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wolvenkit's Issues

adjusting of phoneme timings for better lipsync generation

As a voice asset modder I want to adjust the lipsync timings of new voicelines to tune the results.

Automatically extracted phoneme timings need to be adjusted most of the time before generating the lipsync animations. This is a time consuming process (see

  • load configuration from #24 and show the list with info about available phoneme timings
  • on selection of one voiceline, backup the original timings and show a "adjust timings" view with:
    • audio wave form
    • associated timings (from the csv file)
    • used text (see below for ascii art)
    • optional: the originally extracted timings
  • in timings view:
    • playback of audio with play position cursor
    • zoom of waveform (+/- keys as most simple solution)
    • scrolling of position
    • timings line must be linked with zoom and scrolling operations
    • interactive moving/shrinking/expanding of phoneme blocks (which adjusts the timings)
  • save updated to timings in the same csv format for the generation of lipsync

epic: add new voicelines to the game

As a voice asset modder I want to add new voice lines to the game so I can use them in my scenes/mod.

  • pair dialoglines and audio voicelines to add
  • create lipsync animation
  • pack as w3speech file to add in a dlc

generate lipsync animations from audio

As a voiceline asset modder I want to add lipsync animations to new voicelines so the game actors are animated while speaking.

  • load configuration from #24
  • rename/generate 18khz files with names required for the w3speech tools (see requirements of the tools) and save them in the appropriate folder
  • run the phoneme extractor (provide a csv file with the strings)
  • run the lipsync generator
  • show the currently executing step (phoneme extraction/lipsync generation) and a progress bar
  • show the results in a separate log window

see details in the batch files from the w3speech tools

Caching system

So since Asset browser is getting improved we face the fact that loading 3million files is kind of slow. So a caching system should be implemented.

For now something like this should be good:

  • Get xxHash of file -> Load the stuff from it and save the contents and the hash to a json file.
  • Next time when we start up we create a dictionary<hash,jsonfile> and if a file has its hash in there then we load it from there instead of reloading it again.

This should vastly improve performance. There might be a better solution. I am up for suggestions.

Multi purpose project (DLC&Mod)

We should have it so you can mark a file as a DLC file or as a mod file and when packing they will be installed to the appropriate folder. If we are updating mod explorer anyway we should probably track changed files and such so a "Please save dialog" can be made when closing the app or something.

meta: define supported user roles to concentrate on the benefits of new features and to confine their scope

The kit is a tool for modders. But there are different kind of modders with different goals and different level of experience. It's important to keep this in mind.

To help defining new features and prioritize them according their value it's helpful to define a set of usage roles and assign every feature to a role along with it's intended value. From the top of my head all/a subset of the following roles could be considered as target audience for the kit. Meaning: new features should support their modding goals (unordered):

  • 3d asset artist
  • 2d asset artist (= texture modder)
  • scene creator
  • quest creator
  • sound asset modder
  • voice asset modder
  • terrain creator
  • experienced low level tinkerer
  • reverse engineer
  • ...?

So far the kit is mostly targeted for the low level tinkerer.

BundleExplorer overhaul

  • Rename to asset browser
  • Different view modes
  • Add cache files,w3speech etc.
  • Asset preview
    • 3d models
    • Sounds
    • Images
    • text files
    • movies
  • Convert it to be purely event based so it can be kept open and import stuff as you need it.

Cooking needs to be eleminated to implement this so texture.cache/soundspc.cache etc. writers need to be implemented for this.

search by keyword for 3d asset

As a 3d asset modder I want to search by keyword for a specific 3d assets so I can select it for further usage (e.g. 3d preview, export, etc.)

  • search should be integrated in the overview list
  • case insensitive
  • number of found vs total number should be always visible
  • key for resetting the search

Model renderer

Something like Noesis but a little more simple.

  • Simple OpenGL scene
  • Model renderer
  • Texture loader for the models
  • Bones
  • Animations
  • Import from DAE,FBX
  • Export to DAE,FBX



Zoom&updates for flowtree

There needs to be a way to zoom because complex scenes are hard to inspect this way.

  • Mouse drag
  • Zoom
  • Proper context menu to edit the nodes

see a list of all 3d assets from the game

As a 3d asset modder I want to see a list of all 3d assets from the game to get an overview of the available assets

  • a list should contain only 3d assets
  • total number of found assets
  • pageable list if there are too many (one list is too slow)

CR2W Editing rework

So let's be honest, at the moment editing CR2W files is pretty cancer and really not user friendly.
So as a start I would suggest implementing a couple simple controls and such:

  • Dumping all the enums the game has and making comboboxes ( @ali-alidoust or I have to dump them for this)
  • Dumping all the CVectors of the game so types can be properly identified not just guessing if its really a CVector.
  • Figuring out all the unknown bytes.

