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path-to-regexp's Issues

trailing capture

would be nice to capture everything in the tail into the last capture group:


or something. file should then include the entire file name including all the /s. * doesn't exactly work how i'd like. we could then base mounting off of this or something.

Named predefined params

Original issue: expressjs/express#2127

Using this code from doc

app.param (name, regexp) ->
    if == '[object RegExp]'
        return (req, res, next, val) ->
            if captures = regexp.exec(String(val))
                req.params[name] = captures[0]

I can use named params with regex match, but I can't use this param more than 1 time and generic names make the url a little messy.

I can't do this

app.get '/purchase/:objectId/:objectId', (req, res, next) ->

There are some way to name this params like below?

app.get '/purchase/:(objectId)place/:(objectId)user', (req, res, next) ->
    console.log, req.params.user

Add keys as a prop on RegExp?

Since this module returns a RegExp object and already formed the capture groups, wouldn't it be awesome if added a property with the list of capture names instead of doing a weird out-variable deal?

index b2a5755..9e20f9d 100644
--- a/index.js
+++ b/index.js
@@ -51,5 +51,7 @@ function pathtoRegexp(path, keys, options) {
     .replace(/\*/g, '(.*)');

-  return new RegExp('^' + path + (end ? '$' : '(?=\/|$)'), sensitive ? '' : 'i');
+  var re = new RegExp('^' + path + (end ? '$' : '(?=\/|$)'), sensitive ? '' : 'i');
+  re.keys = keys;
+  return re;

broke for me :(

> path('/:remote([\\w-.]+)')
> path('/:remote([\\w-.]+)/:user([\\w-]+)')

why is there a :user there?

Typings file not published with npm

The typings file in the repository isn't published in npm, as far as I could tell. Also, the only typings found elsewhere are the tsd typings for the deprecated path-to-regexp.

patterns with once or more `+` is broken

version 1.4.0

> p = require('path-to-regexp')
{ [Function: pathToRegexp]
  parse: [Function: parse],
  compile: [Function: compile],
  tokensToFunction: [Function: tokensToFunction],
  tokensToRegExp: [Function: tokensToRegExp] }
> p('/:foo+').exec('/foo/bar')
[ '/foo/bar', 'foo/bar', index: 0, input: '/foo/bar' ]
> p('/:foo+baz').exec('/foo/barbaz')
> p('/:foo+')
{ /^\/((?:[^\/]+?)(?:\/(?:[^\/]+?))*)(?:\/(?=$))?$/i
   [ { name: 'foo',
       prefix: '/',
       delimiter: '/',
       optional: false,
       repeat: true,
       pattern: '[^\\/]+?' } ] }
> p('/:foo+baz')
{ /^\/((?:[^\/]+?)(?:(?:[^\/]+?))*)baz(?:\/(?=$))?$/i
   [ { name: 'foo',
       prefix: '',
       delimiter: '/',
       optional: false,
       repeat: true,
       pattern: '[^\\/]+?' } ] }

p('/:foo+baz') should results /^/((?:[^\/]+?)(?:\/(?:[^\/]+?))*)baz(?:/(?=$))?$/i
the \/ is missing

tokensToRegexp keys

Currently there is no way (that I know of) to populate a keys array using tokensToRegexp.
I'm not sure why this is, would it be possible to add? (or expose the attachKeys function).


I guess technically you can just manually set keys on the returned tokens.
Going to keep this open to hear your thoughts on it though.

Unicode Character Expansion

I'm opening this issue to create a conversation around supporting unicode and other illegal characters in the path string. For example, matching ๆˆ‘ currently requires using %E6%88%91 as part of the path in the current version of the module. Any thoughts?

Bug with index property and arrays in 0.1.5

Hi! It looks like there is a bug in the new index feature of 0.1.5 when given arrays:

$ node -pe 'require("path-to-regexp/package").version'

$ node -pe 'var k=[],r=require("path-to-regexp")(["/user/:user/poke","/user/:user/pokes"],k);k'
[ { name: 'user', optional: false, index: 0, _offset: 7 },
  { name: 'user', optional: false, index: 0, _offset: 7 } ]

As you can see in the output above, both entries are marked as index = 0, when one of them should actually be index = 1.


Is there any consideration to allow path-to-regexp to support generating host matching regexes? As far as I can tell all that would change is that the delimiter in the regs would go from / to ..

