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frequenz-channels-python's Issues

Channel that doesn't remove the oldest messages when receiver buffer is full

What's needed?

Now when receiver buffer size is full and new message comes, then the oldest message is removed.
But in some cases it is important that each request is received and processed.
One such use-case is when we request to subscribe for metric data.
If we have many components/metrics and we subscribe for all data at the startup, then default receiver buffer size is not enough. The oldest messages are removed and the application doesn't work properly because we don't receive data.

Proposed solution

There are two possible solutions:

  1. We could have special kind of blocking channel.
    If sender tries to send message, but the receiver buffer size is full, then we should block sender until the receiver buffer size has free space. For implementation simplicity it is enough if channel have many senders and only one receiver. (this covers our all current use-cases)

  2. We could have option to dynamically increase the buffer size - but in that case there might be more and more requests, and receiver is unable to process them in time and the memory might increase too much.

Use cases

For now the only use-case was subscribing for the component metric data.

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Remove uses of `BaseException`

What happened?

When we iterate over select without consuming a previously selected value, select raises a SelectError that derives from BaseException.

The use of BaseException combined with tasks consuming exceptions makes it hard to identify that anything happened, because a broad except Exception: block doesn't catch BaseExceptions.

The use of BaseException in user code is not recommended according to python docs:

What did you expect instead?

A except Exception: catches select errors. i.e. SelectErrors derive from Exception and not BaseException.

Affected part(s)

Synchronization of multiple sources (select(), merge(), etc.) (part:synchronization)

Implement `SyncSender` and `AsyncSender`

What's needed?

The Sender class provides an async send() method, but most (if not all) our senders could currently send synchronously 1. Being async means that the control flow/CPU could be taken away from the caller, which is very inconvenient for cases where sync is guaranteed.

Proposed solution

Split Sender into SyncSender and AsyncSender (probably make them protocols instead of classes). SyncSender would provide a sync send() and AsyncSender would provide a async asend().

Use cases

Alternatives and workarounds

Currently the Data sourcing actor is just spawning tasks for sending and assuming they will eventually finish, and successfully, as there is no error handling for the spawned tasks and if they don't end, we'll be leaking dangling tasks forever.

Additional context


  1. Actually, with the removal of Bidirectional, now we only have 2 types of channels and 1 is sync (broadcast) and the other one is async (anycast). There is also an issue about having an option to make Broadcast senders block too. โ†ฉ

Add a periodic timer

What's needed?

The current timer fires interval time after the ready() method was called, but this is not suitable for periodic timers as it will accumulate timer drift over time.

We need a timer that will periodically fire every interval time.

Proposed solution

Extend Timer to have a periodic option or create a new PeriodicTimer that will start when the timer is instantiated and will fire periodically every interval time, no matter if ready() was called or not.

If the timer fired several times before ready()/consume() was called, those fires should be queued and returned eventually.

Use cases

The resampler needs this.

Alternatives and workarounds

One could use the current Timer and account for the time drifting oneself. But for that we need to create a new timer for each period, which is wasteful in terms of resources (allocations) and inconvenient in terms of programming effort.

Additional context

Make `Select.ready()` an async iterable

If we do this, the usage can be much more idiomatic:

    receiver1 = some_chan.get_receiver()
    timer = channel.Timer(30.0)
    select = Select(receiver1=receiver1, timer=timer)
    async for selected in select.ready():
        match selected.origin:
            case receiver1:
            case timer:
                # something to do once every 30 seconds
            case _:
                raise Exception("Unknown origin")

So .ready() should return an async iterator itself, by just yielding for each ready message.

With this we also don't need to keep a reference to the Select instance around, we can just do async for selected in Select(...).ready(), or we could just add an utility function to make it even more compact, as 99% of the cases nobody will need to even know Select is a class: async for selected in select(...). This also completely removes the temptation of adding the option to dynamically change the Select instance inside the loop (like in #24).

This also sort of depends on #27, as it could make breaking from the loop even more natural, and cause data loss in that case.

Originally posted by @leandro-lucarella-frequenz in #27 (comment)

Backport timer `reset()` fix to v0.16

What happened?

