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Code review strategy

This issue is for discussing code review strategy for readium 2 and the process for migrating existing projects from other organizations to the readium github org.

To start the discussion, I'd say that once a project is ready for production use all changes must be reviewed by another developer before being merged or released. Reviewers should check that the code is documented and tested as well. Ideally the reviewers should be other developers working on the same project, but if no one is available any readium developer may do a review.

For something that's still a prototype and not ready to be used by others, it's fine for developers to manage the project however they prefer. That said, it's nice to get early feedback from others who might use a project later - I'd have liked us to do more of that for the TypeScript projects particularly.

I'm not sure how this should relate to migrating projects into the readium github org.

Which R2 implementations will use an internal web server?

Info given by D.Weck:
R1 in native "launchers" use HTTP server for all EPUB resources, although historically there was an attempt to only serve audio/video via HTTP (the rest was fed into the WebView using custom URL protocol handler). Since WKwebview, even the top-level reader.html + JS etc. are served via HTTP (used to be file:// app-bundle)
But R1 in Chrome app and Electron and Apache Cordova etc. do not use HTTP server.

Now that we are talking about developing more "per platform" native modules, in which case will we use a HTTP server and in which case will we use custom protocols?

What platforms should Readium-2 support?

This issue is a Discussion

What platforms should be supported?


  • Minimum version?


  • Minimum version?


  • Minimum version?


  • Minimum version?
  • Desktop vs. tablet vs. phone?


  • Which distribution?
  • Which version?

Chrome OS?

  • Which version?


Security aspects of using an HTTP Server

In the past, there have been several discussions of the relative security of using an internal HTTP server in Readium-1. The point was made (originally by @ryanackley - Ryan Ackley) that using common tools like WireShark, one can intercept the stream and grab its contents. This can happen whether the original content was encrypted or not. This is because the stream can be intercepted after the content has been decrypted by the DRM engine.

Before we try to determine the seriousness of this and/or try to determine ways to block such actions, it would be good if someone on the team would verify this exploit is possible. I am pretty sure Ryan is correct, but in any case, we need a way to verify if any proposed blocking action actually works.

Define a roadmap for Readium-2

Tree facts:
1/ Any project required a roadmap of some sort.
2/ Some Readium stakeholders are nervous about the Readium-2 roadmap and a possible clash between R1 and R2 adoption in 2017, therefore they'd like to know when R2 could constitute a proper replacement for R1.
3/ An open-source project which relies on the the dedication of community members cannot provide a propre timeframe for different versions of its software (even if part of the core team is paid for working on the project, as it is the case for EDRLab developers).

And a proposal:

  • Agree on a set of features that will constitute Readium-2 (basic streamer, obfuscated fonts, media overlays, basic pagination ...)
  • Group these features by version (0.1, 0.2 ...) and publish this meta-roadmap
  • For each OS implementation (iOS, Android, Go+JS, Desktop),
    • provide a tentative roadmap for the 2 next iterations
    • tag each version on github.

Reading System Security

Aside from the issues of security related to the use of the an internal HTTP server in Readium (both 1, and now probably in 2), there are some more general issues related to the use of scripting with a browser engine. The attack vectors include:

  • iframe sandboxing
  • resource domains/origins
  • window.frameElement.ownerDocument.defaultView

@ryanackley wrote a document on these subjects some time ago. The doc is here

What are the "interfaces" for Readium-2?

There is much "agreement" that Readium-2 should have well-defined interfaces (APIs). What are those interfaces to? From? This clearly comes back to what is the overall architecture of Readium-2?
What language are they written in? JavaScript? TypeScript? IDL?

Handling fallbacks

Both EPUB 2.x and EPUB 3.x support fallbacks for formats that are not core formats (XHTML + SVG in EPUB 3.x, but also DTBook in EPUB 2.x).

Since we're targeting browser engines with Readium 2, it seems very unnecessary to follow the same behavior.

