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nanoflann's Introduction



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1. About

nanoflann is a C++11 header-only library for building KD-Trees of datasets with different topologies: R2, R3 (point clouds), SO(2) and SO(3) (2D and 3D rotation groups). No support for approximate NN is provided. nanoflann does not require compiling or installing. You just need to #include <nanoflann.hpp> in your code.

This library is a fork of the flann library by Marius Muja and David G. Lowe, and born as a child project of MRPT. Following the original license terms, nanoflann is distributed under the BSD license. Please, for bugs use the issues button or fork and open a pull request.

Cite as:

  title        = {nanoflann: a {C}++ header-only fork of {FLANN}, a library for Nearest Neighbor ({NN}) with KD-trees},
  author       = {Blanco, Jose Luis and Rai, Pranjal Kumar},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year         = {2014}

See the release CHANGELOG for a list of project changes.

1.1. Obtaining the code

  • Easiest way: clone this GIT repository and take the include/nanoflann.hpp file for use where you need it.
  • Debian or Ubuntu (21.04 or newer) users can install it simply with:
    $ sudo apt install libnanoflann-dev
  • macOS users can install nanoflann with Homebrew with:
    $ brew install brewsci/science/nanoflann
    $ brew tap brewsci/science
    $ brew install nanoflann
    MacPorts users can use:
    $ sudo port install nanoflann
  • Linux users can also install it with Linuxbrew with: brew install homebrew/science/nanoflann
  • List of stable releases. Check out the CHANGELOG

Although nanoflann itself doesn't have to be compiled, you can build some examples and tests with:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libgtest-dev libeigen3-dev
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
$ make && make test

1.2. C++ API reference

  • Browse the Doxygen documentation.

  • Important note: If L2 norms are used, notice that search radius and all passed and returned distances are actually squared distances.

1.3. Code examples


1.4. Why a fork?

  • Execution time efficiency:

    • The power of the original flann library comes from the possibility of choosing between different ANN algorithms. The cost of this flexibility is the declaration of pure virtual methods which (in some circumstances) impose run-time penalties. In nanoflann all those virtual methods have been replaced by a combination of the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) and inlined methods, which are much faster.
    • For radiusSearch(), there is no need to make a call to determine the number of points within the radius and then call it again to get the data. By using STL containers for the output data, containers are automatically resized.
    • Users can (optionally) set the problem dimensionality at compile-time via a template argument, thus allowing the compiler to fully unroll loops.
    • nanoflann allows users to provide a precomputed bounding box of the data, if available, to avoid recomputation.
    • Indices of data points have been converted from int to size_t, which removes a limit when handling very large data sets.
  • Memory efficiency: Instead of making a copy of the entire dataset into a custom flann-like matrix before building a KD-tree index, nanoflann allows direct access to your data via an adaptor interface which must be implemented in your class.

Refer to the examples below or to the C++ API of nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor<> for more info.

1.5. What can nanoflann do?

  • Building KD-trees with a single index (no randomized KD-trees, no approximate searches).
  • Fast, thread-safe querying for closest neighbors on KD-trees. The entry points are:
  • Working with 2D and 3D point clouds or N-dimensional data sets.
  • Working directly with Eigen::Matrix<> classes (matrices and vectors-of-vectors).
  • Working with dynamic point clouds without a need to rebuild entire kd-tree index.
  • Working with the distance metrics:
    • R^N: Euclidean spaces:
      • L1 (Manhattan)
      • L2 (squared Euclidean norm, favoring SSE2 optimization).
      • L2_Simple (squared Euclidean norm, for low-dimensionality data sets like point clouds).
    • SO(2): 2D rotational group
      • metric_SO2: Absolute angular diference.
    • SO(3): 3D rotational group (better suppport to be provided in future releases)
      • metric_SO3: Inner product between quaternions.
  • Saves and load the built indices to disk.
  • GUI based support for benchmarking multiple kd-tree libraries namely nanoflann, flann, fastann and libkdtree.

1.6. What can't nanoflann do?

  • Use other distance metrics apart from L1, L2, SO2 and SO3.
  • Support for SE(3) groups.
  • Only the C++ interface exists: there is no support for C, MATLAB or Python.
  • There is no automatic algorithm configuration (as described in the original Muja & Lowe's paper).

1.7. Use in your project via CMake

You can directly drop the nanoflann.hpp file in your project. Alternatively, the CMake standard method is also available:

  • Build and "install" nanoflann. Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to a proper path and then execute make install (Linux, OSX) or build the INSTALL target (Visual Studio).
  • Then, add something like this to the CMake script of your project:
# Find nanoflannConfig.cmake:

add_executable(my_project test.cpp)

# Make sure the include path is used:
target_link_libraries(my_project nanoflann::nanoflann)

1.8. Package Managers

Using conan

You can install pre-built binaries for nanoflann or build it from source using Conan. Use the following command to install latest version:

$ conan install --requires="nanoflann/[*]" --build=missing

For detailed instructions on how to use Conan, please refer to the Conan documentation.

The nanoflann Conan recipe is kept up to date by Conan maintainers and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the ConanCenterIndex repository.

