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auto-changelog's Introduction


Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and commit history. Used by Modernizr, Netlify, Neutrino and Velocity.js.

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npm install -g auto-changelog


Simply run auto-changelog in the root folder of a git repository. git log is run behind the scenes in order to parse the commit history.

Usage: auto-changelog [options]


  -o, --output [file]                 # output file, default:
  -c, --config [file]                 # config file location, default: .auto-changelog
  -t, --template [template]           # specify template to use [compact, keepachangelog, json], default: compact
  -r, --remote [remote]               # specify git remote to use for links, default: origin
  -p, --package                       # use version from package.json as latest release
  -v, --latest-version [version]      # use specified version as latest release
  -u, --unreleased                    # include section for unreleased changes
  -l, --commit-limit [count]          # number of commits to display per release, default: 3
  -b, --backfill-limit [count]        # number of commits to backfill empty releases with, default: 3
      --commit-url [url]              # override url for commits, use {id} for commit id
      --issue-url [url]               # override url for issues, use {id} for issue id
      --merge-url [url]               # override url for merges, use {id} for merge id
      --compare-url [url]             # override url for compares, use {from} and {to} for tags
      --issue-pattern [regex]         # override regex pattern for issues in commit messages
      --breaking-pattern [regex]      # regex pattern for breaking change commits
      --merge-pattern [regex]         # add custom regex pattern for merge commits
      --commit-pattern [regex]        # pattern to include when parsing commits
      --ignore-commit-pattern [regex] # pattern to ignore when parsing commits
      --tag-pattern [regex]           # override regex pattern for version tags
      --tag-prefix [prefix]           # prefix used in version tags, default: v
      --starting-version [tag]        # specify earliest version to include in changelog
      --starting-date [yyyy-mm-dd]    # specify earliest date to include in changelog
      --ending-version [tag]          # specify latest version to include in changelog
      --sort-commits [property]       # sort commits by property [relevance, date, date-desc, subject, subject-desc], default: relevance
      --release-summary               # display tagged commit message body as release summary
      --unreleased-only               # only output unreleased changes
      --hide-empty-releases           # hide empty releases
      --hide-credit                   # hide auto-changelog credit
      --handlebars-setup [file]       # handlebars setup file
      --append-git-log [string]       # string to append to git log command
      --append-git-tag [string]       # string to append to git tag command
      --prepend                       # prepend changelog to output file
      --stdout                        # output changelog to stdout
      --plugins []             # use plugins to augment commit/merge/release information
  -V, --version                       # output the version number
  -h, --help                          # output usage information

# Write log to in current directory

# Write log to using keepachangelog template
auto-changelog --output --template keepachangelog

# Disable the commit limit, rendering all commits for every release
auto-changelog --commit-limit false


auto-changelog is designed to be as flexible as possible, providing a clear changelog for any project. There are only two absolute requirements:

  • You should be using git 1.7.2 or later
  • All versions should be tagged using semver tag names – this happens by default when using npm version

There are some less strict requirements to improve your changelog:

What you might do if you’re clever

Install auto-changelog to dev dependencies:

npm install auto-changelog --save-dev
# or
yarn add auto-changelog --dev

Add auto-changelog -p && git add to the version scripts in your package.json:

  "name": "my-awesome-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "devDependencies": {
    "auto-changelog": "*"
  "scripts": {
    "version": "auto-changelog -p && git add"

Using -p or --package uses the version from package.json as the latest release, so that all commits between the previous release and now become part of that release. Essentially anything that would normally be parsed as Unreleased will now come under the version from package.json

Now every time you run npm version, the changelog will automatically update and be part of the version commit.

Advanced Usage

URL Overrides

Links to commits, issues, pull requests and version diffs are automatically generated based on your remote URL. GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket and Azure DevOps are all supported. If you have an unusual remote or need to override one of the link formats, use --commit-url, --issue-url or --merge-url with an {id} token. For custom version diffs, use --compare-url with {from} and {to} tokens.

# Link all issues to redmine
auto-changelog --issue-url{id}

# Link to custom diff page
auto-changelog --compare-url{from}...{to}

Add to an existing changelog

If you’d like to keep an existing changelog below your generated one, just add <!-- auto-changelog-above --> to your current changelog. The generated changelog will be added above this token, and anything below will remain.


You can set any option in package.json under the auto-changelog key, using camelCase options.

