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plaintasks's Introduction

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An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text (2 & 3) editor


To install this plugin, you have two options:

  1. If you have Package Control installed, simply search for PlainTasks to install.

  2. Clone source code to Sublime Text packages folder.

Start a new todo-list

Bring up the command palette (it’s ⌘ + shift + p in OS X and ctrl + shift + p in Windows) and type task and select Tasks: New document command.

NOTE: Save your todo files with todo, todolist, tasks or taskpaper file extensions or just name them TODO with no extension. For more portability you can use todolist.txt either as a filename or as suffix for any arbitrary filename.


NOTE: In Windows or Linux use ctrl instead of

⌘ + enter or ⌘ + i: new task

⌘ + d: toggle task as completed.

ctrl + c: toggle task as cancelled on Mac. alt + c on Windows/Linux.

⌘ + shift + a will archive the done tasks, by removing them from your list and appending them to the bottom of the file under Archive project

⌘ + shift + o will archive in Org-Mode style, removing the entire subtree after cursor and appending it to new file next to original one, e.g. if original is filename.TODO then new would be filename_archive.TODO

⌘ + shift + u will open the url under the cursor in your default browser, other than http(s) schemes must be enclosed within <>, e.g. <skype:nickname>

☐ Anything with colon at the end of the line is a project title, you can also nest projects by indenting them.

☐ You can write plain text as notes or descriptions wherever you want. Use _ or * for italic and bold just like in Markdown.

☐ You can add tags using @ sign
You can place cursors on tags, click right mouse button and Filter by tags under cursors: pending tasks with selected tags will remain visible (and their notes and projects they belong to), but everything else will be hidden/folded; to unfold all press ⌘+k, ⌘+j or ⌘+k, ⌘+0

☐ You can navigate tags in current document via ⌘+shift+r.

☐ PlainTasks comes with a simple snippet for creating separators, if you feel that your task list is becoming too long you can split it into several sections (and fold some of them) using this snippet:

-- and then tab will give you this: --- ✄ -----------------------

☐ Completion rules (ctrl+space or alt+/ to see list of them):

  • type t, press tab — it’ll become @today — this one is highlighted differently than other tags;

  • c, tab — @critical;

  • h, tab — @high;

  • l, tab — @low;

  • s, tab — @started — press tab again and current date will be inserted, when you’ll complete or cancel a task with such tag, you’ll know how many time has passed since start; if you have to change done/cancelled/started time, then you can recalculate the time spent on task by pressing tab while cursor is placed on a tag;

  • tg, tab, tab work in the same manner as s, but inserts @toggle(current date) — so you can pause and resume to get more correct result when done/cancel; each toggle tag is either pause or resume depending on its place in sequence;

  • cr, tab, tab — @created(current date) (⌘ + shift + enter creates a new task with this tag);

  • d, tab — @due( )
    If you press tab again, it’ll insert current date, same for @due( 0).
    You can type short date (similar to OrgMode’s date prompt, but not the same) and then press tab to expand it into default format.
    Short date should be @due(year-month-day hour:minute)
    Dot can be used instead of hyphen, but should be consistent

    • year, month, minute, hour can be omitted:

      Notation Meaning
      @due(1) 1st day of next month always
      @due(--1) 1st day of current month always
      @due(5) 5th day of current month (or next month if current day is 5th or older)
      @due(2-3) February 3rd of current year or next one
      @due(31 23:) 31st day of current/next month at 23 hours and minutes are equal to current moment
      @due(16.1.1 1:1) January 1st of 2016 at 01:01 @due(16-01-01 01:01)
    • relative period of time starts with a plus sign or two
      +[+][number][DdWw][h:m] — number is optional as well as letter d for days or letter w for weeks.

