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zigbeenet's Issues

Add .editorconfig

Can you please create an .editorconfig so that we can easily adhere to the code style you have defined? In VS19 there is an extra button that creates the config for you.

Fix reader thread code to fit the CC protocol

This code need to be fixed so the CC protocol is implemented correct. My assumptions when writing it was more than slightly off, but should be a good basis.

  • Reading and parsing

    private async void ReadSerialPort(UnifiedNetworkProcessorInterface port)
    if (port == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(port));
    while (true)
    var serialPacket = await SerialPacket.ReadAsync(port.InputStream).ConfigureAwait(false);
    // SerialPacket.ReadAsync() return the correct package class, so
    // we can start processing them into the correct queue here
    if (serialPacket is SynchronousResponse)
    if (serialPacket is AsynchronousRequest) eventQueue.Add(serialPacket);
    // Ok, not sure but if we reach here something is afoot?
    catch (Exception e)
    // TODO improve this by adding a good error handling

  • Sending and waiting for response

    public Task<byte[]> Send(SubSystem subSystem, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params byte[] payload)
    return Send(subSystem, payload,
    msg => { return msg is SynchronousResponse && msg.SubSystem == subSystem; },

  • Code does now allow the Cmd1

    private Task<byte[]> Send(SubSystem subSystem, byte[] payload, Func<SynchronousResponse, bool> predicate,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    return RetryAsync(async () =>
    var request = new SynchronousRequest(subSystem, 0, payload);
    var response = await WaitForResponse(msg => predicate((SynchronousResponse) msg), cancellationToken)
    return ((SynchronousResponse) response).Payload;
    }, $"{subSystem} {(payload != null ? BitConverter.ToString(payload) : string.Empty)}", cancellationToken);

Change project workflow

To make the work with each other easier I suggest to get closer to GitFlow for this project.

At least a separation of master (deployed) and develop (current alpha) is useful and advisable. Especially with regard to issue #33 and possible auto builds of the nuget packages.

Process AREQ SerialPacket as Response

if (serialPacket is AsynchronousRequest) eventQueue.Add(serialPacket);

At this Point it can happen that a packet with type AREQ can be read from InputStream. This is defined by TI in UNPI

Asynchronous Request transfer initiated by Host Asynchronous Indication – transfer initiated by NP. Both types of asynchronous messages use the same message type bit field (0x02). The type of message (request/indication) depends on which processor initiated the transaction.

Two Scenarios:

  1. You send an SREQ and will return a SRSP with Status. But as second Response you receive an AREQ packet, too.
    Example: nodeDescReq which is send as SREQ but awaits a SRSP with Status if it was sent correct and a second AREQ that contains device info
    This is an AREQ packet that is send from client-to-server (Server = end device)

  2. An end device in yout Network (e.g. Thermostat) is sending you new Information because Temperatur changed.
    This is also an AREQ packet. But is is send from server-to-client (Server = end device)

For Scenario 1 i already created a JSON mapping file zdo_ReqRspMap.json that defines which SREQ awaits which AREQ packet, too. In class file ZpiObject the property public ZpiObject IndObject holds the Information if there is an AREQ Response awaited

I think this Information have to be used here

Make ToString method of Request and Response handle List

currently most ZDO and ZCL request/response do not handle well properties that are list. They rely on the Object.ToString() method that just print the type of the list:

[14:21:10 DBG] RX CMD: NetworkAddressResponse [20978/0 -> 0/0, cluster=32768, transId=, status=SUCCESS, ieeeAddrRemoteDev=17880104E15812, nwkAddrRemoteDev=20978, startIndex=0, nwkAddrAssocDevList=System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]]

we need to see the content of the list

For ZCL that means the code generator need to be modified to handle lists

NodeUpdated never called

When a node is first added NodeAdded is called, but the node passed as parameter has an empty Endpoints dictionary, which I guess is expected?

Then ZigBeeDiscoveryExtension does its job and queries the node for its capabilities. The Endpoints dictionary is populated, but NodeUpdated is never called.

I think ZigBeeNetworkManager.RefreshNode() is supposed to trigger the NodeUpdated callback for all the listeners but it never does because it always returns here:

               // Return if there were no updates
                if (!currentNode.UpdateNode(node))
                    Log.Debug("{IeeeAddress}: Node {NwkAddress} is not updated", node.IeeeAddress, node.NetworkAddress);

I don't understand how it is supposed to work: currentNode.UpdateNode(node) always returns false because here currentNode and node are the same reference so UpdateNode correctly says they are equal.

