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Sets up socket middleware returns an error

This code returns an error:

        httpServer := types.CreateServer(nil)
 	io := socket.NewServer(httpServer, nil)
 	err = io.On("connection", func(clients ...any) {
 		client := clients[0].(*socket.Socket)
 		client.Use(func(anies []any, f func(error)) {
 	if err != nil {
 		fmt.Println("err on conn", err)

Error text : panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1
go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/socket/socket.go:517 +0x10d

I think the error is in this line
if i >= length {
Should take length - 1
if i >= length - 1 {

Otherwise, we will get a call to a non-existent i: client question

from official documents, web side client can connect to special namespace, how to handle the connection event on server side ?

client side:

import { Socket, io } from ""

const socket = io("/admin")

server side:

skio := socket.NewServer( types.NewWebServer(nil), nil)

skio.On("/admin", func(clis ...any){})

not works.

please add example list ,for example "gin", or export a socketio serverMux

	g := gin.Default()
	router := http.NewServeMux()
	io := socket.NewServer(nil, nil)
	io.Of("/user", nil).On("connection", func(clients ...any) {
		client := clients[0].(*socket.Socket)
		client.On("ping", func(datas ...any) {
			client.Emit("pong", "pong")
		client.On("disconnect", func(...any) {
	router.Handle("/", io.ServeHandler(nil))

	g.GET("/", gin.WrapH(router))
	g.POST("/", gin.WrapH(router)) // it work
	// g.GET("/", gin.WrapH(io.ServeHandler(nil))) it can not work
	// g.POST("/", gin.WrapH(io.ServeHandler(nil)))
	// because A new router must be created for gin to use


Could you share some benchmarks and testing numbers if you have them please? I am considering using this in production and want to know if it is battle tested and production ready. Thanks!

Store context on sockets

I would like to be able to store context on a connected socket instance and retrieve it later.
Example of what it would look like:

type SocketContext struct {
	UserId string `json:"userId"`
io.On("connection", func(clients ...any) {
    client := clients[0].(*socket.Socket)
    client.SetContext(&SocketContext {UserId : "some-user-id"})
    client.On("reply", func(...any) {
        ctx := client.Context().(*SocketContext)
        userId := ctx.UserId    


Listener func(...any)
server.On("some:event", func(msg string) string {
return msg //Sending ack with data in msg back to client, using "return statement"


support for acknowledgements

support for's request-response "acknowledgements", which allows for an optional callback at the end of an event listeners parameters ( more at ). Unless there is already a existing api that this library uses which does something similar, in which case could I please be redirected to what i need to use for it.

Any example ?

I'm trying to migrate from But I'm currently using gin-gonic as http handler, and it would help a lot if there's base example how to use event and namespace, because in the readmemd it only use (...any) as parameter.

Session ID unknown

Interesting issue found when integrating the library,

2023-05-25T09:00:05.708Z	DEBUG	HTTPS request received:	{"method": "", "RemoteURI": "/notifications/?transport=polling&EIO=3&t=1685005205.6987593", "ip": "", "status": 200}
2023-05-25T09:00:05.708Z	DEBUG	web/server.go:82	BodyDumpMiddleware: /notifications/ transport=polling&EIO=3&t=1685005205.6987593 GET 121:0{"maxPayload":100000,"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":20000,"sid":"NGbaL9GzPY47nQAAAAAAAAAA","upgrades":["websocket"]}
2023-05-25T09:00:05.708Z	DEBUG	pubsub/pubsub.go:72	socketIO client NGbaL9GzPY47nQAAAAAAAAAA connected
2023-05-25T09:00:05.712Z	DEBUG	web/server.go:118	wrapBroadcastServerAndLogStatus: /notifications/ status 400
2023-05-25T09:00:05.712Z	DEBUG	HTTPS request received:	{"method": "", "RemoteURI": "/notifications/?transport=polling&EIO=3&sid=NGbaL9GzPY47nQAAAAAAAAAA", "ip": "", "status": 400}
2023-05-25T09:00:05.712Z	DEBUG	web/server.go:82	BodyDumpMiddleware: /notifications/ transport=polling&EIO=3&sid=NGbaL9GzPY47nQAAAAAAAAAA POST {"code":1,"message":"Session ID unknown"}
2023-05-25T09:00:05.723Z	DEBUG	web/server.go:118	wrapBroadcastServerAndLogStatus: /notifications/ status 400
2023-05-25T09:00:05.723Z	DEBUG	HTTPS request received:	{"method": "", "RemoteURI": "/notifications/?transport=polling&EIO=3&sid=NGbaL9GzPY47nQAAAAAAAAAA&t=1685005205.711163", "ip": "", "status": 400}
2023-05-25T09:00:05.723Z	DEBUG	web/server.go:82	BodyDumpMiddleware: /notifications/ transport=polling&EIO=3&sid=NGbaL9GzPY47nQAAAAAAAAAA&t=1685005205.711163 GET {"code":1,"message":"Session ID unknown"}