Using vcpkg

You can download and install nanoflann using the vcpkg dependency manager:

$ git clone
$ cd vcpkg
$ ./
$ ./vcpkg integrate install
$ ./vcpkg install nanoflann

The nanoflann port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.

1.9. Compile time definitions

  • NANOFLANN_FIRST_MATCH: If defined and two points have the same distance, the one with the lowest-index will be returned first. Otherwise there is no particular order.
  • NANOFLANN_NO_THREADS: If defined, multithreading capabilities will be disabled, so that the library can be used without linking with pthreads. If one tries to use multiple threads, an exception will be thrown.

2. Any help choosing the KD-tree parameters?

2.1. KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams::leaf_max_size

A KD-tree is... well, a tree :-). And as such it has a root node, a set of intermediary nodes and finally, "leaf" nodes which are those without children.

Points (or, properly, point indices) are only stored in leaf nodes. Each leaf contains a list of which points fall within its range.

While building the tree, nodes are recursively divided until the number of points inside is equal or below some threshold. That is leaf_max_size. While doing queries, the "tree algorithm" ends by selecting leaf nodes, then performing linear search (one-by-one) for the closest point to the query within all those in the leaf.

So, leaf_max_size must be set as a tradeoff:

  • Large values mean that the tree will be built faster (since the tree will be smaller), but each query will be slower (since the linear search in the leaf is to be done over more points).
  • Small values will build the tree much slower (there will be many tree nodes), but queries will be faster... up to some point, since the "tree-part" of the search (logarithmic complexity) still has a significant cost.

What number to select really depends on the application and even on the size of the processor cache memory, so ideally you should do some benchmarking for maximizing efficiency.

But to help choosing a good value as a rule of thumb, I provide the following two benchmarks. Each graph represents the tree build (horizontal) and query (vertical) times for different leaf_max_size values between 1 and 10K (as 95% uncertainty ellipses, deformed due to the logarithmic scale).

  • A 100K point cloud, uniformly distributed (each point has (x,y,z) float coordinates):


  • A ~150K point cloud from a real dataset (scan_071_points.dat from the Freiburg Campus 360 dataset, each point has (x,y,z) float coordinates):


So, it seems that a leaf_max_size between 10 and 50 would be optimum in applications where the cost of queries dominates (e.g. ICP). At present, its default value is 10.

2.2. KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams::checks

This parameter is really ignored in nanoflann, but was kept for backward compatibility with the original FLANN interface. Just ignore it.

2.3. KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams::n_thread_build

This parameter determines the maximum number of threads that can be called concurrently during the construction of the KD tree. The default value is 1. When the parameter is set to 0, nanoflann automatically determines the number of threads to use.

See this pull request for some benchmarking showing that using the maximum number of threads is not always the most efficient approach. Do benchmarking on your data!

3. Performance

3.1. nanoflann: faster and less memory usage

Refer to the "Why a fork?" section above for the main optimization ideas behind nanoflann.

Notice that there are no explicit SSE2/SSE3 optimizations in nanoflann, but the intensive usage of inline and templates in practice turns into automatically SSE-optimized code generated by the compiler.

3.2. Benchmark: original flann vs nanoflann

The most time-consuming part of many point cloud algorithms (like ICP) is querying a KD-Tree for nearest neighbors. This operation is therefore the most time critical.

nanoflann provides a ~50% time saving with respect to the original flann implementation (times in this chart are in microseconds for each query):


Although most of the gain comes from the queries (due to the large number of them in any typical operation with point clouds), there is also some time saved while building the KD-tree index, due to the templatized-code but also for the avoidance of duplicating the data in an auxiliary matrix (times in the next chart are in milliseconds):


These performance tests are only representative of our testing. If you want to repeat them, read the instructions in perf-tests

4. Other KD-tree projects

  • FLANN - Marius Muja and David G. Lowe (University of British Columbia).
  • FASTANN - James Philbin (VGG, University of Oxford).
  • ANN - David M. Mount and Sunil Arya (University of Maryland).
  • libkdtree++ - Martin F. Krafft & others.

Note: The project logo is due to CedarSeed


nanoflann's People


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nanoflann's Issues

Modern CMake usage

nanoflann starts to make use of modern CMake which I highly appreciate ( However, this breaks support for CMake 2.8.12 since header-only libraries/targets are a feature of CMake 3.0+ (see Unfortunately, this issue has not been caught by Travis since it uses CMake 3.9.
Furthermore, this target is also used to build nanoflann's benchmarks, but sadly not exported/installed such that users with more recent version of CMake can actually profit from this.

I would like to contribute a patch to fix this, but first wanted to get some feedback which strategy would be best to tackle the problem. Essentially, there are two possibilities:

  • Bump minimum required CMake version to 3.0 (or 3.1 to get set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11)) and export targets such that user can also use them (see e.g.

  • Export targets but guard all CMake 3.0+ stuff (if (NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.0)) to also provide support for old CMake 2.8.12.

The former results in a much cleaner CMake file at the cost of dropping support for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and folks. The latter approach has the opposite effect, i.e. more clutter but proper support. Suggestions?