  "name": "my-awesome-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    // ...
  "auto-changelog": {
    "output": "",
    "template": "keepachangelog",
    "unreleased": true,
    "commitLimit": false

You can also store config options in an .auto-changelog file in your project root:

  "output": "",
  "template": "keepachangelog",
  "unreleased": true,
  "commitLimit": false

Note that any options set in package.json will take precedence over any set in .auto-changelog.

Tag prefixes

Use --tag-prefix [prefix] if you prefix your version tags with a certain string:

# When all versions are tagged like my-package/1.2.3
auto-changelog --tag-prefix my-package/

Tag patterns

By default, auto-changelog looks for valid semver tags to build a list of releases. If you are using another format (or want to include all tags), use --tag-pattern [regex]:

# When all versions are tagged like build-12345
auto-changelog --tag-pattern build-\d+

# Include any tag as a release
auto-changelog --tag-pattern .+

Breaking changes

If you use a common pattern in your commit messages for breaking changes, use --breaking-pattern to highlight those commits as breaking changes in your changelog. Breaking change commits will always be listed as part of a release, regardless of any --commit-limit set.

auto-changelog --breaking-pattern "BREAKING CHANGE:"

Custom issue patterns

By default, auto-changelog will parse GitHub-style issue fixes in your commit messages. If you use Jira or an alternative pattern in your commits to reference issues, you can pass in a custom regular expression to --issue-pattern along with --issue-url:

# Parse Jira-style issues in your commit messages, like PROJECT-418
auto-changelog --issue-pattern [A-Z]+-\d+ --issue-url{id}

Or, in your package.json:

  "name": "my-awesome-package",
  "auto-changelog": {
    "issueUrl": "{id}",
    "issuePattern": "[A-Z]+-\d+"

If you use a certain pattern before or after the issue number, like fixes {id}, just use a capturing group:

# "This commit fixes ISSUE-123" will now parse ISSUE-123 as an issue fix
auto-changelog --issue-pattern "[Ff]ixes ([A-Z]+-\d+)"

Custom templates

If you aren’t happy with the default templates or want to tweak something, you can point to a handlebars template in your local repo. Check out the existing templates to see what is possible.

Save changelog-template.hbs somewhere in your repo:

### Changelog
My custom changelog template. Don’t worry about indentation here; it is automatically removed from the output.

{{#each releases}}
  Every release has a {{title}} and a {{href}} you can use to link to the commit diff.
  It also has an {{isoDate}} and a {{niceDate}} you might want to use.
  {{#each merges}}
    - A merge has a {{message}}, an {{id}} and a {{href}} to the PR.
  {{#each fixes}}
    - Each fix has a {{commit}} with a {{commit.subject}}, an {{id}} and a {{href}} to the fixed issue.
  {{#each commits}}
    - Commits have a {{shorthash}}, a {{subject}} and a {{href}}, amongst other things.

Then just use --template to point to your template:

auto-changelog --template changelog-template.hbs

You can also point to an external template by passing in a URL:

auto-changelog --template

To see exactly what data is passed in to the templates, you can generate a JSON version of the changelog:

auto-changelog --template json --output changelog-data.json

commit-list helper

Use {{#commit-list}} to render a list of commits depending on certain patterns in the commit messages:

{{#each releases}}
  ### [{{title}}]({{href}})

  {{! List commits with `Breaking change: ` somewhere in the message }}
  {{#commit-list commits heading='### Breaking Changes' message='Breaking change: '}}
    - {{subject}} [`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}})

  {{! List commits that add new features, but not those already listed above }}
  {{#commit-list commits heading='### New Features' message='feat: ' exclude='Breaking change: '}}
    - {{subject}} [`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}})
Option Description
heading A heading for the list, only renders if at least one commit matches
message A regex pattern to match against the entire commit message
subject A regex pattern to match against the commit subject only
exclude A regex pattern to exclude from the list – useful for avoiding listing commits more than once

Replacing text

To insert links or other markup to PR titles and commit messages that appear in the log, use the replaceText option in your package.json:

  "name": "my-awesome-package",
  "auto-changelog": {
    "replaceText": {
      "(ABC-\\d+)": "[`$1`]($1)"

Here, any time a pattern like ABC-123 appears in your log, it will be replaced with a link to the relevant issue in Jira. Each pattern is applied using string.replace(new RegExp(key, 'g'), value).

