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moodle-mod_turnitintooltwo's Issues

Fatal memory limit error when adding a new assignment

We are having a strange problem, whereby when we go to add a new Turnitin 2 assignment, on one specific course, it just sits there spinning and spinning, and eventually gives a 500 error (with debugging it's a fatal memory limit error).

I've tried increasing the memory limit, and it works fine on other courses, it's just this 1 course.

The course doesn't have any other TII assignments attached to it.

Is there anything that the module does when just trying to load up the modedit.php form to add an new instance, that would cause this memory problem?


Opening a lightbox window in assignment settings produces "M.str.turnitintooltwo is undefined"

When creating or editing an assignment's settings with turnitin enabled, when I click on one of the turnitin settings links (quickmark manager, peermark manager, rubric manager) I get an infinite spinning circle with the following javascript error "M.str.turnitintooltwo is undefined" col. 7049 turnitintooltwo.min.js

Looks like it's related to the lightbox functionality loading a popup window within the page. If you right click and open the links in a new tab, they load fine.

plagiarism plugin is version 2016011104

Can not stop teachers from receiving submission notifications

Turnitin Assignment 2 version 2016011104

Teachers are receiving submission notifications whenever a student submits to an assignment and there does not appear to be an option to turn this off. Also users who have a manager type role at a category level are being sent the emails.

Example email
Subject: Submission made to assignment

A submission entitled 2 has been made to assignment REN318LON CW1 Submission: Part 1 in the class REN318LON - International Hospitality Operations Management - 1516AAA.

Submission ID: 12345678
Submission Date: 14-Mar-2016 06:24PM

Error on fullname function

On submitting a Turnitinassignment, debugging reveals the following:

You need to update your sql to include additional name fields in the user object.
line 3269 of /lib/moodlelib.php: call to debugging()
line 193 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/turnitintooltwo_submission.class.php: call to fullname()
line 69 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/turnitintooltwo_submission.class.php: call to turnitintooltwo_submission->get_submission_details()
line 268 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/view.php: call to turnitintooltwo_submission->__construct()

See for information on updated way to call fullname().

Turnitin post date takes priority over Hidden dates in Moodle's Gradebook

Grades are released to the student in the Turnitin Submission Inbox based on the Turnitin post date. When the assignment is created, the post date is copied to the Moodle gradebook hidden until date setting. If the hidden until date is subsequently edited in the Moodle gradebook, the Turnitin post date takes priority in the Turnitin Submission Inbox. This can lead to a scenario where a student can see their grade in the Turnitin Submission Inbox but not in the Moodle gradebook. This also affects Moodle Grade Categories.

Check for $CFG->version before using

The test for the Moodle version number in version.php causes a PHP notice to be thrown when $CFG->version is not set (e.g. when running unit tests):

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$version in F:\htdocs\mod\turnitintooltwo\version.php on line 33

It would be good to test for this property's existence before using it.

This was fixed in the plagiarism plugin (turnitin/moodle-plagiarism_turnitin#142) but is still an issue in the latest mod release.

Nonce already used errors

We have a queuing system in place where multiple queue workers may simultaneously try to contact turnitin. We are getting many "Nonce already used" errors because the _getNonce function in sdk/oauthsimple.class.php cannot handle concurrent processes and it generates the same nonce for two processes calling it at the same time.

I will submit a pull request with our fix for this.

Grademark pencil not clickable

On version 2015040110, Moodle 2.8.
Pencil icon for uploaded assignments is not clickable, it is only clickable before an assignment is uploaded for creating grading template, after that it's no longer clickable, you can only access grademark through clicking the paper title or similarity percentage. This is the same on both Chrome and IE.

Submissions fail when file extension in CAPS

I am getting submission failures for assignments with file extensions in CAPS. For example, I receive this error:
You must upload a supported file type for this assignment. Accepted file types are; .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .pdf, .txt, .htm, .html, .hwp, .odt, .wpd, .ps and .rtf

For this file: BIB2125 Assessment 1 2016.PDF

Should the file names not be case insensitive? Furthermore, on occasion a student will upload some file with no extension or a . in the filename, however the mime information is still available in the metadata. Moodle reads these just fine, but Turnitin does not. Could we not revise the way the filetypes are assessed in these cases?

