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datetime-fortran's Issues

Bug in `datetime % secondsSinceEpoch`

Calling datetime % secondsSinceEpoch() fails when called with a datetime instance with the value later than approximately datetime(2001,9,9) with the internal formatted read error (-5). The error results if the return value of datetime % strftime("%s") has less than 10 digits.

logical comparision error

Line 1410 needs to be changed from

IF(self%stopped == .TRUE.)THEN


IF(self%stopped .EQV. .TRUE.)THEN

because logicals must be compared with .eqv. instead of ==

gives gfortran 4.8.1 error

Building with autotools (not all libs are copied)

and HUGE thanks for your enormous effort. Now datetime operations in FORTRAN have stopped being a nightmare! 👍 One weird thing I'd like to highlight though. Building with autotools:

./configure --prefix=/path/to/folder
make install

at the make install stage the only datetime_module.mod is actually copied in the destination include folder. That is not enough to link datetime.
Fast solution: manually copy all *.mod files from src/lib to /path/to/folder/include.
The issue is probably OS related. I'm using CentOS7, ifort-19.

incorrect literal with REAL64 kind

The statement below (and similar ones) are incorrect:

real(kind=real64),parameter :: d2s = 86400_real64

the reason being is that 86400 is an integer literal, and the REAL64 kind is for real types. This might work if the REAL64 kind is the same as integer kinds, but will not work otherwise. The safe option is to convert it to real, i.e.

real(kind=real64),parameter :: d2s = 86400.0_real64

I came across this when trying to build it with the NAG Fortran compiler. Might be worth building it with the NAG compiler to catch any other potential bugs.


Bug in datetime arithmetic when subtracting hours?

I have run into some odd behaviour when I perform datetime arithmetic using a negative timedelta. This issue only seems to occur when the subtraction causes a change in month.

Basically, I want to subtract six hours from a date, but when I do this on the first of the month at 00:00 time, I get incorrect results for some months. Consider the following code:

      PROGRAM datetime_test


      TYPE(datetime)   :: date, date2
      INTEGER          :: m

      DO m=1,12
         date = DATETIME(2013,m,1,0,0,0,0) ! First of month
         date2 = date + timedelta(hours=-6)
         PRINT*, date%isoformat(), " -6hrs = ",date2%isoformat()

      END PROGRAM datetime_test

This is the output:

 2013-01-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2012-12-31T18:00:00.000
 2013-02-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-01-28T18:00:00.000 
 2013-03-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-03-03T18:00:00.000 !! WRONG!
 2013-04-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-03-30T18:00:00.000
 2013-05-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-05-01T18:00:00.000 !! WRONG!
 2013-06-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-05-30T18:00:00.000
 2013-07-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-07-01T18:00:00.000 !! WRONG!
 2013-08-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-07-31T18:00:00.000
 2013-09-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-08-30T18:00:00.000
 2013-10-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-10-01T18:00:00.000 !! WRONG!
 2013-11-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-10-30T18:00:00.000
 2013-12-01T00:00:00.000 -6hrs = 2013-12-01T18:00:00.000

The results for March, May, July and October are incorrect: the hour is correct, but the day and month has not changed.

CMake uses different compiler flags to autotools

Please note that the static library built via CMake is built with different flags compared to when it is built with Autotools.

e.g. Cmake:

/usr/bin/f95   -O3 -DNDEBUG -O3 -Jinclude -c [...]/datetime-fortran.git/src/datetime_module.f90 -o CMakeFiles/datetime.dir/src/datetime_module.f90.o
/usr/bin/ar qc lib/libdatetime.a CMakeFiles/datetime.dir/src/datetime_module.f90.o
/usr/bin/ranlib lib/libdatetime.a

e.g. Autotools:

gfortran -c -Wall datetime_module.f90
ar ruv libdatetime.a datetime_module.o
ar: `u' modifier ignored since `D' is the default (see `U')
ar: creating libdatetime.a
a - datetime_module.o


$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Debian 12.2.0-3) 12.2.0

$ ar --version
GNU ar (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.39

Compilation error

Hi I am trying to compile the datetime.f90, but getting this error message, do you know what is wrong?