This issue:

What did you expect instead?

The timer resetting properly.

Affected version(s)


Affected part(s)

Utility receivers, Event, FileWatcher, Timer, etc. (part:receivers)

Extra information

We need this backported to v0.16 becasue the SDK v0.25 uses it.

Make the public interface of the library more clean

What's needed?

We need to have a cleaner public interface in terms of modules and where each class is exposed. Right now we have everything exposed in some internal modules (like frequenz.channels.broadcast.Broadcast), but what it is really meant to be used is also exposed via frequenz.channels directly (for example frequenz.channels.Broadcast).

This ends up in a lot of duplication and a lot of irrelevant symbols being shown in the API documentation (

Proposed solution

Hide all internal modules by prepending a _ to the module name.

I would also expose anything that is not a channel in a util package. So:

  • frequenz.channels.

    • Anycast
    • Bidirectional.Handle (declare Handle inside Bidirectional)
    • Broadcast
    • Peekable
    • Receiver
    • Sender
  • frequenz.channels.util.

    • FileWatcher
    • Merge
    • MergeNamed
    • Select
    • Timer
  • Don't expose BufferedReceiver anymore, and maybe move it to Broadcast, as it doesn't look like it's being use as an interface.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

The obvious alternative is to keep all symbols exposed directly from frequenz.channels.

Additional context

Discussed in #30

Originally posted by leandro-lucarella-frequenz November 3, 2022
Now that we have API documentation, we are exposing every module in the documentation, when the actual classes that are intended to be used by the users are all imported publicly in frequenz.channels.

For a library this small I think it makes sense con only consider that module our public API, this will also allow us to restructure the project in a non-breaking way.

The de facto way to mark modules and packages internal is to prefix a _, so all modules and packages will have to be prefixed this way if we want to go this route.

Fix `FileWatcher` ordering bug

It looks like ordering is important here and I don't think set preserves order. Also, why do we want to compress FileChanges that are the same, suppose we have this sequence:

  1. /a is added
  2. /a is deleted
  3. /a is added again

With this implementation we could only get one add and one deletion so we would think the file doesn't exist but it does.

If this introduced a bug that wasn't detected by test, we should probably add a test for this too :)

Originally posted by @leandro-lucarella-frequenz in #42 (comment)

Remove `Peekable`

What's needed?

Peekable is a very niche and confusing interface, so it should be avoided.

Proposed solution

Remove Peekable.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

Depends on:

`Timer`: Remove `periodic()` and `timeout()`

What's needed?

The names are just too confusing and we'll never find a name that can convey all the intricacies of timers in the async world.

I'll probably leave the docs about both methods as examples of how to use the timer to achieve different goals.

Proposed solution

Remove periodic() and timeout() and force users to pass the missing ticks policies manually.

Improve `Select` documentation

What's needed?

Select is supposed to be used in very specific cases, it is not really intended to be used everywhere as a general event loop, as when using async there is already an event loop.

Specially for people not used to use async, it might be tempting to use Select everywhere, leading to many issues, some of which can really be improved upon, but some that only come from the fact that Select is being misused.

Example issues that came from misusing `Select:

Proposed solution

Improve the Select documentation to mention it should be only used in very niche situations.

Recommended usage

When receiving for multiple channels, normally it should be enough to create one task to handle each receiver, or use Merge or MergeNamed when multiple channels transport the same message type.

For example, we can find this code in the SDK:

            while await select.ready():
                if _ := select.resampling_timer:
                    awaitables = [
                        for channel_name, sample in self._resampler.resample()
                    await asyncio.gather(*awaitables)
                if msg := select.component_data_receiver:
                    if msg.inner is None:
                        # When this happens, then DataSourcingActor has closed the channel
                        # for sending data for a specific `ComponentMetricRequest`,
                        # which may need to be handled properly here, e.g. unsubscribe
                    channel_name, sample = msg.inner
                    if self.is_sample_valid(sample=sample):
                if msg := select.subscription_receiver:
                    if msg.inner is None:
                        raise ConnectionError(
                            "Subscription channel connection has been closed!"
                    await self.subscribe(request=msg.inner)
                    # Breaking out from the loop is required to regenerate
                    # component_data_receivers to be able to fulfil this
                    # subscription (later can be optimized by checking if
                    # an output channel already existed in the `subscribe()` method)

Here Select should not be used at all. There should be a task for the resampling_timer` like:

def resample_periodically(resampling_time):
    async for timestamp in resampling_timer:
        awaitables = [
            for channel_name, sample in self._resampler.resample()
        await asyncio.gather(*awaitables)

Then similarly another task for component_data_receiver, or one task per resampler (and the resampler could even handle that task instead).