Handlebars setup file

The --handlebars-setup options allows you to point to a file to add custom Handlebars helpers, for use in custom templates using --template. Paths are relative to the directory in which you run auto-changelog.

auto-changelog --handlebars-setup setup.js --template custom-template.hbs

// setup.js
module.exports = function (Handlebars) {
  Handlebars.registerHelper('custom', function (context, options) {
    return 'custom helpers!'

// custom-template.hbs
Now you can use {{custom}}


What’s a changelog?


What does this do?

The command parses your git commit history and generates a changelog based on tagged versions, merged pull requests and closed issues. See a simple example in this very repo.

Why do I need it?

Because keeping a changelog can be tedious and difficult to get right. If you don’t have the patience for a hand-crafted, bespoke changelog then this makes keeping one rather easy. It also can be automated if you’re feeling extra lazy.

auto-changelog's People


a-ignatov-parc avatar alexbumbacea avatar bbenoist avatar bbwharris avatar cmastrandrea avatar coliff avatar cookpete avatar dabari avatar dackmin avatar david-garcia-garcia avatar dependabot[bot] avatar eliperelman avatar greenkeeper[bot] avatar itayo avatar jordhan94 avatar jule- avatar kimak avatar mansona avatar mattlyons0 avatar michaelmoussa avatar rejas avatar rouzwelt avatar sri-vr avatar thkruz avatar w33ble avatar webketje avatar


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auto-changelog's Issues

Custom template being ignored

I tried to add a custom template, and it seems to be being ignored as per the latest version. The command I was using is listened below:

"version": "auto-changelog -p -t .templates/changelog.hbs"

Error: Template 'changelog-template.hbs' was not found

No output

Doesn't produce any errors or output.

git 2.9.3
node v6.4.0

add handlebar helpers

I'd like to add some handlebar helper to take some info from commits and point to custom url instead of GitHub

How do you use it without a remote origin

I wanted to use this on my local machine repo, which is where most of my projects are.

It turns out that it doesn't work without a git remote

could you just put a option to bypass it if it's not there, you see changelogs mostly don't have anything to do with remotes in most use cases. I just wondered why this is a requirement.

Keep old changelog entry dates/version

Don't think this is likely a bug, but probably just working as intended but when I run the command on an existing changelog file with entries, the last date and version is replaced with the new one. And commits are just merged on top of old ones.

screen shot 2017-12-12 at 9 59 32 am

Is there a way to keep the old entries. Basically append the new changlog entry (version/date and commits) on top of the old entries so all version entries are saved and separated by date and version.

Like this for example:

v0.3.0 - 2017-12-12


  • [GRIDP-1] Landing page #7
  • Server Docs and Version Route #6


  • [GRIDP-1] Landing page - (known issue: need full images from design) 63013a4
  • Changing order of setup to make logs work for health check again

v0.2.0 - 2017-12-08


  • Root component must re-render for routing. #3
  • root component must re-render for routing. #2


  • [GRIDP-1] Landing page - (known issue: need full images from design) 63013a4
  • Changing order of setup to make logs work for health check again

Writes only the first commit on every run


The auto-changelog works pretty fine except the fact that it only writes the first commit on every run, although there are 5 commits after that.
It throws no error so I've got no idea what could cause this.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

regeneratorRuntime is not defined

with your new version 0.3.4 I run into the following error:

> auto-changelog --output

  var _ref = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {

ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
    at <myownmodulepath>/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/index.js:5:46
    at Object.<anonymous> (<myownmodulepath>/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/index.js:29:2)
    at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
    at Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)
    at run (bootstrap_node.js:389:7)
    at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)

with the previous version it runs fine.
node.js version: 6.11.3
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial

Release tag version format

This is more of a question than an issue. In my project I am tagging releases in a format like 2018-01-01_1.2.3_456 (a date, followed by a version 1.2.3, followed by another release number 456).

I love how auto-changelog lists the merge requests, but they all fall into "unreleased" category since it appears it is not using any of our tags as a version number. (Only a couple of very old tags from our repo appear listed, which are indeed in format 1.2.3).

Is there any way to specify the release tag format?

If not, a hint to where to do changes in the code would be also appreciated (I'll be happy to fork and work on the changes to contribute back with the feature).

An in-range update of node-fetch is breaking the build 🚨

The dependency node-fetch was updated from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0.