PGF90-F-0155-No default initialization in structure constructor- member yearday$tbp$0 (datetime.f90: 229)

The compiler is pgf95. Compilation command is:

pgf95 -c .... -Mreentrant -Miomutex -byteswapio -I. -tp nehalem-64 -mcmodel=medium -Bdynamic -O0 -V -Mbounds   -g -Ktrap=fp  datetime.f90


date2num(num2date()) test and more

Please consider these tests:

    d = datetime(2009, 12, 23,  9,  47, 0)
    print *, d%yearday()
    print *, d
    print *, num2date(date2num(d))

    print *, "num2date tests"
    d = d % now()
    print *, d
    print *, num2date(date2num(d))

First part works fine and d == num2date(date2num(d)) and it is OK since time zone is 0.
But when you create a date time with now timezone is set and that might lead that d /= num2date(date2num(d)). I understand that num2date won't save time zone but you have this test in your tests on a date created with now:

  ! Test date2num and num2date

  a = a % now()
  tests(n) = assert(a == num2date(date2num(a)),&
                    'datetime = num2date(date2num(datetime))')
  n = n+1

It did pass for me yesterday somehow.... Probably it appeared today because I added the loops in addHours and in addMinutes as well..


Automated doc generation with FORD

Current markdown documentation for datetime-fortran is nice but was written by hand. Obviously, this approach worked early on but does not scale with the growth of the project.

The code should be documented in the format that is readable by the amazing FORD.

Error invoking datetime constructor with ifort-17.0.5

Have intel/ Isn't that how it is supposed to work?


USE datetime_module, ONLY: datetime, timedelta


TYPE(datetime) :: utctime

! utctime=datetime(2013,1,1,tz=-5)

! PRINT *,utctime%utc


make test.x
ifort -c -L/apps/netcdf/4.3.0-intel/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -I/apps/netcdf/4.3.0-intel/include -L/home/Mariusz.Pagowski/codes/datetime-fortran/build/lib -ldatetime -I/home/Mariusz.Pagowski/codes/datetime-fortran/build/include test.f90
test.f90(10): error #6053: Structure constructor may not have fields with the PRIVATE attribute [YEAR]
test.f90(10): error #6053: Structure constructor may not have fields with the PRIVATE attribute [MONTH]
test.f90(10): error #8211: This component-spec has already been specified. [YEAR]
test.f90(10): error #6053: Structure constructor may not have fields with the PRIVATE attribute [YEAR]
compilation aborted for test.f90 (code 1)
make: *** [test.o] Error 1

strptime does not zero tm struct before calling c_strptime

man strptime gives an example code like the below:

           struct tm tm;
           char buf[255];

           memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
           strptime("2001-11-12 18:31:01", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
           strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %b %Y %H:%M", &tm);

The tm struct is zeroed before calling. datetime-fortran strptime does not do this which means that depending on the time string/format parts of the tm struct can be left containing uninitialised values.

Generic procedure including a sub-class of TimeDelta

I faced a problem with a sub-class of timedelta.
I defined a generic procedure name for operator(+) (as below, can be compiled),
but the program executes the operator for TimeDelta, not for RelativeDelta.

type, extends(TimeDelta) :: RelativeDelta
end type RelativeDelta

interface operator(+)
    module procedure datetime_plus_relativedelta
    module procedure relativedelta_plus_datetime
end interface operator(+)

One possible reason is class in the original datetime_plus_timedelta function.
While type(timedelta) indicates only timedelta class, class(timedelta) does sub-classes in addition to timedelta class.

pure elemental function datetime_plus_timedelta(d0,t) result(d)
  class(datetime), intent(in) :: d0 !! `datetime` instance
  class(timedelta),intent(in) :: t  !! `timedelta` instance

Could you update the attribute from class to type in non-method procedures?
Or what can I do for overloading of such a function?
I will appreciate your help with this issue.

Dealing with huge timedelta values

Once again thank you for this saving life lib!

I have to deal with datasets where time is written as, say, "seconds since 1900-01-01 ...". In order to convert any modern date into this format, I need to subtract 1900-01-01 from it and than convert into seconds using total_seconds. Obviously. But the total_seconds function becomes crazy if the number of days exceeds 68 years. It happens because privates in timedelta (days,hours,etc) are integer(4) by default and hence in total_seconds self % days*86400=68x365x86400 seconds exceeds HUGE(integer(4)):

  total_seconds = self % days*86400 + self % hours*3600&
                + self % minutes*60 + self % seconds   &
                + self % milliseconds*1e-3_real64

Fast check:

program test
use datetime_module
implicit none

type(datetime)  :: a,b
type(timedelta) :: c
integer :: ii

    ! print*,"Setting a very long period (approx. 63 to 74 year)"
    do ii = 23000, 27000, 100
         c = timedelta(days=ii)
     end do

end program test

Fast and rough cure: recompile the datetime-fortran lib using integer(8) by default. For Intel Compiler it would look like this:

FC=ifort FCFLAGS='-g -i8' ./configure --prefix=/path/to/folder 
make install

It did the trick for me.

datetime and timedelta constructor validation

datetime and timedelta contructor function currently do not implement and validation of input arguments to the contructor. For example, the datetime contructor needs to validate the following:

  • Is year > 0?
  • Is 0 < month < 13?
  • Is 0 < day < 32?
  • etc.

and raise an exception if any of the above tests fail. Similarly for timedelta constructor.

