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import-map-overrides's Issues

Relative imports in an import map accessed from a remote JSON file should be resolved w.r.t. the domain of the remote, not the domain of the host

Take the following importmap.json file, with relative URL paths:

  "imports": {
    "single-spa": "/shared/single-spa.min.js",
    "react": "/shared/react.development.js",
    "react-dom": "/shared/react-dom.development.js"

hosted on a remote server at the URL:

If one accesses the importmap.json file inside the index.html of a root-config app, like this:


When running the root-config on localhost:9000, the relative paths in the importmap.json file are resolved relative to the position of the importmap.json file, not the host (locahost:9000).

Therefore, react bundle will be downloaded from and not localhost:9000 as shown in the import-map-overrides UI:

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 22 50 17

I am keen on working on a fix. I would welcome suggestions on which part of the code is the one relevant to this issue.

Is there a way to disable Auto Dev Lib Override?


I`m working on a project with angular and I faced a problem when trying to import angular dependencies.
My project is using angular v13 and when I set angular at systemjs-importmap it replaces the import with the last version (14) automatically.
Is there a way to disable it?

Infer same filename with port number

Screen Shot 2021-02-17 at 12 14 34 PM

Expected behavior: inferred filename is main.js

Actual behavior: inferred file name is platform-ui-analytics.js

Note: URL pattern from original (non-overriden URL) is //{x.y.z}-canary-{hash}/main.js

Attribute trigger-position does not have any effect

Not much more to add: If I add <import-map-overrides-full trigger-position="top-left"></import-map-overrides-full> to my page, the button still appears in the bottom right corner.

If you need any more details or a repro, let me know.

Using import-map-overrides for making an 'in-browser' IDE.

You say multiple times in the documentation that its risky to use import-map-overrides in production (and to use it only during development). I'm putting together a browser-based IDE, and it seems like import-map-overrides is the only way to let users of the IDE link to external dependencies.

I understand that doing this opens up arbitrary code execution and self-xss attacks. But those are par for the course for an IDE anyway. (Wouldn't be much of an IDE if you couldn't run code in it after all. ;) )

I'm curious if this is the security (and probably performance) implications are the only reasons you say to not do this, or are there other reasons too? (And if it really is a bad idea to use import-map-overrides, is there any other way to create a dynamic import-map type of thing (or a lexically scoped import-map)).


Question: Is it possible to always show the ui after a refresh?

Right now after a refresh I have to click the button in the right bottom corner to view the UI. I was wondering if there was a way to keep this open even after a refresh?

Also, should we be using the import-map-overrides ui or the single-spa-inspector chrome extension or both?

Disable for specific domains

For many organizations, disabling import-map-overrides in production is a good idea, as it would not be good for users to stumble across it. To do so currently, they can modify their HTML file so as to not include the script tag in production. However, that can be a bit of a hassle and is not currently very common.

A nice approach might be to be able to disable all of import-map-overrides functionality via a <meta> element in the HTML file that specifies which domains to safelist / blocklist

<meta name="import-map-overrides-domains" content=",">

<meta name="import-map-overrides-domains" content="">

Failed to execute `attachShadow` on `Element` in 3.0.0

In the new version 3 I'm getting the following console error

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'attachShadow' on 'Element': Shadow root cannot be created on a host which already hosts a shadow tree.
    at a.value ([email protected]/dist/import-map-overrides.js:2:45424)
    at a.value ([email protected]/dist/import-map-overrides.js:2:45188)

This shows up when I am using single-spa-react to render one react microfrontend on the page.

Is there a way to avoid that? @ralphsaunders maybe you have an idea? It's most likely related to #65

Page refresh required to reflect changes

I have tried to override app url but it does reflect change until you refresh the page. can we update it without refreshing a page?