🚨 View failing branch.

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

node-fetch is a direct dependency of this project, and it is very likely causing it to break. If other packages depend on yours, this update is probably also breaking those in turn.

Status Details
  • continuous-integration/travis-ci/push: The Travis CI build failed (Details).

Release Notes for v2.3.0



The new version differs by 4 commits ahead by 4, behind by 6.

  • 5367fe6 v2.3.0 (#548)
  • d1ca2df Workaround lack of global context in react-native (#545)
  • ecd3d52 Add support for AbortSignal to cancel requests (#539)
  • 1daae67 Fix import style to workaround node < 10 and webpack issues. (#544)

See the full diff

FAQ and help

There is a collection of frequently asked questions. If those don’t help, you can always ask the humans behind Greenkeeper.

Your Greenkeeper Bot 🌴

Wrong Azure DevOps links

Support specifying a summary message for each version


We currently use auto-changelog (our changelog) and it works great for displaying the commits that are present in each release.

However sometimes the list of commits isn't entirely sufficient on its own, since:

  • it's often very long, and is ordered in commit date rather than in order of relevance to the end user
  • the way commit messages should be worded doesn't necessarily match the way one would choose to explain a new feature to an end user (and doesn't give the chance to highlight examples/link to docs etc)

As such, we'd like to be able to optionally include a release summary for certain releases (mostly new major versions), that can give a couple of paragraph explanation about the new release (explaining exciting new changes or linking to the migration guide etc), prior to the usual list of commit messages. We'd like to be able to include this in the changelog (rather than say as a separate docs/blog page) since the changelog is what is used by the bots that automatically open PRs to update people's dependencies, and is likely where manual visitors to the repo would also look first.

One way to implement this might be to use the commit message body of the commit that bumped the version.

For example this commit:


Here is a summary

...would result in:

### Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.

Generated by [`auto-changelog`](

#### [v9.0.0](
> 20 October 2018

Here is a summary

- Commit message foo
- Commit message bar

Does this feature sound reasonable / the best way of implementing a summary? :-)

markdown linting

Hey @cookpete :)

I just want to point you to Visual Studio Code Editor and the plugin It brings some styling issues up when having the generated changelog open. For sure this is a question if you want to go into the direction to follow a standard markdown format. Basically the changelog looks fine and does what it should do. But maybe this is still of interest for you. :)

The fix should also be easy to implement as that plugin does only claim about vialoting the following rule:

That's all :)


Incorrect PRs shown in the changelog

Hi @cookpete,

I think there is an issue in the PRs that appears in the changelog. Here is the case.

  1. We have one main branch - 'master'.
  2. Create sub-branch from it - let's name it 'feature-branch'
  3. Create two sub-branches from 'feature-branch' - 'sub-feature-1' and 'sub-feature-2'.
  4. Merge 'sub-feature-1' into 'feature-branch', then 'sub-feature-2' into 'feature-branch' (i.e. two separate PRs).
  5. Finally merge 'feature-branch' into 'master'.

When the auto-changelog is run, three entries will appear in the changelog. I guess this is not correct and we should have only one - the PR from point5 above.


Auto-changelog stoped working

Dear Developer,

Up till today auto-changelog worked brilliant however after I changed some settings (among other things in the path variables) it stopped working. Can you please tell me the right setup to get your app to work. I tried the following.

What did i did

  • Install auto-changelog by using npm install -g auto-changelog
  • Add the following package.json file to the repository:
    { "name": "PTC_simulator", "scripts": {}, "auto-changelog": { "template": "keepachangelog", "unreleased": false, "commitLimit": 15 }, "dependencies": { "auto-changelog": "^1.8.0" } }
  • run auto-changelog in the repository

However it gives me the bash: command not found error. Is this due to a path variable that was removed or am I doing something else wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Greetings Rick,

No commit message

Error when not informed message in commit

TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null in \node_modules\auto-changelog\lib\commits.js:159:33

Changing the getSubject in commit.jsfunction as below the error does not occur

function getSubject(message) {
  if (message.length === 0) return '--no commit message';
  return message.match(/[^\n]+/)[0];
Sorry for not sending a pull request, I do not know how to do it

niceDate uses localtime causing churn between developers


The compact template uses niceDate, which outputs the date string in local time:

This means that if a developer in one timezone creates a changelog, then another developer in a different timezone updates it - then the dates of old releases can end up being changed if the commit times fall on a different day in the two timezones.

