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callings-nf's Introduction


A Nextflow pipeline for Variant Calling Analysis with NGS RNA-Seq data based on GATK best practices.

nextflow Build Status


Install Nextflow by using the following command:

curl -s | bash 

Download the Docker image with this command (optional) :

docker pull cbcrg/callings-nf:gatk4

Launch the pipeline execution with the following command:

nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF -profile docker

Note: the Docker image contains all the required dependencies. Add the -profile docker to enable the containerised execution to the example command line shown below.

Pipeline Description

The RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data, in additional to the expression information, can be used to obtain somatic variants present in the genes of the analysed organism. The CalliNGS-NF pipeline processes RNAseq data to obtain small variants(SNVs), single polymorphisms (SNPs) and small INDELs (insertions, deletions). The pipeline is an implementation of the GATK best practices for variant calling on RNAseq and includes all major steps of the analysis, link.

In addition to the GATK best practics, the pipeline includes steps to compare obtained SNVs with known variants and to calculate allele specific counts for the overlapped SNVs.

Input files

The CalliNGS-NF pipeline needs as the input following files:

  • RNAseq reads, *.fastq
  • Genome assembly, *.fa
  • Known variants, *.vcf
  • Denylisted regions of the genome, *.bed

The RNAseq read file names should match the following naming convention: sampleID{1,2}_{1,2}.extension


  • sampleID is the identifier of the sample;
  • the first number 1 or 2 is the replicate ID;
  • the second number 1 or 2 is the read pair in the paired-end samples;
  • extension is the read file name extension eg. fq, fq.gz, fastq.gz, etc.

example: ENCSR000COQ1_2.fastq.gz.

Pipeline parameters


  • Specifies the location of the reads FASTQ file(s).
  • Multiple files can be specified using the usual wildcards (*, ?), in this case make sure to surround the parameter string value by single quote characters (see the example below)
  • By default it is set to the CalliNGS-NF's location: $baseDir/data/reads/rep1_{1,2}.fq.gz
  • See above for naming convention of samples, replicates and pairs read files.


$ nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF --reads '/home/dataset/*_{1,2}.fq.gz'


  • The location of the genome fasta file.
  • It should end in .fa.
  • By default it is set to the CalliNGS-NF's location: $baseDir/data/genome.fa.


$ nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF --genome /home/user/my_genome/human.fa


  • The location of the known variants VCF file.
  • It should end in .vcf or vcf.gz.
  • By default it is set to the CalliNGS-NF's location: $baseDir/data/known_variants.vcf.gz.


$ nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF --variants /home/user/data/variants.vcf

--denylist (formely --blacklist)

  • The location of the denylisted genome regions in bed format.
  • It should end in .bed.
  • By default it is set to the CalliNGS-NF's location: $baseDir/data/denylist.bed.


$ nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF --denylist /home/user/data/denylisted_regions.bed


  • Specifies the folder where the results will be stored for the user.
  • It does not matter if the folder does not exist.
  • By default is set to CalliNGS-NF's folder: results


$ nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF --results /home/user/my_results

Pipeline results

For each sample the pipeline creates a folder named sampleID inside the directory specified by using the --results command line option (default: results). Here is a brief description of output files created for each sample:

file description
final.vcf somatic SNVs called from the RNAseq data
diff.sites_in_files comparison of the SNVs from RNAseq data with the set of known variants
known_snps.vcf SNVs that are common between RNAseq calls and known variants
ASE.tsv allele counts at a positions of SNVs (only for common SNVs)
AF.histogram.pdf a histogram plot for allele frequency (only for common SNVs)

Schematic Outline



Note: CalliNGS-NF can be used without a container engine by installing in your system all the required software components reported in the following section. See the included Dockerfile for the configuration details.


