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nock's Issues

Potential issue with nock recorder

When simply calling

nock = require 'nock'

When I run my tests I get:

TypeError: Cannot call method 'apply' of undefined

This is line 64 of recorder.js and is due to the callback function being undefined.

This is a strange error, has anyone seen it before?

Wrong body comparison for JSON

It seems like with this:

json bodies can now be specified. However, the recordings still use strings for them. Example:

.reply(200, "{"appName":"clitest67f3e332-a60c-436c-a459-232827f16732","name":"foobar","status":"disabled","intervalUnit":"minute","intervalPeriod":15,"startTime":"2013-04-02T18:46:54.897Z"}", { 'cache-control': 'no-cache',
pragma: 'no-cache',
'content-length': '176',
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
expires: '-1',
server: '33.0.6198.21 (rd_rdfe_stable.130329-1122) Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0',
'x-ms-servedbyregion': 'ussouth',
'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319',
'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET',
'x-ms-request-id': 'a72aa96c2fa247c5a3e2fca1719475af',
date: 'Tue, 02 Apr 2013 18:47:04 GMT' });
return result; },

What happens is that now the matching is broken. Seems like the issue is in the new match_body file.

When invoked with:

== body ==
type: string
value: {"intervalPeriod":2,"intervalUnit":"hour","startTime":"2013-04-02T18:46:54.897Z","status":"enabled"}

== spec ==
type: string
value: {"intervalPeriod":2,"intervalUnit":"hour","startTime":"2013-04-02T18:46:54.897Z","status":"enabled"}

It returns false :-/

And consequently, the test run gives:
Nock: No match for HTTP request PUT /db1ab6f0-4769-4b27-930e-01e2ef9c123c/services/mobileservices/mobileservices/clitest67f3e332-a60c-436c-a459-232827f16732/scheduler/jobs/foobar {"intervalPeriod":2,"intervalUnit":"hour","startTime":"2013-04-02T18:46:54.897Z","status":"enabled"}

Ideally this method should work properly in this case (Sounds like a bug) and the recordings could be smart enough to use the new json format.

Reply without body

It shouldn't be required to pass response body.


  var scope = nock('')

Persisting scopes don't actually persist unless defined twice

For example I have 3 calls to the Twitter API for verify_credentials.json

  .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/twitter.json');

With the above the first call is correctly intercepted and the other 2 are not intercepted. But if I add the call a second time like so

  .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/twitter.json')
  .replyWithFile(200, __dirname + '/twitter.json');

Then all 3 calls will be correctly intercepted.

nocked requests don't have request.path

Normal http requests (that are not mocked with nock) have a request.path property. Requests that get nocked do not have a request.path property.

The following sample code exhibits the difference between a normal request and a nocked request:

var http = require('http');
var nock = require('nock');

var options = {
  host: "",
  path: "/no/such/path"

var httpReq = http.request(options);

var scope = nock("")

var nockReq = http.request(options);

console.log(httpReq.path);  // => "/no/such/path"
console.log(nockReq.path); // => undefined

Support for http.ClientRequest#setHeader, #getHeader, #removeHeader

I'm developing a library to consume an HTTP API. I'm seeing the following error since adding an edge case that requires the usage of http.ClientRequest#setHeader:

     TypeError: Object #<EventEmitter> has no method 'setHeader'
      at [object Object].apiCall (/Users/james/Projects/urban-airship/lib/reques
t.js:112:9)      at [object Object].get (/Users/james/Projects/urban-airship/lib/request.js

The lines in question:

  if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {
    encodedData = JSON.stringify(data);

    req.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
    req.setHeader('content-length', encodedData.length);

    req.end(encodedData, 'utf8');
  } else {
    req.setHeader('content-length', 0);

Where req is an instance of http.ClientRequest.

a recording of a POST request has a duplicated request body if req.end(data) is called

When you record POST requests (or any other requests with request body), and use req.end(data) to send request data, the recording of the request will contain duplicated request body. For example, if the application calls req.end('ABC'), the recoding of the request body will be ABCABC and subsequently will not match the request during playback.

I believe the culprit is in These three lines are redundant, as the subsequent call to oldEnd in will eventually percolate to the overriden write method anyways.

Head Method

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'head'

Any reason not to support head?