For example:

  1. git clone
  2. cd neutrino-dev && yarn
  3. Set timezone to UK
  4. yarn changelog

Changelog doesn't change from the contents created by another developer who was in the US.

Several dates change. For example 29 January 2018 changed to 30 January 2018.

CC @eliperelman

"compare" autolinks disregard the provided --tag-prefix

For a project at work, we use a tool that tags releases in git with the format "packagename-version" so I tried auto-changelog with --tag-prefix packagename- and it works like a charm EXCEPT that it produces urls like<company>/<packagename>/compare/<versionA>%0D<versionB> where <versionA> and <versionB> both are missing the tag prefix I provided, thus producing broken URLs.

This is currently holding me back from this otherwise awesome tool.

Use custom template by url

Hey Pete,

I wrote some custom templates, that I want to reuse over several projects.
Therefore I added them to a public github repository.

Allowing to provide the template by url, would help a lot. e.g.
Otherwise I would have to 1st save the template locally by using wget / curl or so, then generating the changelog and finally deleting the template again.

As the methods you use from fs package already support handling an URL, I expect just a minor modification in your code: trying to instantiate an URL Object from given template string.
So having a try catch around and if the above fails, just continue with the previous value.
I try to provide a PR.

Or do you have another approach?

Error: Missing helper: "commit-list"

$ auto-changelog --commit-limit false --template ./build/changelog-template.hbs --unreleased

ends with the error:

{ Error: Missing helper: "commit-list"
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js:19:13)
    at eval (eval at createFunctionContext (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/javascript-compiler.js:254:23), <anonymous>:8:105)
    at prog (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js:221:12)
    at execIteration (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/each.js:51:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/each.js:61:13)
    at Object.eval (eval at createFunctionContext (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/javascript-compiler.js:254:23), <anonymous>:6:31)
    at main (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js:175:32)
    at ret (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js:178:12)
    at ret (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/compiler.js:526:21)
    at _callee2$ (/Users/uzimskacel/xxx/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/template.js:80:77)
  description: undefined,
  fileName: undefined,
  lineNumber: undefined,
  message: 'Missing helper: "commit-list"',
  name: 'Error',
  number: undefined }

When I remove

  {{#commit-list commits heading='### Commits'}}
    - {{subject}} {{#if href}}[`{{shorthash}}`]({{href}}){{/if}}

from ./build/changelog-template.hbs, which is a copy of, error does not occur.

auto-changelog 1.10.0 failing with "process.stdout.clearLine is not a function"

Hi :-)

Our weekly bot lockfile refresh PR (neutrinojs/neutrino#1206) is failing with:

lerna ERR! TypeError: process.stdout.clearLine is not a function
lerna ERR!     at log (/home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/utils.js:92:20)
lerna ERR!     at _callee2$ (/home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/run.js:179:28)
lerna ERR!     at tryCatch (/home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:65:40)
lerna ERR!     at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:303:22)
lerna ERR!     at Generator.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:117:21)
lerna ERR!     at step (/home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/run.js:126:191)
lerna ERR!     at /home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/run.js:126:437
lerna ERR!     at new Promise (<anonymous>)
lerna ERR!     at /home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/run.js:126:99
lerna ERR!     at run (/home/travis/build/neutrinojs/neutrino/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/run.js:266:18)
lerna ERR! error Command failed with exit code 1.


I think this is due to this change?

Many thanks :-)

Do not show date for Unreleased version

Hi guys,

This is not a bug rather a question/enhancement.

Is there a way to hide the date label (i.e. {niceDate}) for Unreleased version? It always shows the today date and cause a difference in the file (want to put it under CI and commit it only when there is something new under Unreleased version)


Unable to generate the latest version's changelog

Any way to specify the starting commit?

I want to generate only the changelog starting with a specific commit because the repo has a new major version and I don't care about the old major version changes. Any plan to support this feature?

Thank you.

Works only with github projects

Thanks for this tool.
i'm trying to use for my project but it seems to work only on a github project, i tried it on both a bitbucket and private git project but it didn't work.
Any ideas why ?

two niceDate tests fail, assuming due to DST difference

Looks like since both the niceDate function and the test itself are using new Date(string), which uses local time, the tests which include those code paths fail in some timezones (mine, PST).