Seems like the first request and second request sent the same sid. The first request returned 200 but the second returned Session ID unknown".

Please feel free to let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks! @zishang520

how to use middle in Use funtion, stop this downward bubbling or next

func socketioWithGin() {
	g := gin.Default()
	io := socket.NewServer(nil, nil)
        // use Use funciton or in the second parameter of the Of method
	io.Of("/iot", nil).Use(middle).On("connection", func(clients ...any) {
		client := clients[0].(*socket.Socket)
		client.On("ping", func(datas ...any) {
			client.Emit("pong", "pong")
		client.On("disconnect", func(...any) {
	sock := io.ServeHandler(nil)
	g.GET("/", gin.WrapH(sock))
	g.POST("/", gin.WrapH(sock))

func middle(client *socket.Socket, e func(*socket.ExtendedError)) {
	name, ok := client.Handshake().Query.Get("name")
	if !ok {
		// break, how to jump out of this logic
		e(socket.NewExtendedError("name err", nil))
	// next
	log.Println("name==:", name)

EmitwithAck never listens for the callback from the client so it always timed out

This is a snippet from my code,
I'm porting a socket service already written in nodejs to go...
and this emitWithAck never returns a response times out.

yet, the client automatically acknowledge the message as soon as it gets it
(it's instantaneous btw)

io.Timeout(180*time.Second).EmitWithAck("this-rider-location", receivedMessage)(
				func(args []any, err error) {
					if err == nil {
                                        fmt.Println("we got a response")


生产环境使用过不? 不知道每一万连接需要占用多少内存, 还有多 redis 是否支持


如题,刚开始用go不久,go挺奇怪的,go.mod里完全没模板的版本信息,也不知道版本信息存哪里~ 我看了这个项目的go.mod,发现模块名是

go get

安装确实是安装了,require里多了,问题是只多了这一条~ 我安装其他第三方依赖时,间接依赖都是会自动加上的,但只有这个项目,就只装了本身~ 是我命令输错了吗?

How to call join in the EventListenser?


I'm considering using this go lib to replace the old one.
Currently, in the code

// 'join' event handler,
// The 'join' workflow is as follows,
// 1. FE client got ack from server. Client side `connected` event is triggered.
// 2. In client connect event handler,
// socket.on('connect', () => {
// 	socket.emit('join', jwtToken);
// });
// 3. this event handler is triggered, and the connection is joined to a room called `email`
broadcastServer.OnEvent("", "join", func(s socketio.Conn, user string) {

How will this usage be supported by


Good job

This looks good so far :) Keep it up and have a nice day!