This would be pretty handy for node servers handling multiple domains/subdomains.

Regex with starting optional group after forward slash gives error

I'm using express which uses path-to-regexp for URL routing.

If I use the following regex:


I get the following error:

Invalid regular expression: /^\/(?(?:([^\/]+?))-)?icon-(?:(\d+))x\2\.png\/?$/: Invalid group

Using escaped forward slash still gives an Invalid group error

Breaking it down to just



/^\/(?(?:([^\/]+?))-)?\/?$/: Invalid group

My current workaround is to do the following:


Match extension when strict mode false

In Express, when setting a middle where like:

app.use("/some/path" ... );

It will not match "/some/path.json" even though the call to path-to-regexp is not using strict. It will allow you to use "/some/path/json" however.

The only way I could find to fix this is by changing the regex in this line to be like (?=[\\/\\.]|$) instead of (?=\\/|$). That code causes a few tests to fail though.

I can make a Pull Request if needed.

Wildcard with exceptions

Hey! I'd love a way to use negative lookahead regexes in my paths, for example *(?!foo) to match everything but 'foo'.

However, this does not work. Output:
'Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^/:((?:?!foo))(?:/(?=$))?$/: Nothing to repeat'

Maybe there's already a way to do this that I don't know of?

"/:path(abc|xyz)*" doesn't produce the expected result.

node -pe 'require("path-to-regexp")("/:path(abc|xyz)*")'
{ /^(?:\/(abc|xyz(?:\/abc|xyz)*))?(?:\/(?=$))?$/i
   [ { name: 'path',
       prefix: '/',
       delimiter: '/',
       optional: true,
       repeat: true,
       pattern: 'abc|xyz' } ] }

The generated expression unexpectedly matches /xyz/abc, but not /abc/xyz.

Bower package?

Could we get a bower package for this repo? I tried git:// but get "ENOTFOUND Package juliangruber/isarray=juliangruber/isarray not found".

Parentheses within custom match regexp

I'd like to be able to define groups within my custom match regexp like so:

Which I would expect to match both of these paths:

Currently this doesn't seem to work as it appears to be parsing the inner parentheses as a new key. Any ideas on how I could achieve something like this?

My workaround for the moment is to define two separate paths like /:foo(\\d+) and /:foo(\\d+\\.\\d+), but I'd love to just have one like I defined above.

Support sub patterns for parameters

When I was using the Play framework, they had the ability to specify subpatterns for named parameters using a syntax such as:


Here, the named parameter was id and it would only match against numbers.

I'd really like to see the ability to do subpattern matching such as this make it into express. Maybe something like:


I'm happy to submit a patch if this enhancement will be considered.

query parameters and RegExp's involving path parameter

I encountered an inconsistency when constructing RegExp's for paths involving path parameters. Here is an example:

var matcher = pathToRegexp('/fetch');   // /^\/fetch(?:\/(?=$))?$/i
var a = '/fetch';
var b = '/fetch/';
var c = '/fetch?foo=bar';
var d = '/fetch/?foo=bar';

Strings a and b match against the regex, and both c and d do not. This matches my expectation that pathToRegexp is not meant to manage query parameter parsing without additional code.

var matcher = pathToRegexp('/fetch/:id');   // /^\/fetch\/((?:[^\/]+?))(?:\/(?=$))?$/i
var a = '/fetch/1';
var b = '/fetch/1/';
var c = '/fetch/1?foo=bar';
var d = '/fetch/1/?foo=bar';

Strings a, b, and c will all match against the regex, but d will not. I would expect c and d to both fail to match given the behavior in the previous example. The trailing / makes the difference: regexp visualization. The capture group intended to match the path param ends up also matching against the query with string c.

Is the issue here just that pathToRegexp is not designed to analyze request url's that have not had their query portion removed? Should I clean the query first?

Path wildcards

I was using pathRegexp() from from Express utils, but since this was removed in 4, I had to migrate to path-to-regexp. I was using it to match an URL only (to get the context for a page) not actually using parameters.

The problem is that /some-path/* URLs stopped working and I need to change it across all the application to use /some-path/(.*).

Since this is an application to be used also by non programmers, /some-path/* would be more straightforward.

Do you have any plans to bring back /some-path/* at some point?