Other general improvements:

  • Fixing the chunk copy's broken stuff.
  • Search in chunks, by type,name etc.
  • Not referenced string remain in the files as reported by @rmemr to me which should be checked and removed before writing the files.
  • Generally reworking the whole way CR2W files are handled so if we ever finnaly dump the class layouts they can be read with reflection like in Gibbed.RED.

Nexusmods API

So I was thinking about implementing the basics of nexusmods since it wouldn't really be hard so you can upload your mod after you are done and would be nice for the mod manager too I guess. It should be discussed if its worth the time it takes to implement it.

Search 2.0

It would be neat to have a way to search in xml files and such to find stuff easier search needs to be reworked amyway in Asset browser so this should be a good occassion.

Mod manager

So since Nexus Mod Manager (aka NMM) is pretty horrible with handling Witcher 3 mods I think we should create our own thing.
By looks and function I would say something like the Gta V mod manager would be good for us.

Features we definetely need:

  • Virtual file system handling
  • Calling script merger and Mod merger to check for conflicts when trying to install
  • The installer package system needs to be upgraded a bit so version description etc. can be added into it.
  • #33 needs to be finished so files can be inspected without reading bundles.
  • We need to inspect how the Nexus API works in NMM (maybe ask for permission from them) and make NMM links to be openable in WolvenKit mod manager.

The basic layout is started in /.ModManager. Will require some work from both WolvenKit's side and ModManager's side before it can actually replace NMM but since we don't need to support multiple games it will probably be done in a couple weeks.

Particle preview

Preview particle emitters and such. Something like shadertoy but more simpler.
Something like this would be nice:

  • Unknownbytes of w2p
  • CFX
  • Basic implementation of mercury engine
  • Preview in mercury engine
  • Save the edited w2p file

Apex files (redfur,redcloth)

So in theory according to @erxv redfur files could be converted to apx. Since there are no unknownbytes in it. All we need to do is figure out that hashing algorythm used by apx so the files are recognized by apex and serialize the values to the weird xml apex recognizes. There needs to be an exporter and in importer as well.

  • Exporter
  • Importer

Add the ability to set global variables using the debugging protocol

The packet format for setting a variable is as follows (w3net style):

    .int32(0xCC00CC00) # magic number
    .utf8(section)     # Section
    .utf8(name)        # Variable Name
    .utf16(value)      # Variable Value

I think a PropertyGrid filled with all vars received by using the "list" command and ability to change the values using this command could be really useful.

Speech files

  • Fix W3Edit.W3Speech so it parses the files properly
  • Create a repacker

Everything should be done in memory with byte arrays!

w3speech format

Hi together. Anyone here knows what the 8 bytes behind the wem bytes block in the .w3speech files are supposed to mean/how to decode/encode them?

Assets browser crash

Steps to reproduce bug:
Right click on any folder in Mod explorer -> Add file

It opens empty Asset browser window (so it is not possible to add files to chosen folder directly) which crashes when you click on that top text edit field.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
in WolvenKit.frmAssetBrowser.pathPanel_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

extract a 3d asset into a directory

As a 3d asset modder I want to save a selected asset from the game in a directory to edit it in a 3D modeling software

  • ability to mark one or more 3d assets in the list
  • button to export all selected
  • on export choose a directory

Fix build target

Currently Irrlicht and doesn't really like each other so the whole project has to be x86. This needs to be fixed so we can switch of the prefer 32bit and go back to anycpu.

select and prepare voiceline audio files for a dialog scene

As a voice asset modder I want to pair voiceline audiofiles to specific dialoglines so they are played when the dialog text is displayed as subtitle.

assuming the dialog scene is already done and the w3speech tools are to be used):

  • load the strings + ids (either from a strings csv or directly from the scene) and display in a list (id + string)
  • ability to hide uninteresting lines (for example select options or other lines)
  • select for every line a 44khz audio file
  • save pairing (as configuration)
  • show info about wwise conversion

Typos, grammar errors etc.

There are many grammar error and typos in the project. If you find any please comment them here.
Also here we can track stuff related to this.


So since Nexus Mod Manager is a garbage in terms of Witcher 3 modding the least we should do if we don't make a full mod manager is a package creator/installer. I think the way OpenIV's oiv packages work is awesome and we should create something similar. Currently when you press create packed installer the program simply zips your stuff. This is nice and all but you can't really track mod versions and such with this.