Trying to get it working with restify's clients

Can't seem to get it working with restify's various clients, but mainly the json client. Below test shows the nock stub working fine with a plain http.request call, but in the second attempt -- using the same url/port and method -- the test hangs when making the request..

 http = require('http')
 nock = require 'nock'
 restify = require 'restify'

describe "Test mocks using nock", ->

it "should hit the mock when doing a POST to using plain http.request", (done) ->
  # nock.recorder.rec()

scope = nock('')
  .reply 200, 
    hello:'hello world'
    id: 1234

req = http.request 
  host: ''
  method: 'POST'
  path: '/'
  port: 1234
, (res) ->
  res.on 'data', (chunk) ->
    console.log 'data1: ' + chunk
  res.on 'end', () ->


it "should hit the mock when doing a POST to using restify json client", (done) ->
 # nock.recorder.rec()

scope = nock('')
  .reply 200, { hello: 'hello universe' }

api_client = restify.createJsonClient
  url: ''
  version: '*' '/', (err,req,res,data) ->
  console.log 'data: '+ data

console output:

Test mocks using nock
◦ should hit the mock when doing a POST to using plain http.request: data1:      {"hello":"hello world","id":1234}
✓ should hit the mock when doing a POST to using plain http.request 
1) should hit the mock when doing a POST to using restify json client

 ✖ 1 of 2 tests failed:

 1) Test mocks using nock should hit the mock when doing a POST to using restify json client:
 Error: timeout of 4000ms exceeded
  at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:158:14)
  at Timer.list.ontimeout (timers.js:101:19)

TypeError: Cannot call method 'listeners' of undefined in OverridenClientRequest

I'm trying a simple request, with nock catching, this seems to have broken recently am running Node v0.8.8.

Nock version: "0.13.3"
Request version: "2.11.0"

describe(".status", function() {
it("should fetch the device status", function(done) {
var scope = nock("")
.replyWithFile(200, __dirname + "/fixtures/lu_sdata.json");

  client.getStatus(function(error, response, result) {
    expect(result.model).toBe("MiCasaVerde VeraLite");


Client.prototype.getStatus = function(callback) {
var request_url = this.url + "/data_request?id=lu_sdata";
request({ url: request_url }, function (error, response, body) {
callback(error, response, JSON.parse(body));

if (response.connection.listeners('error').indexOf(self._parserErrorHandle
TypeError: Cannot call method 'listeners' of undefined
at OverridenClientRequest. (/home/kevin/Source/javascriptclient/node_modules/request/main.js:517:29)
at OverridenClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:88:17)
at end (/home/kevin/Source/javascript/client/node_modules/nock/lib/request_overrider.js:206:11)
at process.startup.processNextTick.process._tickCallback (node.js:244:9)

[recorder] Bad quoting of json strings

  .put('/v061_doc_cha/foobar', '"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"')
  .reply(201, "{\"ok\":true,\"id\":\"foobar\",\"rev\":\"1-4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e\"}\n", { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.1 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
  location: '',
  etag: '"1-4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e"',
  date: 'Fri, 02 Dec 2011 00:34:58 GMT',
  'content-type': 'application/json',
  'content-length': '69',
  'cache-control': 'must-revalidate' });

'"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"' should be '{"foo":"bar"}'

Cannot set property headerSent

When using node v0.4.12 with nock and jasmine-node, I receive the following error:

TypeError: Cannot set property headerSent of # which has only a getter
at new OverridenClientRequest (./node_modules/nock/lib/intercept.js:83:22)
at Object.request (./node_modules/nock/lib/intercept.js:138:15)

The single commit in my fork, which checks hasOwnProperty() in OverridenClientRequest, fixes this.

ENOTFOUND, Domain name not found

I ran into a problem while trying to use Nock in an existing node.js script that sends a request to a local node server.

I have reduced the problem to the code below. My server is running on localhost:5000.

Executing this will work:

http = require 'http'

options = 
  host: '',
  port: 5000,
  path: '/'

http.get options, (error, reply) ->
  console.log error
  console.log reply

But from the moment I require Nock, an error raises:

http = require 'http'
nock = require 'nock'

options = 
  host: '',
  port: 5000,
  path: '/'

http.get options, (error, reply) ->
  console.log error
  console.log reply

throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: ENOTFOUND, Domain name not found
at IOWatcher.callback (dns.js:74:15)

Nock Recorder Outputting code Missing Protocol

The recorder in nock does not output the URL protocol in the generated code when using 'http'. As a result, when trying to reuse the code in tests, and calling .done() on a nock-ed call, the test will fail.