Best regards,
Patrick Stotko

Getting nanoflann/examples/KDTreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor.h to work

In file: nanoflann/examples/KDTreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor.h

Here are some things that might need changing:

  1. Line 54: typedef KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor< metric_t,self_t,DIM,IndexType> index_t;
    Solution: Need to reference the namespace, so perhaps change it to: typedef nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor

  2. Line 82: nanoflann::KNNResultSet<typename VectorOfVectorsType::Scalar,IndexType> resultSet(num_closest); in inline void query:
    If VectorOfVectorsType is std::vector<std::vector<double> >, then it will complain that no member ::Scalar exists. I think you intended that for Eigen::VectorXd.
    Solution: I got this to work by changing it to num_t

Dynamic tree constructor can't handle non-empty cloud

Here's the existing constructor.

		KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptor(const int dimensionality, DatasetAdaptor& inputData, const KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams& params = KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams() , const size_t maximumPointCount = 1000000000U) :
			dataset(inputData), index_params(params), distance(inputData)
			if (dataset.kdtree_get_point_count()) throw std::runtime_error("[nanoflann] cannot handle non empty point cloud.");
			treeCount = std::log2(maximumPointCount);
			pointCount = 0U;
			dim = dimensionality;
			if (DIM > 0) dim = DIM;
			m_leaf_max_size = params.leaf_max_size;

Would there be anything wrong with removing the assertion and then adding a line:
addPoints(0, dataset.kdtree_get_point_count() - 1);
right after init?
This seems more intuitive.

std::log2 not found

kbriggs:~/tests> g++ -Wall -I ~/Downloads/nanoflann-master/include/ -I ~/Downloads/nanoflann-master/examples pointcloud_kdd_radius.cpp -o pointcloud_kdd_radius
In file included from pointcloud_kdd_radius.cpp:31:0:
/home/kbriggs/Downloads/nanoflann-master/include/nanoflann.hpp: In constructor ‘nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptor<Distance, DatasetAdaptor, DIM, IndexType>::KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptor(int, DatasetAdaptor&, const nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams&, size_t)’:
/home/kbriggs/Downloads/nanoflann-master/include/nanoflann.hpp:1825:16: error: ‘log2’ is not a member of ‘std’
treeCount = std::log2(maximumPointCount);
/home/kbriggs/Downloads/nanoflann-master/include/nanoflann.hpp:1825:16: note: suggested alternative:
In file included from /usr/include/features.h:367:0,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/5/bits/os_defines.h:39,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/5/bits/c++config.h:482,
from /usr/include/c++/5/bits/stl_algobase.h:59,
from /usr/include/c++/5/vector:60,
from /home/kbriggs/Downloads/nanoflann-master/include/nanoflann.hpp:49,
from pointcloud_kdd_radius.cpp:31:
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/mathcalls.h:144:1: note: ‘log2’
__MATHCALL (log2,, (Mdouble __x));

Runtime error when using matrix_example.cpp

I am interested in using KDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor. I have a problem in running some example files (in particular matrix_example.cpp and vector_of_vectors_example.cpp ). They compile nicely, but they give the following run time error.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what(): Try to change the size of a std::array

Any suggestions? Thank you.


How should nanoflann be cited in a research article?

Can we squeeze any more performance when "N" is known statically?

My ultimate goal here is to use this KD tree for iterative closest point on a per-frame basis. I'm still playing around with things and have made one step toward enabling this, but before a PR I wanted to ask if there was more that can be done. Before sharing the code, I was looking for high level advice on what I can try out.

  1. The first optimization that can be done is a very simple modification to the eigen matrix adapter class. The class (call it KDTreeStaticEigenMatrixAdaptor) is virtually identical except for one method:

    // Must return the number of data points
    inline size_t kdtree_get_point_count() const {
        return MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime;

    and in the constructor:

    // const IndexType dims = mat.cols();
    const IndexType dims = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime;

    Some preliminary results:

    Generating 1000000 random points...done
    Generic matrix adapter class:
      Building the index took: 549 ms
      Initializing the result set took: 0 us
      Finding the neighbors took: 15 us
        ret_index[0]=821326 out_dist_sqr=0.2484
        ret_index[1]=764833 out_dist_sqr=0.2628
        ret_index[2]=639822 out_dist_sqr=0.381601
    Static matrix adapter class:
      Building the index took: 455 ms
      Initializing the result set took: 0 us
      Finding the neighbors took: 13 us
        ret_index[0]=821326 out_dist_sqr=0.2484
        ret_index[1]=764833 out_dist_sqr=0.2628
        ret_index[2]=639822 out_dist_sqr=0.381601

    Savings of ~100ms. Adding another 0, we get the generic matrix adapter index build is 9764 ms, and the static version is 9126 ms. So cool, this is a good step so far. But I feel like there is a lot more that could be done here. Note I'm using the default 10 here, I haven't delved into finding the ideal parameters for my problem size yet, just optimizing the "worst" case index build right now ;)

