performed because no assignment operation was being done. Turns out, nope. Try this example.

$a = [int[]]@(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
$a += '17'
$a += "I love PSKoans"

I love PSKoans

Version info


Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.18300.1001
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.18300.1001
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

Provider Clearer Context around Write-Output vs Return

Describe "Koan Bug, Issue, or Help Request"


Koan could use clearer context around Write-Output vs return statements.

Context "The Problematic Assertions"

The following code could be clearer on what is happening specifically around that Write-Output can return multiple values to the pipe where return stops all output and doesn't run any code after it.

Original Code

 It 'allows you to assign a name to a sequence of commands' {
            An apt name eases the transition to abstraction.
            PowerShell function names are named in convention following
            the cmdlets; Verb-Noun. To see the list of approved
            PowerShell verbs, run 'Get-Verb' in the console.

            There are many methods of sending output from a function.
        function Get-Number {
                Explicit use of Write-Output allows multiple items to be output
                within the function without causing the function to exit.
            Write-Output 20
        function Get-ReturnedNumber {
                Use of the return statement causes all output previously declared
                to be sent, along with any output passed to the return statement
                itself, then ends the function.
            return 13
        function Get-DroppedNumber {
                Leaving a value, or a statement that returns a value on a line
                by itself causes that output to be 'dropped' to the output
                stream, similar to functional languages. It can be considered
                an implicit (and faster) 'Write-Output'

        20 | Should -Be (Get-Number)
        Get-ReturnedNumber | Should -Be 13
        12 | Should -Be (Get-DroppedNumber)

Modified Code

    It 'allows you to assign a name to a sequence of commands' {
            An apt name eases the transition to abstraction.
            PowerShell function names are named in convention following
            the cmdlets; Verb-Noun. To see the list of approved
            PowerShell verbs, run 'Get-Verb' in the console.

            There are many methods of sending output from a function.
        function Get-Number {
                Explicit use of Write-Output allows multiple items to be output
                within the function without causing the function to exit.
            Write-Output 20
            Write-Output 42
        function Get-ReturnedNumber {
                Use of the return statement causes all output previously declared
                to be sent, along with any output passed to the return statement
                itself, then ends the function.
            return 13
            Write-Output "Doe not return"
        function Get-DroppedNumber {
                Leaving a value, or a statement that returns a value on a line
                by itself causes that output to be 'dropped' to the output
                stream, similar to functional languages. It can be considered
                an implicit (and faster) 'Write-Output'

        20,42 | Should -Be (Get-Number)
        Get-ReturnedNumber | Should -Be 13
        12 | Should -Be (Get-DroppedNumber)

Happy to provide a pull request if there is interest.

Progress Bar throws error under PowerShell ISE environment

Describe "Module Bug or Issue"

When running Measure-Karma under ISE the following error is printed in lieu of the progress bar:

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: times
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\pskoans\0.42.2\Private\Write-MeditationPrompt.ps1:138 char:20
+                 "$([char]0x2015)" * ($ProgressWidth - $PortionDone)
+                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [], ArgumentOutOfRangeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Context "The Problem"

Running Measure-Karma in the ISE integrated console triggers the issue consistently.

Context "Expected Behavior"

The progress bar should be printed as per normal

This appears to be due to the ISE console not populating the $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize field. It appears it does correctly populate the $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize field instead, so the width from that field should also be checked.

AboutStringOperators order of koans

Describe "Koan Bug, Issue, or Help Request"

These two koans should be swapped around for a more logical progression. /cc @thomasrayner

Context "Additional Information"

It 'can use simple matching' {
$String = 'hello.dear'
$String -split '.', 0, 'simplematch' | Should -Be @('__', '__')
It 'can limit the number of substrings' {
$Planets = 'Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune'
$Planets -split ',', 4 | Should -Be @('__', '__', '__', '__')

Ordered Hashtables .Keys and .Values properties aren't regular arrays

Describe "Koan Bug, Issue, or Help Request"

Context "Your Attempts"

The .Keys and .Values properties of ordered hashtables aren't regular arrays and so these assertions fail, even when the learner enters the values in order.