For example, if we record the following call:

  var req = http.request({
      host: ""
    , path: '/'
    , port: 80
  }, function(res) {
     // whatever happens here

The following code is generated by the nock recorder:

  .reply(200, "<!doctype html><html itemscope=\"itemscope\" itemtype=\"\"><head><meta content=\"Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.\" name=\"description\"><meta content=\"noodp\" name=\"robots\"><meta itemprop=\"image\" content=\"/images/google_favicon_128.png\"><title>Google</title><script>(function(){\{kEI:\"HMsEUY7iGc7kigKXlYHQCQ\",getEI:function(a){for(var b;a&&(!a.getAttribute||!(b=a.getAttribute(\"eid\")));)a=a.parentNode;return b||google.kEI},https:function(){return\"https:\"==window.location.protocol},kEXPI:\"17259,18167,39523,39977,4000116,4001569,4001959,4001975,4002001,4002378,4002436,4002523,4002562,4002700,4002858,4002928,4003035,4003053,4003104,4003215,4003225,4003316,4003318,4003335,4003340,4003387,4003437,4003510,4003518,4003654\",kCSI:{e:\"17259,18167,39523,39977,4000116,4001569,4001959,4001975,4002001,4002378,4002436,4002523,4002562,4002700,4002858,4002928,4003035,4003053,4003104,4003215,4003225,4003316,4003318,4003335,4003340,4003387,4003437,4003510,4003518,4003654\",ei:\"HMsEUY7iGc7kigKXlYHQCQ\"},authuser:0,ml:function(){},kHL:\"en\",time:function(){return(new Date).getTime()},log:function(a,\nb,c,i){var d=new Image,,,g=\"\";d.onerror=d.onload=d.onabort=function(){delete f[e]};f[e]=d;!c&&\"&ei=\")&&(g=\"&ei=\"+google.getEI(i));c=c||\"/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=\"+a+\"&cad=\"+b+g+\"&zx=\"+google.time();a=/^http:/i;a.test(c)&&google.https()?(\"GLMM\"),!1,{src:c}),delete 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  expires: '-1',
  'cache-control': 'private, max-age=0',
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   [ 'PREF=ID=64acdb01bb6414bd:FF=0:TM=1359268636:LM=1359268636:S=Xbza0PQd_o2cNH2J; expires=Tue, 27-Jan-2015 06:37:16 GMT; path=/;',
     'NID=67=nrAXvKbIMvA3042X2mbM1yUOp_4-eu_KrIPl8vIsCX00UG2wFVulXJNXAE35p_PUT2H0z-A1GckcEFAY_qgIr0JrTsKBHsYDLWzNRosoLpBvvzdBrZfifXaGj_ddkZL9; expires=Mon, 29-Jul-2013 06:37:16 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly' ],
  p3p: 'CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info."',
  server: 'gws',
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However, using it will fail to match, and output the following:

AssertionError: Mocks not yet satisfied:

You can recreate this problem in the tests. In the first test of test/test_intercept.js change the nock line:

  var scope = nock('')

Note the dropping of the protocol, matching the code generated by the recorder. The tests will fail after this change though!

I will be submitting a pull request correcting this.

Can't stub out host when requesting multiple urls for that host

When you stub out a host, any legitimate requests to that host (regardless of the path matching the actual stub or not) cause errors because no matching interception exists.

A quick example:

nock("http://localhost").get("/some/stubbed/path").reply(200, message)
request.get "http://localhost/", (err, res, body) ->
  # blah blah blah

This would throw the following error:

Error: Nock: No match for HTTP request GET / undefined

The problem is that the keys in the allInterceptors array done by host and a match triggers the processRequest function which errors out when no match exists.

I made a simple workaround here: 9330dd26e393ee52dec9c094099cc72e4915fb7c

Unfortunately it's not really complete and causes the tests to fail. A fix would be to check for a complete match before processing the request, but I can't find an easy way to do that. If I can get a better idea of what would be required, I would be happy to put together a pull request when I have some time.

Any plans for VCR-like automatic recording and playback?

I see that nock lets you record http responses, but it looks like the feature is more so that you can fill in the tests yourself. Is there any support for more VCR-like functionality for recording and playing back HTTP requests and responses?

var nock = require('nock')
  , request = require('request')
  , assert = require('assert')

describe('foo', function () {
  it('requests some data and does some stuff', function (done) {
    // load the recorded request from the filename
    // or save it there if it doesn't exist
    nock.vrc('vcr-filename', function () {
      request.get('', function (err, response, body) { assert(body == 'HURP DURP'); done(); });

It would eliminate the step of having to manually go in and fill out the mock http requests in each of your tests, and would make it much easier to drop in to an existing project.