CalliNGS-NF uses the following software components and tools:

  • Java 8
  • Samtools 1.3.1
  • Vcftools 0.1.14
  • STAR 2.5.2b
  • GATK 4.1
  • R 3.1.1
  • Awk
  • Perl
  • Grep

callings-nf's People


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callings-nf's Issues

picard.jar not found

nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF --gatk /home/ubuntu/tools/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.04.1
Launching CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF [curious_kilby] - revision: 8416386 [master]
C A L L I N G S - N F v 1.0

genome : /home/ubuntu/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/genome.fa
reads : /home/ubuntu/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/reads/rep1_{1,2}.fq.gz
variants : /home/ubuntu/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/known_variants.vcf.gz
blacklist: /home/ubuntu/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/blacklist.bed
results : results
gatk : /home/ubuntu/tools/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
[warm up] executor > local
executor > local (4)
[b0/9254bf] process > 1D_prepare_vcf_file [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[6c/73da36] process > 1B_prepare_genome_picard [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[28/6cc9ac] process > 1C_prepare_star_genome_index [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[7f/0b0c2c] process > 1A_prepare_genome_samtools [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
WARN: Killing pending tasks (3)
ERROR ~ Error executing process > '1B_prepare_genome_picard (genome)'

Caused by:
Process 1B_prepare_genome_picard (genome) terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

PICARD=which picard.jar
java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary R= genome.fa O= genome.dict

Command exit status:

Command output:

Work dir:

Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command bash

-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
(base) ubuntu$ which picard
(base) ubuntu$ which picard.jar
(base) ubuntu$

denylisted genome file

I am working on a project that requires us to test a couple of pipelines and really interested in incorporating this similar pipeline. I am however unaware of what the 'denylisted genome' file would be and its importance in this type of work. Someone help me understand this. thanks.
In addition, the link '' to the documentation of the gatk workflow is invalid, kindly work on that as well.

The on-the-fly two-pass option could be used to avoid the genome regeneration step

According to the STAR manual...

8.3 2-pass mapping with re-generated genome.

This is the original 2-pass method which involves genome re-generation step in-between 1st and 2nd
passes. Since 2.4.1a, it is recommended to use the on the fly 2-pass options as described above.

It seems to say that genome regeneration is not recommended.

8.1 Multi-sample 2-pass mapping.
For a study with multiple samples, it is recommended to collect 1st pass junctions from all samples.

  1. Run 1st mapping pass for all samples with "usual" parameters. Using annotations is recommended either a the genome generation step, or mapping step.
  2. Run 2nd mapping pass for all samples , listing files from all samples in --sjdbFileChrStartEnd /path/to/ /path/to/ ....

Honestly, I am not sure what 2-pass mapping is, but maybe the following script can be improved by omitting the genome re-generation.


Lines 113 to 142 in 6492702

# ngs-nf-dev Align reads to genome
STAR --genomeDir $genomeDir \
--readFilesIn $reads \
--runThreadN $task.cpus \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--outFilterType BySJout \
--alignSJoverhangMin 8 \
--alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
--outFilterMismatchNmax 999
# 2nd pass (improve alignmets using table of splice junctions and create a new index)
mkdir genomeDir
STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir genomeDir \
--genomeFastaFiles $genome \
--sjdbFileChrStartEnd \
--sjdbOverhang 75 \
--runThreadN $task.cpus
# Final read alignments
STAR --genomeDir genomeDir \
--readFilesIn $reads \
--runThreadN $task.cpus \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--outFilterType BySJout \
--alignSJoverhangMin 8 \
--alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
--outFilterMismatchNmax 999 \
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--outSAMattrRGline ID:$replicateId LB:library PL:illumina PU:machine SM:GM12878

Error: Unable to access jarfile /scratch/oknjav001/transcriptomics/proteogenomics/variabtcalling/gatk/gatk3.7/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar

I am getting the following error. Can you please help with this
Error executing process > '3_rnaseq_gatk_splitNcigar (rep1)'

Caused by:
Process 3_rnaseq_gatk_splitNcigar (rep1) terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

SplitNCigarReads and reassign mapping qualities

java -jar /scratch/oknjav001/transcriptomics/proteogenomics/variabtcalling/gatk/gatk3.7/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SplitNCigarReads -R genome.fa -I Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -o spli
t.bam -rf ReassignOneMappingQuality -RMQF 255 -RMQT 60 -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS --fix_misencoded_quality_scores

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error:
Error: Unable to access jarfile /scratch/oknjav001/transcriptomics/proteogenomics/variabtcalling/gatk/gatk3.7/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar

Work dir:

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option -resume to the run command line

Implement support for GATK4

Callings should be upgraded to support GTAK4. Unfortunately the new GATK version is not command line compatible with the previous version.