Error on Moodle Import

Starting this year we are creating new versions of Moodle courses for each academic year and getting the lecturers to run the Moodle Import process (Course administration -> Import) to bring over content from the previous year.

When they've selected the Moodle course they wish to import from, and then click on "Jump to final step", we are sometimes getting the following error message:

turnitintooltwo/There was an error trying to create the assignment in Turnitin

Fault Code: invaliddata | File: [dirroot]/mod/turnitintooltwo/sdk/assignmentsoap.class.php | Line: 33 | Message: date_start - start date can not be more than 1 year in the past. | Code: 0

More information about this error

Debug info: 
Error code: There was an error trying to create the assignment in Turnitin<br/><br/>Fault Code: invaliddata | File: [dirroot]/mod/turnitintooltwo/sdk/assignmentsoap.class.php | Line: 33 | Message: date_start - start date can not be more than 1 year in the past. 
| Code: 0
$a contents: There was an error trying to create the assignment in Turnitin<br/><br/>Fault Code: invaliddata | File: [dirroot]/mod/turnitintooltwo/sdk/assignmentsoap.class.php | Line: 33 | Message: date_start - start date can not be more than 1 year in the past. 
| Code: 0
Stack trace:
line 488 of /lib/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 683 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/lib.php: call to print_error()
line 149 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/turnitintooltwo_comms.class.php: call to turnitintooltwo_print_error()
line 842 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/turnitintooltwo_assignment.class.php: call to turnitintooltwo_comms::handle_exceptions()
line 1385 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/turnitintooltwo_assignment.class.php: call to turnitintooltwo_assignment::create_tii_assignment()
line 125 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/restore_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php: call to turnitintooltwo_assignment->edit_moodle_assignment()
line 111 of /backup/util/plan/restore_task.class.php: call to restore_turnitintooltwo_activity_task->after_restore()
line 193 of /backup/util/plan/restore_plan.class.php: call to restore_task->execute_after_restore()
line 121 of /backup/moodle2/restore_final_task.class.php: call to restore_plan->execute_after_restore()
line 821 of /backup/moodle2/restore_stepslib.php: call to restore_final_task->launch_execute_after_restore()
line 34 of /backup/util/plan/restore_execution_step.class.php: call to restore_execute_after_restore->define_execution()
line 181 of /backup/util/plan/base_task.class.php: call to restore_execution_step->execute()
line 177 of /backup/util/plan/base_plan.class.php: call to base_task->execute()
line 167 of /backup/util/plan/restore_plan.class.php: call to base_plan->execute()
line 333 of /backup/controller/restore_controller.class.php: call to restore_plan->execute()
line 163 of /backup/import.php: call to restore_controller->execute_plan()

This seems to indicate that the source course had a TII2 activity with a start date of more than a year from this moment.

I've run a few tests with old Moodle courses, but this doesn't seem to be consistently producing this error, so I don't know if there's another factor involved in this.

The error doesn't stop the Import process from running, entirely. In fact it seems to import in the TII2 activity, but when you click on it you get the following message:

I looked into this a little bit, and though there's an entry in the course_module table, there isn't an entry in the turnitintooltwo table:

select as cmid,
    c.idnumber, as modulename, as tii2name, as tii2id,
from mdl_course_modules as cm 
JOIN mdl_course as c on
JOIN mdl_modules as m on
LEFT JOIN mdl_turnitintooltwo as tii2 ON cm.instance =
WHERE = 'turnitintooltwo' AND IS null;


even though course_module.instance has been set.

It looks to me as though the restore function aborts, but doesn't clean up properly. Since this ends up with a broken link, I would say this is a bug to be fixed.

As far as we are concerned, we are happy if TII2 activities are not imported, but there's no way of automatically stopping that, currently.

I am aware that instead of clicking "Jump to final step" the lecturer could click on "Next" and deselect the TII activities, but you try getting lecturers to jump through those hoops! It's not going to happen.

jQuery version conflict?


