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classicpress-v2's Issues

🐞 PHP deprecation when saving general options

Expected behavior

No errors

Current behavior

PHP Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /.../ClassicPress-v2/src/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4861

Possible solution

This happens when Timezone is set to a city (Rome) and not to an offset (UTC+1:30).

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Activate logging
  2. Go to Options -> general
  3. Select a city as timezone
  4. Save


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


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wp-login not accessible🐞

Expected behavior

To be able to successfully login.

Current behavior

I created a new CP2 site and went through installation, but on initial attempt tp login I get this error:


Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Create site and upload files.
  2. Step through installation.
  3. Try to load wp-login.php page.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

No, I can't help

🐞 Issues reported in debug.log

Expected behavior

Empty log

Current behavior

[19-Jun-2023 14:15:36 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  ltrim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4414

[19-Jun-2023 14:15:36 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  ltrim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4414

[19-Jun-2023 14:15:43 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php:3053

Stack trace:
#0 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): WP_Site_Health->wp_cron_scheduled_check()
#1 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#2 /wp-includes/plugin.php(565): WP_Hook->do_action()
#3 /wp-cron.php(188): do_action_ref_array()
#4 {main}
  thrown in /wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php on line 3053

[19-Jun-2023 14:15:43 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, no array or string given in /wp-includes/functions.php:3722

Stack trace:
#0 /wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php(239): wp_die()
#1 /wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php(154): WP_Fatal_Error_Handler->display_default_error_template()
#2 /wp-includes/class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php(58): WP_Fatal_Error_Handler->display_error_template()
#3 [internal function]: WP_Fatal_Error_Handler->handle()
#4 {main}
  thrown in /wp-includes/functions.php on line 3722

Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

Load a page


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


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Improve forms with HTML5 input types


HTML5 has been available to use for what feels like ages now, and one really great feature they introduced was an increased number of form input types, such as email, url, number, and so on.

These input types allow mobile browsers to display appropriate keyboards (such as a numpad in the case of "number"), while also often providing instant client-side validation, preventing erroneous form submissions.

Swapping to HTML5 form types will provide users with a more pleasant data entry experience (especially on mobile browsers), while also providing users with instant feedback if they input something in an improper format, without them having to wait for a page reload to get feedback.

Possible implemantion

There are a great many forms throughout WordPress, showing up across both the front and backend. Updating the code would be easy enough β€” do a codebase search for something like type= and verify that each input is an appropriate type, update it if not, and then verify that the form displays and functions correctly. In the event that that a browser doesn't support one of the newer input types, they should interpret it as a text field, allowing the form to be submitted as it always has been.

Possible Solution

No response

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

Assuming we're okay with deviating from the WordPress codebase in tiny amounts in potentially dozens of places, I'd be willing to go through my test install and see about updating the forms.

This is a big request (a codebase search for type="text" turns up 102 results, with another 6 for type='text'), though obviously not all of them would need changes.


I know there are some form inputs that will take extra care to replace β€” such as the time and date fields when editing posts' published time. Changing them to number fields makes them wider and affects the layout of the page.

🐞 Beaver Builder is broken in v2.0

Expected behavior

The Beaver Builder plugin should work in v2.0 as well as it works in v1.0.

Current behavior

When trying to activate the Beaver Builder plugin it doesn't work, a lot of errors in the console related to jQuery. See log file for all errors. Here's a screenshot as an example:


Console error log:

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Install and activate Beaver Builder Lite plugin.
  2. Create a new page.
  3. Activate Beaver Builder by clicking on the its tab.
  4. Check console.


Beaver Builder officially supports ClassicPress and works in v1.x. Any users upgrading to v2.0 will have major problems. So we need to figure out what's causing it and see if it's a bug we can fix. It also does work in WP 6.2.

This was present in PHP 7.4 and 8.1.

No errors in debug.log.

ClassicPress version


PHP version


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🐞 Migration to v2.0 is incomplete

Expected behavior

When using the migration plugin, the process should completely convert v1.x to the provided nightly version.

Current behavior

The migration process completes, but v2.0 features are missing. So far, I noticed the following issues:

  1. Site Health is missing from the menu and the page is inaccessible.

I can see the updated nightly version, custom login image, block compatibility, etc. So the migration did happen, but it seems to be incomplete. I tried going back to May nightlies, and the issue still happens. I tested this on 2 separate CP instances using No errors in debug.log.

I have a local site running nightlies. I updated it and everything is OK. Site Health is present. So whatever happens is in the migration process.


Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Use a ClassicPress v1.x site.
  2. Install migration plugin, latest version.
  3. Grab nightly zip URL.
  4. Migrate CP to v2.0.
  5. Check if Site Health is present under Tools menu.

If anyone can confirm the issue, I would appreciate it. If you can't replicate this issue on your sites, can you also try migration using Maybe it's something limited to their environment.


What's interesting, the files do seem to be there. At least some.

ClassicPress version

2.0 nightly

PHP version


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CP Version and PHP Version Warnings

Expected behavior

The expected behavior is when a theme or plugin when a specific version is set for example Requires PHP: 8.0, it should throw an error or warning stating that the theme does not work with your version of PHP or Requires CP: 1.4.0
Screenshot 2023-06-06 at 7 31 15 AM

Current behavior

The current behavior just doesn't give any errors or warnings if a theme or plugin has set these requirements. Please note that the issue occurs in 1.5.3 so I don't know if Version 2 have the same issue or not since I haven't tried CP 2.0.

Possible solution

create a function or modify the code to use version_compare()

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Change Requires PHP or Requires CP for something higher or lower depending on the Header.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


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🐞 Nightly build: JS minification

Expected behavior

Have both minified and unminified libraries.

Current behavior

  • UI jQuery libraries are only in minified format (so when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true the unminified version is present)
  • Instead of wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.js I find wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.js.gz

Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Edit a post with console opened
  2. define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
  3. Reload post editor


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

Replace jQuery UI in CP back-end: First Step: Draggable, Droppable, Sortable


jQuery UI provides a series of widgets, interactions, and effects that are used throughout the CP admin pages. It was built to provide tools that HTML4 and XHTML did not provide natively. But HTML5 provides many of these tools, and now that HTML5 is well supported by all modern browsers, it's time to be moving away from jQuery UI to take advantage of that fact.

Such a transition would assist accessibility, because users would then be using tools provided by HTML5 natively rather than tools specific to ClassicPress and Wordpress. In addition, jQuery UI was never designed to work with touchscreens, and using HTML5 would overcome that limitation. Making this change would also help speed up the CP admin pages, which can sometimes be very slow, because of the significantly reduced JavaScript to be loaded on each admin page.

Of course, not everything that jQuery UI provides is now provided by HTML5. In cases where some sort of JavaScript is still required, I would expect us to adopt much more modern, smaller, vanilla JavaScript libraries which not only do not depend on jQuery, but which also support touchscreen usage.

Possible implementation

This would be a longer-term project rather than a short-term task. Individuals would be free to pick an aspect that interests them. But I would like to get the ball rolling by replacing jQuery UI's draggable, droppable, and sortable interactions with HTML5 for the first two and a bespoke vanilla JavaScript library for the last one.

The draggable, droppable, and sortable modules total about 100kb minified, and they in turn depend on the core module, which weighs in at another 40+kb (on top of jQuery itself). So there is the potential for a significant reduction in the amount of JS loaded on each page where these modules are currently used.