Finally the main loop should only handle the subscription_receiver, also using an async iterator is enough:

    async for request in subscription_receiver:
        await self.subscribe(request)

Then we don't need a break to rebuild the component_data_receiver and the code becomes much more sequential an simpler to read and understand.

So as it can be seen here, misunderstanding Select could even lead to wrong design decisions.

Select should be used only in cases where there are interactions between different channels (and they are not all of the same type, so it is not enough to group them using Merge and MergeNamed. For example, we want to call set_bounds() each time a bounds message arrives, but if no messages arrive in 3 seconds, we want to call it too:

timer = Timer(3.0)
select = Select(bounds=bounds_recv, timer=timer)
latest_bounds = {}

while await select.ready():
    if msg := select.bounds:
        latest_bounds[] = msg.inner.value
    elif select.timer:

Here bounds and timer are interacting.


We should also document that giving the user control over the order in which multiple ready receivers are processed is part of the design of the interface.

We also considered using an async iterator interface, but then the order in which multiple ready receivers are processed is in the hands of asyncio.wait() (or as_completed(), we tried both, and they result in different ordering patterns, as as_completed() seems to use first the first awaitable in the list, and wait() just returns a set with a random order).

This also can be bad for processing fairness, as we might end up with a very active receiver that always end up being the first ready receiver in the async iterator interface, leaving to starvation of all other receivers.

The alternative should be probably documented only in the code, but the user documentation should include and make it very clear that Select should be used when this ordering should be controlled by the user.

See #27 for more details.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

A way to explicitly stop a `Receiver`

If you stop reading from a channel, you will get an overflow warning message after a short while.

Sometimes, however we want to properly stop and not get spammed with log warnings, so a convenient and explicit way to do that would be nice.

Remove `MergeNamed`

What's needed?

We already have 2 ways to join multiple receivers, Merge and select. MergeNamed is a mixture of both, so it is redundant.

Proposed solution

Remove MergeNamed.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

`` doesn't preserve the original receiver's type

What happened?

When calling map() on a receiver, the returned type is of type _Map and tying-wise it is an abstract Receiver, this means that when mapping a receiver that has more methods, like .close() for merging or .reset() for Timer, these methods are not available anymore after .map() is used.

What did you expect instead?

I expect the type to be preserved, so the mapped receiver can be used the same way as the original receiver.

Extra information

The only way to fix this is probably to have some mapping logic inside Receiver itself instead of returning a new type. That or removing .map() and just let users do the transformation themselves when consuming from the receiver.

Improve composability of receivers

What's needed?

It would be nice for select() to be more flexible (add and remove receivers, have optional receivers) without losing its static-ness.

Proposed solution

Improve the composability of existing receivers and create a new one:

  • Add a channel or receiver that merges messages from multiple receivers (or recycle _Merge to do that) and can dynamically add and remove receivers, and just waits forever (it's never ready) when there are no receivers
  • Maybe add a wrapper on the above that only accepts 0 or 1 receivers, to implement an optional receiver

Use cases

I think many cases where users need to handle lots of tasks manually to cope with more dynamic situations, like the resampler, could be greatly simplified if they could be handled automatically by using a more flexible select.

Alternatives and workarounds

Break the select loop, use tasks manually.

Additional context

This would fix a few open issues / discussions:

`Receiver`s are not getting deleted when they go out of scope

What happened?

Receivers are not getting destroyed as soon as they go out of scope, because channel implementations hold on to a reference to the Receivers, so that they can put new messages into them.