Step: 1 : update the url
Step 2: navigate between app
it will load the old url only
Step 3; refresh the page
it will now load the update url

Purpose : want to update url runtime whenever new version of app deployed on server

Warning while building import-map-overrides-server.js

When building import-map-overrides-server.js we get the following warning:

src/import-map-overrides-server.js → dist/import-map-overrides-server.js...
babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here:
(!) Unresolved dependencies
cookie (imported by src/server/server-api.js)

Confusing reload icon after adding an override

Screen Shot 2021-06-22 at 9 38 50 AM

This refresh icon is kinda confusing. It shows up only after you’ve changed an import map, which is also the exact time you’d want to refresh the page, which is generally what this icon means, but not here 😁

It could be helpful to have an actual icon that reloads the page. But it would mainly be helpful to change this icon to something different (e.g. ⚙️) or just remove it entirely.

Bug introduced by terser

I'm hitting a bug which is very hard to debug, since it only appears when rollup-plugin-terser is enabled. When running the minified JS, I get

Uncaught TypeError: (intermediate value).next is not a function
    n import-map-overrides.js:2
    c import-map-overrides.js:2
    value import-map-overrides.js:2
    le import-map-overrides.js:2
    Z import-map-overrides.js:2
    le import-map-overrides.js:2
    pe import-map-overrides.js:2
    value import-map-overrides.js:2
    value import-map-overrides.js:2

However when running the JS built with build:dev (or deleting the terser() part of the webpack config) the import-map-overrides load just fine.

We're running into this when attempting to upgrade to React 18, and changing to use WMF rather than SystemJS for loading modules (SystemJS is still used for the import map).


Server-side single maps - cookie should specify a path


  • when using server-side-single-map, using the overrides UI on multiple routes can cause overrides persist in cookies even after they have been deleted in the UI.
// server.js 

// ExpressJS middleware - used on each route that requests a document w/ import-map-overrides
const importMapOverridesMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
  const overrides = importMapOverrides.getOverridesFromCookies(req);
  if (Object.keys(overrides).length === 0) {
    app.locals.importMap = app.locals.originalImportMap;
  } else {
    app.locals.importMap = new Map([, ...Object.entries(overrides)]);


  • visit page http://localhost:8080
  • using overrides UI, add a new override: "elephant": ""
    • confirm localStorage gets a new entry as expected import-map-override:elephant
    • confirm new cookie created as expected: import-map-override:elephant:""
  • visit page http://localhost:8080/elephant
  • using overrides UI, "Reset all overrides"
    • confirm localStorage entry import-map-override:elephant has been deleted
    • cookie is not deleted as expected
  • using overrides UI, add a new override (same value)
    • now I have two cookies w/ same name and value, one on path=/, one on path=/elephant
  • navigate back to http://localhost:8080
  • using overrides UI, "Reset all overrides"

Proposed solution

Overrides triggers cross-origin issue when loaded into iframe (MS Teams)

I believe this line:

is causing a cross-origin error when accessing our single-spa app when hosted inside of Microsoft Teams:

Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 11 08 48 AM

If y'all confirm that this is behaving as expected, and that this appears to be the cause of this exception, then I'm happy to spin up a PR + tests. Just need a sign that I haven't got this completely mixed.

Add support for server rendered import map

addOverride() would set a cookie import-map-override:name=/some-url.js, removeOverride() would remove it. Local storage remains source of truth.

<meta importmap-type="server-handles-cookies"> (or similar) would block dynamic insertion of import maps, requiring the server to choose whether to respect the overrides sent up in the cookies.

Race condition between application code and import map overrides

I've got some initialization code that depends on import map overrides being loaded. Is there a way to have my code run as soon as import map overrides are loaded, but not before? A Promise I can then? I tried listening on import-map-overrides:change and that doesn't seem to get triggered with the initial load. See the following:

let didInitialCheck = false;
function checkForFile() {
  setTimeout(() => {
    if (!didInitialCheck && typeof System !== "undefined") {
      try {
        console.log("initial", System.resolve("config-file"));
      } catch (e) {
        console.log("initial: not resolved");
      didInitialCheck = true;
    } else {
  }, 5);

  () => { console.log("import-map-overrides:change"); console.log("change", System.resolve("config-file")); }

setTimeout(() => { console.log("timeout", System.resolve("config-file"))}, 1000);

Screenshot from 2021-01-21 20-07-41

Override via remote import map

One cool feature could be the ability to point to a remote URL for an override import map and then have import map overrides insert that map dynamically. The url (or urls) for override import maps would be stored in local storage under a new key (perhaps import-map-overrides-external-maps or something

Is it possible to support SystemJS and native imports at the same time?