Possible Solution

jQuery UI's draggable and droppable can be replaced by HTML5 natively. Sortable, however, would require a new JS library. I have been comparing two: SortableJS and HTML5Sortable.

SortableJS weighs in at 44kb minified; HMTL5Sortable at 16.1kb minified.

I had initially expected to want to use SortableJS because it's under very active development and it's very slick. Unfortunately, I have not found it at all easy to get the dragging animations to look right, while it also includes a lot of options we don't need.

HTML5Sortable, on the other hand, worked perfectly the first time I tried it out on the dashboard widgets and post/page metaboxes. I have only tried dragging, dropping, and sorting so far without attempting yet to make calls to admin-ajax to register the new widget positions, but it looks as though it's exactly what we will need. (Touch support would be provided using the DragDropTouch library, which adds another 18kb.) Unfortunately, the developer announced after the latest release (in December 2022) that it's no longer being actively developed.

I am therefore looking for feedback on whether it would be fine to go with HTML5Sortable, on the grounds that, since it mainly leverages native HTML5, it is not so important that it be actively developed β€” DragDropTouch works perfectly fine despite not being updated for six years β€” or whether we should go with SortableJS (or, indeed, some alternative that I have not explored).

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

I would be happy to work on replacing jQuery UI's draggable, droppable, and sortable interactions. But I need some guidance on the right JS library to use for the sortable replacement before I can start work on this in earnest.

Rebuild widgets screen (and equivalent in Customizer) to use details and summary tags


For greater accessibility (and significantly less reliance on JavaScript), half of the menu screen has already been rebuilt using details and summary tags. A PR will also soon be merged that rebuilds the admin dashboard and post screen metaboxes using details and summary tags.

The logical next step is to re-build the widgets screen in the same manner. I have begun this task in a branch of my CP v2 fork at

I am creating this issue partly to track progress and partly to invite help.

Implementation So Far

What I have done so far is as follows:

  • Rebuilt all the sidebars using details and summary tags.
  • Rebuilt all the widgets using details and summary tags.
  • Ensured that dragging, dropping, and sorting all works as expected.
  • Ensured that saving, deleting, and the "done" button all work as expected.
  • Ensured that all the above works even if JavaScript is deactivated.
  • The core Tags widget works with the above without making any changes.
  • The core Custom HTML widget now works with the above after making some tweaks to it (recorded in the branch noted above).

Possible Solution

What still needs to be done:

  • I have started work on the Customizer version of the widgets screen, but this needs more work to get it operating properly. In particular, there is a div that needs changing to a ul, but I haven't found where yet, and the details tags need to be made to open and close properly. (See src/wp-admin/js/customize-widgets.js.)
  • I have made the same changes to the core Text widget as I made to the Custom HTML widget, but it still needs more work to operate properly as there is quite a lot more going on here (mainly because it also incorporates a TinyMCE instance). The relevant file is src/wp-admin/js/widgets/text-widgets.js.
  • The core Audio, Image, Gallery, and Video widgets also need work. (I believe they all rely on the media-widgets.js file (in src/wp-admin/js/widgets) and I have already made the same edits to that file that I made to get the Custom HTML widget working, but they also need work on their own JS files (also in src/wp-admin/js/widgets).
  • I haven't checked whether the "Orphaned Sidebar" works yet. (This is the sidebar to which widgets are moved when the theme is changed and there is no sidebar for a current widget in the new theme.)

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

I have already started working on this at

β™Ώ Accessability: Use <details> for "Add menu items" accordion sections


Here's a feedback from a user that uses a screenreader and has been testing ClassicPress:

In this menu screen, there are menu items that can be expanded or collapsed where we can choose from posts, pages, custom links, etc. It would be far better if these were... I think the element is <details>? It's an element that clearly conveys an expanded or collapsed state. It is quite dificult to tell which of these category menus are expanded and or collapsed. The hint always says to press enter to expand or collapse this menu but no state is conveyed. I'd rather find a native way to do this with HTML than using ARIA, if at all possible, so these menus will work on mobile. They work now, but it would be far easier to navigate if I knew which were collapsed and which were expanded.

This refers to the "Add menu items" column in the nav-menus.php page:


Possible implemantion

As the user suggested, using <details> might be the right choice here. It is widely supported..

Possible Solution

WordPress is moving towards FSE, so changing the classic nav menus won't affect our backporting as much.

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

If we agree this is the way to go, I may be able to work on this. But I might need some help.

πŸ’‘ Change default comment data to ClassicPress


This relates to the default comment left during the initial installation.


We did change it in CP v1, but in v2 it didn't transfer. So I'm curious if we should change it or not.

One additional change I want to make to the text, is to remove the mention of Gravatar since CP disables it by default.

Possible implemantion

v1 code:

		$first_comment_author = ! empty( $first_comment_author ) ? $first_comment_author : __( 'A ClassicPress Commenter' );
		$first_comment_email  = ! empty( $first_comment_email ) ? $first_comment_email : '[email protected]';
		$first_comment_url    = ! empty( $first_comment_url ) ? $first_comment_url : '';
		$first_comment        = ! empty( $first_comment ) ? $first_comment : __(
			'Hi, this is a comment.
To get started with moderating, editing, and deleting comments, please visit the Comments screen in the dashboard.'

Possible Solution

See above.

Will you be able to help with the implementation?


ClassicPress plugins showing update from WordPress plugins🐞

Expected behavior

Not show updates for plugins from WordPress.

Current behavior

Three of my plugins are showing an update is available which is actually a WordPress plugin with the same name (but different slug):

  1. Shortcodes in Widgets
  2. Sidebar Login
  3. URL Shortener

Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Upload plugins Classicpress.
  2. Look at the plugins page.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

No, I can't help

🐞 Edit Post in Visual is "blank" and mce-editor button is stacked (one under other)

Expected behavior

Edit Post in Visual must have text visible and editor button must be aligned to the left.

Current behavior

Edit Post in Visual is "blank" (hidden) and mce-editor button is left-stacked (one under other)
I try with Firefox and Chrome, same problem.

Possible solution

Edit Post in Visual is "blank" and after debuging I see inline-css:
.mce-panel {visibility: hidden;}
to solve I add in wp-includes/css/editor.min.css and wp-includes/css/editor.css
.mce-panel {visibility: visible;}

To solve mce button stacked (one under other) if using Visual Editor I add in wp-includes/css/editor.min.css and wp-includes/css/editor.css
.mce-btn {float: left;}

Steps to reproduce bug

Edit post and try to switch from Text to Visual!


Changing wp-includes/css/editor.css it is the simplest and fastest solution that I have found. I do not know in detail about editor!

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

` wp doctor check core-verify-checksums` not working 🐞

Expected behavior

Report results.

Current behavior

It freezes.

Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

From command line wp doctor check core-verify-checksums .


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I'll check what's happening.

πŸ’‘ New notice color for block compatibility alert


I'm sharing this as an idea, in case others may see this useful. While testing nightly on a site with plugins that had updates it was hard to see the compatibility alert because it uses the same color as updates alert. Some people might not notice that it's a different type of alert. So it might be a good idea to introduce a different notice color dedicated to block compatibility, to help these alerts stand out from the rest of the update alerts.

Possible implemantion

Implement a new alert color and class.

Possible Solution

Introduce a new notice class .notice-compatibility.