      Notation Meaning
      @due(+) tomorrow as well as @due( +1) or @due( +1d)
      @due(+w) one week since current date, i.e. @due( +7)
      @due(+3w) 3 weeks since current date, i.e. @due( +21d)
      @due(++) one day since @created(date) if any, otherwise it is equal to @due(+)
      @due(+2:) two hours since current date
      @due(+:555) 555 minutes since current date
      @due(+2 12:) 2 days and 12 hours since current date

☐ You can create a link to a file within your project by prefixing the file name with a dot and (back)slash like: .\filename\ or ./another filename/.
The line and column can be specified by colons: .\filename:11:8.
In SublimeText 3 you can specify a symbol inside that file by using > character like: .\filename>symbol.
In SublimeText 2 you can specify a text inside that file by using inch characters like: .\filename"any text".
Pressing ctrl + o (alt + o on Windows/Linux) will open the file in Sublime and scroll to specific position if any.
Also in SublimeText 3 link may point to directory, open such link will add the directory to current project (sidebar).
In addition, Markdown and “wiki” (Org-Mode, NV, etc.) styles are supported as well, examples:

[](path ":11:8")
[](path ">symbol")
[](path "any text")
[[path::any text]]
[[path]] ":11:8"
[[path]] ">symbol"
[[path]] "any text"

☐ To convert current document to HTML, bring up the command palette ⌘ + shift + p and type Tasks: View as HTML — it will be opened in default webbrowser, so you can view and save it.
Tasks: Save as HTML… ask if you want to save and if yes, allow to choose directory and filename (but won’t open it in webbrowser).

Editor Useful Tools:

☐ Use ⌘ + control + up/down (ctrl + shift + up/down on Windows) to move tasks up and down.

☐ Use ⌘ + r to see a list of projects and quickly jump between them

★ See the Tutorial for more detailed information.


PlainTasks is an opinionated plugin, which means that it is highly configured to look in a specific way, but this does not mean that you can not customize it. If you feel that something does not look right and you want to change it, you can easily do it in your user settings file.

Go to Preferences → Package Settings → PlainTasks and open Settings - User, there you can override all the default settings, to get an idea you can take a look at Settings - Default.

Here is a list of PlainTasks’ specific settings:

Setting Default Options/Description
open_tasks_bullet - [ ]
done_tasks_bullet + [x]
cancelled_tasks_bullet x [-]
date_format (%y-%m-%d %H:%M) See for quick reference; detailed documentation: ST2, ST3
done_tag true Determines whether done tasks should gain a @done tag or not
done_date true Determines whether done tasks should gain a date or not
before_tasks_bullet_margin 1 Determines the number of spaces (default indent) before the task bullet
project_tag true Postfix archived task with project tag, otherwise prefix
archive_name Archive: Make sure it is the unique project name within your todo files
new_on_top true How to sort archived tasks (done_tag=true and default date_format are required)
header_to_task false If true, a project title line will be converted to a task on the certain keystroke
decimal_minutes false If true, minutes in lasted/wasted tags will be percent of hour, e.g. 1.50 instead of 1:30
tasks_bullet_space whitespace or tab String to place after bullet, might be any character(s)
highlight_past_due true If true, highlight past, soon, and invalid @due(something)
highlight_due_soon 24 Hours as int, threshold to define which @due will be soon
scope_past_due string.other.tag.todo.critical Any scope, define color for past @due
scope_due_soon string.other.tag.todo.high Any scope, define color for @due will be soon
scope_misformatted string.other.tag.todo.low Any scope, define color for @due mismatch date_format
icon_past_due "circle" Gutter icon¹
icon_due_soon "dot" Gutter icon¹
icon_misformatted "" Gutter icon¹
icon_critical "" Gutter icon¹
icon_high "" Gutter icon¹
icon_low "" Gutter icon¹
icon_today "" Gutter icon¹
show_remain_due false In Sublime 3, show remain or overdue time under due tags
show_calendar_on_tags false In Sublime 3, if true, automatically show date picker when cursor is on tag (you can get date picker any time via context menu)
due_preview_offset 0 Place preview date outside of parens of @due(), 1 — within
due_remain_format "{time} remaining" {time} will be replaced with actual value
due_overdue_format "{time} overdue" {time} will be replaced with actual value

¹ Icon value can be "dot", "circle", "bookmark", "cross", "", or custom relative path to existing png file, e.g. "Packages/User/my-icon.png".