  2. Example usage must change, since unless you have a generally small problem size, you cannot use the Eigen::Matrix<type, N, Cols> directly (static asserts about allocating on the stack for a matrix that is too big). It looks something like this:

    static constexpr unsigned N = 10000000u;
    using Matrix = Eigen::Matrix<float, N, 4, Eigen::DontAlign>;
    // r_positions contains the raw data
    Eigen::Map<Matrix> mat = Eigen::Map<Matrix>(r_positions, N, 4);
    // create the index
    using my_kd_tree_t = nanoflann::KDTreeStaticEigenMatrixAdaptor<Eigen::Map<Matrix>>;
    my_kd_tree_t mat_index(mat, 10 /* max leaf */ );

    I don't actually really understand how this even works, the Eigen::Map class is kind of confusing. You can still use things like map.row(0) etc, but as far as I could tell it doesn't actually inherit from Eigen::MatrixBase. But in the end it works, and the results are consistent.

  3. What else can be changed for this adapter if we know everything at compile time? The point cloud example has this

    // Returns the dim'th component of the idx'th point in the class:
    // Since this is inlined and the "dim" argument is typically an immediate value, the
    //  "if/else's" are actually solved at compile time.
    inline coord_t kdtree_get_pt(const size_t idx, int dim) const
        if (dim == 0) return derived().pts[idx].x;
        else if (dim == 1) return derived().pts[idx].y;
        else return derived().pts[idx].z;

    I got a little turned around on how this would go down in the matrix case (the loop can be unrolled since we know both rows and columns), but I didn't see how it would help since coeff already allows both.

    Another thought that comes to mind (for both the generic and static eigen adapter) is the bounding box method. You should be able to compute it with something like mat.col(0).minCoeff() for each column or something, I think.

  4. Quasi-related to all of this, possibly better for a separate discussion, I suspect that if I want to re-use the KDTree each frame, there should be a better way of just allocating the memory for the indices once at the beginning and reusing that. Is that possible with how things are setup?

Points movement

If some or all points changed coordinates, is it somehow possible to reinsert them in same tree structure (without rebuilding)?

E.g. I have transient simulation of point cloud (with known bounds) and would like to rebuild whole tree on every N-th step, else just reinsert moving points into already built hierarchy.

dead code?

I'm confused by this function. Nothing ever seems to call it.

// Returns the L2 distance between the vector "p1[0:size-1]" and the data point with index "idx_p2" stored in the class:
inline num_t kdtree_distance(const num_t *p1, const IndexType idx_p2, IndexType size) const
num_t s = 0;
for (IndexType i = 0; i < size; i++) {
const num_t d = p1[i] - m_data_matrix.coeff(idx_p2, i);
s += d * d;
return s;

Seems like it wasn't fully cleared out during this commit.

Unused private field

Compiling with flann I get the following warning (translated to error by -Werror)

nanoflann.hpp:468:11: error: private field 'blocksize' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-private-field]
                 size_t  blocksize;

documentation not reachable


this link gives me a 404 and hence is not reachable. Here is the full error report:

You don't have permission to access /svn/classnanoflann_1_1KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor.html on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Can this be solved?

Split axis determination

While studying the nanoflann.hpp I stumbled over a piece of code I don't understand. More specifically the middleSplit_ function and in there following lines (1114-1126):

cutfeat = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(DIM>0 ? DIM : dim); ++i) {
    ElementType span = bbox[i].high-bbox[i].low;
    if (span>(1-EPS)*max_span) {
        ElementType min_elem, max_elem;
        computeMinMax(ind, count, cutfeat, min_elem, max_elem);
        ElementType spread = max_elem-min_elem;;
        if (spread>max_spread) {
            cutfeat = i;
	    max_spread = spread;

Why does the call to computeMinMax get cutfeat as the split axis? Note that for the first i for which span > (1-eps) * max_span, cutfeat will be set to i. After that however computeMinMax will always return the bounds for cutfeat and therefore the same spread effectively never triggering the innermost if again.

So if I am right cutfeat will always be the first i for which the outermost if is true, not the i maximizing spread. Notice also that in practice this would only lead to inefficient, not wrong results since cutfeat is still maximizing the bounding box spread as a heuristic. The obvious fix being to use i rather than cutfeat in the computeMinMax call.

Maybe I also overlooked something rendering this issue irrelevant. Whatever the case I will be glad for any feedback.

The value of DIM at run time?

First, I would like to thank you for sharing this very useful kNN library.

When using KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor, I would like to send the DIM value at runtime. However, it is a constant expression right now. Is there a way to go around this rule?
I am interested on generating different datasets with different dimensions, then for each dataset, I want to do kNN and radius search after building the kd-tree. The value of DIM should be sent at runtime.

