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ror_ecommerce's Issues

New supplier fails

on a fresh new pulled system when I press new supplier I get

developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.1.2/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb:353:in form_for' developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/haml-3.1.3/lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:182:inform_for_with_haml'
developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/haml-3.1.3/lib/haml/helpers/xss_mods.rb:132:in form_for_with_haml_xss' app/views/admin/inventory/suppliers/new.html.erb:5:in_app_views_admin_inventory_suppliers_new_html_erb__130282221389504744_2204996240'
developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.1.2/lib/action_view/template.rb:171:in block in render' developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.1.2/lib/active_support/notifications.rb:55:ininstrument'
developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.1.2/lib/action_view/template.rb:169:in render' developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.1.2/lib/action_view/renderer/template_renderer.rb:40:inblock (2 levels) in render_template'
developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-3.1.2/lib/action_view/renderer/abstract_renderer.rb:33:in block in instrument' developement/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.1.2/lib/active_support/notifications.rb:53:inblock in instrument'

PS: actually new Purchase order fails similarly
PPS with the inventory issue this leaves me (a very willing candidate) without a way to test checkout

Add Product (todo before activation)

In the admin, display what needs to be done before the product is ready for activation.

(like if there are no images Give an indicator that the product isn't ready for activation)

single page checkout

Is there a way to put billing address, shipping address, shipping method and payment information on a single page? And also, have you tried testing with stripe (a new payment processor)? Sorry, this might not be an issue, but wasn't sure where else to post.

Thank you.

Can't upload an image - seems like a paperclip issue

Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError (Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError):
app/models/image.rb:28:in find_dimensions' app/controllers/admin/merchandise/images/products_controller.rb:10:inupdate'

I have imagemagick installed (and libmagickwand-dev).
I tried installing rmagick gem but it didn't help.
I tested the imagemagick commands - convent and identify from another template and it seems to be fine.

I'll updatet the issue if I find a solution.

make Prototype optional

It is my understanding that a Prototype would be of help when creating many similar Products (all with the same properties).
As such its use should be optional. Ie one either creates a product from a prototype (link from the prototype) or not, in which case the prototype is not relevant.

Or to be precise: The prototype is irrelevant to a product. It is only helpful in creating the product.

I get Prototype can't be blank
when trying to create a Product without a prototype. But imo it should be ok.

Payment integration - external hosted UI

I just start work on integration with payments system using ActiveMerchant (unfortunately this payment gateway which I want to use does not work, so I need to rewrite) but I see that there is one missing part in ror-e (correct me if I am wrong)

Right now there is assumption that store owner will host UI for payment (user need to fill credit card info on store webpage).
But as I know this is related with PCI [1] and some special requirements (and of course security issue).
As I can see ror-e of course do not store credit cards data so maybe this is not so big deal but any way.

In my case I do not want to host ui for credit card I prefer to send user to much more secure webpage and just get confirmation about status of this payment. So the question is: how can I do that and how this influence on payments flow?


NoMethodError in Admin/overviews#index

Showing C:/Users/sam/Desktop/ror_ecommerce/app/views/shared/admin/_header_bar.html.erb where line #2 raised:

undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass
Extracted source (around line #2):


2: <%= %>

3: <%= link_to 'Logout', logout_path, :id => 'admin-logout-button' %>

Trace of template inclusion: app/views/layouts/admin.html.erb

Rails.root: C:/Users/sam/Desktop/ror_ecommerce

app/views/shared/admin/_header_bar.html.erb:2:in _app_views_shared_admin__header_bar_html_erb__828043663_60317820' app/views/layouts/admin.html.erb:32:in_app_views_layouts_admin_html_erb__914310686_60436752'



I have idea to replace history tab in admin panel by dashboard.
Because right now history do not provide anything interesting just list of orders.
It will be good to have main page with all statistics like:

  • revenue (per day, month, year)
  • orders (per day, moth, year)
  • amount of new users
  • actiivity
  • most popular product
  • ....

Everything with all nice charts of course :)

What do you think?

Variant Brand ?

Shouldn't the brand be a property of the Product rather than the Variant.

I don't understand what it would mean to have one product with variants from different brands.

(btw: nice though that brands and suppliers are not the same)

Remove product (just use deleted_at)


Could you help me understand how to remove product from ror-e?
I see that is just question of set up flag for it but I do not see any functionality for that in UI (I use the new one from @deanperry )
But as I remember either in the old one this feature was missing.