I am using a theme which loads jQuery - all good. However, in a standard assignment activity with Turnitin enabled once a submission has been sent to Turnitin the View/grade all submissions screen does not work as expected (Edit link/button does not work, the page does not refresh when Filter settings are changed etc). I can see the Turnitin plugin is loading jQuery v1.8.2 after the theme loads v1.11.1. If I block v1.8.2 loading everything works per normal.

Help!! :-)

plagiarism_turnitin v2015040102


Dot in the file name

It's a known issue?
There should not be more than one dot (the dot just before the file extension such as .pdf) in the file name. Moodle cron is frozen. Its a critical issue!

Most recent update - Submission Window Issues

I am having an issue with the sizing of the submission window within the plugin.
When clicking the submit button the window that appears is far too small to use. This has not been the same with earlier versions. (see below)


Where can I find the script which affects this so I can size it appropriately?

Late submissions that are not late


If an assignment is set to not allow submissions past, for example, 14:00 and a user submits at 13:59, and the file takes longer than 1 minute to upload from Moodle to Turnitin (the Turnitin UK API is VERY slow) the submission either fails or is marked as late, despite the file being uploaded in time.

I don't think the time Turnitin receives the file should be used as the submission time, it should be the time the file was received Moodle side should it not?


File picker issue when submitting paper

A number of our staff and students are experiencing issues with the file picker dialog when attempting to submit a paper. On smaller screens, the file picker does not resize correctly. This appears to be a result of the submit paper dialog being rendered within an IFrame:


Within other areas of Moodle the dialog resizes correctly, filling 100% of the screen width and height:


I have tested this out on Chrome 46.0.2490.80 on a Window 7 desktop. Other users have a similar setup. A resolution to this issue would be much appreciated.

Error message text contrast makes it unreadable for some users

The error message when a user cannot submit a file to Turnitin has a very low contrast between the text and back ground. this makes it difficult to read for some users:


This was taken in Moodle 2.7.11 with the Clean theme, version 2015040110 of turnitintooltwo

Moodle event queue and pending assignments

We have been having issues with submissions to Moodle being stuck in pending, it turns out that the Turnitintwo cron is hitting an exception and will not continue. The message in the mdl_events_queue_handlers table is:

Handler function of component plagiarism_turnitin: s:39:"plagiarism_turnitin_event_file_uploaded"; threw exception :turnitintooltwo/Turnitin submission deletion failed. The local Moodle copy was removed but the submission in Turnitin could not be deleted.

Fault Code: targetreadfailure | File: /u0/webroot/virtual/ | Line: 98 | Message: Error reading from database. | Code: 0

  • line 668 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/lib.php: call to print_error()
  • line 149 of /plagiarism/turnitin/classes/turnitin_comms.class.php: call to turnitintooltwo_print_error()
  • line 2667 of /plagiarism/turnitin/lib.php: call to turnitin_comms::handle_exceptions()
  • line 2239 of /plagiarism/turnitin/lib.php: call to plagiarism_plugin_turnitin->delete_tii_submission()
  • line 2317 of /plagiarism/turnitin/lib.php: call to plagiarism_plugin_turnitin->clean_old_turnitin_submissions()
  • line 2126 of /plagiarism/turnitin/lib.php: call to plagiarism_plugin_turnitin->tii_submission()
  • line 2681 of /plagiarism/turnitin/lib.php: call to plagiarism_plugin_turnitin->event_handler()
  • line ? of unknownfile: call to plagiarism_turnitin_event_file_uploaded()
  • line 299 of /lib/eventslib.php: call to call_user_func()
  • line 343 of /lib/eventslib.php: call to events_dispatch()
  • line 450 of /lib/eventslib.php: call to events_process_queued_handler()
  • line 45 of /lib/classes/task/events_cron_task.php: call to events_cron()
  • line 74 of /lib/cronlib.php: call to core\task\events_cron_task->execute()
  • line 61 of /admin/cli/cron.php: call to cron_run()

This appears to stop all the other submissions from being processed and so we are left with large classes of students who's assignments are stuck in pending and our teaching staff cannot mark them as no similarity reports are being generated.