Changing color scheme

If you don't like colors used in bundled schemes just copy any .hidden-tmTheme from PlainTasks to your User directory, change colors and paste the code below in your user settings file:

{ "color_scheme": "Path to your custom color scheme file. e.g. Packages/User/custom_plaintasks.hidden-tmTheme" }

N.B., sometimes you have to restart Sublime Text to apply changes made in tmTheme file.

N.B., scope_past_due, scope_due_soon, and scope_misformatted settings can assign any scopes defined in tmTheme file, e.g. you can set "scope_past_due": "my.own.super.expired.whatever" and then just add style definition in tmTheme for this scope.

Taskpaper Compatibility

If you need to keep your files compatible with Taskpaper, go to Preferences → Package Settings → PlainTasks and open Settings - User, then add these settings to the json file:

  "translate_tabs_to_spaces": false,
  "date_format": "(%y-%m-%d)",
  "taskpaper_compatible": true

Spell check

It is build-in feature of Sublime, you can toggle spell check with F6.
For convinience, you may add bullets in list of ignored words into Preferences → Settings - User, e.g.

  "ignored_words": [ "", "", "", "" ]

[BONUS] Custom todo icon

PlainTasks comes with a custom todo icon that you can find in the icons folder. You can assign it to your todo files to give them a better look and distinguish them from other plain text files. Google and find out how to assign a custom icon to a file type in your operating system.

[BONUS] Custom Statistics

Statistics of current file are represented in status-bar, based on stats_format, which is "$n/$a done ($percent%) $progress Last task @done $last" by default — as you can see it’s just a string containing special directives (see table bellow) and regular chars.

Directive Description
$o Amount of pending tasks
$d Amount of completed tasks
$c Amount of cancelled tasks
$n Sum of completed and cancelled tasks
$a Sum of all tasks
$percent Ratio of $n to $a
$progress Percent as pseudo graphics (absents if less than 10%)
$last Date of lastly completed task
{{...}} Return pending/completed/cancelled tasks which matched by regex ...;
e.g. {{@tag}} — amounts of tasks with @tag; or `{{@a

So you can customise it as you like, by adding to Settings - User, e.g.

    "stats_format": "☐$o ✔$d ✘$c",

    // if you want the statistics do not include the archived tasks:
    "stats_ignore_archive": true

Copy statistics

Bring up the command palette and type Tasks: Copy Statistics.

Additional settings for progress bar

    "bar_full": "■",   // any char
    "bar_empty": "☐", // any char

    // if you want to avoid Unicode when copy stats — you can define replacements
    // e.g. to convert ■■■■■■☐☐☐☐ to [======    ]
    "replace_stats_chars": [[" ■", " [="], ["■", "="], ["☐ ", " ] "], ["☐", " "]]

Introduction to PlainTasks Screencast

PlainTasks for other editors

NOTE: These are separate projects, maintained by some awesome developers other than us.


You can contribute on github



Copyright 2012-2013 Allen Bargi. Licensed under the MIT License

plaintasks's People


antonioriva avatar apollo2k4 avatar autokludge avatar aziz avatar benjohnson avatar bfelder avatar binaryannie avatar ccampbell avatar deanishe avatar divinites avatar evanrelf avatar gschenck avatar hatarist avatar hindol avatar jaacob avatar khalifavi avatar kronuz avatar matteobelotti avatar mikedmcfarland avatar naelsondouglas avatar orbanbotond avatar overlord avatar pochemuto avatar sauron avatar schlamar avatar simogecko avatar timgates42 avatar travmik avatar vovkkk avatar vruyr avatar


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plaintasks's Issues

Sublime text 3 Support

When trying to run it on beta version of new Sublime Text, got an error:

Error loading syntax file "Packages/PlainTasks/PlainTasks.tmLanguage": Bad XML

Is there any quick fix?

commands are named too ambiguously

There is no namespacing on commands, so PlainTasks now conflicts with some built-in commands. So, as of 8e3c2f7 Plaintasks now conflicts with the built in command "cancel" which is used for dismissing certain views.