Currently, these constructors are implemented as pure elemental functions which allows the user to instantiate an array of datetimes or timedeltas in a familiar Fortran array syntax. Once the above validations and raising exceptions are implemented, these functions cannot be pure (nor elemental) anymore, because only an impure procedure can write to standard output and stop the program. Consequently, this will require implementing a separate version of constructors that will accept arrays as actual arguments, and which will be used for overloading the contructor.

Cannot set seconds or others of timedelta

Code is as following:

time_step_size = timedelta(seconds=time_step_size_in)

and error is:

Error: Component 'seconds' at (1) is a PRIVATE component of 'timedelta'

The Fortran compiler that I am using is gfortran 7.2.0.

Remove Makefile.ori files

The project has a number of files called Makefile.ori. These were the orginal makefiles. Now that autotools has been implemented successfully, they are redundant and can be removed from the project wherever they exist.

num2date produces invalid datetime instance

Reported by Hamid Oloso:

Example program that produces wrong datetime instance when the datetime%day of the input instance is the last day of the month

program testDateTime
    use datetime_module
    implicit none
    type (datetime) :: myDatetime

    myDateTime = datetime(1989, 2, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    print *, num2date(date2num(myDatetime))
end program
ifort -c datetime.f90
ifort -I. testDatetime.f90 datetime.o


1989           3           0           0           0           0         0 

Please note how the month is 3 instead of 2 and day is 0 instead of 28.

Very strange (possibly compiler) bug with date2num

The patch below introduces one passing and one failing test. This problem occurred with intel 17 but not 15, 16 or 18. It did not happen with gfortran.

diff --git a/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90 b/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90
index 0abb98d..799fadb 100644
--- a/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90
+++ b/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90
@@ -1026,6 +1026,16 @@ SUBROUTINE test_datetime
                     'datetime % utc() == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (now)')
   n = n+1

+  a = datetime(1901,05,1)
+  tests(n) = assert(a == num2date(date2num(a)),&
+                    'datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (weird bug passes)')
+  n = n+1
+  a = datetime(1901,05,1,3)
+  tests(n) = assert(a == num2date(date2num(a)),&
+                    'datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (weird bug fails)')
+  n = n+1
   ! Test for overflowing month
   a = datetime(2014,11,30,1)
   tests(n) = assert(a == num2date(date2num(a)),&

Intel 14 gives a compiler error

Scanning dependencies of target datetime_tests
[ 88%] Building Fortran object CMakeFiles/datetime_tests.dir/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90.o
/home/599/nah599/more_home/Download/datetime-fortran/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90(1): catastrophic error: **Internal compiler error: internal abort** Please report this error along with the circumstances in which it occurred in a Software Problem Report.  Note: File and line given may not be explicit cause of this error.
compilation aborted for /home/599/nah599/more_home/Download/datetime-fortran/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90 (code 1)
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/datetime_tests.dir/src/tests/datetime_tests.f90.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/datetime_tests.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Intel 13 gives a segmentation fault:

test datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (weird bug passes) : PASS
test datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (weird bug fails)  : PASS
test datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (overflowing month): PASS
test datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (overflowing year) : PASS
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
datetime_tests     0000000000452820  mod_datetime_mp_e         998  mod_datetime.f90
datetime_tests     000000000043D63D  datetime_tests_mp        1066  datetime_tests.f90
datetime_tests     0000000000448916  MAIN__                   1284  datetime_tests.f90
datetime_tests     000000000040300C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown          00002B896DBB1D1D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
datetime_tests     0000000000402F09  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Processing of `secondsSinceEpoch` and its reverse processing routine.

When I try to get Epoch time using secondsSinceEpoch , results of these values are different from C language's mktime function's results. datetime-fortran calculate epoc time with own routine (secondsSinceEpoch), and don't use time zone information.
So, I fixes to use time zone information to calculate epoc time, and confirmed to be same as C language's mktime function results.
(I believe that secondsSinceEpoch is correct with UTC time zone.)

In addition, reverse processing routine (secondsSinceEpoch to type(datetime)) is added to this library with using C language's localtime_r and gmtime_r.