Context "Additional Information"

Appending .ForEach{$_} to both lines to get an array out of these properties would work around this issue. Otherwise the arrays will have to be constructed differently.

Divide by 0 error

A problem when jumping too many versions:

At C:\Users\Chris\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\pskoans\0.41.0\Private\Write-MeditationPrompt.ps1:150 char:13
+             $PortionDone = ($KoansPassed / $TotalKoans) * $ProgressWi ...
+             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException

Attempted to divide by zero.

Script stack trace:

at Write-MeditationPrompt, C:\Users\Chris\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\pskoans\0.41.0\Private\Write-MeditationPrompt.ps1: line 150
at Measure-Karma, C:\Users\Chris\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\pskoans\0.41.0\Public\Measure-Karma.ps1: line 118
at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 1

It seems the quotation marks are borking this.

$Quotes = 'These are ''quotation marks'' you see?'


From the about_quotationRules

To make double-quotation marks appear in a string, enclose the entire
string in single quotation marks. For example:

    'As they say, "live and learn."'

The output of this command is:

    As they say, "live and learn."

You can also enclose a single-quoted string in a double-quoted string.
For example:

    "As they say, 'live and learn.'"

The output of this command is:

    As they say, 'live and learn.'

Or, double the quotation marks around a double-quoted phrase. For

    "As they say, ""live and learn."""

The output of this command is:

    As they say, "live and learn."

To include a single quotation mark in a single-quoted string, use a
second consecutive single quote. For example:


The output of this command is:


Enforce Consistency / Readability of Colors

Describe "Functionality"

Console colors can be reconfigured arbitrarily, causing our set colors for Show-MeditationPrompt to become a bit unreadable. We could handle this better.

Context "Private or Public? What are the use cases? Parameters? Options?"

Private module handler command, possibly tied in with Write-ConsoleLine

Context "Additional Information"

from @SeeminglyScience's reply:

@vexx32 If PSReadLine is loaded you can pull from it's settings to determine what colors to use.

$psrlModule = Get-Module PSReadLine
if (-not $psrlModule) {

$options = Get-PSReadLineOption
if ($psrlModule.Version.Major -ge 2) {
    # Handle as ANSI escape
    return '{1}Colored like a number{0} {2}Colored like a keyword{0}' -f (
        "$([char]27)[0m", # Reset color ANSI escape
} else {
    # Handle like ConsoleColor

/cc @thomasrayner @SeeminglyScience

"your path thus far:" error when running first measure-karma

I am setting up and trying pskoans for the first time. Following the readme here in github. I installed from the gallery. on step 1 of the start your journey section, to run 'measure-karma' for the first time I got the error in the attached screenshot.


Add Topic - AboutClasses

demonstrate how to create classes. How properties and methods works, access modifiers (hidden), inheritance etc. I wouldn't mind chipping in if it's something you want in the project

Discovery / Get-Member

I don't quite understand this one. It feels like the answer is wrong (although it is, of course, not).

        Context 'Members of objects returned from cmdlets' {
            It 'actually returns objects itself' {
                $MemberData = 'string' | Get-Member
                # We can all betray our own selves.
                $MemberData | Should -BeOfType [Object[]]

Just me?


Upgrading while learning in progress

Describe "Module Bug or Issue"

If you want to upgrade from one version of PSKoans to a newer one while your learning is in progress (some koans are done, some are not done), you're going to get a bunch of errors because of changes in the engine and how some of the koans have been restructured.

Context "The Problem"

Everybody wants the latest and greatest versions of their modules, but changing versions while your learning is in progress will result in a wide variety of different issues depending which versions you're moving between.