Color: #fff5ea
Background: #ffa035


This is in-between warning (yellow) and error (red) notices. So it stands out, but not as bad as a red notice.

Will you be able to help with the implementation?


πŸ“‹ Adding placeholder supports for WPDB implemented in WP 6.2+

WordPress trac tickets

WordPress changesets


Even though the CP2 project states to be a fork of WP6.2 I cannot see the changes above mentioned in the relevant codebase.

With these changes missing, it unfortunately becomes impossible for WP Plugins newly submitted to .org to also be compliant with WPCS submission rules, when the plugin implements Direct DB Queries. As of 6.2 one has to use the new placeholder for the database table names. One of these affected projects is the Better WordPress Plugin Boilerplate, which is about to get a new, massive update with a fully revamped codebase, where at least one of the templates provided as example will interact with the database. I have either the choice to not include that, or require WP 6.2+. My preference is to keep supporting both worlds, so my suggestion would be (correct me if I miss it) to include these changes in CP2, and if possible, even backwards into CP1, as it actually relates to security, it might be a win.

I have asked the owner of these changes if he is considering backwards compatibility and actually, he has expressed interest and willingness to patch CP with these changes!
This gives me hope :)

I have never done a back port so I do not know how to do this, but please let me know if I can help in any way possible.

Can you help?

I can help test backports

🐞 Missing _preload_old_requests_classes_and_interfaces() function

Expected behavior

The core update completes without an issue.

Current behavior

When updating the core on the update-core.php page, it returns an error. Log shows the following:

Possible solution

Looking around, it appears this function was added in 6.2:

There is a trac ticket that might be related:

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Have a core update available.
  2. Go to update-core.php page.
  3. Click the button to update core.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


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🐞 ... causes problems with classic-SEO using php 8.1 ...

Expected behavior


I'm not sure, if it is helpful, ...

but I was curious to try v2.

Everything works using 8.0 ..., only error messages using php 8.1.

... only causes problems with classic-SEO using php 8.1, not with ... 8.0 ...

Deprecated: Calling static trait method Classic_SEO\Helpers\Conditional::is_heartbeat is deprecated, it should only be called on a class using the trait in /homepages.../wp-content/plugins/classicpress-seo/includes/module/class-manager.php on line 43

Deprecated: Calling static trait method Classic_SEO\Helpers\Conditional::is_heartbeat is deprecated, it should only be called on a class using the trait in /homepages.../wp-content/plugins/classicpress-seo/includes/modules/status/class-status.php on line 29


kiind regards

I think I am not in the position to really help ...

Current behavior

see above

Possible solution

see above

Steps to reproduce bug

see above


see above

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

No, I can't help

πŸ’‘ Theme/Plugin Editors: disable by default


The petition received much support to implement this change for new installs. This would be a good inclusion for v2.

Possible implemantion

@mattyrob suggested an easy solution:

In order to get this into the code without it being a breaking change couldn’t we just add:
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
to the wp-config-sample.php file for new installs?

If this is all it takes, I think we should include it to improve overall security.

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

If it's only a new constant being added to wp-config-sample.php, then yes I can submit a PR.

🐞 Discussion about FSE themes throwing errors in CP v2 and possible solutions

Expected behavior

When looking for a theme I see all the themes are installable. There are 3 types of themes (Classic, block and FSE). Installing Classic or Block themes do work. FSE themes throw an error:

"There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions."

They do not have the code to use the customizer and they break the site.

Expected behaviour is having some sort of notice warning me that that specific theme cannot be installed.

Current behavior

As of now the FSE themes do install and break the site

Possible solution

disabling the install button for FSE themes

Steps to reproduce bug

trying to install and activate a theme that is FSE outputs the error after activation


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

β™Ώ Accessibility: Better feedback when moving nav menu items


Here's a feedback from a user that uses a screenreader and has been testing ClassicPress:

I tested this, and the menu structure has some extra properties added to it in WP COM that makes moving menu items a lot easier because, instead of just saying, "item moved up," or "item moved down" it says, with a few hints, "item moved under XXX or "item moved out from under YYY menu item." this makes it far easier to know where my menu item structure is and where I am moving it to.
It would be even better if more variables could be included in the output. For example, the below is a sample structure and what I'd like conveyed.
1st menu structure item, site map.
2nd menu item structure, blog.
If I wanted to move site map below blog, after moving, I'd like to hear/read if at all possible,
"item moved to position X, under Y.
I hope that wasn't too confusing!

Possible implemantion

No response

Possible Solution

No response

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

Not sure if I can help.

Block code and reference fragments 🐞

Expected behavior

ClassicPress should contain and make reference to blocks and the Block Editor as little as possible and ideally not at all.

Current behavior

There are still instances where blocks and the Block Editor are mentioned in documentation or utilised in the code base.

Possible solution

We need a place to reference these location and then PRs to address each case.

Steps to reproduce bug

Examples of current locations in the code base:

'wp-block' is still registered as a post type in src/wp-includes/post.php
The block editor is mention in REST-API tests in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php
Default content for Privacy Policy pages may still contains block data in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-privacy-policy-content.php
Several block editor related functions exist in wp-admin/includes/post.php

This list is not comprehensive and more searches and details will likely be needed.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

Yes, I will submit a PR

🐞 Wrong button text on update-core.php page

Expected behavior

When an update is available, the button should say "Update to version x.x.x".

Current behavior

The button says "Save Changes." But it does initiate the update process.


Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. When a core update is available, check the button on update-core.php page.


I may be able to help submit a PR, but I can't find where the button text is coming from.

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

πŸ’‘ Site Health changes

Track all the necessary Site Health changes in this issue.

Status tab

  • "Required and recommended modules are installed"
    • Change text: "The ClassicPress Hosting Team maintains a list of those modules, both recommended and required, in the team handbook.
  • "Your site is running the current version of PHP (7.4.33)".
    • This is not true, 7.4.x isn't the current version. Wording needs to change.
  • "Can communicate with"
    • We need to either change this check or add a new one "Can communicate with". CP does use WP API for plugins/themes, so it needs to remain. But we need to add a check for CP API.
  • "Can communicate with"
    • Right now there's a failing check, which might be related to nightly version and CP v2 update API: "Couldn't retrieve a list of the checksums for ClassicPress 6.2. This could mean that connections are failing to"

Info tab

  • Version shown is 6.2 (Latest version: 2.0.0+nightly.20230520). We may want to change this to show "2.0 (WP 6.2)" or some version of this. CP version should come first.
  • The button "Copy site info to clipboard" text and data may need to be update to reflect ClassicPress/CP because this is what users use to send to their developers, plugin/theme developers, hosting support, and they need to know it's ClassicPress and not WordPress. This will help avoid people assuming it's WP and causing website owners problems.

πŸ’‘ Enable Client-side Comment Form Validation


Many browsers supporting HTML5 are able to do client-side checks on form fields such as required, url, and email fields to ensure that the form content is filled out properly beforehand.

The ClassicPress comment form outputs valid HTML5 fields when themes declare support for HTML5; however, it also outputs a novalidate attribute into the form declaration. This prevents client-side validation, allowing incorrectly filled-out forms to be submitted. When this occurs, the user is greeted by a generic WordPress error and they must go back to the form, fix the problem, and resubmit.