As a result, it would be possible to interconvert between secondsSinceEpoch expressed in int64 and type(datetime) , and it would be easier to work with C and Python.
Furthermore, I believe that the conversion to integer type will enable users to speed up the computation time with their own ingenuity.

My fork repository on the above github souce achieves these things.

I would be happy to be merged these features, but I created this issue here first in case there are better ways or other opinions.


The following issues were noted upon releasing 1.4.0:

@milancurcic said "make dist failed to install CONTRIBUTORS, and LICENSE."

My response: I agree. I will look into this.

@zbeekman said "If you can find a way to get make dist to package the missing markdown files, you can just manually add the tarball generated by make dist as a release asset."

Yes. I think it is easy enough for me to do this.

I note additional packaging problems:

  • git creates archives based on what is checked into the repo, which unfortunately does not include configure
  • there can be mismatches between the version numbers in tags, the file, and what's in src/lib/datetime.f90

I will look into these issues. If anyone has a good anser to this, then let me know.

Build failure on gfortran 4.8.2

On the page it states that the project has been tested on gfortran 4.8.2 (which is in Debian stable). Unfortunately, this produces a build failure:

gfortran -c -Wall -O0 -C -fbacktrace mod_datetime.f90

  d = d0
Error: Can't convert CLASS(datetime) to TYPE(datetime) at (1)
make[1]: *** [mod_datetime.o] Error 1

So you need to either fix the docs on the page indicated, or modify the code.

"undefined reference" when using datetime-fortran


I'm a relatively new fortran user, with little experience using external libraries.
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 with gfortran 5.4.0
I installed datetime-fortran using the instructions:

git clone
cd datetime-fortran
autoreconf -i
make check
make install prefix=/home/rfapostolo/code/datetime-fortran

However, when I try to run anything using the module, I get "undefined reference to ...", MWE using the first example:


program test_dt
use datetime_module,only:datetime

      type(datetime) :: a

      a = datetime(2013,1,1)
      write(*,*)a % isocalendar() ! Prints: 2013  1  2

end program test_dt

trying to compile with:

f95 -o test_dt  -g -I/home/rfapostolo/code/datetime-fortran/include -L/home/rfapostolo/code/proper/datetime-fortran/lib test_dt.f08

Results in:

/tmp/ccMAIMs7.o: In function `MAIN__':
/home/rfapostolo/Dropbox/code/proper/propc/test_dt.f08:6: undefined reference to `__mod_datetime_MOD_datetime_constructor'
/home/rfapostolo/Dropbox/code/proper/propc/test_dt.f08:7: undefined reference to `__mod_datetime_MOD___vtab_mod_datetime_Datetime'
/home/rfapostolo/Dropbox/code/proper/propc/test_dt.f08:7: undefined reference to `__mod_datetime_MOD_isocalendar'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I'd really appreciate if you could point me to my mistake.

Clean up is overdue for a clean-up, like removing API docs for now-private methods etc.

User-defined constructor issues with Intel Fortran

Noticed this behavior some time ago but haven't had the chance to look deeper into it. Currently, the datetime-fortran builds and passes tests when built with gfortran (here with 5.2.0 but I think 4.9 and later should work):

FC=gfortran ./configure
make check

However with ifort (15.0.0 here, same behavior with 16.0.0):

FC=ifort ./configure
make check

The library itself builds successfully but building tests fails with a lot of errors. First few are:

ifort -c -g -I../lib datetime_tests.f90
datetime_tests.f90(155): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
  tests(n) = assert(datetime() == datetime(1,1,1),&
datetime_tests.f90(155): error #6355: This binary operation is invalid for this data type.
  tests(n) = assert(datetime() == datetime(1,1,1),&

It looks like ifort does not recognize the == operator for datetime types (overloaded by function eq in mod_datetime.f90). Why not? I tried to minimize the error-reproducing test code:

use datetime_module,only:datetime

implicit none

type(datetime) :: a,b

a = datetime()
write(*,*)a % isoformat()

b = datetime(1,1,1)
write(*,*)b % isoformat()

! This compiles and works with both gfortran and ifort:
write(*,*)a == b

! This compiles and works with gfortran; does not compile with ifort:
write(*,*)datetime() == datetime(1,1,1)