Thank you,

Stop Search immediatly


I'm using radius search with a custom callback. I would like to know if there is a way to stop the search right immediately. (or maybe a link to the documentation of the ResultSet interface)

Thank you very much for your help

Segment fault while release KDTreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor

I compiled the example vector_of_vectors successfully. However, I got the segment fault message before the application exited. I found that it is caused by releasing the KDTreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor structure.
I use the code of the master branch. My OS is ubuntu 14.04. Could you give me some advises? Thanks.

the error message:

Generating 1000 random points...done
ret_index[0]=46 out_dist_sqr=476.232
ret_index[1]=869 out_dist_sqr=490.892
ret_index[2]=660 out_dist_sqr=493.263
Segment fault(core dumped)

flann submodule


It seems like recently, flann was added as a submodule to this repo. It's not used in the nanoflann.hpp header, but I found some uses of flann headers in the benchmark folders.
Now as a user of just the nanoflann header, included via submodule in my own repo, it's quite annoying that now with every clone, the flann submodule is fetched through nanoflann. Even more so since it's completely unnecessary for the nanoflann library. I know that repositories can be cloned without --recursive and then transitive submodules will not be fetched but unfortunately this is very often not an option as other repos actually do need the submodules that they include.

I would like to propose to move the benchmark (or whichever part uses flann) to a different repo (it can be linked in the here), so that users including the nanoflann repo into their repos via submodule, aren't fetching the flann code too. After all, the main reason to use nanoflann, is not to have to use flann.
For me, this is currently a reason not to upgrade nanoflann.

Raduis Search with query matrix

I try to figure out what is the normal behaviour when
I build index on a matrix (x,y) with a query based on another matrix (x,y)
How many results nannoflann will return ?

Will nannoflann return each ANN for each point of my query (here x rows <=> x points)?

Visual Studio 2012, vs110

Hi I'm getting the errors with vs110 on following lines -

  • template
    struct has_resize <T, decltype((void)std::declval().resize(1), 0)> : std::true_type {};
  • template
    struct has_assign <T, decltype((void)std::declval().assign(1, 0), 0)> : std::true_type {};

The error are -

  • Failed to specialize function template 'add_rvalue_reference<_Ty>::type std::declval(int) throw()'
  • left of '.resize' must have class/struct/union

nanoflann orders of magnitude slower when using large samples


I'm using the Vector_of_Vectors example to find nearest neighbors to 128 dimensional float vectors.

When using 1e6 samples everything seems fast enough: Building the tree and building the index.

But When using 1e7 samples which is 10 times larger, the tree takes a LOT more time to build and also to index.

I did this example in Python/Numpy/cKdTree and it really wasn't this slow to build the tree and index.

Is my approach wrong?

#include <nanoflann.hpp>
using namespace nanoflann;

#include "KDTreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor.h"

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

const int SAMPLES_DIM = 128;

typedef std::vector<std::vector<float>> my_vector_of_vectors_t;

void generateRandomPointCloud(my_vector_of_vectors_t& samples,
                              const size_t N = 1e7,
                              const size_t dim = 128,
                              const float max_range = 1.0)
	std::cout << "Generating " << N << " random points...";
	for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
		for (size_t d = 0; d < dim; d++)
			samples[i][d] = max_range * (rand() % 1000) / (1000.0);
	std::cout << "done\n";

void kdtree_demo(const size_t nSamples = 1e7, const size_t dim = 128)
	my_vector_of_vectors_t samples;

	const float max_range = 1.0;

	// Generate points:
	generateRandomPointCloud(samples, nSamples, dim, max_range);

	// Query point:
	std::vector<float> query_pt(dim);
	for (size_t d = 0; d < dim; d++)
		query_pt[d] = max_range * (rand() % 1000) / (1000.0);

	// construct a kd-tree index:
	// Dimensionality set at run-time (default: L2)
	// ------------------------------------------------------------
	std::cout << "Constructing Kd Tree" << std::endl;
	typedef KDTreeVectorOfVectorsAdaptor<my_vector_of_vectors_t, float> my_kd_tree_t;
	my_kd_tree_t mat_index(dim /*dim*/, samples, 20 /* max leaf */);

	std::cout << "Building Index" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Initializing Indexes" << std::endl;
	// do a knn search
	const size_t num_results = 3;
	std::vector<size_t> ret_indexes(num_results);
	std::vector<float> out_dists_sqr(num_results);

	std::cout << "Initializing Resultset" << std::endl;
	nanoflann::KNNResultSet<float> resultSet(num_results);
	resultSet.init(&ret_indexes[0], &out_dists_sqr[0]);

	std::cout << "Starting " << std::endl;
	mat_index.index->findNeighbors(resultSet, &query_pt[0], nanoflann::SearchParams(10));

	std::cout << "knnSearch(number or results=" << num_results << "): \n";
	for (size_t i = 0; i < num_results; i++)
		std::cout << "ret_index[" << i << "]=" << ret_indexes[i] << " out_dist_sqr=" << out_dists_sqr[i] << std::endl;

int main()
	// Randomize Seed
	kdtree_demo(1e7 /* samples */, SAMPLES_DIM /* dim */);

error in pointcloud_kdd_radius.cpp

This line:

radiusSearch(): Perform a search for the N closest points

should be:

radiusSearch(): Perform a search for the points within search_radius

Tree building time in the example pointcloud_kdd_radius.cpp is far slow then expected

