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VPN research

Investigating VPN for a more reliable connection to servers in Haiti

Outcome - a clear direction in how we are going to try installing VPN.

Original issue reported on by christina.quiles on 19 May 2010 at 8:35

Option of "erehwon" in commune drop-down list on registration forms...

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Navigate to any registration form.
2. Click on the drop-down list of communes.
3. See "erehwon (erehwon)" as an available option.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

That option should not be shown.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 Jun 2010 at 10:27

date picker in prescription form

In "'VISITE ASSOCIÉE"section, the Date d'initiation ARV accepts date 
beyond today's date. Not sure this is a bug or intentional.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 May 2010 at 5:54

Modify report "Clinic Visiting during Given Period"

Since the earthquake, we have a lot of requests from the sites for particular 
reports. I'm preparing 
a document with all those requests to submit to you. Last weeek, we sat with 
GHESKIO partner 
and they urgently asked for the following. While waiting to have them 
incorporated into the 
system, can I have the queries for them. Those reports will be used at both 
sites and network 

1- Could you modify the existing "Clinic Visiting during Given Period" report  
to look like that

Clinic Visiting during Given Period

ST code (With a link on it),Patient’s name,Age,Sexe, Regimen/ARV,Visit date 
date show-up,Difference days

I've developed a prototype query to satisfy this request. See below:

This query runs only on the Linux version. It can be used on the National 
Server <https://isante-> or on in-country servers running Linux.

It returns the patient's most recent regimen (if any), the most future next 
visit, the most recent 
visit, and the difference in days between the next visit and the most recent 
visit. You must insert 
the desired sitecode in two places:

select q.clinicPatientID, q.patientID, q.fName, q.lName, q.age,, 
max(dbo.ymdtodate(e.nxtVisitYy, e.nxtVisitMm, e.nxtVisitDd)) as 'nxtVisitDate', 
as 'lastVisitDate',
datediff(day, max(e.visitdate), max(dbo.ymdtodate(e.nxtVisitYy, e.nxtVisitMm, 
e.nxtVisitDd))) as 
diff from (
    select i.clinicPatientID, i.patientID, i.fName, i.lName, i.age,, s.regimen from (
        select ltrim(rtrim(p.clinicPatientID)) as clinicPatientID, p.patientID, ltrim(rtrim(p.fname)) as 
fName, ltrim(rtrim(p.lname)) as lName, datediff(year, 
getDate()) as 'age', CASE WHEN = 1 THEN 'F' WHEN = 2 THEN 'H' ELSE 
'I' END as 'sex', 
max(r.visitdate) as rvisitdate
        from patient p left join pepfarTable r on p.patientid = r.patientid
        where left(p.patientid,5) = '<currentSitecode>'
        group by p.clinicpatientid, p.patientID, p.fname, p.lname, p.dobyy, p.dobmm, p.dobdd,
    ) i
    left join pepfarTable s on s.patientid = i.patientid and s.visitdate = i.rvisitdate
) q,
encValidAll e
where q.patientid = e.patientid and e.siteCode = '<currentSitecode>'
group by q.clinicpatientid, q.patientID, q.fname, q.lname, q.age,, 
order by q.clinicPatientID

The network version of this query is:

select q.clinicPatientID, q.patientID, q.fName, q.lName, q.age,, 
max(dbo.ymdtodate(e.nxtVisitYy, e.nxtVisitMm, e.nxtVisitDd)) as 'nxtVisitDate', 
as 'lastVisitDate', datediff(day, max(e.visitdate), 
max(dbo.ymdtodate(e.nxtVisitYy, e.nxtVisitMm, 
e.nxtVisitDd))) as diff from ( select i.clinicPatientID, i.patientID, i.fName, 
i.lName, i.age,, 
s.regimen from ( select ltrim(rtrim(p.clinicPatientID)) as clinicPatientID, 
ltrim(rtrim(p.fname)) as fName, ltrim(rtrim(p.lname)) as lName, datediff(year, 
dbo.ymdtodate(p.dobyy,p.dobmm,p.dobdd), getDate()) as 'age', CASE WHEN = 
1 THEN 'F' 
WHEN = 2 THEN 'H' ELSE 'I' END as 'sex', max(r.visitdate) as rvisitdate 
from patient p left 
join pepfarTable r on p.patientid = r.patientid group by p.clinicpatientid, 
p.patientID, p.fname, 
p.lname, p.dobyy, p.dobmm, p.dobdd, ) i left join pepfarTable s on 
s.patientid = i.patientid 
and s.visitdate = i.rvisitdate ) q, encValidAll e, clinicLookup c where 
q.patientid = e.patientid and 
e.siteCode = c.sitecode and = '<desiredNetworkCode>' group by 
q.patientID, q.fname, q.lname, q.age,, q.regimen order by 

This network query is especially slow. After we finalize the query format, we 
can speed it up.