Using GATK4 the process 3_rnaseq_gatk_splitNcigar returns the following error:

 org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException: '-T' is not a valid command.

To replicate the error run the pipeline with the gatk4 profile, eg:

nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF -profile gatk4

containerOverrides for AWS BATCH

I am running CalliNGS workflow using AWS BATCH on AWS Sagemaker using AWS s3 storage drives. I am using the following containerOverides:

        'command': [
            "s3://{0}/{1}".format(workflowBucket, workflowFolderPrefix),
            "--reads", "s3://nextflowdataegenesis1/RNASeq_workflow/payload_9/raw_fastq_test1/1839-{1,2}_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz",
            "--genome", "s3://nextflowdataegenesis1/RNASeq_workflow/payload_9/reference_test1/Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa",
            "--variants", "s3://ngsexperiments/processed_data/WGS_Payload_9_pigs_05_2019/1839_Huck/1839_PL9_sample_short_reads_raw.snps.indels.vcf",
            "--results", "s3://nextflowdataegenesis/RNASeq_workflow/results_payload_9/output_RNASeq_variants_payload_9/1839_Huck"

I am getting the following error:

Waiting for head job to start...
Head job is running...
s3://nextflow1/scripts --reads s3://payload_9/raw_fastq_test1/1839-{1,2}_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz --genome s3://nextflow/RNASeq/payload_9/reference_test1/Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa --variants s3://ngsexperiments/processed_data/WGS_Payload_9_pigs_05_2019/1839_Huck/1839_PL9_sample_short_reads_raw.snps.indels.vcf --results s3://nextflow1/RNASeq_workflow/results_payload_9/output_RNASeq_variants_payload_9/1839_Huck
Transitioning to Nextflow
nextflow run ./ --reads s3://nextflow/RNASeq/payload_9/raw_fastq_test1/1839-{1,2}_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz --genome s3://nextflow/RNASeq/payload_9/reference_test1/Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa --variants s3://ngsexperiments/processed_data/WGS_Payload_9_pigs_05_2019/1839_Huck/1839_PL9_sample_short_reads_raw.snps.indels.vcf --results s3://nextflow1/RNASeq_workflow/results_payload_9/output_RNASeq_variants_payload_9/1839_Huck
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 19.04.0
Launching `./` [fervent_shockley] - revision: ee02720434
C A L L I N G S  -  N F    v 1.0 
genome   : s3://nextflow/RNASeq/payload_9/reference_test1/Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa
reads    : s3://nextflow/RNASeq/payload_9/raw_fastq_test1/1839-{1,2}_R{1,2}_001.fastq.gz
variants : s3://ngsexperiments/processed_data/WGS_Payload_9_pigs_05_2019/1839_Huck/1839_PL9_sample_short_reads_raw.snps.indels.vcf
blacklist: /opt/work/aa6904a6-b74e-4350-a1c5-e631aebfa737/1/data/blacklist.bed
results  : s3://nextflow1/RNASeq_workflow/results_payload_9/output_RNASeq_variants_payload_9/1839_Huck
gatk     : /opt/work/aa6904a6-b74e-4350-a1c5-e631aebfa737/1/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
Uploading local `bin` scripts folder to s3://nextflow1/dharm_nextflow_logs/runs/tmp/49/0dbd091c08849fbb2c2adcdd095920/bin
executor >  awsbatch (4)
[f6/1503b6] process > 1C_prepare_star_genome_index [  0%] 0 of 1
[ff/3f1fef] process > 1B_prepare_genome_picard     [  0%] 0 of 1
[a4/92c1de] process > 1D_prepare_vcf_file          [  0%] 0 of 1
[3f/a4a3d4] process > 1A_prepare_genome_samtools   [  0%] 0 of 1
Head job FAILED
executor >  awsbatch (4)
[f6/1503b6] process > 1C_prepare_star_genome_index [  0%] 0 of 1
[ff/3f1fef] process > 1B_prepare_genome_picard     [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[a4/92c1de] process > 1D_prepare_vcf_file          [  0%] 0 of 1
[3f/a4a3d4] process > 1A_prepare_genome_samtools   [  0%] 0 of 1
ERROR ~ Error executing process > '1B_prepare_genome_picard (Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN)'
Caused by:
  Process `1B_prepare_genome_picard (Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN)` terminated with an error exit status (137)
Command executed:
  PICARD=`which picard.jar`
  java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary R= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa O= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
  [Thu May 16 14:32:17 UTC 2019] picard.sam.CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa OUTPUT=Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict    TRUNCATE_NAMES_AT_WHITESPACE=true NUM_SEQUENCES=2147483647 VERBOSITY=INFO QUIET=false VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=STRICT COMPRESSION_LEVEL=5 MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=500000 CREATE_INDEX=false CREATE_MD5_FILE=false GA4GH_CLIENT_SECRETS=client_secrets.json