Hi I try to estimate the time consumed in building the KDtree for NN search. In the example pointcloud_kdd_radius.cpp I add the following clock() to tick the time for 100k points. But the results are both float and double cost around 150ms to build the tree. From the figures provided in main page the performance vs leaf max size, if we use default size 10, the tree building time would be around 40ms. Can anyone help explain this issue? Did I miss something to achieve the fastest speed? Thanks.

clock_t time_3 = clock();

    // construct a kd-tree index:
    typedef KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor<
        L2_Simple_Adaptor<num_t, PointCloud<num_t> > ,
        3 /* dim */
        > my_kd_tree_t;

    my_kd_tree_t   index(3 /*dim*/, cloud, KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams(10 /* max leaf */) );

clock_t time_4 = clock();
printf("buildTreeIndex Time: %f ms\n", ((float)(time_4-time_3))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC*1000);

Results of the example:

Generating 100000 point cloud...done
buildTreeIndex Time: 146.358994 ms
knnSearch(): num_results=5
idx[0]=25064 dist[0]=0.0069
idx[1]=19130 dist[1]=0.0347
idx[2]=38107 dist[2]=0.0372
idx[3]=6804 dist[3]=0.0392
idx[4]=73725 dist[4]=0.0393

radiusSearch(): radius=0.1 -> 9 matches
idx[0]=25064 dist[0]=0.0069
idx[1]=19130 dist[1]=0.0347
idx[2]=38107 dist[2]=0.0372
idx[3]=6804 dist[3]=0.0392
idx[4]=73725 dist[4]=0.0393
idx[5]=85821 dist[5]=0.0609
idx[6]=82218 dist[6]=0.0612
idx[7]=88824 dist[7]=0.0746
idx[8]=9122 dist[8]=0.0835

Generating 100000 point cloud...done
buildTreeIndex Time: 149.559006 ms
knnSearch(): num_results=5
idx[0]=612 dist[0]=0.0273
idx[1]=11864 dist[1]=0.0336
idx[2]=72817 dist[2]=0.0354
idx[3]=82734 dist[3]=0.0362
idx[4]=14155 dist[4]=0.0677

radiusSearch(): radius=0.1 -> 7 matches
idx[0]=612 dist[0]=0.0273
idx[1]=11864 dist[1]=0.0336
idx[2]=72817 dist[2]=0.0354
idx[3]=82734 dist[3]=0.0362
idx[4]=14155 dist[4]=0.0677
idx[5]=89222 dist[5]=0.0763
idx[6]=13352 dist[6]=0.0986

KDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor for the case when points of the state space are located in columns

KDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor works with data in which "Each row in the matrix represents a point in the state space", i.e. for three-dimensional points, the data should be stored in the Eigen::MatrixX3d.

In some cases, the points are conveniently stored in columns - in the Eigen::Matrix3Xd.
For example, here implemented an adapter for this case:

struct KDTreeAdaptor {
    KDTreeAdaptor(const MatrixType &mat, const int leaf_max_size = 10) : m_data_matrix(mat) {
        const size_t dims = mat.rows();

Can you add this option to the library?

Visual Studio Warning - Possible loss of data - Assigning zeros

VS2015 warns of possible loss of data when assigning a zero value as the value is always int and converted to float or double.

An easy fix would be to make the following changes to findNeighbors function

auto zero = static_cast<decltype(result.worstDist())>(0);
assign(dists, (DIM > 0 ? DIM : BaseClassRef::dim), zero); // Fill it with zeros.

nanoflann CMake file does not support the use of target_link_libraries

When nanoflann is used from a different project using CMake, the user of this project cannot use nanoflann using target_link_libraries.
In order to do this what it needs to be done is to update the CMakeLists.txt to support a more modern way of using CMake.
Specially what is missing is:

add_library(nanoflann INTERFACE)


And then this should be removed:

Build problem for kdtree

When I try to build this project by

cmake ..
make -j4

The following error message show up:

/home/username/Downloads/nanoflann/3rdparty/libkdtree/kdtree++/kdtree.hpp: In instantiation of ‘std::ostream& KDTree::operator<<(std::ostream&, const KDTree::KDTree<3ul, triplet, std::pointer_to_binary_function<triplet, long unsigned int, double> >&)’:
/home/username/Downloads/nanoflann/3rdparty/libkdtree/examples/test_kdtree.cpp:197:16:   required from here
/home/username/Downloads/nanoflann/3rdparty/libkdtree/kdtree++/kdtree.hpp:1207:28: error: no match for ‘operator<<’ (operand types are ‘std::basic_ostream<char>’ and ‘const KDTree::_Node_base’)
       o << "meta node:   " << tree._M_header << std::endl;

Did any met same problem, or could helping me to solve this building issue?

Feature Request: Unified Search Result Interface

Currently search results are the same for radius and nearest neighbor sorts (distances and indices) but the packaging is different, making it challenging to swap search modes easily. If there is interest, and a feature addition isn't already underway, I can submit a patch to add the interface (without breaking the api).

KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptor_ vs KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptor

First, thanks for sharing your great code. 👍

I'm a bit confused between KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptorand KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptor_. What are the differences ?

For instance , KDTreeSingleIndexDynamicAdaptor_ supports radiusSearch but your dynamic point cloud example uses the first adaptor and a findNeighbors to simulate the radiusSearch.