All the commands should be renamed; for example, NewCommand should be named e.g. PlainTasksNewCommand to explicitly disambiguate it from other plugins and possible built-in meanings of "new".

PlainTasks mousemap replace the ST2 standard one

Sorry to bring bad news, but mousemaps doesn't support "context"...

So Default (OS).sublime-mousemap from PlainTask replace the standard alt+click from ST2, which is a pretty useful feature.

It's one of the important things missing from ST2 API.

Hide/Show completed task

Archiving tasks lost the parent-child related of tasks, I think a feature of hide and show complete tasks are better than archiving.


Partial Archiving

It would be great if plaintasks would really had a notion of 'subtasks' (instead of making them collapsible/expandable). There are already a few issues for things relating to that and because I expect this to be rather hard to implement, I've decided to file an issue for a probably easier thing to most, for it is the thing thats bothering the most:

I would like to archive all done issues, except for the ones that are subtasks of which the parent isn't done yet.

Symbols are broken

Thank you so much for the plugin. in windows XP, the bullets symbols - ❍ ❑ ■ □ ☐ ▪ ▫ – — ≡ → › don't display correctly and are only shown as question mark. Any hints?

Only .todo extension works

I run Windows 7. It seems like only the .todo and .TODO files get properly loaded by the plugin, but not .task, .taskpaper or .todolist, contrary to what is defined in C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\SublimeTasks\tasks (Windows).sublime-settings:


Separator line

This preference would be nice for Archive "separator line":

    "separator-pattern": "-",
    "separator-length" : 79

You can tell what is the separator pattern (it can also be "- " (hyphen + space)) and how many times do you want to repeat it — or what is the column length it has to be fit in. I guess this second option is more handy!

archive should move note below todo

Hi, great package, thanks!

I have one suggestions.

 ☐ this is my todo1
 ✔ get milk @done (12-10-02 03:54)
the best place is...
may there is even a second line with notes
 ☐ todo2
here is also a note

but this part doesn't count as a note because it comes after an empty line
 ☐ this is my todo3

When I now move the task 'get milk' to the archive, the note "the best..." remains in the todo list. I think it should be moved to the archive together with "get milk". todo2 provides another example showing how this moving could be interrupted.

In addition, it would also be useful if the note under done tasks (in this example "the best...") would be greyed out even further compared to notes under undone todos such as "todo2".

Tasks and Projects nesting

Hi Allen

Not a real issue, rather a usability suggestion :
Be able quickly indent/unindent items with Tab (Shift+Tab) w/o the need to go back to the beginning of the line. This makes working with nested tasks & projects more natural.

If you like the idea, have a look to this commit :

All the best

Archive: sort finished tasks by date

Currently, archiving tasks does not sort finished tasks. It would be cool if the automatically added @done tag could be parsed so that my archive list is always ordered by date. Ascending or Descending order could be defined in the configuration.

What do you guys think?

[Feature Request] Word Wrap in settings.

I have my wordwrap settings set up for coding however they don't work well when working with plain text files, is there any way to add an option for custom word wrap / margins in your settings specifically for the .TODO files? If so I think it would be very handy.

Windows DPI issues with "directwrite" option

Hi, I just noticed that PlainTasks forces directwrite on Windows. And unfortunately at the moment there are issues with sublime directwrite fonts on custom DPI settings (e.g. I am using 125% under windows 7).

Here is an image illustrating the problem (windows 7, sublime 2.0.1/b2217, 125% DPI, consolas font): Untitled
(bad = "with directwrite", good = "without directwrite")

A quick fix is to remove that directowrite from PlainTasks (Windows).sublime-settings file.