  [Thu May 16 14:32:17 UTC 2019] Executing as root@ip-10-68-96-187 on Linux 4.14.101-75.76.amzn1.x86_64 amd64; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_121-b13; Picard version: 2.9.0-1-gf5b9f50-SNAPSHOT line 3:   106 Killed                  java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary R= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa O= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict
Work dir:
Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`
 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
executor >  awsbatch (4)
[f6/1503b6] process > 1C_prepare_star_genome_index [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[ff/3f1fef] process > 1B_prepare_genome_picard     [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[a4/92c1de] process > 1D_prepare_vcf_file          [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[3f/a4a3d4] process > 1A_prepare_genome_samtools   [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
WARN: Killing pending tasks (3)
ERROR ~ Error executing process > '1B_prepare_genome_picard (Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN)'
Caused by:
  Process `1B_prepare_genome_picard (Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN)` terminated with an error exit status (137)
Command executed:
  PICARD=`which picard.jar`
  java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary R= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa O= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
  [Thu May 16 14:32:17 UTC 2019] picard.sam.CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa OUTPUT=Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict    TRUNCATE_NAMES_AT_WHITESPACE=true NUM_SEQUENCES=2147483647 VERBOSITY=INFO QUIET=false VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=STRICT COMPRESSION_LEVEL=5 MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=500000 CREATE_INDEX=false CREATE_MD5_FILE=false GA4GH_CLIENT_SECRETS=client_secrets.json
  [Thu May 16 14:32:17 UTC 2019] Executing as root@ip-10-68-96-187 on Linux 4.14.101-75.76.amzn1.x86_64 amd64; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_121-b13; Picard version: 2.9.0-1-gf5b9f50-SNAPSHOT line 3:   106 Killed                  java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary R= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa O= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict
Work dir:
Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`
 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
executor >  awsbatch (4)
[f6/1503b6] process > 1C_prepare_star_genome_index [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[ff/3f1fef] process > 1B_prepare_genome_picard     [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[a4/92c1de] process > 1D_prepare_vcf_file          [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[3f/a4a3d4] process > 1A_prepare_genome_samtools   [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
WARN: Killing pending tasks (3)
ERROR ~ Error executing process > '1B_prepare_genome_picard (Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN)'
Caused by:
  Process `1B_prepare_genome_picard (Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN)` terminated with an error exit status (137)
Command executed:
  PICARD=`which picard.jar`
  java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary R= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa O= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
  [Thu May 16 14:32:17 UTC 2019] picard.sam.CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa OUTPUT=Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict    TRUNCATE_NAMES_AT_WHITESPACE=true NUM_SEQUENCES=2147483647 VERBOSITY=INFO QUIET=false VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=STRICT COMPRESSION_LEVEL=5 MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=500000 CREATE_INDEX=false CREATE_MD5_FILE=false GA4GH_CLIENT_SECRETS=client_secrets.json
  [Thu May 16 14:32:17 UTC 2019] Executing as root@ip-10-68-96-187 on Linux 4.14.101-75.76.amzn1.x86_64 amd64; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_121-b13; Picard version: 2.9.0-1-gf5b9f50-SNAPSHOT line 3:   106 Killed                  java -jar $PICARD CreateSequenceDictionary R= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.fa O= Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa11.1.dna.toplevel_with_PL9_full_plus_pBACN.dict
Work dir:
Tip: you can replicate the issue by changing to the process work dir and entering the command `bash`
 -- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details

