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obsidian-folder-note-plugin's People


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obsidian-folder-note-plugin's Issues

[REQUEST] Filter out folders from the folder_brief_live

Hello there,

if possible, can we have a keyword to specify the target type of cards to be generated within a ccard block of type folder_brief_live?
I'd like to only show cards in my folder_brief_live about notes, not folders. I believe this could be a useful feature of general use. The passed value can be notes only, folder only or both. I've tried to look for this feature in the documentation or in the previously opened issues, but I haven't found anything about it. If I've missed, I apologize.

Also, allow me to include my sincere gratitude at the end of this post. Thanks a lot for all the effort and work you're doing with this plug-in. It's pretty awesome and really fill a lacune of Obsidian, IMHO. I hope to be absorbed and integrated officially in the Obsidian program.

Multiple uses of template values do not work

If you set this as a config template:


It only fills in the first occurrence.

I tried this because I got the idea that aliases could be used to overcome the cons of index files. If you use something like this:

aliases: [{{FOLDER_NAME}}]

type: folder_brief_live
imagePrefix: 'attachments/'

then linking to this would work great - Obsidian will automatically convert [[myfolder]] to [[myfolder/|myfolder]].

Is it possible to have Folder Note's Card Style get the image link from front matter?

I have a vault of books I've read. Each note has a front matter which includes the variable Cover: whose value is a link to an image. In a Dataview table it's set up to show that cover next to the title and the author, etc.

Is there a way around having to fill in a code block for each entry in the live overview thing? Or is there a way to have it recognize the link after Cover: ? This would save work and also then I don't have to add another of those code blocks whenever I add a book.

Or is there something I'm missing?
Thanks :)

Please provide a way to SHOW the folder note after it has been hidden

Just as we are able to hide the folder note when we click the folder, we need a way to add a key, plus click to show the folder note again. I often want to open the folder note in a new pane, for example, but cannot access it as a normal .md file and thus do not get the context menu for that file with options such as "Open in new pane."

folder_brief_live: use first found paragraph within notes as brief

In the same vein as #2, I'm following a pretty common convention with many of my notes, consisting in describing the gist of the note in its first paragraph.

Therefore, it would be much helpful to me, if the first paragraph of the notes could be used as brief when in folder_brief_live.

By paragraph, I mean paragraph that do not consist of a single image, obviously.


Unescaped quotes in brief

Folder note plugin uses the section titles of notes as brief when generating its JSON data.

When a section of a note contains a quote, the corresponding brief attribute contains an unescaped quote, leading to incorrect JSON contents that cannot be rendered.

Preview of folder-note in the folder brief shows the current note

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add FOLDER-BRIEF-LIVE to the contents and set file-outside-folder mode.
  2. Create the following folder structure:
 - root
     - folder1
         - folder2
  1. Create a note for folders 1 and 2
  2. Open folder 1 note
  3. As described in #7 , both folder2 and folder2_note are shown as cards. Hovering over the note card, preview of folder1 note is shown (although the title of the preview says folder2).


This is really hard for me to understand, because clicking on the card correctly takes you to the folder2 note.

I tested other configs:

  • FOLDER-BRIEF (non-live) works fine
  • File inside folder (index or named) doesn't have this problem because it doesn't show the child folder as a note (since is not inside folder1)

Folder note plug-in is not working on 0.13.14 obsidian note

on obsidian 0.13.14, unable to preview anything from content from Folder Note plug-in. Tested on live view, legacy editor and still not working

tested on older version 0.12.19 and it is working fine.

Wondering if there is any way to make Folder Note work on 0.13.14 ?

Creating links to the notes for visualization in graph view

Hello, thanks for making the plug-in works great! Unfortunately one thing that doesn't happen is that the note that contains the links to the different notes does not actually create links for viewing in the obsidian graph view. What this means is that I essentially have to duplicate the links. Not sure if I missed anything.


[Bug] Undefined behavior when Index File Name contains a full stop '.'


Stumbled upon an issue when the NoteFIleMethod is set to Index File and the IndexFileName has a leading '.' , a Ctrl+LMB does create the file, however the editor shoots an error message saying 'File exists'.
The same happens when the folder in question is selected with LMB.

I'd like to keep the index file 'hidden'. Is there an intentional limitation on this?

Thanks for looking into this.


[Important] Add a license

Currently if @xpgo disappears from the community, no one will be able to fork this project since it doesn't have a license.

Please consider adding a permissive license to the project.

MIT might be a good choice!

Cutting brief to n chars leads to display problems

By the way, I have limited the max brief length to 64, if you want a longer brief, please use the briefMax key for ccard type of folder_brief_live.