Enabling client-side comment form validation has a few advantages:

  • Users are immediately told whether a required field is still empty or whether a URL or email address is malformed
  • On busier sites, client-side validation may help reduce the load on the server, which would otherwise have to process and warn the users about the form errors.
  • The default error messages shown to users are ugly, may not match a site's aesthetic or branding, and may discourage users from taking the time go back and finish their comment.

Possible implemantion

Example of a default comment form error message, showing that a required field hasn't been filled out:

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 11 43 51β€―AM

HTML5 validation on the same form, as seen in Safari 17:

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 11 44 58β€―AM

An example of what an invalidly formatted email address would show:

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 11 46 26β€―AM

Possible Solution

By replacing this:

				'<form action="%s" method="post" id="%s" class="%s"%s>',
				esc_url( $args['action'] ),
				esc_attr( $args['id_form'] ),
				esc_attr( $args['class_form'] ),
				( $html5 ? ' novalidate' : '' )

with this:

				'<form action="%s" method="post" id="%s" class="%s">',
				esc_url( $args['action'] ),
				esc_attr( $args['id_form'] ),
				esc_attr( $args['class_form'] )

in wp-includes/comment-template.php, HTML5 client-side validation will work as expected.

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

I have a pull request ready to go.

πŸ“ Translation warnings

Expected behavior

As few warnings as possible.

Current behavior

A lot of warnings are generated by wp i18n command. Some warnings can be ignored, but some may need to be fixed.

Possible solution

Go through warnings and fix the ones that need to be fixed.

The file provided on the "Warning" line is not the only file where that string is used. That's just one of them. The command doesn't list all the files where the string is used.

Each warning needs to be verified. The context of strings needs to be checked, and if translator comments are correct you can check the task off. If translator comments needs to be changed, ideally, need to turn task into an issue by hovering over it.

Some warnings are about missing translator comments. Those can be converted into issues, if appropriate.