[recorder] Body is being appended


$ node tests/att/get.js 

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

  .reply(201, "{\"ok\":true}\n", { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.1 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
  location: '',
  date: 'Thu, 01 Dec 2011 21:39:15 GMT',
  'content-type': 'application/json',
  'content-length': '12',
  'cache-control': 'must-revalidate' });

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

  .put('/v061_att_gea/new/att, "\"Hello\""')
  .reply(201, "{\"ok\":true,\"id\":\"new\",\"rev\":\"1-5142a2e74e1ec33e6e5b621418210283\"}\n", { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.1 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
  location: '',
  etag: '"1-5142a2e74e1ec33e6e5b621418210283"',
  date: 'Thu, 01 Dec 2011 21:39:16 GMT',
  'content-type': 'text/plain;charset=utf-8',
  'content-length': '66',
  'cache-control': 'must-revalidate' });

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

  .put('/v061_att_gea/new/att?rev=1-5142a2e74e1ec33e6e5b621418210283, "\"Hello\"BM:\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00006\u0000\u0000\u0000(\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000????\u0001\u0000\u0018\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000Zm?\u0000"')
  .reply(201, "{\"ok\":true,\"id\":\"new\",\"rev\":\"2-3b1f88c637fde74a486cf3ce5558b47e\"}\n", { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.1 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
  location: '',
  etag: '"2-3b1f88c637fde74a486cf3ce5558b47e"',
  date: 'Thu, 01 Dec 2011 21:39:16 GMT',
  'content-type': 'text/plain;charset=utf-8',
  'content-length': '66',
  'cache-control': 'must-revalidate' });

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

  .get('/v061_att_gea/new/att?rev=2-3b1f88c637fde74a486cf3ce5558b47e, "\"Hello\"BM:\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00006\u0000\u0000\u0000(\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000????\u0001\u0000\u0018\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000Zm?\u0000"')
  .reply(200, "BM:\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00006\u0000\u0000\u0000(\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000ÿÿÿÿ\u0001\u0000\u0018\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000Zm�\u0000", { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.1 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
  etag: '"2-3b1f88c637fde74a486cf3ce5558b47e"',
  date: 'Thu, 01 Dec 2011 21:39:17 GMT',
  'content-type': 'image/bmp',
  'content-md5': 'Ow9j2dR0Qm58Qi3z8p2w3A==',
  'content-length': '58',
  'cache-control': 'must-revalidate',
  'accept-ranges': 'bytes' });

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

# /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/tests/att/get.js
ok 1 (unnamed assert)
ok 2 should be equal

# tests 2
# pass  2

# ok

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

  .delete('/v061_att_gea, "\"Hello\"BM:\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00006\u0000\u0000\u0000(\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000????\u0001\u0000\u0018\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0013\u000b\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000Zm?\u0000"')
  .reply(200, "{\"ok\":true}\n", { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.1 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
  date: 'Thu, 01 Dec 2011 21:39:17 GMT',
  'content-type': 'application/json',
  'content-length': '12',
  'cache-control': 'must-revalidate' });

<<<<<<-- cut here -->>>>>>

Strange huh? Body is always appended and always appears even in get requests.

getaddrinfo() error on osx

When I use nock in OSX (10.8.1 w/ macports), it does not work & i get this error message when using an https host :

  • nock is 0.13.4
  • node is 0.8.8

Any idea?

allowUnmocked + https not working

nock = require 'nock'
request = require 'request'

scope = nock('', { allowUnmocked: true }).get("/abc").reply(200, "Hey!")

request { uri: '' }, (err, resp, body) ->
  console.log resp.statusCode


Error: Nock: No match for HTTP request GET / 

the code works if you use http instead of https!

Mocking on proxying

Hy everyone. I'm building a proxy to forward some requests to a set of services.
The code I wrote is pretty simple and works just fine.

var nock = require('nock');
var http = require('http');
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');

var config = {
  'devices':   'localhost:3000/devices',
  'types':     'localhost:3001/types',
  'locations': 'localhost:3002/locations'

var options = {
  router: {
    'localhost/devices':   config.devices,
    'localhost/types':     config.types,
    'localhost/locations': config.locations,

var server = httpProxy.createServer(options).listen(8000);

The problem comes while trying to test it. I wanted to mock the http requests to the proxies services using nock, but somehow I'm not able to catch the requests. This is the code.

var nock    = require('nock');
var http    = require('http');
var request = require('request');

describe('when requires a resource', function() {

  var fixture = __dirname + '/fixtures/devices.json';
  var scope = nock('http://localhost:3000').get('/devices').replyWithFile('201', fixture);

  it('keeps status code', function(done) { 
    request('http://localhost:8000/devices', function(error, res, body) {

As you can see I call the running proxy server, which in turn proxy the request to the correct service. The problem is that the proxiest request is executed, and so, I can't test it. Am I missing something?

https support

It would be really helpful if https requests could be mocked too. Thanks for creating this amazing package.