Ability to convert tokens to regex.

The #parse method returns an array of tokens, it would be cool if we could pass in those tokens to get a regex again.

It would be useful to merge multiple parsed paths.

I could do a PR if anyone else things this is a good idea.

Maybe readme doc is not correct

About the second parameter keys, it says Once the function completes, this will be an array of strings.. Isn't it an array of objects which looks like {name: xxx, optional: !!optional}?

Typed parameters in routes

As mentioned in expressjs/express#2756, it would be nice to have


and an_id to actually be a number instead of string.

I implemented something here afebe50, but I would like to ask for feedback, and if this is something that is desirable.

I think the way I put the typedMatch function on the regexp object is not quite nice, so I'd like to hear some feedback.

Also I know it lacks documentation in the README but that should come when and if this is something desirable.

Invalid passiv group

string 'bitrix/components/bss/carousel/templates/main/assets/stylesheets/styles.less'

var regPath = regexpPath('bitrix/:type/(?:bss|bitrix-ripe/components/bss)/:component/templates/:template/(.*)');

Problem in excess '' -> (?:bss|

SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^bitrix\/([^\\/]+?)\/(?\:bss|bitrix-ripe\/components\/bss)\/([^\\/]+?)\/templates\/([^\\/]+?)\/(.*)(?:\/(?=$))?$/: Invalid group

regex starting with parenthesis gets interpreted incorrectly

I'm using an express app in this context and it seems that the issue comes down to this module. I'm using [email protected] which uses [email protected]. I noticed that the current release for this module is 1.7.0, however.

The following route is something I'm trying to get my app to use:

router.use('/(segment1|segment2|segment3)', someMethod);

Logically, I would expect the following routes to be visible to the app now:


However, the app is unable to run at all which throws the following error:

SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^\/(?(?:([^\/]+?))|segment2|segment3)\/?(?=\/|$)/: Invalid group

Notice how segment1 is entirely ignored but changed into some other random regexp? The error is pointing to the underlying library of at pathtoRegexp (...node_modules/path-to-regexp/index.js:128:10) so i'm not sure if it's an issue with that module or if express is doing something to that route before it gets passed to that module.

This is the entire stack trace after my app tries to spin up:

SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^\/(?(?:([^\/]+?))|jewelry|fashion|art)\/?(?=\/|$)/: Invalid group
    at RegExp (native)
    at pathtoRegexp (/site/node_modules/path-to-regexp/index.js:128:10)
    at new Layer (/site/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:45:17)
    at Function.use (/site/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:464:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (

the reference is where the router.use method kicks off.

Please add LICENSE file


please add a LICENSE file which includes a full text of MIT license. This is really important to distribute your work.

it seems Unnamed Parameters don't work

var pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp')
var keys = []
var re = pathToRegexp('/:foo/(.*)', keys);

[ { name: 'foo', optional: false } ]

keys only have name parameters

Example using old code

The example (Live Demo) on the file is using the old express code. It doesn't reflect exactly what this module does.

An example of this is if you use /path/* pattern it will match /path/more/deep, while path-to-regexp generated regex won't.

Make trailing slash optional in splat params.


I often find myself writing paths like this:

app.get('/test/*', ...)

// Which becomes

app.get('/test/(.*)', ...)

However 100% of the time what I actually want is this:

app.get('/test(/?.*)', ...)

Is it possible to make a splat only section of the path allow for optional trailing slash?

I realize this would be a breaking change, but I can't perceive any crazy issues with it and it would be pretty convenient for myself and perhaps others.

Regex Syntax

I'm using koa-controller.

Trying to get this to work, I've tried several variations of syntax here:

'/countries/:countryUrlFriendlyName(/^[a-z-]+$/i)/states/:stateUrlFriendlyName(/^[a-z-]+$/i)/cities/:cityUrlFriendlyName(/^[a-z-]+$/i)': {to: 'city#findByCountryAndStateAndCityUrlFriendlyName'}

'/countries/:(/^[a-z-]+$/i)/states/:(/^[a-z-]+$/i)/cities/:(/^[a-z-]+$/i)': {to: 'city#findByCountryAndStateAndCityUrlFriendlyName'}

'/countries/(/^[a-z-]+$/i)/states/(/^[a-z-]+$/i)/cities/(/^[a-z-]+$/i)': {to: 'city#findByCountryAndStateAndCityUrlFriendlyName'}

I want to be able to allow any characters including if they have dashes between them. For example I want to allow these types of urls incoming to the router:


no luck so far, I'm sure I'm just missing something here..what is it?