  • Warning: The string "Network Admin: %s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/admin-header.php:40)
    • translators: Network admin screen title. %s: Network title.
    • translators: %s: Site title.
  • Warning: The string "User Dashboard: %s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/admin-header.php:43)
    • translators: User dashboard screen title. %s: Network title.
    • translators: %s: Site title.
  • Warning: The string "%1$s β€Ή %2$s β€” ClassicPress" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/admin-header.php:68)
    • translators: Admin screen title. 1: Admin screen name, 2: Network or site name.
    • translators: Login screen title. 1: Login screen name, 2: Network or site name.
  • Warning: The string "Recovery Mode β€” %s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/admin-header.php:73)
    • translators: %s: Admin screen title.
    • translators: %s: Login screen title.
  • Warning: The string "F j, Y" has 6 different translator comments. (wp-admin/admin.php:113)
  • Warning: The string "g:i a" has 7 different translator comments. (wp-admin/admin.php:114)
  • Warning: The string "β€œ%s” has failed to upload." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/async-upload.php:124)
    • translators: %s: Name of the file that failed to upload.
    • translators: %s: File name.
  • Warning: The string "%1$s at %2$s" has 4 different translator comments. (wp-admin/comment.php:219)
    • translators: 1: Comment date, 2: Comment time.
    • translators: Publish box date string. 1: Date, 2: Time.
    • translators: 1: Post date, 2: Post time.
    • translators: Publish box date string. 1: Date, 2: Time. See
  • Warning: The string "Y/m/d" has 3 different translator comments. (wp-admin/comment.php:221)
  • Warning: The string "Version %s" has 5 different translator comments. (wp-admin/credits.php:26)
    • translators: %s: Plugin version.
    • translators: %s: Plugin version number.
    • translators: %s: Theme version number.
    • translators: %s: Theme version.
    • translators: %s: ClassicPress version.
  • Warning: The string "Comments on β€œ%s”" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/edit-comments.php:164)
    • translators: %s: Post title.
    • translators: %s: Link to post.
  • Warning: The string "Comments" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/edit-comments.php:180)
    • translators: Hidden accessibility text.
    • translators: Default privacy policy heading.
  • Warning: The string "Last edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:623)
    • translators: 1: Name of most recent post author, 2: Post edited date, 3: Post edited time.
    • translators: 1: User's display name, 2: Date of last edit, 3: Time of last edit.
  • Warning: The string "Last edited on %1$s at %2$s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php:626)
    • translators: 1: Post edited date, 2: Post edited time.
    • translators: 1: Date of last edit, 2: Time of last edit.
  • Warning: The string "In reply to: %s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php:214)
    • translators: %s: Comment link.
    • translators: Comment moderation. %s: Parent comment edit URL.
  • Warning: The string "We take privacy and transparency very seriously. To learn more about what data we collect, how we use it, and what precautions we take to ensure site owners’ privacy, please see the ClassicPress Privacy Policy." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/freedoms.php:68)
  • Warning: The string "ClassicPress is Free and open source software, built by a distributed community of volunteer developers from around the world. ClassicPress comes with some awesome, worldview-changing rights courtesy of its license, the GPL." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/freedoms.php:73)
  • Warning: The string "Every plugin and theme in’s directory is 100%% GPL or a similarly free and compatible license, so you can feel safe finding plugins and themes there. If you get a plugin or theme from another source, make sure to ask them if it’s GPL first. If they don’t respect the ClassicPress license, we don’t recommend them." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/freedoms.php:88)
  • Warning: The string "If you need a WordPress Importer, follow these instructions to install it manually." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/import.php:77)
  • Warning: The string "Install %s now" has 3 different translator comments. (wp-admin/import.php:167)
    • translators: %s: Importer name.
    • translators: %s: Plugin name and version.
    • translators: %s: Plugin name.
  • Warning: The string "More information about %s" has 3 different translator comments. (wp-admin/import.php:212)
    • translators: %s: Importer name.
    • translators: %s: Plugin name and version.
    • translators: %s: Plugin name.
  • Warning: The string "%s Comment in moderation" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:429)
    • translators: %s: Number of comments.
    • translators: Hidden accessibility text. %s: Number of comments.
  • Warning: The string "%s item" has 5 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php:492)
    • translators: %s: Number of comments.
    • translators: %s: Number of items.
    • translators: Number of items.
    • translators: %s: Number of items (tags).
    • translators: %s: The remaining number of plugins.
  • Warning: The string "+ %s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:672)
    • translators: %s: Add New taxonomy label.
    • translators: %s: Add New Page label.
  • Warning: The string "identity" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1316)
  • Warning: The string "friendship" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1330)
  • Warning: The string "physical" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1353)
  • Warning: The string "professional" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1367)
  • Warning: The string "geographical" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1384)
  • Warning: The string "family" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1404)
  • Warning: The string "romantic" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php:1433)
  • Warning: The string "commit %s" contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/includes/misc.php:42)
  • Warning: The string "You should back up your existing %1$s and %2$s files." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/network.php:447)
    • translators: 1: wp-config.php, 2: .htaccess
    • translators: 1: wp-config.php, 2: web.config
  • Warning: The string "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php:169)
    • translators: %s: Support forums URL.
    • translators: %s: support forums URL
  • Warning: The string "The seventh parameter passed to %s should be numeric representing menu position." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1345)
    • translators: %s: add_menu_page()
    • translators: %s: add_submenu_page()
  • Warning: The string "F j, Y g:i a" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/schema.php:442)
  • Warning: The string "Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/schema.php:1280)
    • translators: %s: Site link.
    • translators: First post content. %s: Site link.
  • Warning: The string "The "%s" options group has been removed. Use another settings group." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/template.php:1536)
    • translators: %s: misc
    • translators: %s: privacy
  • Warning: The string "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href="%2$s" %3$s>View version %4$s details." has 3 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/theme.php:223)
    • translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Theme details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number.
    • translators: 1: Plugin name, 2: Details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number.
    • translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number.
  • Warning: The string "View %1$s version %2$s details" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/theme.php:229)
    • translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Version number.
    • translators: 1: Plugin name, 2: Version number.
  • Warning: The string "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href="%2$s" %3$s>View version %4$s details. Automatic update is unavailable for this theme." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/theme.php:236)
    • translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Theme details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number.
    • translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number.
  • Warning: The string "There is a new version of %1$s available. <a href="%2$s" %3$s>View version %4$s details or <a href="%5$s" %6$s>update now." has 3 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/theme.php:249)
    • translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Theme details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number, 5: Update URL, 6: Additional link attributes.
    • translators: 1: Plugin name, 2: Details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number, 5: Update URL, 6: Additional link attributes.
    • translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Details URL, 3: Additional link attributes, 4: Version number, 5: Update URL, 6: Additional link attributes.
  • Warning: The string "An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/includes/translation-install.php:69)
    • translators: %s: support forums URL
    • translators: %s: Support forums URL.
  • Warning: The string "<a href="" has 3 different translator comments. (wp-admin/install.php:266)
    • translators: 1: URL to ClassicPress release notes, 2: ClassicPress version number, 3: Minimum required PHP version number, 4: Minimum required MySQL version number, 5: Current PHP version number, 6: Current MySQL version number.
    • translators: 1: ClassicPress version number, 2: Minimum required PHP version number, 3: Current PHP version number
    • translators: 1: ClassicPress version number, 2: Minimum required MySQL version number, 3: Current MySQL version number
  • Warning: The string "Updates %s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/menu.php:49)
    • translators: %s: Number of pending updates.
    • translators: %s: Number of available updates.
  • Warning: The string "You should update your %s file now." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/options-permalink.php:183)
    • translators: %s: web.config
    • translators: %s: .htaccess
  • Warning: The string "Edit or view your Privacy Policy page content." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/options-privacy.php:215)
    • translators: 1: URL to edit Privacy Policy page, 2: URL to view Privacy Policy page.
    • translators: 1: URL to edit page, 2: URL to view page.
  • Warning: The string "Edit or preview your Privacy Policy page content." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/options-privacy.php:222)
    • translators: 1: URL to edit Privacy Policy page, 2: URL to preview Privacy Policy page.
    • translators: 1: URL to edit page, 2: URL to preview page.
  • Warning: The string "Need help putting together your new Privacy Policy page? <a href="%1$s" %2$s>Check out our guide%3$s for recommendations on what content to include, along with policies suggested by your plugins and theme." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/privacy.php:173)
  • Warning: The string "If you need to re-install version %s, you can do so here:" contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/update-core.php:81)
  • Warning: The string "Important: before updating, please back up your database and files. For help with updates, visit the Updating ClassicPress documentation page." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/update-core.php:251)
  • Warning: The string "Expected compatibility with ClassicPress %1$s: 100%%." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/update-core.php:363)
  • Warning: The string "Expected Compatibility with ClassicPress %1$s: %2$d%% (%3$d "works" votes out of %4$d total)." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/update-core.php:367)
  • Warning: The string "Expected compatibility with ClassicPress %1$s: Unknown." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/update-core.php:370)
  • Warning: The string "Expected compatibility with ClassicPress %1$s: %2$d%% (%3$d "works" votes out of %4$d total)." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/update-core.php:380)
  • Warning: The string "Learn more about updating PHP." contains placeholders but has no "translators:" comment to clarify their meaning. (wp-admin/update-core.php:395)
  • Warning: The string "You have version %1$s installed. Update to %2$s." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/update-core.php:443)
    • translators: 1: Plugin version, 2: New version.
    • translators: 1: Theme version, 2: New version.
  • Warning: The string "Language" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/user-edit.php:359)
    • translators: The user language selection field label.
    • translators: Hidden accessibility text.
  • Warning: The string "%s update available" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/admin-bar.php:1047)
    • translators: Hidden accessibility text. %s: Total number of updates available.
    • translators: %s: Total number of updates available.
  • Warning: The string "Use %s instead if you do not want the value echoed." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/author-template.php:71)
    • translators: %s: get_the_author()
    • translators: %s: get_trackback_url()
  • Warning: The string "%1$s is deprecated. Use %2$s instead." has 3 different translator comments. (wp-includes/category-template.php:379)
    • translators: 1: "type => link", 2: "taxonomy => link_category"
    • translators: 1: caller_get_posts, 2: ignore_sticky_posts
    • translators: 1: who, 2: capability
  • Warning: The string "#%d (no title)" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/class-walker-page-dropdown.php:80)
    • translators: %d: ID of a post.
    • translators: %d: ID of a term.
  • Warning: The string "%1$s uses block-related functions and may have issues." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/classicpress/class-wp-compat.php:71)
    • Translators: %1$s is the plugin name.
    • Translators: %1$s is the theme name.
  • Warning: The string "Learn more" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/classicpress/class-wp-compat.php:73)
    • Translators: %1$s is the theme name.
    • Translators: %1$s is the theme name, %1$s is the parent theme name.
  • Warning: The string "%s second" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/formatting.php:3844)
    • translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds. %s: Number of seconds.
    • translators: %s: Time duration in second or seconds.
  • Warning: The string "%s hour" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/formatting.php:3858)
    • translators: Time difference between two dates, in hours. %s: Number of hours.
    • translators: %s: Time duration in hour or hours.
  • Warning: The string "Do not pass %1$s tags to %2$s." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php:138)
    • translators: 1: <script>, 2: wp_add_inline_script()
    • translators: 1: <style>, 2: wp_add_inline_style()
  • Warning: The string "Email: %s" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/pluggable.php:1757)
    • translators: %s: Comment author email.
    • translators: %s: User email address.
  • Warning: The string "%s [Autosave]" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/post-template.php:1879)
    • translators: %s: Revision date.
    • translators: %s: Revision date with author avatar.
  • Warning: The string "%s [Current Revision]" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/post-template.php:1881)
    • translators: %s: Revision date.
    • translators: %s: Revision date with author avatar.
  • Warning: The string "Pending (%s)" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/post.php:331)
    • translators: %s: Number of pending posts.
    • translators: %s: Number of pending requests.
  • Warning: The string "%1$s (since %2$s; %3$s)" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/rest-api.php:635)
    • translators: 1: Function name, 2: WordPress version number, 3: Error message.
    • translators: Developer debugging message. 1: PHP function name, 2: WordPress version number, 3: Explanatory message.
  • Warning: The string "%1$s is not of type %2$s." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/rest-api.php:2087)
    • translators: 1: Parameter, 2: List of types.
    • translators: 1: Parameter, 2: Type name.
  • Warning: The string "The %s property has an invalid stored value, and cannot be updated to null." has 2 different translator comments. (wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-settings-controller.php:197)
    • translators: %s: Property name.
    • translators: %s: Custom field key.
  • Warning: The string "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" has 2 different translator comments. (wp-admin/js/updates.js:2308)
    • translators: %s: Plugin name.
    • translators: %s: Theme name.

Steps to reproduce bug

See list.