Here's my proposal regarding fallbacks:

  • the spine should directly reference the fallback for all unknown media types, without any equivalent to the fallback attribute
  • for audio/video/image formats that are supported in browser engines, we could reference these resources directly instead of the HTML fallback, or include a fallback property in properties

This means that the streamer won't support DTBook-only EPUB 2.x, but I believe that's a reasonable enough compromise.

cc @danielweck @rkwright thoughts?

Project-wide board for epics/action items

As I mentioned before in another issue and on the latest weekly call, in an effort to be as transparent as possible, there's now a project board for Readium-2 at

Project board are a relatively new feature on Github, and they can either be associated to:

  • an organization
  • or a repo

When a board is associated to an organization, you can reference issues from any repo in there but you need to be a member of that organization to view the board (which limits its potential in terms of visibility and transparency).

When a board is associated to a repo, all you need is read access to the repo to see it.

I wasn't aware of the requirement regarding membership for organization-wide board, and being able to reference cross-repo issues sounded like a useful feature.

Should we revisit that decision and use a repo-level board instead? As long as we keep all epics on this repo, it should work too.

cc @aslagle @rkwright @danielweck @llemeurfr

How to handle the documentation access from

The 2 solutions we came up with, in chronological order, are:


The first solution is a custom Jekyll plugin called remote-include.
It injects ressource which are outside of the local Jekyll repository (i.e. the repo where Jekyll is configured; vanilla include/include_relative can only access local ressources).

Pros :

  • Simple and easy to change, if something less hackish comes up in the future.
  • Documentation repo & Jekyll repo are uncoupled.

Cons :

  • No site regeneration on remote files modification, hence the requirement to "touch" any file in the Jekyll repo to force a regeenration of the Jekyll site.
  • Each time we add a new documentation file, we would have to add a new page/post like:
layout: post-using-remote-include
title:  "Readium2 Streamer Roadmap"
date:   2017-03-23 11:36:00 +0100
categories: overview
permalink: /r2-streamer-roadmap/
{% remote_include %}

The code can be checked here on the develop branch of the readium site repo. You can also build it locally to see it live using bundler.


This is the second solution we came up with, trying to tackle the "auto regeneration" problem cited above.
This solution hasn't been fully implemented yet since it will change the architecture of the repo and the content of the files.
We create a gh-pages branch on the readium-2 documentation repository.
Inside it we add the 'Jekyll conf+ressources' (/_includes/, /_layouts/,_config.yml, /assets/*).
We add a 'front matter' to each documentation file in order for Jekyll to process them (read convert .md to .html).

Pros :

  • When you change a documentation file, the website is regenerated (refreshed) automatically.
  • When you create a new documentation file it directly appears on the website.

Cons :

  • Jekyll config files must be duplicated and synced (or a common jekyl conf repo must be created as in the Spring project see here).
  • The documentation is handled in a 'gh-pages' branch, not the master branch (which will be deleted).
  • All doc pages must get a front matter (i.e. jekyll header).

Here is the branch we made tests with.

Which solution would you like to see implemented?

Simplify labels for issues

In the initial phase of this project, many different labels were created for issues here.

Since we now have a better idea of the purpose for this repo, I'd like to propose a simplification with the following labels:

  • one label per major module (streamer, manifest & navigator so far)
  • one label for epics (automatically added by Zenhub)
  • a label to indicate that an issue is an on-going discussion

I'll give a few examples:

  • general discussions will usually only include the label for discussion (this issue is a good example of that)
  • discussions about a specific feature/module will usually have the label of the module + discussion (Prefetch & Prerender)
  • a major feature for a module will usually be both Epic + the module name (Media Overlay in streamer)
  • an action item for some work on this repo (usually documentation) will most of the time only include the label for a specific module (Document how we parse metadata)

Any thoughts?