I understand the rationale that went along with this change.
But when the 1st paragraph contains a link, and that link is truncated, this leads to a problem when in preview mode:

There is no way to create a folder note on an iPhone

On an iPhone I cannot use Cmd nor Alt keyboard modifiers on tap to create a folder note for a folder which doesn't have one. It would be good to have a menu item to do that, I mean in the menu which appears when you long press on a folder.

Renaming file with same name as its folder renames folder as well

Let's say I have a folder named "A" which contains a file named "A". If I rename the file to "B", the folder name will also automatically change to "B". I was able to isolate this to Folder Note. I disabled all plugins. The problem disappeared. I then added them back the plugins one-by-one until the problem reappeared, and, sure enough, it was Folder Note that caused the problem.

Removing a folder doesn't remove the file, but the file stays hidden

Obviously this only affects the "file outside folder" mode.

  1. Create a folder
  2. Ctrl+click to create a file.
  3. Remove folder

Result: file still exists, but is hidden until Obsidian is restarted.

Expected behavior: not really sure - either to remove the file, or to show it. I guess removing it makes most sense?

Feature Request: ability to add a Prefix/postfix to the foldernote

It would be nice to add a prefix to the front of foldernote names.

Some examples:
If the folder is named: Projects

  • underscore prefix - The foldernote would always have an underscore in it _Projects
  • MOC content type postfix - The foldernote would alway have MOC added to the end of it: Projects MOC

This feature would leave the folder name alone. the folder would still be Projects, the foldernote filename would just be <prefix>+<foldername>+<postfix>

This would just make it easier to reference and open in the quick switcher

Folder brief includes both file and folder when "file outside folder" mode is used

As stated in the title - when file-outside-folder mode is used, the folder brief shows both the folder and the file as separate cards. I don't know if this is intentional, but it would be great to have an option to disable it so it only shows the note (if note exists of course). Additionally, if note doesn't exist, clicking on that card creates it and opens the newly created note.

Stop Folder Note From Automatically Opening on Android

When navigating my notes it is quite annoying that every time I click on a folder with an attached note using this app that it automatically opens, when I may just be trying to access a note further down the path. Have to swipe back every time.

Any way to change it so that you open folder notes through a double tap?

YAML in file ccard description section

So afaik folder note can display the first few phrases/sentences or a custom description of a file. Would it be possible to display select YAML values of the file instead?

Live Preview: Some thumbnails appear pixelated

In Live Preview mode, some thumbnail images (especially but seemingly not exclusively high-resolution images) appear over-pixelated and grainy, yet in standard reading/preview mode, they seem fine.

Example in Live Preview
Image 720x720

Same image in standard preview mode

Perhaps there's some sort of image anti-aliasing that markdown preview mode does that Live Preview hasn't implemented yet? I haven't noticed this kind of issue in standard image embeds though, so I thought it might be with this plugin.

Edit: Obsidian version v0.13.19, running on Windows 10.

Doesn't seem support folder move

I tried to move a folder to a different parent folder and after the move the folder note fails to show. Then I move the folder back to original parent folder and now the folder note re-appears. Sounds like a bug to me.

Doesn't seem to work with nested folders

hey, first of all great plugin :)
For me it stops working when placing a folder with an attached note inside another folder eg. when Folder1 with attached note is placed in the vaults root it works fine and opens the note upon click, but when Folder1 is inside Folder2 the note doesn't open on Folder click.

The hidden file appear

Hidden files always appear.
After restarting obsidian, in order to hide the files with the same name as the folder. It is always necessary to click on the FolderNote node folder.

Foldernote is taking embeded blocks/notes as images?

I have a md file that does not contain any image but contains an embedded note (e.g., ![[blablabla]]). It seems that foldernote is taking it as an image and tries to give me a thumbnail.

<div class="thumb" style="background-image: url(app://local/C%3A%5CUsers%5CTC%5COneDrive%5COneSyncFiles%5Cpages%5C%E6%80%A5%E6%80%A7%E8%82%BE%E6%8D%9F%E4%BC%A4?1631853878029);"></div>

[Bug] Live preview not working well with ccards, in particular 'folder_brief_live'


When Live Preview is enabled, ccards seem to be cached in a way.
When switching between two notes, containing the folder_brief_live ccard, the content displays the structure of the initial folder.


An example structure :

  • Root
    • Subdirectory

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a note with the default template for Subdirectory (containing a folder_brief_live ccard)
  2. Create a note with the default template for Root
  3. The Live Preview of Root shows the contents of Subdirectory

This only happens on Live Preview, Reading mode works as intended

[bug] Folder note cards for folders cannot be opened

Given a situation like the following where we have a folder with nested folders and notes. The notes can be accessed by click on the name meanwhile the folder note of the nested folder cannot be accessed this way.

If this isn't a bug, I think this would be a fantastic feature to have as it would make navigating around very convenient.