If you don't mind can you please let us know if I am using the right commnets and flags in containertOverrides or I am making some other mistake to run this on AWS Batch.


With Regards,

Error in SplitNCigarReads step


Thanks for developing and (maintaining?) this pipeline!
I tried to run it but ran into some issues . Do you have any ideas?

ERROR ~ Error executing process > '3_rnaseq_gatk_splitNcigar (S31)'

Caused by:
  Process `3_rnaseq_gatk_splitNcigar (S31)` terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

  # SplitNCigarReads and reassign mapping qualities
  java -jar /DATA/resources/gatk/GATK-3.7/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SplitNCigarReads           -R Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa -I Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam           -o split.bam           -rf ReassignOneMappingQuality           -RMQF 255 -RMQT 60           -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS           --fix_misencoded_quality_scores

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error:
  INFO  01:01:07,799 HelpFormatter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  INFO  01:01:07,801 HelpFormatter - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v3.7-0-gcfedb67, Compiled 2016/12/12 11:21:18
  INFO  01:01:07,801 HelpFormatter - Copyright (c) 2010-2016 The Broad Institute
  INFO  01:01:07,802 HelpFormatter - For support and documentation go to
  INFO  01:01:07,802 HelpFormatter - [Wed Mar 06 01:01:07 CET 2019] Executing on Linux 4.4.0-142-generic amd64
  INFO  01:01:07,802 HelpFormatter - OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_191-8u191-b12-2ubuntu0.16.04.1-b12
  INFO  01:01:07,806 HelpFormatter - Program Args: -T SplitNCigarReads -R Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa -I Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -o split.bam -rf ReassignOneMappingQuality -RMQF 255 -RMQT 60 -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS --fix_misencoded_quality_scores
  INFO  01:01:07,813 HelpFormatter - Executing as m.slagter@coley on Linux 4.4.0-142-generic amd64; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_191-8u191-b12-2ubuntu0.16.04.1-b12.
  INFO  01:01:07,813 HelpFormatter - Date/Time: 2019/03/06 01:01:07
  INFO  01:01:07,814 HelpFormatter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  INFO  01:01:07,814 HelpFormatter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  INFO  01:01:07,889 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Strictness is SILENT
  INFO  01:01:08,231 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Downsampling Settings: No downsampling
  INFO  01:01:08,241 SAMDataSource$SAMReaders - Initializing SAMRecords in serial
  INFO  01:01:08,286 SAMDataSource$SAMReaders - Done initializing BAM readers: total time 0.04
  INFO  01:01:08,537 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Preparing for traversal over 1 BAM files
  INFO  01:01:08,545 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Done preparing for traversal
  INFO  01:01:08,546 ProgressMeter -                 | processed |    time |    per 1M |           |   total | remaining
  INFO  01:01:08,547 ProgressMeter -        Location |     reads | elapsed |     reads | completed | runtime |   runtime
  INFO  01:01:08,572 ReadShardBalancer$1 - Loading BAM index data
  INFO  01:01:08,574 ReadShardBalancer$1 - Done loading BAM index data
  ##### ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##### ERROR A USER ERROR has occurred (version 3.7-0-gcfedb67):
  ##### ERROR
  ##### ERROR This means that one or more arguments or inputs in your command are incorrect.
  ##### ERROR The error message below tells you what is the problem.
  ##### ERROR
  ##### ERROR If the problem is an invalid argument, please check the online documentation guide
  ##### ERROR (or rerun your command with --help) to view allowable command-line arguments for this tool.
  ##### ERROR
  ##### ERROR Visit our website and forum for extensive documentation and answers to
  ##### ERROR commonly asked questions
  ##### ERROR
  ##### ERROR Please do NOT post this error to the GATK forum unless you have really tried to fix it yourself.
  ##### ERROR
  ##### ERROR MESSAGE: Bad input: while fixing mis-encoded base qualities we encountered a read that was correctly encoded; we cannot handle such a mixture of reads so unfortunately the BAM must be fixed with some other tool
  ##### ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Could not build fai index genome.fa.fai