To make question clear:

Right now in product.rb model we have active flag and deleted_at of course differences between those two are quite obvious (active means that is at store but is not visible on user side, deleted_at means that product was removed from our inventory)

but in method destroy instead of setup deleted_at is just active = false which confuse a little bit. Shouldn't be there deleted_at ?
And one more question: because right now delete means: setup flag and hide product, is there possibility to remove it from database or this can be done only from console?

simple-form-bootstrap branch status?

I was wondering how far the simple-form-bootstrap branch was taken. I would like to use ror-ecommerce but would prefer to use boostrap. I am curious how complete the simple-form-bootstrap branch is? I might be willing to try to bring that branch up to date as much as possible with master but implement all the frontend code with simpel_form and boostrap.


admin/overviews and README

README install instructions mention

git submodule init
git submodule update
gem install compass
gem install fancy-buttons

but I don't think any of them are needed. But it fails to mention rvm or bundle exec (needed for 1.8 system users)

also the overview has no mention on how to create stock, so no checkout, no testing, ...

tax_rate edit

When I edit a tax rate in admin config, the list of states I get is State-to_s ie some address.

Looked into fixing it but wasn't sure about the correct select syntax. Countries work.

BTW: I just saw the vat global flag. Would you start a wiki page about how that works. I can flesh it out, but if you give the tech scoop that would clear it up for me.

bundle exec rake db:test:prepare breaks with sqlite

rake aborted!
Please install the mysql2 adapter: gem install activerecord-mysql2-adapter (mysql2 is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile.)

Gemfile includes below and I ran this to install (I think you can have different rvm setups for this kind of different gem version testing, but you probably knew that)
bundle install --without production

group :test, :development do
gem 'sqlite3'
group :production do
gem 'mysql2', '~> 0.3.10'

No direct way of changing inentory

While I really do appreciate the suppier order/receive process, there are just times when one takes one item from the shelf.

Or one does an inventory (count has against should) and one just needs to adjust the number.

stylesheets should be consolidated

two options:

  1. have the files generated by compass not in version control

  2. remove compass and use the rails3 spockets / assest pipeline

The generated compass stylesheets do not need to be checked into the repo.

Default prperty throws error

When creating a product no error was given when default property was left empty and when viewing the product i get

undefined method `property' for nil:NilClass
Extracted source (around line #38):

35: <%# variant.primary_property.each do |variant_property| %>
36: <div id='variant_<%= i %>'
37: class='variant_select' >
38: <%= raw %>: <%= raw variant.primary_property.description %>

And when I go back to edit the property, I can not. It is not in the list.
PS: I only found this out by creating another product. ie it could say so on the screen (but off course the code should check)

too many files under version control

When I pull I get some conflicts which I think come from the fact that too many files are under version control.

db/schema.rb varies (slightly) for every db. I'm quite sure it shouldn't be under version control
public/stylesheets/ don't remember : if assets are used, the generated assets should not be checked in, as they are different in deve/production. So I have flles overriden where only the metadata has changed
.bundle/ should not be checked in as it differs per machine ( ie I use --without production on my dev machine and thus mysql is never installed)


Why product_keyword in product model is text instead of string ?

Is there any reason for that?

Credit card payment in checkout

Wouldn't that need choice (like the shipment), like paypal, check, bill etc, So there is a place to add those payment methods and a give the user a choice.

Also one should avoid asking for cc info on site. And to be useful (general) bills and cash should be options.
And in different countries different (paypal-like) systems exist.

Problem with storing country and state

During add new tax rate in admin panel if user will type something wrong and send form, he will loose country and state which he selected. The same for edit.

Coupons type problem

Can't mass-assign protected attributes: type

The Coupons type field needs to be renamed to coupon_type

Checkout - address validation

When user go through checkout process he add new address (let assume that this is his first time) after that go to next step address is added to database but for his address there is no shipping method yet. There is no information about that.
He should get some information that for his address store do not ship products.
Of course in next step where user need to choose shipping method there is no option to choose and when user go to next step application crash.

Also it should be possibility to back to last step. For example to change address or to change other parameters.

rename Tax Status

Too me at least status may mean active or not, but what it seems t be is Category

Ie, rename to TaxCategory is my proposal for better understanding.