Hook nock up on

It would be great if nock would be tested on It's free and supports node, and can be set up in 5 minutes.

[nock] Repeating URIS

Sometimes a request will give different answers according to if that happened before.


PUT NUNO foo -> OK


GET DB bar -> 404
PUT DB bar -> 201
GET DB bar -> 200

It should be possible to express this is nock. For the first request answer foo, for the second answer bar.

Real life example of code I hate to deprecate here: apache/nano@bb3f563

By the way watching a movie about the doors. Damn I'm tired :)

POST data with different ordered keys

e.g. this fails.

  .post('/like-wtf', {
    foo: 'bar',
    bar: 'foo'

  body: {
    bar: 'foo',
    foo: 'bar'
}, function () {


> 1 nock scopes, global intercept problems

I noticed that in my tests using nock, if one test failed to fulfill an expectation, subsequent tests that set up the same expectation would fail, because the requests were being hijacked by a lingering intercept from the previous test. I wrote a test that demonstrates:

tap.test("scopes are independent", function(t) {
  var scope1 = nock('')
    .reply(200, "Hello World!");
  var scope2 = nock('')
    .reply(200, "Hello World!");

  var req = http.request({
      host: ""
    , path: '/'
    , port: 80
  }, function(res) {
    res.on('end', function() {
      t.ok(scope2.isDone()); // fails


What's your preferred way to fix this?

  • One intercepted request could fulfill expectations from multiple scopes (in other words, the above test would pass without modification).

  • nock.restore() could clear out whatever is hanging around to cause this. Test would change to something like this:

    tap.test("scopes are independent", function(t) {
    var scope1 = nock(/*...*/);
    var scope2 = nock(/*...*/);
    var req = http.request({
    }, function(res) {
      res.on('end', function() {
  • Similar to the previous option, but give the duty to a new method rather than restore.


All my nock tests look like this:

if(process.env.NOCK) {

I would propose to make this a feature of nock:

var nock = require('nock');

Error: Nock: No match for HTTP request (should be matching)

Hey guys, I'm having trouble with matched requests. I'm seeing Error: Nock: No match for HTTP request GET /1.1/users/lookup.json?user_id=&screen_name=lefnire, yet that exact URL is nocked in my code. It's weird because using .log(console.log) I see the Error: Nock: No matches, then at the end see AssertionError: Mocks not yet satisfied with all the previous no-matches verbatim.

Here's my code (stripped everything not relevant), and here's my error.

Allow mocking at a lower level than json

I would like to use the verbatim output of curl, including all the headers, store that in a file and use it to mock a request. Right now it seems that this is not possible (I might be mistaken)

The reason for this is that I am doing a lot of API, Oauth2 work that requires certain content present in header fields, and the only way to correctly test this is to use the exact output from curl (everything else seems to be prone to error).

Accept string as http request target

The Issue

Http allows to simply give the string of a URL instead of providing host, hostname, etc. separately. It would be great if you could add support for this with nock.

The Test

tap.test("accept string as request target", function(t) {
  var scope = nock('')
    .reply(200, "Hello World!");
  var req = http.get('', function(res) {
    t.equal(res.statusCode, 200);
    res.on('end', function() {
    res.on('data', function(data) {
      dataCalled = true;
      t.ok(data instanceof Buffer, "data should be buffer");
      t.equal(data.toString(), "Hello World!", "response should match");

Problem trying to intercept a request

Sorry if that is not the best to ask this.

But i am trying to use nock to mock the Shopify´s API, then i have some like this to get all blogs from a shop:

class Blog
  constructor: (key, pass, shop) ->
    throw new Error 'Blog missing parameters' if not pass? or not key? or not shop?
    @options =
      host: "http://#{key}:#{pass}@#{shop}"
      port: 80
      method: "GET"
      path: '/admin/blogs.json'

  all: (cb) ->
    req = request @options, (res) ->
      response = ""
      res.on 'data', (data) ->
        response += data
      res.on 'end', ->
        error = new Error 'Request Error #{res.statusCode}' unless res.statusCode is 200
        process.nextTick ->
          cb(error, JSON.parse(response))

And parts of my testing they are some like this:

describe 'Receive a list of all Blogs', ->
    before ->
      @fixture = loadFixture 'blog/blogs'
      @api = nock "https://#{KEY}:#{PASSWORD}@#{STORE}"
      @blog = new Blog KEY, PASSWORD, STORE

    it 'should be possible get a list of all blog like an Array', (done) ->
      @api.get('/admin/blogs.json').reply(200, @fixture)
      @blog.all (err, blogs) =>
        @api.done() Object

Sorry but i dont know what is wrong in my code, because allways get the response from the real server. But i need that my calls they are intercepting by nock to response my @fixture arrays of blogs.