I am getting the below error when I try to run this pipeline on HPC with -profile singularity. Our HPC does not support docker. Could you help in solving this?

nextflow run CalliNGS-NF/ -profile singularity --genome /scratch/oknjav001/sarsCovRNA/CalliNGS-NF/data/genome.fa -c CalliNGS-NF/nextflow.config
N E X T F L O W ~ version 21.10.6
Launching CalliNGS-NF/ [pensive_kalman] - revision: d02d9193b8
C A L L I N G S - N F v 2.1

genome : /scratch/oknjav001/sarsCovRNA/CalliNGS-NF/data/genome.fa
reads : /scratch/oknjav001/sarsCovRNA/CalliNGS-NF/data/reads/rep1_{1,2}.fq.gz
variants : /scratch/oknjav001/sarsCovRNA/CalliNGS-NF/data/known_variants.vcf.gz
denylist : /scratch/oknjav001/sarsCovRNA/CalliNGS-NF/data/denylist.bed
results : results

executor > local (4)
[77/d01b20] process > PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (genome) [ 0%] 0 of 1
[72/3c89cf] process > PREPARE_GENOME_PICARD (genome) [ 0%] 0 of 1
[03/63ccdb] process > PREPARE_STAR_GENOME_INDEX (genome) [ 0%] 0 of 1
executor > local (4)
[77/d01b20] process > PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (genome) [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[- ] process > PREPARE_GENOME_PICARD (genome) -
[03/63ccdb] process > PREPARE_STAR_GENOME_INDEX (genome) [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[66/5dbe33] process > PREPARE_VCF_FILE (known_variants.vcf) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[- ] process > RNASEQ_MAPPING_STAR -
[- ] process > RNASEQ_CALL_VARIANTS -
[- ] process > POST_PROCESS_VCF -
[- ] process > PREPARE_VCF_FOR_ASE -
[- ] process > ASE_KNOWNSNPS -
Error executing process > 'PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (genome)'
Caused by:
Process PREPARE_GENOME_SAMTOOLS (genome) terminated with an error exit status (255)

Command executed:

samtools faidx genome.fa

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error:
[fai_build] fail to open the FASTA file genome.fa
Could not build fai index genome.fa.fai

Work dir:

Tip: view the complete command output by changing to the process work dir and entering the command cat .command.out

suggest adding docker runOptions to nextflow.config

hi there,

I'm looking at this after taking your nextflow class last week at Fred Hutch - thanks again for that: it was really helpful.

It might be good to add to the nextflow.config file something like this:
docker {
enabled = true
runOptions = "-u $(id -u):$(id -g)"

because I just ran the pipeline as is from github and now I have files in a work dir that I cannot delete!

Also enabling docker here would prevent us naive users from having to figure this issue out:



could not execute mkdir

Command error:
mkdir: cannot create directory 'genome_dir': Permission denied
I did make all folders writable before

Operator `phase` is deprecated

When trying to run nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF -profile docker with the N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.10.3 I receive the following error: Operator 'phase' is deprecated -- it will be removed in a future release.