Who should be able to access/use this new feature?

Please list any partners outside of Itech that you believe will be

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 May 2010 at 8:30

allergies cover page table

In the cover page the reason for discontinuation of meds should include 
the whole description or a key 
not just the abbreviation...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 May 2010 at 8:25

In ob/gyn forms multiple radios can be selected in a particular section

In the section "REASONS AND SOURCE FOR REFERS" multiple radios can be 
      1. For "Patient seen for consultation" select  "Obstetrical" and
      "Other" at the same time or "Gynecological" and "Other"
      2. For "Blood group" - I can select A+, O+ and O- at the same
      time, and also other combinations.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 28 May 2010 at 11:24

The system gives some patients on Palliative Care that didn't have yet six months since the last visit in the Active/Inactive report

This is a problem reported by Fedner from Hopital Fort ST Michel dated 
7.12.09. Here is what he wrote - 

"In the Inactive Patients, the system gives us some patients on
Palliative Care that didn't have yet six months since the last
visit. By example: ST00423, ST00419, ST00427 (status displays:
 active at opening) and  ST00429 ( status displays :
At risk of discontinuation at opening)    {[I think the
problem is the system doesn't take in account the day in the visit
date because for the Palliative Care & ART, the problem occurred
for patients who had at least 5 months and 2 months repectively]}"

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 24 May 2010 at 5:07

Field saves without errors in Lab forms

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. For CD4 and all fields with value and % , if I add a value beyond 
accepted range, an error message appears.
2. Then if I add a number greater than 100 for the % field, anothet error 
appears beside the %.
3. If now I correct the % field then both the errors disappear.
4. So the field is saved with a 
value beyond the acceptable limit without an error.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The error message should still be visible beside the value fields.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 May 2010 at 6:16

error editing LDAP attributes

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. click on admistration-->user management
2. edit LDAP attributes
3. change password and hit Submit

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Message confirming changes should be displayed
An error screen is displayed instead (refer attachment)

Please provide any additional information below.

environment: cloud
browser: IE 8, Firefox 3.6

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 4 May 2010 at 10:19


Reformatting a report request -1

Reformating of the report "Patient eligible for ART but non enrolled". 
They would like to have the "Number of distinct patient eligible
for ART but non enrolled"

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 May 2010 at 6:00

Recommendations for ob/gyn forms by Fedner dated 12/29/2009

1. While the patient fallowed up on the site it
becomes pregnant, as you know we will not make HIV
diagnoses again for this patient then it's necessary to
deactivated the ''referal Sources, probable mode of
transmission and other risk factors.

2. When the Status is negative or unknown, I think
the system must jump to the previous TB instead of
section Drugs Allergies. 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 May 2010 at 8:27

registry lists

Pre- arv and arv registries should give some message if returning an empty 
list. Otherwise it is hard to understand whether there is no patient or 
the application is malfunctioning.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 May 2010 at 8:25

Validation: text disappears in some boxes when validation code runs

Some validation rules cause certain text boxes and checkboxes to be
cleared when they shouldn't. Examples found so far:

1. Adult intake form: in the conditions section, any of the "Other" text
boxes get wiped when the javascript for one of the date fields causes a
validation error.

2. Adult f/u/ form: the "Type 1" and "Type 2" checkboxes get cleared
when javascript validations are run on date fields.

This probably isn't high priority, but should be fixed eventually.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 May 2010 at 6:25

Proposed OBG/Gyn indicators From Mary dated Feb 24, 2010


Attached is a list of proposed indicators and ‘reports’ for OB and 
Gynecologic care documented in iSante. They are not currently in as detailed 
format as will be necessary for programming. I look forward to your feedback 
regarding needed additions or changes, and feasibility of collecting the 
necessary data.