Move from paperclip to carrierwave

I have used Carrierwave on many of my projects and I really like it. They also have a compatibility mode for people moving from Paperclip to Carrierwave. I suggest you take a look :)

Tax rate - active country


I have question about how to active country id to make possibility to choose those country in tax rate admin.
Is only chance to do that is to change that in country.rb model ?

Maybe it will be good idea to add extra field into country model like: active, which user could define in admin panel which country he wants to use in his store, it will prevent to have huge list of countries in select boxes like this one in tax rate.

I could provide functionality for that, just give me know.

Surname validation chokes on mine

When I checkout on the store, putting in the address, my surname contains a german umlaut (Rüger)

It says it's invalid and while I understand it may be difficult to pronounce, my passport backs me up on the fact that it is not invalid :-)

CSS toolkit


I have 2 thought regarding css toolkit:

  1. I would like to propose using bootstrap toolkit from twitter instead of blueprint.

Why not use blueprint:

  • blueprint is not maintain more then one year
  • is ugly
  • do not support any mobile platform (nowadays every body has tablet to administrate his store ;) )

Why use bootstrap:

  • provided by twitter
  • still maintain (and for long time it will not change)
  • looks much better then blueprint
  • very good documentation
  • support mobile platform
  • clean source code (easy to modify)

The advantages are quite obvious, just take a look on it[1] and think about that.

  1. I would like also propose to do not use sass:
  • it provide unnecessary layout on top of css
  • hard to work for people who do not know scss
  • code is not so clean and obvious as with standard css
  • rails provide by default possibility to include ruby code in css to achieve that what should provide scss
  • extra gem in huge list of dependencies
  • we do not use so much scss right now and I think all which we need can be done by standard features from assets rails.


purchase order ui

We have over 1000 variants, so a dropdown doesn't really work for choosing a variant

Also, any PO will have many products on it, but after adding each, ti goes back to the list of PO's. So there is a lot of unneccessary clicking

Also the cost should be prefilled, and when I leave it empty, I get an SQLite3::ConstraintException in Admin::Inventory::PurchaseOrdersController#update
purchase_order_variants.cost may not be NULL

which indicates that there is a db-level restriction without a matching model validation

And when I press add variant I actually get 2 new variant entry fields ( running on mac 10.6.8 with chrome 15.0)

model order_item cause ActiveRecord error in postgresql

when order processed, after selecting the given address, "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Shopping::ShippingMethodsController#index" error raised.
the detail description :
PG::Error: ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: SELECT order_items., count() as quantity,

this is caused by SQL statement error in order_item, line 103 - 107....
using the following as instead:
:select => "order_items.*, count( as quantity,
products.shipping_category_id as shipping_category_id,
SUM(order_items.price) as sum_price,
SUM( as sum_total",
:group => ", order_items.variant_id, products.shipping_category_id")
the code snippet is test ok in postgresql and gain more DB performance.

Missing livereload.js

after go to new admin panel my firebug alert me that there is missing resources: livereload.js

activate link throws routing error

(I'll keep these small, it's easier to manage)


results in

Routing Error

No route matches [GET] "/admin/merchandise/products/ipuro-mental/activate"

btw: you seem to use the edit by permalink way as spree does. I think it's fine to use the id (as per rails standard) and thus get gid off all the problems associates with the permalink-aproach. And those do exist:

  • what if the permalink does become invalid ?
  • what if you have 2 products with the same (off course that _should not happen)
  • when you edit the permalink

Product creation screen

(Prototype should be optional as discussed)

  • permalink should be prefilled if left empty
    -permalink is not checked for spaces or the like
  • keywords and description may be blank

Count pending from supplier not updated

When I create new Purchase order for supplier and waiting for deliver, count_pending_from_supplier (in inventory model) is not updated it always is 0.

It should be amount of items which are shipped to us from supplier, right?

Translate content


There is possibility to translate content ?
I would like to provide content (products description, specification) in different languages

Country and state

As I see right now country is very strong related with state, in some places like tax rate, there is no possibility to choose country without choose state. How I can I achieve:

  • add tax rate for country where all states has the same tax rate
  • add tax rate to country without states

P.S. How to add state for country? (rails c ?:> )

dynamic_form plugin removal

Every time I start something in ror_ecommerce, the warning is displayed:

DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails 4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See the release notes for more on this: (called from <top (required)> at /home/den/ror_ecommerce/config/environment.rb:33)

I tried this:

$ rails plugin remove dynamic_form

Then this:

$ rspec

.... some failures...

then after adding into Gemfile:

gem 'dynamic_form'

And running again

$ rspec

No failures.