As a suggestion - should PlainTasks inherit the directwrite setting from Sublime settings?

done & cancel toggling with setting "done_tag": false

With done_tag settings set to false, done and cancel toggling doesn't work properly. Enabling works, but disabling clears whole text right of the rightmost @ symbol or whole text if there are no @ symbols on the line.

Both SublimeTasks and Tasks plugin directories necessary

If I only use C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\SublimeTasks, I get an error:

Error loading Colour scheme Packages/Tasks/tasks.hidden-tmTheme:
Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file In file

However, if I duplicate SublimeTasks to Tasks, meaning I have 2 identical directories with the same content, it works fine. If I only have the Tasks directory, the plugin doesn't load.

ST2's Multiple Select is not working while PlainTasks is active

Hi, "multiple select" is my favorite ST2 feature. I used to hold CTRL and select texts using mouse for rapid editing of my code.

This PlainTasks package is awesome but I have some issue. It suddenly stops multiple select from working while activated. I disabled the PlainTasks, and multiple select started to works again. Hopefully it will get fixed soon.

I'm using Sublime Text 2 build 2217 on ArchLinux.

Theme Error when opening .todo file

Error loading colour scheme Packages/Tasks/tasks.tmTheme: Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file In file "Packages/Tasks/tasks.tmTheme"

PlainTasks break multiple selection

Normally, holding down command and dragging selection areas with the mouse will select all of those areas. When I have PlainTasks installed, this stops working and each time I'm dragging a selection, a traceback appears on the console.

This doesn't occur only in .todo files, but in every file type.


Along with done and archived, it'd be a nice feature to have a cancelled strikethrough or something along those lines.

Changes to date_format


Firstly, great addon. I've always wanted a sublime todo list.

Just wanted to point out an error that occurs when you change the date_format config. Upon changing, when toggling tasks to be undone, only the last parenthesis gets in removed in most cases.

For example, I just tried "date_format": "(%A %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p)", which resulted in :

test @done (Tuesday September 18, 2012 12:18 AM @done (Tuesday September 18, 2012 12:18 AM)

When I toggled once.

I did some investigating, but with a severe lack of python knowledge, I'm only able to speculate that there is an issue with the regex on line 60 that leads to an eventual failure with the replacement on 71.

If you could keep me informed, I would love to use this as a learning experience.

Thank you again.

tag parsing issue

First of all, thanks for this great plugin!

I have a small request: if I add a tag like @1.2 the tag it is not highlighted properly like for instance for @1_2 . I think the . char has some issue if included in a tag, see below.

☐ this does not work @1.2
☐ this works @1_2

some suggestions

First of all, this plugin is Awesome, thanks

--- ✄ -----------------------

☐ supports url link (highlight & click to open?)
☐ ⌘ + Enter ==> add project title is better?
☐ After archive the done task, I don't know which project is it belongs to, how about this:

 ☐ task1
 ☐ task2


 ✔ title1: task1 @done (12-09-18 00:07)
 ✔ title2: task2 @done (12-09-18 00:07)

Dark Theme - and why need to set a font?

The tasks-gray theme is a lot better already, but is still very high contrast.

Being a programmer and looking at my Soda Dark theme a major part of the day, i don't really like it.
Therefore, I was wondering if someone has a dark theme already?

Also I was wondering why we need to set a font? It doesnt seem to be working (because im using ST3 perhaps??) My default font is great and being it different only distracts me.

Auto-done parent

It would be cool when the sub are "done" parent automatically "done".

 ☐ controller
   ✔ view @done (20.11.12 11:39)
   ✔ add @done (20.11.12 11:39)
   ✔ edit @done (20.11.12 11:39)

First nested project does not collapse

Don't know if this is a bug or by design, but I can't collapse the first nested child project, but a further nested grandchild project will allow nesting.