See, if I first assign datetime instances to variables a and b, then ifort knows how to make the a == b comparison. But somehow, it cannot do it "on the fly", i.e. datetime() == datetime(1,1,1). To test this, I make the minimal example in which I define a simple type, overload it's constructor with a function, and overload the == operator with the function eq:

module test
implicit none

type :: mytype

  integer :: a


  procedure,private :: eq
  generic :: operator(==) => eq

endtype mytype

interface mytype
  module procedure :: mytype_constructor
endinterface mytype


type(mytype) function mytype_constructor(a)
  integer,intent(in),optional :: a
    mytype_constructor % a = a
    mytype_constructor % a = 0
endfunction mytype_constructor

logical function eq(m0,m1)
  class(mytype),intent(in) :: m0,m1
  eq = m0 % a == m1 % a
endfunction eq

endmodule test

program testprog
use test
implicit none 

write(*,*)mytype() == mytype(0)

endprogram testprog

However, this minimal example works with ifort, and mytype() == mytype(0) evaluates as expected. So perhaps this is not the issue, but something else is. What am I missing?


configure is insensitive to FCFLAGS

Specifying FCFLAGS when running configure, for example:

$ FCFLAGS=-O3 FC=ifort ./configure

does not affect what flags are being used when running make. In fact, the flags are always -Wall -O0 -C -fbacktrace, which are the gfortran flags hardwired in src/lib/

# Items needed specifically by autotools
AM_FCFLAGS = -Wall -O0 -C -fbacktrace

Specifying FC works as expected.

@blippy can you look into this at your convenience? Thanks!

Timezone handling

datetime-fortran currently provides no timezone information in the datetime class definition. I believe timezone handling should be implemented as an optional derived type which is a component of datetime:

TYPE :: datetime


    TYPE :: tz
        ! tz components
    ENDTYPE tz

ENDTYPE datetime

A possible timezone model may the one from Python:

strptime does not handle errors

When I fed strptime with a wrong time string, it just returns a normal result, but I expect an error report:

type(datetime) time

time = strptime('', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
print *, time%isoformat()

=> 1900-01-00T00:00:00.000

time = strptime('XXX', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
print *, time%isoformat()

=> 1900-01-00T00:00:00.000

time = strptime('2017-01-0 15:30:00Z', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
print *, time%isoformat()

=> 2017-01-00T00:00:00.000


Maybe it could set some field of datetime to indicate an invalid status? Say:

time = strptime('XXX', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
if (time%invalid) then
end if

Bug in function now()

There is a bug in the file "mod_datetime.f90".
type(datetime) function now()
now % tz = hour+minute*m2h
Codes should be change to
now % tz = hour+sign(minute,hour)*m2h
now % tz = values(4)*m2h

Division by zero in datetime%utc()

Reported and fixed by Bjoern Hendrik Fock of University of Hamburg.

Problem: Calling datetime%utc() with a datetime instance that is already in UTC timezone (i.e. datetime%tz = 0) resulted in a division by zero.

Solution: Replacing the problematic line that uses division with a line that uses the intrinsic SIGN() function solves the problem.

Empty constructor compilation error with PGI 14.4

I know this is might not be an issue for fort or gfortran ( for sure not an issue - tested) but with 14.4 compiling tests fails:

$ make
s.f90 datetime_tests.f90 -g -O0  -o tests datetime.o
USING: /sb/software/areas/armnssm/ssm-domains-base/tools/dev-tools/code-tools_1.0_all/include/Linux_x86-64/pgi2014/Pre_Compiler_rules
USING: /sb/software/areas/armnssm/ssm-domains-base/tools/dev-tools/code-tools_1.0_all/include/Linux_x86-64/pgi2014/Common_Compiler_rules
Compiler Rules applied for Linux PGI version 14
PGF90-F-0155-Empty structure constructor() - type datetime (datetime_tests.f90: 158)
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 14.4-0: compilation aborted
make: *** [tests] Error 2

They say they fixed it in 14.7 (Have no idea if it is true).

Homebrew packaging

In thread #22 (comment)

@zeekman said: "@blippy I agree, but I am just talking about what is needed for Homebrew to accept the "formula". It needs to have a test do block that will compile code, link it against diatomite-fortran and run it to verify it all went well... I'll dig in the src/tests directory, and find something there."

and: "@milancurcic and @blippy: I've got the Homebrew formula all set, including the test do block etc.
All I'm waiting on now is for @milancurcic to mint a release that includes in the tarball.
@blippy also, one more question for you: Will pkg-config always be a build dependency, or just when is missing? (Right now I am testing the formula installing the HEAD (i.e. github master) and listing automake and autoconf and pkg-config as build dependencies, but I wonder if I'll need pkg-config as a normal build dep"

Debugging code that uses date time module


This is more a question than an issue. I have trouble debugging code that uses the date time module.
With ddt, compiled with pgi:
whenever I get in the code where manipulations with date time objects occur (maybe reference to fields...), the gdb process starts consuming enormous amount of memory and it consumes it all...