So what about replacing plugin with gem?

I just don't want to remove something without asking...

installing autotest-fsevent fails

bundle install shows me this error:
Installing autotest-fsevent (0.2.3) with native extensions /home/oren/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/installer.rb:483:in `rescue in block in build_extensions': ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. (Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError)

/home/oren/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin/ruby extconf.rb
extconf.rb:19:in `

': Only Darwin (Mac OS X) systems are supported (RuntimeError)

system info:
Ubuntu 10.10, ruby-1.9.2-r0 (RVM)

I commented this gem in Gemfile and the install was successful.

rake db:migrate shows me:

rake aborted!
No such file or directory - config/config.yml
/home/oren/misc/projects/test/ror_ecommerce/config/environment.rb:5:in `read'

which is accurate - there is no config.yml file


Move to Devise for authentication?

I feel Devise would be a much better way of authenticating users. What are your thoughts? Also are user roles required? Maybe have a separate admin user model for authenticating admins into the admin backend and then the user model for normal users.
What do you guys think?

My main reason for either moving to Devise or custom authentication, is because I've noticed that some of the code for authenticating users is quite large, especially in the application controller:

###  Authlogic helper methods
def current_user_session
  return @current_user_session if defined?(@current_user_session)
  @current_user_session = UserSession.find

def current_user
  return @current_user if defined?(@current_user)
  @current_user = current_user_session && current_user_session.record

def current_user_id
  return @current_user_id if defined?(@current_user_id)
  @current_user_id = current_user_session && current_user_session.record &&

Product Active Status

Within the product details for any given product you have a nifty green button for active product and a red button for an inactive product.

Clicking on the green or red button brings up a dialogue box to change the active/inactive status. It seems that choosing "Cancel" does the same thing as "OK".

Variant with primary properties

When I try add new variant with selected primary? (to get properties from primary product, right?)

I've got error message (normally does not appear because is missing that part in the view, i add that in latest pull request) that variant can't be empty

Test fail for Deal


I just start working with payment system and I found one weird thing. In spec/model/deal_spec.rb few test fail because in order.rb model method:

def number_of_a_given_product_type
     return_hash.delete_if{|k,v| k == 1}  #<<< here


return always empty hash because there is only one type of product with id 1.
what for is that? when I will just return in this method return_hash without delete_if all test pass.

Edit Product

there just seems no way to edit

  • metas
  • shipping
    -tax (missing from the info)

no way to abort editing variants


Hey David, First of all.. thanks for the props in the Readme!

I was looking around for stories for Ruby5 today, and I got all excited when I found this great example Rails application. Then I looked at the tests, and well.. yeah..

Can't really endorse anyone using this code without a full test suite. Not that I expect you to write one, it'd be a lot of work. But if you do, definitely drop me a line.


State required during checkout

Same address form (during checkout), I need to put in a state.

We have no states in my country.

But a country field may be useful.

sample data

Now that the db:test:prepare works i'm surprised that there isn't really any data in there.
I had almost wondered about that, as I saw that the test:prepare seems to call the seed (?)

Anyway, for your meetup (and people giving ror-e a quick tryout) I would suggest some simple sample data: Apple products or something safe. Just a few (2-5). Mainly all the setup should be done, ie tax/shipping rates method, properties, product_types etc.

It makes for a learning experience to input those, but a slightly frustrating one as the system is new and unknown. A better experience is a ready setup, where one can edit and try out the things that interest most. That would be how an order is created in many cases and having to do a lot of work to get there can be off-putting.

One of the first things I actually did i spree was to write an import/export tool load/dump[file], i can point to the source if you like. But I recently found a good tool too yaml_db , actually does a lot of it and my for improves the syntax.

The point being that it is a very handy thing to be able to transfer data back and forth between production/development. Ie I did all my first setup on a dev machine and dumped it as yaml, and then when setting up my first production just imported all the setup ymls.

Nowadays I backup my production as yaml and as a benefit I get to import it into my dev (remember different dbs) and test new features on the real data. Very very handy.

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