Add support for canonical form of the manifest

Most implementations of the streamer generate a pretty printed output of the Readium Web Publication Manifest.

To facilitate testing across implementations, we want to add a canonical output of that same manifest with the following rules:

  • remove all whitespaces between keys/values
  • alphanumeric sorting based on the keys
  • remove links
  • remove URI scheme & host (http://localhost:3692 for example)

We'll use the canonical query parameter to determinate when we should generate this canonical form:

Requests from authors

We’re collecting feedback for Readium CSS and some requests may exceed the project’s scope. This issue is intended to list those requests.

I assume you’ll open specific issues for requests if needed so I may edit this first comment so that it’s easier to keep track. I’ll also include the source whenever possible so that you can require additional information.

  • pop-up footnotes which are accessible and stylable (source)
  • pagelist/page numbers support since it is critical for textbooks in education (source) → Streamer already retrieves pagelist/navdoc, it’s up to apps to display page numbers.
  • Math/chemistry → if there is anything I can do in CSS, tell me (for some reason, iBooks has its own copy of a patched mathml.css and doesn’t rely on webkit’s)
  • There has been an extended discussion about themes and how the publisher’s stylesheet could fit in there (worth mentioning imho although it’s a super complex issue)
  • If margins set at the webview/iframe level, ensure that background can bleed (e.g. background-color: red on body). I’ve just discovered that some Reading Systems actually do it.
  • Tables (an obvious one, this issue hasn’t really been solved yet and can’t be in pure CSS)
  • Define margin in a chrome vs content way

Replace the term page and synthetic page

Synthetic page is an Adobe creation, cryptic.
We should find an alternative for
Page (the text fragment/segment between two synthetic breaks)
Page number (0 or 1 based?)
The current position, expressed as a percentage, in the publication.

Prefetch & Prerender

During our last conference call, I mentioned that several browser engines support rel="prerender":

This is fairly widely implemented on the Web too, for instance Google includes rel="prerender" on the first result of a search if it's confident enough about it. In Chrome, this creates a separate process that prerenders the document and replaces the current tab once you follow the link.

This could be a good strategy on Android (Chomeview) and on desktop (Electron with Chromium or Edge), but won't work on iOS where we might instead rely on multiple webviews.

Has anyone tested rel="prerender" either with a prototype or with Readium-1? I'd like to figure out if this is an option for us, or if the audio/video/script issues that have been mentioned before would make this difficult to use.

cc @danielweck @rkwright

Use absolute URIs in the streamer

As a follow-up to #36 we're moving away from using paths relative to the OPF in the streamer.

We'll now stictly use absolute paths based on the root of the container instead.

The following resource types that we parsed are affected:

  • OPF
  • Navigation Document
  • NCX
  • SMIL

While encryption.xml parsing is not as directly affected by this change, we need to make sure that we still match resources correctly after this change.

In the streamer, we should now have absolute URIs in the following elements:

  • spine
  • resources
  • all ToC collections (toc, landmarks, loi, page-list, ...)
  • media overlay APIs

Referencing Media Overlays in the Publication Manifest

In EPUB 3.x, each spine item references a media overlay (SMIL) using an id/idref.

Since we plan on having our own syntax for media overlays (see #22), I don't think that we should necessarily adopt the same strategy as EPUB 3.x. Here's a first proposal:

  • include a link to a URI template in links to a service that can return media overlays for the complete publication, or for a specific HTML resource
  • at a spine item level, we could also provide links to this service

I'm not sure yet how the spine item level should be handled:

  • ideally I'd like to treat media overlays like CSS and discover them in the HTML document itself, but this implies injecting content in the HTML
  • we could also include a media overlay in the Link HTTP header
  • or do something like EPUB 3.x but using properties and a URI instead of an id

cc @danielweck

Readium 1 viewer with Readium 2 Streamer

This is a request to create repos for the project that aims at integration of
Readium 1 viewer with Readium 2 Streamer.