Moodle 2.8 submissions do not seem to be connecting to server

Students submit papers but the papers never seem to make it to the server. In many cases a "submit to turnitin" button shows up in the assignment in place of the "submit" date, when pressed, results in this error:

"Default exception handler: Invalid permissions detected in $CFG->dataroot directory, administrator has to fix permissions. Debug: turnitintooltwo temporary file cannot be created.\nError code: invaliddatarootpermissions\n* line 646 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/lib.php: invalid_dataroot_permissions thrown\n* line 490 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/turnitintooltwo_submission.class.php: call to turnitintooltwo_tempfile()\n* line 292 of /mod/turnitintooltwo/view.php: call to turnitintooltwo_submission->do_tii_submission()\n, referer:"

I have a ticket in to (x15 days) and they have not been helpful.

Another twist showed up yesterday where an instructor graded all of his assignments with grademark but the grades never showed up in Moodle, clicking refresh didn't bring them back, but he finally went in to the first paper to make sure that the grades were still there and then exited, then all the grades showed up.

It screams of some type of latency or permissions issue, but I cannot for the life of me figure out exactly where the breakdown is. This doesn't happen across all classrooms but it does happen to about 1/3 of the student submissions. I have looked at the php logs and they pretty much say the same thing, that there are permission issues in some directory when the paper fails to send, but my dataroot permissions are set correctly and, as I said, it doesn't happen 100% of the time.

Any ideas? I am desperate for a resolution, my instructors have been patient up to now, but its mid semester and the number of submissions is growing as is the number of complaints.

Cheryl Rodriguez-
Moodle 2.8.6 LAMP installation

V2 not supporting multiple rubrics for multi part assignments

With the V1 dropbox it was possible to create a multi part assignment and set a different rubric for each part.

With V2, despite the improved Rubric manager, it now only possible to attach 1 rubric to the whole assignment, not individual parts.

So would it be possible to add in this functionality please?

Feature request: access limitation for lecturers/teachers within single Turnitin assignment.


At our university of applied science we have a variety of different usages of the turnitin assignment/activity.
Most of the departments are using one Moodle course for the final exams. Because some exams themes are under an NDA, we need additional access restrictions for those academic works (master theses).
Our current solution is to create multiple turnitin activities and add roles and limit rights in the assignments to grant the specific supervisor full access but only to their corresponding turnit assignments, e.g, 20 supervisors equals 20 turninit assignments in one Moodle course.

Another possibility would be to add a special mode to the turnitin module. If this mode is active a student which submits his document aka final exam via turnitin also has to select one or more users/supervisor with "lecturer/teacher" role.
This user(s) are stored in relation to the submitted document.
Example: Lecturer A supervisors Students 1, 2, and 3; Lecturer B supervises Students 4,5, 6
All students upload their master theses to one Turnitin assignment and in the new feature select their supervisor as well. Thus, Lecturer B can only access the similarity reports and download the original document from St. 4,5 and 6.

So supervisors with lecturer/teacher roles only can open documents via the turnitin module if they are selected in the submission process but they should only be able to access their students' turnitin similarity reports.

We are aware that this feature does not limited those users who can access turnitin directly but we want to limit access via the Moodle plug-in.

Please share any experience or opinions if this feature could be useful.



V2 not supporting moodle/course:view permission

We have a custom role which support staff use to administer Moodle courses (without having full site admin rights).

In other Moodle activities the moodle/course:view permission (View courses without participation) set to allow prevents these staff from appearing as participants in the course but will allow them to administer course content (if the additional permissions are set).

Unfortunately Turnitin V2 assignment doesn't honour the "View courses without participation" permission. Our support staff are appearing as Turnitin Tutors and Turnitin Students in V2 activities (which is confusing for lecturers).