Have I missed something ?

thx again

Patch submitted by user to fix warnings

TODO: Take a look at the patch:

"there is a couple of warning when compiling in 64 bits"

Index: nanoflann.hpp

--- nanoflann.hpp (revision 39165)
+++ nanoflann.hpp (working copy)
@@ -396,12 +396,12 @@
struct KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams

  •   KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams(size_t _leaf_max_size = 10, int dim_ = -1) :
  •   KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams(const int _leaf_max_size = 10, size_t dim_ = -1) :
        leaf_max_size(_leaf_max_size), dim(dim_)
  •   size_t leaf_max_size;
  •   int dim;
  •   const int leaf_max_size;
  •   size_t dim;


    /** Search options for KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor::findNeighbors() */
    @@ -753,7 +753,7 @@
    const KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams index_params;

    size_t m_size;
  •   int dim;  //!< Dimensionality of each data point
  •   size_t dim;  //!< Dimensionality of each data point
    /*--------------------- Internal Data Structures --------------------------*/

    @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@
    * inputData = dataset with the input features
    * params = parameters passed to the kdtree algorithm (see for help choosing the parameters)

  •   KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor(const int dimensionality, const DatasetAdaptor& inputData, const KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams& params = KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams() ) :
  •   KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor(const size_t dimensionality, const DatasetAdaptor& inputData, const KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams& params = KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams() ) :
        dataset(inputData), index_params(params), root_node(NULL), distance(inputData)
        m_size = dataset.kdtree_get_point_count();

    @@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@
    index_t* index; //! The kd-tree index for the user to call its methods as usual with any other FLANN index.

    /// Constructor: takes a const ref to the matrix object with the data points
  •   KDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor(const int dimensionality, const MatrixType &mat, const int leaf_max_size = 10) : m_data_matrix(mat)
  •   KDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor(const size_t dimensionality, const MatrixType &mat, const int leaf_max_size = 10) : m_data_matrix(mat)
        const size_t dims = mat.cols();
        if (DIM>0 && static_cast<int>(dims)!=DIM)

    @@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@

    // Returns the dim'th component of the idx'th point in the class:
  •   inline num_t kdtree_get_pt(const size_t idx, int dim) const {
  •   inline num_t kdtree_get_pt(const size_t idx, size_t dim) const {
        return m_data_matrix.coeff(idx,dim);

Add support for ray search


Would it be possible to add a method to get all indices of points that are traversed by a ray?

Something like:

size_t raySearch(const ElementType *ray_origin, const ElementType *ray_direction, const DistanceType ray_length, std::vector<IndexType> &indices) const;

Or do you have some tips about how to implement this kind of query?
I think it would be very useful (e.g for raytracing, etc...).


In-order traversal of the kd-tree

In many applications we need to map N-dimensional points to a single dimension while preserving space locality. One approach is to build a kd-tree and do an in-order traversal (see e.g. here). Could this be done with nanoflann?

CUDA capable

Have you given any thought to porting this to CUDA? Perhaps not the tree construction, but being able to find the kNN of a set of points in parallel, rather than one at a time would be great!

Feature request about NN search strategy.

There are two types of NNS query: the k-NN search and the fixed radius search. The combination of the two types yields the ranged search, i.e. the retrieval of the k NN with a given maximal distance.

According to a paper ETH published in 2012[1], it's beneficial to implement this kind of search variant in the context of point cloud registration. It's reasonable as we are only interested in those points whose distance are within a prior range to get right ICP result. As a result, we reduce the search space and get better performance.

They have implemented this search variant in libnabo.

How do you think about this feature?

[1] Elseberg, J., Magnenat, S., Siegwart, R., & Andreas, N. (2012). Comparison of nearest-neighbor-search strategies and implementations for efficient shape registration. Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics (JOSER), 3(1), 2–12.


Is nanoflann thread-safe under (apparently) read-only operations?

kdtree_get_distance is optional in most cases

Perhaps it would be nice to have the documenation state that the kdtree_get_distance function is only needed in case you actually use the L2_Simple_Adpator,I'im using L2 and it took me a while to figure out that that half ton of traits I needed for it is actually unnecessary.
Also i think the name L2_Simple_Adaptor suggests that my own kdtree_get_distance implementation is required to deliver a L2 distance, but AFAIK you can use any well defined distance function in there. Would User_Defined_Adaptor not be a better name for this?