With gdb-apple compiled with gfortran:
eclipse is refusing to show the datetime or timedelta objects (ddt shows the objects but it freezes due to memory issues)

screen shot 2014-10-01 at 10 00 27

Do you think it is possible to change the type definitions to make them more debugger friendly?


Strptime Undefined Reference Error

I get the following error when trying to use the strptime function:

.\obj\test_strptime.o:test_strptime.f90:(.text.startup+0x5d): undefined reference to `__mod_datetime_MOD_strptime'
.\obj\test_strptime.o:test_strptime.f90:(.text.startup+0xdf): undefined reference to `__mod_datetime_MOD_strptime'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I'm trying to use the public strptime function like follows:

program teststrptime

use datetime_module

type(datetime)  :: date1,date2
type(timedelta) :: timediff

! Example times in "YYYYMMDD hhmmss" format
character(len=15) :: str1 = "20130512 091519"
character(len=15) :: str2 = "20131116 120418"

date1 = strptime(str1,"%Y%m%d %H%M%S")
date2 = strptime(str2,"%Y%m%d %H%M%S")

timediff = date2-date1


end program teststrptime

I am using gfortran GCC 6.3.0 from MinGW on Windows. I have the datetime-fortran library in a lib folder and the mod files in a include folder. I'm compiling like so:

gfortran -O2 -fbacktrace -c test_strptime.f90 -o .\obj\test_strptime.o -L./lib -ldatetime -I./include/ -I./obj -J./obj
gfortran -O2 -fbacktrace -o teststrptime .\obj\test_strptime.o

Using date2num instead of using strptime does not cause an error during compiling.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm still fairly new at linking libraries for Fortran development.

Unit tests

Unit tests for all classes and methods.

Can't build tests on win-ifort. Fails on linker with strptime


I have been using your library with no problems in unix with gfortran, but time has come to compile things in Windows using ifort.

Compiling the library runs, although some warnings do show up. Compiling the tests fails with

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol strptime referenced in function MOD_DATETIME_mp_STRPTIME datetime.lib(mod_datetime.obj)

I'm a bit stuck, any ideas?

Function that ingests ISO format and returns datetime?

Just a question to make sure. I’d like to convert a project I work on from its own date time format to using ISO date format. So instead of “20170607 124500” in a startup file, I’d love to say “2017-06-07T12:45:00”. I know datetime-fortran can convert a datetime object into an ISO format string, but can it do the opposite? (And I guess similar for durations?)

Or because python-datetime doesn’t (it’s part of dateutil parser) this project might not do so (I.e., time to write fortran-dateutil?)

Problem adding time delta(minutes=60*n)

Consider this example:

    !Test t - dt
    d = datetime(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    print *, 't = ', d
    print *, 't - 6h = ', d + timedelta(hours=-6)
    print *, 't - 360min = ', d + timedelta(minutes=-360)


t =         1980           1           1           0           0           0           0   0.00000000    
 t - 6h =         1979          12          31          18           0           0           0   0.00000000    
 t - 360min =         1979          12          31          17          60           0           0   0.00000000    

I've done a test to catch this and a fix... Though I had to rename the module file to have the same name as the module, otherwise my eclipse project could not find it... I'll try to break it into 2 pull requests, test and fix.



I am interested in packaging datetime-fortran for Arch.

It would be useful if the Makefile had an 'install' rule, and a 'pc' file that would allow library locations to be picked up "automagically". I am more than willing to supply patches if you're ammenable to the idea, and we can reach a solution that is acceptable to both of us.

Please let me know if you're interested.

Some cygwin/gfortran 4.9.3 test fails

Here are the test results for gfortran 4.9.3 on cygwin using v1.4.0:

test empty datetime() constructor                                : FAIL
test semi-empty datetime() constructor                           : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(milliseconds = 100)                    : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(milliseconds = -100)                   : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(seconds = 1)                           : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(seconds = -1)                          : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(minutes = 1)                           : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(minutes = -1)                          : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(hours = 1)                             : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(hours = -1)                            : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(days = 1)                              : FAIL
test datetime + timedelta(days = -1)                             : FAIL
test Seconds overflow in addMilliseconds (3000 milliseconds)     : FAIL
test Seconds overflow in addMilliseconds (-3000 milliseconds)    : FAIL
test Minutes overflow in addSeconds (360 seconds)                : FAIL
test Minutes overflow in addSeconds (-360 seconds)               : FAIL
test Hours overflow in addMinutes (360 minutes)                  : FAIL
test Hours overflow in addMinutes (-360 minutes)                 : FAIL
test Days overflow in addHours (72 hours)                        : FAIL
test Days overflow in addHours (-72 hours)                       : FAIL
test decrement datetime into January                             : FAIL
test decrement datetime into February                            : FAIL
test decrement datetime into March                               : FAIL
test decrement datetime into April                               : FAIL
test decrement datetime into May                                 : FAIL
test decrement datetime into June                                : FAIL
test decrement datetime into July                                : FAIL
test decrement datetime into August                              : FAIL
test decrement datetime into September                           : FAIL
test decrement datetime into October                             : FAIL
test decrement datetime into November                            : FAIL
test decrement datetime into December                            : FAIL
test datetime-datetime == timedelta(days = 1)                    : FAIL
test datetime-datetime == timedelta(hours = 1)                   : FAIL
test datetime-datetime == timedelta(minutes = 1)                 : FAIL
test datetime-datetime == timedelta(seconds = 1)                 : FAIL
test datetime-datetime == timedelta(milliseconds = 1)            : FAIL
test datetime == datetime                                        : FAIL
test datetime == datetime, timezone test 1                       : FAIL
test datetime == datetime, timezone test 2                       : FAIL
test datetime /= datetime                                        : PASS
test datetime > datetime                                         : FAIL
test datetime >= datetime (greater)                              : FAIL
test datetime >= datetime (equal)                                : FAIL
test datetime < datetime                                         : PASS
test datetime <= datetime (less)                                 : PASS
test datetime <= datetime (equal)                                : PASS
test datetime % isoformat, default separator                     : PASS
test datetime % isoformat, T separator                           : PASS
test datetime % isoformat, blank separator                       : PASS
test datetime % strftime                                         : PASS
test datetime % strptime                                         : FAIL
test strptime(datetime % strftime(fmt),fmt) == datetime          : FAIL
test datetime(2005,1,1) % isocalendar() == [2004,53,6]           : PASS
test datetime(2005,1,2) % isocalendar() == [2004,53,7]           : PASS
test datetime(2005,12,31) % isocalendar() == [2005,52,6]         : PASS
test datetime(2007,1,1) % isocalendar() == [2007,1,1]            : PASS
test datetime(2007,12,30) % isocalendar() == [2007,52,7]         : PASS
test datetime(2007,12,31) % isocalendar() == [2008,1,1]          : PASS
test datetime(2008,1,1) % isocalendar() == [2008,1,2]            : PASS
test datetime(2008,12,28) % isocalendar() == [2008,52,7]         : PASS
test datetime(2008,12,29) % isocalendar() == [2009,1,1]          : PASS
test datetime(2008,12,30) % isocalendar() == [2009,1,2]          : PASS
test datetime(2008,12,31) % isocalendar() == [2009,1,3]          : PASS
test datetime(2009,1,1) % isocalendar() == [2009,1,4]            : PASS
test datetime(2009,12,31) % isocalendar() == [2009,53,4]         : PASS
test datetime(2010,1,1) % isocalendar() == [2009,53,5]           : PASS
test datetime(2010,1,2) % isocalendar() == [2009,53,6]           : PASS
test datetime(2010,1,3) % isocalendar() == [2009,53,7]           : PASS
test datetime(1,1,1) is valid                                    : PASS
test datetime(0,1,1) is not valid                                : PASS
test datetime(-1,1,1) is not valid                               : PASS
test datetime(2014,1,1) is valid                                 : PASS
test datetime(2014,0,1) is not valid                             : PASS
test datetime(2014,1,0) is not valid                             : PASS
test datetime(2014,2,28) is valid                                : PASS
test datetime(2014,2,29) is not valid                            : PASS
test datetime(2012,2,29) is valid                                : PASS
test datetime(2012,3,31) is valid                                : PASS
test datetime(2012,3,32) is not valid                            : PASS
test datetime(2012,3,31,0,0,0) is valid                          : PASS
test datetime(2012,3,31,24,0,0) is not valid                     : PASS
test datetime(2012,3,31,0,60,0) is not valid                     : PASS
test datetime(2012,3,31,0,0,60) is not valid                     : PASS
test datetime(2012,3,31,0,0,0,1000) is not valid                 : PASS
test datetime % secondsSinceEpoch(), 0 seconds                   : PASS
test datetime % secondsSinceEpoch(), 1 hour                      : PASS
test datetime % secondsSinceEpoch(), -1 hour                     : PASS