Settings for custom role:

View courses without participation - ALLOW

Add Turnitin Tool Activity - ALLOW

Grade Turnitin Tool Assignments - ALLOW

Read Turnitin Tool Assignments - ALLOW

Submit to Turnitin Tool Assignments - ALLOW

View Turnitin Tool Assignments - ALLOW

Scheduled task (cron) fails when TurnItIn rows exist without a course module

For some reason we have a number of TurnItIn activities in the turnitintooltwo table which have no matching entry in course_modules. I can only assume that the plugin (or possibly older versions of it) doesn't remove the row from turnitintooltwo when an activity is deleted.

This is causing the scheduled task to fail with the error "Invalid course module ID". Should be a simple case of ensuring $cm is not equal to false before continuing in

Caching issue

Moodle 3.0 Stable
TII2 v2015040111

There is a caching issue whereby if an assignment has previously been visited, the assignment remains stuck on this loading screen. We have done a Purge All Caches at Site level but this requires each end user to clear their own browser which is not appropriate / scalable. Seems to have occured following the update from v2015040109


Fix for broken cron with PostgreSQL DB backend


Currently the cron run is broken if using PostgreSQL as DB backend.
In lib.php - line 545

    // Send grades to the gradebook for anonymous marking assignments when the post date has passed.
    // Get a list of assignments that need updating.
    if ($assignmentlist = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT FROM {turnitintooltwo} t
                                                LEFT JOIN {turnitintooltwo_parts} p ON (p.turnitintooltwoid =
                                                WHERE (turnitintooltwoid, dtpost) IN (SELECT turnitintooltwoid, MAX(dtpost) 
                                                    FROM {turnitintooltwo_parts} 
                                                    GROUP BY turnitintooltwoid) 
                                                AND t.anon = 1 AND t. anongradebook = 0 AND dtpost < ".time()." 
                                                GROUP BY turnitintooltwoid")) {

In the GROUP BY clause '' is missing, and I think 'turnitintooltwoid' needs to be removed.



Query for turnitin to support global search

Hi John. Many thanks for providing this plugin to the community; its functionality is really appreciated by our staff and students, and we’re really grateful to you for your efforts to maintain and update it.

On that note, please could I quickly query whether you have any plans to update the plugin to be fully compatible with Moodle v3.1, and its new Global Search feature in particular? To clarify: while we’ve tested the Turnitin’s Moodle Direct v2 integration plugin under v3.1 and all of the core functionality seems to work fine, we’ve found that instances of the activity are not searchable via v3.1’s Global Search feature. Please see the following screenshot for details, which lists all of the available areas that can searched under v3.1 (note that these settings are available via: Site Administration -> Plugins -> Search -> Manage Global Search):

Note also that the above screenshot was taken on a v3.1 system where the Turnitin’s Moodle Direct v2 integration plugin is installed and available. However, as you can see, the Turnitin’s Moodle Direct v2 integration activity is not listed as being available to be searched. Obviously, this is likely to be a significant problem/cause of confusion for users who might want to search for specific instances of the Turnitin’s Moodle Direct v2 integration activity across Moodle.

I’m not a developer, but my understanding is that mod plugins can be made searchable relatively easily via the addition of a new search class within the plugin’s codebase (located at ../classes/search/activity.php). Please see the following for further details:

We really hope this search capability can be added to Turnitin’s Moodle Direct v2 integration as I’m sure it would be a huge benefit to our users (as well as those of other v3.1 systems) and, again, many thanks for all your efforts to develop this plugin and share it with the community.

Best wishes,

Turnitin Breaking Moodle Cron

Hi. I am getting the following error when the moodle cron runs.

Processing module function turnitintooltwo_cron ...
... used 337 dbqueries
... used 57.634557008743 seconds
Scheduled task failed: Legacy cron processing for plugins,Error reading from database
Default exception handler: Error reading from database Debug: MySQL server has gone away
SELECT * FROM mdl_task_scheduled WHERE classname = ?
[array (
0 => '\core\task\legacy_plugin_cron_task',
Error code: dmlreadexception

  • line 443 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_read_exception thrown
  • line 1080 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
  • line 1476 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to >mysqli_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
  • line 1448 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_sql()
  • line 1427 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_select()
  • line 577 of /lib/classes/task/manager.php: call to moodle_database->get_record()
  • line 91 of /lib/cronlib.php: call to core\task\manager::scheduled_task_failed()
  • line 61 of /admin/cli/cron.php: call to cron_run()

!!! Error reading from database !!!