So when a the task that created a receiver dies, the receiver doesn't, but nobody is reading from it, and the logs get flooded with

Broadcast receiver [chan_name] is full. Oldest message was dropped.

What did you expect instead?

Receivers that go out of scope should get cleaned up.

Affected version(s)

No response

Affected part(s)

Channels, Broadcast, Bidirectional, etc. (part:channels)

Extra information

The solution appears to be to use a weakref to hold on to the receivers in the channel implementations.

And the send methods should check and cleanup any weakrefs to destroyed receivers.

Allow Broadcast channels to block senders when a receiver is not consuming

What's needed?

When a broadcast receiver is not getting consumed from fast enough and its buffer has filled up, as new messages arrive, older messages in the receiver's buffer start to get dropped.

In some cases, we might not want messages to get discarded, and instead want the sender to wait for the receiver to drain before it can send further messages to the channel.

Proposed solution

Add an optional block_on_full boolean parameter to the get_sender method of the Broadcast channel, which defaults to False.

When true, calls to the send async method will not complete until the value has been sent to all the channels.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Consolidate and make channels `name`s (`client_id` / `service_id`) optional

What's needed?

A clean and consistent interface to create channels, and one that doesn't require to pass strings used for debugging only.

Proposed solution

  • Join both client_id and service_id from Anycast constructor into an name argument to match Broadcast.

  • Make name optional

    If name is None I would just generate a uuid or just id() (in a distributed context, uuid will make any unlikely collision even more unlikely).

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Add support for optional channels in `Select`

What's needed?

There might be cases when one wants to do a Select loop with some channels that are optional and if they are not present the handling of those channels will just not be used. Right now there is no trivial way to do this.

Proposed solution

Create a Select.with_optional() method like (maybe incomplete and untested):

   def with_optional(self, **optional_receivers: Optional[AsyncIterator[Any]]) -> Select:
       # TODO: check name clashing with self._receivers
       for name, recv in optional_receivers.items():
           self._result[name] = None
           if recv is None:
           self._receivers[name] = recv
           # can replace __anext__() to anext() (Only Python 3.10>=)
           msg = recv.__anext__()  # pylint: disable=unnecessary-dunder-call
           self._pending.add(asyncio.create_task(msg, name=name))  # type: ignore

       return self

With the intended use:

# chan1 can't be None, chan_none can
select = Select(chan1=chan1).with_optional(chan_none=None)
while await select.ready():
    if select.chan1:
    elif select.chan_none:  # will always be None if chan_none is None

Use cases

Yet to be seen

Alternatives and workarounds

  1. Handle the optional channel explicitly:
chan_none = None
optional_channels = {}
if chan_none is not None:
    optional_channels["chan_none"] = chan_none
select = Select(chan1=chan1, **optional_channels)
while await select.ready():
    if select.chan1:  # OK
    elif chan_none and select.chan_none:  # OK too
  1. Create a dummy channel, use the receiver in the Select and never call send to the sender of the channel.
chan_none = Broadcast[int]("chan_none").get_receiver()
select = Select(chan1=chan1, chan_none=chan_none)
while await select.ready():
    if select.chan1:  # OK
    elif select.chan_none:  # OK too, will never be True

Additional context

No response

Expose `Merge` as a `merge()` function

What's needed?

There is not much use in having Merge as a class from a user point of view, users normally only care about merging some channels, so having a class just makes the syntax more weird for most use cases that will be async for msg in merge(...).

Proposed solution

Make Merge private (_Merge) and create a new function that just does return _Merge(...).

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Filewatcher is not reporting events in CIFS mounts

What happened?

A lot of cloud use-cases for FileWatcher need it to be monitoring NFS/CIFS mounts, which don't emit inotify events on remote updates.

So our FileWatcher which uses the watchfiles library, doesn't emit events either. An alternative is for the FileWatcher to use the watchdog library, which also has a polling observer.

What did you expect instead?

FS events triggered remotely also produce a message from the FileWatcher.

Affected version(s)

No response

Affected part(s)

Utility receivers, Event, FileWatcher, Timer, etc. (part:receivers)

Extra information

No response

`FileWatcher` should expose more `awatch` configuration options

What's needed?