Here are some points on the way we approach this task:

  • Readium 2 streamer provides parse, fetch, serve functions effectively
    replacing what is in readium-js epub-fetch directory.

  • Readium 2 Web Publication Manifest provides publication data model. This
    corresponds to Readium 1 models from epub-model directory - package_document,
    metadata, manifest.

  • Readium 1 PackageDocument is a principal data model that encompasses metadata,
    manifest, spine, toc, media overlay etc. providing public interface for
    readium-shared-js and readium-cfi-js. Here are some examples of this public
    API functions:
    generateTocListDOM, getSpineItem, getPageProgressionDirection.

  • Thus Readium 1 PackageDocument and Readium 2 Web Publication Manifest provide
    the main data model for the publication, so if we can implement
    PackageDocument interface based on the data in Web Publication Manifest we
    should be able to cover a bulk of readium-shared-js and readium-cfi-js needs.

Based on the above the bulk of changes will be in readium-js and
readium-shared-js. As of now we have started the work by forking readium-js and
readium-shared-js into:

[email protected]:evidentpoint/readium-js.git
[email protected]:evidentpoint/readium-shared-js.git

In order to add visibility to this project we probably want to make them more
accessible to the team and have these repos officially under

Since these repos will contain modified readium 1 code, we probably want to keep
this link in the naming, but also want to stress the fact that they are
integrating with r2 streamer.

My immediate thought would be readium-js-r2-streamer and
readium-shared-js-r2-streamer. Any other suggestions are welcome.

How to leverage the existing "issue base" in Readium-1

Moving this from email to an issue:
rkwright wrote

Laurent reminded me earlier today that we still have a large number of open issues in R1. This is no surprise because many of them really ARE still problems, but most are relatively minor. The problem all along has been that developers are always happy to develop features but less enthusiastic about fixing bugs. Especially in open source projects and when their REAL boss is breathing down their neck. We will run into this same problem with R2 as well, I am sure so we need to think about that.

However, I am making another pass through the open issues in R1 and reading through them got me thinking. There is a HUGE amount of time and effort invested in those issues: investigating, fixing, experimenting, etc. An not only the remaining open issues but also all the issues that have been closed. I’m trying to think of a way for us to troll through the issues and gather the info in a meaningful way. Even if R2 is better architected and designed, etc. many of the R1 issues arose not because of bad design or implementation (though that is true for some of them) but because the situation or problem was tricky.

Branching Strategy for Readium-2

The questions is what is the approach to branching strategy overall for Readium-2. The two primary choices (though there might be others) are:

  1. use the "traditional" master/development/feature approach
  2. substitute a two-tiered master for a development branch

First approach

There are three basic branch/groups:

  • master, which is always stable and buildable. The head of master is the latest release and is tagged as such. It has a version, which is the latest stable version identifier, e.g. 0.12
  • development, which is normally quite stable and buildable, but may have some experimental or trial aspects. It's version is the master-version +1 plus the label "alpha", e.g. 0.13-alpha
  • feature branches whose name have the form "feature/some-branch", e.g. "feature/non-linear-support". Feature branches do not normally have any version or label. There may be 0 or more feature/branches at any given time.

Development process is as follows:

  • the master branch is created and labeled initially

  • the development branch is created by branching from the master. All development is done in the development branch, which is to say that developer's commits are pushed to the development branch when they are qualified. Ideally this "qualification" is done through pull-requests, but in any case, commits are made from the developer's local copies when the code is deemed clean.

  • When a feature branch is deemed ready, a pull-request is made targeting the develop branch (never the master)

  • periodically, the develop branch is judged ready to be merged into the master and a release is made. At this time:

    • the code in the develop branch is merged into the master
    • the version in the master branch is bumped up
    • the head of the master branch is tagged with the new release number
    • any necessary build artifacts are built and archived
    • the version number of the develop branch is bumped up

Second approach

There are two basic branch/groups:

  • master, which comprises two sections, the head, which corresponds to the develop branch in the first approach in that it is mostly stable and the uppermost (most recent) tagged section which is guaranteed stable
  • feature branches whose name have the form "feature/some-branch", e.g. "feature/non-linear-support". Feature branches do not normally have any version or label. There may be 0 or more feature/branches at any given time.