Partial matches

How do you tell path-to-regexp not to add a $ to the end of your regexp?

Patterns with capturing group(s) spanning over "/" are not compilable

Patterns like asterisk matches multiple path parts delimited by "/", however they are not considered as repeatable, so they capture a single string containing "/" characters.
If you provide such string as a prameter to the pathToRegexp.compile function, the "/" character is escaped, resulting in a different url.

var re = pathToRegexp('/assets/*');
// [ '/assets/a/b/c/d', 'a/b/c/d', index: 0, input: '/assets/a/b/c/d' ]
var toPath = pathToRegexp.compile('/assets/*')
toPath({"0": "a/b/c/d"}); // also tried with { pretty: true }
// /assets/a%2Fb%2Fc%2Fd

Impossible to compile to + and *

var toPath = pathToRegexp.compile('/goods/:splat+')
var result = toPath({ splat: '1/all' })  //error

var toPath = pathToRegexp.compile('/goods/:splat(.+)')
var result = toPath({ splat: '1/all' })
console.log(result) //=> "/goods/1%2Fall"

help: Handling parentheses in the path pattern not related prefixes

I currently use path-to-regexp in Sway and a user reported an issue that I believe will require me to do a little escaping prior to calling path-to-regexp. The user is currently trying to create an OData path like /Users(:id) but a request path of /Users(1) does not match the regex where I would expect it to. Now, I realize the reason for this is that parentheses are special but before I just go blindly escaping/hacking this to work, I wanted to get your opinion on how best to handle this situation.

Note: OpenAPI/Swagger use bracket-based variable naming in paths so in the linked issue you'll see /Users({id}) instead of /Users(:id). Do not let this trip you up because I already handle converting OpenAPI/Swagger paths to Express-style paths. Also, OpenAPI/Swagger paths do not allow regex in their path pattern (in case that matters with suggesting a solution).

support question - can't figure out how to use this correctly

I simply want to test if a given route, via req.path in Express, matches a regex compiled by this library

so if I have this Express style regex path: var x = '/user/:id/foo'

I am guessing (but appear to be wrong) that the way to do this would be:

var regex = pathToRegexp.compile(x);

then in real life, I get an actualy url path, such as var p = '/user/123/foo'

so I want to test if the above regex matches p

so that would be regex.test(p);

but this doesn't seem to be working, is my approach backwards?


Release to npm

Could you do a new release to npm for that latest fix.

Release v1.0.0

We should try and move this module to a stable 1.0.0 release as soon as possible.

Perhaps going through and quickly closing out all the outstanding issues first? Ideally we should make this pretty much locked (see soon.

publish to npm?

It seems the npm package is still the deprecated component/path-to-regexp. Ideally we should have npm point to this package instead. What npm username do I need to add for publishing to be possible? Cheers!

How to use newer versions with express?

Express 4.13.3 seems to depend on old path-to-regexp version 0.1.7
A lot of cool things that work in the express route tester turn out to not actually work in express, and I assume it is because of the version difference.
Is there a recommended way to get express to use the new versions, or should I just hack its package.json, or what?

`npm test` fails on Windows

Due to gotwarlost/istanbul#13, npm test flat out fails on Windows:

C:\git\path-to-regexp>npm test

> [email protected] test C:\git\path-to-regexp
> istanbul cover _mocha -- -R spec

(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { @IF EXIST "%~dp0
No coverage information was collected, exit without writing coverage information
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
    at Module._compile (module.js:439:25)
    at Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (C:\git\path-to-regexp\node_modules\istanbul\lib\hook.js:101:13)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at runFn (C:\git\path-to-regexp\node_modules\istanbul\lib\command\common\run-with-cover.js:113:16)
    at C:\git\path-to-regexp\node_modules\istanbul\lib\command\common\run-with-cover.js:223:17
    at C:\git\path-to-regexp\node_modules\istanbul\lib\util\file-matcher.js:52:16
    at C:\git\path-to-regexp\node_modules\istanbul\lib\util\file-matcher.js:35:9
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.
npm ERR! not ok code 0

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