Have you considered using a library like moment.js? Guessing that could reduce your niceDate function down to a couple lines of code, but not sure if you want that dependency...

This illustrates the problem and possible solution in the node repl:

> new Date('2015-10-03').getDate()
> new Date(2015, 9, 3).getDate()
> const moment = require('moment');
> moment('2015-10-03').format('D MMMM YYYY')
'3 October 2015'

Here's the output from node test:

> [email protected] test /Users/jpayne/repos/auto-changelog
> cross-env NODE_ENV=test nyc mocha test

    ✓ fetches commits

    ✓ parses commits
    ✓ parses bitbucket commit
    ✓ supports startingCommit option
    ✓ invalid startingCommit throws an error

    ✓ returns null with no fixes
    ✓ parses a single fix
    ✓ parses fix in commit notes
    ✓ parses a commit that closes a pull request
    ✓ parses a commit that closes a bitbucket pull request
    ✓ parses a commit that closes a gitlab pull request
    ✓ parses multiple fixes
    ✓ parses fixes by issue URL
    ✓ parses multiple fixes by issue URL
    ✓ parses external repo issues
    ✓ supports issueUrl parameter
    ✓ supports issuePattern parameter
    ✓ supports issuePattern parameter with capture group

    ✓ returns null on fail
      ✓ parses a merge
      ✓ parses a squash merge
      ✓ parses a squash merge with no message
      ✓ parses a merge
      ✓ parses a merge

    ✓ parses
    ✓ parses
    ✓ parses [email protected]:user/repo.git
    ✓ parses
    ✓ parses [email protected]:user/repo.git
    ✓ parses
    ✓ parses [email protected]:user/repo.git
    ✓ throws an error

    ✓ parses releases
    ✓ parses releases with no commit limit
    ✓ parses bitbucket releases
    ✓ supports a version override

    ✓ parses commit limit correctly
    ✓ parses false commit limit correctly

    ✓ generates a changelog
    ✓ uses options from package.json
    ✓ uses version from package.json
    ✓ command line options override options from package.json
    ✓ does not error when using unreleased option
    ✓ does not error when using latest version option
    ✓ throws an error when no package found
    ✓ throws an error when no template found
    ✓ throws an error when given an invalid latest version

    ✓ compiles using compact template
    ✓ compiles using keepachangelog template
    ✓ compiles using json template
    ✓ compiles using path to template file
    ✓ throws an error when no template found

    ✓ runs a command

    1) formats string into nice date
    2) formats date into nice date

    ✓ removes indentation

    ✓ returns true for links
    ✓ returns false for non-links

  56 passing (195ms)
  2 failing

  1) niceDate
       formats string into nice date:

      AssertionError: expected '2 October 2015' to equal '3 October 2015'
      + expected - actual

      -2 October 2015
      +3 October 2015

      at Context.<anonymous> (test/utils.js:15:39)

  2) niceDate
       formats date into nice date:

      AssertionError: expected '2 October 2015' to equal '3 October 2015'
      + expected - actual

      -2 October 2015
      +3 October 2015

      at Context.<anonymous> (test/utils.js:21:49)

File         |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files    |      100 |       95 |      100 |      100 |                |
 commits.js  |      100 |    92.68 |      100 |      100 |       42,79,80 |
 origin.js   |      100 |    83.33 |      100 |      100 |             11 |
 releases.js |      100 |    96.97 |      100 |      100 |             37 |
 run.js      |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 template.js |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
 utils.js    |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

Let me know and I can open a PR.

Handle breaking change messages

I'm using this tool to generate changelogs for projects that use conventional commits, and it works quite well. One missing piece, however, is the highlighting of breaking changes.

It would be really helpful to append that information to the output, so that it could be used in the template. I'm happy to give it a shot and open a PR, but thought it was best to start with an issue.

My thought is to check the lines of the body for /^breaking(\ change)?/i and set a "breaking" property (boolean) on the commit object.

Add another array of commits

To better follow would it be possible to add another filtered group of commits to merges, commits, fixes? maybe changes? and therefore would need a changes regex pattern --changes-pattern. Useful if you follow a defined commit pattern that is easy to parse out, like the AngularJS one thats referenced everywhere.

Therefore our templates can properly output:




Right now we have to combine Added and Changed together, since all commits not matching the issues-pattern are lumped together in commits.