Context "Expected Behavior"

An upgrade should automatically detect inprog koans and edit them accordingly, or otherwise report your progress. If a new koan is in a file that was previously completely solved, there should be a friendly message describing that scenario.

Obviously the expected behavior is up for debate, but it's not a reasonable assumption that people will start and end their PSKoans learning journey on the same version of the module - especially while hard working folks like @vexx32 @steviecoaster and @corbob are contributing new koans.

dbatools for Koans

Describe the koan you'd like to see
For years, seekers of enlightenment had to sully their karma and physical bodies with SQLPS.

SLOW was their loading times!
CHANGED was their path!
WARNED where they of unapproved verbs (which elicited a few unapproved 4 letter words from the seekers themselves...)

Then LO! As how a journey starts with but a single step, a new module arrived from the need to improve a single action.
From a migration tool to a fully fledged module, dbatools has become the de facto module for interacting with SQL Server.

Outline the scope you think would be most helpful and conducive to the koan format
dbatools has most of their commands broken down into categories themselves so we can work off that if needed.

Start off small, say server/database information. Then move up to say SQL Server Agent Jobs, etc.

Additional context
Blog posts and websites and people, oh my!
dbatools website
Chrissy LeMaire
Rob Sewell

and more and more and more

Perhaps chapter/milemarkers for better sense of progression.

I just started on the Koans last night, mostly enjoying it.
Currently, however, shifts from one subject to another are abrupt. "Oh, I guess I'm doing assignment operators now?"

Describe "Functionality"

Progress is currently shown purely as a "x of (total)". I'm contemplating the idea of having the various subjects being titled and represented by "Mile Markers" in the progress display. Perhaps have them represented by a glyph/symbol, and only display the current and next subject in order to keep the output manageable/readable.


Digging into errorrecords too early/without coverage

Describe "Koan Bug, Issue, or Help Request"

Context "Additional Information"

At this point in one's PSKoans journey, they probably aren't ready to dig into error records to find expected messages. They can probably guess at it, but it might be too early, or need a comment describing what's expected of the learner. But hey, at least it's just expectedmessage not expectedtype!

Suggestion: PSObject koans

Describe "Koan(s) You Suggest"

All PowerShell objects are wrapped in PSObject wrappers, which is typically hidden but very much accessible and useful to work with on occasion. These members are available to all objects, including PSCustomObject-created PSObject instances, but these koans are not currently covered in AboutCustomObjects.

Context "The Scope of the Koans You Suggest"


Context "Additional Information"

  • ,@() | Get-Member -Force

Initialize-KoanDirectory parameter and confirmation could be misleading.

From issue #12

So either we need to change the ConfirmImpact of the function to High or we need to alter the call that the Get-Enlightenment function does with the -Reset switch to call the Initialize-KoanDirectory function with the -Confirm switch.

My opinion is, Initialize-KoanDirectory is not an exported function, so the simplest option is to remove the -FirstImport parameter and set ConfirmImpact to High.

Could easily be convinced the other direction.

List all available Topics

It would be nice to see all the topics covered by the Koans. Something like this:

Measure-Karma -ListAllTopics

AboutConditionals \ Types of Switch \ accepts wildcard conditions

The regex muddies this example a lot.

The regex will turn input like Harmless into H,a,a,a,r,a,m,a,l,a,e,a,s,a,s,a,. This is distinctly confusing and detracts from the example which is focuses on wildcard matching in switch.

I recommend this example is reviewed.

Unit test the answers

Maybe we should include the answers somewhere in the project but not publish them with the module in the gallery. This way we can find bugs in the koans before we push. Thoughts?

Missing Planet

Describe "Koan Bug, Issue, or Help Request"


Context "The Problematic Assertions"

It 'can limit the number of substrings' {
            $Planets = 'Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune'
            $Planets -split ',', 4 | Should -Be @('Mecury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune')

Context "Your Attempts"

I attempted to admire a list of all the planets, including Pluto. Instead, I witnessed only 8.