So my suggestion is creating an xml file which would be filled with metadata + icon for the mod + the compressed&packed mod data into a zip file which then could be used to 1 click install mods. Some GUI for creating the package would be nice too. Something like this would do:

ps.: I contacted the OpenIV team for some details and stuff and permission. I hope they reply.

epic: extract 3d asset from the game

As a 3d asset modder I want to extract a specific entity from the game to edit it in a 3D modeling software

  • see a list of all 3d entities from the game
  • search by keyword
  • preview selected in 3d
  • extract into a directory of my choosing

Implement proper graphs for easier editing of complex files.

This library seems to be able to server our needs for editing behaviour files and complex w2l and such

  • Implement the basics of GraphX
  • Replace the current cutscene editor
  • Create a behaviour editor
  • Create a flexible general CR2W graph editor which work with reflection
    ... etc. (Everything else should be discussed after these are done)

More costum editors:

  • HSL Color picker - This is coded but doesn't work for some reason.
  • CCurve editor.
  • Also somehow rework the hex editor so it's easier to edit not explored stuff. Not sure about this how yet.

Cache file parsing

  • Texture
    • Reading
    • Writing
  • Collision
    • Reading
    • Writing
  • Shader
    • Reading
    • Writing
  • Sound
    • Reading
    • Writing
  • Dep
    • Reading
    • Writing
  • Streaming
    • Reading
    • Writing
      There needs to be a bundleexplorer like browser for these files to or somehow unify it with bundleexplorer.

Sound files

So this is probably gonna be one of the hardest tasks.

  • Unpack the soundcache files
  • soundbank rebuilder
  • Repacker

An in-editor sound player would be a nice adition probably.

epic: add a new 3d asset to the game

As a 3d asset modder I want to add a new 3d asset to the game to use it in my mod

  • asset must not overlay existing assets
  • add mount point automatically to reddlc (either dir or file)
  • before adding check in preview


The application should be converted to a clickonce application so an installer and a portable version can be distributed.

  • It would allow automatic updates.
  • Displaying first time run stuff like readme
  • Associating with the w3modproj and such files

XBM converter + Image Preview

b798c48 does the basic converting however converting form images into CBitmapTexture is not supported yet

  • Converting xbm to dds
  • Export as (dds/tga/png/bmp)
  • Import

pack wwise converted voicelines as w3speech file

As a voice asset modder I want to pack all wwise converted voicelines (wem files) and if available the corresponding lipsync animations as a w3speech file so it can be deployed in a dlc mod.

  • load configuration from #24
  • make sure for every file exists a wem file
  • make sure files are named and located in a directory suitable for the w3speech tools
  • give a warning if lipsync anims are missing
  • encode lipsync csv files to cr2w files
  • start the packer
  • copy the created w3speech file to the appropriate dlc mod directory

for details see batch files in the w3speech tools.

Debug protocol

  • Connect to the game
  • Send data to the game
  • Recieve data from the game

Thanks to Nightingale most of it is done only there is a bug left to solve with callbacks but essentially it can do nearly everything script studio can do. For reference check: 5c688d7

Also a video demonstrating how it works:

preview a selected 3d asset

As a 3d asset modder I want to preview a selected 3d asset to decided if it's the one I am interested in

  • preview activated by selecting in the overview list
  • list should still be open while previewing
  • selection of different asset updates the preview
  • preview window does not need to be big
  • optional: rotate selected asset

Dark Mode

Introduce Dark Mode - interface

Lots of editing is done in shady environments.