test datetime % tzOffset(), +0000                                : PASS
test datetime % tzOffset(), -0330                                : PASS
test datetime % tzOffset(), +0545                                : PASS
test datetime % utc(), +0000                                     : FAIL
test datetime % weekday(), Wednesday                             : PASS
test datetime % weekday(), Thursday                              : PASS
test datetime % weekday(), Friday                                : PASS
test datetime % weekday(), Saturday                              : PASS
test datetime % weekday(), Sunday                                : PASS
test datetime % weekday(), Monday                                : PASS
test datetime % weekday(), Tuesday                               : PASS
test datetime % weekdayLong(), Wednesday                         : PASS
test datetime % weekdayLong(), Thursday                          : PASS
test datetime % weekdayLong(), Friday                            : PASS
test datetime % weekdayLong(), Saturday                          : PASS
test datetime % weekdayLong(), Sunday                            : PASS
test datetime % weekdayLong(), Monday                            : PASS
test datetime % weekdayLong(), Tuesday                           : PASS
test datetime % weekdayShort(), Wed                              : PASS
test datetime % weekdayShort(), Thu                              : PASS
test datetime % weekdayShort(), Fri                              : PASS
test datetime % weekdayShort(), Sat                              : PASS
test datetime % weekdayShort(), Sun                              : PASS
test datetime % weekdayShort(), Mon                              : PASS
test datetime % weekdayShort(), Tue                              : PASS
test datetime(2014,1,1) % yearday() == 1                         : PASS
test datetime(2014,2,1) % yearday() == 32                        : PASS
test datetime(2014,3,1) % yearday() == 60                        : PASS
test datetime(2014,4,1) % yearday() == 91                        : PASS
test datetime(2014,5,1) % yearday() == 121                       : PASS
test datetime(2014,6,1) % yearday() == 152                       : PASS
test datetime(2014,7,1) % yearday() == 182                       : PASS
test datetime(2014,8,1) % yearday() == 213                       : PASS
test datetime(2014,9,1) % yearday() == 244                       : PASS
test datetime(2014,10,1) % yearday() == 275                      : PASS
test datetime(2014,11,1) % yearday() == 305                      : PASS
test datetime(2014,12,1) % yearday() == 335                      : PASS
test timedelta empty constructor                                 : PASS
test timedelta % total_seconds(), milliseconds conversion        : PASS
test timedelta % total_seconds(), seconds conversion             : PASS
test timedelta % total_seconds(), minutes conversion             : PASS
test timedelta % total_seconds(), hours conversion               : PASS
test timedelta % total_seconds(), days conversion                : PASS
test datetime % utc() == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (now)      : FAIL
test datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (overflowing month): FAIL
test datetime == num2date(date2num(datetime)) (overflowing year) : FAIL
test datetimeRange, day increment                                : PASS
test datetimeRange, hour increment                               : FAIL
test datetimeRange, minute increment                             : FAIL
test datetimeRange, second increment                             : FAIL
test datetimeRange, rounding test                                : FAIL
test isLeapYear(1) == F                                          : PASS
test isLeapYear(4) == T                                          : PASS
test isLeapYear(100) == F                                        : PASS
test isLeapYear(400) == T                                        : PASS
test isLeapYear(2000) == T                                       : PASS
test isLeapYear(2014) == F                                       : PASS
test daysInYear(2014) == 365                                     : PASS
test daysInYear(2012) == 366                                     : PASS
test daysInYear(2000) == 366                                     : PASS
test daysInYear(1900) == 365                                     : PASS
test daysInMonth(1,2014) == 31                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(2,2014) == 28                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(2,2012) == 29                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(3,2014) == 31                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(4,2014) == 30                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(5,2014) == 31                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(6,2014) == 30                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(7,2014) == 31                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(8,2014) == 31                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(9,2014) == 30                                   : PASS
test daysInMonth(10,2014) == 31                                  : PASS
test daysInMonth(11,2014) == 30                                  : PASS
test daysInMonth(12,2014) == 31                                  : PASS
test clock % started == F (before tick)                          : PASS
test clock % started == T (after 1 tick)                         : PASS
test clock % stopped == F (after 1 tick)                         : FAIL
test clock % currentTime == clock % stopTime (after 24 ticks)    : FAIL
test clock % stopped == T (after 24 ticks)                       : PASS
test clock % started == F (after reset)                          : PASS
test clock % stopped == F (after reset)                          : PASS
test clock % currentTime == clock % startTime (after reset)      : FAIL
Ran a total of 170 tests.
114 tests PASSED,  56 tests FAILED.

timing codes


Hi Milan,

I searched into doc and past issues, but I was not able to find an answer.

Is it possible to use datetime as a tic toc instrumenting-library to profile Fortran codes?

I mean, is it possible to use datetime class to (accurately) measure the time taken from blocks of code?

I am almost sure to have already asked this, but my memory is going to have many IO errors these days...


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