Again sorry for ask that here.

Port Support

Are ports supported or should all mocks be on 80 by default?

I've noticed some issues on nock not intercepting on when you specify :port

isDone() working with mikeal/request?

I'm using mikeal/request with nock, and running this sample code doesn't pass:

nock = require 'nock'
request = require 'request'
expect = require('chai').expect

describe 'hello', ->
it 'hello', (done) ->
n = nock('')
.reply(200, 'hello world')
m = {url: ''}, (err, res, body) ->
console.log body

However, when I use https or http, it passes. Can anyone else reproduce this, or is this just an issue on my end?

Also want to add that if I change the expect to equal false, it does pass and "hello world" is indeed printed so nock does seem to catch the request, but it's still flagged as not done.

EDIT: It seems that the isDone() is running before it finishes maybe, which is weird since http works so I'll have to look into this a little more.

Is there a way to skip asserting the request body?

I was working on the new jitsu tests (nock is fabulous for this btw), and I came across an interesting situation when trying to mock snapshot uploads here:

What happens here is that jitsu tries to post a snapshot using content-type chunked, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to specify a request body in such a way that nock is cool with it.

You can see some of the errors I was getting here:

The easiest thing for me would be to tell nock to accept any request body, but if I can figure out how to make it handle a chunked body (copy-pasting the string-encoded .tgz didn't help) I'd be happy with that as well.

Any ideas?

Stream file on `replyWithFile`

It would be more efficient if instead of buffering the entire file contents in sync, nock would stream the file through response.

Response could be truly pipeable. Currently it only emits one data event.

Not able to test a POST request with or without body

I've been trying to do this:

claim_req = Nock("http://uri", allowUnmocked: true)
              .post("/claim", {some_data: "something"})

I expected it to be caught, but it didn't. So I did a little digging around.

The method called matchIndependentOfBody actually tries to match with the body. This line: does this: 'POST http://uri/claim:80 "{\"some_data\":\"something\"}"' === 'POST http://uri/claim:80' because this._key is already set with the body. Therefore the request is not intercepted.

Now if I remove the body, matchIndependentOfBody returns true, but later on, it doesn't match the interceptor because in another method named match ( it tries to match again, but this time with the body (

With or without a body, it doesn't work. I've also tried what's in the protip section of the readme, but the same result happens.

Am I doing something wrong?

Idea: Auto nock

Simply require nock and all should work.

Nock could save tests on the first run to the file system. Then replay wouldn't be done cause it was nocked.

A way to invalidate bad results would be necessary, so max a user would do is


Most recent version breaks in nano

> [email protected] test /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano
> ./node_modules/ensure/bin/tap.js tests/*/*.js

ok destroy.js ....................... 4/4
ok get.js ........................... 3/3
ok insert.js ........................ 4/4
ok pipe.js .......................... 2/2
ok update.js ........................ 4/4
ok changes.js ....................... 4/4
ok compact.js ....................... 4/4
ok create.js ........................ 3/3
ok destroy.js ....................... 3/3
ok get.js ........................... 5/5
ok list.js .......................... 3/3
ok replicate.js ..................... 4/4
ok bulk.js .......................... 5/5
ok destroy.js ....................... 5/5
not ok get.js ...................... 9/10
    Command: "node" "get.js"
    ok 1 No excs
    ok 2 I got rev
    ok 3 My id is foo
    ok 4 My foo is bar
    not ok 5 Nock is done
        file:   /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js
        line:   165
        column: 11
          - getCaller (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:370:17)
          - Function.assert (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:17:16)
          - Test._testAssert [as ok] (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-test/test.js:86:16)
          - /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/tests/doc/get.js:84:10
          - Request._callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js:165:11)
          - Request.callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:108:22)
          - Request.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:468:18)
          - Request.emit (events.js:67:17)
          - EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:429:16)
          - EventEmitter.emit (events.js:64:17)
        unique: 4
    ok 6 Err, not here
    ok 7 Got revs info
    ok 8 Id is food
    ok 9 Bar is in foo
    ok 10 Nock is done