I'm testing with the PlayGround sample

Code style

If there is a preferred code style, please set up a ReSharper rules file for it and I will follow.

Compile error

ZpiObject.cs(120,26): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DEBUG' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [/home/pi/src/ZigbeeNet/src/ZigbeeNet.CCZnp/ZigbeeNet.CC.csproj]

ZpiSREQ.cs(80,24): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'DEBUG' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [/home/pi/src/ZigbeeNet/src/ZigbeeNet.CCZnp/ZigbeeNet.CC.csproj]

Code generator for cluster classes and commands

There are many clusters and commands in the ZigBee standard which have all the same structure and methods.
So it should be possible to create them by a code generator and a ressource file.

As an existing resource file it could be used this file from zsmartsystems

The generated code should be outputted here: ZigbeeNet/ZigBeeNet/ZCL/Clusters/

At the moment there are already some clusters which were written by hand, but they can be overwritten with generated code.

It would be important that the documentation will be generated as XML comments, too.

Tested devices

We need your help!

Do you already have tested some devices with ZigbeeNet? Please let us know which devices and which clusters or functionality you have tested so that we can create a "supported devices" section in our README


manufacturer / model specific extensions of autogenerated code

Does it make sense, for example, to expand the autogenerated ZclCluster classes in derived classes?
Currently I am testing with an Ikea-Tradfi bulb. Here the imprinted Model Id is stored in the ZclBasic cluster under the vendor-specific attribute 0x000a. Currently I am expanding the cluster in my own code.

Replace ShareProjects

Currently we are working with ShareProjects, so that we are able to create different targets.

But because this project should be a netstandard library there is no reason to do this. All referencing projects should be at version that support netstandard 2.0 as minimum.

For the serialport class you have to implement the IZigBeePort class in your project (see ZigBeeNetPlayground example)

Potential license problem

Since the project is a port of zsmartsystems, which is equivalent to a copy in the broadest sense, the copyright and also the license must be respected.

zsmartsystems/com.zsmartsystems.zigbee uses the EPL-1.0.

This is a CopyLeft license so the notes as well as the license of the original project have to be taken over. MIT in this form is not allowed.

I recommend a quick customization so you don't get into legal trouble as the owner ;)

Replace LibLog with Serilog

Because LibLog often creates errors if you reference the library in your project we would replace it with serilog

Logger Interface

For better logging experience it would be great if the caller of ZigbeeNet could choose his own logger library.

So an interface with common Methods like Log(LogLevel level) could be a possible solution.

Ideas are wellcome at all time :-)

Abstract Hardware Interface

A end user should probably only need to do:

var zigbeeInt = ZigbeeNet.CC2531(); // Static function to initialize the interface
zigbeeInt.PacketReceived += MyPacketHandler;
zigbeeint.Send(amazing stuff);

Originally posted by @eiaro in #6 (comment)

Make ZigbeeNet 100 % netstandard

Currently ZigbeeNet is not 100 % netstandard, because it references unpi-net which uses SerialPort class that is not availible in netstandard.

A solution for ZigbeeNet is needed, that it is not necessary to reference unpi-net directly

Any idea?

Create NuGet Packages

There should be NuGet packages for the ZigBeeNet libraries on

They should be provided with lowest possible version

See #32 which have to be done first

Following packages should be created first:

  • ZigBeeNet as netstandard2.0
  • ZigBeeNet.Hardware.TI.CC2531

Creating NuGet packages should be done with AppVayor as part of CI

Use T4 template for generating zpi and zcl code

Currently there are two Meta classes (ZpiMeta and ZclMeta) that parse JSON files and provide Methods to get instances for ZpiObject and ZclCommand.


public static ZpiObject GetCommand(SubSystem subSystem, byte cmdId)
      return ZpiObjects[subSystem].SingleOrDefault(cmd => cmd.CommandId == cmdId);


public static ZclGlobalCommand GetGlobalCommand(byte cmdId)
      return GlobalCommands.Single(fc => fc.Id.Equals(cmdId));

public static ZclClusterCommand GetClusterCommand(string cluster, string cmd)
      return ClusterCommands.Single(fc => fc.Cluster.Equals(cluster) && fc.Name.Equals(cmd));

This was just a first solution to get an object with correct and typed Parameters as a ArgumentCollection.

As next step a code generation with T4 template could be a possible solution. Code in meta classes for parsing JSON file can be reused.