Development process is as follows:

  • the master branch is created and labeled initially

  • there is no development branch. Instead, commits from the developers are pushed to the master branch, but the head is neither tagged nor guaranteed to be 100% stable.

  • when it is time for a release,

    • the version of the master branch is bumped up
    • the head of the master branch is tagged with the new version and label.
    • any necessary build artifacts are built and archived

Subsequent, commits by developers are to the master branch, but are ahead of the master's new tag so are not part of the release

Parse EPUB 2.x & 3.x metadata

Over the years, metadata expression has changed quite a lot in the EPUB specs:

  • from simple DublinCore terms in 2.x
  • to the use of refines and more complex terms in 3.x
  • back to a middle ground with 3.1

The responsability of the streamer is to do all of the heavy lifting for app developers and provide them with a consistent output, no matter which version of EPUB is used.

How we express metadata in the Readium Web Publication Manifest is already heavily documented at

For the most part, this is stable and only some very EPUB specific terms might be tweaked.

Documenting how each term should be parsed based on 2.0.1, 3.0, 3.0.1 and 3.1 is still a work in progress and will be documented at

This is an epic for metadata parsing across all implementations of the streamer architecture.

Document metadata parsing

EPUB 2.x and 3.x metadata can be a little all over the place, we want to document how each metadata element should be treated when we parse them and populate our streamer's in memory model.

The end result should be a Markdown document in the streamer folder of the main repo.

Streamer "asset" URL, path relative to OPF (manifest items), failure with '../' step

Let's say:

rootfile@href =>
manifest>item@href =>

A typical "fetcher" URL in the current implementations would look like:

Now, in my opinion, this is slightly "wrong", because the full path in the EPUB container is actually EPUB/chapter1.xhtml (regardless of its zipped / unzipped status).

Furthermore (and more importantly), we have a problem with relative paths such as:
manifest>item@href => ../cover.jpg
...which would result in URLs such as:
(as you can see, the .. notation interferes because it is not escaped)

So, wouldn't it be better to logically follow the EPUB container file structure?

Note that I implemented support for both syntaxes in the NodeJS streamer, as described here:

Readable Unambiguous Referencing

The context is making EPUBs of historical fiction and non-fiction.

The problem is to combine traditional citing, by page and section, with structural references over multiple editions. Some of this is just a matter of setting up independent standards, but also having a reader that allows for this sort of use.

The secondary problem is not to overburden the original text with needless markup.

Imagine 15 different editions of the same book with different pagination and some changes in text.

Finding a specific reference, by choosing the edition and then the reference, should be external to the text source, but within the EPUB.

This means that the structural identity within the mark-up has to mediated visually and in substance. So that it can be found by the reader and copied from the reader retaining citing and containing the data fragment.

My conclusion is this can be elegantly achieved by using identifiable CSS fragments. For instance an ‘edition’ fragment that simply suppresses (hides) some source material while revealing (visible) others. For instance the differences in editions of Darwin’s Origin of Species etc.,.

A pagination/section sheet which provides labels, or other indicators within elements.

An ACTIVE reader to use this it has to assemble CSS Fragments with the EPUB data into a JSON file that is copied. The reader would need a plugin support, for this should be indolently reviewed and also integrated into things like Zotero.

A PASSIVE EPUB with a default view and a selection system so that the user gets the reference visuals that suit their immediate need.

Perhaps there is an entirely different way of handling compounded publications and unambiguous referencing.