We need to have more flexibility to configure a FileWatcher. At the moment all watching is recursive and there is no way to set own filter and other options that are very useful to have.

Proposed solution

I see mainly 2 options that we might need to explore in more depth:

1. Making FileWatcher just a glue to use awatch with channels

This means, we just take a awatch instance in the FileWatcher configuration and we also use awatch's own event types, etc. This allows for full flexibility and zero(ish) maintenance cost for updating to new versions of awatch that could provide even more options.

The downside is stopping can't be taken care of by the FileWatcher, the users will have to provide an event themselves to stop, if they need to stop the receiver. Or maybe we can just use Task.cancel() to stop it.

2. Making FileWatcher expose more awatch options in the __init__

This means that we take in the __init__ an option to pass watch_filter, debounce, recursive and other options that will be just forwarded to awatch.

The downside is we always need to update if awatch if more features are added, and we need to create/maintain wrappers for other awatch types if we want to make the implementation hidden.

Since we are coupling FileWatcher with awatch anyways, and using a file watcher is not something that needs to be done very often (it is still a lowish-level construct) and has many things to consider, I lean more towards using the first approach.

Use cases

The main use case for now is the ConfigManagingActor in the SDK.

With the current FileWatcher implementation, the config manager needs to watch for a whole directory recursively just to watch for one individual file, and do the filtering manually, which is not ideal (and was difficult to understand what was going on).

Alternatives and workarounds

Use awatch directly or do some of the work manually.

Additional context

We are considering changing the underlying library, so we should have this in mind before addressing this issue:

Allow sending `None`

What's needed?

Users should be able to send any value through a channel (or at least any serializable value if at some point channels can be over the wire). This includes None.

Proposed solution

Allow sending None by raising an exception instead of returning None if a channel is closed.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

Wrapping the None in another type (like (None,)).

Additional context

No response

Add Unicast Channel

What's needed?

There is no unicast lightweight channel at the moment.

Proposed solution

Add a Unicast channel that can have only one sender and one receiver.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

Broadcast channel can be used instead, and just use one receiver.

Additional context

We did some tests in the past and the performance gains weren't as good as expected compared to BroadcastChannel. It needs more thought (and maybe compelling use cases to dig further).

`FileWatcher` shouldn't check if `changes` has the correct type

What happened?

The code unnecessarily checks the type of the returned changes by watchfiles (if it's None and then if it has 2 elements).

if change is None or len(change) != 2:
return None

But looking more closely at watchfiles documentation, the function yields a Set[FileChange]. FileChange being a Tuple[Change, str].

What did you expect instead?

This check is unnecessary and should be removed (and if we would keep it, it should be an assertion, as the code would be really broken if it happens to be different).

Affected version(s)

No response

Affected part(s)

Utility receivers, Merge, Timer, etc. (part:receivers)

Extra information

No response

Implement a general mechanism to send errors via channels

What's needed?

A way to pass errors via channels.

Proposed solution

One way to be able to pass exceptions through channels would be to make the channels aware of exceptions and if an exception instance is received via a channel, just raise an exception.

One problem with this approach is using Select() then becomes less clear, as we would need to wrap the select.ready() in a try / except block, which dissociates the error to the channel it appeared with.

It might be nicer to have a way to keep the handling of a particular channel (both good results and errors) in the same block. But then to get the data, we seem to always call .inner (not sure why), so that could be a good place to plug a check for the result sent to the channel and raise if it was an Exception.

Use cases

Bidirectional channels often need to report errors if a request couldn't be fulfilled for example. Any error that comes up in a sender for which it might not be able to produce a proper message could also be sent to the receiver to let them know about the failure.

Alternatives and workarounds

Define a message that is a Union of two types, the success message and an error message.

Additional context

No response

Raise an exception when `send` is called with `None`

What's needed?

Right now, the send method doesn't prevent None values from being sent. It should instead raise an exception when a None value gets sent.

Proposed solution

No response

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

ci: Use the final Python 3.11 version

Now that it is release, we should use the final version instead of -dev.

It might be also a good idea to add an environment variable with the Python version to use for steps that don't use a matrix and need Python.