Screen shot 2013-04-05 at 11 22 57

Screen shot 2013-04-05 at 11 24 00

Taskpaper compatibility

Since I am using iPad version of taskpaper (but not desktop version) I simply test PlainTasks with that.
There is some differences in the schema, even after changing the bullet points to all "-" for "open_tasks_bullet" and "done_tasks_bullet". The difference is that TaskPaper treats only lines starting with a tab (instead of a space) as tasks. To support that, PlainTask needs a setting for that as well (to be used by NewCommand.)

Symbols no longer displayed with default settings (Windows 7)

044f981 (fix for #62) broke symbols on out-of-the-box configuration on Windows 7. This change removed directwrite from the windows default settings.

The default Consolas font's symbols display incorrectly without directwrite,



The user should not need to configure directwrite in their user settings to get the default font to work properly.

Margin before task bullet

Thank you for this wonderful plugin from another plugin developer! :)

Can you add margin before task bullets as configuration option, because 3 spaces (two is tab_size and one hardcoded) is killing me :)

For now I'm just added spaces in open_tasks_bullet and done_tasks_bullet options before bullet char.

Overriding current font_size

PlainTasks sets it's own font_size, overriding whatever my current setting is. I suggest removing the font_size entry in the settings file so that the package uses whatever setting the user is at currently.

Installation error with Package Control

The plugin couldn't be installed, Package Control stop with the exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
  File ".\Package", line 1871, in run
  File ".\Package", line 1465, in install_package
  File ".\Package", line 1533, in print_messages
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 44: ordinal not in range(128)

Probably because Tutorial.todo used by messages.json contains non ascii chars.

Folding is broken

My first project and the archive section have folding indicators, but they do not work.

My other projects don't even have folding indicators.

This might be related to the comments that appear between tasks in my first project, but even removing those does not seem to have an effect.

I've forked the repo and will look into this shortly.

Make text under tasks archivable

I like to put any related URLs under the task like this

☐ Little commets
    Code: AAA123

When you complete and archive this task, the text remains floating in its previous position.

It would be cool if this addition text was also moved when archiving tasks

Important tasks

Is there a chance for highlighting important tasks?
Thank you!

Add custom shortcut and symbol

is there any way to do that?

I would like to define...

"prog_tasks_bullet": "≡", // task in progress

and a shortcut, ex. ⌘ + X and I would like this to act as the others bullets:

  • ⌘ + X adds ≡
  • again ⌘ + X removes ≡

"Archive" no longer archives

I've been using PlainTasks for months now, but for some reason Archiving now does nothing. I can mark a task as Done (Ctrl D) successfully, but I cannot Archive it (Ctrl Shift A); I cannot archive it even if I use the command palette (Ctrl Shift P > Tasks: Archive). Archiving also does not work in new documents.

I am using Windows 7, Sublime Text 2, v. 2.0.1. I would check for error messages, but I don't know where to check.

The only customization I recall making was to change my date format, but that was months ago:

    "date_format": "(%d-%b-%y -- %H:%M)"

(I will double-check when I get to work tomorrow, but I recall that Archive is still working on my OS X device.)

Tag Suggestions

This is a great app. I found it today in a tutorial on Tuts+.

I have a few small suggestions in regards to the '@tag'

While it is cool it colors the tag, they server little purpose. It would be cool if I could type a filter to display list by tags.

Would go a long way for collaborative projects shared over git. Since a user could take the assigned name, then filter there name, and the whole tasklist could be committed along with the sublime project.

It would also be nice if we could click the tag to filter by it.

Also - Currently I nest a lot of tasks under a larger task. Is it possible to make outer tasks dependent on nested tasks, and make archive archive the whole task, including the sub elements. Maybe add collapse to the outer task?

Marking off tasks that are not complete

It would be good to mark tasks off with a different status other than ✔, for things on your list that have been cancelled or put in the too hard basket. I was thinking perhaps a strikethrough, or if that's too complicated, an ✘ mark.

Would this be possible?

Dark color scheme?

The color theme looks very "solarized". Consider a the dark flavor as a option?

(Very useful plugin BTW! The better TaskPaper app alternative I have found for Linux)

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.