Thank you,


Potential epidemiologic and quality of care reports for OB/Gyn ISante data:
These are in addition to standard demographic data, such as age, marital 
status, etc

1.  Presenting complaint (Pregnancy, specific gyn problems)
2.  Pregnancy history (how many prior pregnancies)
3.  Comorbidities (number of women with)
• TB- history, current 
• Hypertension- current
• Heart disease- current
• Syphilis -history and current
• Diagnosis of other STIs (IST) at time of presentation, and during care
• Malaria- history and current
• Cervical cancer- history and current
• Other gyn cancer- history and current
• Sickle cell disease
• Anemia- current 
• Malnutrition (BMI < 18.5, or other?)- current
(current includes new diagnosis at time of visit)
4.  HIV Test
• Number/proportion of women on initial presentation who report never had test
• Number/proportion who get test at first visit (within 3 visits? Within 3 
months? Other?)
5.  Gestational age at time of initial presentation
6.  Loss to follow up numbers (“at risk”)
7.  Number (or proportion) of births in hospitals vs at home
8.  Number (or prop) of pregnant women using attendants
9.  Number-prop of women who have cesarean section
10. Number/prop who receive prenatal vitamins for X period of time (or number 
of prescriptions); other supplements?
11. Birth outcomes- complications
12. Smoking history- need to define- current only? Length of time considered 
13. Number/prop received child nutrition/breast feeding counseling
14. Number/prop who received family planning counseling

For HIV-positive pregnant patients: all of above, and:
1.  First CD4 ct
2.  OMS stage at presentation
3.  Number of women (proportion) who have not received prior HIV care 
4.  Duration of known HIV status 
5.  HIV-related diagnoses (from HIV form)
6.  Number/prop who receive ART for X period of time 
7.  HIV status of child

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 15 Jun 2010 at 10:32

Demographics tab

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Open the demographics tab for any adult patient
2. Notice just a Y beside date of visit date-picker and no dd/mm/yy bedise 
date of birth date-picker
3. Switch back and forth between the adult and pediatric radios
4. Problem gets fixed

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Ideally we should see dd/mm/yy beside both visit date and birth date

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 5 Apr 2010 at 6:25

date pickers run forward dates

If you enter an incorrect date in the date picker it automatically 
calculates forward again... we will 
need to change the config ext file to turn this off as we did with the 
last release-- low priority

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 May 2010 at 8:24

Compressed iframe when user chooses either of the "data clerk" ui interfaces...

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Login to any 8.0 RC2 installation.
2. Change your user interface to either of the "Data Clerk" options.
3. Search for and select a patient.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Expect to see the patient's list of encounters taking up the full browser
window.  Instead, the list of encounters is in a tiny compressed area and
you have to scroll to view the list.  Selecting an encounter does not fix
the problem and the entire form is displayed in the tiny compressed frame
requiring lots of scrolling and hindering usability of the system.

Happens in IE7, IE8, FF on both Linux and Windows.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 2 Jun 2010 at 4:47


drugSummary table needs to be reworked to allow for multiple start/stops of the same drug

What steps will reproduce the problem?

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Expect the drugSummary to contain all start and stop dates for all drugs
for a patient.  It currently only stores the earliest start date and one
randomly-chosen stop date for each drug.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

The only code that is currently using the drugSummary table are the
clinical summary report and the 'Treatment History' tab of patienttabs.php.
 Until the drugSummary table is repaired, these pieces of code will not be
displaying accurate drug start/stop information.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 21 May 2010 at 5:31

Validation: on some forms, clearing all errors still causes "Form saved with errors" message

Some forms have a problem with clearing validation errors. Even if you
fix all the errors, after you save the form, you receive the "Form saved
with errors" message and the form is marked red in the encounter list. 
Opening the form again shows no errors and if you save again, it saves
without errors. This is due to validation rules not clearing errors
properly for certain fields on certain forms. Here are fields/forms
I've found so far that have this problem:

1. 'pedMotherHistHivArvPregStartDt' & 'pedMotherHistHivArvPregStopDt' on
the ped. intake form.

2. unspecified fields on the adult f/u form.