For reference, the command is:
wp i18n make-pot . v2-c.pot --ignore-domain --exclude=wp-content,composer.json,wp-admin/about.php --skip-theme-json --skip-block-json --no-color

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

Yes, I will submit a PR

🐞 wp-tinymce.js is missing

Expected behavior

wp-tinymce.js should be present.

Current behavior

The file is missing in the nightly. Might be a few nightlies, as I have an older version running on a local site and here's the latest one:


I ran into this problem while trying to test Elementor:

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Check nightly zip file.

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

🐞 Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function unregister_block_type()

Expected behavior

No fatal error.

Current behavior

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function unregister_block_type().

Possible solution

We need to add a polyfill for this function. We already have a polyfill for register_block_type().

function register_block_type( ...$args ) {

Steps to reproduce bug

You need a plugin that unregisters block types. In my case, it's the SEOpress Pro plugin. This is a generic version of what it does:

add_action( 'current_screen', 'custom_unregister_blocks' );
function custom_unregister_blocks(){
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    if( is_admin() && $screen and $screen->base !== 'post' ){
        unregister_block_type( 'custom/how-to' );
        unregister_block_type( 'custom/how-to-step' );


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

πŸ’‘ Add Gravatar generated robot avatars


Gravatar supports another generated avatar type besides the wavatars, identicons, etc. that ClassicPress already supports. With one line added to wp-admin/options-discussion.php, the feature can be implemented.

Possible implemantion

No response

Possible Solution

In wp-admin/options-discussion.php, add the following line to the $avatar_defaults array which is around line 316:

'robohash' => __( 'Robot (Generated)' ),

That's it. Feature implanted.

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

I've already tried to submit a pull request for this, but no matter what I try in GitHub Desktop, it keeps wanting to submit to an unrelated pull request about a different feature entirely. So I'm opening this in hopes that someone else wants to add a single line of code that would resolve this request. :)

Undefined property: stdClass:: ... in .../wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php🐞

Expected behavior

Pages should load without errors occurring.

Current behavior

Loading an uncached menu can generate the following errors:

Undefined property: stdClass::$target in ../wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 180
Undefined property: stdClass::$xfn in ../wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 183
Undefined property: stdclass::$current in ../wp-includes/class-walker-nav-menu.php on line 196

Reported on WP Trac at

Possible solution

I have provided the solution on the above Trac ticket at

Steps to reproduce bug

Load a page. This must be uncached, and so must the menu. (Some themes and plugins cache either or both, so these errors don't appear for everyone.)


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution



I get the following deprecation message in backend at

-> Design -> Menu

Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter ClassicPress/Documentation-Issue-Tracker#3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /homepages/23/d278325892/htdocs/verwaltungsrecht/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 2100

... the message does not disappear even if I deactivate all plugins ...

I use the Genesis Framework with Genesis Sample Theme with php 8.1 (the message does not disappear even using theme Twenty Twenty), v2 20230720

Kind regards

πŸ’‘ WordPress block-related functions list


To ensure our block compatibility feature works as expected, we need to polyfill all functions that can be polyfilled.

The list of block-related functions in WordPress (6.2.2):