Using an agile approach to design and prototype the architecture for Readium-2

In the Readium-2 engineering meeting on 9 November, the team discussed two big issues:

  • how to get to an actual architectural design for Readium-2
  • what approach should be used to get there

Previously, the contributors had agreed (at the behest of the Readium board) to generate three deliverables in Phase 1 of the Readum 2 project

  • A design for the the architecture of Radium-2
  • A set of interfaces that app-developers could design to
  • An estimate of the scope/manpower/timeframes for reaching a viable Readium-2

where Phase 1 was to be completed in the November/December 2016 timeframe. As part of that process, the group reached a consensus that

  • Readium-2 would focus on the mobile solution strategy, i.e. iOS and Android and leave JavaScript-based solutions like the Chrome Extension and the Cloud Reader for later
  • that development on those platforms would be largely (if not completely) per-platform, i.e. the implementation would be based on native tools and code

However, one of the implications of this approach was that R2 would effectively be a complete rewrite of the existing codebase. Several members of the group were uncomfortable with this approach (see email thread here).

In the discussion on 9 November, however, the group came to the conclusion that trying to develop the code in an incremental fashion by developing pieces of Readium-2 separately then integrating them into a fork of Radium-1 was most likely an unworkable solution. The ripple of effect of changing APIs and the behavior of code modules would make that very difficult.

The group came to the conclusion that a more viable solution would be
To start with the most fundamental piece of an EPUB reading system, the parser

  • Write the interface(s) for the parser using TypeScript (for the typing ability)
  • Prototype this interface and design in TypeScript
  • Develop tests along with this code to ensure that it all works as designed

When the parser would be complete, move onto the next step (e.g. the model representing the parsed EPUB) and so on. Eventually, the completed and tested code would/could be “ported” to native languages and libraries for iOS and Android. The TypeScript (transpiled to JavaScript) could be used as a replacement for the ReadiumJS stack as well.

Arguably, this represents a move from the original “waterfall-like” design/implementation approach to a more agile approach.

This allows the development to be done bottom-up in a more natural design process
There is little or no integration pain since the development is bottom up
The resulting code is cleanly developed (with typing) and associated tests
The time from beginning to the process will very likely be much longer to reach native-code implementation since the TypeScript version must be developed first
Since the development would be agile, providing a scope and timeframe is infeasible, as is concrete interfaces win a specified timeframe

Parse table of contents in the streamer

This is a meta issue to cover all TOC related issues in the streamer.

In EPUB 2.x and 3.x this means parsing:

  • NCX
  • Navigation Document
  • Landmarks in the OPF

Spec document for the Readium Web Publication Manifest is still a work in progress and will be referenced here.

Go version already supports a large chunk of this.

Public API (Use Cases)

OK, sorry if it feels like I'm bringing myself into at an early stage of discussion but it seems to me this is an important issue and it'd better be discussed at this point.

For the last four years, some people have been trying to improve UX in reflow using JavaScript. Historically, this has been painful since simple functions tend to grow into huge snippets of bloat made of conditional statements and pagination implementation workarounds. As a result, you often get poor performance, which actually deteriorate UX—and you can't necessarily afford to optimize those snippets because it costs the publisher money and time it is not willing to spend.

Problem is that even simple interactions might be painful. Let’s see some use cases.

Adding/Removing contents


Let’s say you want to use details, which is a HTML5 tag.

Summary Goes Here

...this is hidden, collapsable content...

Every rendering engine but Trident/EdgeHTML now supports that (landed in Firefox 49) so it works in Reading Systems like iBooks, ADE on OS X, Readium, iOS apps using a web view, etc.

Problem is, it doesn't automatically trigger a pagination recalc. In other words, details is expanded and contents at the end of your XHTML file may be pushed out of the “last page” (overflow).

Obviously, this also apply to content you append/insert based on user interaction, content which is already in the DOM with display: none and you show/hide, etc.