This probably isn't high priority, but should be fixed eventually.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 May 2010 at 6:26

The loading box for the registries is out of scope of the

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. click pre-arv registry in the registry toolbar
2. view the 'loading' toolbar

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

While loading the pre-ARV and ARV registry list, the "Loading - please 
wait" message box has shifted 
way to the right and is not visible until we scroll to the right. It will 
be good if the message 
appears on the initial screen otherwise it is difficult to say whether the 
list is loading or their is 
an error.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by christina.quiles on 16 Mar 2010 at 10:09

Create a next visit date report for one month ahead

Request for a new report which will give all the next visit dates for one month 
ahead. Currently we have two reports in "Appointment reminders" section - 
 - Visit scheduled next 7 days 
 - Visit scheduled next 14 days 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 22 Jun 2010 at 8:23

New report for drugs dispensed

stcode(withlink), patient's name, age, sex,  visitdate, regimen, I/0s dispensed 
(non-ARV drugs), 

As an initial query, I wrote:

It is sorted ST #, visitdate, drugname. Remember to substitute the sitecode in 
the two places 
below. Again, this must be run on the national server or on Linux servers in 
country. We don't 
exactly capture quantity. Instead i am providing standard dosage, number of 
days prescribed, and 
number of pills, each of which may provide quantity information.

select q.clinicPatientID, q.patientID, q.fName, q.lName, q.age,, 
q.regimen, v.visitdate, 
v.drugName as 'I/Os dispensed', v.altDosageSpecify as 'Posologie alternative 
v.numDaysDesc as 'Nombre de jours', v.dispAltNumPills as 'Nombre de pillules 
distribuées' from (
    select i.clinicPatientID, i.patientID, i.fName, i.lName, i.age,, s.regimen from (
        select ltrim(rtrim(p.clinicPatientID)) as clinicPatientID, p.patientID, ltrim(rtrim(p.fname)) as 
fName, ltrim(rtrim(p.lname)) as lName, datediff(year, 
getDate()) as 'age', CASE WHEN = 1 THEN 'F' WHEN = 2 THEN 'H' ELSE 
'I' END as 'sex', 
max(r.visitdate) as rvisitdate
        from patient p left join pepfarTable r on p.patientid = r.patientid
        where left(p.patientid,5) = '<sitecode'
        group by p.clinicpatientid, p.patientID, p.fname, p.lname, p.dobyy, p.dobmm, p.dobdd,
    ) i
    left join pepfarTable s on s.patientid = i.patientid and s.visitdate = i.rvisitdate) q,
    v_medsDispensed v
where v.patientid = q.patientid and v.drugID in (select drugID from drugLookup 
where drugGroup 
not in ('NRTIs','NNRTIs','Pls')) and v.siteCode = '<sitecode>' 
order by q.clinicPatientID, v.visitdate, v.drugName

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 17 May 2010 at 8:36

primary care forms

Please describe the feature in as much detail as possible, and attach any
information that would be pertinent. For instance, if it is a report
request, please attach a mockup of the report.

Primary care forms will include: adult/pediatric intake/followup (4 forms). 
These are referred to also as "tertiary" care forms, since they will be used in 
the main hospitals, not in small clinics or infirmaries. There are currently no 
plans to automate the lower-level primary care forms for infirmaries.

Who should be able to access/use this new feature?

A wider range of clinicians than are currently supported by the HIV forms, 
though it is intended that the same registration form will be used for both.

Please list any partners outside of Itech that you believe will be

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 14 Jun 2010 at 6:47


New reports request from Fedner dated 12/31/2009

1. Add a new report on data quality : Patient with duplicate ST code.

2.- On the program management, We would like to show the result of those
reports :
New Diagnoses Made,
Active Diagnoses
Laboratory Tests Ordered
Laboratory Tests Completed
Medications Ordered
Medications Dispensed

by months or let us enter the begining and the end date like the report
''Clinic Visiting during Given Period'' :

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 12 May 2010 at 8:29

Default date range for pregnant woman quality of care report

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. go to quality of care reports
2. click 'Femmes enceintes qui sont au moins dans leur 28ème semaine 

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The default date range is 1-1-08 to 1-1-09... it should be 1-1-09 to 1-1-10

or better it should get the current year and default from that.

Please use labels and text to provide additional information.

Original issue reported on by christina.quiles on 14 May 2010 at 7:24

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