Figure out all the unknown bytes and parse files properly

Status Extension Type Progress
XML XML File xml file can be opened in text editors.
½ XBM CR2W file Fully parsed altought some stuff is not yet correct?
Wizdef CR2W file Parsed fully since there is only one of this and doesnt contain anything might be a test file
W3Simplex CR2W file Parsed fully contains simplex data
½ W3Occulsion CR2W file Little stuff is missing contains occulsion data
X W3Fac CR2W file Missing a lot contains skeleton and MimicFace
X W3Dyng CR2W file Missing a lot contains dyng resource and sekeleton
W3App CR2W file Parsed fully contains appearances
X W2W CR2W file Missing a lot contains info about how a level is set up
½ W2Ter CR2W file Little stuff is missing contains terrain info
W2Steer CR2W file Parsed fully contains movement and steering commands
W2Sf CR2W file Parsed fully contains Switchable foliage
W2Scene CR2W file Parsed fully contains conversation/scene
½ W2Rig CR2W file Contains rig
W2Ragdoll CR2W file Parsed fully lot contains ragdoll data/begaviour
W2Quest CR2W file Parsed fully contains a quest
W2Qm CR2W file Parsed fully contains the pins a world
W2Phase CR2W file Parsed fully contains quest progress
X W2P CR2W file Missing a lot contains particle system
W2Mi CR2W file Parsed fully contains material instance
W2Mg CR2W file Parsed fully contains material graph
½ W2Mesh CR2W file Missing a lot contains a mesh(es?)
½ W2L CR2W file Little stuff is missing contains level data
W2Job CR2W file Parsed fully contains an action/job for an NPC
W2Je CR2W file Parsed fully contains collection of journal entries
X W2Fnt CR2W file Missing a lot contains a font
½ W2Ent CR2W file Little stuff is missing contains entity data
W2Em CR2W file Parsed fully contains map pins info
VBrush CR2W file Parsed fully contains a vegetation brush(es)
Usm Multiplexed video file Needs to be demultiplexed to view as a video file
X Textarray CR2W file Missing a lot contains a textarray
Subs Text file Can be opened with any ordinary text editor
X Srt Unknown Can't parse it (Might be SRT Tree or Speedtree?)
Spawntree CR2W file Parsed fully contains spawning data
Sav Save file Parsed fully but not implemented yet and for some random reason there is one in game archives
X Redwpset CR2W file Missing a lot of stuff contains waypoint collection
Redswf CR2W file Swf stuff and dds images
Redicsv CR2W file Missing a lot contains a 2d array of data
Redgame CR2W file Parsed fully contains info about game resource
Redfur CR2W file Parsed fully contains Hairworks info probably
X Redexp CR2W file? Missing a lot of stuff contains Areas
Reddlc CR2W file Parsed fully contains dlc info
½ Reddest CR2W file Little stuff is missing contains Apex destruction info
Redcloth CR2W file Parsed fully contains Apex cloth
Redapex CR2W file Parsed fully contains Apex destruction info
Popup CR2W file Parsed fully contains info about a popup
X Navtile Unknown Not parsed, not even listed by wcc_lite (no idea)
X Navmesh Unknown Not parsed (Probably Navmesh info?)
X Naviobstacles Unknown Not parsed (probably info about obstacles for NPCs)
X Navgraph Unknown Not parsed (no idea)
X Navconfig Unknown Not parsed (maybe pathfinder config for the ai?)
Menu CR2W file Fully parsed contains info about a menu element
Journal CR2W file Fully parsed contains info about a journal entry
Hud CR2W file Fully parsed contains info about hud elements
Guiconfig CR2W file Fully parsed contains info about hud elements
Grassmask CR2W file Missing a lot of stuff contains grassmasks
Formation CR2W file Fully parsed contains (ai preset? behaviour?)
Flyr CR2W file Fully parsed contains tree info
Env CR2W file Fully parsed contains enviroment info
Csv Csv file Can be opened in Microsoft Excel
Cellmap CR2W file Missing a lot of stuff contains Cellmap
½ Buffer Unknown Animation and model data

Scripthook,SBUI,EnvUI,etc. Integration

Once @ali-alidoust is done with scripthook or at least progressed a little more we should kinda integrate it into WolvenKit like the guys for OpenIV did for the GTA V Scripthook. Adding other community made tools and some slight integration would be nice.

For example:

  • Parsing the scriptlog and loading it into an ent.
  • Debugging a scene made with SBUI something like what @erxv made in unity but more polished and much easier to use.
  • etc.

This is a long term goal but it should be a thing I think. Also an installer for these would be nice (and if some similar tools come out in the future) would be nice. So if any noob wants to mod the game he has all the tools right there with tutorials and everything.

ps.: this should be an optional feature so if someone doesn't want to use these mods its not required parser

We need a way to parse&write files so we don't have to use wcc_lite for it which is slow

  • Parser
  • Writer

USM Video Player

A way to play replace and export videos.

  • Play video
  • Sound
  • Subtitles
  • Import-Export

Folder structure in DLC

Currently upon loading assets to "DLC" and the packing the DLC doesn't produce working DLC.

Currently kit creates

Upon packing the metadata path points to [files]
While the game need DLC files to be:

The workaround now is to add the assets:
Create the folders:

and copy the assets to needed to be used to [files]

[files] can be any structure one wants to use.

Investigate .w2l files

CGameplayEntity - Its in the rttidump, kinda implemented but not fully
CTriggerAreaComponent - Its in the rttidump but its complex REALLY complex
CSectorData - Its in the rttidump but its not straight forward
W3MinimapZoomScaleTrigger - no idea
W3TrapSpawnEntity - no idea
CEntity - only missing 2 bytes probably some bool
CRiftEntity - no idea
CWayPointComponent - its in the rttidump but needs more investigation probably read incorrectly atm

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