But i think that we still need the posibillity to dynamically create an instance of an object because we do not know the type if an message is incomming. At this point we have to parse the object and ist arguments into the right type.

Pairing a Zigbee device


I saw your code last week and have implemented the level/brightness cluster.
(pull request is coming when the remaining problems are solved)

The 'only' problem is that I can't seem to get it working.
I believe I have to bind my device (Ikea Tradfri lamp), before it accepts the commands I send to it.

With debug logging enabled, I can see incoming DeviceAnnounce messages. But I think its not enough to just process this message and let the device be added to my nodes.

In the cluster class I also found a Bind method, but this also doesn't seem to work.

Maybe it's a problem with the Zigbee link key, but the cc2531 has no support for it? (at least the current code doesn't)

Is there a possibility you could help me with this?

Seperate hardware implementations from ZigBeeNet base library

Actually the implementation for Texas Instruments CC2531 hardware is within the ZigBeeNet shared project.
If there will be more implementations the target assembly will always contain all hardware implementations even if you only use one of it.

To minimize the assembly file and make development easier it will be better to create seperate project files for each hardware. Also creation of NuGet packages will be simplified and correct target platform can be choosed.

Following structure:

  • ZigBeeNet
  • ZigBeeNet.Hardware.TI.CC2531

The base library ZigBeeNet should always be netstandard, but CC2531 needs System.IO.Ports.SerialPort which is only possible on full framework or .NET Core 3.0 and newer or with explicit reference with it's package from NuGet.

For this case we need seperate assemblies and NuGet packages

Attribute reporting

I'm trying to configure attribute reporting on a light bulb, so that the value is automatically reported to my program when on/off status change or every 10 seconds:

var cluster = endpoint.GetInputCluster(ZclOnOffCluster.CLUSTER_ID);
if (cluster != null)
	var result = await cluster.Bind(networkManager.LocalIeeeAddress, 1);

	if (result.IsSuccess())
		result = await ((ZclOnOffCluster)cluster).SetOnOffReporting(1, 10);

		if (result.IsSuccess())

but I always get the following response:

[11:21:46 DBG] RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=20978/11, destinationAddress=0/1, profile=260, cluster=6, addressMode=0, radius=0, apsCounter=0, payload=24 14 7 140 0 0 0]
[11:21:46 DBG] RX ZCL: ZclHeader [frameType=ENTIRE_PROFILE_COMMAND, manufacturerSpecific=False, direction=SERVER_TO_CLIENT, disableDefaultResponse=True, manufacturerCode=0, sequenceNumber=14, commandId=7]
[11:21:46 DBG] RX CMD: ConfigureReportingResponse [On/Off: 20978/11 -> 0/1, cluster=6, transId=14, Status=SUCCESS, Records=[Attribute Status Record: status=UNREPORTABLE_ATTRIBUTE, direction=False, attributeIdentifier=0,]]

first I don't know if I need to bind? I'm not clear what a bind request does and when I should send it?
I tried with or without bind, I tried with different attributes but I always get status=UNREPORTABLE_ATTRIBUTE

any idea? have you ever tested reporting?

Note: see my PR #77 for some fixes needed for bind and config reporting command

Digi Xbee support

Hi there,

do you plan to support the digi Xbee device too? Looking at #29 you will. But is there a timeline when you will begin implementing it?
Really great work so far guys!

Let me know if you need help.


There have to be a solution for NetworkStateSerialization, which means that if network is shutdown or startup all known devices should still be there

Most of log statements in catch blocks do not log the exception

For example:

Log.Error("Synchronous command send failed due to unexpected exception.", ex);

will not log the exception as there is no parameter in the message template. So we should replace it with:

Log.Error("Synchronous command send failed due to unexpected exception. {Exception}", ex);

or I saw that Serilog also have methods that takes an exception as the first parameter:

public static void Error(Exception exception, string messageTemplate);

but I'm not sure how it works.

Dongle Support for Nortek Security Control / Ember

I have a Nortek Security Control ( What do I need to get this running? Can I just treat this as a serial port? I have some programming experience if we need to build some sort of adapter for this, though I'd probably need a little help to get started as I don't do much hardware programming.

Support for Ember stack

Any plan or anyone currently working on supporting Ember stack?

I may need this in a near future, so I wanted to ask before I start trying to add it myself.

ConBee II support

Hi All,

Does the current XBee support work for a ConBee II dongle please?


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