Debug info: MySQL server has gone away
SELECT * FROM mdl_task_scheduled WHERE classname = ?
[array (
0 => '\core\task\legacy_plugin_cron_task',
Error code: dmlreadexception
Stack trace: * line 443 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_read_exception thrown

  • line 1080 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
  • line 1476 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to >mysqli_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
  • line 1448 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_sql()
  • line 1427 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->get_record_select()
  • line 577 of /lib/classes/task/manager.php: call to moodle_database->get_record()
  • line 91 of /lib/cronlib.php: call to core\task\manager::scheduled_task_failed()
  • line 61 of /admin/cli/cron.php: call to cron_run()
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'coding_exception' with message 'Coding error detected, it >must be fixed by a programmer: \core\lock\lock() has fallen out of scope without being released.
    Locks must ALWAYS be released by calling $mylock->release().' in /data/moodle/lms/public_html
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: core\lock\lock->__destruct()
    #1 {main}
    thrown in /data/moodle/lms/public_html/lib/classes/lock/lock.php on line 107

Was wondering if you had a suggestion for fixing the issue? The cron not running is causing us a variety of issues.

Plagiarism Plugin assignments not being submitted

Hello All,

Since the new update yesterday, (2015040111), we are getting the following error from the plagiarism plugin:

Turnitin has returned an error with your submission: Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Could not load preference popup_provider_mod_turnitintooltwo_submission_permitted. Make sure the component and name you supplied to message_send() are valid.

Our Plagiarism Plugin version is 2015040110. Our Moodle version is: 2014111006.09 (2.8.6+)

Submission notification defaults not updating for user preferences based on default message output settings

We just updated to the plugin fix from (Can not stop teachers from receiving submission notifications #148) but it appears there is still an issue. The fix provides that when the default messaging outputs are set to:

  • disallowed: options are displayed but disabled in user messaging preferences - defaults to disabled
  • forced: options are displayed but disabled in user messaging preferences - defaults to enabled

However, when the default messaging outputs are set to permitted, but the defaults for online/not online are disabled, this does not carry over to the user messaging preferences.

It would be best if when the default messaging outputs were set to permitted, and the default checkboxes unchecked, those settings carried over for each user. That way, we can disable instructor submission notifications sitewide, but it still provides each user the chance to opt in to receive them if they choose.

Assignments not passed on cron

We are having a lot of issues with assignments not being passed from Moodle to Turnitin on cron using the plagiarism plugin under mod/assign.

We do have large numbers of assignments being submitted, for example 3000 were submitted on a signle day this week, and accept there will be some latency in processing these, but four days later we have many that are stuck as "pending".

I would like to understand whether there are any known issues and how well the cron process works with large volumes of assignments (in terms of the number of assignments that can be passed on each cron run). I would add we have cron running every minute at the moment.

Feature request: Student viewed information in xls export


We've had an academic ask whether it would be possible to add whether a student has viewed a marked paper into the xls Export file. It would be really useful for this to also include the time and date the graded assignment was viewed as with the interface.



screenshot from 2016-06-08 15 57 32

Helpdesk wizard issues

We use this activity for our customer sites (thanks!!) and as part of that review the plugin for inclusion into our code base. When I reviewed the most recent version I noticed that the new helpdeskwizard class is not namespaced and so could potentially cause namespace collisions. I think the other classes may have the same problem. I didn't want to change them in case I missed a usage somewhere.

I also noticed that the output from generated from the XML file that is not cleaned at all. I understand that it is coming from Turnitin via SSL, but "never trust any input", right. :) I made some changes locally to our instance to escape the solution "issue" (using s()) and formatted the answer using format_text() and clean the link with clean_param() using the PARAM_URL constant. I'm not sure this is the exact right fix so I thought I'd report it here to see what you thought.

Thanks for looking at this and if I can clarify anything, please let me know. And thanks for the plugin!