  • get_block_editor_theme_styles
  • render_block_core_legacy_widget
  • the_block_editor_meta_boxes
  • locate_block_template
  • register_block_core_read_more
  • render_block_core_post_comments_form
  • register_block_core_post_comments_form
  • block_core_gallery_data_id_backcompatibility
  • register_block_core_site_title
  • get_block
  • block_core_home_link_build_css_colors
  • register_block_core_shortcode
  • register_block_core_block
  • serialize_blocks
  • register_block_core_query_pagination_next
  • block_core_gallery_render
  • should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles
  • render_block_core_comment_edit_link
  • process_blocks_custom_css
  • get_default_block_editor_settings
  • block_core_navigation_submenu_render_submenu_icon
  • add_block_from_stack
  • register_block_core_legacy_widget
  • render_block_core_post_date
  • parse_blocks
  • register_block_core_comments_pagination_numbers
  • block_core_navigation_link_build_css_colors
  • render_block_core_post_content
  • get_typography_classes_for_block_core_search
  • parse_block_styles
  • enqueue_editor_block_styles_assets
  • post_comments_form_block_form_defaults
  • block_version
  • register_block_core_file
  • get_registered_styles_for_block
  • render_block_core_post_author_biography
  • get_block_file_template
  • block_core_social_link_get_color_styles
  • render_block_core_post_featured_image
  • wp_enable_block_templates
  • resolve_block_template
  • wp_add_global_styles_for_blocks
  • get_block_core_post_featured_image_border_attributes
  • serialize_block
  • render_block_core_query_pagination_next
  • register_block_core_query
  • register_block_core_post_terms
  • render_block_core_post_title
  • wp_enqueue_editor_block_directory_assets
  • apply_block_core_search_border_style
  • get_block_wrapper_attributes
  • render_block_core_template_part
  • build_template_part_block_area_variations
  • generate_block_asset_handle
  • wp_is_block_theme
  • filter_block_content
  • render_block_core_comments
  • render_block_core_tag_cloud
  • register_block_core_latest_comments
  • filter_block_kses
  • use_block_editor_for_post_type
  • is_block_theme
  • render_block_core_navigation
  • get_dynamic_block_names
  • the_block_template_skip_link
  • register_block_pattern
  • register_block_core_archives
  • register_block_core_query_pagination_numbers
  • register_block_core_rss
  • strip_core_block_namespace
  • render_block_core_block
  • is_block_editor
  • render_block_core_comments_pagination
  • build_template_part_block_variations
  • get_styles_block_nodes
  • unregister_block_pattern
  • register_block_core_post_featured_image
  • wp_common_block_scripts_and_styles
  • filter_block_kses_value
  • render_block_core_comment_author_name
  • render_block_core_page_list
  • render_block_core_search
  • block_core_latest_posts_get_excerpt_length
  • register_block_core_comments_pagination
  • register_block_core_cover
  • register_block_core_gallery
  • register_block_core_comment_author_name
  • get_block_metadata_i18n_schema
  • blocks
  • render_block_core_calendar
  • render_block_core_site_tagline
  • get_allowed_block_types
  • register_block_core_template_part
  • wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets
  • register_block_core_post_title
  • wp_get_block_default_classname
  • has_blocks
  • excerpt_remove_blocks
  • register_block_script_handle
  • render_block_core_social_link
  • register_block_core_page_list
  • block_footer_area
  • wp_normalize_remote_block_pattern
  • get_block_template
  • get_block_templates
  • block_core_navigation_get_post_ids
  • render_block_core_comment_date
  • register_block_core_site_tagline
  • render_block_core_post_author_name
  • block_core_page_list_render_nested_page_list
  • block_core_navigation_block_contains_core_navigation
  • render_block_core_post_navigation_link
  • render_block_core_cover
  • get_block_data
  • register_block_core_comments
  • register_block_core_home_link
  • render_block_core_post_excerpt
  • render_block_core_comment_template
  • wp_should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles
  • block_core_heading_render
  • block_core_calendar_update_has_published_post_on_delete
  • block_core_navigation_from_block_get_post_ids
  • register_block_core_post_author_biography
  • block_core_comment_template_render_comments
  • block_core_navigation_build_css_font_sizes
  • get_styles_for_block
  • block_header_area
  • remove_block_asset_path_prefix
  • block_core_calendar_update_has_published_post_on_transition_post_status
  • get_block_nodes
  • block_core_latest_posts_migrate_categories
  • build_template_part_block_instance_variations
  • has_same_registered_blocks
  • render_block_core_comments_pagination_next
  • render_block_core_home_link
  • block_core_page_list_build_css_colors
  • register_block_core_categories
  • styles_for_block_core_search
  • render_block_core_rss
  • register_block_pattern_category
  • render_block_core_comments_title
  • block_core_navigation_maybe_use_classic_menu_fallback
  • classnames_for_block_core_search
  • block_core_home_link_build_li_wrapper_attributes
  • register_block_core_tag_cloud
  • render_block_core_comment_content
  • register_block_core_post_template
  • register_block_core_navigation_submenu
  • register_block_core_widget_group
  • register_block_core_latest_posts
  • build_query_vars_from_query_block
  • render_block_core_read_more
  • block_core_home_link_build_css_font_sizes
  • get_block_editor_server_block_settings
  • render_block_core_comment_reply_link
  • block_core_page_list_build_css_font_sizes
  • get_legacy_widget_block_editor_settings
  • render_block_core_latest_comments
  • block_core_calendar_update_has_published_posts
  • wp_filter_out_block_nodes
  • get_allowed_block_template_part_areas
  • build_comment_query_vars_from_block
  • register_block_core_query_pagination_previous
  • wp_enqueue_block_style
  • the_block_editor_meta_box_post_form_hidden_fields
  • render_block_core_post_terms
  • get_block_categories
  • render_block_core_comments_pagination_numbers
  • get_comment_delimited_block_content
  • serialize_block_attributes
  • block_template_part
  • register_block_core_comments_pagination_next
  • render_block_core_post_template
  • register_block_style
  • register_block_core_pattern
  • render_block_core_image
  • block_core_page_list_nest_pages
  • block_core_navigation_render_submenu_icon
  • get_typography_styles_for_block_core_search
  • comments_block_form_defaults
  • get_border_color_classes_for_block_core_search
  • register_block_core_post_excerpt
  • get_blocks_metadata
  • render_block_core_widget_group
  • register_block_core_comment_template
  • register_block_core_comments_pagination_previous
  • block_core_navigation_build_css_colors
  • render_block_core_site_title
  • block_core_navigation_link_render_submenu_icon
  • get_block_theme_folders
  • wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization
  • register_block_core_calendar
  • get_default_block_template_types
  • get_classic_theme_supports_block_editor_settings
  • register_block_core_post_date
  • block_core_calendar_has_published_posts
  • register_block_core_post_author_name
  • render_block_core_post_author
  • block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_font_sizes
  • register_block_core_social_link
  • build_dropdown_script_block_core_categories
  • wp_generate_block_templates_export_file
  • render_block_core_avatar
  • block_core_navigation_get_most_recently_published_navigation
  • render_block
  • register_block_core_post_author
  • add_inner_block
  • render_block_core_loginout
  • block_core_navigation_typographic_presets_backcompatibility
  • get_color_classes_for_block_core_search
  • block_core_navigation_get_menu_items_at_location
  • register_block_core_query_no_results
  • render_block_core_pattern
  • block_core_navigation_sort_menu_items_by_parent_id
  • register_core_block_types_from_metadata
  • register_block_style_handle
  • apply_block_core_search_border_styles
  • register_block_core_term_description
  • render_block_core_navigation_submenu
  • enqueue_legacy_post_comments_block_styles
  • register_block_core_avatar
  • unregister_block_style
  • render_block_core_categories
  • render_block_core_query_pagination
  • block_core_navigation_filter_out_empty_blocks
  • register_block_core_comment_date
  • register_block_core_search
  • block_core_navigation_get_classic_menu_fallback_blocks
  • render_block_core_query_pagination_numbers
  • register_block_core_site_logo_setting
  • wp_enqueue_block_support_styles
  • unregister_block_pattern_category
  • apply_block_supports
  • get_default_block_categories
  • render_block_core_comments_pagination_previous
  • block_core_post_template_uses_featured_image
  • register_block_core_heading
  • block_core_navigation_link_maybe_urldecode
  • wp_enqueue_registered_block_scripts_and_styles
  • get_block_core_post_featured_image_overlay_element_markup
  • block_core_navigation_link_build_css_font_sizes
  • block_has_support
  • register_block_core_navigation
  • register_block_core_image
  • block_editor_rest_api_preload
  • register_block_core_loginout
  • render_block_core_query_title
  • block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_colors
  • block_core_navigation_get_classic_menu_fallback
  • render_block_core_term_description
  • render_block_core_query_pagination_previous
  • _block_template_render_without_post_block_context
  • register_block_core_post_navigation_link
  • render_block_core_site_logo
  • render_block_core_file
  • wp_setup_widgets_block_editor
  • enqueue_block_styles_assets
  • use_block_editor_for_post
  • register_block_core_comment_edit_link
  • block_core_navigation_get_fallback_blocks
  • register_block_core_navigation_link
  • register_block_core_comment_content
  • register_block_type_from_metadata
  • register_legacy_post_comments_block
  • register_block_core_site_icon_setting
  • render_block_core_query_no_results
  • block_core_social_link_get_icon
  • get_the_block_template_html
  • register_block_core_post_content
  • block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items
  • render_block_core_shortcode
  • do_block_editor_incompatible_meta_box
  • register_block_core_comments_title
  • has_block
  • register_block_type
  • render_block_core_navigation_link
  • render_block_core_latest_posts
  • unregister_block_type
  • register_block_core_site_logo
  • render_block_core_archives
  • get_block_classes
  • block_core_social_link_services
  • block_core_social_link_get_name
  • wp_use_widgets_block_editor
  • get_block_editor_settings
  • register_block_core_query_pagination
  • wp_pre_kses_block_attributes
  • do_blocks
  • register_block_core_query_title
  • register_block_core_comment_reply_link

ClassicPress 2.0.0

For reference, these are the block-related functions in ClassicPress 2.0.0 (08-09 nightly):

The following block-related functions are in the core, not polyfills:

  • wp_pre_kses_block_attributes

The following block-related functions are in the core but set to return: false. I assume that is a polyfill.

  • use_block_editor_for_post
  • use_block_editor_for_post_type
  • is_block_editor (polyfill)

The following block-related functions are not in WordPress but we do have a polyfill:

  • update_extensions_using_blocks
  • using_block_function
  • using_block_function_theme (FSE theme notice)
  • delete_themes_using_blocks
  • using_block_function_row
  • delete_plugins_using_blocks

Might not be related to blocks?

  • block_request
  • PclZipUtilCopyBlock

πŸ’‘ Use gettext to change core URLs


Use gettext to change core URLs to reduce merge conflicts.

Possible implemantion


Possible Solution

add_filter( 'gettext', 'fixlink', 10, 3 );
function fixlink( $translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain ) {
	if ( $domain !== 'default') {
		return $translated_text;
	if ( $untranslated_text !== '<a href="">Support forums</a>') {
		return $translated_text;
	return str_replace('', '', $translated_text);

πŸ’‘ Discussion about block-related functions and compatibility


I tried some "popular" WP plugins.
Some of them don't work because they call block-related functions.

Possible implemantion

A possible solution is to make a "compatibility" plugin to declare those. Example:

function register_block_type(...$args) {
	return false;

But for me the best solution is - as we go - have them in core, because this is the only way to handle situations like:

if ( WP_Screen::is_block_editor() ) {

Will you be able to help with the implementation?