    # tests 10
    # pass  9
    # fail  1

ok insert.js ...................... 10/10
not ok list.js .................... 11/14
    Command: "node" "list.js"
    ok 1 No err
    ok 2 3 Rows
    ok 3 Got rows
    not ok 4 Nock is done
        file:   /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js
        line:   165
        column: 11
          - getCaller (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:370:17)
          - Function.assert (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:17:16)
          - Test._testAssert [as ok] (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-test/test.js:86:16)
          - /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/tests/doc/list.js:168:10
          - Request._callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js:165:11)
          - Request.callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:108:22)
          - Request.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:468:18)
          - Request.emit (events.js:67:17)
          - EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:429:16)
          - EventEmitter.emit (events.js:64:17)
        unique: 3
    ok 5 Not Err
    ok 6 One Row
    ok 7 Out of 3
    ok 8 I got Rows
    not ok 9 Nock is done
        file:   /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js
        line:   165
        column: 11
          - getCaller (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:370:17)
          - Function.assert (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:17:16)
          - Test._testAssert [as ok] (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-test/test.js:86:16)
          - /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/tests/doc/list.js:193:10
          - Request._callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js:165:11)
          - Request.callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:108:22)
          - Request.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:468:18)
          - Request.emit (events.js:67:17)
          - EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:429:16)
          - EventEmitter.emit (events.js:64:17)
        unique: 8
    ok 10 No errs
    ok 11 Two rows returned
    ok 12 Out of 3
    ok 13 That means we got rows
    not ok 14 Nock is done
        file:   /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js
        line:   165
        column: 11
          - getCaller (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:370:17)
          - Function.assert (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-assert/assert.js:17:16)
          - Test._testAssert [as ok] (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/ensure/node_modules/tap/node_modules/tap-test/test.js:86:16)
          - /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/tests/doc/list.js:214:10
          - Request._callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/nano.js:165:11)
          - Request.callback (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:108:22)
          - Request.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:468:18)
          - Request.emit (events.js:67:17)
          - EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/node_modules/request/main.js:429:16)
          - EventEmitter.emit (events.js:64:17)
        unique: 13

    # tests 14
    # pass  11
    # fail  3

ok update.js ........................ 5/5
ok create.js ........................ 0/0
ok delete.js ........................ 0/0
ok cfg.js ......................... 19/19
ok error.js ......................... 8/8
ok nano.js .......................... 2/2
ok compact.js ....................... 3/3
ok multi-document-fetch.js .......... 5/5
ok query.js ......................... 6/6
total ........................... 157/161

not ok


info it worked if it ends with ok
verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'test' ]
info using [email protected]
info using [email protected]
verbose config file /Users/dscape/.npmrc
verbose config file /usr/local/etc/npmrc
verbose config file /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc
silly testEngine { name: 'nano',
silly testEngine   description: 'minimalistic couchdb driver for node.js',
silly testEngine   homepage: '',
silly testEngine   repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine   version: '1.1.0',
silly testEngine   author: 
silly testEngine    { name: 'Nuno Job',
silly testEngine      email: '[email protected]',
silly testEngine      url: '' },
silly testEngine   contributors: 
silly testEngine    [ { name: 'Thiago Arrais',
silly testEngine        email: '[email protected]',
silly testEngine        url: '' },
silly testEngine      { name: 'Derek Perez',
silly testEngine        email: '[email protected]',
silly testEngine        url: '' },
silly testEngine      { name: 'Patrick Heneise', url: '' },
silly testEngine      { name: 'Artur Konarski', url: '' },
silly testEngine      { name: 'Pedro Teixeira',
silly testEngine        email: '[email protected]',
silly testEngine        url: '' } ],
silly testEngine   keywords: 
silly testEngine    [ 'couchdb',
silly testEngine      'data',
silly testEngine      'request',
silly testEngine      'json',
silly testEngine      'nosql',
silly testEngine      'micro',
silly testEngine      'nano',
silly testEngine      'database' ],
silly testEngine   dependencies: { request: '2.9.3', underscore: '1.2.3' },
silly testEngine   devDependencies: 
silly testEngine    { async: '0.1.15',
silly testEngine      ensure: '0.4.6',
silly testEngine      nock: '*',
silly testEngine      'tap-runner': '0.0.7',
silly testEngine      'tap-producer': '0.0.1',
silly testEngine      tap: '0.1.3',
silly testEngine      inherits: '1.0.0',
silly testEngine      yamlish: '0.0.2',
silly testEngine      slide: '1.1.3' },
silly testEngine   scripts: { test: './node_modules/ensure/bin/tap.js tests/*/*.js' },
silly testEngine   main: './nano.js',
silly testEngine   engines: { node: '>=0.3.6' },
silly testEngine   _npmUser: { name: 'dscape', email: '[email protected]' },
silly testEngine   _id: '[email protected]',
silly testEngine   _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine   _npmVersion: '1.0.106',
silly testEngine   _nodeVersion: 'v0.6.1',
silly testEngine   _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano/package.json
verbose loadDefaults [email protected]
verbose run-script [ 'pretest', 'test', 'posttest' ]
info pretest [email protected]
info test [email protected]
verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
silly exec sh "-c" "./node_modules/ensure/bin/tap.js tests/*/*.js"
silly spawning [ 'sh',
silly spawning   [ '-c', './node_modules/ensure/bin/tap.js tests/*/*.js' ],
silly spawning   '/Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano' ]
info [email protected] Failed to exec test script
ERR! [email protected] test: `./node_modules/ensure/bin/tap.js tests/*/*.js`
ERR! `sh "-c" "./node_modules/ensure/bin/tap.js tests/*/*.js"` failed with 4
ERR! Failed at the [email protected] test script.
ERR! This is most likely a problem with the nano package,
ERR! not with npm itself.
ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
ERR!     ./node_modules/ensure/bin/tap.js tests/*/*.js
ERR! You can get their info via:
ERR!     npm owner ls nano
ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
ERR! System Darwin 11.2.0
ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "test"
ERR! cwd /Users/dscape/Desktop/dev/nano
ERR! node -v v0.6.1
ERR! npm -v 1.0.106
verbose exit [ 1, true ]