Segment fault caused by weird ret_matches.first the point index


When I put code like this (declare ret_matches and params inside the for loop):

for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pts; ++i) {

    const double query_pt[3] = {cloud->pts[i].x, cloud->pts[i].y, cloud->pts[i].z};

    std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double> > ret_matches;
    nanoflann::SearchParams params;
    params.sorted = false;

    const size_t num_matches = index.radiusSearch(&query_pt[0], radius, ret_matches, params);

I got a weird ret_matches for a specific query_pt[3] see below idx[6] which cause my subsequent code segfault:

query_pt(): x=1.60208 y= 0.486532 z= 13.0649
radiusSearch(): radius=0.6 -> 13 matches
idx[0]=14279 dist[0]=0.501927

radiusSearch(): radius=0.6 -> 13 matches
idx[1]=14204 dist[1]=0.469623

radiusSearch(): radius=0.6 -> 13 matches
idx[2]=14154 dist[2]=0.0159013

radiusSearch(): radius=0.6 -> 13 matches
idx[3]=14208 dist[3]=0.501593

radiusSearch(): radius=0.6 -> 13 matches
idx[4]=14159 dist[4]=0

radiusSearch(): radius=0.6 -> 13 matches
idx[5]=12428 dist[5]=0

radiusSearch(): radius=0.6 -> 13 matches
**idx[6]=9218868437227405311** dist[6]=2.22507e-308

I don't know how to solve this problem because queries of all previous points seems working perfect. And even I take this specific point out and query this single point (query_pt(): x=1.60208 y= 0.486532 z= 13.0649) it is working perfect also. So I guess this is not the query problem of specific point. Finally I solve this problem in a way up till now I don't know why: Take ret_matches and param definition out of the for loop like bellow. Now it works perfectly. Any one could tell me why? I am using nanoflann-1.2.1 version on Ubuntu14.04 64bit.

std::vector< std::pair<size_t, double> > ret_matches; 
nanoflann::SearchParams params;
params.sorted = false; 

for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pts; ++i) {

    const double query_pt[3] = {cloud->pts[i].x, cloud->pts[i].y, cloud->pts[i].z};

    const size_t num_matches = index.radiusSearch(&query_pt[0], radius, ret_matches, params);

nanoflannConfig fails on windows

When trying to use nanoflann in a windows build using cmake, find_package(nanoflann REQUIRED) reports that nanoflannConfig.cmake is not suitable due to a version error.

D:/dev/test/External/usr/local/lib/cmake/nanoflann/nanoflannConfig.cmake, version: 1.2.3 (32bit)

It happens also when I set
find_package(nanoflann 1.2.3 REQUIRED)

I'd expect to work like in linux, where it can find the corresponding nanoflann without problem even if I dont specify the version.

As a workaround, I have created a Findnanoflann.cmake which creates a nanoflann::nanoflann target.

implicit signed/unsigned conversion and truncations

The code is littered with problematic conversions from unsigned to signed integers and truncations, because size_t has 64 bit length and int hasn't.

Some of them are issues due to the fact that the Template parameter IndexType is not used where it ought to be, this is relative easy to fix (await pull request).

But a big problem here is that the Dimension is of type int instead of type IndexType, so if you set IndexType to size_t and have a int dimension you will get buried in hundreds of warnings.
Solutiuon would be to change the Template argument order and make the dim paramter of type IndexSize, but this is a serious Interface change and needs disuccion.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Re-use previous node for faster lookup?

I'm doing a lot of findNeighbors (for k = 1) close to each other. The results (and tree traversal) should be pretty coherent. Is there a way to re-use the previous computation for potential speed-up? Like starting at the node where the previous nearest-neighbor is located or something?

Edge Case: NanoFlann returns less than num_closest when num_closest == size()

This is definitely a low-priority edge case. I caught while doing some unit-tests of my own.
The repro rate is about 20%. i.e. the code fails about once every five tries.

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "NanoFlann.h"

using Eigen::Array3f;

struct VectorDataAdaptor
    std::vector<Array3f> points;

    VectorDataAdaptor(const std::vector<Array3f> &points)
        : points(points)

    inline size_t kdtree_get_point_count() const
        { return points.size(); }

    inline float kdtree_get_pt(const size_t idx, int dim) const
        { return points[idx][dim]; }

	float kdtree_distance(const float *p, const size_t idx_q, size_t size) const
            assert( size == 3 );
            return (Eigen::Array3d(p[0], p[1], p[2]) - points[idx_q].cast<double>()).matrix().squaredNorm();

    template <class BBOX> bool kdtree_get_bbox(BBOX &bb) const
        { return false; }

template<class T>
static inline std::vector<size_t> getNeighborIndices(
    const T& kdtree, const Array3f &p, const size_t &num_neighbors)
    std::vector<size_t> out_indices(num_neighbors);
    std::vector<float> out_sqdists(num_neighbors);

    const auto num_found = kdtree.knnSearch(&p[0], num_neighbors, &out_indices[0], &out_sqdists[0]);
    assert( num_found == num_neighbors );

    return std::move(out_indices);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::vector<Array3f> points;
    for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)

    typedef nanoflann::L2_Simple_Adaptor<float, VectorDataAdaptor> DistanceFunction_t;
    typedef nanoflann::KDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor<DistanceFunction_t, VectorDataAdaptor, 3, size_t> KDTree_t;
    KDTree_t search_index(3, VectorDataAdaptor(points));

    for (const auto &p : points) {
        getNeighborIndices(search_index, p, 10);

    return 0;

clarification: approximation or exact search?

When looking at your description I was wondering whether this library uses kd-trees to determine exact results in the knn and radius search or if there are approximations? For me it looks that you do not perform approximations; which would make sense for low-dimensional point-clouds.

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