In this case, which is quite a standard pattern on the web, a public function to push pagination recalc would help. A lot. Or maybe something in the vein of regionOverset.

Use cases

  • Fanta has purchased a textbook which is quite aside-heavy. He would like to collapse all those asides at first reading in order to focus on the primary content. But maybe he will expand some asides at first reading because they explain concepts instead of extending them.
  • Champagne has written a CSS memento in which she is using details extensively. The assumption is that a memento is a utility and should be designed as such (expanded details would make it harder to parse when you're searching for something).
  • Mister Pickles is a teacher who added interactive Multiple Choice Questions in his book. Since he saw display: none was a no-go, he used visibility: hidden. In order not to have whitespace everywhere in his book, he defined height and overflow-y for the answer container. But this is suboptimal since scroll might be buggy in some apps and each MCQ is not the same height on every device.



Managing offset and/or position is tough when all RS don't implement pagination in the same manner. Some are using columns (in some conditions), others report negative values, others require a timeout, etc.

It might be debatable because a lot of people think you should not do that but custom methods could be useful.

Like, for instance, a method to get the page/spread on which the element is actually positioned. For the sake of simplification, something like:

var el = document.getElementById('where-is-waldo');

Which could have properties like top, left, width, etc. but for the page/spread. Cf. getBoundingClientRect

And then you could theoretically position a modal hands down, even if you're not “a NASA engineer” (quoted from people I actually train).

Use cases

  • Colada has quite a bunch of wild abbreviations (abbr) in her essay. While she has used the title attribute, it won’t work on touch devices (the tooltip only displays on mouse hover). She would like to use a popup/popover on mobile but pagination makes scripting much much more difficult than it should be (offset, position, viewport etc.). As a result, her script works in some conditions but will fail spectacularly in others.
  • George R.R. has written a series of fantasy novels. The first novel in the series has won awards, a TV drama is currently being broadcasted and his publisher would like to launch an enhanced version with maps (modals) and characters’ info (popups). Unfortunately, this is too hard to do at the moment so they turned to a proprietary authoring solution providing those widgets; widgets are only supported in a specific iApp though, and all readers won't be able to enjoy those enhancements.


To some extent, this is an extension of the two previous sections.


This is probably where a solid API could help authors improve eBooks spectacularly, by covering cases which aren't covered by default. It’s not all about interactivity any longer, it’s about empowering users—or at least helping them access books in the best conditions.

Sometimes you might want to override the RS’ settings (background-color, text color, etc.). Other times you might want to be in sync with those RS’ settings.

For instance, maybe you want to apply a different type scale when the font-size user setting reaches a specific value (see Mabel’s use case). Or maybe you'd like to add a couple of settings depending on the existing RS’s settings.

Use cases

  • Mabel is 72 years old. She loves to read but she has vision problems. Her daughter has bought her an eReader because it is way more comfortable. She started to read Moby Dick and increased the font-size to 36 pt. Problem is chapter titles’ are now 72 pt and are quite unreadable. If only the eBook author has known the container’s width to apply specific styles for this case…
  • Jiminy is currently developing a framework for dyslexia. He has planned to implement background colors, image collapsing (global), letter- and word-spacing, and a reading rule based on the position of the mouse. This should probably be a plugin but for the time being, it is not an option so the script must be embedded in EPUB files.
    • background-color can't necessarily be applied to the whole UI (but only the container, be it a div or an iframe);
    • image collapsing needs pagination recalc;
    • letter- and word-spacing needs pagination recalc as well;
    • the reading rule, which is one simple line of JS in its simplest incarnation, needs a ton of workarounds and conditional statements (multiple situations, pagination implementation, RS’ versions, etc.).

He doesn't have much time to deal with those issues, the project comes to a standstill.

I know an API with functions/methods isn't particularly easy to design and implement. It may well be debatable too.

However, it could remove a lot of the barriers limiting what we can do in reflow, the performance we can achieve and the frameworks/plugins we can build.