Also, is there a way prevent folders from closing in the file explorer and still show the folder note? (If this is not possible, then the feature described above imo would be even better)

Great extension btw.

Sorting for the cards!

Would love for there to be a sorting feature even if just by date for this :D Thanks for devving this plugin btw! Really solved some of my issues with not having a preview mode for the notes.

Just two things!

Your plugin works almost perfectly, it only takes two things.

  1. It would be great if the note takes the name of the same folder. I don't know how possible that would be for you.
  2. Due to the collapsible behavior of folders when you want to go to the "folder note" it collapses. A solution for this could be for the folder to collapse with just the arrow and not with the name (that is, the entire label box).

Congrats, I hope you can get it. You've really come close to Obsidian Forum's "note hierarchy" request.

folder_brief_live: use first found image within notes

Hi, and thanks for your extension, which I just discovered through Bri Watson's interview by Anthony Gold.

One feature I'd find very helpful is the ability to use the first found ![](image) within notes as the thumbnail image for that note when generating ccards.
Indeed, I try and add an image of every person into the associated note ; and I find it useful to do the same with books.
This feature would allow to generate a live gallery of all the people I'm interested in, and a live gallery view of the books I took notes about. This would be great.


Folder links in folder_brief_live

I hope I haven't overlooked anything, but I can't seem to find an option to enable a link: attribute in the live folder cards. I love browsing my notes with this plugin and just being able to click on any note in this card format and opening it with that is extremely helpful, but it doesn't seem to work by default for folders. As it's quite easy to add manually do a ccard entry, I hope this is also doable for folders in the folder_brief_live mode.
Thank you for your awesome plugin anyways :D

[Bug] Impossible to convert a note to a folder when NoteFileMethod is Index

else if (this.method == NoteFileMethod.Inside) {


First off, thank you for this really useful plugin.

I observed that the command converting a note to a folder produces nothing when the selected NoteFileMethod is set to Index.
Had a look at the code, and found there's no actual condition for the Index case.

Is there an improvement planned for this in the backlog?
If time's an issue, I can try to do a PR, let me know.

Kind regards

Md file with embedded md can't display correctly

# Outline
## Start here
- General how-this-work
- What to expect
- How to start
## Definition 
- ![[PARA Notes#Definitions]]
## Methodology
- Actionnability
- Fluidity
- Project based
- Constraint
## Workflow
- ![[PARA Notes#Workflow]]
## Next steps
- Tiago's blog
- Discord

Graph View

I use graph view a lot for an overview of everything and this plugin is awesome to keep the notes organized but has no interaction with the graph map. What I suggest is the connections made by using links in the folder note transferred to the graph view and visually to connect them too.

Note File Method: Index File allow {{FOLDER_NAME}}

I use this plugin and github page to publish my docs, but I want to ignore index file md. However, there is no good way to write .gitignore and keep the relationship graph beautiful(If I use Index File Method, relationship graph will be very ugly)

Feature Request: Ability to Select Files within Folder Note Subfolders

Currently, we can select files that are in the folder that our note is a folder note of; however, it would also be beneficial to be able to select files of from subfolders.

In the folder note, I can see the subfolders with a card telling how many subfolders and notes it contains; but, I can't easily navigate to the notes in those folder.. a pop-up that allows more navigation or something along those lines would be great.

Support Cmd-click on folder to open folder note in new pane

As title says. Currently the only way to open the folder note is by clicking the folder which opens it in the current focused note pane, replacing the current note in that pane.

Adding support for Cmd-click (Ctrl-click on Win/Linux) would add the intuitive expected behavior that is already present in Obsidian when opening notes from various sidebar widgets. (file explorer, backlinks, etc)

Folder names dissapppear in folder explorer. How to change the title tile?


first, many thanks for a great plugin :) Some remarks:

  1. After the plugin install, some of my folder names disappear (and re-appear after I hover the cursor over them) - see the clack blanks in the left panel:


  1. One question: is it possible to change a default, always appearing in the "orange" field "NOTE" text with notes real name, and text note in the body? E.g. (see picture attached)


AI in Process mining


AI in process mining

How to identify...

Many thanks in advance,


Exposing embedded search params in ccards

Embedded search in Obsidian seems to have a lot of overlap with the live-ccard idea. However, ccard is way better-looking, while embedded search is simply searching through all the notes and listing the results.

Is there a search API available to the plugins? If yes, is it possible to expose embedded search params to ccards?

If something like this is possible, I think that enabling it would make the ccard+query a very popular new plugin which enables you to build custom "catalog" notes. It might also simplify the development of this plugin, making new features very simple to add (e.g. add a section of cards which are tagged with the current note-folder name, or are linking to it, etc.)

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