Support more than just numeric issue IDs

That regex currently only supports numeric issue IDs, which doesn't work with, for instance, Jira, which uses issue IDs like ABC-12345. There is a work-around involving crafting the issueUrl to account for this, but it results in confusing issue links in the changelog.

P.S. I'd open a PR for this, but have absolutely no experience with Node.js (no dev env, etc)...

Possibility to remove label 'v' from the latest version

Hi guys,

We have a huge changelog and use your great tool for generating it. At the moment we use the following convention for naming our versions - 1.2.3 (i.e. without 'label v') taking it directly from the package.json.

However few years ago we created several tags with the 'v' label (by mistake). For that reason our latest unreleased version in the changelog now appears with the label 'v' which cause some confusing among the people.

Is there a way to remove it? Probably with some new command line argument?

Thank you in advance for your time and effort.


Date for Unreleased version when package.json version used

Hi guys,

One question regarding the release date.

When you run the following script: auto-changelog -u, all the PRs which are not released (i.e. not in tag) appears under Unreleased version and NO date is displayed. which is perfect.

However when you change the script to auto-changelog -p, the version from the package.json for the last upcoming release in the is used as expected, but a date is shown for it. Is there a way to hide that date as actually there is not tag created for these PRs yet?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Github versioning tags not working

Dear developers I just started using your plugin and I think it is amazing. Howver I can not get it to work with the git version tags. I would like to specify the versions by adding a v1.0.0 tag to a git commit.

I have the following package.json:

"name": "PTC_simulate",
"scripts": {
"auto-changelog": {
"template": "keepachangelog",
"unreleased": false,
"commitLimit": 15,
"package": false

This gives me the following Changelog:


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Generated by auto-changelog.



  • readme: Changed readme bfde9c3
  • restructure(full project): Updated project strucutre, gitignore file and added conda env 0bf4a0d
  • feature: Add all crane components 0ebf30b
  • chore: Commits some automatically changed files 2b7c4c6
  • feature(SIMIT): Load default values to SIMIT and adds this to the full PTC model 38c8057
  • Updated software SIMULATIONUnit (currently still using V9.0Upd9) 7cf4d1b
  • chore: Change .gitignore 28e6b6d
  • fix(full_project): Solved git rebase problem 709ca44
  • chore: Workspace commit b129d70
  • chore: not relevant 484e1e8
  • chore: add version tag c0a7ce0
  • docs: Add information about tia/SIMIT data type conversion b517e6a
  • refractor(full_project): change workspace (automatic) e573651
  • Included total SIMIT PTC project / changed Vortex Model d38bfa6
  • refractor(full_project): Remove compiler .pyc files c4a989a

Thanks in advance,

Changelog is weird with git version 1.6.1

If I clone me repo with ssh://git@{host}/path/repo.git instead of https://{host}/path/repo.git the whole changelog is weird

In case of ssh://git@{host}/path/repo.git


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Generated by auto-changelog.



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Generated by auto-changelog.


9 May 2018

In case of https://{host}/path/repo.git
the change log is generated perfect

9 May 2018

  • Commentxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6fe38ce
  • Commentxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 725081a
  • Merge pull request #123456 in REPO from xxxxxxx to master 51b08ef
  • Commentxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 293aa7d

Tested on
Win7, Win10, Ubuntu and RHEL 7

Update deps!

It would be nice if you if possible ever use the last deps.
Else we can't use your nice module -_-

Getting `TypeError: Invalid Version: null` when running `auto-changelog --template keepachangelog --unreleased`

First, I love that I was able to use this successfully OOTB! One problem, though...

Here's my current git log:

e3eddcd (HEAD -> master, origin/master) changelog for 0.1.1
79a3792 (tag: v0.1.1) Another change to
58c31dd Generated first changelog
4112edd (tag: v0.1.0) Update
ad72cef Initial commit

The command auto-changelog --template keepachangelog worked as expected for the first two versions (v0.1.0 and v0.1.1) and related commits, but after the last commit, running the command auto-changelog --template keepachangelog --unreleased results in the following error/stacktrace:

TypeError: Invalid Version: null
    at new SemVer (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/node_modules/semver/semver.js:279:11)
    at compare (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/node_modules/semver/semver.js:566:39)
    at eq (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/node_modules/semver/semver.js:605:10)
    at Function.diff (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/node_modules/semver/semver.js:500:7)
    at parseReleases (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/releases.js:37:37)
    at _callee$ (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/run.js:84:52)
    at tryCatch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:65:40)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:303:22)
    at Generator.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:117:21)
    at step (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/auto-changelog/lib/run.js:25:191)

Am I misusing the --unreleased flag?