(Sorry for the inconvenience.)


  • added reference to regionOverset in “Adding/Removing Contents”;
  • added reference to plugins in conclusion;
  • edited conclusion to make it clearer.

Readium-2 project name creating confusion

This is a continuation of a conversation started in issue: #26 "Define a roadmap for Readium-2". The thrust is that some community members (myself included) feel that the Readium 2 label has become confusing and problematic due to the fact that it is not, strictly speaking, version increments of current projects, rather new projects that tackle similar functionality/use cases as those of existing projects, but with different technical architectures, goal sets, assumptions, development methodologies, and scope. e.g. apples and oranges vs the more traditional version upgrade/update conventions using numerical progression.

It seems to me that there are basic two sub-topics here:

  1. There is currently no general consensus that the name should be changed. So this is a thread where various contributors can express their support of the change, and reasoning. Whereas others can express their opposition to the change and reasoning for that opposition. Ideally we will reach general consensus, however, if that is not possible to achieve it can be elevated to the Readium Board for consideration and vote.

  2. If we are to adopt a new naming convention for communicating intent more clearly, and for organizing discreet modules into logical groupings, what should that new convention be?

Any and all input is much appreciated. I think this is an important issue and I will do my best to keep the conversation moving forward productively.

Streamer Media Overlays, SMIL files with interspersed par and seq elements


type Body struct {
	TextRef string `xml:"textref,attr"`
	Seq     []Seq  `xml:"seq"`
	Par     []Par  `xml:"par"`

type Seq struct {
	TextRef string `xml:"textref,attr"`
	Par     []Par  `xml:"par"`
	Seq     []Seq  `xml:"seq"`

This breaks with SMIL files such as (the order of interspersed seq and par elements is important):


I addressed this in the NodeJS implementation by making sure body extends seq, and seq has a sorted children list, which items are either seq (recursive) or par:

Leverage CodeBeat for automated code reviews

CodeBeat provides a free automated review of code in a wide variety of languages, including JavaScript, Swift, Go, TypeScript Java, and Kotlin. It is easy to use - just create a CodeBeat account and add your repository and branch. CodeBeat will then analyze the code on every checkin.

You can be notified in several ways:

  • email
  • directly into Slack
  • none at all (need to navigate to their site and log into your account)

Alexandre has been using it for his Swift work and has the results sent to his Slack channel. I use it myself for my "hobby" Javascript work (rkwright@github) and find it very useful. It is not a substitute for real code reviews, but it is very useful nonetheless.

Having it go directly into Slack for all of our projects might be a bit much, but might be useful.

I'll put an agenda item in next week's R2 meeting about this issue and we can discuss it.

Support encrypted Media Overlay documents

With the current code, media overlays are not parsed when they're encrypted.

We need to add support for this feature by handling the following behavior:

  • once the proper keys are provided for a DRM, trigger the goroutine that parses SMIL files
  • make sure that the links for media overlay (in links or properties) are present, even if we can't decrypt the SMIL files yet
  • return an HTTP error for the media overlay service when SMIL files haven't been decrypted yet

Implement Media Overlay support

The streamer is responsible for:

  • parsing the OPF and SMIL files
  • storing the media overlay info in-memory
  • exposing the media overlay info using HTTP & JSON (document for the syntax and for the manifest)

The Go version has started the implementation with the following ideas:

  • whenever a spine item references a media overlay, we include a link to the media overlay service
  • each SMIL file is parsed and the relevant nodes are associated to link objects in spine/resources using a single structure

This issue is meant to be an epic for all on-going development in Go/Swift/Java for this feature.

Syntax for the Media Overlay Document

In addition to providing the content of an OPF in a different serialization, the streamer will also be responsible for parsing SMIL files and providing them in a simplified JSON document.

What are the key principles and information that need to be preserved in SMIL? What can we simplify and streamline?

cc @danielweck

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