Checking the log reveals:

Dec-06 14:15:45.034 [main] ERROR nextflow.cli.Launcher - @unknown
groovy.lang.DeprecationException: Operator `phase` is deprecated -- it will be removed in a future release
	at nextflow.extension.OpCall.checkDeprecation(OpCall.groovy:327)
	at nextflow.extension.OpCall.invoke1(OpCall.groovy:319)
	at nextflow.extension.OpCall.invoke0(OpCall.groovy:306)
	at nextflow.extension.OpCall.invoke(OpCall.groovy:166)
	at nextflow.plugin.extension.PluginExtensionProvider.invokeExtensionMethod(PluginExtensionProvider.groovy:279)
	at groovy.runtime.metaclass.NextflowDelegatingMetaClass.invokeMethod(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
	at Script_6487ce9d.group_per_sample(Script_6487ce9d:371)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at nextflow.script.FunctionDef.invoke_a(FunctionDef.groovy:65)
	at nextflow.script.ComponentDef.invoke_o(ComponentDef.groovy:41)
	at nextflow.script.WorkflowBinding.invokeMethod(WorkflowBinding.groovy:94)
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.ClosureMetaClass.invokeOnDelegationObjects(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.ClosureMetaClass.invokeMethod(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoMetaClassSite.callCurrent(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCallCurrent(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.callCurrent(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.callCurrent(
	at Script_3558d273$_runScript_closure1$_closure2.doCall(Script_3558d273:122)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(
	at groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.ClosureMetaClass.invokeMethod(
	at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
	at nextflow.script.WorkflowDef.run0(WorkflowDef.groovy:205)
	at nextflow.script.BindableDef.invoke_a(BindableDef.groovy:52)
	at nextflow.script.ChainableDef$ Source)
	at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
	at nextflow.script.BaseScript.runDsl2(BaseScript.groovy:208)
	at nextflow.script.ScriptParser.runScript(ScriptParser.groovy:230)
	at nextflow.script.ScriptRunner.execute(ScriptRunner.groovy:131)
	at nextflow.cli.Launcher.main(Launcher.groovy:646)

I would appreciate any advice that helps me get forward.

Much obliged,


samtools: command not found

nextflow run CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF --gatk /home/cllcentosvm/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar

N E X T F L O W ~ version 19.04.1 Launching CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF` [irreverent_pasteur] - revision: e9e0fcf [master]
C A L L I N G S - N F v 1.0
genome : /home/cllcentosvm/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/genome.fa
reads : /home/cllcentosvm/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/reads/rep1_{1,2}.fq.gz
variants : /home/cllcentosvm/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/known_variants.vcf.gz
blacklist: /home/cllcentosvm/.nextflow/assets/CRG-CNAG/CalliNGS-NF/data/blacklist.bed
results : results
gatk : /home/cllcentosvm/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
[warm up] executor > local
executor > local (4)
[22/5f3c38] process > 1C_prepare_star_genome_index [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[5c/fed7e8] process > 1A_prepare_genome_samtools [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
[db/b888c0] process > 1B_prepare_genome_picard [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1
[13/3808c1] process > 1D_prepare_vcf_file [200%] 2 of 1, failed: 2 ✘
WARN: Killing pending tasks (3)
ERROR ~ Error executing process > '1A_prepare_genome_samtools (genome)'

Caused by:
Process 1A_prepare_genome_samtools (genome) terminated with an error exit status (127)

Command executed:

samtools faidx genome.fa

Command exit status:

Command output:

Command error: line 2: samtools: command not found

Work dir:

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution appending to the nextflow command line the option -resume

-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details`

mm39 variants / black list

It is more a question than an issue: where would you look for a good resource of known variants for the mm39 assembly (and one for the "deny list")?
Is it just to soon since mm39 was released to find such data?
Thank you!

GATK4 branch does not require separate Picard

The GATK4 jar has all of the Picard tools integrated, so it is no longer necessary to include a separate jar for Picard in the docker image nor to use the old command syntax which differs from the new GATK4 style.

I have made these changes in a local repository and can submit a PR if you'd like.

Using Single end data


I have a single end RNA-seq data set that I would like to use the pipeline on. I've tried, but it seems to only complete processes 1A-1D and doesn't begin any of the others. I'm guessing this is due to only having one fastq, but I'm not 100% that's the issue.