Generate docs for the v0.10.0 release

What's needed?

Generate docs for the v0.10.0 release so it is available

Proposed solution

Backport the changes in #25 to the v0.10.x branch and make a v0.10.1 release.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Make `Select.ready` report one event at the time

What's needed?

When using Select.ready() it is a bit unexpected that more than one event could be received, for example:

            while await select.ready():
                if _ := select.resampling_timer:
                    awaitables = [
                        for channel_name, sample in self._resampler.resample()
                    await asyncio.gather(*awaitables)
                if msg := select.component_data_receiver:
                    if msg.inner is None:
                        # When this happens, then DataSourcingActor has closed the channel
                        # for sending data for a specific `ComponentMetricRequest`,
                        # which may need to be handled properly here, e.g. unsubscribe
                    channel_name, sample = msg.inner
                    if self.is_sample_valid(sample=sample):
                if msg := select.subscription_receiver:
                    if msg.inner is None:
                        raise ConnectionError(
                            "Subscription channel connection has been closed!"
                    await self.subscribe(request=msg.inner)
                    # Breaking out from the loop is required to regenerate
                    # component_data_receivers to be able to fulfil this
                    # subscription (later can be optimized by checking if
                    # an output channel already existed in the `subscribe()` method)

This is a real example from the SDK:

This code is correct now, but there were 2 bugs that are very easy to add when handling a read() result that introduce data loss:

  1. If the break is not in the handling of the last event, then events could be missed (and dropped by ready().
  2. If one uses elif instead of if, which is not intuitive when handling something that looks like a switch/case, we can again lose events.

The most common pattern to handle event loops (which Select.ready() looks a lot like) is to receive one event at the time. Also if we do this, we can enable the use of structural pattern matching via match.

Proposed solution

Return only one ready event in .ready().

Use cases

I've seen these 2 mistakes made very often, and even found one in the channels documentation itself:

while await select.ready():
if msg := select.bat_1:
if val := msg.inner:
logging.warn("battery channel closed")
elif ts := select.timer:
# something to do once every 30 seconds

This shows how easy it is to make those mistakes that even developers of the library itself can make it.

Alternatives and workarounds

The only workaround I see is being super careful, and it is proven that it doesn't work :)

Additional context

We can see if we can move back to pending tasks that were returned by asyncio.wait() and if that doesn't work, we can keep an internal list of done tasks and return those before actually calling asyncio.wait() again. Not sure how complicated asyncio.wait() is, but if it isn't just a few lines if there is a done task already, the later should be more efficient CPU wise (and less efficient memory wise).

Add class/instance and module attributes/properties documentation

What's needed?

We need to properly document class/instance and module attributes/properties documentation so they appear in the generated docs.

Proposed solution

For now how to best do this is documented in this issue:

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Remove `Bidirectional`

What's needed?

Using bidirectional channels is not a recommended practice and should not be encouraged by this library.

Proposed solution

Remove Bidirectional.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Many class attributes should be private or read-only

What's needed?

We have a lot of class attributes that are public, so users can mess with them even when it is not safe to do so.

Just as an example, the Anycast channel has:

        self.limit: int = maxsize  # If changed, the deque is not updated
        self.deque: Deque[T] = deque(maxlen=maxsize) # a user could just add or remove stuff without using the condition variable
        self.send_cv: Condition = Condition()  # users could triggers sends when the deque is full, dropping messages unexpectedly
        self.recv_cv: Condition = Condition()
        self.closed: bool = False # users could mark the channel as open after it was closed.

Proposed solution

Review all class attributes and make them private or read-only as appropriate.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Documentation and code cleanup for 1.0

What's needed?

  • Cleanups
  • Check docs

Proposed solution

No response

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

Write introductory documentation

What's needed?

We need a documentation to introduce new users to channels.

Proposed solution

Write a document that explain the basic channels concepts:

  • Channels
  • Senders
  • Receivers
  • ?

It should also mention common pitfalls, like messages should be small and serializable even when there is no networking support yet.

Use cases

No response

Alternatives and workarounds

No response

Additional context

No response

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