Context "Additional Information"

Sources: WolframAlpha

Powershell $env:PSModulePath delimiter


just i minor thing i've noticed in the readme while trying it on mac and windows:

  • Windows delimiter for $env:PSModulePath is ';'
  • MacOs delimiter for $env:PSModulePath is ':'

Tested with:

  • Powershell 5.1, 6.1.1 on Windows
  • Powershell 6.1.1 on MacOs

Problem with the installation instructions


I am having trouble following some instruction as they expected outcome does not occur. I assume that some update must have changed the way it was meant to work.

Double click on the PSKoans.psm1 file, and VS Code will launch a powershell console

When I double click this file in the Visual Studio Code it just opens it for me to read and edit the code not actually run it.


Add Zen Testing Grounds I

Courtesy of @romero126 on the PS Discord:

    Master Koan! The Monks of the PowerShell order have become angry, and began to complain 
    that the best chores are being given to the favored Monks. In order to prevent the dishonor of 
    the angry Monks we must fix this.

    Write a PowerShell script that takes input of [array[int]]$data, [int]$n that takes in a list of less 
    than 100 integers and a number n, and returns that same list but with all of the numbers that 
    occur more than n times removed entirely. The returned list should retain the same ordering 
    as the origional list. For instance, if data was @(1, 3, 5, 3, 2) and $n is 1, the answer would result 
    in a list @(1,5,2) because 3 occurs twice, and thus was removed from the list entirely.
param ($data, $n)

This has been committed as a draft here:

The flavour text may need to be tweaked or rewritten entirely if needed.

AboutDiscovery \ Get-Command \ PSKoans


    It 'can look for commands by module' {
        $KoanCommands = Get-Command -Module 'PSKoans'

        $KoanCommands.Count | Should -Be 5
        $KoanCommands.Name | Should -Be @('Get-Enlightenment', 'Invoke-PSKoans', 'Test-Koans', 'Get-Blanks', 'Measure-Karma')

Would you consider that answer correct?

PSKoans doesn't. When the test executes it also finds the commands which are not exported from the module (because it is executing inside the module scope).

See the response with a few line breaks for clarity:

@('Get-Enlightenment', 'Invoke-PSKoans', 'Test-Koans', 'Get-Blanks', 'Measure-Karma'), 

but got 
@('Get-Enlightenment', 'Invoke-PSKoans', 'Test-Koans', 'Assert-Equality', 'Get-Blank', 'Initialize-KoanDirectory', 'Measure-Karma', 'Measure-Koan', 'Write-MeditationPrompt').

Hard to fix while preserving the relative simplicity of the test.

AboutPSProviders \ FileSystem Provider

On completion of PSKoans 201 (AboutDiscovery), evaluation of a previous answer starts to fail:

Describing 'If/Else' has damaged your karma.

    You have not yet reached enlightenment.

    The answers you seek...

Expected '0 is less than 5', but got 10191.

    Please meditate on the following code:

[It] can be used to select a value for a variable
at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\chrident\PSKoans\Foundations\AboutConditionals.Koans.ps1: line 62
62:             $Result | Should -Be '0 is less than 5'

Because AboutPSProviders starts to add content to that same path which may change the previously given answer:

Describe 'FileSystem Provider' {
    $Path = $home | Join-Path -ChildPath 'File001.tmp'
    if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) {
        New-Item -Path $Path > $null

This is not cleaned unless you already have all the answers to that section right. I suggest using TestDrive for this set of examples, or at the very least somewhere else. Thoughts?

Measure-Karma should allow selecting a specific topic

Measure-Karma Topic should allow you to complete the Koans in that particular topic


I wish to complete the Koans on String operators only at this time. I would simply execute Measure-Karma -Topic AboutStringOperators and the Koans for that particular section would load and be made available to me to complete.

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