I recently switched to vite and I'm trying to get my override to work with the default dev mode in vite, which is using native imports.
I'm using SystemJS for all my other microservices and I don't understand if it is even possible to be able to run both at the same time.

When I try to override my main.js from vite I get the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module (at main.js:1:1)

Is it somehow possible to have both, native imports and SystemJS running at the same time?

buttons in ui can get "bad" styling

if the underlying page sets a styling with a light text on buttons, the buttons in the override ui becomes very hard to read. It would probably be better to enforce a dark color on the text for these buttons.


Import maps blocked in Safari


It seems Safari blocks import maps that are pointing to non https MFE's, running in localhost.
The error is page at was not allowed to run insecure content from

This happens we have an https loading sources from non http.

Is there a known solution for this?

IE 11 broken

Not sure if this library is promising support for IE11, but I saw in the README description that it does.

This commit 6e0f50e#r52817708

Seems to have broken import-map-overrides in IE11.

Modules looked up with HTTPS even when HTTP is specified

See screenshots. In the first, the override is specified with http:// and the browser returns a 404 for the same address but via https. In the second, the override is specified with // and the page is via http, but the override is looked up via https.

Screenshot from 2019-12-12 00-43-31

Screenshot from 2019-12-12 00-44-08

An import map is added after module script load was triggered.

import maps to be over ride

<script type="overridable-importmap">
      "imports": {
        "imlib2": "http://localhost:3001/imlib2.js",
   <script src="./src-import-map-overrides/dist/import-map-overrides.js"></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="module" src="/test.js"></script>


import lib2 from "imlib2";

console.log("lib2 ======== native dev runner==========", lib2);

Error in the browser

js-api.js:455 An import map is added after module script load was triggered.
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "imlib2". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".


As expected new import map block is added ie:

<script type="importmap">
      "imports": {
        "imlib2": "http://localhost:3001/imlib2.js",


  1. imlib2 is not fetched on reload
  2. module could not be resolved

Compatibility with SystemJS dynamic import maps

I am using the dynamic import maps plugin for SystemJS because I need to slightly modify the content of my importmap.json file after it was downloaded. So my code looks somehow like this:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
      .then(function(response) {
        response.json().then(function(importMap) {
          for (var module in importMap) {
            if (importMap.hasOwnProperty(module)) {
              importMap[module] = changeUrl(importMap[module])
          var importmapElem = document.createElement('script');
          importmapElem.type = 'systemjs-importmap';
          importmapElem.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(importMap, null, 2);

I also inserted the webcomponent import-map-overrides-full so that I can modify the import map via the UI. Now, the problem is that no overrides have any effect. If I use a static script block for the import map, everythings works as expected. Is there anything I can do to be compatible with the dynamic import maps plugin?

Add support for modifying import map as a js variable

Since only one import map per page is supported in the most recent import maps spec, we should provide a way for import map overrides to work with only one import map.

See more info at

  window.importMap = {imports: {foo: './foo1.js'}};
<script src=""></script>

With this proposed API, import map overrides would look for a global variable named importMap, modify it with the overrides, and then inject it as <script type="importmap"> into the DOM.

An option to disable overrides via GET parameter

This library probably should not be used in production, however it's not uncommon to sacrifice security for convenience. There's a good guidance on practices to avoid security issues if devs opt-in to use it in non-dev environments, but I think that having a GET parameter that allows injection of 3rd party scripts is too permissive and easy to exploit. I believe this behavior should be disabled by default, or at least there's should be an option to disable it.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this and will be happy to help with the PR if this proposal sounds sensible.

Safari design

Can we improve the design on the safari browser? its always fixed to the left bottom corner + transparent


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