πŸ’‘ Add `wp_body_open` hook to included themes


WordPress 5.2.0 introduced a new template hook, wp_body_open, which fires immediately after the opening body tag.

This hook can be useful for outputting custom content before any of a theme's body content starts to output.

As a default WordPress hook, though, it should be included so that plugins and tinkerers can take advantage of it just as they do wp_head and wp_footer.

The hook is described here:

Possible implemantion

No response

Possible Solution

Include <?php do_action( 'wp_body_open' ); ?> or similar after the opening body tag in each of the included themes.

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

This is a quick and simple thing that shouldn't cause anything to break, but I'd be willing to test. Not submitting a pull request myself because of how busy I'm going to be this month with work and preparing for a nursery for my upcoming baby. :-)

πŸ’‘ Add noreferrer to Gravatar link


This is a minor privacy enhancement. The Gravatar link should have noreferrer so it doesn't pass referrer to to be logged by their analytics apps.

Possible implemantion

Add rel="noreferrer" to the URL:

__( '<a href="%s">You can change your profile picture on Gravatar</a>.' ),
__( '' )

Possible Solution

No response

Will you be able to help with the implementation?

Yes, I can submit PR.

🐞 Quick Edit break columns

Expected behavior

No column shift.

Current behavior

Originally reported by Avias on the forum:

After quick editing a post, the post column is shifted.

image image image

Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Go to "Posts -> All posts" or "Pages -> All Pages"
  2. Make sure the "ID" column is showing
  3. "Quick edit" a post (change title, author or something else)
  4. Click on update


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

  • php >=7.4
  • dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer 1.0.0
  • wp-coding-standards/wpcs 3.0.1
  • phpcompatibility/phpcompatibility-wp 2.1.4
  • yoast/phpunit-polyfills 2.0.0
  • johnpbloch/wordpress-core-installer 2.0.0
  • actions/checkout v4
  • shivammathur/setup-php v2
  • ramsey/composer-install v2
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • actions/cache v3
  • shivammathur/setup-php v2
  • ramsey/composer-install v2
  • styfle/cancel-workflow-action 0.12.0
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • actions/cache v3
  • ubuntu 22.04
  • actions/checkout v4
  • shivammathur/setup-php v2
  • ramsey/composer-install v2
  • styfle/cancel-workflow-action 0.12.0
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • actions/cache v3
  • mirromutth/mysql-action v1.1
  • shivammathur/setup-php v2
  • niden/actions-memcached v7
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions-ecosystem/action-add-labels v1
  • wow-actions/welcome v1
  • @wordpress/a11y 3.46.0
  • @wordpress/api-fetch 6.43.0
  • @wordpress/dom-ready 3.46.0
  • @wordpress/hooks 3.46.0
  • @wordpress/i18n 4.46.0
  • @wordpress/url 3.47.0
  • node-sass 9.0.0
  • @lodder/grunt-postcss 3.1.1
  • @rollup/plugin-commonjs 25.0.7
  • autoprefixer 10.4.16
  • clipboard ^2.0.11
  • grunt 1.6.1
  • grunt-banner 0.6.0
  • grunt-contrib-clean 2.0.1
  • grunt-contrib-concat 2.1.0
  • grunt-contrib-connect 4.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-copy 1.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-cssmin 5.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-imagemin 4.0.0
  • grunt-contrib-jshint 3.2.0
  • grunt-contrib-qunit 8.0.1
  • grunt-includes 1.1.0
  • grunt-jsdoc 2.4.1
  • grunt-jsvalidate 0.2.2
  • grunt-legacy-util 2.0.1
  • grunt-replace 2.0.2
  • grunt-rtlcss 2.0.2
  • grunt-sass 3.1.0
  • grunt-webpack 6.0.0
  • ink-docstrap 1.3.2
  • install-changed ^1.1.0
  • lodash ^4.17.21
  • moment ^2.29.4
  • postcss 8.4.31
  • qunit ^2.19.4
  • rollup 4.5.1
  • sinon ^17.0.0
  • sinon-test ^3.1.5
  • source-map-loader ^4.0.1
  • sync-request 6.1.0
  • terser 5.24.0
  • terser-webpack-plugin ^5.3.7
  • webpack 5.89.0
  • node 20.10.0

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

🐞 Customizer section autofocus doesn't work

Expected behavior

Customizer has the ability to open sections based on URL parameters (more info).

For example, when I visit /wp-admin/customize.php?autofocus%5Bsection%5D=custom_css it will automatically open custom CSS section in the customizer. This is a link on the theme editor page:

Current behavior

It doesn't do anything and there are no console errors. This works in 1.5.3.

Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Append this to your website's domain: /wp-admin/customize.php?autofocus%5Bsection%5D=custom_css
  2. It will open customizer but custom CSS section will remain closed.


A lot of themes link to sections from their admin pages. Core links to it in at least one location.

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

🐞 PHP Compatibility checks 5.6

Expected behavior

As minimum required version is PHP 7.4 and Unit tests are no more running on PHP 5.6 PHP Compatibility check should check for PHP 7.4+.

Current behavior

PHP Compatibility check are checking PHP 5.6.

Possible solution

Amend phpcompat.xml.dist.

Steps to reproduce bug

See failing tests in PR #88.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

Missing `wp-date` script 🐞

Expected behavior

Home and application password working.

Current behavior

wp-date is used in wp-admin/js/application-passwords.js and in wp-admin/js/dashboard.js.

Possible solution

Remove the functions from the calling scripts and the dependency from src/wp-includes/script-loader.php or add wp-date.

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. Install Query Monitor
  2. Go to your profile and try to set a new application password
  3. Go to Dashboard -> Home


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

🐞 Logo appears in adminbar dropdown in multisite

Expected behavior

No logo in dropdown.

Current behavior

Reported on Slack. Logo in dropdown.

Possible solution

No response

Steps to reproduce bug

  1. In multisite instance, hover over My Sites menu.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

Yes, I will submit a PR

TinyMCE in Text Widget

Expected behavior

Is TinyMCE supposed to be working in the Text widget? I don't use it normally but, as I'm working on something to do with widgets, I had cause to test it and found that Tiny doesn't work. (In fact, there's an error generated in the browser console.)

Current behavior

When opening a Text widget, the user can enter blank text only. There is no TinyMCE editor.

Possible solution

What's missing are some lines in the ~/wp-includes/script-loader.php file and then some lines in the ~wp-admin/js/widgets/text-widgets.js file.

I can provide a PR if we agree that Tiny is supposed to be working (which I think is what we want). If we don't want that, then some lines need removing from the ~wp-admin/js/widgets/text-widgets.js file to avoid generating the current error.

Steps to reproduce bug

Open a Text widget and see for yourself.


No response

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

Yes, I will submit a PR

About screen after update still refers to CP being fork of WP 4.9

Expected behavior

About screen for CP v2 should state the correct version of WP from which it was forked.

Current behavior

About screen says:

About ClassicPress

ClassicPress is a fork of the ClassicPress 4.9 branch, including the battle-tested and proven classic editor interface using TinyMCE.

Possible solution

Correct version number

Steps to reproduce bug

Update CP to latest version and read the About screen.


Tested on updates

ClassicPress version


PHP version


Can you help?

I can help test a solution

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