Is there a way to specific to use single end data --- or could you point me in the right direction to update the pipeline for this purpose?

Any help would be appreciated.


Process POST_PROCESS_VCF failes when order of chromosomes in result.DP8.vcf differs from that in the GRCm38/Annotation/Variation/Mus_musculus.vcf

To fix, I added a call to vcf-sort in the middle of the POST_PROCESS_VCF script - I tried installing and using bcftools, but it requires a header with the "contig" section which is not present in these intermediate files, and vcftools is already included in the container. Will submit PR for review.

Error from vcftools on process failure is:

Comparing sites in VCF files...
  Error: Cannot determine chromosomal ordering of files, both files must contain the same chromosomes to use the diff functions.
  Found 10 in file 1 and 1 in file 2.

Looking in the working directory associated with the failing task, POST_PROCESS_VCF produces the file result.DP8.vcf with chromosomes ordered as grep -v "#" result.DP8.vcf | cut -f 1 | uniq | tr "\n" " ":

grep -v "#" result.DP8.vcf | cut -f 1 | uniq | tr "\n" " "
# 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MT X Y
singularity exec callings-nf_gatk4.sif vcf-sort result.DP8.vcf > result.DP8.vcf.sorted
# unix command printed on execution is "sort -k1,1d -k2,2n"
grep -v "#" result.DP8.vcf.sorted | cut -f 1 | uniq | tr "\n" " "
# 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MT X Y
grep -v "#" filtered.recode.vcf | cut -f 1 | uniq | tr "\n" " "
# 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MT X Y

Possible confounder here is that we are trying to use the Boyle lab's for mm10, but using Ensembl build of GRCm38 available from iGenomes - I wrote in a profile into the config as such:

singularity {
    singularity.enabled = true
    singularity.cacheDir = './singularity_cache'
    process {
        container = ''
        executor = 'slurm'
        queue = 'our_queue'
        memory = 16.GB
        errorStrategy = 'finish'
        withLabel: mem_large { memory = 48.GB }
        withLabel: mem_xlarge { memory = 64.GB }
            params {
                genome  = "iGenomes/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/genome.fa"
                reads = "reads/*_{1,2}.fastq.gz"
                variants  = "iGenomes/Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38/Annotation/Variation/Mus_musculus.vcf"
                denylist  = "iGenomes/Blacklist/lists/mm10-blacklist.v2.bed"
                results    = "./results"

ERROR: Input files reference and features have incompatible contigs

I don't konw how to set --variants parameter, and what's wrong with the following code:
nextflow run --reads '/home/liukai/postd/msi_project/RNAseq1101/00.CleanData/C15*RNA{1,2}.clean.fq.gz' --denylist ~/db/human_genome_index/hg38/S1667195179_agilent_region.hg38.bed —variants /home/liukai/db/human_genome_inde
x/hg38/hg38_VCF/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.vcf.gz --results my_msi_results_newref --genome /home/liukai/db/human_genome_index/hg38/hg38_VCF/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -profile docker -resume



Cannot locate GATK.jar file

I have over 200 RNAsew raw files and I wanted to run this program on our HPC, which uses slurm as a job scheduler. I keep on getting this error even after downloading the correct version (3.7) of the gatk jar file. Can you help me on how to configure this pipeline to run on HPC?

Reading single end reads


I have a single end reads and I would like to use this powerful pipeline to process my samples. Which command can I use to process this type of data since I can see the pipeline only accepts paired end reads.

Variant calling step failing when using process scratch

When using local scratch folder, the step 5_rnaseq_call_variants returns an error.

This happens because the genome.dict input file contains a reference to a file created in temporary folder not accessible to the task, for example:

# cat genome.dict 
@HD	VN:1.5
@SQ	SN:chr22	LN:51304566	M5:a718acaa6135fdca8357d5bfe94211dd	UR:file:/tmp/nxf.Mzz6eisI1J/genome.fa

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