Post date and hidden until behavior seems buggy

At Moodlerooms, we received a user report that the hidden until date seemed to be 'broken'. The behavior they specifically noted was that after you created a turnitin assignment, the grade items hidden until date is set, but if you edit the grade item, and on that page try to change that date, or disable it, it always reverts back to the previous setting. But, if on the gradebook setup screen you click show from the quick action menu, it will stick as shown (until the grade item is updated by something, in which case it will re-hide). Note that this is in Moodle 3.0.

While the general behavior is by design, we identified a few things that probably add to the confusion:

  1. I find 'Post date' to have no meaning - I had to look it up. Maybe this needs to be renamed, at least in US english (Maybe it means something in the UK?)
  2. The 'Post date' field has no help icon with it.
  3. There is no way to disable post date (and hence 'hidden until'). That being said, I don't know if it is required to be a valid date by the Turnitin API.
  4. The dataflow is always from the Turnitin assign Post date to the grade item hidden until field. Modifying the hidden settings of the grade items will always (eventually) get overridden by the assign setting.

Backup and restore uses the same url substitition as the old module

In the backup and restore code, TURNITINTOOL is used to encode links to the module and module list, which get decoded by the old module if you have both installed

diff --git a/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/backup_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php b/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/backup_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php
index 21e05f2..6eb916b 100755
--- a/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/backup_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php
+++ b/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/backup_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ class backup_turnitintooltwo_activity_task extends backup_activity_task {

         // Link to the list of turnitintooltwos
-        $content= preg_replace($search, '$@TURNITINTOOLINDEX*$2@$', $content);
+        $content= preg_replace($search, '$@TURNITINTOOLTWOINDEX*$2@$', $content);

         // Link to turnitintooltwo view by moduleid
-        $content= preg_replace($search, '$@TURNITINTOOLVIEWBYID*$2@$', $content);
+        $content= preg_replace($search, '$@TURNITINTOOLTWOVIEWBYID*$2@$', $content);

         return $content;
diff --git a/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/restore_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php b/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/restore_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php
index 6fc1d7a..c3215a4 100755
--- a/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/restore_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php
+++ b/mod/turnitintooltwo/backup/moodle2/restore_turnitintooltwo_activity_task.class.php
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class restore_turnitintooltwo_activity_task extends restore_activity_task {
     static public function define_decode_rules() {
         $rules = array();

-        $rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('TURNITINTOOLVIEWBYID', '/mod/turnitintooltwo/view.php?id=$1', 'course_module');
-        $rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('TURNITINTOOLINDEX', '/mod/turnitintooltwo/index.php?id=$1', 'course');
+        $rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('TURNITINTOOLTWOVIEWBYID', '/mod/turnitintooltwo/view.php?id=$1', 'course_module');
+        $rules[] = new restore_decode_rule('TURNITINTOOLTWOINDEX', '/mod/turnitintooltwo/index.php?id=$1', 'course');

         return $rules;   

Possibly the same issue is present with logging in the event classes, where "turnitintool" is used in lines like:

  return array($this->courseid, "turnitintool", "view submission", 'view.php?id='.$this->objectid, $this->other['desc'], $this->objectid);

Submission Inbox - Can not add jQuery plugins after starting page output

When adding logic to instruct the plugin to use Moodle's jQuery script instead of the on-board jQuery when Moodle version >= 2.6, the page attempts to load the jQuery after commencing output.
Checking the page source after load completion shows that the correct jQuery has loaded despite the error messages from debugging.
(Error only visible with debugging on)

Change is in lib.php:451

Debug Output:

Can not add jQuery plugins after starting page output!
line 487 of /lib/outputrequirementslib.php: call to debugging()
line 431 of /lib/outputrequirementslib.php: call to page_requirements_manager->jquery_plugin()
line 451 of /plagiarism/turnitin/lib.php: call to page_requirements_manager->jquery()
line 596 of /plagiarism/turnitin/lib.php: call to plagiarism_plugin_turnitin->load_page_components()
line 51 of /lib/plagiarismlib.php: call to plagiarism_plugin_turnitin->get_links()
line 1185 of /mod/assign/renderer.php: call to plagiarism_get_links()
line 61 of /mod/assign/renderer.php: call to mod_assign_renderer->htmllize_tree()
line 316 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to mod_assign_renderer->render_assign_files()
line 48 of /mod/assign/renderer.php: call to plugin_renderer_base->render()
line 4604 of /mod/assign/locallib.php: call to mod_assign_renderer->assign_files()
line 327 of /mod/assign/submission/file/locallib.php: call to assign->render_area_files()
line 1182 of /mod/assign/gradingtable.php: call to assign_submission_file->view_summary()
line 1266 of /mod/assign/gradingtable.php: call to assign_grading_table->format_plugin_summary_with_link()
line 798 of /lib/tablelib.php: call to assign_grading_table->other_cols()
line 450 of /mod/assign/gradingtable.php: call to flexible_table->format_row()
line 1425 of /lib/tablelib.php: call to assign_grading_table->format_row()
line 1541 of /lib/tablelib.php: call to table_sql->build_table()
line 1219 of /mod/assign/renderer.php: call to table_sql->out()
line 1015 of /mod/assign/renderer.php: call to mod_assign_renderer->flexible_table()
line 316 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to mod_assign_renderer->render_assign_grading_table()
line 3351 of /mod/assign/locallib.php: call to plugin_renderer_base->render()
line 3382 of /mod/assign/locallib.php: call to assign->view_grading_table()
line 534 of /mod/assign/locallib.php: call to assign->view_grading_page()
line 53 of /mod/assign/view.php: call to assign->view()

Submission Inbox Orders by First Name

The submission inbox inherits the Moodle settings for full-name display, but the submission inbox table sorts the entries by the literal string in the name column.

Thus where the full-name display is firstname surname the inbox will order the rows by firstname/surname, which is inconsistent with Moodle's surname/firstname.

Modal size issues on upload pop up

Hi John,

Sorry to leave yet another issue. Since upgrading to v2015040109 (and possibly before), the modal window that pops up when a student uploads an assignment is significantly smaller than I think is intended. I checked the code in turnitintooltwo.js under the initializeUploadBox function, and it sets the width and height for the modal at 80%; however, in my browser the upload modal is 700px x 90px. I've tried adjusting the code to pixels, and there is still no change, so I'm not sure if that is actually the code that is affecting the modal.

I'm using Moodle 2.6.6 with a theme that is largely based on bootstrap. I don't think it is interfering with the plugin, but I could be wrong.

Any suggestions for a fix? Thanks!

Confusing resubmit text

If a student has already submitted, they get a link to 'Submit Paper' this is confusing - it can be interpreted as: 1) it not having worked the first time, 2) finalising the submission, 3) adding multiple files to the submission. None of which are correct assumptions, maybe 'resubmit paper' would be better in this instance.

screen shot 2015-10-13 at 12 17 59

Activity completion inaccurate for Turnitin Assignments that contain multiple parts

Moodle supports flagging an activity as complete based on either the student viewing the activity or certain criteria being met (such as the student receiving a grade). As a Direct V2 assignment has multiple parts and Moodle has no concept of this, a student viewing or receiving a grade against a single part will mark the entire assignment as complete.

Links do not get updated after Class Migration is used

When the Class Migration tool is used, it converts the old turnitintool assignment to a turnitintooltwo assignment within the Moodle course. But what it does not do is update any links put into Page Activities or Section Descriptions that have the link to that activity in it.

Original Link:

Gets converted to:

All the links that referenced the original link in the course still point to original link.

Apilog and Activitylog now deleted daily, used to be available for eight days

Sometime between v2015040102 and v2015040111, the Turnitin API log (mod/turnitintooltwo/settings_extras.php?cmd=apilog) and Activity log (mod/turnitintooltwo/settings_extras.php?cmd=activitylog) changed from being available for eight days, down to being deleted every day.

Can you explain why this change was made?

We'd like to raise this limit back to its previous value to help with troubleshooting, since student/instructor reports of issues can take a few days to come in.

Worth noting: We exclusively use the Turnitin PP plugin, but these logs appear in the Turnitin Assignment 2 settings, so I'm asking here.

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