How to get the clients or one of them"connect", socketio.SocketIOOnConnect)
func (socketio *SocketIO) SocketIOOnConnect(clients ...any) {
	client := clients[0].(*socket.Socket)
	client.On("disconnect", socketio.SocketIOOnDisconnect)
        client.Emit("report", data) // it can emit
	zaplog.Logger.Info("connect ", client.Id())

I want to client.Emit() in the other routing.

go func() {
		for socketio.running {
			select {
			case <-socketio.stopChan:
				socketio.running = false
			case msg := <-socketio.message:
				switch m := msg.(type) {
				case []models.Result:
					clients :=
					jsonData, err := json.Marshal(m)
					if err != nil {
						fmt.Println("JSON marshaling failed:", err)
					 for _, client := range clients.Values() {
					 	client.Emit("report", string(jsonData)) // can't emit


client.Emit("report", string(jsonData)) can't do it. I find that the client.ID() is different.

Cannot find a way to successfully broadcast


I see in the source code there is a method exposed for this. It just does not seem to work.

this just ends up working like a regular emit


I also saw that adapter has a broadcast. However, I get nil errors with this one.

nil error

    Type: parser.EVENT,
    Data: "hi",
}, &server.BroadcastOptions{
    Rooms: types.NewSet(ROOM),

The repository is awesome I have been enjoying it greatly 😎

how to join you

Recently used socketio in my go project,I feel unfriend;
So it took me a lot of time to rewrite it using nodejs,
until I see your project ,I very interested in your project,
I hope to do a little bit of my little effort to advance your project, so that other people who have suffered the same way as me will avoid detours

join not working

This code has an error

			strRoom := fmt.Sprintf("user_%d", 1234)

Support for gofiber.

Is there a working example for using this library with gofiber?

I tried this:

import (

// ...
io := socket.NewServer(nil, nil)
App.Use("/", adaptor.HTTPHandler(io.ServeHandler(nil)))

and can not connect to the websocket. (it resorts to using polling)

Golang client


For my project, I need to connect as a client with my Golang app. Is it possible to add a golang client implementation ?

Thank you !

Do you mind looking into Fiber adaptor for net/http interface to make this library work with fiber applications?

here's the link:


package main

import (



type Message struct {
Name string json:"name"
Message string json:"message"

func main() {
app := fiber.New()
var opts *socket.ServerOptions = socket.DefaultServerOptions()
var _ = &socket.ServerOptions{
// cors: {
// origin: "http://localhost:8100",
// methods: ["GET", "POST"],
// credentials: true
// },
// transports: ['websocket', 'polling'],
// allowEIO3: true

_ = &types.Cors{
	Origin:      "*",
	Methods:     []string{"GET", "POST"},
	Credentials: false,

// opts.SetCors(corsOptions)

fmt.Print("printing addresses")

io := socket.NewServer(nil, opts)
// io.of
// http.

app.Use("/", adaptor.HTTPHandler(io.ServeHandler(opts)))
// http.Handle("/", io.ServeHandler(nil))
// go http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)

io.On("connection", func(clients ...any) {
	client := clients[0].(*socket.Socket)
	client.On("event", func(datas ...any) {
	client.On("disconnect", func(...any) {
app.Get("/", controllers.HomeRouteHandler)

app.Listen(":" + os.Getenv("PORT"))


printing opts gave me nil all through...

&{{ 0xc0001703f0 } { } }

Does this project have Discord or Telegram group?

I am very interested in your project written in Golang.
Do you have any social media platforms where people can contribute or ask questions?

Maybe I could provide some examples instead of reading the documents from the Node.js version.


我原本放弃websocket选择socketio,是觉得这东西功能比websocket更强大,有类似房间的机制,最重要的是有自动重连机制,可靠性更高。实际用了才发现全是坑~ 主要是自动重连机制文档语焉不详,我怎么知道重连了?重连有没有回调?socket.on("connection")的回调包含重连吗?如果包含,如何区别第一次连接还是重新连接?最近才发现个大坑,好像重连是客户端机制,服务端是没有的,所以服务端的emit可能都是不可靠的~ 于是我得加代码自己实现在断连期间服务端消息缓存。这就设计到这所谓的重连对于服务的到底是什么情况?

how to fetch / ?

I use you example, it work for connecting and sending message, but when I try to get the JS client code, using url /
I always get error 400 with message below. any example i can follow to get the client JS ?

"code": 0,
"message": "Transport unknown"

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