query strings and ordering

I'm having some trouble with query strings. I wish to intercept a path like '/path/load' which can accept multiple parameters, like '?b=123&a=456'. The trouble is that "a" "b" could be in any order (since it'd still be a valid URL). Is there some way I could do parameter matching like the POST request using an object map instead of constructing this string?

allowUnmocked + POST requests not working

nock('', { allowUnmocked: true }).get("/abc").reply(200, "Hey!");

var options = {
  method: 'post',
  uri: '',
  json: { some: 'data' }
request(options, function(err, resp, body) {
  console.log(resp.statusCode, body);

The console.log is never run. The same code works if you do any of the following:

  • remove allowUnmocked: true
  • change the request to a 'get' on '/' with no body

Not working #filteringRequestBody


I'm trying to use the #filteringRequestBody method but it doesn't work. Actually I tried both the function and regexp version without results. Here my code.

request = nock('')
          .filteringRequestBody(/"nonce":"[^"]*/g, '"nonce":"30e7f667"')
          .matchHeader('X-Physical-Signature', signature)
          .put('/physicals/1', {'properties': {}, 'nonce': '30e7f667'})

I also tried with the function method as my regexp skills are a disaster, but nothing.

request = nock('')
          .filteringRequestBody(function(path) {
             return {'properties': {}, 'nonce': '30e7f667'};
          .matchHeader('X-Physical-Signature', signature)
          .put('/physicals/1', {'properties': {}, 'nonce': '30e7f667'})

What I want to do is to replace the nonce param (from JSON) to a fixed one. Unluckily it doesn't change and i get back the following message where I can see how the nonce is not updated.

Error: Nock: No match for HTTP request PUT /physicals/1 

Am I missing something?
Thanks a lot

Incorrect verbs when generating recordings

Right now recordings generate code that, among other things, include a builder pattern with a function that is named after the HTTP verb. The problem is that the scope may not support that verb.


.filteringRequestBody(function (path) { return '';})
.merge('/tableservice12(PartitionKey=%27part1%27,RowKey=%27row1%27)', '
.reply(204, "", { 'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-length': '0',
date: 'Thu, 21 Feb 2013 00:30:56 GMT' });

A better solution would be to generate (at least for the ones that are not trivial / supported) the recordings with a generic http verb processing mechanism.


.request('merge', 'tableservice12' foobar)

Nock + Request + replyWithFile

I'm having an issue mocking a request using Request ( where I'm making multiple chained requests

scope = nock('http://localhost:3000)
  .replyWithFile(__dirname + '../support/example.html')
  .replyWithFile(__dirname + '../support/example2.html')

request url ->
  request url ->

The second request won't get processed for some reason I have yet to figure out. Changing replyWithFile with reply and using readFile produces the correct results, so perhaps it has something to do with streaming? I will try to reproduce it separately.

matchHeader and multiple headers don't to play well together.

Some headers can be set multiple times on a request, I believe node supports this by allowing header values to be arrays.

Unless there's an undocumented feature I'm missing matchHeader won't work because of this snippet:

      var checkHeaders = function(header) {
        return options.getHeader( === header.value;

I think changing it to the following should be sufficient:

      var checkHeaders = function(header) {
        var value = options.getHeader(
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          return value.indexOf(header.value) != -1
        } else {
          return value == header.value


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