Label "v" when use the package.json version.


When I use the package.json version it is displayed in the with "v" symbol in front of it. I saw that you did that intentionally, however is there a way to remove it? I'm asking because all my other version (which I get from the tags) are without "v", and only the latest appears with it and that is causing some confusion.

Thank you in advance for your time!


Bug: keepachangelog template does not group types of changes

This does not adhere to one of the guiding principles of keepachangelog

The same types of changes should be grouped.

The example format on the website shows how each type of change is to use keywords like added: and map that to the appropriate commit-list.

## [0.0.5] - 2014-08-09
### Added
- Markdown links to version tags on release headings.
- Unreleased section to gather unreleased changes and encourage note
keeping prior to releases.

## [0.0.4] - 2014-08-09
### Added
- Better explanation of the difference between the file ("CHANGELOG")
and its function "the change log".

### Changed
- Refer to a "change log" instead of a "CHANGELOG" throughout the site
to differentiate between the file and the purpose of the file — the
logging of changes.

### Removed
- Remove empty sections from CHANGELOG, they occupy too much space and
create too much noise in the file. People will have to assume that the
missing sections were intentionally left out because they contained no
notable changes.


run on a gitlab repo, but all the links read

Duplicate list items

A commit may appear in the changelog twice if it is also listed as a merge. See v0.7.1 here for an example.

Add a breaking pattern option

Captured from #39, since it was brought up here.

@w33ble: My thought is to check the lines of the body for /^breaking(\ change)?/i and set a "breaking" property (boolean) on the commit object.

@cookpete I like your idea of a breaking pattern that sets a boolean to use in templates, but I think we should add a breakingPattern option rather than hardcode one that everyone has to use. Most users will be using this for existing projects that may have their own way of denoting a breaking change. I also think we should maybe create a new list (we currently have merges, fixes and commits) rather than set a boolean, which I think would be harder to use in a template.

TL;DR, Add a breakingPattern option, use it to test the message property and add a breaking boolean property to the parsed commit output.

Ability to specify the latest release version on cli

This would be similar to the --package flag, only, instead of using the version from package.json, the version would be specified explicitly. Use case is that I'm maintaining a bunch of non-Node.js projects and want to avoid the additional commit of the modification. I guess I could create a dummy package.json file, but that smells funky, and I would think the addition of the cli flag would be fairly straightforward. Thoughts?

Support custom version tag prefixes for multi-package repositories

Again, let me say how much I love this tool. We've been using it for about a month and your responsiveness has been awesome.

One recent thing we've come up against is the inability to easily use it on git repos that contain more than one package because of version tag collisions. A common practice when housing more that one package in a single repo is to use a tag pattern like <package>-<version> so that multiple packages can be versioned individually. The problem arrises with auto-changelog when the changelog file is generated, because of the semver.valid() test at

Have you come up against this or is this use case just not supported?

Support adding release branch changes to master's changelog


For the repository, after we released v8.2.0, we switched to treating master as the next breaking release (v9; as yet unreleased), and have since released a v8.2.1 and v8.2.2 from a separate release/v8 branch.

auto-changelog successfully updated in that branch (run via a package.json version entry), however I've tried to find a way to update master's changelog (since that's what people will look at when visiting the repository on GitHub), and can't find a way to do so.

It seems like as-is, when we release v9 the master changelog and will end up skipping straight from v8.2.0 to v9.x.x.

Is this something that's possible to achieve at the moment? If not, what changes do you think might be required to do so?

Many thanks :-)

cc @eliperelman

includeBranch needs to be an array when used in configs

Hi :-)

I was trying out the new .auto-changelog feature, however was finding that includeBranch wasn't working as expected, eg:

  "includeBranch": "upstream/release/v7,upstream/release/v8"

It appears that since the string splitting occurs only on the CLI options parsing side, when using a config file the options need to be passed as an array instead, eg:

  "includeBranch": [

Should the configs support the string form, or do the docs need to mention the difference? (Similar to how they mention camelcase)

Also, is schema validation of options something that has been considered?

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